
`Publishers pay site
`for prominent space
`Seattle is 3-0
`Wurless Warriors fall
`to the Sonics 90 to 71
`some undocumented
`h erl'.
`Wednesday morning
`uaty 10.1999
`504‘ hate
`named to
`cleanup crews role up oily sand on the beach near-the untrum to Coos Bay. Dre. The oil has been spilling from Ilro freighter New Christa. which ran ognnrnd on Tlrrrrsdoy.
`Gmundad freighter lealrlnu luel
`romirnrrd to leak oil
` ‘
`You can live
`‘We expect it to move north’ to Washington
`By lion TAYLOR
`slnrmtral damage." mil] Urn! Magus.
`rt Wushirrirtrm Department of Err-lion: "Just
`r-r rrr:lrrlrn:rer
`But in the nit-.1 rn wrnrer spills. it lrrts rnured
`nrrrllr "
`nrml'l'l' serene,
`ehiet perry amid:
`the us. Cm hrwr- and when: il will wave is hard Io tell.
`the weather lull plume a 'lllriet
`window he do Ilrrrl. "We hare one good do}:
`The hesl guess is llral Lat hulls lmrlr the
`0005 law. the. — Silage crux-m wrll
`New Carissa (rould rome ashore in Hashim-
`lime. weather and rr M rrress
`then it gen worse." said Alan ltol'lrnrilrlut. a
`Ion In three lo ilk! days. Hunlcr said.
`spuhfiman tor the Barron «l Land Manner:-
`beloulirg a “mine coastline
`loday In
`Noting that
`the tw' hlrr arms as
`prom! .1 beached [reiyrter [turn :1 hm
`the beached rssel has "tremendous Witn-
`trial run
`on the New Cort-so mild lead to purrrpingoilour «r the thinned
`I “'7
`mm exhumed torr'
`Pram-diners also will begin many that much rts WON!) gallons 0 tnEL Hunter sail
`said they drd not linuw Irow mirth all ll!
`:irrg: strio
`rrrro maltainenul the shore.In Washington. environrnrrrrul officials
`rial tor a major rpilL" Officials in Coos Bay
`spreadinglhr: thirk In! on srrt mills at Sandy
`inset urns arming when il headred.
`set in moliun prepanlions In deal with lin-
`who's. The Iunhs may hold as much as
`afloat, but
`Home gallons
`sodl on llre sures benches
`rlrrd hays.
`Meal rrtrrsldaaehtrd populallonr unmet:
`only In boat, ' ”infill! : Ell-.223;
`slam-vsollrarrl populations werehuman and
`lag l... the \t'ashin‘amn and. man! ml-
`Today, [lK me rug Salvage mist-l will
`mm” m ‘
`lryru trrrrl the tmipver‘stm into no an m in am!“ learn I’rnlrr Washington our
`claim and mailer beds m wulaoa Bay and
`haw pruect
`it than ”NEIL“; weather.
`unsdrspahrhrdlncoos Ba}:
`ilarl'xrr. sold Dick Logan, who as
`801 es
`Heavy waves ham pushed Ill: ship me-
`Even lira-rah rhe rrciehIr-r is ZIID mlhs mm npiU damage for the Ecology Der-arr:
`northerly {urrtlllsv and southern wrnds rlur
`nrentIn southern own. Coast Grant 'nttl.
`m M
`vim arming it to rock is degrees side to
`[rum WashinyorL offirirrls warned than the
`sand tnev latte dong everyllrlrg
`Winds of 50 knots and gusts ol I'IO Imus
`arr: lanes-I rlns lime ol year rm)- push rlre
`ramrlr're Io tomhin the oil sari
`from the
`are forecast.
`!lrury oi! rorlre mnh.
`Settlement spells out
`what vessels are legal
`'11re irnrnr is In put llre how into thv
`"We oqxu r'r In more north." said Stew __
`sens. so we drur'l
`Hunter. u'lar supemscs spill Moon-«r arr rlre
`incur arnnrrom more
`. __
`rh- sTar'eru (HILIlEMlTli
`' "
`r-r rrr:rurrrrn:
`Etnzrlr chrk traded rt landhlblxl’s
`Senate closes doors for debate
`l1lX}' mmlrrrrs men years ago for rhe
`rang and sway orlrte aboard a hour.
`50 when Seattle autlwnlia lried
`to unsr his hoary Illne Heron as arr
`alltwellrtu: on Lillie Uniun. zderil:
`tea the Cll_\'lo court.
`has had livr-raboarlts since
`Drry One.
`sand itderic. 32.
`ll Boeing
`'necr 'lr'd he rl shame if this type
`at llam'le died "
`Zderic and run olhel' Loire Union
`I'm-mm: prevailed last Week in a
`legal sdrllement thal allmvs thorn In
`any on llreir huars as lorg as their
`dwellings really an: lamb? ml: of
`"As long as the msels on: fitled
`to bd- nalwhl
`llrey will be
`molalrle to llrc
`said the Erin's
`alum; Jeflrry Eusrrs.
