`CBM2013-00020 (APPLE v. SIGHTSOUND)
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`Conference Call
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`March 31, 2014
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` ---------------
` ---------------
` Petitioner,
` v.
` Patent Owner.
` ---------------
` CASE CBM2013-00020 and 23
` Monday, March 31, 2014
` 2:02 p.m. to 2:44 p.m.
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` A P P E A R A N C E S
` (As introduced on teleconference)
` On Behalf of the Patent Owner, SightSound
` Technologies, LLC:
` Arnold & Porter
` 555 Twelfth Street Northwest
` Washington, DC 20004
` (202) 942-5068
` On Behalf of the Petitioner, Apple, Inc.:
` Ropes & Gray
` Three Embarcadero Center
` San Francisco, California 94111-4006
` (415) 315-6300
` - - -
`3 4
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` P R O C E E D I N G S
` JUDGE ARBES: Hello, everyone. This
` Judge Arbes for the Patent Trial and Appeal
` Board. With me is Judge Tierney. This is a
` conference call in the case of CBM2013 in 20 and
` 23. Do we have counsel for the petitioner on
` the line?
` MR. BAUGHMAN: Yes, Your Honor. Steve
` Baughman from Ropes & Gray, and with me is
` Ching-Lee Fukuda.
` MS. FUKUDA: Hello, Your Honor.
` JUDGE ARBES: Okay. And counsel for the
` patent owner?
` MR. MARSH: Yes, Your Honor. We have
` David Marsh for the patentee. I'm here with
` William Louden, who will just be sitting in on
` the call.
` JUDGE ARBES: Okay. And I understand
` that we have a court reporter on the line today.
` THE REPORTER: Yes, sir. Rebecca
` Stonerock.
` JUDGE ARBES: Great. Thank you.
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` The conference call was requested by
` counsel for the patent owner. We received an
` e-mail on March 24 with a couple of issues, one
` being the date in the scheduling order and
` proposing modified dates, and then two, issues
` with the petitioner's reply brief on each case.
` So regarding the first issue, I believe
` that the Board paralegal stated that we would --
` that the proposed modified dates for the
` scheduling order are fine, and so we will be
` entering a revised scheduling order in both
` proceedings with the date that the properties
` have proposed recognizing that the oral hearing
` will not be changed on the date. So is there
` anything else to discuss regarding that or any
` other issues with scheduling that the parties
` would like to raise?
` MR. MARSH: Yes, Your Honor. We would
` like to discuss the observations on
` cross-examination.
` JUDGE ARBES: Okay. Sure.
` MR. MARSH: We -- this is David Marsh on
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` behalf of SightSound. We would like to propose
` filing those and we would like to propose 15
` pages for those because we have five required
` declarants, four of which are brand new to the
` proceedings, and there's a significant amount of
` evidence that were discussed with respect to the
` other declarants issues we raised and regard
` that we would require 15 pages to encompass the
` large number of declarants and also the new
` evidence, which counsel for petitioner disagrees
` that it's new evidence. So just to lay that
` out.
` JUDGE ARBES: Okay. So it would be the
` patent owner filing a motion for observation on
` cross-exam of the declarants that the petitioner
` has put forth with the reply. Do I understand
` that right?
` MR. MARSH: You understand that
` correctly, Your Honor.
` JUDGE ARBES: Okay. And the date for
` that would be April 11?
` MR. MARSH: You're correct, Your Honor.
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` JUDGE ARBES: Okay. Any objection to
` that from the petitioner?
` MR. BAUGHMAN: Your Honor, we don't
` object to the date. We hadn't conferred about
` pages. I will say for petitioner I guess 15
` seems like a lot of pages. We have three fact
` witnesses, two of which are going to have
` very -- as apparent from their declarations,
` very short depositions and we think that that
` seems like more pages than might be merited for
` this.
` JUDGE ARBES: Okay. Well, the standard
` for motions is 15 pages. We'll authorize for
` the patent owner to file one motion for
` observation on cross-exam of all of the
` witnesses limited to 15 pages total. And then,
` petitioner, you have an opportunity to file a
` response to that. Any other issues to discuss
` for that?
` MR. BAUGHMAN: No, Your Honor.
` MR. MARSH: Just to confirm, Your Honor,
` the response to that will be on the 18th?
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` JUDGE ARBES: Yes, that was our
` understanding.
` MR. MARSH: Thank you, Your Honor.
