
`Exhibit 1002
`{17/213599/ 36/13/88
`ARI'TI-LUR a .' HAIR,” Px‘rréauéom- 92A".
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`I Flirelgn prIorlIy cIaImed Uyes
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`more Mus [5.
` M.4PIL a. TM Ofllca —PTO~436L (rev.10-75)
`.. ., -v.
`,q S’L‘k . 0.? dVWSS' 4‘th 9‘ 2H \qo
`Total Claims
`Assistant Examiner
`Dockel Clerk
`IE Amount Due
`Date PaId
`Sheets Drwg.
`Figs. Drwg
`% i
`Primary Examiner
`WARNING: The informallon dIsclosad herein mav be resIricIed.
`IlnnIIlhnri-rnd madam... "min...
`Page 00001
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`> «a No.0651-0011(12I$1/80)’/
`.——-—-—————‘— /
`Arroancws DOCKET NO. \
`\\~ '- e.
`g i3 ’
`13; 13
`1988 \
`gui'uzcoumsswucnor PATENI'nANDTRADEMARKSL
`u n'ttcd herewith forfiliuisthe petentsppliationof
`stem for the electronic sales, distribution, storage,
`1a back
`and co
`right protection of Digital
`Audio Music.
`C] sardhdcopy o!-
`0 Wu power of attorney.
`m verified statement to estehlish small entity ststus under 37 CFR 1.9 end 1.21.
`gaff: ERAM
`. FOR:
`'~'- -
`“actor. {a we
`rorAL'culMs—ml_ mm 0."
`- «mam-mucosa cotlisleesthan zero.errter"0"incd.2
`D Plesse charge my Deposit Account No.
`a A duplicate copy of this sheet is enclosed.
`in the amount of 3
`a A check in the amount a! sizl_. to cover the filing fee is enclosed.
`\L f"
`U The Commissioner is hereby authorized to charge payment of the following fees
`associated with this communication or credit suy overpeyment to Deposit Account
`A Duplicate copy of this eheet is enclosed.
`B Any sdditionsl filing fees required under 37 CPR 1.16.
`B Any petent application processing fees under 37 CPR 1.17
`U The Commissioner is hereby authorized to cherze payment of the following fees durinz
`the pendency of the application or credit sny overpayment to Deposit Account
`. A duplicate copy of this sheet is enclosed.
`B Any filing fees under 37 CPR 1.16 for presentation of extra claims./
`B Any patent npplication processing fees under 31' CPR 1.11.
`D The ieeue I" eet in 31 C?! 1.18 at or before mailing of the Notice
`0! Allovence. pursuent to 37 C?!
`June 9: 1988
`For. PTO-FB-ASIO (10-85)
`{5'29 tom PTO-1082)
`Pet-st sue Tree-wen: Orflee - 0.8. DEPARTMENT 01 COMMIICI
`Page 00004
`Page 00004


`mane (was)
`whrmm 1m1m.cuaue1.cne1
`marred-Imam: 0.3.0 MTIIEITOFWERCE
`thmhdtfl'p. "mumemu-Mdmmew-wwmw.
`In re Appllcetion at
`film—AWE) R fiCHK
`Mshlnqton. or: 20231
`l hOfEbY Mum access unden37 CFR 1 14(a)(3)(lv) to the application file record of the above-
`Identified ABANDONED Ippllcatlon which is: (CHECK ONE)
`+{g n
`column]: 20at l
`A“) ”NMMhUflfled States Patent Number 5 (,q{ 5 Z .5
`_ (B) referred to in In appllchtion that ls open to publlc Inspection as set forth In 37 CFR 1.11. i.e..
`Applicatlon No.
`. on pace
`paper number .
`Please dlrea any correspondence concernlng this request to the followlng address:
`__ (c) an application that dalms the benefit 01 the tuna date of In Ippllcetlon that ls open to public
`-inSPedion. 1.0.. Application No.
`, filed
`_(D) an application In which the applicant has filed an Iuthortzatlon to lay open the complete
`appllmflon to the public.
`Typed or printed name
`lbw-“am ." - 7:,
`:5, 3 V,
`‘ "0 W'-
`Bum-n Haw Stat-mm This Iovm u owl-mud to 1:“ : 2 Hun to complete 71m. wilt/1N dwmdlnq “3°" ”"0 5"" °
`.33!- WW c- m’: a 'J'u ancum or am .a_ 3 '-'1'..- .34 '1- urn“. [- , 51m mm. .d be sent 13 be
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`Page 00005
`Page 00005


