`CBM2013-00020 (APPLE v. SIGHTSOUND)
`PAGE 000001
`In The Matter Of:
` ___________________________________________________
`JOHN KELLY, Ph.D. - Vol. 1
`April 3, 2014
` ___________________________________________________


`PAGE 000002
` ---o0o---
` Petitioner,
` vs. NO. CBM2013-00020
` CBM2013-00023
` Patent Owner.
`__________________________ /
` ___________________________
` Thursday, April 3, 2014
` (SF-001620)


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`JOHN KELLY, Ph.D. - 4/3/2014
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`Mr. Marsh 4, 102, 150
`Ms. Robinson 144
`Exhibit 1 Plaintiff SightSound
` Technologies, LLC’s Expert
` Report of Dr. J. Douglas
` Tygar Regarding Infringement 17
`Exhibit 2 Ex Parte Reexamination
` Communication Transmittal Form 84
`Exhibit 3 East Search History (Prior Art) 84
`Exhibit 4 Errata for Ex. 4420 and
` Errata for Ex. 4262 144
`Exhibit 5 Expert Report of Dr. John
` P. J. Kelly Regarding
` Non-Infringement of United
` States Patent Nos. 5,191,573
` and 5,966,44 145
`Exhibit 6 AES, an Audio Engineering
` Society, Article Presented
` at the 83rd Convention 1987
` October 16-19 New York 147
` ---o0o---
`5 6
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` BE IT REMEMBERED that, pursuant to the laws
`governing the taking and use of depositions, on
`Thursday, April 3, 2014, commencing at 7:33 a.m.
`thereof, at Ropes & Gray, 1900 University Avenue, 6th
`Floor, Palo Alto, CA 94303, before me, RACHEL FERRIER, a
`Certified Shorthand Reporter, personally appeared JOHN
`KELLY, Ph.D., called as a witness by the Patent Owner,
`who, being by me first duly sworn, was thereupon
`examined as a witness in said action.
`For Petitioner APPLE INC.:
` BY: LAUREN N. ROBINSON, Attorney at Law
` 1900 University Avenue, 6th Floor
` East Palo Alto, CA 94303
` Telephone: 650.617.4000
` Email:
` BY: DAVID R. MARSH, Ph.D., Attorney at Law
` WILLIAM LOUDEN, Attorney at Law
` 555 12th Street, N.W.
` Washington, DC 20004
` Telephone: 202.942.5068
` Email:
` ---o0o---
`(800) 869-9132
`Merrill Corporation - San Francisco


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` 7:33 a.m.
` ---o0o---
` ____________________________________
` called as a witness, having been first duly
` sworn, was examined and testified as follows:
` ---o0o---
` Q Dr. Kelly, you are -- you understand you are
`testifying under oath just as if you were in a court of
` A Yes.
` Q I will ask you questions and your answers are
`being recorded by the court reporter. If you don't
`understand my questions, please let me know and I will
`explain or rephrase them. If you answer the question, I
`will assume that you understood me.
` If at any time you need a break, just let me
`know and we can take one. I just ask that we do not
`take a break while a question is pending.
` Is there any reason today you cannot give your
`4 5
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`best testimony?
` A No.
` Q Are you sick or under the influence of any
` A I'm not.
` Q You have given two declarations in support of
`Apple's reply; is that correct?
` A That's correct.
` MR. MARSH: I would like to give the witness
`his two declarations. One is Exhibit 4262, and that's
`in CBM2013-0020, and one is Exhibit 4420, and that is in
` If it's okay with counsel, can we use the
`exhibit numbers that are on the materials rather than
`re-exhibit numbering them for the deposition?
` MS. ROBINSON: That's fine.
` Do you want one of these to be the stamped
`copy? because I have two of each. Is one of these for
`the witness?
` MR. MARSH: One is for the witness.
` (Discussion off the record.)
` Q Do the two declarations that I've just handed
`to you contain all of your relevant testimony in support
`of Apple's reply brief?
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` A These are the two declarations that I
`submitted. They do set forth my opinions. There are
`many places in these declarations where I refer to the
`earlier declarations, and so those would be -- would
`form the opinions too, but directed to the specific
`reply issues, I believe that they are covered in these
`two declarations.
` Q Do these two declarations, in combination with
`the declarations you previously -- have previously been
`filed by you in these proceedings, constitute all of
`your relevant testimony in the two CBMs?