`Tllul oould rtrnrm- a legal cloud
`met as many as 50 or so liIR-on
`barges and scours scatlcrut mnd
`lake Washingron. the [)uwamislr Rim
`er and elmially larlre Unian
`Those Hiram-ungainly. son-rim
`custom-nude vessels floated in uncer-
`lain legal walrls between Settles
`stn'uly Irrrrned noel olnrmlrlod [bill
`in; lrorrres our! harms. and. trodrrrorrol
`urlroals and power winch arr
`otmms uzueru-al'i
`doesnl allow citirslo mime.
`"Certain thing are clearly bruit Io
`he Innis. and cumin lirlnp are built
`t Irfi m
`In be hows. semen-1mm
`in hunt-n tlnl Mt! always been
`Cay Land-use ntfinals
`down on durctrs
`Wins“ in late 1091' utter grating
`minim that a moored! armor Ill.
`city's top
`school job
`He were to can-y on
`with Stanford's vision
`r-:r: -l-rrrr
`l’nlhlnl Ania": Supenievvidrunr
`.htst‘ph Olehtlsire's "grrlcc under pres-
`ll‘rr' Vrullllr Schuul "and “lied
`In home the former
`rrrreurm .- hanlrer to the rap pub lell
`l1ll'd'lllll33'lhl‘ !nlc John srimrvvd.
`In an emumnal rmrrretrr allet rlre
`cr-elslot'. huggtd
`and mm I0
`am}- on Slan-
`lflrd'a mrue of
`irnprrntrrg edri.
`arm for all oi
`I’ll: drnlrrcl's
`. "
`47.60:) is‘r:rtddr:nls
`hrv rrtrl hunrdl a
`tew teats up there. washing John urn-
`bintrsrm‘l rnnm
`errll. served as slrperirllerr
`1935 rtlllll hlh sanlhAlger
`\‘u rnbcr nlter on right-rr-rr..rr Imrle
`n;.rrn~r Ieulremiu
`tilclu'lskt'. chomuerirr-d Iry rnre
`htr:rfi| member as
`lrrrmrrt" tanner of hir. (51M Larson-
`wrth htanlord. \rvas hired In lm
`trml lo be the dlnfict's (hie!
`[ officer. He was :rwormed
`Ilpt'fifllllfi ol'lrrrer
`in January
`nd rhen slowed in In run the
`m When his boss homnre ill.
`we hat-e a
`t'rl work In do."
`'nctslw told lire haunt. "We are in
` .
`'Dr W 'wl‘ u
`' Egg?“- "a.' “El 31""
`set tru‘ttn‘slu: nret An
`Refocused Boeing delivers
`a 777 without any defects
`wiIJI Ihr: ground rJrers and me llighl
`rrr nzrrrm
`checks." said Ullilr'd's Vin! Mm
`[or engineering end lxlmrra'lawn.
`Lou Mancini.
`Dow. awarding to tilt: uponnrrng edi-
`Mancini. udro has been taking
`tion of Failure: MPH“.
`deliver}‘ at Boeirg airplanes for 14
`him were unha
`arbour 1hr
`years. said he could that molten-mes il
`performance of its no: Comm
`Whirl: before. And
`hr: would
`micrd d'
`re w'nIr manufactur-
`know. He has In impealon team at
`irg wens and delivery Irolllrps
`last melt. Boeing dirt sorrra-
`Boeinglhat you overeveryrn-Wplarur
`heroae Irre airline new: It.
`rlrrrrg on: or ii; on ortslumer! mid
`"they're up there to make surr-
`nor remember o'er happening below.
`our Lntersls all- protected." he slid.
`771' m Unihod Airlinfl
`l! IID detain.
`On Feb 3.1M mmpl'm delivered a
`"It was a my clan airplane.
`lllllll .
`| mlinrthlitnflfilo-mlmlndremld-
`e in sum}.
`Irmorwcr'rr '
`slowly yesterday.
`Bipartisan acquittal
`of Clinton possible
`by end of the week
`m: mammal r'rrlxr
`WASHlNGTON — The Serum
`verdict on
`irnportclrnrcnl ol
`slrut ils dent! fads}- todahnte ils
`Presnle'rrt Clinton. with the Marne
`" parl'mn arlq'rrtlnl" runs
`sglrvidcnl IM or: Republican 51::
`by huh-s end [or
`Ihe Igland
`or hislch
`Errasrdcn'tin hiauryrnhepur oarrrial
`ruler a month and a day
`lislmiog in silcnrxlu who
`hours in privlle “Nations in a
`Serrano chandler donut of House
`timers. presidenl'nl
`first smaller to
`k ill Ill:
`and-flier}! sputum
`cloned oration. Shh
`on. R-
`loll‘l policeman he would
`more remove Clrrrronllecarrae "ii is
`deal out he mm mm“
`(Burton retained his malaria [allow
`in; the amine
`Column said lur- wwld m In
`mom on aseoond drum: ol'
`perjury. Both
`grew ml or
`the preaiderlt's
`Willi rmm
`erlte Hours
`in em Monica
`Lemtry meflumlu been It [not
`mm PM“:
`In ll
`l5 narrator's spline. Repub-
`l'fll‘a Illfl'nlllllfl with Dflmfll.
`11! Senate rule book is unflintud hysrnzTorn Hulda. Bria“ .
`It“. and Sm. Plul Wellnone. D-Millll. dun-lg yesterday‘l union.
