Illillllll IBIEEBI'II I'lllll'licfllifll'lfi II'III Il'llflll'l'lllilll'l ll] I'llil'lifllalifll'l
`September 2004
`lennnmlcs BIIII SIBIISIIBI Illlllll'lll'llfl'flfll'l
`A Nation Celine:
`Entering the
`Broadband MIG
`/ '
`._L -
`Apple Exhibit 4194
`Apple v. SightSound Technologies
`Page 00001
`Apple Exhibit 4194
`Apple v. SightSound Technologies
`Page 00001


`A Nation OHEHE:
`Soptom bot 2004
`Economics and Statistics Administration
`National TEIEI:ommunications and Information Adminiarration
`Page 00002
`Page 00002


`a “Ind?
`Kathleen E. Camper
`Under Searretary fee Eeantunie Afi’airs
`flannel-airs rte-d Smn'm'rs Admrm'nmrrrrn
`Michael D. Gallagher
`Assistant Seetetaey and administrate:
`I 5.“! .51! Hr:
`.‘rhll'l ETATFI'n-E'S
`fiufllflnl HJIIHJJH
`Mistral-surf Fea'remmarmmtrans and Infirmarfan Adminrsmm'ex
`Miter"! C'ai'me.‘ Earn-rag re.- madam Age is the sistth repnrt
`released by the LLB. Ih-partnant ed'
`:flltlllllllfl' eaarttining the use ef flflllpum‘i, the ]nternet. and ether inl'arntatirut t4.-e|t.1'releg}.r tanls by the
`Pam-Tim“ piespk. Based en the LLS. Cut-asus Bureau's Current Haptllatien Sun-er nf 5?.tll1tl
`err-straining $ Isl persuns. this repeat pttwieles harad- hand and statistically- reliable infisrmatinn an the trays
`tint inlitrntatitm teeltmlegjes in gerteral. and htuadhand nte-re speeilitsally. are teansl'arnting The may the live.
`melt. and learn.
`This war. we have rhea-n te fiteus an hmadhand testhmlagies because net-u nurse than We! helitre. high spwel
`elmmetians petunia.- tn entrante nur Martinis gruelintirity arse] emnnntie nunpetitiven'ess, impm'ae eeltatatinn.
`and impasaj health care fer all Americans. Higl'I-FFI'L‘III net‘untrlts pita-dale the gamer re.- erase gmyaghie.
`wenuntie, and etllnleal gaps. With high speed mnrwtinns. Anteritan a-uslters ran lind inlass small businesses.
`can have glelral ntarltetss rural deem-rs can etmsult with speeialistst and students tan talte classes li'HT ate taught
`hunt arms the unrntsy.
`Retailse al' the significant premise el' this teehne-Iugy. President Bush has set eat a bald visiaa fnr hmad‘rxanel
`in Artu-riea, establishing a natiahal geal fer “LtltiI-ersal, affisrml'sle ateess l'ar hmadhmj teehneslnlg}.r try the year
`Ball?!” Detailing the many benefits ml the teehnnlugy, the Resident neted that ‘|t|he spt'ead uf hmadhanel
`will net nnly help industry. it |wi|l| help the qrrals't'lfl.r nf Iifi: af aur eitirens.“’ We hen-pr that this repent and its
`streessess will clattrihtlte tn the engeing elisnnsiea strrtutrresling this impnnant goal by highlighting the
`gaming use if high speed aaress aeruss the Hathsn.
`'Sn- merlu- LI-gr Preside-m final: eel Ilarlrimwrutdnip. |".'Ipn New Mes-rim- ”Ignite-mm. Fear erirn. Mani-I Erin. illfll'L a'r'aiLll'Ih :1
`.il refl'all'rra I'I rut I’M-Milan angel I «I'M-In Iai'nlfmflé‘l’flffl #Jfi'rHrl :LE'fi - ‘5'. .il rm r'.
`" ileum-he: Inf Fred-dent Bush an Inlmeuinn. 13.5.
`|_'Ir.-|.'-..IrtI:IIeJIt nl'LImnImTee. Whhinpmn. [1.ILI..jLure.£"i_ Elli-i. 1.1.1th .11
`.iI refl'all'rra I'I rut I’M-Milan angel I «I'M-Inmmeammmrame. 3: .il mn'.
`Page 00003
`Page 00003


`A NH rim 0?? fine:
`Illlflmlll all alum
`lflumflln llmlflnrllll
`hfirhad D. Gallagher
`Agata-m: Mamm-
`fin-r Cnmmmumnm ewrfh:
`[{adflmn I]. Cmpcr
`Urm‘rr firearm-
`fin firm-21m? rifle}:
`hawk Whiz-n. In, .I‘Lsam'ialt' MmininrHLH-I
`Fil-I [l:l|il::.r Analysis and Ut'wlume-In
`ht'ifi-l Eli-1H??- Benin-r Hilitjr Advimr
`fiahfina MEI-Mum EL'cIncImIH
`limes Mdhnlmrghry. fl-n'm Emma-nun
`Gamma McKimick, F-zt-nnnnn'ir
`finch Lathe-r, Ec'ninr THE-:3: Emlyn
`Bu. lfi'ilh Fullum bL'ILiLJr I-h-lin'y hudlyn
`Sandra Ryan. FEW-Imulnnuufirnri:.~|1.I. F'nliry Emlyn
`WMflmn wW "I”!m“
`.‘Irfa-ITIH E. Fwd
`“Hi-11135 F. M: am“
`Bunn in: E1. Tania
`”ml MN“
`Tim I. .‘kfarslull
`1'3" Elwl’mfl
`REM“ Efiffl'nmim
`hm I'm-unitin-
`Kflmn {'r' ms.
`Anrln-w Err-Wham
`Lam-.1 D. Fl: nus
`LH-IL'IL'I T. Di'fl'quL'l
`”I!“ “III-
`_k-nnlr'c.-1'{I. Day
`filt'MIFi'r L. _|fll'lll5
`Hymn EL Shin
`N'HA. and EBA mmlcl liln: E-H- tlunl: Min-Edith Arm-Ell. Clyde F. Emslin. Inlm 1-1. R. KI1ELH:r.;"v.-1aum:n Lewis.
`Hall]: 5111i:h.-.1n:l hip-him Snult'rr nFHTL-L and Kritll I-Lal]. Elia'ahz'rh iEflJ Alldtrmn. fifth? 1-1.3:I-1L'r. jam:
`;"-.-1n|]-::-}'. DimirJI Earl-1mm, and David E;'u:-:h:nFE5.-1 Fm Elm} mmrihminn: m this rrp-H-Ir.
`Questiuns or cummeut: can be emailed In: Wkra'quflJrFiwfii'Hm-gmr
`Page 00004
`Page 00004


