In The Matter Of:
`IOHN P. ]. KELLY, Ph.D. - Vol. 1
`December 4, 2013
`Fax: “535?,d30‘é
`LegaLlnl-u, Inc.
`135 Maia“) Street
`4th F1043:
`San Franeism. CA 94105
`Phana: «1133534300
`CBM2013-00020 (APPLE v. SIGHTSOUND)
`PAGE 000001


` *ZAT.
` %OAR
`Patent 5,191,573
`Patent 5,966,440
`fiBOS i
`December 4,
`ERSON, CSR 4096
`PAGE 000002


`JOHN P. J. KELLY, Ph.3.
`Page 2
`ll32 Dec'aration of Dr.
`Kel'y "q Supporc O.
`Petition For Covered Business
`ethod Pacenc Review Of United
`States Pacenc No. 5,19;,573
`Pursuant To 35 J.S.C. Section
`32;, 35 C.F.R Section 42.304
`lO5l Dec'aration of Dr. Joqn P. p.
`Ke"y "a Support O" Apple "rc.'s
`Petition For Covered Business
`Method Pacenc Review Of United
`States Pacenc No. 5,19;,573
`Pursuant To 35 J.S.C. Section
`32;, 35 C.F.R Section 42.304
`Dec'aration of Dr.
`Ke"y "q Supporc O
`Petition For Covered Business
`ethod Pacenc Review Of United
`States Pacenc No. 5,996,440
`Pursuant To 35 U.S.C. Section
`321, 35 C.F.R Section 42.304
`Artic'e in Bi"board
`Artic'e in Bi"board
`(800) 869—9132
`Merrill Corporation — San Francisco
`PAGE 000003


`Sing'e—Page Documeno co Dear
`Shareholder dated 7/l6/8T
`JOHN P. J. KELLY, Ph.3.
`Page 3
`One—Page R'oc< Diagram
`One—Page R'oc< Diagram
`rom RroadcaS" Managemen'
`rom Rroadcas' Managemen'
`Transcription 0: Audio
`.exis—Nexis Document dated
`Wovember ‘7,
`.exis Nexis Article dated
`Wovember ‘7,
`Sing'e—Page Documeno
`Shareholder dated 7/;
`igh Speed
`Article entitled A
`Telecommunications "nter‘ace For
`Digital Audio Transrission And
`l3l7 Article entitled A Pigh Speed
`Telecommunications "nter‘ace For
`Digital Audio Transrission And
`(800) 869—9132
`Merrill Corporation — San Francisco
`PAGE 000004


`JOHN P. J. KELLY, Ph.3.
`Page 4
`{fl Bfii
`i ONfiR:
`1211 Avenue Of The Americas
`10036— 8704
`Wew York, New York
`CH NG— T.tfi hUKUDA, ESQ.
`212— 596— 9000
`1900 University Avenue, 6th Floor
`Eas: Palo Alto, Ca i"ornia
`650— 617—4077
`555 12Lh Saree N. W.
`Washingtoq, DC 20004
`202— 942— 5068
`(800) 869—9132
`Merrill Corporation — San Francisco
`PAGE 000005


`a Cerci_ied Shorthand Reporter
`personally appeared
`. J. KELLY, Ph.3.
`——oOo—— . DANl, who, having been
`ELLY, Ph.3.
` -% '.
` 1 RfiMfiM%fiR
`:3 that pursuant
`to notice and
`Page 5
`on Wednesday,
`4, 2013 commencing at 8:05 A.M.
` December
`at the Law 0
`”ices of ROPRS & GRAY, 1900
`c Palo Alto,
`California, before
`University Avenue, Eas
`Corey W. Anderson,
`and Realtime Reporter,
` JOiN P
`1d testified as
` follows:
`called as a witness by the
`first duly sworn, was exami
`Merrill Corporation — San Francisco
`PAGE 000006