`_ Rewbl'run lorry Craig OI Idol”
`sold “It!!! Wu Mattel! little at“;
`I ”Yo-ind 'nrr': Gnhn to
`his vorr arr cLirnon Page
`and ralrr. although molt-1'hr one-
`senilur Would irllerlupr mm to:
`I Start rm: Now maurtor
`ask: rwrda do you believer {tr-l". or?
`will he hmstlprrd.
`"\lv'hrnr did we find W. In Lqu
`lrral rmd.
`11m “ii no illthtlon Lira;
`below lawmakers adjnunrld ururl
`any Darrow” lnd mum ”of.
`la me ht’J-Jfi Clintonordm “g;
`"People arr wer)‘ rq'lenhrl at
`Newbliurr 'hld m In Ima‘
`one another. 11': a very dimmed
`t' Domini-marlin]
`climate." said Sen Par-Illalrtlarone.n
`Minnesota Democrat who was
`m Which“
`among Ihr leaders at a l'nikd than
`to open the pmedlngs to Ihe
`ple Exhibit 4203
`cum rm loun- ronddruuuug
`: CBM2013-00020
`Page 00001
`Apple Exhibit 4203
`Apple v. SightSound Technologies
`Page 00001


` i
`mm4msfiuw.m.rmry o.lalla
`Germans establishing hugefundfor victims of Nazis:
`llltll'i "
`. MF'EIIrHlolmknls‘peeoad
`{mes ol' Chthn iel'l'sla ill the
`.Ufiflminllie ID'IDsiln heir-lint
`nr Geri. Augusln Pint»
`:mahré'rlflug' my a:
`.Tha F‘BleeiI agenisln New Ycili
`clam midst-unicel-
`river Holonalnt-Ielallad
`inland readied r5115 billion fllim
`paiiomaoemormm mg ieee um nu: win my:
`WflHINGTUN _ The glee-men in'cm Saunders drier-olazallando
`uupmmnrloniy arnilll
`a asleeoleril
`elem here-made}: Hflh‘ummmmhw Wflihwnz afloat“!
`The Emmi will!” i- I
`menu rm Mm [hat
`iI had green in
`Bil linen-lilo miller been: mien-n: byGerman its. indull' Ihon: Ilial W
`ila major corpcrllioris Jewish
`It In with I huge [Ill-Al, financed llji'
`lioptllililiat 055M: Dallalliilelll II!
`minis in freq-rm Indilally and
`5':an and
`Iirg Ham
`East WI: In IMWIII[mods hlriitleorm
`licrriiun war
`violins mum on the size at a nindllo ml“:
`_ w
`lllk: llllifl, will
`lionliii‘. lo amperag- victims of Nazi la'a'rol'r
`Ill} Small Fm the lllderwilelaaywlix
`Dllm'lflllll'ldIflis “re slave mm n I
`mandlru curios again: German Ulllllllfl-
`nu mposal
`”are re
`clear-nu: he windmill: Ihe minimum.
`Bovine goverluiaenlmnd mun ill-I
`the Wlflllu!
`or may! mmofi-Imzajhlm- w Nonnlelea. nantipnnls in Ihe inlb aid death union Inrlii
`Germain PlllillmI will nureahmdulimnwri
`der. appears to be an emirl In slim-ciiul'a awave of lawsuits in Arneriuln worn afilllli‘st
`ill‘ ll! W35lll': WM pa'alpoiiii and rim me
`beau mill he a flaflll'g
`on oi the unlwtll
`qlllstiuia ls h‘llaher Ihe
`ill" is ‘ hilaleral ““9.
`nr conlrilalhe lo Ilie
`Ihe Llnilnil Salaam German! lennlnating IllI'
`one manually Murry.
`German enrolment — which I: “help In iinrliidr
`German companies In: mode Molsiaif Int"
`The cerium announccmcnl. which antic
`Deuische Bank. Daimler-Bent. “own.
`Horribach aid WM be dismissed a:
`Issue Ilia!
`rind Inlcad labor during World war _II or
`lenglllli negorlailuia on Mandy III
`5mm and nlllers — enidrl easily Mill inln
`the billions
`lie- While Haul!
`lioniorrow in _a mine
`ws aid other n'elim
`Slim Depnrrolerit. won praise from Ihe World
`Wliarlhe German concernswanlinrerurn
`paroled {rum Ille secure cl assns Ilelorwllfl Ic
`(ierrnnn ol'licials aid tlw llit site at the
`which preaad the SW :3}!
`have nlodeil
`: a "global"
`[Ind isatili lube delerinlns‘l. They
`l'dm wiiIi Germany
`oiolleo Ihe Cierrnan companies
`ngreernenilhal endsvimollyal will Hornhach
`clear thal
`they were In emirl
`ilie Iurd oi
`mini: nil behall
`but iaw'yeis {or lllc phlntill‘s III Ihe gulls —
`iilsn Kw yawrdly iliaI Gmlulrlx had
`'riiIceruiiniI-‘ll hmlasalgllinl Sullreriond sullen-ll
`ol Bot-met [cured laborers
`IWII Writs such
`Mm oriiseculiiu IrehI-i
`concluded. lill'l wieliiiqillie sw'ms espcncriu'.