`TABLE Ill-' llllllTEHIS
`EIEC. Ll'l'l‘lr'li HUGE-NH .............................................................. l
`A NItiD-Il Unline: Entering The Elmdlmd Age ............................................2|
`Intrnducn'nn ...................................................................... :1;
`Amen Hui Lla- ................................................................... A
`Dnlinu Bulmvim' ....................................................................7'
`CLJI11JJJuI1i-Ealziul1-s ............................................................... El
`EnthmIercnt ................................................................ 1 [I
`Tmnsrrinni .................................................................. 1 III
`lnfflrmaTiml .................................................................. 1 El
`Effltr nf fwgmphy ............................................................... 1
`Jh'awm: ILIr Him-U1” ............ _ ........... _ ........... _ ........... _ ........... _ .15
`Cnnclminn ...................................................................... 15
`Ill-[trifling ....................................................................... 1?
`AppcndizTa I1: I: [nmrnur L‘su fmm My Ltmrinn by Individws Hg: island {HM-r.
`St'pttl'l'ltfli'f E-ii-II] and Elmira-r .lIJII'j and Living, in 3 Hum Indrh [um-rim Bmaadhand
`AppmdizTa bl: l Ham-111mm: Urn: fmm My Lamrinn by Individuals fig: 3 and
`Apptndil'lllilt 3r:
`l]1l|'.'fl1L'l Um h}- [I'L'n'nl uf Slain Hrpulalim. 9150-} anzl Elli-r.
`firm-11': 2003: .................................................................. Jill-.7
`Appendix Taile- aiu
`[-[nuwh-an [:nnrrnct Cunnrctl'nn Type. flctnbur lflflj ...................... A—‘J
`Page 00005
`Page 00005


`J! Fri-emu Dnfim} ul- Il I'll-u H
`s the lntL'nJet [ransasingly ailerts the east; live-s Ul—
`n/hm'rieans and the LLS. L'curttsmy. nne til' the
`l Meanwhile. the pnipurtinn ui'dzial-LL}: lmuselmlds
`Litilltx'd [rum 4%.? percent tn 34-45 percent.
`the rapid
`greatest ehanges in rerent war: has l'l-L'L'l1
`Between the
`1114: repnrt finds that breacibancl users are Innre
`likely rn use The inn-met Inn-re tirethr-nrl].r and in a
`uptake LII' humid EtlllflthJBiL'i.
`Bureau's Cusrent
`wider surierjr' :st' 1M1}'5-.
`rutflurteci irt Septemlx'r Elfltl] ancl IiiI'rttJlHJr Emil. the
`number ul' huuaelmlch with ltllL‘n1L'lfitJJ1IJLEIiiJEJE grew
`by 12.5 percent.
`']'he data res-La] that a transitinn is
`malt-repay [nan dial-Lt}:
`tu high-speed ][]lL't'|1L'l
`The use ui' high-speed internet
`I Ame-Its;
`[Internet users.
`tlmse WiTlt hmad‘rxand
`(numeric-Its at mine are mare lilt'el}.r m he daily
`[nit-titer users [ti-I54 pens-art [tun mm: with dial-
`up service [51.1 pereeltfil.
`runnectitms gn'w agraliesmtly lJL'i'l'tL'IL'rt Nut and
`l T’esmns with thazllhsrscl ar linlne :ELhIZI Law in
`Etlliliu and mtae thanu-Hiiet the Littline in dial-up usL'Is.
`mere types tsFItis'ities unline. particularly in the
`her this n'aaurt, this EL'FILIEl Ihru-ses Ian what J'LITILfiI'iL'aItE
`cut: entertainment. banking. purchasing
`are deli I15 W‘l th their hifih- speed runnectitais.
`prricluzts -e.-r services. and r.-htaining infissrrurinn.
`The dramatic uptake ul' hnsafll‘rand IL'ClZIrttJlIZIIBit'E has
`I'Ll'lecl the Natiun's siting use nftlie JrstL'niet.
`[I1 aidirinn, hrhafll'xsncl mag: is Inner in run] than
`urban areas.
`litiusel'itt-Icls with
`ht: LLS.
`l The pnipusti-a-n
`lnresrset cunnectinns
`I A luv-er Fereennsfle n'F lnternet
`linun-hnl-rls haw
`hnnelhand crsnnectinns in meal areas tflfi}
`d-a-uhlecl Frans ELL percent in September Etifl] ta
`permnr] rhan in Ltrl'fln run-as [at-I331 perrenrjl-
`I'SUJ percent in It'Jcrrsl'rr-r Etlltfi.
`l llural
`lIJLtn'hulLis Wilh dial-up ennrwrtinrts are
`[Ia-titliittis uf tire-admin litstIa-hakls
`their urban
`tl-sed tabla:
`ttuujem set's'ire t-fi-fia‘t peneltt]. By
`euursterparts tu- Iis't
`'Hnt .I'ls‘ailahk" a: the n'aairt
`Derek-s llltl'j. table tandem muselields dmpred
`therein rIJt has-e a infill-r .speLd htternet L‘Utilrl'flltilrt
`[a 5M pet-nfltt and flats PL‘TCII'I'IT at' httmhand
`tl'lt peruem tn 4.? percent, n'stn'rti'n'h'}-
`helm-betas were twinge-thee types tut'renltertiuns.
`hlllil'l .R.
`'l;'lw.'.-'III ' Illli..i\.:i:'lli- IIIII
`ll Ii.I.III.IIiI'I
`illis-II III'
`|:I'I II'
`IIIIl Ellis-l's'IPlagiliflfl006
`Page 00006


