Filed on behalf of:
`Patent Owner SightSound Technologies, LLC
`By: David R. Marsh, Ph.D.
`Kristan L. Lansbery, Ph.D.
`555 12th Street, N.W.
`Washington, DC 20004
`Tel: (202) 942-5068
`Fax: (202) 942-5999
`Patent Owner.
`Case CBM2013-00020
`Patent 5,191,573

`Patent Trial and Appeal Board
`U.S. Patent & Trademark Office
`P.O. Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1450
`I. Statement of the Precise Relief Requested
`Pursuant to 37 C.F.R. § 42.22(a)(1) and for the reasons set forth below,
`Patent Owner SightSound Technologies, LLC (“Patent Owner”) respectfully
`requests that the Board: (1) expunge Exhibits 2110, 2117, 2125, 2147, and 2153
`from the record; and (2) file in their place corrected Exhibits 2110, 2117, 2125,
`2147, and 2153.
`II. Statement of Material Facts
`Patent Owner filed its Response to the Petition and related Exhibits on
`January 3, 2014.
`On March 4, 2014, Patent Owner noticed that Exhibits 2110, 2117,
`2125, 2147, and 2153, as filed with the Response to the Petition, contained small
`portions of illegible and omitted text.
`On March 5, 2014, Patent Owner alerted Counsel for Petitioner Apple
`Inc. (“Counsel for Petitioner”) that some Exhibits may contain illegible and
`omitted text. Subsequently, Counsel for Petitioner agreed not to oppose the
`present Motion.

`On March 14, 2014, Patent Owner emailed the Board requesting
`authorization to file this Unopposed Motion to Expunge and File Corrected
`On March 14, 2014, the Board authorized such a filing in an email to
`myself, David R. Marsh, lead counsel for Patent Owner.
`Patent Owner submits herewith, as attachments to the present Motion,
`corrected versions of Exhibits 2110, 2117, 2125, 2147, and 2153, which may be
`filed into the record should the Board grant the present Motion.
`III. Statement of the Reasons for the Relief Requested
`Patent Owner files the present Motion in accordance with the Board’s
`authorization on March 14, 2014. The corrected Exhibits serve to clarify and
`complete the record before the Board and do not introduce new material into the
`proceeding. For the foregoing reasons, Patent Owner respectfully requests that the
`Board: (1) expunge Exhibits 2110, 2117, 2125, 2147, and 2153 from the record;
`and (2) file in their place corrected Exhibits 2110, 2117, 2125, 2147, and 2153.
`Dated: March 19, 2014
`Respectfully submitted,
` By:
`/David R. Marsh/
`David R. Marsh, Ph.D.
`Kristan L. Lansbery, Ph.D.
`555 12th Street, N.W.

`Washington, DC 20004
`Tel: (202) 942-5068
`Fax: (202) 942-5999
`Attorneys for Patent Owner
`SightSound Technologies, LLC

`The undersigned certifies that a copy of the UNOPPOSED MOTION TO
`corrected Exhibits 2110, 2117, 2125, 2147, and 2153, was served on March 19,
`2014 to the following Counsel for Petitioner via e-mail, pursuant to the parties’
`agreement concerning service:
`J. Steven Baughman, Lead Counsel
`Ching-Lee Fukuda
`Prudential Tower
`800 Boylston Street
`Boston, Massachusetts 02199-3600
`Attorneys for Petitioner Apple Inc.
`/David R. Marsh/
`David R. Marsh (Atty. Reg. No. 41,408)
`555 12th Street, N.W.
`Washington, D.C. 20004
`Tel: (202) 942-5068
`Fax: (202) 942-5999