`[or nearly hm
`as lire gwerrlnlent will
`as Poland. who would not be filmed by m.-
`Jewish Cow
`- here for than: nluliInIs
`nfr learn! and Iplclmati: helium mortar mils:
`Ihorarnulorgedfiyltwasncl intlieinleretnr
`riiIaIeI-al agreement berm Ihe Untied Stale».
`Seven-l plalallfl's' law)"; who are imolchlrn
`and Ckrrnallh'.
`Minn huwils agalnsl German minnow
`:Hlnrilhllch noled on Monday thal.
`L'ililllalllh'. the mo lam-st Imus in Soil-
`Europe skids to a standstill in §n0w_
`no cranium...
`Pedeslrlans In Zurich wnlk IlIrng: I‘lt‘llB near the Haas Wardiriann memorial yealeldayas heat-Ir snow wrenlmt havoc on Iraasporllrllon.
`Avalanches kill 5; alpine Villages evacuated
`Amalia sounded an anlile ulalnnrl'r:
`Di the annual Frenrh schcnl winler
`said he sow ll giant wove or smu-
`iI-.i: .l.~ell'l\:l_1i rill»
`crushing dwn toward his building
`holidays.Resale el'forls in Le Tour and
`ol people I'iom villages IIIW at risk
`Others were laid In stay in buildings
`— Hcavlr
`ale [roan aiilrlndiea.
`enm- ole-rm! Inn: of w to II
`dill mining were locorll true
`M‘M)‘ lira diam warmth
`lot 31 In if”!
`[ear now Is LhaI some III M
`xtilndslill yesterday. muslng majnr
`Ihe nighl. despile the [ulling
`are lropped undrrlhe smw.'
`In nostril. lielkiapms alumni
`.tiiniii ntl.
`avalanches '-
`lhc French alps lliar
`'l‘lle ingurul ond shouted gath.
`miles! Ilir heather l0 dElll‘El mirr-
`lulled or lcasl fire people floods ind
`The main Tlllxc WVIM'I'II ill
`«red in atll'flard's lirilcl. Iurning llle
`[area More Ihon 1in Iiiur-
`ail-prim were slim down. mmnlaln
`Ihe Hallie Slavoic region in milom
`anm where Ihe :II-aliululiei: Iml:
`Eclfl loud and mediull aurll'lliei lI'
`u'cre eI'ilruiIMJ drill llioil-
`'L'lla remained Erandtlll by snow irii
`M33 inla Ilrl iriiprtlrnplu crneigenqr
`oltnun'sLs weir: slnlded Ill sIIi
`place said ll Hear-old iiI had died
`llcl'nire Srnllh Ill Heading. Po.
`the [otlrlll slraigll day in Ihe remit
`as hell us 3 than in Iii:
`mum; in fiwiimrunil uni] mumia.
`who Inasvalzltioriiiga mile hum IheI
`of Ualluer
`in in: popular
`Nestorla diatom-ml Ihe bodies
`In two I'illogrs jlssl nanll oi the
`al'iilarichc. lull-phoned litT lllll'
`oi another man aid ll
`let llIern know she m sale, a
`pqiuku French :iI‘t'i mill odCllnmIi—
`"yin the eerural Swiss resort M
`sounded :n her hotel.
`yuslenln’y evening in
`ihe region.
`il. a local couple were killed
`nix. 2w rennie own-ism luring sen-
`whidl is Iot'nled near Ihe lllliln and
`'Thr road is buried unlit-TM lizcl
`scls and dogs. searched Ior "I'M
`Mon a} when an ”birdie crushed
`Swiss borders. Cllairiorlix isabtllll 30
`Di snow." said Smith. 51. “We can't
`believed Implied iflhille wooden and
`leis buried under Iriris III snllw. The
`milismlnheusl "Hie-inn.
`gin onywhcre. “i GI!“ Ilri anything.
`iii: in Will )mrdll)‘
`illctrall‘ne problems
`avalanches dcsItuycd I7 chnlrLs :Ild
`No dfloils WM immediately
`AI Least are have elu‘lririly."
`hurled six uIlien.
`Train sen-Its were canceled
`filth person
`In Germany. a mass pileup
`l‘K'IIAWI'I Chamorlil: and SI Cit-mi!
`Iomcd police [0 close Ihe innin
`By late ieslcrday. lib-nil 20 pm-
`bmlssellllearnfanlnntlies Sever-
`file — induding iuo unidentified
`'Frenrh Preaidenl
`highway helmn Munich and Solz-
`Airitl'ifim ..
`ion let-ii pulled rlul
`L'hlm IlI'hc was meeting with Her-
`liqhmrys as well as the Mrmr
`liorg. alarm. Fair people were
`olive. Mas! ollllose rescued sill'lilred
`I'llilll Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder
`Blunt Tunnel were also dosed
`killndlrl roldatcrflllls'.
`lane Moldu)‘
`In Switzerland. 20 inehs at new
`Highs Injuries. Ixilice said.
`in Striislwurg l7nnce. sold he loll
`and early pacing}- ill Gemny.
`"Infinite sadness."
`trait eluii
`i-iiililleri were
`snow came on Icp nl' Ihe rue lei-I
`Trains erasing
`_ wen-
`among those
`icsnled. The iii-1|-
`Parr Howard. the owner uI Ihe
`that has fallen rlnoc Fridolr.