`Page 6
`Wednesday, December 4, 2013
`8:05 A.M.
`1 D
`N G S
`P R O C
`JOHN P. J. KH.LY, Ph.3.
`having been sworn by the Reporter,
`testified as follows:
` lNfiSS:
`Could you state your name?
`John Kelly.
`Pave you b
`n d pos d b i
`You understand that you are
`'Iying today
`under oath just as would you in a cour
`I do understand that.
`my question.
`I will ask you qaestions and your answers are
`being recorded by the court reporter.
`"" you don't
`understand my questions, please let me know and I will
`explain or rephrase them.
`_ you have a question, please ask it.
`don't have a question I will assume you have unders
`(800) 869—9132
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`PAGE 000007


`JOHN P. J. KELLY, Ph.3.
`Page 7
`Is that jair?
`(Witness nods head).
`"I at any time you need a break just let me
`just ask that you don't take a break while a
`response is —— while a question is pending.
`Any reason why you cannot give your best
`testimony today?
`Are you sick or taking any drugs?
`take asthma medication, but it doesn't
`take no other drugs.
`You are president 0:
`the the Kelly Technology
` Is that correct?
` That's correct.
`How many employees?
`We have eight employees currently.
`How many employees of Kelly Technology Group
`have worked on this matter beyond yourself?
`MS. FUKUDA: And just object to that.
`Can we
`covered business methods patent review, one other
` fine what "this matter" is?
`You can answer the question.
`Assuming we are talking about
`the —— the
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`PAGE 000008


`JOHN P. J. KELLY, Ph.3.
`Page 8
`Has any other employee helped you?
`(No response)
`What is the name of that employee?
`Alain Trial, spelled A—l—a—i—n, Trial,
`Has any other employee helped you regarding
`the testimony you are going to give today or the
` testimony you have provided in your declaration?
`I don't believe so.
`It's possible tha
`was a minor assistance from another employee, bu'
`I don't recall that having happened.
`Who woald be that other employee?
`What did you bring with you today?
`sit here,
`I'm nOt sure.
`Is there anything that you could look at to
`fresh your reco"ection?
`In my 0
`1C8 " could look
`—— at our records
`and determine that.
`Did you bring any records or papers with you
`well, no —— no records from my
`The kind 0:
`records that I was thinking about
`when I answered your last question,
`I don't have those
`with me.
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`PAGE 000009


`JOHN P. J. KELLY, Ph.3.
`Page 9
`brought with me the declarations that ——
`that I prepared in the PTO action that we are talking
`the covered business method patent review.
`brought those.
`And I also brought excerpts from the exhibits
`had referenced in the declarations.
`Thank you. Any of your other employees
`working on any matters related to the SightSound
`I don't believe so.
`How much time was spent by Others on preparing
`:or the, your declaration and the —— and evidence you
`are going to give today in the CBM matters?
`couldn't say.
`What percentage 0: his time does your employee
`Alain Trial spend on this matter?
`I really don't know how to answer that
`wh n w
`ar pr paring —— when ——
`right up to the time when I was working on this in May
`was working on it
`time and he was working on it
`probably sabstantial'y Sull
`Wow he is not working on it at all.
`But how many months were you, were the two of
`you working on it :ull time?
`I —— as " sit here "
`firm recollection
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`PAGE 000010


`JOHN P. J. KELLY, Ph.3.
`Page 10
`: how much time I spent on this. Certainly some
`time in April and certainly time in ear'y May.
`I swore them on the 5th 0: May 0: this
`don't have a —— I don't have any better
`recollection than that.
`When were you engaged by counsel
`in this
`And you are talking about ——
`The CBMS.
`The C3Ms?
`I had already been engaged by
`counsel for the SightSound district court litigation.
`—— "'m not sure I can ——
`And so it was —— I mean,
`ngag m nL l
`wasn't tqinking of it as now I was engaged for some new
`So I don't have a —— I don't
`SightSouqd V Apple matter.
`have any firm date in mind.
`So it would be correct to say that you were
`not separately engaged Ior she CBM matters?
`MS. FUKUDA: Objeccion so jorm.
`lHfi W lNfiSS: Well, no,
`I wouldn't say that.
`"n terms 0" —— well,
`I guess it depends on what you mean
`by separately engaged.
`When you are engaged on a ma
`typically have a writt n
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`PAGE 00001 1


