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`That Address the
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`43651: and Aetive-
`Matrix Color in an
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`Apple Exhibit 1033 Page 00001


`Leng-etencllng dittereneee between Pt: and
`Macintosh users may have their route In the leak
`of a common vocabulary. We in the Pl: commu-
`trlty have our jargon; the ttac universe has he
`ewe act at haeewcrda. It you are going to con-
`nect ltlaca and Plus on lira aanta LAN. it may help
`to understand the haalc trtac netteertrtng linge.
`AppfeSiltnre File Server Apple's own file server program.
`smilestasre runs on it Mae [usually a liei or hettert and lets
`ether Macs use files and printers attached to the server.
`AppieSher-e Weeksl'e'tien The seftwar'e drat a Mac uses to
`connect to shared netwerk resources. such as printers and file
`serversetncteil'wre l'l-‘rrtHlel't-rfiflfl castes re.- part eithe Matti n—
`tesh System Seftware. ‘t’h'lttally all third-patty network pred-
`ttels ttsc Anniefiherc Werksl'nl'ien as their Macintesh client.
`AppteTallr Apple's suite of netwetlting protocols. At one
`time. AppleTalit also referred re the cabling system new
`itnewn as LecalTaik. AppieTalit runs ever LecaiTslk as well
`at Ethenwt or Token-Ring. Among the sen'iees included in
`Apple‘l‘alir are Apple‘f'alk Filing Protocol [AFP} and Apple;
`Talk Print Service EATPSJ.
`Chooser The utility program used in select among available
`Printers and network file serversfiteele uses “er" names for
`most of its utility programs.
`I|It'll’ith Chooser. fer errarrtple.
`eliciting on The laserWtitcr icen brings up a list efall the
`Apple Laserwriter's en the netwetk. ‘l’ea cheese one by
`ciicking on its nattre-
`creatur- cede A four—character cede. present in every Mac
`file. that identifies the enter-tun that created the tile. The Mac
`operating system uses the ereattrr cede te determine whieh
`ieen tn display for any given the. nipple issues creator ee-des
`rnr redaest fntm developers. ensuring that every aeelicntien
`has a unique ereatrrr eerie.
`data ferit The part ofa Mac the that contains enly data. Mac
`files may centein lwtr plans. or frtrits'. a Little ftrrlt and a
`resource fetk- Data tiles typically anemia enly a data fork.
`whiieerugntm files usually centnin bethadntaantlarcsetrrec
`Encapsulated PoatSct'ipt {HE’S} A selfcontained Post—
`Script i'ermat- 't'ou can copy an EFS file directly ta :1 Pest-
`Set'iptptinler. and it will printtlre image contained in the file.
`EF‘S lites are eommeely used re esehrmge image tleta
`hetween application programs. Many Mat: and PC graphics
`packages can read and write EFS files. although EPS ferrnaLs
`are net always the same. Adobe fihrsl'nrror‘s BE EPE format
`is sums-trend hy several Mac applications.
`extension mapping The ptecess ef assigning Macintosh
`erealrtrentltype criticstea fiielhal iserettletl en eLAN shared
`try Macs. Estensien mapping is autentatie fer strrne LAN
`operating systems. but not for dte nee-rating system in Mar:
`folder A. Macintesh sabrlir'ctrtery.
`installer A fiendishty clever and useful pmgranr lltatinstalis
`new seftware ente a Mac system. Installer can make changes
`to the system saltware. drivers. control panels. and ether
`items. and it operates under the control of an lnstallersetipt.
`The user merely has In put the Fragrant to be installed inte a
`fleppy disk drive and click en the Installer.
`Laschriter Apple‘s original laser [Winter and the world’s
`first PestScript printer. a variety of Laser-Writer models are
`trnthe market. the top eftlre line being the Apple LaserWriler
`fig. To PC users. tire LaserWriter werks like ether PestSet-ipt
`Lecel'l'ellr Apple‘s low-cost networking hardware for run-
`ning the ApplcTalit network environment. Built into every
`Macintosh computer. [sealTallt acetates at Ellis! kilohits
`per second. Although siow in camera-ism: with Ethernet and
`Tokenvfling. LocalTaik is fast eneugh fer eccasionel use.
`Notice The architecture en which the expansion slots in
`Macinleslt ILr—fantiiy computers are based. Matias was de-
`sigeed by Motorola as a universal espensierr has for ma~
`cl'u'nesin the Meterela fiEt'lIl family. Either Macs. caches the
`5E and LE. use Apple's preprictary expansion slets.