`2. Benefit of Prior U.S. Application(s) (35 USC 120)
`I! the new acolicaa'cn being :ransmirted is a divisional. cona'nuation or a COflfl'liuaIiOn-lh-flafl of a parent
`case. or where :he parent case is an International Application which designated the U. 5.. then check
`the following item and complete and attacn ADDED PAGES FOR NEW APPL/CA TICN T'RANSMIWAL
`E Tne new application being transmitted claims the benefit of prior U.S. applica-
`3. Papers Enclosed Which Are Required For Filing Date Under 37 OFF] 1.5303) (Reg-
`ular) or 37 CF?! 1.153 (Design) Application
`11 Pages of specification
`_Ll._ Pages of claims
`_1. Pages of Abstract
`_2 Sheets of drawing
`E formal
`E informal
`WARNING: DC NCT‘ submit original drawings. A high quality copy at the drawings should be supplied when
`filing a patent application. The drawings that are submitted to the Office must be on smcng, white.
`smooth. and non-sniny paper and meet the standards according to § 1.34. It correca'ons to the
`c'rawmgs are necessary, they Should be made to the original drawing and a high-quality copy of
`the corrected original drawing then submitted to the Office. Only one copy is required or de-
`sired. Comments on proposed new 37' CFR 1.84. Notice of March 9. 7988 (19.90 0. G. 57-62).
`NOE "idenzfiying inoicia such as the serial number. group and unit. We at the invention. attomey’s docket
`number, inventor‘s name. number of sheets. etc. not to exceed 23/: inches (7.0 cm.) in m‘dth may be
`placed in a centered location between the side edges wib‘wh three lourths inch (79.1 mm.) of the top
`edge. Ether mis marking technique on the front of the drawing or the placement. although not pre-
`ferred. of this information and the title of the invention an the back of me drawings is acceptable." Pm-
`posed 37 CF}? 154(1). Notice of March 9. 1588 (1090 O.G. 57-62).
`4. Additional papers enclosed
`E Preliminary Amendment
`E information Disclosure Statement (37 CFR 1.98)
`E Form PTO-1449
`E Citations
`E Declaration of Biological Deposit
`E Submission of “Sequence Listing," computer readable copy and/or amendment
`pertaining thereto for biotechnology invention containing nuc:eoticie and/or
`amino acid sequence.
`E Authorization of Attomey(s) to Accept and Follow Instructions from Representa-
`E Special Comments
`E Other
`(Application Transmittal [4-11—page 2 of 7)
`Page 00006
`Page 00006


`Iflfllt-‘—‘ I"; ruthw)!
`.w... -7.
`, g
`5. Declara.:on or oath
`executed by (check all applicable boxes)
`legal representative of inventor(s). 37 CFR 1.42
`or 1.43
`joint inventor or person showing a proprietary
`interest on behalf of inventor who refused to
`sign or cannot be reached.
`this is the petition required by 37 CFR 1.47 and the statement
`required by 37 CFR 1.47 is also attached. See item 73 below for
`Cl Not Enclosed.
`WARNING: Where the tiling is a completion in the U. S. of an International Applican‘on but where a declaration is not
`availaole or where the complexion ol the MS. application contains sub/9c: matter in addition to the
`lntemational Application the application may be treated as a continuation or continuation-impart, as the
`us. AFPUCA rip/v cameo.
`Cl Application is made by a person authorized under 37 CFR 1.41(c) on behalf
`of all me above named inventor(s). (The dedaration pr oath. along with me surmarge.
`repaired by 37 CPR 7. 75(8) can be filed subsequently).
`It is important that all the correct inventor(s) are named for iifing under 37 CPR 1.41(c) and 7.53/17).
`Showing that the filing is authorized. (Not required unless called into question.
`37 CF? 7.4 7(a).
`lnventorship Statement
`If the named inventors are each not the inventors at all the claims an explanation. including meownérsm’p
`at the various claims at the time the last claimed invention was made. should be submitted.
`The inventorship for all the claims in this application are:
`fill The same
`[3 Are not the same. An explanation. including the ownership of the various ciaimsvat the
`time the last claimed invention was made,
`is submitted.
`will be submitted.
`7. Language
`NOTE: An application including a signed path or declaration may be filed in a language other than English.
`A verified English translation of the non-English language application and me processing fee of
`$130.00 required by 37 CPR 1.17(k) is required to be filed with me application or admin such time
`as may be set by the Office. 37 CPR 1.52m).
`NOTE.- A non-English path or declaraa‘on in me form provided or approved by me PTO need notoe translated.
`37 CPR 7.659(0).
`E, English
`D the attached translation is a verified translation. 37 CPR 1.52(d).
`(Application Transmittal [4-ll—page
`3 of 7)
`Page 00007
`Page 00007


