` B E F O R E T H E P A T E N T T R I A L A N D A P P E A L B O A R D
` ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
`Page 1
`L I B E R T Y M U T U A L I N S U R A N C E C O M P A N Y ,
` P e t i t i o n e r ,
` v s .
`P R O G R E S S I V E C A S U A L T Y I N S U R A N C E C O . ,
` P a t e n t O w n e r .
` ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
` T E L E P H O N I C P E T I T I O N H E A R I N G
` A U G U S T 2 9 , 2 0 1 3
` 2 : 3 0 p . m .
` T a k e n a t :
` J o n e s D a y
`4 5
`6 7
`8 9
`1 0
`1 1
`1 2
`1 3
`1 4
`1 5
`1 6
`1 7
`1 8
`1 9
`2 0
`2 1
` 9 0 1 L a k e s i d e A v e n u e
` C l e v e l a n d , O h i o
` T o d d L . P e r s s o n , N o t a r y P u b l i c
`2 2
`2 3
`2 4
`2 5
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`A P P E A R A N C E S :
`Page 2
` O n b e h a l f o f t h e P e t i t i o n e r , v i a
` t e l e c o n f e r e n c e :
` R o p e s & G r a y , L L P , b y
` J . S T E V E N B A U G H M A N , E S Q .
` 7 0 0 1 2 t h S t . N o r t h w e s t
` O n e M e t r o C e n t e r
` W a s h i n g t o n , D C 2 0 0 0 5
` ( 2 0 2 ) 5 0 8 - 4 6 0 0
` s t e v e n . b a u g h m a n @ r o p e s g r a y . c o m
` O n b e h a l f o f t h e P a t e n t O w n e r :
` J o n e s D a y , b y
` C A L G R I F F I T H , E S Q .
` J A M E S L . W A M S L E Y , I I I , E S Q .
` J O H N B I E R N A C K I , E S Q .
` 9 0 1 L a k e s i d e A v e n u e
` C l e v e l a n d , O H 4 4 1 1 4
` ( 2 1 6 ) 5 8 6 - 3 9 3 9
`2 3
`1 0
`1 1
`1 2
`1 3
`1 4
`1 5
`1 6
`1 7
`1 8
`1 9
`2 0
`2 1
`2 2
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`2 4
`2 5
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`A P P E A R A N C E S , C o n t i n u e d :
`A P P E A L B O A R D ( v i e t e l e c o n f e r e n c e ) :
` J U D G E J A M E S O N L E E ( C h a i r )
` J U D G E J O N I C H A N G
` J U D G E M I C H A E L Z E C H E R
` ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
`2 3
`8 9
`1 0
`1 1
`1 2
`1 3
`1 4
`1 5
`1 6
`1 7
`1 8
`1 9
`2 0
`2 1
`2 2
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`2 4
`2 5
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` MR. GRIFFITH: Your Honor, Cal
`Griffith with Jones Day, along with my
`partners, John Biernacki and Jim Wamsley. And
`we notified the Board that we would have a
`court reporter on the call, and we have a court 14:31:58
`reporter here as well, Mr. Todd Persson.
` JUDGE LEE: Representing Liberty
` MR. GRIFFITH: I'm sorry, Your
`Honor. We represent the Progressive Casualty 14:32:08
`Insurance Company.
` MR. BAUGHMAN: Your Honor, Steve
`Baughman, at Ropes & Gray. I have a colleague
`with me, but he won't be entering an appearance
`today. 14:32:21
` JUDGE LEE: The court reporter is
`fine. Thank you. Will we be getting a copy of
`the transcript, I hope?
` MR. GRIFFITH: Surely, I hope.
` JUDGE LEE: And you'll provide one 14:32:31
`to the other side?
` JUDGE LEE: Thank you. And
`Progressive asked for this call?
` MR. GRIFFITH: Yes, Your Honor. 14:32:38
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`This is Cal Griffith speaking. The issue that
`brings us here today involves, at our request,
`four CBMs, specifically 2012-2, -3 and -4, as
`well as CBM 2013-9.
` Your Honor, the same issues are 14:33:00
`involved in one additional CBM for which a
`reply was filed on Tuesday, and I've spoken
`about this with Mr. Baughman, and that is
`2013-4, relating to yet another of the
`Progressive patents. And it has the same 14:33:21
`issues involved with whether the reply is a
`proper reply, and whether the reply evidence is
`proper reply evidence.
` I want to let Your Honor know that
`Mr. Baughman and I, as well as one of his 14:33:40
`partners, spoke a couple of times about this,
`or maybe more than that, but certainly in a
`little detail we spoke at least a couple of
`times about the issues here and whether the
`replies were proper. 14:34:03
` Now, one of the issues that we
`spoke about is a somewhat mundane issue, if you
`will, of formatting, and the fact that their
`replies were not properly formatted. That's
`not true with the one filed this week. It was. 14:34:21
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`But the other replies were not properly
`formatted. But we resolved that issue, and
`basically Liberty offered to file a reformatted
`thing, and make sure that it didn't go over 15
`pages. 14:34:36
` Progressive, in view of all things
`and considerations, decided to just waive that
`issue, and so those need not be refiled, and
`we're not going to be complaining about that.