`PAGE 000001

`I, Scott Sander, hereby declare as follows:
`I am a member of the managing board of SightSound Technologies,
`LLC (“SightSound”).
`I provide this Declaration in support of SightSound’s
`Responses to Apple Inc.’s Petitions for Covered Business Method Patent Review of
`United States Patent Nos. 5,919,573 (“the ‘S73 Patent”) and 5,966,440 (“the ‘440
`Patent”) (collectively “the Patents”).
`I am over the age of eighteen, have personal
`knowledge of the facts set forth below unless otherwise stated, and if called to
`testify as a witness in this matter, I could and would testify competently thereto.
`In 1995, together with Arthur Hair (the inventor of the Patents) I
`founded Parsec Sight/Sound, Inc. and Digital Sight/Sound,
`Inc., SightSound’s
`predecessors in interest, to commercialize Mr. Hair’s invention. Mr. Hair assigned
`all of his ownership rights in the ‘S73 Patent, and every subsequent patent to issue
`from that same disclosure, to SightSound. Shortly after obtaining the ‘S73 Patent,
`Mr. Hair wrote to John Sculley, the then-Chairman of the Board and CEO of Apple,
`informing him of the ‘S73 Patent, which Mr. Hair stated would “revolutionize the
`video rental industry and prerecorded music industry, among others, and will serve
`as a catalyst to propel the multimedia industry into the 21‘'‘ century.” Attached as
`PAGE 000002
`PAGE 000002

`In the late 1990s and early 2000s, SightSound developed an online
`commercial system for the sale of digital music and video files which was found at
`In 1995, SightSound became the first company to offer digital
`downloads of music through electronic sale over the Internet, when it offered the
`album (as well as individual songs) from the band The Gathering Field’s debut
`album “The Gathering Field.” Attached as exhibit 21 12 is a true and correct copy
`of a screen shot from the website in 1995 offering the Gathering
`Field album for sale for $6.00, as well as offering individual songs from the album
`for sale for $1.00. Page numbers and an exhibit label have been added to this
`document but no other alterations have been made. offered free 30
`second previews of the music being offered for sale. Id. (“Free Sample: 5.4 MB:
`30 second clip”). also showed the cover art for music being
`offered for sale and provided reviews and press coverage regarding the album as
`shown in exhibit 2112.
`Shortly after SightSound began offering The Gathering Field’s album
`for sale, SightSound temporarily ceased selling music on its website due to
`PAGE 000003
`PAGE 000003

`I believe the music labels were not ready to adopt such a radical change in
`the mid to late 1990s, as the new model would have required them to migrate away
`from production of physical media (such as CD5) and transition to digital formats,
`as well as sell individual songs instead of entire albums which I understood they
`believed would be less profitable.
`I also understood that the music labels were
`reluctant to embrace the new model as they were concerned about unauthorized
`copying of their content. For these reasons, I understood that content holders were
`reluctant to license their content to SightSound for sale over the Internet.
` initially offered individual songs for sale for $1.00.
`1998, however, Sightsound began offering songs
`for $0.99.
` website presented a menu of music to select for purchase by
`showing the cover art of particular albums in a table format. Attached as exhibit
`2113 hereto is a true and correct copy of a screen shot from from
`1998-1999 reflecting music for sale at Page numbers and an
`exhibit label have been added to this document but no other alterations have been
`In l999, SightSound offered the first sale of a movie over the Internet
`(Darren Aronofsl<y’s movie “Pi”).
`PAGE 000004
`PAGE 000004

`website can still be found at http://www.sightsound.co1m'.
`Some specific press
`articles and television coverage about Mr. Hair’s invention and are
`under the drop down menu “In the News.” As just a few examples of the press
`coverage SightSound received, attached as exhibit 2114 is a true and correct copy
`of a November 1998 article from the Pittsburgh Business Times entitled “Intemet
`Firm Pioneers Downloadable Music Sales.’
`Page numbers and an exhibit label
`have been added to this document, and text has been organized to fit on an 8 1/2” x
`11” page, but no other alterations have been made. Further, the September 6, 1999
`issue of Time magazine featured in an article entitled “Movies Hit
`the Net.” Attached as exhibit 2115 is a true and correct copy of the September 1999
`article. Page numbers and an exhibit label have been added to this document but no
`other alterations have been made. Further, in January 2000, Yahoo Internet Life
`magazine featured as the lead story in its article on the 100 best
`sites for 2000. Attached as exhibit 2116 is a true and correct copy of the January
`2000 Yahoo Internet Life magazine article. Page numbers and an exhibit label have
`been added to this document but no other alterations have been made.
`PAGE 000005
`PAGE 000005