`8. Assignment
`Ci An assignment of the invention to
`E is attached. A separate E “COVER SHEET“ FOR ASSIGNMENT (DOCU-
`1906 is also attached.
`G will follow.
`“if an assignment is submitted with a new appiicarion. send two separate letters-one for the
`application and one for the assignment. ' Notice of May 4, 19.90 (1114 0.6. 77.73),
`9. Certified Copy
`Certified copy(ies) of application(s)
`(appln. no.)
`(appln. no.)
`(appln. no.)
`from which priority is claimed
`is(are) attached.
`Ci will follow.
`' ‘5'
`NOTE: The foreign applicafion forming the basis for the claim for priority must be referred to in the cam or
`declaration. 37 CFH l.55la) and 1.63.
`NOTE- This item is for any foreign phat-try for which the applican'on being filed directly relates. if any parent
`U.3. application or lnremetior:.; Application from which this applicaa‘on ciaims benefit under 35 U.S. C.
`120 is itself endded to prions; from a prior foreign application then complete item 18 an the ADDED
`10. Fee Calculation (37 CFR 1.16)
`A. m Regular application
`Number tiled
`Basic Fee
`37 CFR 1.16(a)
`Number Extra
`Claims (37 CFR 1.16(c)) 31 —20=
`Claims (37 can 1.16(b))
`5 22.00
`5 74.00
`Multlple dependent-clalm(s), if any
`(37 CFR 1.16(d)) $230.00
`El Amendment cancelling extra claims enclosed.
`C1 Amendment deleting multiple-dependencies enclosed.
`Fee for extra claims is not being paid at this time.
`If the fees for extra claims are not paid on filing they must be paid or the claims cancelled by
`amendment. prior to the expiration of the time period set for response by the Patent and Trademark
`Office in any notice of fee deficiency. 37 CPR 1.76711)-
`Filing Fee Calculation
`1 .322 .00
`(Application Transmittal [Lt-Il—page
`4 of 7)
`Page 00008
`Page 00008


`B. D Design application
`(828000—37 CFR 1.16(f))
`Filing Fee Calculation
`C. D Plant application
`(846000—37 CFR 1.16(g))
`11. Small Entity Statement(s)
`Filing fee calculation
`[X] Verified Statementls) that this is a filing by a small entity under 37 CFR 1.9 and
`1.27 is(are) attached.
`66 l - 00
`Filing Fee Calculation (50% of A. B or C above)
`NOTE Any excess or me lull fee paid will be retunded if a verified smrement and a refund request are filed
`within 2 months of the date 0/ timely payment of a full lee. 37 CF}? 128(3).
`12. Request for lnternational~Type Search (37 CPR 1.104(d» (complete. if applicable)
`D Please prepare an intemational-type search report for this application at the
`time when national examination on the merits takes place.
`13. Fee Payment Being Made At This Time
`[:1 Not Enclosed
`D No filing fee is to be paid at this time. (This and the surcharge requiredby
`37 CFH 7. 76(e) can be paid subsequently.)
`@ Enclosed
`basic filing fee
`D recording assignment
`(540.00; 37 CFR 1.21(h))
`1:] petition fee for filing by other
`than all the inventors or person
`on behalf of the inventor where
`inventor refused to sign or cannot
`be reached. ($130.00; 37 CPR
`1.47 and 1.17(h))
`D for processing an application with
`a specification in a non-English
`language. ($130.00: 37 CPR 1.52(d) and
`[3 processing and retention fee
`($130.00: 37 OFF 1.53(d) and 1.210))
`5 661.00
`fee for international-type search report ($35.00;
`37 CFR 1.21 (e)).
`NOTE: 37 CF)? 1.21(1) esteblisnes a lee for processing and lemming any application which is abandoned for
`failing to complete me app/icau'on pwsuanr to 37 OFF? 1.53M) and W's. as well as the changes to 37
`OF)? 1.5.? and 1. 73. indicate mat in order to cousin the benefit of a prior U.S. application, either the be-
`sic filing fee must be paid or the processing and rstenu'on lee of § 1.21(l) must be paid wimin 1 year
`from noa'fication under § 537d).
`Total lees enclosed
`6 6 1 . 0 0
`(Application Transmittal [4-1]—page 5 of 7)
`Page 00009
`Page 00009