`JOHN P. J. KELLY, Ph.3.
`Page ll
`a have a separate written engagement
`3M matters?
`Again, when were yoa Iirsc contacted by
`I don't have any recolleCtion.
`Do you separate out your billings jor
`counsel with respect to the CBM matters?
`know time—wise.
`matters versus the district court litigation in
`SightSound matter?
`What have your total billings in the
`SightSound matter, matters been to date?
` couldn't tell you.
`tat else does the Kelly Technology Group do?
`ther than the SightSound matter?
`ther than the expert testimony work that you
`hold yoursel_ out
`to do.
`We do —— we do what you might consider to be
`traditional consulting, high—technology consulting. And
`we also do product development.
`What percentage 0: your revenue is derived
`from expert testimony and related matters?
`I'm not sure revenue—wise.
`I mean,
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`PAGE 000012


`JOHN P. J. KELLY, Ph.3.
`Page 12
`What percentage of the Technology, Kelly
`Technology Group's work time—wise is devoted to expert
`testimony and related matters?
`A. Well,
`would see that as wider than expert testimony,
`if you take litigation support, and
`not sure I can break out expert testimony separately.
`But litigation support is around 50 percent
`_ wqao we do.
`So 50 percent of all the time 0:
`A. Well,
`I can spea< for the time, my time.
`not sure that —— I'm not sire how it translates to
`specific employees. And it certainly changes over time.
`When somebody is assigned to help me in a particular
`they might be spending a hundred percent or
`their time for a week or more.
`What percentage of that 50 percent, assuming
`that that 50 percent is as you de‘ined it previously,
`devoted to working on behal
`0 Apple?
`Depends on th tim fram w
`talking about.
`like I can tell you,
`I can speak more
`accurately about my time, because I know exactly what
`am doing.
`And I mean,
`I can tell you that around about
`: May 0: this year when I was preparing these
`(800) 869—9132
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`PAGE 000013


`JOHN P. J. KELLY, Ph.3.
`Page 13
`declarations it was close to a hundred percent. And
`recently it's been close to zero percent.
`Year—to—date in 20l3, what percentage 0:
`time has been devoted to Apple related matters?
`I can't give you any firm numbers, but
`I could
`Who did you meet with?
`say that it probably is on the order or —— let me think
`abouc this Ior a minute.
`I can't give you any firm
` i mean,
`" was to guess,
`I would say it
`would be around ten percent.
`Do you review all 0:
`the invoices that Kelly,
`the Kelly Technology Group sends out?
`I do.
`be able to determine wqat percentage 0" Kel'y Techno:
`Group revenue was due co Lestijying on beha'
`So based on those, you would have a —— wou:
`related to matters related to Apple?
`" cou'd determine how much revenue we ——
`I can —— I can determine how much revenue, how
`much was invoiced to Apple.
`I can do that.
`I mean, not
`as I sit here, but we have those records.
`Approximately how much time did you spend
`preparing for this deposition?
`Probably I would say about three days.
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`PAGE 000014


`JOHN P. J. KELLY, Ph.3.
`Page 14
`I met with, well, Alain Trial on an ongoing
`basis. And I met with Ms. Fukuda, Ms. Robinson, and
` Mr. 3atchelder.
`When did you meet?
` What other dates did you meet, meet with your
`(No response).
`Your legal team?
`And what do you mean by meet with the legal
`You testijied that you met with Ms. Fukuda,
`Ms. Robinson, and Mr. 3atchelder. When did you meet
`with Ms. Fukuda and Mr. 3atchelder?
`Did you meet with them on any other day?
`I'm trying to understand what you mean
`Did you meet with them in person on any other
`those you recite in your declaration related to this
`Did you meet with them jor the ul' day?
`tqem :or tqe 'u'l day.
`A. With —— with some 0:
`Have you read any additional materials beyond
`(800) 869—9132
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`PAGE 000015