`over the Internet.
`I informed Mr. Jobs that “we believe that the download sale of
`movies and music will become the consumers’ method of choice,” and further, that
`the Mac OS (operating system) required specific functionality to support the
`download sales of music and movies.
`I also suggested that there could be an
`opportunity for Apple to participate in the “manufacture of an open platform audio
`player.” I further attached a graphical schematic detailing how the
`servers stored content, permitted the downloaded content to be received by the
`consumer, and could be used on a handheld device that SightSound suggested that
`Apple develop. Attached as exhibit 21 17 is a true and correct copy of my January
`15, 1999 letter to Mr. Jobs with the attached schematic. Page numbers and an
`exhibit label have been added to this document but no other alterations have been
`On or around February 3, 1999, SightSound was contacted by Apple
`with a proposal to discuss the potential business described in my January 15, 1999
`letter. The letter from Apple requested that a meeting take place on a non-
`confidential and non-obligation basis and asked SightSound to confirm that
`understanding. With full confidence in the protection afforded SightSound by
`PAGE 000006
`PAGE 000006

`of Apple to me. Page numbers and an exhibit label have been added to this
`document but no other alterations have been made.
`On or around February 26, 1999, Mr. Hair and I met with Mark
`Gavini and Tom Weyer from Apple in Los Angeles.
`I understood that Mr. Weyer
`was an Apple engineer and that Mr. Gavini was Partnership Manager of Worldwide
`Developer Relations. During that meeting, Mr. Hair and I explained our patents,
`expressed our belief in the superiority of our download purchase model versus
`streaming subscription services, and made several requests of Apple, notably that
`they manufacture a hand held portable player, and re—architect their operating
`system. We discussed in more detail the written schematic previously provided to
`Steve Jobs. We requested enhancements to Apple’s operating system to bolster
`digital rights management (DRM) capabilities—specif1cally encryption—to permit
`the sale of digital audio and video for download on Mac computers. After a lengthy
`I recall Messrs. Gavini and Weyer concluding that it would take an
`entire re-write of the Mac operating system to adequately support the level of
`encryption that would be needed to satisfy the media and entertainment industry.
`PAGE 000007
`PAGE 000007

`a movie into a handheld pocket personal computer; the movie “Quantum Project”
`was sold into the iPAQ, which was sold by Compaq Computer Corporation.
`Attached as exhibit 2119 is a true and correct copy of a screen shot from
`from 2001
`reflecting the Quantum Project
` Page numbers and an exhibit label have been added to this
`document but no other alterations have been made.
`SightSound continued to promote and the patented
`invention in the early 2000s. However, we were unable to successfully convince
`the major record labels that music and video distribution via a digital online
`download format was the future of the music industry and obtain licenses to sell
`their content.
`I believe that the record labels were resistant for the reasons
`mentioned above, and were slow to understand the market potential for online
`digital music and video sales. Without sufficient licenses for content to sell through
`it was difficult
`to generate significant revenue from digital
`download sales.
`In 2002, paradoxically, our Patents, the very things that enabled us to
`raise the capital to launch the download industry, now were draining us of cash,
`PAGE 000008
`PAGE 000008

`unwilling for the reasons outlined above, but also because SightSound.c0m sold
`only to users of Microsoft’s’ operating system, which the record labels feared as a
`monopoly with its 96% market share, was of further concern to the record labels. In
`contrast, Apple's 4% share made it a far less threatening partner to the record
`labels, or so they thought, so they were willing to grant Apple licenses to their
`content. Time magazine confirmed my understanding on this point, stating that the
`record labels gave Apple a “sweet deal” because “Apple with its miniscule share of
`the computer market was never going to be a real distribution threat.” Attached as
`exhibit 2120 is a true and correct copy of the November 17, 2003 Time magazine
`article “Invention of the Year.” Page numbers and an exhibit label have been added
`to this document but no other alterations have been made.
`In 2002, SightSound ceased its own commercial operations, as
` was unable to generate sufficient revenue to fimd SightSound’s
`expenses, including the costs associated with defending the Patents.
`PAGE 000009
`PAGE 000009

`I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.
`Sworn this fl1" day of December, 2013 at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
`Scott Sander
`Scott Sander
`PAGE 000010
`PAGE 000010