`J! Fri-am: Dm'l'nr: ul- Il I'll-u H
`I. IIIIIIII Illllllll: EHIEIIIIIE TIIE Ell Ilfllllllllll lliE
`eunnettie-n fur htuadhand access
`Innse than
`duuhled l'flt'MI‘n September Mill and IClctrshet
`With essluputers new aln1ust as eun'nuun in
`.I'luuetiran hurries as table televisiuu service.
`IIIIIJ-ln grrswitsg Ens-n1 EL“; triillinn tu 21.4 ttLilliun-
`Underlying this gruep'th is an Lemlutiuts in the way
`the lutetnet euutiuues its espasiLl in itnputtanee as
`peuple ase cunnecting tn the [ntemet.
`fits-e in the
`a tuuuuunieatiuu.
`iul'uttnatisi-n, entertainment.
`{l [-1.5] percent} LLB- htiusehtilds and rarer urns-thud
`and ttas1sattiun tens-l.
`{J'ne suse sign ul' gtuwiug
`{Elli-.5 percent;- at ltstetnet l'suusel'nslds new have a
`reliance 1H1 this medium is the diamatic [urnp in
`high-speed eunneetie-n. 'h'l'lill'.‘ the numhet at US-
`high-speed, ut htuadhand. lutetnet tunueetiuns.‘
`tususeh-ulds using dial-up senrice declined h_-.r
`The number ut- huuselmlds willing tu pa}-
`alluust 11‘: percent between IIIIIIIIL and Etltlju- {Tee
`pn'tniutn met
`the eust ul' a basic dial-up
`Dam Nuts-J
`The clam its this Ts."'[!II'IT|.' are t'tulu spacial supplements ra- rhe lCensus Bureau's manthhr Cllrfl'TIE Hspulatitm
`Survey tCPE}- 'T'he nuisT recent mt these Lug-stale sunny}: stu'FCfl-ITIPLLTL'I' and interim use {apptnsiluawly
`iTJfIIfIIiI hnusehrslds its the latest supplement] were cunrlLLcred in Eepnrmher Etllfll and Iilerrsl'net lllflfi- The
`EI'Iul clam Iipree'irsusl].r puhlished in A Nassau t'Jns'r'na. lit-heme].I Eillll} hie-e hmts adjusted in telly-er The ll'lttl'l
`Census-haste! weighrs and urtiil'itli.I Eu :3 qure sIcurate rtimparisnn with The Zuni. data.
`film, its the CPS supplimim'lts. resptitzdents were asked ahaut specific ennnecdun teel'ltsulugies rather than
`eunnectiun speeds.
`lts Etlllfl. btuaflhatsel cunnecti'r'itf H.111: calculated ta include these using digital
`suhsctiher litses [DEL], cahle mud-ms. satellites and Fused wise-less Multi-Media Disttihutiun Systems
`Rapam'ug. Reps” and tjssf'ar. CC Duel-wt Maw-3H] . 1i FCC Hcd TNT-r. THI] EEEIIJEI}-
`{firth-1135}- This quad-an was mute limited its 10m . where hrtsadhand was defined as the {urn hinariun nF
`DSL and eahle mndem- This means that the FI-tt-P‘JIL‘l-t't-H nf htiuwl'nslds with httiadhsmd is uni-tststtd in
`Ill-ill selatisre tu Ifltlj- Hunt's-er this Linli'tsuternetst is slight in that the ptnputtiuts rsF LLS. hnusehulds
`'n-ith satellite and i'elj'elDE Iseas nnl}' IH pescent in IIZIIIEI- The Feli'ial Cssmtttunicatiuns ICun‘nuissitu'l
`drfitses higher-speed [:nternet sen-ices tcuttuuunljr linen-ts as ‘httssdhand'j- as sen-ices and EIilities I.II.-itl'|
`speeds uF-mes EEIIII Ichps its at least are: diseetiuts- See J'ss Hirs- Marser dflfls‘r‘i'ull Csagam'se'au anal Swish-sad
`'l'.=|b1es- tun-ring .1 writ-II Lids-immanent hreakdnwln bi menll mltnnn-et .IIIIJ.
`"l'lL'ss re11an li'u'ilses primarily an bsaadbaucl ll.'l.=l|l_|.'.
`lsltenlel Lin-lens EL'FHL'IEIIJL'T EIIIIII
`.IJId [Ember Ell-Gil. surh Js- ilrasm. uiLI-raiiarl. ras‘tsl'etIIJIEt'i1r.ulis:]1iIJL1.-.Jtlul age. are premium in
`1he.'l.11|.' and en Llr 1nd:- :1 rrJI'rJI'r-semrt'a-r._ga:l.e thl f.'-'IT-'IT-!.I.Ir1:|.r.nh'.__fii:l.l'.
`Hall-u .R.
`'|L-L-.--m ' Illli..i\.:i:'lli- IIIII
`lI liI.III.IIlI'I
`illii-II III'
`I a
`|:I'I II'
`IIIIl F.Illsl's'IPlagillflfl007
`Page 00007