`lilso dilirulled by Snoodnlls and
`Auihnrlties in Switzerland aid
`iilllflllfll mine during Ilie Iirsl week
`Hotel les Bets Roilgu in MDIlII'lI.
`Jordan’s new king greets his toughest skeptics
`A IlU-lninlne will In
`l1;- IlltLiLV llllRPll'l'
`ith Syrian Prfiidcnl Hale:
`sein's Amerinnhorn Widow. Queen Noni.
`rill: twin-mm Isa»:
`nncIlier polar;
`Assad dornilwled libs ollcnlirin. Allliough Jordani-
`an Illinois pie in
`derail; mire analysis
`In meet Abdullall were
`Bedouin Irile leaders — their
`lilacs smillbcd
`AMMANJoldan — Belare the red lhrone Ihal
`intrrpreled Ihe visit as an aloempl
`In counter
`speculalion lawn lsnel Ilia! Syria Would well no
`clean. ihelr sandals cm. A [cw mid printers in
`his fallier held [or
`rItmLIi rue deendal. King
`Imlhrmune the peace pm Ilnd Jordan's new
`the king in Ihe IJIlIlne m. where Hussein's
`Abdullah mild condolem payday [rtlrn
`those he now MEI Loni'incc ill Ilia abililv lo rulu:
`body lay the dini'heloie.
`'Eir nude-mil ull male ehlnel byaliawinfi ure—
`Eullirlinll Jordanians. who streamed in tin
`The backlogollhe Bedouin: ia Issriiiinl lo llie
`said labill Ilarnlnwi. a
`pclin'cal science pioiuaor Hasheinitc
`liingdtlril. Hussein had Intentional)-
`irtlrn deserl nirnps Ilnd diSlIIII Villages.
`Tllcir Hull-ales. hives and handshake mm
`the Uiriverailf oi Jordlul.
`'I‘l Wits a mailer
`rourled lheir lovor. bringing electricity‘ and other
`more Ihan jusl :Iddliional scenes in Ilie Inosli: Di
`development loan enrncnl utlliepoorcouritry.
`Ilie gotcs Ia Roghdrln Police yesterday.
`"It is going to be d'rI'linII willioul Elmin
`Sl'lt‘i sinte King lluaein‘a fill.
`m m monarch hop“ lo quickly oeiriem
`We running Minrerllefirxl «anaemia
`among us. Inn we believe Abdullali will lie line.
`This ml: Is i'rtlni the lion hi
`nr dayllteak.
`llie deep loyalty and popular alppflrl enjoled lily
`rig." and Shelli Samir
`11iemourrieis. ali'nleriig in Bedouin robes llnd
`Aroumti. Ihe 57-year-cld leader of a 5mm
`illilllhfir. Spatially mm; Ilie Eadnuin clans —
`Bedouin clan.
`re admirer total-all In the
`ill-l‘iIliIu: dais: sIIIIs. we
`bonds that an: ascntial lo the descn kingdom's
`Still. Ahdlrlitlll lures a more dilllnll task in
`array of presidcnls. p
`rilric ministers and him
`I:\~en his lathe?! Mienl could tiol
`loan) the
`Who paid Iheir main "mi-i llieday below.
`winningilul nun oI'Ilie entire Milo-i - especially-
`diaiirs washed nrer rise
`in: Palatiniam and colleen-allies. who Impose
`:i‘I-yooHald abdillloh iroi-i being drawn Illm the
`regional pnliiital praallre miller. He met briefly
`crowd Ila lhc gillos opened.
`lnldan‘a Merl- lilI. As a ntililary cnlnninldet.
`Moldoli \I'ilh leaders [roni Ill| ridls in llie Middle
`wnnsen — lanai (m Illlir'nl mumiig
`mlillll led an army Germ ill fibrilarlv
`events — wolchcd Ihe men slrnnln Inward the
`ire-Ii peace prim: muslin-ans.
`Israelis and
`mall on pro-Iraq minimal in ilie mil-gin
`onion. llrril will In olier mildnleim In His-
`dty nl Ilium
`of Kosovo
`talks sees
`But both sides remain
`at odds on autonomy
`lll' .wu Imli |Fr.\
`ilJJ'TI'. Fl'llll‘e — The
`iopmgius your:-
`.nrnnrico‘nbnirdiggr or "II:
`s from rim] Serbs and ethnic
`Flinn side tcannglhat I: Will come
`up a laser. is trying Iojlrmfl ahead In
`ninlll diifrull issues belon- mine iii
`the nasalsare settled.
`”This is ncI easy. aid fronlih' il's
`riot ll ltltnl (on.
`.tiIrI we are milling
`rfis" said Chnslap'her Hill. ulna
`Ihe Ienm at Illree niedulois
`shullllllg beiween 52m and clllnk:
`Albanian delegations.
`11ie Inlks aim la rcnsll
`|| lhirc-
`year inlerim sailemell
`inr Serhus
`southern prUVinCe oi limo-n. uhrrr.
`Inhale died and
`about .‘iITIIJIII have
`n driven {rum
`their homes
`in a For nl mulling
`law fill“! lllld elliiiir
`Altruism w
`warn Indepeldcncc.
`Thc Won'ing
`Tiles litre ..ulied
`Ic the Irble by t
`Ilireal M NATO
`Iltaeiis cn Serials. which nialies on
`War Will I” lflllllfl
`Foreign Minidrn: Ilulieri Yellrine
`of Flame and Rollin (Dull oi Flriniri.