`Q Incorporation by reterence of added page:
`Check the following item if the applicaa'on in this transmittal claims the ben- .
`efit of prior U.$. application(s) fincluding an international application enter-
`ing the U.S. stage as a continuation, divisional or C-I-P application) and
`complete and attach me ADDED PAGES FOF? NEW APPLICA 770M
`E Plus Added Pages For New Application Transmittal Where Benefit Of Prior U.s.
`Applicationts) Ciaimed
`Number of pages added
`D Plus Added Pages For Papers Referred To In item 4 Above
`Number of pages added
`C]. Plus “Assignment Cover Letter Accompanying New Application"
`Number at pages added
`D Statement Where No Further Pages Added
`(If no further pages form a part of this Transmittal men end this Transmittal
`with this page and check the following item)
`' E] This transmittal ends with this page.
`(Application Transmittal [4-11—page 7 of 7)
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`, 272 101A,
` f5 Page1 f6
`S%(o~ CH
`B '.
`-.e's u
`oro ec ion .
`tapes, and
`The three basic mediums
`(hardware units) of music: records,
`compact discs, greatly restricts the transfrrability of music and results
`in a variety of inefficiencies.
`CAPACITY:‘ The individual hardware un 'ts as cited above are limited
`as to the amount of music that can be st red on each.
`The materials used to m nufacture the hardware units are
`subject to damage and deterioration du ing normal operations, handling,
`‘ and exposure to the elements.
`The physical size of the vardware units imposes constraints
`on the quantity of hardware units w-ich can be housed for playback in
`confined areas such as in automobi es, boats, planes, etc.
`in-a sequence
`RETRIEVAL: Hardware units li-it the ability to play,
`selected by the user, songs from different albums.
`For example, if the
`user wants to play one song fro-
`ten different albums,
`the user would,
`rime handling, sorting, and cueing the ten

`(spend an inordinant amount of
`different hardware units.
`'rior to final purchase, hardware units
`need to be physically trans -red from the manufacturing facility to the
`wholesale warehouse to the .etail warehouse to the retail outlet,
`resulting in lengthly lag ime between music creation and music marketing,
`as well as incurring unne sary and inefficient transfer and handling
`costs. Additionally,
`ing costs required for mass production of the
`hardware units and the
`-terial cost of the hardware units themselves,
`further drives up the c-st of music to the end user.
`QUALITY: Until th: recent invention of Digital Audio Music, as used
`on Compact Discs. dis ortion free transfer from the hardware units to the
`stereo system was vir ually impossible. Digital Audio Music is simply
`music converted into a very basic computer language known as binary.
`series of commands
`. own as zeros or ones encode the music for future
`playback. Use of
`cser retrieval of the binary commands results in
`distortion free tr nsfer of the music from the compact disc to the.stereo
`system. Quality vigital Audio Music is defined as the binary structure
`the Digital A oio Music. Conventional analog tape recording of Digital
`Audio Music is
`-t to be considered quality inasmuch as the binary
`structure itsel‘ is not recorded. While Digital Audio Music on compact
`discs is a teCnnological breakthrough in audio quality,
`the method by
`which the mus'
`is sold, distributed. stored, manipulated. retrieved,
`played, and p otected from copyright infringements remains as inefficient
`as with reco-ds and tapes.
`Page 00013 I
`Page 00013