`J! ."ll-rrrrrmr C'm'lirrr.‘ ”I'- ll “-1— h
`These high-speed e-tmrwrtium an:
`l'tE'E-H-mil'LE we:
`tihsenred in the Feet in meal] Internet use. Clue
`mnre eentraJ te.- nesting and relaying infiirmatitm
`main-I difiierenre.
`in the pattern {if
`Berause uf bumdhand'i
`yam-graphic elitpeninn. hltl‘nugli the late nt'lrttemet
`|:Ie.-|:II.Jlarit_I.r> |.'l1l:ll Iepurt
`fixuses Lin the grenwth (Ill:-
`perx'rlatiun arming ruta] linun'l'fllela [54-1 pement]
`l1n|11e hIti-Ill'mfl usage and the ways in which
`is :imilar te- tlur in urban areas [fl-4.3 pereenrju. rl1e
`brtiafltxanzl users elifiier Frurrt dial-up 1.1:II'l'5- The
`fll'Flfl-Il.‘ find: that these with brtnadl'xmrl :1r l1n|11e are
`inteniiire lnterner usen-
`Permm with
`:1r htime are mere likely rltan urher
`lnternet users re: use the lnteIrzut'r Frequenrly and
`engiy: in a wider 'r'aJieq' {if nnline aetinri tier, :FIJL'l135
`enterrainment and infimnatitir: Earhering-
`pmp-ti—rtinn til lntemer users with harm.- hmadheu'id
`mnneerinns mluairmel
`I11u-rh lmwr in rural
`rl1a11 in urban aIeas.
`fillflfli IIII I5!
`The repnrt 515:: examine: the guiEIaphie differerxes
`By far the armrest grumli in huuselinlel e-tmrhertivity
`in hrruclhanel Ila-Flinn and the reamns wl1}' mrne
`in the lflJlZ
`rwu years ha: been in rl1e ure {if
`hmwieans elu- ntJt have high-sped sen-ice- The
`eliitrihutiun nF high-spud way: In”: erumrrtie
`hr-ti-axlband teehntiltigiei. Ctiliiputer U'fi'il'lfl'iltlp and
`[liternet Etinrrt'etium in the lunar eunrimrd tn
`and elemnfiraphie eategnries.
`the must pear.
`increase hernia-.11 Seprembe:
`llltl] and DetrJh-er
`Full-aw: rl'I-e fliTlE' Flatten-u: t1-F miatinn rhat have been
`lflllflu. albeit at ski-wing rate: [Figure lju-
`Figure I: Percent of Haunlwlcla filth Computer: and Internet Germanium.
`Selected Tam. INF-2W?
`Farm" at UEJ-Inm-Elhnlrla
`'bhtffllil flmwmmmfiumflm :mmmw
`l:l"l 'IlI-m'h III.l “"il.lll:-lil'\- I’IIlIII 'llla-imlll'l
`Hall-'llfi. Ili'L' Illll lllliI.IIIA:l:IIIPIagi3lfl'fl008
`Page 00008


`."I-'u'u-I'.'u1.ll fim'il'lrrfmr-II-‘II-l—h
`Tht' IJT-s I-]:-Z1I|.'.hill1 uil' LLB. l'uutiusvh-nlufls with ctmiputt'rs
`with high-spud ]l'.II:1."|T.|-u'.'T tTt [11:1thqu ct I-J1n1'ftlli1115-
`mtluttl {'11.}?- ]:-t:T-.*:u:nt
`i:n 1|][|5.al1l:l HIE Flt‘I-EIJ'IIE [Ill-
`ttLtTtt' T|1..Tn cluuhlt'cl.
`lJTEr-Wlilng fur-inn 51.] Tu 19.3."
`luius-u:]T-::-}u:ls L15L'12l thu:iT CLZII11]:ILl[-'.'IE Tun a:u:u:ss th':
`pt'tcmt Hf all LLB- l‘unusu:hui|u:ls {Figum lju. uir l1]:
`1 2
`fu-IiJ'u pcrmTt
`uiF LLS.
`ttLilliunn l'l-H-llE-I'.‘l‘.l21l-Zl5. Dial-u]: EIZ1]1D'.‘-E[il21l‘.|5
`huitls-L'hnlcls hail |nTt'tnu:t CH-l1]'l-I."E|:i-: :-:ns [54.1 pumt'nt
`-::l'.~u:]in-'.~u:l h]: 12.? FIDEL'I'LII. tir jJFs- tttil]it1n]T-::-ust'|1.ti|ds.
`lJ1 htzuusrli-H-lds with :1 perm-11.3] {(EIIHFIUWI tTt lapttip.
`during tin: pt'riuszl. Tlu'st'
`fiTCTtTts snag-st
`tl'ut a
`plus :111 aidititim]
`[L5 pvt-tum using .3
`transititm is Lutu:lu'.'tlu'I.-'au:.r as |11tt'rnu:t l'ut1usu:hui|u:ls nTmru:
`H‘L‘Pl‘fllk‘ uir
`uitl‘ut't hanTt'
`dunl'i-tt']. Htiusvh-H-Iufl ]ntuu:Tn'.'t cunmttissns IiFEI-Ltait‘cl
`cunnmtiums- As shun-MT in Tahlt' 1. th': inu:ru:-.3_s-'.' in
`tinly Eult pt‘I-Eu'l'lnlfl: pnints i:n
`ttitals was clu-u:
`TIZZI grumth in thitlu tTF thu:
`ITT-uwcn |.'l'H." T'M1 |11I22IET Tutt'nt stint-fps. IIHI11Pslr-ul'12l TtT
`an alnTussT nint- pt'tcmmtgtupuiim inttmsu: during tht'
`ttttTntl'us scpamting Thu: pruwi-suls
`mains high-spud u:-::-JTJTu~u:tit111 Tt~u:|1:n-::-]-::-git:s: DEL
`and cahlv.
`[August 1|][IIJ and Scptmnht't lIJEII ].
`FLLTL'l'l-L'T, it
`is Mirth :n-nTing tluT hmutdl'lanufl's raw Hf
`.flthhsulgh tht' gnawth tiF t]Tt' PL'EEt‘Jflflg'.‘
`-::-f unlrral]
`in tluu:
`than. such as Iu'iclm {HE-it"tlil:
`lntt'tnt't Euiltlu'ctitms
`sluts-1d. dramatic
`("u-"CELL |.'l1|'.'
`incl punts-ital
`diffusion is
`tiutpacing |.'l1'.1|.' HF nun): Psi-Fluidr
`clung-s ticcurrttl in Elk" |'L"l.3[2l'I-'u'.' clisTrih-LITitJn tTf tht'
`{tJITTFIutfls [PCsj (FiguTt' 2].
`sun-nus EHJI'JE tiF [nTt'tnt't
`SuptmTth't 1|][I1 and Utnihcr EEIIJEu. Thu: ntnnl'lu:r [Ill-
`AntTtlw signifimnt clung.- mru:r [l1.I'.' last HUI-311.115
`huitlst'l‘unlcls with JIIH‘IDL'T tssinurtinns gfl‘W'
`has. ht'u:n in Thu: s-L'lt'u:tit1n tifhttuflhmd TL'Cil'IFI1lIZ13i-L'E.
`l—[IZZIM‘ITL [l1.I'.'
`]:~'.'tu:uu:nT.Tg:t1[" humus-L'l‘unlzls
`[I1ZlTlL1ll}'.-Ei.1h]ll." |11L2I2l|."|115 M‘fl" [l1.I'.' hustling l'ITtTazlhmd
`Tabl: 1: Hum:- Inurtttt Cunnmiun-s bfTIfld'll'l-UIDE": Hill and 1W3
`[Millions fl'FHfllI-fll'lU-Id-lll
`Hunt-at ttl' I-Iutuahulda Him Internet
`'WH-kfl nfi-Mflfldm hut—Jim
`l‘hllll I
`l-ulu..- III
`IIIII..-:I 'II"-
`I o
`l us I-
`in- III-l “.IllT-l s'PIagfllflfl0-09
`Page 00009


