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`Primary Examiner
`WARNING: The intormatjon disclosed herein may be restricted. Unauthorized d'
`osure may be prohibited
`by the United States Code Title 35. Sections 122. 181 and .1:
`ossession outside the US.
`Paloma deemamOfllce Is restnctedmauflmnzad em- - ,:
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`Page 00002
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`Page 00003
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`[II/“471954 ’4
`U .
`ttomey’s Docket No.ML PATENT
`fl [9
`fl MKS
`Class— Subclass _—____ 9///i(
`Anticipated Classification of this application:
`Prior application:
`Examiner. __H_-___1‘122x2_______
`An um:
`Box Patent Application
`Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks
`Washington, D.C. 20231
`WARNING: A C—I—P (continuation-impart) cannot be filed under 37 CFR 1.60.
`WARNING: Filing under 37 CF? 1.60 is permitted only if filed by the same or less than all the inventors named
`in the prior application. 37 CFR 1.60(b)(3).
`WARNING: The filing of an application at the United States stage of an International Application requires an
`oath or declaration. 37 CFR 1.61(a)(4).
`WARNING: The claims of this new application may be finally rejected in the first Office action where all claims
`of the new application are drawn to the same invention claimed in the earlier application and would
`have been properly finally rejected on the grounds or art of record in the next Office action if
`they had been entered in the earlier application. MPEP § 706.07(b).
`This is a request for filing a
`Di! Continuation
`El Divisional
`application under 37 CFR 1.60, of pending prior application
`Serial No, 08/ 023,398
`filed ‘on
`February 262 1993
`Arthur R. Hair
`(Inventor(s) )
`(Title of invention)
`I hereby certify that this 37 CFR 1.60 request and the documents referred to as attached therein are being deposited
`with the United States Postal Service on this date June 6
`in an envelo e as “Ex ress
`Mail Post Office to Addressee” service under 37 CFR 1.10. Mailing Label Number ELM
`addressed to the: Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks, Washington. D.C. 20231.
`Trace L. Milka
`I print name of person mailing paper)
`(Signature of
`on mailing paper)
`NOTE: Each paper or fee filed by “Express Mail” must have the number of the "Express Mail" mailing label placed
`thereon prior to mailing. (37 OFF! 1.10(b)).
`WARNING: Certificate of mailing (first class) or facsimile transmission procedures of 37 CFR 1.8 cannot be used
`to obtain a date of mailing or transmission for this conespondence.
`(37 CFR 1.60(b) [4-3]—page I of 9)
`Page 00004
`Page 00004


`NOTE: 37 CH? 1.60 permits the omission of a declaration only if the prior application was complete as set
`forth in 37 CFR 1.51(a), namely, the prior application comprised at least (1) a specification, including
`a claim or claims: (2) a declaration; (3) drawings when necessary; and (4) the prescribed filing fee.
`Accordingly, as presently worded, 37 CFR 1.60 does not permit this procedure to be used where the
`prior application is pending but only the processing and retention fee required by37 CFR 1.210) is paid
`or where the declaration was not filed.
`1. Copy of Prior Application as filed Which is Attached
`NOTE' Under 37 CFR 1.60, practice signing and execution of the application by the applicant may be omitted
`provided the copy is supplied by and accompanied by a statement by the applicart or his or her attomay
`or agent that the application papers comprise a true copy of the prior application as filed and that no
`amendments referred to in the declaration filed to complete the prior application introduced new matter
`N075: This statement need not be verified it made by an attorney registered to practice before the PTO. (37
`CFR 1.60(b)).
`I hereby verify that the attached papers are a true copy of what is shown in my
`records to be the above identified prior application. including the oath or declara-
`tion originally filed (37 CFR 1.60).
`The copy of the papers of prior application as filed which are attached are as follows:
`IE _J.J_ page(s) of specification
`[XI _11__ page(s) of claims
`page(s) of abstract
`sheet(s) of drawing
`(also complete part 6 below if drawings are to be transferred)
`pages of declaration and power of attorney
`(If the copy of the declaration being filed does not show applicant’s signature,
`because the attomey’s records do not contain a copy of the signed declaration
`actual/y filed for the application, indicate thereon that it was signed and complete
`the following:)
`in accordance with the indication required by 37 CFR 60(b), my
`records reflect that the original signed declaration showing appli—
`cant's signature was filed on
`D the amendment referred to in the declaration filed to complete the prior
`application and I hereby state, in accordance with the requirements of 37 CFR
`1.60(b), that this amendment did not introduce new matter therein.
`(37 CFR 1.60(b) [4-3]—pagc '2 of 9)
`Page 00005
`Page 00005