`Page 2 of 6
`Since the invention of tape recording
`,3 devices, strict control and enforcement of copyright laws have proved
`difficult and impossible with home recorders. Additionally,
`the recent
`invention of Digital Audio Tape Recorders now jeopardizes the electronic
`copyright protection of quality Digital Audio Music on Compact Discs or
`Digital Audio Tapes.
`If music exists on hardware units, it can be copied.
`, it is an objective of this invention is to provide a new
`Digital Audio Music.
`further objective of this invention to provide a new and improved
`(3 ‘ and improvedjfiéggggglegy/system to electronically sell and distribute
`'ggggggdbiogy/system to electronically store and retrieve Digital Audio
`other objective of this invention is to provide a new and improved
`/system to electronically manipulate, i.e., sort, cue, and
`select, Digital Audio Music for playback.

`Still Eggtagr objective of this invention is to offer a new and
`/system which can prevent unauthorized electronic
`copying of quality Di
`' al Audio Music.
`this inv
`ion ac
`lishes the above cited objectives by
`providing a new and improvedtflééggéelogy/system of electronic sales,
`distribution, storage, manipulation, retrieval, playback, and copyright
`protection of Digital Audio Music.
`The high speed transfer of Digital
`Audio Music as prescribed by this invention is stored onto one piece of
`hardware, a hard disk,
`thus eliminating the need to unnecessarily handle
`tapes, or compact discs on a regular basis. This invention
`recalls stored music for playback as selected/programmed by the user.
`This invention can easily and electronically sort stored music based on
`many different criteria such as, but not limited to, music category,
`artist, album, user's favorite songs, etc.
`An additional feature of this
`invention is the random playback of songs, also based on the user's
`selection.’ For example,
`the user could have this invention randomly play
`all jazz songs stored on the user's hard disk, or randomly play all songs
`by a certain artist, or randomly play all of the user's favorite songs
`which the user previously electronically "tagged" as.favorites.‘ Further,
`being more specific,
`the user can electronically select a series of
`individual songs from different albums for sequential playback.
`This invention can be configured to either accept direct input of
`Digital Audio Music from the digital output of a Compact Disc, such
`transfer would be performed by the private user, or this invention can be
`configured to accept Digital Audio Music from a source authorized by the
`copyright holder to sell and distrubute the copyrighted materials.
`guaranteeing the protection of such copyrighted materials. Either method
`of electronically transfering Digital Audio Music by means of this v
`invention is intended to comply with all copyright
`laws and restrictions "’
`and any such transfer is subject to the appropriate authorization by the
`copyright holder.
`Inasmuch as Digital Audio Music is software and this
`invention electronically transfers and stores such music, electronic sales/
`I and distribution of th
`s'c can take place via telephone lines onto a
`b hard disk. This new'figlm/system of music sales and distribution
`will greatly reduce the cost of goods sold and will reduce the lag time
`between music creation and music marketing from weeks down to hours.
`~le (2+7
`Page 00014