` JUDGE LEE: Wonderful. So this 14:34:48
`call is really about five cases then, including
`the 2013-00004 dec?
` MR. GRIFFITH: That's correct, Your
`Honor. And let me get to the nub of the
`matter. The replies in each of these cases 14:35:01
`involve, or have included with them very
`substantial new declarations, and in most cases
`longer than the original declaration that the
`witness filed, or in some cases a witness filed
`a declaration and had not filed a declaration 14:35:26
` In addition, there's some new
`evidence that has been submitted, and again, we
`think this goes beyond what is fairly
`considered to be reply evidence. 14:35:40
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` JUDGE LEE: Can I interrupt you?
` MR. GRIFFITH: Yes, Your Honor.
` JUDGE LEE: You know, usually we
`don't want new issues, and we don't want new
`evidence that comes in as a reply when it 14:35:55
`should have been submitted in the first
`instance. But in these proceedings, we've
`already instituted trial, so that means the
`Petitioner already established a reasonable
`likelihood of success. So the odds of the 14:36:11
`Petitioners not having set forth the prima
`facie case is -- I would say is not so big,
`because there's also a threshold that we
`passed. It's not, like, impossible, but it's
`possible. But it's a lot less in likelihood 14:36:29
`than the usual case where a motion is already
`filed and it has not been looked at by the
` For instance, in an interference
`motion practice, there is a motion, there's a 14:36:43
`motion and a reply. The Board has never looked
`at anything. So in that situation, it's quite
`likely that the reply would come in with
`additional evidence that's trying to fill up a
`hole that should have been addressed as a part 14:36:58
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`Page 8
`of the prima facie case. But here we've
`already instituted in the parties' review, so
`I'm just suggesting that the likelihood of the
`Petitioners not having made out a prima facie
`case is less in this circumstance than in 14:37:15
`circumstances where the Board has not even
`looked at the motion at all, such as in an
`interference case. So -- and the Petitioner
`usually puts in the last word, not the case,
`that any time they put in something and the 14:37:29
`reply is automatically suspect. If the
`opposition says, hey, in this field, no one
`knows about anything, then they're entitled to
`put in 30 declarations if they want to say what
`are you talking about; anybody in this field 14:37:46
`would have known about this. So in that
`situation, the reply evidence would have been
`triggered by the opposition that said, hey, no
`one in this field knows about anything.
` So I wouldn't get too excited just 14:37:58
`by the number of declarations, or the fact they
`put in declarations in their reply. You can
`continue, but I just want to put that forward
`first so we're talking on the same wavelength.
` MR. GRIFFITH: Your Honor, thank 14:38:16
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`you for that. And I appreciate the warning, if
`you will, or the remarks about what -- you
`know, what this Court's -- this Panel's
`exceptions are, and to -- how this operates and
`the circumstances of the CBMs. 14:38:35
` I would like to discuss some of the
`particulars of this evidence so that the Board
`appreciates the issues with respect to it,
`bearing in mind Your Honor's comments. But
`before I do that, one thing I am aware of that 14:38:57
`I wanted to note, that I am aware of the
`interference rules and standards to which Your
`Honor just referred.
` It is my understanding that in that
`practice, that a new issue will be -- is 14:39:11
`considered to be raised if a reply refers not
`just to new evidence that is necessary to form
`the prima facie case, but also evidence which
`could have been included with the motion.
` Now, I don't know if that standard 14:39:32
`or consideration is going to apply here --
` JUDGE LEE: No. That's not true.
`It's not a blanket rule like that. It could
`have been included in the original motion, then
`it's automatically out of bounds in the reply. 14:39:47
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`That's not the case. If the motion sets out a
`prima facie case, then the movant is fine. If
`the option brings up something that could be
`addressed in the reply, then it doesn't matter
`that they could have put in that evidence. 14:40:07
`Because we went your route, there's no limit.
`You know, then the Petitioner or the movant
`would have had to put in 1,000 -- you know,
`1,000 pieces of evidence, or 10 declarations
`simply because they have the declarants at 14:40:23
`their disposal. That's not the rule. They
`could have put it in their motion, then they
`should have been put in their motion.
` MR. GRIFFITH: Thank you, Your
`Honor. Let me put in some of the concerns we 14:40:43
`have with this particular evidence, so that at
`least the Panel is aware of this.
` In two of the CBMs, CBM 2012-3 and
`2013-9, one of their declarants filed no
`initial declarations. Mary O'Neil is the name 14:41:11
`of the declarant. And when we -- we served
`notices of deposition for her in two CBM
`proceedings, 2012-2 and 2012-4, but we
`accidentally also served a notice of deposition
`for 2012-3, and counsel for Liberty said, wait 14:41:43
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`a second, she didn't do a declaration in that
`one, you're going to have to withdraw that. He
`was correct. She hadn't done a declaration in
`that one, and so we did withdraw the notice.