`PAGE 000001

`Download Enabled Internet Radio
`Dwmload Enabled Internet Videos
`Mlcrosoft OS
`Network Interface Card
`i'5*iurl;l (.L’lI~
`operailno syexeni security Enharlcunenls
`§a~l'lsuLIND£ixla1 sells musll: (dlgllal audio files) via lhe lnlemst in duwrllaad lashlcn. Culrenlly, 9 “DP: /lay NS all“ secullly amhllleclule due! rlul Bis! Inf
`lnlernei users Encrypllofldacryytlan currently take: place at me epplicelion level
`.e winaz Appieeiiani, and arm: me m
`e dscryplefl, en
`unenuypled audio elgnal is een by ins eppliceimn (La. lira euelo player) re me 05 la:playback lnriugn lhe snurld card ll : cnnsumerafencryplsu
`audio mes werienoea a hard dlak failure and mun reinstall lneir audio player wmml requlring a new Erlclypnarl key‘ me new auele playerwill no:
`be able lo decrypl and playback lhelrnld llbrary olpurcriesea eunle moswnlcn were encrypted wii~ he loei key, even n mey have backed up lnose
`Eudlc files
`Mioroson has enneuncee plans la Include 2 Shared Pmllc Key lnlreeiruelure (snared PKI) in lhs uneernrnp Wlrldlzws NT5.0 and perrrni apgllcallorl
`davalupars ID lfl(a advantage 0' lhsse new erlcrymlurl lealures SIDQIENDEIVI baliavae l.ha| ll weu.d DB ID lhe banelll Of hath MWNSOH 3714 NS
`cuulunlars ii Miereemi prwidad e dawnlaadahle update larwlndows cs, vmn 95. w" 9a. and wlr NT-1.0 (llpussible) |a pmvide the eeme smreeFKI mncllonalily, and Ihat |l’ley be campafihle Will’! the Mac OS SlBHl33\.llDmM alau Dellellfis lflfil ll would B5 In [he benefit of Wm Apple and R5
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`KEY’ (Shared PK) WI
`Incleala IIEIE Ul LE3 lflrl.l’lu customerEfli Increase an-llrls SBIIJIICY lflf K715 almlolvlusofilel
`Addillonnlly, Mlcrasafthas annomned plans IO Include a Encryptlng Flli Syslcm (EFSl ln Lhs Upcnilllrg Windows NT5 D‘ which suppwls IlEn5pElEl’l§
`encrypllnn and eeerypmn el mes slored on e mex. slMIs:uNn.u'.M Dnllivas max liweula be in me e
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`Mluoeeli adds 'meN:harIl“ luneilonellxy in me EFS and upuelee ine Mlcmsnfl Cuilllnerca Samar le provide en ancrypled dewnleed llnk between a
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`llarlimmfld by lhe merchsrws Mlcmswit Cammewe Savafi snclyplea (ml lnlsmel lransmisslnn ll 3 TLS D7 SSL) uslrlg lhe Ollslumafl Shared PK.
`decrypted byihe cuslolrlers NT5.0 using WI! Shared PK‘ la-encrypted by lfle customers NT5 0 Ll: my the updated EFS and using U18 cuslmlers
`snared PK‘ and saved |u lhs l:uslalIlel‘: mrs dlsk in enlzryplad ronnei. Playback clruuening ol my file sole lrl we manner re anly peeeiele ii me 05
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`Microson previoed a dewnloecaole update lorwlnnewe ca, Wln 95. Wlrl es‘ and we: M14 D in prsslbla) In pmvlde are same EFS lmelleneliiy, and
`incl may be oornpeliole min me Me»: as eeaiemunem also hnllsvis lnai ll weulu oe ln me izenelml pom Apple end its lzuslamers i1Appls provided
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`analhst. inelueing peneeles running Windows 4::
`Wlhdw/5 C51 APM6 Mac
`Handheld Audlcyvrdeg Player
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`PAGE 000002


`PAGE 000001

`(202) 220-4214 direct
`(202) 220-4223 direct
`1500 K Street, N.W., Suite 700
`Washington, D.C.
`(202) 220-4200 main
`(202) 220-4201 fax
`PAGE 000002
`PAGE 000002

`(650) 320-4925 direct
`(650) 320-4849 direct
`650 Page Mill Road
`Palo Alto, California 94304-1050
`(650) 493-9300 main
`(650) 565-5100 fax
`PAGE 000003
`PAGE 000003