`J! ."'I-rrr|'.' Sufi-fir: ”I'- ll “-1— h
`Fig“: 1: Household Diffusiu-n ufP-upular Tcdmu-Ingifi
`in thl: US. .I'Ilftar Reaching FII'FI: Pflmm Thruhnld
`—— PG I,"'|"‘I=1E|'Bdl]
`—-— Gala: W W1 .1 Eli-51
`—.-.— 1I.I'I:Z:l=l ['I' 1:193:11]:
`Il'lfll'l'lfl‘t ['1'1 .1 Bra-I]
`+ Bmadhand {‘I’ 1:331:11]
`I". DIE-El. 1w Twig mm.
`Flame 3-: Preferences in Bmdblnfl Technnlngifl, lflfll" and 2003
`{Pam afflmd'binfl Huuaahnltlal
`0.5m. \ jmmsn. 1.1m
`l.l'l"I:|l|II.'r" nun-gun.-1I'-r]II1-.'rII-.'I:.IIIL-sculq'riuec. uhirll w-zlulul. I'nl'n' iII-.'|u.|-.~:| win-.- l'Ircla-Jl'lmul.
`' J'II-.' Ell-ill Eil'h :Iqlph-Ilrnl irI:'|II.-.|:~.|
`.Im'n huh .I: eqlldliu' .‘uld NHL??? mix-ad in With |"'1|'l-I'l' Imn-.|i.II-I.I|'-. II'-'rI-' I‘ill'I-CI'II-1LIIII Idh'lllll'lkliljn'i MII'II u ler'uzlnll digital .Issinlllt:
`[I’ll-5.5;: :In-J Irr:I|.'-i|-.' n-h-pllmlm lluunn' iI: ilirIH:JH'mIII-J1I.'-i-.1:'III:iI::I-'I:Iwluxldlfimul I-.'1'|IrII*I-.'I|.'j-.-.':III IIIiL-.'.II41.I_I.'-r_I-'. :JI L'II'III-J "-.'II|I-.'ra
`LillI.'|.'.,|"'r_|-' an: -.':-:r|||.-.|:~.| 1I.'-r III-.' Ill-ill Immune:
`I .I I I-III -\.'
`III.| ""'l.|ll'\-II.'\- .‘I-IIII
`IIi'~-:I'.IllI I
`o Hali- II.- 1”». 'IIIIII . Ili. Jl'rlll'h III-l
`lll|:- III.- :i 'IIPagelflfloilo
`Page 00010