`2. Amendments
`“The claim of a new application may be finally rejected in the first Office action in those situations
`where (1) the new application is a continuing application of, or a substitute for, an earlier
`application, and (2) all the claims of the new application (a) are drawn to the same invention claimed
`in the earlier application, and (b) would have been properly finally rejected on the grounds or art
`of record in the next Office action if they had been entered in the eariier application. " MPEP
`§ 706.07rb).
`D Cancel in this application original claims _________ of the prior
`application before calculating the filing fee. (At least one original independent
`claim must be retained for filing purposes.)
`D A preliminary amendment is enclosed. (Claims added by this amendment have
`been properly numbered consecutively beginning with the number next following
`the highest numbered original claim in the prior application.)
`NOTE' Only amendments reducing the number of claims or adding a reference to the prior application (Rule
`1.78(a)) will be entered before calculating the filing fee and granting the filing date. 37 CFR 1.60(b).
`'When filing under Rule 1.60 retain at least one original claim from the patent application to assure
`a complete application." Notice of March 3, 1986 (1064 0.6. 37-38).
`3. Petition for Suspension of Prosecution for the Time Necessary to File an Amendment
`NOTE: Where it is possible that the claims on file will give rise to a first action final for this continuation application
`and for some reason an amendment cannot be filed promptly (e.g., experimental data is being gathered)
`it may be desirable to file a petition for suspension of prosecution for the time necessary).
`(check the next item, if applicable)
`[I There is provided herewith a Petition To Suspend Prosecution For The Time
`Necessary to File An Amendment (New Application Filed Concurrently).
`Information Disclosure Statement
`(check this item, if applicable)
`[I An information disclosure statement is submitted herewith.
`(37 CFR 1.60(b) [4-3]——page 3 of 9)
`Page 00006
`Page 00006


`5. Fee Calculation (37 CFR 1.16)
`I ‘I
`Number filed
`Number Extra
`Basic Fee
`37 CFR 1.16(a)
`Claims (37 CFR 1.16(c))
`31 —20=
`Claims (37‘CFR 1.16(b))
`8 —'3=
`3 22.00
`3 7500
`Multiple dependent claim(s), if any
`(37 CFR 1.16(d))
`[3 Fee for extra claims is not being paid at this time. (37 CFR 1.16(d))
`If the fees for extra claims are not paid on filing they must be paid or the claims cancelled by amendment,
`prior to the expiration of the time period set for response by the PTO in any notice of fee deficiency.
`37 OFF? 1.16(d).
`Filing Fee Calculation
`6. Small Entity Status
`m A verified statement that this filing is by a small entity:
`is attached
`has been filed in the parent application and such status is still proper and
`desired (37 CFR 1.28(a))
`Filing Fee Calculation (50% of above) 5
`NOTE: Any excess of the full fee paid will be refunded if a verified statement is filed within 2 months of the
`date of timely payment ofa full fee then the excess fee paid will be refunded on request. 37 CFR 1.28(a).
`NOTE: 37 CFR 128(8), last sentence states: "Applications filed under § 1.60 or 5 1.62 of this part must include
`a reference to a verified statement in a parent application if status as a small entity is sa’ll proper and
`desired. ”'
`7. Drawings
`[3 Drawings are enclosed
`WARNING.- DO NOTsubmit original drawings. A high quality copy of drawings should be supplied when filing
`a patent application. The drawings that are submitted to the Office must be on strong. white.
`smooth, and non-shiny paper and meet the standards of § 1.84. If corrections to the drawings
`are necessary, they should be made to the original drawings and a high-quality copy of the
`corrected original drawing then submitted to the Office. Only one copy is required or desired.
`Comments on proposed new 37 CFR 1.84. Notice of March 9, 1968 (10.90 0.6. 57-62).
`NOTE “identifying indicia, if provided, should include the application number or the fitle of the invention,
`lnventor’s name, docket number (if any), and me name and telephone number of a person to call if
`the Office is unable to match the drawings to me proper application. This information should be placed
`on the back of each sheet of drawing a minimum distance of 1.5 cm. (5/8 inch) down from me top
`of the page.” 37 GER. 1.84(c)).
`(37 CFR,1.60(b) [4-3]—page 4' of 9)
`Page 00007
`Page 00007