`mlmiiis ill
`the «Inference ot
`I-lih uenilary Chanel: dc
`llamboulllrl. returned here realenm'
`jusI three days :Iller Ihe openiogollrir
`in an uprurElll elrurl In move
`them :Ilnng
`They ml with niednalois Hill.
`Marilyn; E‘ulmscn of Austria aid
`"You shou
`noI Ihink iI is always
`liens Mmrski'flol'flmaia.
`:- vme. when ll! mine here." Click
`lnld retro-1m.
`the albarlialls and Serb dele-
`guiiuns memo-nod deadlocked on the
`lull day [ll
`Ialiu um u sari;
`dcmaldlo her-p thrvill's holder:
`:Ilid Albanian demonds for a
`rrlererulum on independent :-
`lnlll term-lire aid RATD
`[or the eventual Inlenrn aeIt ilnient.
`liepresenlniiiel nilhe Elmo“: Ilb-
`unlmn Amy. Ilie rebel grnliil liotlling
`Imuld Iltcept lll'li}' Independence.
`Serbia hos
`'ocled lleui'liri [m
`rdent of
`ils 2
`niiliinn people one et nlc Albanian.
`Medium worn or: Nlnnium lri
`gii.e up llieir demand [or
`dericc — :lr
`linsl during a "reel-ear
`ThI' six-notion CImlaeI anlp —
`Ihc Unlicd stem. Russia. France.
`Enluin. Gennoriy and llai)‘ . Ilralled
`Ihe inlu'inl mulcmrrlt.
`lime nu been broached
`ere yeI
`include liuw mch n aflIIElllflll will I».-
`implemented or Ihe el-entinl deploy-
`iricnl oi Nla'l‘Olrmps inIo llosovo.
`Mm generals are milling nn
`plans In “with 21W in 305m
`Ariel-ham. toenloreei
`to Knaavo. mthlditlieup lo
`rim oi film. mllliary
`mince. meaning on midann or am-
`.aa'd murder li‘lll disruuion
`:la mafliittplnvilientislaeil'lgpirlollr
`llllll llie end nr’Ihe allu: In avoid a
`iiipliuiniie also-ire with the Russians.
`ii a
`unled an imuiplmti
`rain Ill llie alnrenlen.
`ptwlc arid Iddm" Ihe
`l3 legal ldaclie In Ihlerios Aires.
`wtnle In a senior Chilean
`In June I915. *1 will inmrm
`.llllu or ill: rquB oi Ihe invesiigiiliui
`:Iswmaal have lhern in hand.‘
`Minx came at L'lle FBI inI-esn-
`Innadetailed 'mill: Wrist. The
`was lookiig lot and closed the (use.
`.Nfllmllila and whereahclus oi
`[hm iirvulligzied ore unknniim.
`'-' flillllierecoadsahorn'lhatiheFBl
`mind in Ilalsnn III-I'm Ihe PirIoclIeI
`WM!“ curl-iii
`ilie mid-mus.
`Miller lm til Clli'ieam uele
`rounded up and ldllrd.
`Floor—lien now in and in London.
`is writing It
`ruling l1_I' Ernaln‘s
`hlgnu courI cal wlIelhcr lie I'llilf be
`‘ertc'lllled an a Spanish judge's vizIr.
`'I'll'll In one clarinet. of crimes against
`lo I900.
`:lltlnr l
`“mug! commirII-d during Ins. rule
`oil-re: muons
`Elana nubmllted lo chock
`'iraq for nuclear program
`The International Alomit Enrl'm'
`Agency has ailhlriilled plans [or long-
`'Ienri mil-luring nr Iran ihal null for
`iris-motions and assume
`thll Bagldad ni'ghl
`lry again in
`'prcduee undue umpcns.
`In e term to lire Linnea Norm
`Stulrily Council lilo-em. the mirror!
`‘direncii. Mohammad eI-Bandri. said
`tin mnlllilriig would coal at Icusl SI‘J
`The iepoil toldudes once min
`'nnlls and malaria I: hm misled.
`'Iliat Iraq is denying Ihe agency ditu-
`including. for irislante. dowmcnln‘.“
`evidence that lrll] lias abnldoned ils
`nuclear weapons Mom And Ihe
`aid iI could riot Verify llial
`iluc ea: emupmela or niarereals.
`not hidden okay banned
`- Diegcmyhnslliereloremnelull-
`Ihat any Iarg-Ierin ndnihoriig
`' lilua he "mlnpiiehernine.
`«in ma rulelt. Indium."
`I'il'om celltohmsem'rest
`'Iimrs separnlist leader was
`a I
`“fill.“ ””313“ “i“"lil'é
`)inuse arm.
`transfer oI Jose Mound-w
`ria Gusinao tame the I‘la_\i aher
`WW“ talks in New York
`the lomltr h'lrlugtlesr colony.
`icll was iiirided Ily Indonesia In
`Milli nnlIelIed.