`FftotteNET Talk .ti. nettverit system that eenncets PCs and
`Macinteshea te AppieTalit and gives them services such es
`en' ntcr sharing and file sharing at all levels. thneNET Tell:
`can ran an Ethernet. Tosca-Ring. er LeealTrrllt hardware.
`Apple caiginally developed the seftware [calling it prteflatre
`PEI and then sold itte Farallon Cemputing. which scllsancn-
`hancetl versiert as FfrotreNET Trrl‘k.
`reseuree forit The part of a Macintosh me first contains
`system resources such as cetic. icons. and sounds.
`itaperflrive Apple's t.4-tME- drive. Macs equipped with it
`SuperDrive can read and write TEUK. and l.44ME FE disiet.
`But since PCs use a different |.-'l-4MB format. they eaImet
`rear] Mae disirs directly-
`Macintosh Hyattsn Software. Version 5;: or Tar The
`Macintosh epetating system. 1i‘iihile the P'C'eper'trting system
`was called DUE. Apple never gave the Mae eperatirrg system
`a distinctive name. preferring to call it simply the System.
`System '.I' is the latest ineareatien. released in May 199i. but
`System s is still in wide trsc.
`cane A green of associated deviees iegically located en
`linked networks. Eenes are usually used to break. big Ap-
`eieTaik ncttverlts into manageable chunks. A. user can elect
`te see only the devlt'Es in the learn sane. regardless of their
`physical locatiee. AppleTalk usesaZene [nt'ermatioe Ptetm
`eel tEIPl and Entree Information Tabic {Eff} to keep traeit of
`data moving screw. the internetwerlt cenneetien.
`W Pemeeewe my ts. race
`Page 00002


`intn the
`the netwnrlting resuurees built
`Mae ttperatine system. TUE? ia the mere
`expensive but enmes bundled with Data
`I|t"i:'5 .Httt'Lr'rtltPirtt' Translate”. titlinl't'er
`distributed t'tle serviee. as well] as aeeess
`in any Mae tile servers. and all are batted
`un Apple'l'ailt.
`the netwurlting system
`develepetl by Apple {see the sidebar
`"AppleTfll: and the GSI Mntlel" 1.
`Three Lneal'i‘all: eards t'nr the PC are
`Fertilien'a thneNET ICard PC [$295.
`buntian with Plitmt'l't'Ei" Tel-ll. DayStar't-
`LTltin [TenneetintL and Sitha's TUPS
`FiashE'ard tlilii‘l'i. Farallnn"s PlteaeNLT
`Talk wurlta with Ethentet earda t'rum 3Ctttn
`and Taken-Ring eards t'rem IBM. and
`may expand tu nthera in the near future.
`Sitlta't- TGFS Will run an Ethernet and
`i'rnm Standard l‘vtia
`Taken-Ring earth-t
`erasysterns Carp. and HE'ttm. Sinee Net-
`Ware suppnrts LnealTallt. ynu ean use the
`earth: with .u'I-I't't' Ware. but yea eanrtnl l'l1l1l:
`LeealTallt and Ethernet an the same see;
`DI' the three anlutinns. Fatalittn's is
`heat. Fittinel'u'ET Talk nrttvitles n1nre fea-
`tures than DayStar‘s LTEUILI Cnnneetinn,
`and unlilte TUFS. it requi res an sultware
`an the Mae. Mae aserswtirlt with the same
`tntert'aee they use feral] utherlile sharing.
`With TtJPE. yna have in nett‘ttin the users.
`Eat TflFa‘ wtirlts aerttss many platlnrms.
`Sitlta makes versinns l'nr Sun wnrlitsta-
`[inns and pen-based enmputera. .iirttiLI'UPh'
`eusts 51.2% tu El .395. FenTflFS eemes
`bundled with every euny ul' GU Carp.'s
`Peraniat. and Fertfeatml is lieenaetl In
`IJtird-pany venddrs.
`Sitlta alse plans in merge 'lUFS with
`the .I'I’lle‘l'reet-tu-peer PC aetwatlt ['ll‘t't-ti—
`uet line l'unneriy uwnetl by Digital I[Turn-
`rndniettlittna Asstieiates tutti
`rttiw L'n-
`nwned by Tiara Centpaler Systems. Sitlza
`has nut annnuneed a prntlttet name l'ttrthe
`rte w line. which is sunrtt‘ttied tnsl‘ttp Ity the
`end at” the year. but it is ealtiitg the new
`arehiteeture DpenTDPS.Upt:nT1'-]PS 1will
`run an Unit. and pen-hteted systems and
`be nptirniaed fnr small mlltEtl werltgmaps.