`8. Priority—35 U.S.C. 119
`0 /_______ filed on
`E] Priority of application Serial No.
`claimed under 35 U.S.C. 119.
`I] The certified copy has been filed in prior US. application Serial No.
`0 /___.__ on
`El The certified copy will follow.
`9. Relate Back—35 U.S.C. _1 20
`E Amend the specification by inserting. before the first line, the following sentence:
`“This is a
`of copending application(s)
`RI Serial number 0 8/_0_23_..32_&__ filed
`International Application __ filed on ___—____ an
`which designated the U.S.”
`NOTE: The proper reference to a prior filed PCT application which entered me U.S. national phase is the US.
`serial number and the filing date of the PCT application which designated the US.
`Inventorship Statement
`If the continuation or divisional application is filed by less than all the inventors named in the prior
`application a statement must accompany the application when filed requesting deletion of the names
`of the person or persons who are not inventors of the invention being claimed in the continuation or
`divisional application. 37 CFR 1.60(b) [emphasis added].
`(complete appropriate items (a) and (b))
`(a) With respect to the prior copending US. application from which this application
`claims benefit under 35 USC 120 the inventor(s) in this application is.(are):
`(complete: applicable item below)
`the same
`less than those named in the prior application and it is requested that the
`following inventor(s) identified above for the prior application be deleted:
`(type name(s) of inventor(s) to be deleted)
`(b) The inventorship for all the claims in this application are
`the same
`not the same. and an explanation, including the ownership of the various
`claims at the time the last claimed invention was made, is submitted.
`(37 CFR 1.60(b) [4-31—page 5 of 9)
`Page 00008
`Page 00008


`11. Assignment
`C] The prior application is assigned of record to
`E] An assignment of the invention to
`is attached. A separate [3 “COVER SHEET FOFI ASSIGNMENT (DOCUMENT)
`"If an assignment is submitted with a new application. send two separate letters - one for the application
`and one for the assignment" Notice of May 4, 1990 (1114 0.6. 77-78).
`.) reference may be made to
`. 1.60 .
`. divisional application (under. .
`NOTE: When an assignee files a .
`a statement filed under 37 CFR 3. 73(b) in the parent application, or a copy of that statement may be
`filed. Notice of April 30, 1993. 1150 0.6. 62-64.
`12. Fee Payment Being Made At This Time
`El Not Enclosed
`E] No filing fee is submitted. (This and the surcharge required by 37 CFR 1.16(e)
`can be paid subsequently).
`E Enclosed-
`basic filing fee
`recording assignment
`($40.00; 37 CFR
`1.21 (h)) (See attached “COVER SHEET FOR AS-
`processing and retention fee
`($130.00; 37 CFR 1.53(d)
`and 1.21 (o)
`NOTE: 37 CFR 1.21(l) establishes a fee for processing and retaining any application which is abandoned for
`failing to complete the application pursuant to 37 CFR 1.53(d) and this. as well as me changes to 37
`CFR 1.53 and 1. 78 indicate that in order to obhain the benefit of a prior U.S. application. either the
`basic filing fee must be paid or else the processing and retention fee of § 1.21(l) must be paid within
`1 year from notification under 5 53(d).
`Total fees enclosed
`13. Method of Payment of Fees
`fl Enclosed'is a check in the‘amolunt of
`E] Charge Account No.__ in the amount of $
`A duplicate of this request is attached.
`NOTE: Fees should be itemized in such a manner that is clear for which purpose the fees are paid. .37 CFR
`(37 CFR 1.60(b) [4-3l—page 6 of 9)
`Page 00009
`Page 00009