` A Well, I gave a deposition in December of last
`year, so I would include that testimony and --
`presumably we will be spending the day together -- I
`would include what I say today, but I don't have any
`other declarations that I'm planning -- or I have that I
`was expecting to submit at this time.
` Q Beyond what you discussed in your prior answer,
`is there any other material or testimony -- strike that
` Let's turn to paragraph 2 of the declarations
`that we have just handed to you of the '573 and the '440
`declarations and the same exhibits numbers that I
`provided before, which are Exhibits 4420 and 4262.
` In paragraph 2, you list the materials that you
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`used in preparing the opinions provided in your
`declarations; is that correct?
` A Yes. As paragraph 2 in each case says, I've
`considered the following materials in preparing the
`opinions, and that is the list in paragraph 2.
` Q Have you considered any other materials in
`preparing your opinions?
` A I don't think so. My intent here was to be
` Q In preparing your opinions, you did not rely on
`any other materials as far as you can recollect?
` A That's correct.
` Q Approximately how much time did you spend
`preparing your declaration?
` A This declaration? When you say --
` Q Correct, the current declarations, the current
`second declarations.
` A I can't give you a number of hours, but I spent
`a significant amount of time in March leading up to the
`day that I signed this on the 21st of March, multiple
` Q Approximately how much time have you spent
`preparing for this deposition?
` A Two days or so.
` Q Did you meet with anybody in preparation for
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`this deposition?
` A Yes, I did.
` Q Who did you meet with?
` A I met with my colleague, Dr. Trial, and I met
`with Ms. Robinson, and I also met with Ms. Fukuda.
` Q When did you meet with Ms. Robinson and
`Ms. Fukuda?
` A Yesterday.
` Q Have you read any additional papers in this
`proceeding after your declaration was signed?
` MS. ROBINSON: So I'm going to caution the
`witness not to reveal the content of materials that
`might have been reviewed with your attorneys. Other
`than that, you can answer.
` THE WITNESS: Please repeat the question.
` MR. MARSH: Sure.
` Q Have you read any additional papers in this
`proceeding after your declaration was signed?
` A Well, yes.
` Q What -- without revealing the contents of those
`papers, what type of papers did you review?
` MS. ROBINSON: I'm still going to object to the
`question because I think that gets to the content.
` MR. MARSH: The question says without -- and
`just a little bit -- the rules are not very strict on
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`how we can object, and you are going a little bit over
`the line there.
` Q So you may answer that one.
` A I'm not sure what you mean by -- you mean give
`you -- say the name of the document, but without telling
`you what's in it? Is that what -- is that your
` Q My question goes to the categories of the
` An example of a category would be Markman
`documents or technical documents or attorney work
`product. Those are categories of types of documents,
`whatever would be a descriptive of such documents.
` A Well, one, the document that I'm thinking of
`is -- I don't know how to characterize it other than
`saying it's an expert report.
` Q Did you review an expert report offered by an
`expert called Tygar?
` A No.
` Q Have you -- I might come back to it.
` A And to be clear about that, you are talking
`about -- I mean, I don't know. I don't recall if I've
`ever seen an expert report by Tygar, but in terms of
`this reply, I have not.
` Q Thank you.
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` You are still the president of the Kelly
`Technology Group?
` A I am.
` Q Was -- anyone, in addition to Dr. Trial, assist
`you in preparation of your declarations?
` A No, I don't believe so.
` Q Have you been --
` A And, again, let me be just very careful about
`this answer, as there are parts of these second
`declarations that have come from earlier reports served
`in the District Court litigation, and there were other
`people assisting me in that litigation, but in terms of
`preparing what's in front of us now, Dr. Trial was the
`only one.
` Q In the District Court proceedings, were the
`people assisting you on the declaration also employees
`of Kelly Technology Group?
` A Assisting me on the expert reports that I --
` Q On those reports.
` A Correct; they were.
` Q You are familiar with the associated District
`Court litigation between Apple and SightSound; is that
` A Yes, I am.
` Q You served as Apple's expert in that District
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`Court litigation; is that correct?
` A Correct.
` Q You provided testimony in that District Court
`litigation; is that correct?
` A I -- yes. I was deposed, yes.
` Q Is it correct that part of your testimony
`focused on the non-infringement positions of Apple?
` A Well, I would say no, and just to clarify, I
`may have a different understanding of testimony than you
` Q Have you provided either written or verbal
`testimony either for a declaration or for a
`cross-examination or an examination focused on whether
`Apple's products, methods infringe either the '573 or
`the '440 patent that are at issue in these CBMs?