`A; N':c
`Ei S £Continued)
`ALSO-PRESENT mcontinueqmz
`:40 27
`rDew.e.-y ;Bo'ul=e1vard
`San ~FFra»r}1cisIco~.,N .Calid3o';n_ia :9‘4l 1 6
`7:31-1.3.'0OA main
`m4L5J‘731—0824 fax
`PAGE 000004
`PAGE 000004

`Mr. Berl
`Mr. Mudge
`Copy, preliminary specification sheet,
`"CompuSonics DSP—lO00 Digital Disk
`Copy, application notes,
`"DSP 1000
`Digital Audio Disk Recorder"
`"DSP 1000 Audio Computer Owners
`Copy, 9/1/86 article from Electronic
`Engineering Times,
`Based Digital Audio System Premieres"
`PAGE 000005
`PAGE 000005

`Copy, front and back of postcard,
`"The DSP 1000 Audio Computer"
`Copy, AES preprint, "Specifications
`and Implementation of a Computer
`Audio Console for Digital Mixing
`and Recording," by David M. Schwartz
`Copy, AES preprint,
`"A High Speed
`Telecommunications Interface for
`Digital Audio Transmission and
`Reception," by Hyun Heinz Sohn
`Videotape depicting a lecture given
`by David M. Schwartz
`COPY: excerpt
`from April 1985 PC
`World magazine,
`"Hi—Fi Floppy"
`PAGE 000006
`PAGE 000006

`Copy, "CompuSonics DSP 2002 Version
`1.00 Preliminary User Manual, August
`28, 1985"
`Copy, 5/21/85 Shareholder letter from
`David M. Schwartz
`Copy, 10/10/85 Shareholder letter
`from David M. Schwartz
`Copy, paper "Toward Electronic
`Delivery of Music: Sending and
`Receiving High Fidelity Digital Music"
`Copy, 6/8/84 article from Pro Sound
`News, "Compusonics Bows Totally
`PAGE 000007
`PAGE 000007

`Copy, "Pay Per Listen Cable Audio
`headed~with 12/29M86 Forbes article,
`"HLgh—fidElity heavem"
`PAGE 000008

`BE IT REMEMBERED that, pursuant to
`notice, and on Thursday, February 1, 2001, commencing
`at the hour of 9:20 a.m.
`thereof, at 601 California
`Avenue, Conference Room Baylands 2B, Palo Alto,
`California, before me, FRANCES A. WEINROB, a
`Registered Merit Reporter, Certified Realtime
`Reporter, Certified Realtime Professional, and
`Certified Shorthand Reporter,
`there personally
`appeared DAVID M. SCHWARTZ.
`THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Good morning.
`This marks the beginning of Videotape 1
`the deposition of David Schwartz in the matter of
`SightSound.Com Incorporated versus N2K, et al.,
`the U.S. District Court, Western District of
`Pennsylvania, Civil Action No. 98-0118.
`Today's date is February 1st,
`and the
`time is 9:20 a.m.
`The location of this deposition is
`601 California Avenue,
`Palo Alto,
`The deposition was noticed by attorneys for
`the defendant and the videotape is being produced on
`behalf of the same.
`The video operator is Josh Porter,
`California Notary Public for the County of San
`Francisco, employed by Dan Mottaz Video Productions,
`402 Dewey Boulevard, San Francisco, California 94116.
`PAGE 000009
`PAGE 000009

`The court reporter today is Fran Weinrob of
`Grossman & Cotter.
`Would counsel present please identify
`themselves and state whom they represent.
`I'm Brian Mudge with Kenyon &
`representing plaintiff Sightsound.
`MR. ZEINEDDIN: My name's Paul Zeineddin.
`am with Kenyon & Kenyon, representing Sightsound.
`MR. REESE: My name is Christopher Reese.
`I'm general counsel at Sightsound.
`MR. SCHWARTZ: Ansel Schwartz,
`self-practitioner representing SightSound.Com.
`MR. BERL: David Berl, Wilson, Sonsini,
`Goodrich & Rosati, representing defendants CDNOW and
`CDNOW Online.
`If there are no
`stipulations, will the court reporter please
`administer the oath.
`called as a witness by the defendants, and who, being
`first duly administered the oath, was thereupon
`examined and testified as hereinafter set forth.
`Hello, Mr. Schwartz, my name, as you know,
`is David Berl.
`I represent CDNOW and CDNOW Online in
`PAGE 000010
`PAGE 000010