` hi1
`.‘Gunnnn rained his in: in a rebel
`Wat 53m???“ “6““
`If::-fl_|l5llla£l will be confined lo :I
`held In another jail in Jakarta
`Inn Junie: anler Millard:
`_ Gillaldloulelwinefiusinan
`"our fillsntao has sold the lllm‘ll will
`him In participle meme eerily in
`ru-goririiuiie between Indonesia
`. medln 1991 (‘nulnlnn Is serve
`_ in; a 20-year sentence For
`lrIdorIeaion [order
`in his homelan .
`. Wig guerrillas mere hat-e been
`will! for gears. and Itic Indonesian
`military has becn atwsed cl hide-
`rprnul hiurnn Willis alum.
`lullnrr ‘
`en weeks aller he
`dltnlis‘l a balloon in [he Facil'l: Dunn.
`Richard Bronson said
`yesterday ilul lie will null: another
`anempt Do be Ille lit!“ in drum-law.
`we the world in I lla‘llolln. Bronson
`alld leis halnlniala [tnlri llie Decem-
`ber enroll:
`-— Nilerlnn miflloiaire
`5m m and Swed'sl'l halloonlst
`re: lam-em — wlll alsoloiii lliJlI in
`mew 'rlnl
`the when:
`llamiaplleieliflsllm grille
`lli 5
`m M171
`Hun “III-l! an: Met
`MID-l2 rwl an an
`Yeltsin rebounds, goes to the office for a while '
`ll; ANNA ucmm'
`nonfi- Moscowlo corninue renlperat.
`pram ilie president's tl'lp hanrdl‘lll
`'iIIlI It“: “nil ritual
`aid Ihe uremic» lie lecerved' WU
`ilg ironr an Idler.
`ollirr [ole'gn leaders.
`MOSCDMI' — Boris Yeltsin might
`r..lii a ltllrviaion
`Illlo! Hon-
`Kremlin llMilt lollar [or a meeting
`to dcnionstrillc yesleiday tlnl
`lie is
`dor. Zyugnmv celled
`with Demise MIa'niei- W sewn
`slIlI ill charlie. gui
`lllll Illien‘u m ricy ieporred.
`Ill be |'lIll on fire all
`or Ilic
`llremII'n ll
`Ull'eI' Kremlin
`' Hir-
`oer lie alrnrplly
`spiri'elsn. babies. drunk pelwn rilv
`Ilnlw. Min leads Ihe Danni n Ibunra
`resumed [mi-Iii
`rill Hussein's Ilillerol
`lliot arfi
`Ihe pruidan aid
`so: Sergei
`lhlgligelrrie MMI_In M."
`DcnoI-s InsLned Ihe ailing plfii‘
`Nerds; lh'lt "Mn‘lll'll‘ was nan.
`dent was line. aid
`rnan Dinilry
`Inel' Wllll Yellsln. milling In the
`Yalnishlrln dean Jordanian ofllthla'
`Email-flu Mllrlilneliml
`J'TAiri‘l'aulm ncy.
`lhat Yeltsin had leceiilad un-
`million a lho Irr'p had been
`no ersala‘sjimflllory alumina
`dim! hr min. hul
`tail was in
`'Illadllllaslbla. Mum and ... ln-
`good heallh.
`W ml
`like lhu."
`Malli'l donors and illn'll}i
`Vilmahkln sold in a
`”Wig rLil'l‘iaa been
`medlylried lard hoaoop Iriiri from
`He will llnl so)! all}! Main Mun-i-
`gong to Jordan. bIII Ihe 86—year-old
`:lllcecmflmflfli-fl lenders I-iIIIlI-ill millio-
`aled Illsllrip.
`leluai nu:
`iii: in Irip
`abroad. I visit In Central Asia in
`Yelllns nail IlollIe ltiunliup
`maiden: has ignorrd dmsnls‘ orders
`Iertlay was only Illa Ililrd Ilib year.
`YHIsIIi'B moin opponenl. Commu-
`llreiIilin oll'lclals laid
`The prealdcrll ms willl his chill ol
`woe. m
`mil. Niiulhl
`sdaarem-ychrnca lopnlnl Mlnaa
`llll-I Velldn loinda lo M
`flamed Io ihe Burundi: nnhglum
`I decrepit old man. WCMW
` rpedlled medical aid before his inni-
`Page 00002


`Seattle Post-intelligencor
`Wodmsday. Faun-m 1 . 1999
`INSIDE: Window washing
`lined 567,200 for ignoring 33163. 32
`I Funerals in
`unitary a2
`lWeather 9.3
`Tech-savvy getting music for
`Industry frustrated
`that Internet maker
`free music simple
`ny ELl'l'll SCIi'LI'BEl‘l“
`III mimic
`he .iciui Reiitshi cover and Old
`Mitwnuha sign aside. Mdie khier-
`dovehouse cl' tacitnolcgr. the center-
`II dill Immd Willi
`piece! Ruin
`IES megs of rain and an li-gigaiti-‘le hard drive.
`"II'I ml
`Seitlerheti says. ”But hall
`oiit's music '
`sctrgtisert ajunlot ar Ihe University of
`on. has rammed his
`ter with
`Iity music l'da momma
`from the Internet usiriga companion
`o9 iitastvti as MP3.