` A In the District Court litigation?
` Q Correct.
` A I don't believe so. I did serve an expert
`report on those issues.
` Q Maybe there's a confusion here.
` When the question stated: "Have you provided
`written or verbal testimony either for a declaration or
`for a cross-examination or examination focused on
`whether Apple's products, methods infringe either the
`'573 or the '440 patent that are at issue in these
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`CBMs?" does -- I intended the question to include expert
`reports. You mention in your answer that you did serve
`an expert report.
` Did you serve an expert report in the
`associated District Court litigation?
` A I did.
` Q Thank you for the clarification.
` Did you rely on any of your expert report on
`infringement in coming to your conclusions in your reply
`declarations or your second declarations that are the
`Exhibits 4262, 4420 that you have in front of you?
` A No, I didn't.
` Q In providing the declarations with Exhibit
`Nos. 4262 and 4420, did you rely on any confidential
`Apple information in rendering your opinions?
` A No, I didn't. And I should be -- I want to be
`clear about this, about these answers. Some of this
`language has been taken from the expert report on
`infringement issues, but that was for efficiency and my
`convenience. I did not rely on any confidential
`information to form these opinions.
` Q I want to focus a little bit on what you mean
`by "these opinions."
` The -- the paragraphs that you utilized in both
`the District Court litigation and these proceedings
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`before the Patent Office have not relied on confidential
`information; is that correct?
` MS. ROBINSON: Objection to form.
` THE WITNESS: The paragraphs that I have set
`forth in these declarations in the CBM proceedings have
`not relied on confidential information, and, again, we
`are talking about Apple confidential information. There
`is a figure in these declarations that I understand to
`be SightSound's confidential information. Putting that
`aside, we are talking now about non-infringement
`opinions that I've set forth here. The ones in the --
`in the declarations do not rely on any confidential
` Q The current two declarations, Exhibit 4262 and
`Exhibit 4420, rely entirely on the information listed in
`paragraph 2 of the two declarations; is that correct?
` A That and my own knowledge and experience gained
`through years of examining iTunes and using and
`analyzing iPods and that type of thing. Being an owner
`of many generations of iPods, having used probably every
`iTunes client and so on, I would include that as what I
`relied on.
` Q Okay. Do business plans often evolve after the
`filing of the patent?
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` A I'm sorry.
` Q Can business plans evolve after the filing of a
`patent application?
` A Can they evolve?
` Q Yes.
` A Well, I don't see why not. I haven't really
`thought about that. I'm sure that most documents evolve
`over time.
` Q Are you an inventor?
` A I have invented. I don't consider myself
`particularly an inventor. I'm a computer scientist, but
`in the process I have certainly developed all sorts of
`software and hardware.
` Q Can inventors consider new ways to practice
`their patented invention?
` A I don't know.
` Q Do you consider yourself an expert in the
`provision of financial services?
` A I'm a -- I'm a computer scientist. I have
`worked in financial systems, computer science aspects of
`that, many times, and that's where my expertise is.
` Q Do you have an accounting background?
` A No, I don't. An accounting degree or the like,
`I do not.
` Q Do you have any experience with payment systems
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`beyond testifying on payment systems?
` A Yes, I do.
` Q What is that experience?
` A I have worked for Citibank. I have worked for
`Visa. I have worked for a number of systems that were
`put in place for financial processing, including
`payments and inventory control and the like.
` Q Do you have any marketing experience?
` A Well, I don't consider myself an expert in the
`area of marketing. I have, from time to time, been
`involved in marketing activities.
` Q Do you have any business experience related to
`the implementation of a business method?
` MS. ROBINSON: Objection to form.
` THE WITNESS: I understand that the term
`"business method" has a legal significance, so I'm not
`entirely sure how to answer that question.
` Q You may answer the question using the normal
`term, the normal usage of the term "business method."
` MS. ROBINSON: Objection to form.
` THE WITNESS: I'm not sure what that normal
`usage is.
` Q What is your understanding of the term
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`"business method"?
` A I'm not sure I have an understanding. I
`understand that it is a term that has a legal
`significance, particularly in proceedings such as this,
`and whether or not a business method is covered by
`certain statutes, but that's the kind of limit of my
` Q Do you understand the difference between a
`method claim and an apparatus claim?
` A I do.
` Q Could you explain the difference between a
`method claim and an apparatus claim?