`14. Authorization To Charge Additional Fees
`lf no fees are being paid on filing do not complete this item.
`WMMING: Accurately count claims, especially multiple dependent claims, to avoid unexpected high charges
`it extra claim charges are authorized.
`[3 The Commissioner is hereby authorized to charge the following additional fees
`which may be required by this paper and during the entire pendency of the
`application to Account No. 4%.—
`37 CFR 1.16 (a), (f) or (g) (filing fees)
`37 CFR 1.16 (b), (c) and (d) (presentation of extra claims)
`NOTE: Because additional fees for excess or multiple dependent claims not paid on filing or on Isterpresentation
`must only be paid or these claims cancelled by amendment prior to the expimfion of the time period
`set for response by the PTO in any notice of fee deficiency (37 CFR 1.16(d)) it might be best not to
`authorize the PTO to charge additional claim fees, except possibly when dealing with amendments after
`final action.
`37 CFR 1.17 (application processing fees)
`WARNING: While 37 CFR 1.1 7(a). (b). (c) and (d) deal with extensions of time under § 1.136(a) this authon'zation
`should be made only with the lmowledge that ”Submission of the appropriate extension fee under
`37 CFR 1.136(a) is to no avail unless a request orpetition for extension is filed. " [emphas’w added].
`Notice of November 5, 1985 (1060 0.6. 2D.
`37 CFR 1.18 (issue fee at or before mailing Notice of Allowance, pursuant
`to 37 CFR 1.311(b)).
`NOTE: Where an author'zatlon to charge the issue fee to a deposit account has been filed before the mailing
`of a Notice of Allowance. the issue fee will be automatically charged to the deposit account at the time
`of mailing the notice of allowance. 37 OFF? 1.311(b)).
`NOTE: 37 OFF! 1.28m) requires “Notification of any change in status resulting in loss of entitlement to small
`entity status must be filed in the application .
`. prior to paying or at the time of paying .
`. issue
`lee." From the wording of 37 CFR 1.28(b): (a) notification of change of status must be made even if
`the fee is paid as “other than a small endty' and (b) no notification is required if the change is to another
`small entity.
`15. Power of'Attomey
`[2? The power of attorney in'the prior application is to
`Ansel M. Schwartz
`(Reg. No.)
`[Z The power appears in the original papers in the prior application.
`[I] Since the power does not appear in the original papers, a copy of the power
`in the prior application is enclosed.
`E] A new power has been executed and is attached.
`or Address all future communications to
`fitem d may only be completed by applicant, or attorney or agent of record)
`Ansel M. Schwartz5%
`25 N. Crai Street
`, Suite 301 ..
`Pittsburgh, PA 15213
`(37 CFR l.60(b) [4-3]—page 7 of 9)
`Page 00010
`Page 00010