`this case.
`Could you state your full name for the
`record and spell your last name.
`David Michael Schwartz,
`Mr. Schwartz, have you ever lived in
`I was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania,
`How long did you live there?
`lived there until 1973.
`So did you go to high school there?
`I did all my education through college
`in Pittsburgh.
`What high school did you go to?
`Taylor Alderdice High School
`in Squirrel
`Is that outside of Pittsburgh?
`No, it's in the city.
`And do you still have family in Pittsburgh?
`No, no family in Pittsburgh.
`Could you state your work and home
`Presently my home address is 21 Madera
`San Carlos, California.
`My work address is
`1313 Laurel Street, San Carlos, California.
`PAGE 00001 1
`PAGE 000011

`Do you have any current addresses in
`I do not.
`Have you ever testified in a case before?
`I have.
`And what case was that?
`I don't recall the name.
`It was the State
`of Kansas.
`It was a criminal case involving an oil
`drilling company in the State of Kansas.
`And what was your role in that case?
`I was an engineer working for a company that
`owned some of the oil wells that were involved in the
`And you actually testified in court?
`I did.
`And have you ever testified in another case?
`Not to the best of my recollection.
`Have you ever been deposed before?
`I have, but I can't remember the name
`of the case.
`Do you know about how long ago it was?
`25 years ago maybe.
`And what did the case involve? Generally
`I don't know if I could even remember.
`PAGE 000012
`PAGE 000012

`Do you know what your role was,
`in what
`capacity you were testifying?
`I was not any kind of an expert witness,
`just happened to be a witness to something, and I
`can't even remember if it was a civil or criminal
`Too long ago.
`Do you remember where it was?
`In Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania,
`I believe.
`Just since it's been a long time,
`I'm going
`to go through some ground rules with you about the
`deposition process.
`First of all,
`the oath you just took has the
`same effect that an oath you would take in court has.
`That is, you have to tell the truth and the whole
`truth as you would in court.
`I noticed you have a box of Kleenexes. Are
`you feeling okay?
`I feel pretty good.
`I do have what's left
`of a cold.
`Are you taking any drugs?
`I took two aspirin before I came here.
`Do you feel well enough to remember
`everything today?
`I don't think my cold has affected my
`PAGE 000013
`PAGE 000013

`Is there any other reason that you don't
`think you can go forward and testify today?
`I'm fine.
`I may have to use a Kleenex
`Some of the things we're going to be talking
`today go way back, so you may not be able to
`remember everything,
`I would guess.
`If that's the
`case, you can simply say you don't remember
`something. There's nothing wrong with that, and you
`can give your best recollection of the events as you
`remember them.
`the court reporter, as you see, can't
`pick up any physical gestures.
`So if the answer to a
`question is yes, you'll have to say yes instead of
`nodding your head yes or nodding your head no.
`just say no.
`I'm going to ask some questions here in the
`morning and, we'll see, it might go through lunch and
`a little after that, and then Sightsound will be able
`to ask you questions as well, and we'll go as long as
`it takes. Hopefully we'll be done by the end of the
`What is the highest degree you've earned?
`A professional degree in architecture,
`bachelor of architecture from Carnegie Melon
`PAGE 000014
`PAGE 000014

`University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in 1972.
`Where are you currently employed?
`I'm the founder and CEO of Imaginon,
`publicly traded technology company in San Carlos,
`What does Imaginon do?
`Software for Internet —— for networks,
`Internet and intranet networks. Media software
`primarily. Video processing and audio processing,
`and also webpage processing.
`Is Imaginon involved in transmitting digital
`audio signals over the Internet?
`To the extent that they accompany video,
`And are they involved in transmitting any
`digital audio signals over a network other than the
`Intranets, which is the same —- using the
`same protocol that's used on the Internet, but in a
`local area network.
`And how long have you been employed at
`I started the company,
`incorporated it
`in the spring of 1996.
`So I received my first
`paycheck probably in July or August of 1996.
`PAGE 000015
`PAGE 000015

`And let's go back a little farther. After
`university, what was the first full-time job that you
`I was working —— I went to work for one of
`my former professors who had a start-up company.
`can't remember the full name of the company.
`Something-Environmental Research,
`And what was your title there, if you

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