` A Sure. An apparatus claim is a -- well, let's
`start with the -- a claim is a collection of words that
`sets forth what the inventor believes they have that's
`new. And it's meant to define the invention in legal
`terms. That can be set forth as a device or some
`physical entity, a machine, an apparatus. And if it's
`set forth as an apparatus, then there will be certain
`elements that describe parts of the apparatus.
` On the other hand, if it's a method claim, it
`will set forth various steps that, when collected
`together, define the invention.
` MR. MARSH: I would like to hand to you an
`exhibit that doesn't have an exhibit number yet in the
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`proceedings, and we have labeled it Exhibit 1.
` (Exhibit 1 was marked for identification by the
` Court Reporter.)
` Q Are you familiar with this document?
` A Well, there was a time when I had reviewed this
`document two years ago or so, but I'm no longer familiar
`with the document.
` MS. ROBINSON: Counsel, can I just jump in and
`note that this looks like it's a different version than
`was produced yesterday. It looks like it still tax on
`the exhibits, and I believe the versions that were
`produced yesterday stop at page 143. We can -- if you
`want, we can go off the record and just figure it out.
` MR. MARSH: Let's stop, because it was our
`intention to give what -- off the record.
` (Discussion off the record.)
` Q The previous -- just to put this back in
`context, the previous question was: "Are you familiar
`with this document?" And your answer was: "Well, there
`was a time when I had reviewed this document two years
`ago or so, but I'm no longer familiar with the
` Without re-reviewing the document, do you have
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`any recollections of what this document contains today?
` A I should also make one clarification to the
`last answer, if I may, and, you know, I notice this is a
`redacted document, and what I reviewed two years ago was
`not redacted. I know that this regard -- this, on its
`face, is Dr. Tygar's expert report regarding
`infringement issues. That's all I recall about the
`report. There's 143 pages, and I don't really remember
`much of anything that's in it.
` Q Do you recall Dr. Tygar's conclusion with
`respect to this report, global conclusion?
` A Well, not specifically, but certainly I
`understand that SightSound alleges that Apple fringes
`their patents, and Dr. Tygar's expert report supports
`that allegation, but precisely what he said or what
`claims he was talking about or what patents, I would
`have to look through the report again to verify.
` Q Just to confirm, you didn't look at the Tygar
`report in preparation of any of your declarations in
`this proceeding?
` A That's correct.
` Q Do you recollect whether you agreed with any
`parts or disagreed with any parts of Dr. Tygar's report?
` A Well, I served a -- I served a rebuttal report
`to Dr. Tygar's in which I set forth my opinions with
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`respect to the infringement issues, and my conclusion
`was that Apple did not infringe the SightSound's
`patents, so clearly there is a disagreement between the
`two of us.
` Q Do you recollect whether Dr. Tygar's report
`referenced internal Apple information?
` MS. ROBINSON: Objection to form.
` THE WITNESS: Well, as I sit here, I don't
`recall, but I can see that there are major chunks of
`this report that had been redacted, and it says here
`AEO, source code, attorneys' eyes only, source code, so
`I'm assuming that that's Apple's source code; although,
`I don't really recollect one way or the other.
` Q Before being retained by Apple in the District
`Court litigation, were you aware of CompuSonics?
` A I don't remember.
` Q Do you recollect whether you are aware of any
`of the devices that CompuSonics produced prior to being
`retained by Apple in the District Court litigation?
` A No, I don't remember.
` Q Is it correct that in all four of your
`declarations in these two proceedings, in the two count
`CBM proceedings, include opinions regarding CompuSonics;
`is that correct?
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` A Yes, that's correct.
` Q Are the opinions that you provide on
`CompuSonics' products and activities based solely on
`materials that were provided to you in combination with
`your general knowledge?
` MS. ROBINSON: Objection to form.
` THE WITNESS: In the CBM proceedings -- I'm --
`maybe I need you to please repeat the question.
` Q Are the opinions that you provide on
`CompuSonics' products and activities based solely on
`materials that were provided to you in the CBM
`proceedings in combination with your understanding of
`what a person of ordinary skill in the art would know?
` MS. ROBINSON: Objection to form.
` And also objection to the extent if it does get
`into anything that happened during the District Court
`litigation, don't answer that.
` MR. MARSH: That's an impermissible objection.