`JOHN P. J. KELLY, Ph.3.
`Page 15
`Since the
`s rv d th d claration?
`looked a
`yes and no for now and I want
`just answer that
`MS. FUKUDA: Yeah. Dr. Kelly,
`to be care u'
`MR. MARSH: Sorry, you are not allowed to coach
`your witness.
`It's my deposition, not yours.
`So ——
`the witness.
`MS. FUKUDA: Well, actually,
`I'm not coaching
`I want
`to make sure that I get
`the chance
`to object to privilege.
`So if you ask a yes—or—no
`just want
`to caution the witness ——
`your deposition.
`MR. MARSH: No, no.
`"5 Mr. Kelly has questions he can ask
`It's my deposition, not
`those questions.
`"‘ you want
`to object to privilege you
`can object to privilege.
`But let Mr. Kelly answer the question.
`Dr. Kelly ——
`I am not preventing you
`answering the question. But keep ——
`MR. MARSl: Please ——
`I'm going to instruct my witness
`to give answers that are not privileged.
`R. MARSi: That's fine.
`s. FUKUDA: Okay.
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`PAGE 000016


`JOHN P. J. KELLY, Ph.3.
`Page 16
`Mr. Kelly, please provide an answer.
`Would you repeat the question, please?
`Sure. Have you read any additional ma'
` :ter?
`those you recite in your declaration rela'
`What were those materials?
`I instruct the witness not
`answer to the extent that material was provided by
`counsel for purposes 0" preparing ‘or this deposition.
`lHfi W lNfiSS:
`brie‘ly looked at the PTAB
`Did you review any other publications or
`non—privileged material beyond the PTAB orders?
`MS. FUKUDA: Same instruction.
`lHfi W lNfiSS:
`don't believe so. Not that
`can recall.
`Did you look at any —— I don't want
`Did you look at any privileged materials?
`S. FUKUDA: Objection to form.
`lHfi W lNfiSS:
`'m not sure that
`have, but as " sit here " don't recall.
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`PAGE 000017


`JOHN P. J. KELLY, Ph.3.
`Page 17
`Did you look at any materials that were not
`prepared by counsel that you reviewed subsequent
`to your
`declaration beyond the CBM orders?
`MS. FUKUDA: Again, my ins:ruction is
`instruct the witness not
`to answer to the extent that
`any material was provided to you by counsel
`preparation :or this deposition.
`lHfi W lNfiSS:
`can't answer that question.
`Why can't you answer that question?
`Because " am Sollowing the instruction that
`MS. FUKUDA: Just so we are clear, you can
`answer yes or no, but not
`lHfi W lNfiSS: Okay.
`the content.
`So with that in mind,
`answer is yes.
`the material you reviewed prepared by
`MS. FUKUDA: Objection to form.
`lHfi W lNfiSS:
`don't believe so.
`the material you reviewed publicly
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`PAGE 000018


`JOHN P. J. KELLY, Ph.3.
`Page 18
`the material you reviewed under
`Sidentiality order 0" the SightSound litiga
`The district court litigation?
`Have any 0: your opinions today or previously
`been based on material that is under the conjidentiality
`the SightSound material, confidential material
`order 0:
`under the distriCt court litigation?
`MS. FUKJDA: Objection to jorm.
`can't answer that question.
`lHfi W lWfiSS: And you have to —— you have to
`lave you based in your declaration any basis
`your opinion —— strike that, we'll start again.
`In any o_ the declarations you have provided
`any of the CBM proceedings, did you base your opinion
`on material that was under the con‘identiality order 0‘
`the district coart litigation?
`I did not.
`What was the purpose 0: you reviewing such
`MS. FUKUDA: Objection.
`I instruct the witness
`to answer on tie basis 0: privilege.
`lHfi W lNfiSS:
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`PAGE 000019