`J! ."ll-rrrtrmr C'm'iI-rrr.‘ ”I'- ll “-1— h
`Figure 4: Indifiduatl Internet Us: ls}- anv: at" Hut-mt: Internet Can't-wan. 2W3 [Agar 3 and finer}
`Elfin! U3. Fupuh'flnn Umtha ll'flll'l'lfl FI'nrn Any Lmfinn
`e: |'11r_1rnr_1t at
`l-c-na: Hit-‘3
`rlf l'flrlrrlrllt
`Dittl LID Inlrlrnrlt at
`H-:IrnE-: E-'
`.EI‘.-i: -:-f
`l"'.|:|rn|:|l Harare.
`I h
`teehmiltlgy uaetl
`[U the Internet.
`that 14.2 [,I'rrent :2-1' ln1ernet men—tn Dir-i Pn'rt'ent
`Etn11}1'ting nehncs-lu-yjes. [[ttll-l nutdhly Ll'JL.
`Hellllflil aiynL'I—Lram areepmnetz EHM'L-II Elm]
`cs-l'1ln- LLb. FtIlF'llil-‘cilltZIIL—ll-K'}; h:In:Ie l||1I'.'l'||I'.'|. dices:
`and use the lII1erIIL-t eln'WIH-r-e.
`2'53”},t]1t*r1u|11lh;'rtJI'L'?|ErL Int-r5 lit-ally tIiplLLl. This
`gain lus ertnletl tln- suhstdntial JndJltL-t slur.- lead
`that Edl'llL' Inuit-Ins enitlytej in Ell-1H. Ul' tlte [H.l
`per-L'ent til—LL'J. lnterIIL-t lynnehulds that had lngl ter-
`speed Internet r.'at1iil1t'lit:.r :in Elm] .14an: 55'. tth-thinls
`Liner] rahle [[ltJ'LllL'IIIILS.
`.-"n shun-n in Figure 5, [JEL'E
`SlZHJI'.‘ has gran-.11 tJ'f'L'F tirrte. al1htnlyh edhle nil]
`Prequel tey till—mi: and the ||.L||:|:|.l.'".'r and type tlt'tlnline
`retdjrn. .-i higher rrtdrlt-H than-e.
`az'tivities in w’rait'h yetiple engain- vary nila-stcuttidlly
`'l'hen- thud l11L'dl-ll1'l'.‘ the pn'n'rx't- :I-I'etzlnlputen. and
`t'cs-nnet'tiurn :in
`the htnne rd1her
`by whetlm they lune l11tL'n1-t‘lL-K'EIL'55L-1l.
`the type tJI'htnnL- lntentet rtnIm-etiu-n. Fur -'."Zl.':i|11[.-‘ll'.'.
`ahntlst Haw-third tjt .‘J' ].'-'."]'I'.'L'll1] cs-I' .I'lnmienns dices:
`the individuals
`in 1ln- htnne w’tII
`the Internet t2I|l.:l.I'_‘li:1ll}' lush. Ninety per-Lent tJI'1ln-5L-
`.-I-:.'1I.u-1lly use the lII1erIIL-t. Nut e'neryurx' in a [mute
`with ln1ernet deter-.5 use:
`the lrJtL-rn-e1.
`EnqLIL-In risen lune lnteIrJet area-s in their htIJnes.
`J'n shun-t: lll 'ILIh-IL- 2. |.1L1.2||.|lL' withtJLLt lnterIIL-t green.
`linrtlrrlntne, [.-‘Il"!!-}"l.t.' witlm-nt 11-15-111l‘llll-l‘1't1'! meet-.5
`at htnne d.|.'t.' ntlt tntly IInIrlI lesa likely tt: he lnt-errn't
`may we 1llL' lntentet at cututheI ltJ-t'atitln. snrh as
`un-rs [n Sil'tl'l'd]. they are dht] rrttlrlt less likely ta:- he
`S-L'lFE'till, WZI-Ilt'. tn .-i puhlir library. Figure ti
`E'IthIL-In men.
`hnll- I
`l-tlw..- III
`IIIII..-:I 'II"-
`II'1 I-
`in- III-l “.III‘I M'Plageiflflo-lll
`Page 00011


`.I'Irl'l'l'u'd'lJl flwfi'lrn'EHl-II'II-l—h
`Tht' gratitur 11L1I11h1'1 t1f tmlint' attit'itit't in which
`[I1Tt'tltt't utt'ts tam pt'ttt'ntfl Than thus-v with dial-LIP
`individuals 0%", the high-I tht'
`liltclilttmd the]:
`at htJmt' {5] .2 IJE'I'EIL'DE].
`will I'm-c hl‘liitl-Iflhdlld .JE l‘flm-L'- Et't'n tltttngh th':
`tJF um" 'l-‘flJ'iflh-Il:
`tn [I1Tt'tltt't
`Fmplt' with hnnflhmd in thr htJttu': film many: t-::- a
`individuals. with
`gttutt't thgttw [It {L'FLaiIH tmlim‘ activities- Figun‘ 1':-
`hmxlhttnd [It TI1L" 111m".- :JJ-L' mun:- liltcly t-::- ht' daily
`III'H.‘ Peta-mt
`tJF I11|.'I'.'F|1L"l: Ltt-rIs. Engaging in
`Tnhle l quuenqr nt' Penn-rut“ IntemIa-t 11:: In].- Ham: Internet {Ln-numb" Tnimlnfl. EDIE
`{Femuge m" Um]
`U555 thn
`Internet It
`Use: the
`leant uncle Et
`Intarnat 31
`l-Italt ante wnelt but nut
`E-uer'y day
`U325 flu:
`lrtlnrnat at
`least an: a
`month but
`nut awry
`Uses the
`Inlarnat IEB-l
`than uncut: I
`Ht: Internet Amen; at I-Inma
`Dial-up Intfimat humans at
`Bmatlnand Irrtamat Am
`at Human
`Figure 5: DnJim: fictiviticl. 2301 and 20413- [Ptmtnt uFlntctnct Us“: 15- and DWI)
`Bust whmumh
`F'hly'qu Etru-
`FLI'IH'EBB FraultflnanI-m'lm
`TIMI! Emma [hits
`Tradnfltu-tha. Batman. urlltmnl Funda
`Elam-m in- Prntltm DIS-H1” HMI'I‘I'IEEI'I
`Crath,Waa.fl1Hurflu-tlna In1mnaII-nl1
`Sum-u fur Irlumfim an Hummnr Fri-mica:
`Pmtathtamat than: [Ag-515 mum
`I .I I I-III -\.'
`III.| ""'l.|ll'\-II.'\- .‘I-IIII
`III'~-:I'.IllI I
`Hali- II.- 1”». 'IIIIII . Ili. Jl'rlllt- III-l
`lll|:- III.- :i IIIPIagfll'fl'flo-Ilz
`Page 00012