`16. Maintenance of Copendency of Prior Application
`(this item must be completed and the papers filed in the prior application if the period
`set in the prior application has run.)
`D A petition, fee and response has been filed to extend the term in the pending
`prior application until
`NOTE: The FTC finds it useful if a copy of the petition filed in the prior application extending the term for
`response is filed with the papers constituting the filing of the Continuation Application. Notice of
`November 5.1985 (1060 O.G 27).
`I] A copy of the petition for extension of time in the prior application is
`‘17. Conditional Petition for Extension of Time in Prior Application
`(complete this item and file conditional petition in the prior application if previous
`item not applicable)
`[I] A conditional petition for extension of time is being filed in the pending parent
`NOTE: The PTO finds it useful il a copy of the petition filed in the prior application extending the term for
`response is filed with the paperconstituting the filing of the continuation application Notice of November
`5.1985 (1060 O. G. 27).
`E] A copy of the conditional petition for extension of time in the prior application
`is attached.
`18. Abandonment of Prior Application (if applicable)
`(Do not complete this item if the application being filed is a divisional of the prior application which
`is not being abandoned).
`"A registered attorney or agent acting under the provisions of § 134(a), or of record may also expressly
`abandon a prior application as of the filing date granted to a continuing application when filing such
`a continuing application. 37 CFR 1. 138.
`El Please abandon the prior application at a time while the prior application is
`pending or when the petition for extension of time or to revive in that application
`is granted and when this application is granted a filing date so as to make this
`application copending with said prior application.
`19. Notification in Parent Application of the Fling of This Continuation Application
`E] A notification of the filing of this continuation is being filed in the
`‘parent‘application from which this application claims priority under
`35 USC § 120.
`(37 CFR 1.60(b) [4-3]—page 8 of 9)
`Page 0001 1
`Page 00011


`20. Statement by Assignee (if applicable)
`I have reviewed the evidentiary documents
`in accordance with 37 CFR 3.73,
`establishing my/our ownerShip of the application identified herein. and certify that
`to the best of my/our knowledge and belief, title is with me/us who seek to take action.
`El Assignment submitted herewith for recordal
`I hereby declare further that all statements made herein of my own knowledge are true
`and that all statements made on information and belief are believed to be true; and further
`that these statements were made with the knowledge that willful false statements and the
`like so made are punishable by fine or imprisonment. or both, under Section 1001 of Title
`18 of the United States Code, and that such willful false statements may jeopardize the
`validity of the application or any patent issuing thereon.
`[é fif
`425 N. Crai Street
`(PO. Address of Signatory)
`Suite 301
`Ansel M.S_______c________hwartz
`(type or print name of person signing
`dethion) if[Z i
`Pittsburgh, PA 15213
`:( 412 ) 621-9222
`el. No.
`Reg. No. 30,5
`(if applicab e )
`Cl Assignee of complete interest
`(3 Person authorized to sign on behalf of
`to Attorney or agent of record
`Cl Filed under Rule 34(a)
`(complete the following if applicable)
`(Type name of assignee)
`(fit/e of person authorized to sign on behalf
`of assignee)
`(Address of assignee)
`Assignment recorded .in PTO on
`The statement under 37 CFR 3.73(b)
`has been filed in the parent application.
`a copy of the statement previously filed in the parent application is attached.
`(37 CFR l.60(b) [4-3]—page 9 of 9)
`Page 00012
`Page 00012


`‘ p
`continuation application of U.S. patent
` W
`5 application serial number 07/586,391 filed September 18, 1990, now
`U.S. Patent No. 5,191,573,
`issued March 2,
`1993, which is a
`continuation application of U.S. patent application serial number‘
`07/206,497, filed June 13, 1988, abandoned.
`The present
`invention is
`related to a
`system and
`associated method for the electronic sales and distribution of
`digital audio or video signals, and more particularly, to a system
`and method which a user may purchase and receive digital audio or
`from any location which the user has access to
`video signal
`telecommunications lines.
`three basic mediums
`(hardware units)
`of music:
`compact discs,
`greatly restricts
`of music
`The individual hardware units as cited above
`are limited as to the amount of music that can be stored on each.
`The materials used to manufacture
`hardware units are subject
`to damage and deterioration during
`normal operations, handling, and exposure to the elements.
`Page 00013