`JOHN P. J. KELLY, Ph.3.
`Page l9
`I'm going to give you
`Txhibit 113?, which is your declaration in the '573.
`(Whereupon, Txhibi: “3? was
`produced :or iden
`MR. MARSl: Counsel,
`is it appropriate for us
`Lo rejer to is as Txhibit 1‘37, or would you like it to
`be marked as Exhibit
`in this deposition?
`MS. FUKUDA: Probably easier i: we just use the
` 3 numbers.
`can tell you what he did.
`MR. MARSH: Thank you. Okay.
`Can you identify this document?
`that —— in support 0:
`Yes. This appears to be my declaration
`the —— of Apple's pecition jor the
`covered business method patent review Ior she '573.
`Did you write this declaration?
`I did.
`Did Alain Train dra‘t any parts 0:
`Yes, he helped me to prepare the declaration.
`Which parts did he draft?
`A. Well,
`I sp ak
`cl ar about what
`you mean by drafting.
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`PAGE 000020


`JOHN P. J. KELLY, Ph.3.
`Page 20
`ielped me to prepare the things like the materials
`list that I set forth on —— in paragraph 9 on page 5.
` that were —— we didn't make up these numbers,
`{e qelped me with putting in all these exhibit numbers
`they were
`h lp d m mak
`provided to us.
`chart on page 9, paragraph 14.
`And we have various, various places where we
`are cutting in here cutting and pasting from the
`documents that
`I am citing to, and he helped me with
`type 0: thing.
`lave you given us an exhaustive list of the
`plac s wh r
`h lp d, where he dra_ted or helped you
`on the declaration?
`A. Well,
`I have given you a —— the type 0: thing
`I would have to go through it page by page
`that he did.
`to do my best to identify, you know, specific parts.
`Yoa know,
`for example, on page 26,
`there is a
`figure 3 phOtograph.
`Let's do this systematically.
`Did he prepare any 0:
`the paragraphs on page
`I don't believe so.
` Did Mr. Train prepare any 0:
`the paragraphs on
`(800) 869—9132
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`PAGE 000021


`JOHN P. J. KELLY, Ph.3.
`understand who you are talking about,
`Page 21
`think of him as Dr. Trial.
`Not Mr. Train.
`know who you are talking
`don't believe so.
`Dr. Trial prepare any 0:
`the materials on
`q't believe so.
`Dr. Trial prepare any 0:
`the materials on
`Well, he helped me to assemble the —— we had a
`stack o_ macerials, and h
`h lp d m
`to create
`this list of materials that I set forch in paragraph 9.
`Did he select the materials?
`Did Dr. Train assist you in —— on page 6?
`Yes, he did.
`He helped me to get this lis
`formatted and 1e helped me with the exhibit numbers
`on page 7, and he helped me to add to the exhibit
`were supplied to us.
`Did Dr. Trial, sOrry.
`i' Dr. Trial prepare
`f the materials on page 7?
`h lp d m
`to format
`the information
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`PAGE 000022


`JOHN P. J. KELLY, Ph.3.
`Page 22
`numbers that were supplied to us,
`that type of thing.
`On page 7, was his help limited to the actions
`you have described?
`A. Well,
`the actions I have described for page ——
`basically paragraph 9,
`I mean, page 7, his —— his
`assistance on page 7,
`'rom his assistance on page 6 and page —— and
`I don't believe, was materially
`paragraph 9 portion 0: page 5.
`I don't believe you answered my question,
`t again.
`Did Dr. —— let me just go back so
`have just described?
`this same question again.
`On page 7, we can add page 8 as well, and page
`9, was his help limited to the actions you have
`MS. FUKUDA: Objection to form.
`lHfi W lNfiSS:
`'m —— I'm not sure i: you were
`intending to identify pages 7, 8, and 9, because
`paragraph 9 finishes on page 7, and then we get
`di"erent master on page 8.
`You are correct.
`net's talk about paragraph 9. Were the
`actions with respect to paragraph 9
`limited to those you
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`PAGE 000023