` JUDGE ARBES: Okay. Moving on to the
` other issues that the patent owner raised in
` their e-mail I believe had to do with
` petitioner's reply brief. So counsel for the
` patent owner, would you like to explain what
` you're requesting and the basis for the request?
` MR. MARSH: Yes, Your Honor. We're
` requesting the Court's guidance on the -- how to
` handle the additional evidence with respect to
` particularly obviousness that was filed with the
` reply brief. The new evidence on obviousness,
` in our view, includes materials in the brief,
` materials in the declarants and also specific
` exhibits.
` And also, Your Honors, we would desire
` the Court's guidance on that the declarants also
` have improper arguments in the declarations
` which should have been in the brief and were not
` in the brief because of the page limit.
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` JUDGE ARBES: Okay. Well, let's take the
` first issue first. Can you give us an example
` of what -- we have the petitioner's reply in
` CBM2013-00020 in front of us. Can you give us
` an example of what you believe to be the
` improper new argument in that reply?
` MR. MARSH: Yes, Your Honor. Here Apple
` cites to the -- here on page 9 of the brief
` CBM 23 page 8 to 9, page 9 of CBM 20. They
` cite, "During reexamination as cited, 1986
` reference depicted the ability to purchase and
` receive -- at home over phone lines, Exhibit
` 4256, paragraph 52, Exhibit 4103." Here Apple
` cites to the Kenswill declaration in which it's
` citing to the prosecution history which is
` actually citing to the District Court order, and
` the denied summary judgment on grounds of
` obviousness. The order was submitted during the
` reexam, which is why it's part of the file
` history.
` If Apple wanted to rely on the quote that
` it relies on within that, it should have done
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` that in its original motion. But they're doing
` it for the first time here, Your Honor.
` JUDGE ARBES: Okay. You mean they should
` have allowed it in their initial petition?
` MR. MARSH: Correct, Your Honor.
` JUDGE ARBES: Okay. Can we hear from the
` petitioner on that?
` MR. BAUGHMAN: Your Honor, I apologize.
` This is Steve Baughman for the petitioner. I
` actually wasn't able to entirely follow that
` example, which we hadn't heard before. This
` wasn't one of the two examples we discussed in
` advance of the call.
` JUDGE ARBES: Well, the patent owner
` seems to be saying that this citation to the
` prosecution history was not made in your initial
` petition and is not responsive to any argument
` that they made in their response. So do you
` have a response to that?
` MR. BAUGHMAN: Your Honor, I'm sorry, I'm
` just having trouble locating the pages that
` we're talking about in the reply.
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` JUDGE ARBES: We have page 9 of the reply
` in the 20 case -- correct me if I'm wrong patent
` owner, but I believe you're referring to the
` second complete sentence beginning, "During
` reexamination."
` MR. MARSH: You're correct, Your Honor.
` MR. BAUGHMAN: Your Honor, I apologize.
` I have the 23 case up. Give me one moment,
` please.
` JUDGE ARBES: Sure. No problem.
` MR. BAUGHMAN: The statement on page 9 --
` sorry, I now have it open, Your Honor. I
` apologize, I -- one more time, please --
` MR. BAUGHMAN: -- counsel for petitioner
` or Your Honor.
` JUDGE ARBES: I believe that the patent
` owner was referring to the sentence beginning,
` "During reexamination as cited, 1986 reference,"
` and was arguing that that is improper new
` argument and not responsive to what they put in
` their response.
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` MR. BAUGHMAN: Oh, yes, Your Honor.
` Generally speaking, we were responding to their
` assertion that the ability to purchase and
` receive digital media at home was -- was not
` known at the time. We're responding with a
` variety of examples and we're responding to
` their assertions regarding what a person of
` skill would or would not have understood.
` They're arguing here that, among other
` things, it wasn't known to do certain things
` with credit cards, it wasn't known to purchase
` certain things over telecommunication lines, and
` we're responding to those assertions.
` JUDGE ARBES: Okay. And this 1986
` reference is cited in support of that, I take
` it.
` MR. BAUGHMAN: Yes, Your Honor. And I
` apologize again, this isn't an example we had
` discussed in advance so I haven't pulled all the
` documents in front of me, but we're not trying
` to present any new ground of invalidity here.
` We're not suggesting any new combination of
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` references other than the ground that the Board
` has already instituted. We're simply trying to
` combat the assertion that a person of skill
` would not have understood what we have asserted
` in the petition or that a person of ordinary
` skill would not have been able to do what the
` Board found in instituting trial in this matter.