`Page 3 of 6
`Further objectives and advantages of this invention will become
`apparent as the following description proceeds and the particular features
`of novelty which characterize this invention will be pointed out in the
`claims annexed to and forming a part of this declaration.
`gaf Brief description of the several views of the drawings
`For a better understanding of this invention, reference should be made
`to the following detailed description,
`taken in conjunction with the
`accompanying drawings,
`in which:
`Fig. 1 is a pictorial flow chart which may be used in carrying out the
`teachings of this invention for the purposes of electronic sales,
`distrubution, storage, manipulation, retrieval, playback, and copyright
`protection of Digital Audio Music; and
`Fig. 2 is a pictorial flow chart which may be used in carrying out
`teachings of this invention for the purposes of electronic storage,
`3%afiulation, retrieval, and plaWEack of Digital Audio Music.
`eferring now to Fig.
`nvention is comprised of the following:
`5'10 Hard Disk of the copyright holder
`53~20 Control Unit of the copyright holder
`20a Control Panel
`20b Control Integrated Circuit
`20c Sales Random Access Memory Chip
`30 Telephone Lines/Input Transfer
`50 Control Unit of the user
`50a Control Panel
`50b Control Integrated Circuit
`Incoming Random Access Memory Chip
`50d Play Back Random Access Memory Chip
`60 Hard Disk of the user
`70 Video Display Unit
`80 Stereo Speakers
`The Hard Disk 10 of the agent authorized to electronically sell and
`distribute the copyrighted Digital Audio Music is the originating source
`of music in the configuration as outlined in Fig. 1.
`The Control Unit
`20 of the authorized agent is the means by which the electronic transfer
`of the Digital Audio Music from the agent's Hard Disk 10 via the
`Telephone Lines 30 to the user's Control Unit 50 is possible.
`user's Control Unit would be comprised of a Control Panel 503. a Control
`Integrated Circuit 50b, an Incoming Random Access Memory Chip 50c, and
`a Play Back Random Access Memory Chip 50d. Similarly,
`the authorized
`agent's Control Unit 20 would have a control panel and control
`integrated circuit similar to that of the user's Control Unit 50.
`authorized agent's Control Unit 20, however, would only require the
`Sales Random Access Memory Chip 2°C.
`The other components in Fig.
`include a Hard Disk 60, a Video Display Unit 70, and a set of Stereo
`Speakers 80.
`Page 00015


`r ' ‘
`Page 4 of 6
`Referring now to Fig. 2, with the exception of a substitution of a
`Compact Disc Player 40 (as the initial source of Digital Audio Music)
`for the agent's Hard Disk 10,
`the agent's Control Unit 20, and the
`Telephone Lines 30 in Fig. 1, Fig.
`2 is the same as Fig. 1.
`In Fig. 1 and Fig.
`2 the following components are already commercially
`the agent's Hard Disk 10,
`the Telephone Lines 30,
`Compact Disc Player 40,
`the user's Hard Disk 60,
`the Video Display
`Unit 70, and the Stereo Speakers 80.
`The Control Units 20 and 50,
`however, would be designed specifically to meet
`the teachings of this
`The design of the control units would incorporate the
`following functional features:
`the Control Panels 20a and 50a would be designed to permit
`the agent and user to program the respective Control Integrated Circuits
`20b and 50b,
`the Control Integrated Circuits 20b and 50b would be designed
`to control and execute the respective commands of the agent and user and
`regulate the electronic transfer of Digital Audio Music throughout the
`system, additionally,
`the sales Control Integrated Circuit 20b could
`electronically code the Digital Audio Music in a configuration which would
`prevent unauthorized reproductions of the copyrighted material,
`the Sales Random Access Memory Chip 20c would be designed to
`temporarily store user purchased Digital Audio Music for subsequent
`electronic transfer via telephone lines to the user's Control Unit 50,
`the Incoming Random Access Memory Chip 50c would be designed to
`temporarily store Digital Audio Music for subsequent electronic storage to
`the user's Hard Disk 60,
`the Play Back Random Access Memory Chip 50d would be designed
`to temporarily store Digital Audio Music for sequential playback.
`The foregoing description of the Control Units 20 and 50 is
`intended as an example only and thereby is not restrictive with respect to
`the exact number of components and/or its actual design.
`EB; We .3
`Once the Digital Audio Music has been electronically stored onto the
`user's Hard Disk 60, having the potential to store literally thousands
`of songs,
`the user is free to perform the many functions of this
`To play a stored song,
`the user types in the appropriate
`commands on the Control Panel 50a, and those commands are relayed to the
`Control Integrated Circuit 50b which retrieves the selected song from
`the Hard Disk 60. When a song is retrieved from the Hard Disk 60 only
`a replica of the permanently stored song is retrieved.
`The permanently
`stored song remains intact on the Hard Disk 60,
`thus allOwing repeated
`The Control Integrated Circuit 50b stores the replica onto
`the Play Back Random Access Memory Chip 50d at a high transfer rate.
`The Control Integrated Circuit 50b then sends the electronic output to
`the Stereo Speakers 80 at a controlled rate using the Play Back Random
`Access Memory Chip 50d as a temporary staging point for the Digital
`Audio Music.
`Page 00016