`l.nw-t:nst IAN stilttliuns are fine if ytin
`are net trying ta ennneet tn an. existing
`Macinttnd't wttrlttgrtturi. ELLE il'a Macintttslt
`netwnrlt already ettists-yna eatt euntteet it
`te a PC netwurlt. via a gateway.
`MHEMI'III' Ctrtmeer. 3995 item Miramar
`System-.- tatta-llett-Ectfl]. is a Ltnitftle gate-
`way iirnduet that runs an a PE and aHnws
`yuu tn integrate individual at nettvtirlted
`EtL'IHNE CTl'tI'lT‘t'
`h’j dul'tfl Hind anti LEE Freud
`Whttl gives Maeintethes Iltt- ability In
`euntteet aver a nettvnrlt‘." The answer is
`.31. pple'l'allt. Whieh it: shimIed with every
`is a entnplete preteen!
`envirnnment that l'ent'ts die basis ul' all
`Maeintuvh netwerhing. fitneleTallt Phase
`the trriginal
`.-‘tpple'l‘allt pmtneel.
`limited til :54 nedev llll tine nhysieal
`eable- AppleTallt Phat-e 2.
`the eunent
`ten-titan. has lieen tLrnand i'nr abnat three
`years and ean suppttrt ever In millinn
`Part ut'tbe it-eattty "l AneleTallt ia its
`tnntlalarity- AppteTall. maps eleanly late
`the Dean Systems lnterennneetinn iflSll
`reference mudel. Aral with its rnndaiar
`design. ArrrlleTallt greatly .silnnlit'tea PC-
`tn-Mat: entttteetivity by enabling users In
`substitute itttlustry-atandartl nettvtlrlting
`[treat-tails at all layers nt'the t'lfii tttndel.
`withntlt al'l'eeting the remaining Apple-
`'Talilt. pnrttttils.
`the Apple'i'alit
`Lilte the [151 tttddel.
`rlrutuenl'i define seven layera. At
`lb the phyaieal layer. whieh in
`native Maeitttuelt envirunmenta ia
`LuealTaEL. Tlte nest layer. the data-link
`hyurt Lat-tuna dial the data rnttvea reliably
`tit-er tl'lit'r I'IlIyt-iettl link.
`Heel-rid nettvittlt built
`int" every
`usirty.T Apple‘s
`inexpensive shielded LnealTailt eable.
`third—party velttlttrr- malte
`alternative LtltJlJlTllih'. enttntaatn's that use
`:ttandard Inntlulartelenhuneeable. whieh
`can handle higher arteetls.
`Aside l'mnt
`I..nt:a|Tallt, AppleTalI-t
`supp-en tither enntmttnieatinn.
`nehetnea. namely Etltentet tttttl Tulten—
`Ftine. tin Mtteinlnshparitatte. EIherTaJlr.
`:tntl TnltenTtIlltt respectively}. FDDI
`tFiber Distributed Data
`net wail-t interlaee eanla l'nr the Mtwintutih
`ittay else he available by the earl ttl'the
`filter the physieai layer and the data-
`linlt layer are the middle three layers til
`the Hill medal. The aettt't-rit
`[irnvides pathways hetween netwnrlts.
`Il'te treaspart layer finds the itfilt'tthltlle
`imthway en year lneal netwnt‘lt. and the
`seaainn layer allntvs applieatinns In
`eurn rttttnieate aernas the netwnrlt.
`AppleTell-t nrutthtttlfl eniat at all
`these layers.The netwnrlt layer ennsists
`anlely til"
`the “diagram Delivery
`Preteen! lllfll’h u‘bielt huntliea the
`transmissinn til data paeitets ever an
`internel'tvtit‘l. etlnneet inn.
`Fear Applflallt mammals are in the
`transpert layer. The hpple‘f‘allt Trans-
`aelien Frnlnenl
`lI't-l'tTlElI allnws nrte
`[Inteeat- tn aalt anntlter In handle .snme
`aetiart and tell it the result. The Ali-pip
`'I'allt. Eelan Preteen-I lHEP} lets a nnde
`transmit a data peel-tel te annther nude
`and reeeive a eepy. 'fite Name Binding
`[HEP] creates tables eeri-
`taining the names that adminisa'alnrs
`have avaignetl
`ttr net'Iverlt'
`alungside dieir addresses. The liner] ng
`Page 00003

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