`The physical size of the hardware units imposes
`constraints on the quantity of hardware units which can be housed
`for playback in confined areas such as
`in automobiles, boats,
`planes, etc.
`RETRIEVAL: Hardware units limit the ability to play,
`a sequence selected by the user, songs from different albums.
`if the user wants to play one song from ten different
`albums, the user would spend an inordinate amount of time handling,
`sorting, and cueing the ten different hardware units.
`to final purchase,
`hardware units
`to be physically transferred from the
`manufacturing facility to the wholesale warehouse to the retail
`resulting in lengthy lag time
`warehouse to the retail outlet,
`between music creation and music marketing, as well as incurring
`tooling costs required for mass production of the
`hardware units
`and the material cost. of
`the hardware units
`themselves, further drives up the cost of music to the end user.
`the recent
`invention of Digital Audio
`Music, as used on Compact Discs,’distortiog~§re§ transfer from the
`hardware units to the stereo system was Virtually impossible.
`Digital Audio Music is simply music converted into a very basic
`computer language known as binary.
`A series of commands known as
`zeros or ones encode the music for future playback. Use of laser
`retrieval of
`the binary.
`in distortion free
`transfer of the music from the compact disc to the stereo system.
`Quality Digital Audio Music is defined as the binary structure of
`the Digital Audio Music. Conventional analog tape recording of
`ADigital Audio Music is not to be considered quality inasmuch as the
`binary structure itself is not recorded. While Digital Audio Music
`Page 00014


`on compact discs is a technological breakthrough in audio quality,
`the method by which the music
`is sold, distributed,
`played and protected from copyright
`infringements remains as inefficient as with records and tapes.
`Since the invention of
`recording devices, strict control and enforcement of copyright laws
`proved difficult
`impossible with
`Additionally, the recent invention of Digital Audio Tape Recorders
`now jeopardizes the electronic copyright protection of quality
`10 Digital Audio Music on Compact Discs or Digital Audio Tapes.
`music exists on hardware units, it can be copied.
`Accordingly, it is an objective of this invention is to
`provide a new and improved methodology/system to electronically
`sell, and distribute Digital Audio Music‘.
`A further objective of this invention to provide a new
`improved methodology/system to electronically store and
`retrieve Digital Audio Musuk
`Another objective of this invention is to provide a new.
`and improved methodology/system to electronic 1 y m nipulate, i.e. ,
`sort, cue, and select, Digital Audio MuSichor playback.
`Still another objective of this invention is to offer a
`new and improved methodology/system which can pEevJegt un uthorized
`I M
`electronic copying of quality Digital Audio MUSli.
`this invention accomplishes the above cited
`objectives by providing a new and improved methodology/system of
`Page 00015
`Page 00015


`electronic sales, distribution, storage, manipulation, retrieval,
`playback, and copyright protection of Digital Audio Music.
`_ high speed transfer of Digital Audio Music as prescribed by this
`invention is stored onto one piece of hardware, a hard disk,
`tapes, or
`eliminating the need to unnecessarily handle records,
`compact discs on a regular basis. This invention recalls stored
`music for playback as
`selected/programmed by the user.
`invention can easily and electronically sort stored music based on
`many different criteria such as, but not
`Ilimited to, music
`category, artist, album, user's favorite songs, etc. An additional
`feature of this invention is the random playback of songs, also
`based on the user's selection.
`For example,
`the user could have
`this invention randomly play all jazz songs stored on the usergs
`hard disk, or
`randomly play all songs by a certain artist, or
`randomly play all of
`the user's favorite songs which the user
`previously electronically "tagged" as favorites. Further, being
`more specific,
`the user can electronically select a series of
`individual songs from different albums for sequential playback.
`This invention can be configured to either accept direct
`input of Digital Audio Music from the digital output of a Compact
`Disc, such transfer would be performed by the private user, or this
`invention can be configured to accept Digital Audio Music from a
`source authorized by the copyright holder to sell and distribute
`the copyrighted materials, thus guaranteeing the protection of such
`copyrighted materials.
`Either method
`transferring Digital Audio Music by means of this invention is
`intended to comply with all copyright laws and restrictions and any
`such transfer is subject to the appropriate authorization by the
`copyright holder.
`Inasmuch as Digital Audio Music is software and
`this invention electronically transfers and stores such music,
`electronic sales and distribution of the music can take place via
`telephone lines onto a hard disk. This new methodology/system of
`Page 00016