` JUDGE ARBES: Okay. Would the patent
` owner like to respond?
` MR. MARSH: Your Honors, we're not
` asserting that it's a new ground of rejection,
` we're asserting that it's a new basis of
` evidence to support that ground that wasn't
` raised before, Your Honor.
` JUDGE ARBES: Okay. Well, Counsel, we
` have -- we have held in other cases before that
` the Board is able to determine what is new
` argument versus what is properly responsive to
` another party's filings at the time it reviews
` all of the evidence in a case at the very end
` and prepares a final written decision when we
` have the full record before us and are able to
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` look at everything and figure out what is new
` argument and what is not, and that that's the
` time that the Board customarily makes that
` determination.
` So that -- recognizing that that is the
` usual procedure in the absence of a special
` circumstance, why do you believe that there
` would be a special circumstance here or that it
` would -- it would be appropriate to take further
` action such as striking this or any other action
` at this time?
` MR. MARSH: Your Honor, we very much
` appreciate the skills set of the court and the
` ability of the court to handle the large volume
` of information in front of it. The issue that
` concerns us here is the extensive nature of this
` and the ability through a very large and
` extensive record to flag all of the issues that
` this has occurred during the reply brief. The
` reply brief was 15 pages, the associated
` exhibits was three binders worth.
` So, Your Honor, the burden on the Board
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` would be fairly extensive to cross-reference all
` of those points. Well within, of course, your
` skills set, but we would take the Board's
` guidance as to how to best point out this
` occurrence as it is not limited to just the
` brief.
` JUDGE ARBES: Okay. The Panel will
` confer briefly. We'll go on mute and be back in
` just a minute.
` MR. MARSH: Your Honor, before you
` confer, could I add one more issue? The --
` during the deposition of Mr. Kelly, the deponent
` stated that the obviousness arguments were
` largely limited to paragraph 57 -- paragraph 47,
` I apologize, of Mr. Kelly's declaration and it
` said, "Did you" -- my question was, "Did you
` evaluate the obviousness of claims in either the
` '573 or the '440 patent with respect to the
` Compusonic art?" And the response was, "I did."
` And then the answer was, "Well, I set forth the
` results of it in paragraph 47 of Exhibit 1132."
` So I wanted to flag where the petitioner
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` regarded the obviousness response or original
` filing to be, Your Honors.
` JUDGE ARBES: Okay. And how does that
` relate here? What relief are you seeking for
` that?
` MR. MARSH: It flags the extent the
` petitioner put forth the obviousness arguments
` in the original petition, Your Honor.
` MR. BAUGHMAN: Your Honor, if I might
` respond for petitioner.
` MR. BAUGHMAN: Steve Baughman, Your
` Honor. First, the issue as I understand it here
` is not the nature of the original arguments, but
` whether the responsive material placed in
` rebuttal in our reply is appropriate rebuttal.
` And certainly we are responding to arguments
` presented by patent owner in these papers. And
` regarding volume, I think the Board will
` certainly be able to assess what it does and
` does not need to review of documents in their
` entirety in assessing the reply brief we
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` provided. We're not asking the Board
` independently to comb through exhibits.
` We've made an argument that we believe is
` entirely responsive to what the patent owner has
` asserted in its response and we believe the
` Board is certainly able -- but obviously the
` Board will determine for itself -- certainly
` able to assess the argument being made and use
` the evidence appropriately.
` JUDGE ARBES: Okay. The Panel will
` confer briefly. We'll go on mute and be back
` shortly.
` (Short recess taken.)
` JUDGE ARBES: Okay. The Panel has had a
` chance to confer. What we're going to do is
` take the matter under advisement. We'll issue
` an order shortly after the call today on this
` and a number of other issues and we'll include
` that within the order.
` I believe the Panel has one other issue
` to discuss, but before we do, patent owner, I
` believe you raised an issue regarding the
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` witness declarations. Is there anything that
` you would like to discuss for that?
` MR. MARSH: Your Honor, the witness
` declarations -- and to give an example, the
` Kenswill declaration has extensive attorney
` argument or what's basically argument with
` respect to -- that's more appropriate in a brief
` than it is in a fact or expert witness. The
` paragraphs include paragraphs 34 to 40, 47,
` 48 --
` JUDGE ARBES: Counsel, do you have the
` exhibit number?
` MR. MARSH: Sure. My apologies. Let
` me -- Exhibit 4256, Your Honor.