`g :1
`Page 5 of 6
`50 also serves as
`Unique to this invention is that the Control Uni
`specific songs to
`the user's personal disk jocky.
`The user may reque
`the Control Unit 50
`be electronically cued for playback, or may reques
`to randomly select songs based on the user's crit ria. All of these
`commands are electronically stored in random acc 55 memory enabling the
`control unit to remember prior commands while s'multaneously performing
`other tasks requested by the user and, at the
`ame time, continuing to
`play songs previously cued.
`e user's libaray of songs is
`Offering a convenient visual display of
`but one more new and improved aspect of this invention.
`As the Control
`Unit executing the user's commands to electronically sort, select,
`randomly play, etc.,
`the Video Display Scr en 70 is continually
`providing feedback to the user.
`The Vide Display Screen 70 can
`list/scroll all songs stored on the Hard
`isk 60,1ist/scroll all cued
`songs, display the current command funct on selected by the user, etc.
`Further expanding upon the improvements this invention has to offer,
`Video Display Screen 70 can display th lyrics of the song being played,
`as well as the name of the song, albu , artist, recording company, date of
`fiMlCAQrecording, duration of song, etc.
`Th 5 is possible if the lyrics and
`n summary,
`there has been disc osed a new and improved-methodology/
`system by which Digital Audio Musi
`can be electronically sold,
`and stor
`. Further,
`there has been disclosed a
`v new and improvedfifiggéggglegy/syst m by which Digital Audio Music can be
`other incidental information are ele tronically stored to the Hard Disk
`'th the Digital Audio Music.
`electronically manipulated, i.e., sorted, cued, and selected for
`k. Further still, there
`as been disclosed a new and improved
`/sYstem by which the electronic manipulation of Digital Audio
`K 15
`Ad '
`'o ally,
`there has been d'sclosed a new and improved
`flfigfifiézingstystem by which e1 ctronic copyright protection of quality
`\g / K
`ay be made in the above described process and
`Since numerous changes
`apparatus and different em odiments of the invention may be made without
`depart1ng from the spirit thereof, it is intended that all matter
`contained in the foregoin description or shown in the accompanying
`drawings shall be interp eted as illustrative, and not in a limiting
`b \
`sense. Further, it is i tended that this invention is not
`to be limited
`to Digital Audio Music
`d can include Digital Video, Digital Commercials,
`and other applications
`f digital information.
`Page 00017


`V ‘
`the binary structure of Digital
`Audio Music can be electronically t ansfered via telephone lines from a
`hard disk of the seller to the hard disk of the user in a software
`' configuration which will allow repe ted future playback by the user.
`A methodology/system by wh'ch the binary structure of Digital
`{\j Audio Music stored on a Compact Di c can be electronically stored in a

`software configuration onto a hard disk which will allow repeated future
`playback by the user.
`A methodology/system of e ectronic retrieveal from a hard disk
`and temporary storage of the bina y structure of Digital Audio Music on
`random access memory for sequenti l playback.
`A methodology/system of e ectronically regulating the playback
`rate of Digital Audio Music from random access memory to the stereo
`5.- A methodology/system of pecific electronic selection of Digital
`Audio Music stored on.a hard di
`for cued playback.
`A methodology/system of multiple electronic sorting capabilities
`of Digital Audio Music stored o
`a hard disk for cued playback.
`A methodology/system of automatic and multiple random electronic
`selection of Digital Audio Mus'c stored on a hard disk for cued playback.
`A methodology/system t
`simultaneously and electronically encode
`lyrics and incidental informat on with Digital Audio Music in the same
`binary structure which can be displayed on a video display screen.
`A methodology/system o electronically display on a video
`. display screen the activities mentioned in claims 1 through 8.
`{\Vf .
`10. A methodology/system hich can prevent electronic copyright
`infringement of the binary s ructure of quality Digital Audio Music when
`using this invention.
`sAggtract of the Disclosure
`[G;§A_methodology/system to electronica y store the binary structure of
`Dig tal Audio Music onto a conventiona hard disk in a configuration which
`enables electronic sales, distributio ,
`orage, manipulation, retrieval,
`,playback, and copyright protection 0 jzgii Digital Audio Music. This
`1or inventions relating to stereo
`invention expands upon and integrat s
`systems and microcomputers to form an advanced stereo system.
`Submitted by:
`Arthur Robert Hair
`June 9, 1988

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