`music sales and distribution will greatly reduce the cost of goods
`Sold and will reduce the lag time between music creation and music
`marketing from weeks down to hours.
`The present
`invention is a
`system for
`desired digital zidia or audio signals stored on a first memory of
`a first party.
`a second memory of a second party.
`The system
`comprises mean & or
`le tronically selling the deSired digital
`video 0 paudio signalZLviaatelecommunications lines to the first
`the system preferably
`party from the se ond party. Moreover,
`Ameafis L: for
`telecommunications lines the first éegorykwith the second memory
`such that
`the desired digital video orAaudio signals can pass
`system comprises meansA_ or
`_transmitting the desired digital video or audio signals from the
`first memory with a tram mit er in control and in possession of the
`first party to a receiverkhavrngstge iecond memory at—e—locateen
`r ceiver is i
`ossessio and
`in control of‘the
`econd party.{%@here~is a1 6 means.£e§~storing
`the-digitaIISi nal in the second memory-
`Further objectives and advantages of this invention will
`become apparent as
`the following description proceeds and the
`particular features of novelty which charaCterize this invention
`will be pointed out in the claims annexed to and forming a part of
`this declaration.
`For a better understanding of this invention, reference
`should be made to the following detailed-description,
`taken in
`conjunction with the accompanying drawings,
`in which:
`Page 00017


`is a pictorial flow chart which may be used in
`carrying out the teachings of this invention for the purposes of
`electronic sales, distribution, storage, manipulation, retrieval,
`playback, and copyr ght protection of Digital Audio Music; and
`is a pictorial flow chart which may be used in
`carrying out the teachings of this invention for the purposes of
`electronic storage, manipulation,
`and playback of
`Digital Audio Music.
`Referring now to the drawings wherein like reference
`numerals refer to similar or identical parts throughout the several
`views, and more specifically to figure thereof,
`there is shown
`Referring now to the Fig. 1, this inventionkis comprised
`of the following:
`Hard Disk of the copyright holder
`Control Unit of the copyright holder
`20a Control Panel
`20b Control Integrated Circuit
`20c Sales Random Access Memory Chip
`Telephone Lines/Input Transfer
`Control Unit of the user
`50a Control Panel
`50b Control Integrated Circuit
`50c Incoming Random Access Memory Chip
`50d Play Back Random Access Memory Chip
`Hard Disk of the user
`Video Display Unit
`Stereo Speakers
`Page 00018


`The Hard Disk 10 of the first party or agent authorized
`to electronically sell and distribute the copyrighted Digital Audio
`Music is the originating source of music in the configuration as
`outlined in Fig. 1. The Control Unit 20 of the authorized agent is
`the means by which the electronic transfer of the Digital Audio
`Music from the agent's Hard Disk 10 via the Telephone Lines 30 to
`the user's or second party's Control Unit 50 is possible.
`user's Control Unit is comprised of a Control Panel 50a, a Control
`Integrated Circuit son, an Incoming Random Access Memory Chip 50c,
`and a Play Back Random Access memory Chip 50d.
`authorized agent's Control Unit 20 has a control panel and control
`integrated circuit similar to that of the user's Control Unit 50.
`The authorized agent‘s Control Unit 20, however, only requires the
`Sales Random Access Memory Chip 20c. The other components in Fig.
`1 include a Hard Disk 60,
`a Video Display Unit 70, and a set of
`Stereo Speakers 80,
`Referring now to Fig.
`2, with the exception of
`substitution of a Compact Disc Player 40 (as the initial source of
`Digital Audio Music)
`for the agent's Hard Disk 10,
`the agent's
`20 Control Unit 20, and t

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