`J! ."'I-rrr|'.' C'm'il'rrr.‘ ”I'- ll “-1— h
`Figure IE: flnlin: Anni-rifle: hf'l‘yp: nFH-nm: Intern-fl ("menial-I. 2M3
`{I‘m-cm: 11F Inmrnfl Lian-3 15 and fiver]-
`———— rt:
`Birch 1m Prnduzt nr Bum-nu I'm-hm
`Mh'lnh'rflaimm ”3%me
`mum-mmnm-n unlim-mi'n'lmw in prmml Elm-1
`Tim;- dtnviriL-s
`and {mum-r EIIIJE.
`mmmunwaunm. L-nrq-rmimmnr. ndnmunm. and
`{'3 WEI lfii‘fii
`infinl man: In. Figulu fi din-w: mwinn by perm-m I :r'
`IntL-Im-r mm in each HF [11le hunk- mum-{nun
`[Hm-s {nu IntL-Im-r 3r trunks. hnmu dual up Aims.
`and ham-:- hllxadlmnd arm).
`.I'u dlx'um'd hull IW.
`individuals My:
`gun unllm-
`fur L-Im-rmimm-nt.
`hawking. pun-:hmmg pun-diners u: mam-a.
`nhminlng Lnr'nflnarinn. are: mun.-
`rn haw.-
`E-m-au rum-31m [hu um pn-wla-nr unlinu :JaILEL'u'IITfr'.
`with HT-‘J-I pawn-n: nr' iflfl‘lm‘i mm wmjmg and
`ML-Ivingn- mailnl nun-1n: damaging." m. :huwn Ln
`Figun' S.
`rhu iH‘TwL'L'I'IEflgL' ni' Inn-Im-r mm wh: n.-
`[1131i H‘l'l'lfiil'fl't'i wirmaliy Limimng-d lu-ra-u-n Lil-fill]
`and E-fillfi. mirinndlly. Figure.- 6 mum-s mar rhmu
`with dial- up mid hn ddhcmd m vim.- dr ham. 3,:- “'1'“
`3:. [h nu.- with: m: ind-mm xcL-n at hnmu. 3m.- Lia-mg
`Eli-1* Interim-r in: u mail a: sulumnua] luwla.
`hn mmm a: harm- rlmn (hum.- Mtii dial-up wrvlc—v.
`aum-y did nu: mi: ahcaur Unite.-
`PIN-[mini {1'5 2.] [1’]. 3n {‘I'I'H‘Tfll'lg applicant-n. dirimlngi
`ELIELIIL' sum-fr: Will-:1” 5”.
`J'iI-.' burn-3' ulki
`III.'|I dislil'lpllifiil iE'I'l'l-TI'II 1"rllilil :uI-J Ilmmn Irhmpinp.
`i‘hllll I
`l-uL.‘ III
`IIIII..-:I 'II"-
`i .I1 I-
`III-l “.III‘I vP-agei0fl0113
`Page 00013


`J! Psi-mm: Club's-Hr: ul- Il I'll-u H
`The use nF rhe [nterner lius entertainmenr
`Infill-Emit} perind-
`IUnline banlting grew.r b}' MIA
`bf Americans engaging in e-e-nnirneree has grnwn
`substantially—3.0 peseentage pnints—nver
`substantiale rn-n-re
`|ilte|_I.r alnnng rhnse with
`.I'-'l.5 slits-Mi in Figure Its, the prupnrtinn nF
`lnternet users with burne dial-up cnnnecrinns wists
`listen tn the eaclin nr vinsr W nr nits-vies nn the
`lnten'iet is alm-n-st nlinhalf nF thuse with hn‘nflband
`en-nneetivity £115 pement versus fulfil-2| percent.
`In fact. dial-up users an: must- like
`tbnse witl'InLLt the [ntesner at burne in tesrns nf the
`extent nF their use {if the lnterrset fnr entertainment.
`percentage ]:-r_1:ints.
`Innre than an]: ntbz'r activity
`cnnsi-ai'red. El-ntb e—rurnrnerre and nnlzine banking
`an: alsn areas where subseantia] difinenres estisr
`bnnxlbanel usess.
`nF hnn'le dial-up and
`A large n'njtsrin' at Internet usess gn- nnline fisr
`inFusmarits-n. They mnst nFten search Es: pnseluer nr
`serviee inl'nrniatinn. Frequently as a precursn-r tn
`tsnline nr cnnventinnal eummeree. [ngn'mmh usage
`Twu tsf the activities with the greatest grnwrh
`rares Fn-I dial-up- and br-nadband users are similar in
`between llltl] and EEIIJ-li were nnlirse purchases nt-
`rhis area.
`A. significant pnrtinn uF l'iume dial-up
`gin-nets and services Ee-enrnn'leI-eej- and nnline
`[nternet users Hill“ percent} and nearly a niajnrity
`basil-ting. As Figun: fsdernunsteates. rl'le prupnrtiun
`tsf hrnaclband [nternet users [419 Pereenrjl use rhe
`Figure 7": fictifiry Intensity.r h}- Tflnr. nf Home Internet Cunnuniun, 2W3
`PM 131' ll'llfl‘f'l'fl‘l Uflfli
`Human ems.
`Btu-Up Sun-Ila: in l-ksl'n-u,
`12 -
`Number nf Anfisrtllaa
`l:l"l IIIII-«.‘I- Ill.l "chills-Ills- I’IIlIII'lIls-il'nlll'l
`@ H.Ill"ll.:\.
`'li.'l\.' Illll lllliI.IIIA:l:IIIPIagi3lfl'fl0I|14
`Page 00014