`You know that, and we have really got to keep it to the
`grounds of what the PTO does, because I've asked you
`before, I would like to just -- you get to object to
`privilege. You get to object to form, and that's it,
`and there is no objection to excluding something that
`happened in the District Court litigation.
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` MS. ROBINSON: In that case, I will object to
`form and privilege.
` MR. MARSH: Can you explain the privilege?
` MS. ROBINSON: Well, okay. So first of all, I
`understand that the parties have an expert discovery
`agreement in this matter, in the CBM matter, where
`communications with the experts is not to be disclosed;
`is that correct, in your understanding?
` MR. MARSH: I'm not asking, nor did my question
`ask Mr. Kelly to provide any privileged information.
`Mr. Kelly should answer without providing privileged
`information. There is no privileged information in my
` MS. ROBINSON: I object because you are asking
`about documents being provided to him, and I just want
`to make sure we are not getting into the substance of
`communications between Dr. Kelly and the attorneys,
`whether that's in the CBM proceeding or the District
` MR. MARSH: Let's go back to my question.
` Q Are the opinions that you provide on
`CompuSonics' products and activities based solely on
`materials that were provided to you in the CBM
`proceedings in combination with your understanding of
`what a person of ordinary skill in the art would know?
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` I'm not asking what materials. I'm asking
`specifically the -- what you are basing your opinion on
`and what that universe is. That is a perfectly
`permissible question. Please answer.
` A I believe that in the CBM proceedings, I set
`forth all of the -- all of the materials that I was
`relying on, which would be the documents, and what I
`believe one of ordinary skill in the art would
`understand and based on my own -- in part on my own
`education and experience.
` Q Is it correct that you had no independent
`knowledge of CompuSonics' activities and products prior
`to the District Court litigation?
` MS. ROBINSON: Objection to form.
` THE WITNESS: If you are talking about the
`CompuSonics specifically, I just don't recall one way or
`the other.
` Q Is there anything that would help you recall
`one way or the other?
` A Yes. Looking at the CompuSonics materials,
`determining -- trying to remember whether -- when I
`first saw them and taking some time to think back to
`where I was and what I was doing in the relevant time
`frame. I mean, that would be -- that would be what I
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`would do to start the process. I'm not sure what --
`where that would lead and what other things I think of
`doing along the way, but that's how I think I would
` Q When preparing and providing your declarations
`in this proceeding, did you rely on any personal
`knowledge of CompuSonics' products or materials that was
`not derived from the materials you reviewed and noted in
`your declarations?
` A One more time, please.
` Q When preparing and providing your declarations
`for this proceeding, did you rely on any personal
`knowledge of CompuSonics' products or materials?
` A I'm sorry. That's the question?
` Q That's the question.
` A Okay. I don't believe so. I relied on my
`personal knowledge of the systems, what were available,
`what I believe one of ordinary skill in the art would
`understand, but as for CompuSonics, I think I set forth,
`in the declarations, everything that I was relying on.
` Q Is it correct that you relied on Mr. Schwartz's
`declaration and testimony with respect to at least some
`of the CompuSonics exhibits?
` MS. ROBINSON: Objection to form.
` THE WITNESS: I'm not sure what that means.
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`I'm not sure I understand your question.
` Q In your declarations, is it correct that you
`commented on certain exhibits that provided information
`about CompuSonics?
` MS. ROBINSON: Objection to form.
` THE WITNESS: I certainly cited to CompuSonics'
`documents, exhibits in this collection of declarations.
`That is true.
` Q Is it your understanding that the CompuSonics
`documents that you cited to were provided to you for
`this proceeding?
` MS. ROBINSON: Objection to form.
` THE WITNESS: I was given certain CompuSonics
`documents in these proceedings, in the District Court
`litigation and in the CBM proceedings and --
` Q Okay. In all four of your declarations in
`these two proceedings, you use the term "CompuSonics
`system," with "system" lowercase; is that correct?
` A I'm not sure. The '440 reply declaration,
`Exhibit 4420, the second declaration on paragraph 83 --
`I mean, it's the CompuSonics System with a capital "S"
`for System. I certainly have talked about the
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`CompuSonics System. I can't say --
` Q In your -- in your prior deposition in this
`matter, you describe the CompuSonics System as follows:
` Well, the CompuSonics System, as I have
` described it, is not just a diagram, it's --
` it's -- it's a list of publications, the actual
` hardware of the sales demonstrations,
` everything.
` Is that still your understanding today?
` MS. ROBINSON: Objection to form.
` THE WITNESS: Well, my

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