` JUDGE ARBES: Okay. And this is a
` declaration from someone regarding the alleged
` commercial success or lack thereof argument?
` MR. MARSH: Correct, Your Honor.
` JUDGE ARBES: Okay. And what relief are
` you seeking for this?
` MR. MARSH: We're looking for guidance
` from the Board, Your Honor. There's extensive
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` what we would regard as argument here that is
` not declaratory evidence as you mentioned in
` the -- with respect to the evidence issues we
` raised before, that the -- had a sophisticated
` Board, so we're looking for what guidance from
` you as to how we should deal with this under
` these circumstances.
` JUDGE ARBES: Okay. Well, this is --
` obviously the arguments that a party puts
` forward in its briefing, i.e. the petition or
` the reply, are what are considered. That is the
` position of a party. The function of the expert
` declaration is to provide support for that, but
` the argument does need -- any argument to be
` made needs to be made in the briefing.
` The expert declaration is not a
` substitute for the briefing. We don't permit
` incorporation by reference. So that is
` something that the Board is able to determine on
` its own. We have done that for petitions.
` We're able to do that for replies as well. So I
` think that's -- that's something that the Panel
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` can determine when it reviews all of the
` evidence in this case.
` MR. MARSH: Your Honor, would it be
` helpful for us to submit a list of the
` paragraphs at issue here, Your Honor, or would
` that not be helpful?
` JUDGE ARBES: And this would be
` paragraphs that you believe are not -- that make
` arguments that are not made in the reply?
` MR. MARSH: You're correct, Your Honor.
` JUDGE ARBES: Okay. Let me do this,
` then. The Panel will consider that matter
` further as well and address that in the order
` after the call today.
` MR. BAUGHMAN: Your Honor, if petitioner
` could make a brief statement.
` MR. BAUGHMAN: I just want to note, Your
` Honor, obviously we disagree about whether these
` are appropriate, and I guess we would ask if the
` Board is considering patent owner's request that
` we get an opportunity to respond just as to the
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` petition -- the paragraphs that were mentioned.
` Because there's a transcript here today, I want
` to note that those are discussing a number of
` documents that are also addressed in the reply
` brief and quoting and examining those that are
` also again addressed in our argument in the
` reply. So we'd request an opportunity to
` respond if patent owner is given an opportunity
` to make assertions.
` JUDGE ARBES: Okay. The Panel will
` consider that further and address it as an
` order. I think we understand both parties'
` position.
` Any other issues that the parties would
` like to raise regarding the reply briefs or
` evidence submitted with them?
` MR. MARSH: Your Honor, we have discussed
` with counsel potentially inconsistent documents
` and have requested a TIGR infringement report
` that was filed by SightSounds' expert in the --
` in the District Court litigation as being
` inconsistent with the positions Apple has taken
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` in its reply papers, I believe.
` And Mr. Baughman will do, I'm sure, an
` excellent job of characterizing Apple's
` position, but it's Apple's position that the
` claims are not co-extensive with the iTunes
` ITMS, and it's our position that they are. And,
` for instance, Dr. Kelly has made a number of
` positions in its -- in his declaration that
` iTunes does not infringe, i.e., is not
` co-extensive with the claims of the patent. We
` believe that the TIGR infringement report, which
` is in possession of Apple, is inconsistent with
` that and have requested its production.
` JUDGE ARBES: Okay. Counsel, refresh our
` recollection. I believe that this -- this issue
` with the expert report came up previously in
` this case, that I take it the parties were not
` able to resolve the issue at that time.
` MR. MARSH: You're correct, Your Honor.
` We requested discovery on the -- and
` specifically called out the TIGR infringement
` report as a -- as a specific paper with its
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` exhibits that we requested discovery on, in
` part, Your Honor, because we believed this might
` be a position that Apple would take. Apple's
` position was -- and you denied the discovery,
` and Apple's position is, I believe, that it
` isn't inconsistent with the positions they're
` taking.
` JUDGE ARBES: Okay. Can we hear from the
` petitioner?
` MR. BAUGHMAN: Yes, Your Honor. So I
` guess the way that we would start by framing the
` issue that we have made specific statements in
` our reply brief about why we are not practicing
` the claimed invention. I'm not sure I would
` agree with counsel's characterization of what it
` means to be co-extensive with, but as far as
` practicing the limitations of the claims, we've
` not made a blanket assertion that we don't
` infringe -- that's not the issue presented to
` the Board -- but rather that we are not
` practicing particular elements. And we have,
` upon the inquiry from patent owner's counsel,
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` considered their request and we do not believe
` we have any inconsistent information with the
` statements we've made in our reply brief.