`Page 23
`believe so.
` i mean,
` "erenL
`" said di
`things about
`say the portion 0:
`: paragraph 9 that's on
`—— the
`page 5 vers
`union of
`that's on page 7,
`as the portion that's on page 6 and
`think i: you take tqe
`that description, it
`would apply to what he did
`in helping me prepare paragraph 9.
`For paragraphs 10 through 12,
`Dr. Trial
`assist you?
`you know,
`don't recall
`" asked him
`—— to pul:
`_ up the —— the distriCt
`t's description
`the person 0‘
`' ordinary skill
`don't remember as
`in the ar
`t. And you
`wh '1 r h
`sit h r
`typ d
`in the art.
`the extent 0:
`his help.
`And you know,
`paragraph ll,
`think that ——
` recall,
`we got that
`from an earlier
`invalidity report where
`had ——
`i had wr
`itten this.
`don't recall
`sit here who did the cut and paste,
`but you
`know, i:
`it was him or it was me.
`What was the earlier invalidity report you
`ferred to?
`typed them in.
` 'qat would be
`those words in or
`was the —— maybe it was the
`Maybe it :ted in ——
`declaration submi'
`for the Markman order.
`don't recall that.
` %ut
` had,
`had given an opinion
`_ ordinary skill
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`PAGE 000024


`JOHN P. J. KELLY, Ph.3.
`Page 24
`Is this opinion that you are giving 0:
`ordinary skill in the art consistent with those where it
`was cut and pasoed from?
`" certain'y believe so.
`Was it cut and pasted from an opinion in a
`I have told you what he
`SightSound matter?
` Education?
`What is Dr. Trial's background?
`He has —— technical background, you mean?
`Yes, please.
`And experience?
`He has worked with me
`last 14 or 15 years.
`And before that he was a post doctoral
`researcher at UCSB.
`And before that he was a Ph.D. student at
`Princeton and at UCSB.
`And before that he was —— he was an
`undergraduate at University 0; Dayton in Ohio.
`Is it typical for someone with such a long and
`detailed technical background to be limited to
`collecting lists and inserting exhibit numbers?
`MS. FUKUDA: Objection to form.
`lHfi W lNfiSS: Well,
`I can': speak in general
`in —— in —— I mean,
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`PAGE 000025


`JOHN P. J. KELLY, Ph.3.
`Page 25
`did to help me with those paragraphs.
`What tasks does Dr. Trial
`typically undertake
` for Kelly Technology?
`Lots 0” di ”erent
`He writes software,
`he analyzes source code, he builds, he is able to take
`ancient hardware and software and construct working
`he is able to assist me
`in a'l sorts o
`systems, he is able to reverse engineer produc
`reviewing materials and the like.
`Did he undertake any 0:
`those aCtivities with
`respect to your declarations in the CBM matters?
`h lp d m
`r vi w materials.
`ie —— we
`didn't —— we didn't build any systems, we didn't analyze
`any source code
`‘or —— tor these purposes.
`What do you mean when you say "He helped me
`review materials"?
`ones that I cite here I would have him also look a
`looked at —— at various documents and
`documents to see i-
`" missed something or —— and
`would —— I would have discussions with him about
`Okay. Let's turn to page 10 of
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`PAGE 000026


`JOHN P. J. KELLY, Ph.3.
`Page 26
`Can you identify what is the second party
`memory in this illastration in figure 1?
`MS. FUKUDA: Objection to form.
`lHfi W lNfiSS:
`(No response).
`What are you looking at?
`I'm going to look at the '573 patent and see
`what it says.
`I have asked you to idenLi'y i
`'rom the
`figure you have provided in your declaration.
`I have the same objection.
`I believe that this is figure —— this figure
`is from the '573 patent, it's figure 1 of the '573
`So I'm going to look through and see what
`the —— what
`the patent specification says about
`second a memory to answer your question.
`believe that was the question. Would you
`repeat the question, please?
`MR. MARSH: Could you?
`the reporter read back
`the record as follows:
`"Can you identify what is the second
`party memory in this illustration
`in figure 1?")
`(800) 869—9132
`Merrill Corporation — San Francisco
`PAGE 000027