`Tu techies-literate tam Iilie Sehterherl,
`MP3 has made the World Wide who a
`stove or tensod'tiiaiisanda at free songLTo
`record labels. lite tocitnol
`' is an
`imma'tgnn roprirate music that”: tin-geese is?“
`a mpyr'th and lhat Iltltllels rightfully shimld
`pa}‘ for.The Recording industry Association at
`Attieriix has launched an assault nrl the {lee
`Flow of copyrighted mic overihe lntentet.
`but it faces atoigh battle — particularlyim
`college amiss. where dorms ate wind to
`mummies N
`For college undermine Milt:- Scbierltctl who have lite Millilfldfi.dowllloadiol nutsle
`nl'l’llie lalemet is a breemeusiitg MP3 compression leclinoiog.
`the interns th
`l! Mmifl'flt‘ much
`or mamas. and the file: one so colts-
`lasu'rlhali I T-i. llttr.
`[mseod that a mrliird CD Will M4253 maul}.
`Al I
`like the UW. studean call
`'i'lie ",waw owl" factot'is high enough
`create a [Barbie music library In an trout.
`IIL'll marry students shtugcd'the nicetiE of
`[torn hundreds of silt-stint! oiien
`P3 files of popular — and ptoioacd —
`The UW has nourny insinuate timi-
`tttudiilte tuu'vets' ’s lnterttet capacity is used
`in dmmloud MP3 tlee. nut aska rypleii]
`Using the trim: pcpttiar soliuare. Wm-
`amp. it's simple to (tulle utstom CDs {or parties
`The Rewriting Industry
`Association of Arteries has
`launched an assault on the
`free flow of copyrighted
`music over die Internet.
`W -'.-mMn
`‘L'wrytn- who has a computer here at
`lhc UWat least itnows Ibilll it am: probably has
`downloaded a birnelt.”said Kiri: Lennstrom.
`it U'W sophomore wlio live: in one at [he
`unnerxlty'e rim massive dorms. McMahon
`Hall. "I rttean. i go! intolliis llle."
`'nuee smells ago. Letiristtortt's guitar
`leaeiter asked him Io practimii Blues Traveler
`tneonc to malre hhn outcry. Letinsiutm
`sing. ”Hulk." Rather than [my the CD or
`unto the Internet and [mind it within
`in nuts. He has shite loaded 91' song irilo his
`music like?!
`Most or the scingsare classic roeii. acute
`ate pop limes {rout the 'lln'stiull hate gran
`mmalgra value but that Letitisuotn mold
`nevet gooul and hay. wall as "13's Hear ll fix
`the my." It; Dlnlede willattts.
`“he reasott the recording 'tnditiry is
`a fit isbeeztmteit's CD-qunilty soutttl.arttl
`ic-atipsst dowrtioad it [at [ten and they oatt't_
` doartvthing about it." Lelirisltutri said. ‘ltlct III
`See RIDOIDMS Pogt' H2
`Where the
`truck drivers
`brake for
`free speech
`a; wort
`. ._.
`WE Trucks.
`men are ttten
`Ind sheepish
`drivers maybe
`wlio has hut—Jed
`of biaclttnp ttri
`Seoul-‘5 [aloe
`City Way in the
`pastyeas has rm
`Mot notiwd
`that lh'is isnilloiieliing with aditude.
`l'hete‘stlte cmlcy. necti MM
`has sgn. o! course. And mnte shitty
`lluekst 5W5 and used auto; cruuttted
`into one fenced atrial than you might
`techno possible.
`5"" ”‘3 WM! and lose
`nnelsstyic office is cymteiiing. A
`wooden cheat state Indian and a
`tan-ed cowboy sunwihp fuming
`scene imrn behind the railtrtgoli
`wide ltorii porch.
`But it's the lighted readerbce
`lhat's pmbai: grabbed your altcn- ‘
`lion. and
`Mn gotten your
`"Obstruction of what? Let's see on
`with the people‘s business!" it said on
`cut: side last week. On the
`'let's Vote and
`it met wtl
`Lot ctivrter
`iclt Blackburn as no:
`itchin' for a mm The al'lable Reagan
`limbiiuin and lorrttet generous eon-
`triiutorlo the GOP just sees his sign
`as tree speech.
`Nev-comets to lime pltl
`ma}- bu_v Scalilcas the meaty-
`rnnuthed. purse-tipped mee it‘s la-
`beled in national rnngor'tnfi.
`But tiie Noirttthst has Ion been a
`net the mat-enclui. Maybe t's
`Sound tital makes us 53 5|le
`apt to quit otf. WMB‘ETIIIL‘
`more lllere hat. aim): been plenty
`of et'liowrmtn for opinion here.
`Sat lllfi
`rticulas used-auto entre-
`preneur in is (firmly writing the satire
`ethat got sziiard Llamas in a
`peck u lniul‘ile last Thursday. lJatttas
`Um attend {or shouting Brett}- much
`the saute words from the oaicortyol
`lhc Semi: chamberas the impeach-
`merit debate dro'iied tin.
`Mote imprfisivelv. Blackburn
`flttl'eil'l‘ run much rat: at turning
`ti tact. hat Saturday. a aislomcr
`on it led drne luld Blackburn he had
`[curid the same car at a South End lot.
`But lie appreciated Hiacldiutti's sig-
`nage diutzpaii. so. it ofltred a similar
`K128]. 58H he'd buy from Wild Wei.
`Nix everybody trslrrrs in such
`"on. W Sometime

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