`."'I-rrr|'.' C'm'il'rrr.‘ ”I'- ll “-1— h
`research services and reIJtecI
`tine HF the 12 activities c-ssltsiclerecl- The
`issues- News, Milfik‘n and spurts is the mill}-
`pmp-ssrritilt tiF [Ittesltec users with ]I1tesnec in the
`iitfiirsnatitin eitt'gtsjr when: .3 dirflmtce Eli-[JET 1|]
`httttle that erg-.1? in tiltl}: sine .sctit'icy is much
`percent-.131: psiiltts exists hecwwn dial-up :1I1cl
`sittaller—Hj percent of thttse with httiiie dial-up
`users: Mfr
`and “.2 percent.
`service and 41.1":- pescent tif'thtise with hrttadhmd.
`n‘spectisrely. The number ttF iitfiirsnatitin seamhes
`che ttcher end cf the ciistrih-utitilt, 12.1 percent Hf
`ssh-nut gmrerntnent services tir syncies aistt grew
`[Ittetltet users with hrttadhttnzl :1T httiiie Unfilfl.‘ in
`hetween NIH and ND}. with
`eight HI Itttire activities. The ctttttpamhle figures .1re
`diffireltces existing in this e-gtisenttnenc .rcit'it]:
`I'm-melt thtt se with hfihflhfl'ld[I1DL'EIIL'ITI1EI1IZZII11L'JJ1IZI
`JELIFI percmtt fiir ch-::-se with dial-up at hunts: and EL:
`percmtt Httt usess withtiut Internet at httttle-
`thtise I.s-it'hH-uc.
`Internet users with hrmcihaltcl at htiltte ate tttttte
`|i|.te|}r thut thttse with dial-up sss Itti httine Internet
`tti engag‘
`in each Hi
`the specific
`activities discussed .shss-t'e.
`the}: are
`'Hte pmpttttitilt thm-nm users [It the ptipulatitilt
`Itttire liI-tel_I.r
`ct:- “15.13:
`in the higl'est
`Itulttl'nes tiF
`grewin net}- sure heme” lIJIII] iJJ'ICI. lIJIIIE. tdtluiugh
`(JIIIiJ'H‘LEEE'r'iTiL'i. As shtiwlt in Figure 7’. 15-0 clement
`che lei-eh. anci rates-Hf chang' lust: 11HT been lIEIiIFIIZIFJJZI-
`tit—Internet users with Itti httesnet at h-::-I11eeltgage iit
`As shtism in Figure is, the :Itunth-ertir'states Its-here less
`Figure B: Distributiun of Internet U-sIeA-cm II“: Staten. 2M] and HIDE
`[Internet Use by State anuhsticsn, Ages 3 and fls'erlfi
`Bummer m1
`III Lammmsmt m
`III Linda: was
`ltmsmm {25F
`lam-sum {13;
`|!-.'-.'.:.II:II EIIJZI'S nirl |I:uI-'-.'1-'-.'r:.- tliili'n'nt Ll'lllfid-I'I'll'd' inlcr'rals. emu-:5 nx'nl wiellcul ItI nun-gee]: Elm-II. |"'|'l 'I'I-‘IIIIIIIIIr Ihc II|'-|'-.'r t'tlrlliulclw
`iI'n'lIL-J-ues lllI.‘ l'Ircul: ]||.'Iill1.
`|"I'-r I'Iill1l|'lh'.:IHFI1L"I'|-11i'l.l]||.'lill1 ntirImn-tlt' 5'1.“ ]I|'r-.-.-II1 |-'-'I:|lJH l'-.'
`iII-.|I.n|.-.'||. ill the fill ]I:-r-.-.'II1 II.'|
`TI'I'J |'-.'l'|'-I'I'll rung: I'I'h'ullfl' 1i'l-I's'l.'|ll‘iil.ll'lll.'l' rang-.- cIl'III-J -.-5IiIrI:I1-.' Is 5-1.3 [sun's-III: 1I.'- MJII Fl-I'I'L'I'llt.
`‘43- ."L]I|'urn|.is:. IaH-J i 1H1: lllI.‘
`iII-.|I'I-1-:|I.I.:.| 5111-.- :In-:| IIII' I'Hstricl I.'-‘|
`i‘t-JIII I
`l'hL-l III
`IIIII..-:I 'II"-
`I .Is I-
`in III-l “.Illt-l s'PIagfll'fl'flo-lls
`Page 00015


`J! ."ll-rrrrrosr film's-rte: ”I'- ll “-1— h
`than [11] F nl'Th-e population uses the Internet declined
`l'r-snn lieu:
`tn nne. while The nLnnheI nF status. wlme
`tnrerTIJ percent of the psspuhcissn uses the lntestm
`gsew Ftnttt one tn s:i1.
`|.'l1.|'.' West and Northeast
`than in The Santnh
`ancl .‘Ir'lidnest.
`As shown in Tahle 5, l'ntmcllwtcl cunt-raisins at home
`an: less prevalent in rural .Jtlnesica [243’ percent] than
`l:I1 general. home hrtxacll'lancl ndnpti—nn sates ear}- in
`in url'nut ar-eas [filllfi percent], particularly in central
`Internet oclnpti-n-n rates.
`cities [4|].EJ ]:etct'nt].' The Ell-3'5: CPS- supplement
`although there are Stun-e important gisgeaphic
`in :rura] are-as. subscril'lessihip l'i:1|.' hnth
`.le shown in Figure 5]. sates nFclial-Ltp
`cahle ttttxlelns [14-5 per-cent? and D5]. [Ell percent]
`usage are rtmghl}:
`same actnss. gen-graphic
`is kisser Than national nwrays [Ellis pemenr sill-Til 3.2
`regions. Htmes-et. broadband rates are higher :in
`percent. respectively-J." While l'nrmdlwtcl. usage has
`Figure '9: Type ofHotne Internet Connection by Region. 20D}
`Pore-arts ol' LLE. l-Illfiohollds
`I Dial-q: Gentile-dim I Elma-doom! Eonnoulon
`Mm: mmmmmwmnmmamm.
`l..|":|"]||'n'l.1llfi|‘n.'r s-ltlan' rIu h' "III. :-
`' J'he 'IIrltsIII"-.'.II1-i.l,l.1r_r iru'lIuJ-n1l1zlw an'asn'hseifinl .Is l'Ia11IIiJ, l. l1~1l|1l11iclu {lm'l'flllj'lill-il lnlsl
`1I.'-1:Il ]H"Elll.l.I|:l|.'\Ill cIl'a1 L'slsl Hui-3H5. as will as rilins. L'illitpn. l'flrflllfl'l: {Isn't-1n irI .-".l:tsl:a and Hum 't'nclel Ion-Ins |_-.'s-t-. er: III the sis-t
`l':lli_d.ll'I-Cl nuns. ."‘--.'w 1I'clrls. .Intl "J‘fisfllrt'sinl. :Iu-.l Lulu-r :L'signltetl “luau-s arenas lI.I-'in_t: iiflll tIr rue-n: rent-In.
`."l. "._ elltrll I'll:l'-' its lllI'
`lug-en ~11? TI-‘illllrl .I "ll'n'lriill'ifllltall" l.l.'|'l. Iatle'li III-«.l
`lil'n.‘ {Ia-rules Hlm'au.
`.I'kluliIiITIal riliues u'iIJuu1l'IeIrkI1rI~p:IlI1:In an'a nlrl :IlsI'- l'u'

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