` And I guess I would just -- I know the
` Board's well aware of it, but we note the Garmin
` versus Cuozzo case, IPR2012-1, paper 26 at 4,
` which talks about the rule being directed to the
` specific information known to the responding
` party to be inconsistent with the position
` advanced by the party not broadly directed to
` any subject area in general.
` And so the issue here is not infringement
` or noninfringement. If there's a broad
` assertion that somebody infringes -- obviously
` there's a litigation here -- that's not
` inconsistent with our position that certain
` elements are not practiced as set forth in our
` papers. And so we don't believe there is
` inconsistent information to be provided here.
` JUDGE ARBES: Okay. Well, Counsel, I
` believe that our previous order addressed this
` within the context of a motion for additional
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` discovery. Seems that the patent owner here is
` arguing that this is -- that the assertions that
` are allegedly made in this expert report are
` inconsistent with assertions that Apple is
` making now.
` For instance, if Apple is arguing now
` that it does not practice the invention because
` it doesn't practice element X of the claims
` whereas we have this expert report that does say
` that Apple practices X element of the claims,
` that seems to be their argument.
` MR. BAUGHMAN: Your Honor, our position
` is that we've said we don't practice X element
` because of fact 1, and there is no position
` from -- we're aware of that's inconsistent with
` fact 1.
` JUDGE ARBES: Okay. The Panel will
` confer just briefly and go on mute and be back
` in a minute.
` (Short recess taken.)
` JUDGE TIERNEY: This is Judge Tierney. I
` just had a couple questions and I wanted to sort
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` of direct to Apple. Regarding the TIGR report,
` what prejudice is there to giving a copy of that
` report to SightSound's counsel in this case?
` MR. BAUGHMAN: Yes, Your Honor. Steve
` Baughman for petitioner. The report is
` predicated in large part on confidential and
` highly confidential information of Apple. The
` request that was made to us was to produce the
` report and all of the attached exhibits, which
` include, as I understand it, source code and
` other material that actually leads to a
` prosecution bar and was produced with the
` understanding that it would not be made
` available to anyone who was involved in
` activities involving prosecution or the shaping
` of claims or arguments about the claims owned by
` SightSound.
` JUDGE TIERNEY: Yes, I can remember the
` conversation we've had on this before.
` MR. BAUGHMAN: Yes, Your Honor.
` JUDGE TIERNEY: The report itself,
` though, without the attachments, without the
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` source code, if we merely attach the report, is
` there a problem with just the report being given
` over to the SightSound counsel, or would the
` prejudice be there?
` MR. BAUGHMAN: Well, Your Honor, the
` report, as I understand it -- and I don't have
` it in front of me, but it does quote extensively
` from those documents. In other words, it
` distills a lot of that confidential information.
` The report itself is highly confidential,
` not just the attachments. So it's not as though
` it's a redacted sort of form of document that
` attaches the confidential material. That
` confidential material is woven all through the
` report, which addresses a huge array of issues
` other than the few pinpoint questions that are
` before the Board on the reply, none of which
` depended on confidential information.
` JUDGE TIERNEY: You just mentioned
` another alternative, which is a redacted copy.
` Is there a way that it could be redacted such
` that you give them at least an inkling of what
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` the ex report is going toward?
` MR. BAUGHMAN: Your Honor, I haven't
` looked at that question. We can -- we can
` consider that and discuss with counsel for
` patent owner whether the particular, I suppose,
` limitations that we're talking about, whether
` it's possible to redact that portion of the
` brief so as not to include any confidential
` information. I haven't assessed that question.
` We haven't been asked that by patent owner.
` JUDGE TIERNEY: This is Judge Tierney.
` This is one member of the Panel. I would
` appreciate if you looked into that issue.
` Originally we denied the request because we are
` sensitive as to giving out source code and other
` highly confidential business information here
` given that there wasn't the showing of a need
` balanced out against prejudice. If we could
` somehow give at least a redacted copy over,
` though, that would alleviate the prejudice to
` you, to Apple, and I think that would go a long
` way to getting this issue resolved.
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` MR. BAUGHMAN: Your Honor, we can -- we
` can certainly take a look at that and then see
` what we can reach agreement

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