`JOHN P. J. KELLY, Ph.3.
`Page 27
`lHfi W lNfiSS:
`lhe figure 1
`in the patent,
`'igure 1. And the
`second party is on the right side 0
`memories that are there are the incoming RAM 50C,
`the second party would be equipment associated with the
`hard disk 60, and the playback RAM 503.
`party's memory system.
`And the specification describes those, it
`describes the incoming RAM access memory chip,
`playback RAM access memory chip, and 60 is the hard disk
`the user.
`to talk abou'
`and then —— and then later on it goes on
`a —— a —— a second, second memory, but it
`doesn't —— so it must be one or more Of
`Did you review the '573 patent prior to the
`I'm nOt sure what you mean by that. What
`frame did yoa have for that?
`MR. MARSH: Okay.
`For the record when
`to the '573, it's U.S. patent 5,191,573.
`When you were reviewing the '573 patent,
`sorry, let's stop, start the question again.
`You mentioned that figure 1 O"
`the '573 patent
`set forth that a hard disk was part 0.
`che second
`(800) 869—9132
`Merrill Corporation — San Francisco
`PAGE 000028


`is a second memory —— wha'
`I said was the specifica
`discusses in figure 1, wi
`re'erence co figure 1 i
`JOHN P. J. KELLY, Ph.3.
`Page 28
` Is that correct?
`MS. FUKUDA: Objection to form.
`lHfi W lNfiSS: No. What
`I said was that there
`the second party's system does have a
`discusses, it discusses tqree memories.
`And then later on in the specification it
`discusses a so—called second memory 0: a second party.
`don't believe it ties that back to any specific
`parts 0
`figure 1.
`But presumably if it's tied to anything it
`must be tied to some memory in figure 1.
`The figure legend you replicate in your
`"The first party system
`declaration scaces as follows:
`(components on the le a side 0
`the figure) are
`connected to the second party's system (components on
`the right side of she figure) by telephone lines."
`Does Lhac figure legend that you reproduced
`help clarify whether the second party has a hard disk as
`its memory?
`MS. FUKUDA: Objection to form.
`lHfi W lNfiSS:
`would agree Lhac the figure
`forth here,
` say,
`the —— the right—land side which
`(800) 869—9132
`Merrill Corporation — San Francisco
`PAGE 000029


`JOHN P. J. KELLY, Ph.3.
`Page 29
`hard disk 60. That —— but whether or no
`second memory is —— is no: discussed,
`Is a hard disk memory?
`It's a —— hard disk is a type 0: memory,
`Is the hard disk in figure l
`that you provided
`on page lO 0‘
`' your declaration labeled as being part 0:
`the second party's system?
`I don't understand the question.
`In figure l, hard disk labeled 60,
`right—hand side of
`the figure.
`is on the
` Is that correct?
`Yes, i: is.
`In the legend under figure 1,
`the legend
`states "The first party's system (components on the left
`side of
`the figure) are connec:ed to the second party's
`system (components on the right side of
`the figure) by
`the figure. And I have identified that in —— in
`telephone Iines."
`Is hard disk 60 part Of
`the second party's
`MS. FUKUDA: Objection to form.
`lHfi W lNfiSS:
`t is a component on the right
`(800) 869—9132
`Merrill Corporation — San Francisco
`PAGE 000030


`JOHN P. J. KELLY, Ph.3.
`the —— in the caption,
`Page 30
`in the figure 1 caption as part
`the second party's system.
`Given your understanding of the '573 pa
`how is payment transmitted Irom the second party
`first party, according to the patent?
`MS. FUKUDA: Objection to jorm.
`lHfi W lNfiSS: Well,
`the claim, claim ',
`example, says "transferring money electronica"y via a

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