` When I was taking her deposition, 14:41:58
`we got into questions that I felt related to
`the 970 patent, the other two CBMs for which
`she was being deposed, but for which counsel
`for Liberty felt it related only to 2012-3 or
`2013-9. And he cautioned me -- and in this 14:42:23
`particular line of question related to the term
`"rating factor," and he cautioned me that I
`couldn't ask about that term because it related
`to two CBMs for which she had not filed a
`declaration. And essentially the questioning 14:42:47
`along that line was shutdown. And now Ms.
`O'Neil has filed declarations in each of those
`two cases, and in part opining on the Board's
`interpretation of "rating factor" and why
`Mr. Miller, one of our experts, is wrong in 14:43:09
`which she believes it actually should properly
` Another significant issue with
`us --
` JUDGE LEE: I'm sorry, so were you 14:43:22
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`able to cross-examine Ms. O'Neil after the
`reply declarations came in?
` MR. GRIFFITH: Well, we have -- I
`guess that's why we're -- I asked for this
`call, Your Honor, because we have no -- the 14:43:34
`schedule doesn't allow any vehicle for us to
`submit any deposition testimony or any reply
`that explains it, or even observations with
`respect to it. We feel in light of this, and
`other things, that we do need -- I guess you 14:43:57
`would call them sur-replies -- to address this,
`and deposition discovery if these replies and
`this evidence is not stricken.
` There are other issues with respect
`to these matters, and they're somewhat similar, 14:44:17
`Your Honor, to this one that I just described.
` JUDGE LEE: Yeah. But let me
`interrupt you again. I'm sorry. If it's not
`in the scheduling order, what I want to say is
`you can cross-examine Ms. O'Neil, and then you 14:44:34
`have an opportunity to ask us, if you feel
`necessary, to file observations on
`cross-examination, even though it's not
`expressly spelled out in the scheduling order.
`Are you still able to do that? 14:44:50
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` MR. GRIFFITH: Your Honor, I
`believe the question would be the schedule and
`time availability of Ms. O'Neil, and timing to
`be able to submit observations or something, if
`leave were given to file a sur-reply even in 14:45:13
`view of testimony, then the issue would be
`timing and the ability to -- because I believe
`in two of these CBMs, and specifically it's
`2012-3 and 2013-9, I believe the hearing is set
`for October 8th. 14:45:31
` JUDGE LEE: Well, it's really
`unusual to -- when you want to cross-examine
`the declarant, and you don't have an
`opportunity to do so, and then we will still
`rely on the declaration testimony. So I think 14:45:46
`we have to look at it from that standpoint.
`You can either let it go, or you can
`cross-examine the declarant. We're not going
`to deprive you of that opportunity.
` Now, whatever you uncover at 14:46:00
`cross-examination, if it's necessary we will
`even allow you to ask for the submission of
`observations on cross. There is definitely no
`sur-reply, but you do have tools at your
`disposal to challenge the declaration testimony 14:46:17
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`Page 14
`that was submitted in their reply. So I don't
`want to just skip over that route. It is the
`route that's normally provided, even though we
`didn't spell it out in the scheduling order,
`for you to take care of such matters. So can 14:46:35
`we explore any remaining opportunities for you
`to cross-examine Ms. O'Neil?
` MR. GRIFFITH: Well -- and we would
`also need to cross-examine Mr. Andrews, their
`other declarant, who also submitted 14:46:58
`declarations. Again, generally speaking, they
`were longer or as long as the opening decs.
`And so we would need both of those. And we
`would need to schedule them, and then hopefully
`have the time before the hearing to be able to 14:47:17
`submit something, if indeed something is
`determined germane.
` JUDGE LEE: How late are we -- when
`were these reply declarations filed?
` MR. GRIFFITH: At different points 14:47:35
`in time, Your Honor. We've got the same two
`declarants in all cases. Two of them were
`filed just last Tuesday. Two -- I'm sorry --
`one of them was filed last Tuesday. Two were
`filed on August 15th, and then two were filed 14:47:48
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`on August 6th. Actually, Your Honor, I
`apologize. It was -- because there's two CBMs
`on August 6th and two CBMs on August 15th, four
`decs were filed on August 6th, four decs were
`filed on August 15th, and then two declarations 14:48:10
`were filed on Tuesday of this week.
` JUDGE LEE: Yeah. So perhaps we're
`a little bit late on the August 6th submission,
`but I don't think it's something that we can't
`adjust the schedule to accommodate. 14:48:23
` MR. GRIFFITH: That may be helpful,
`Your Honor. And we want -- we sought to have
`this phone call earlier, and this was the
`earliest date that Liberty's counsel was
`available. And in addition, Your Honor, we 14:48:44
`have this other CBM, the one for which was just
`filed on Tuesday, and there was some sentiment
`that it would be nice to be able to address
`with the Board all of these at the same time.
`But -- 14:48:59
` JUDGE LEE: Well, if you have the
`same declarant and you want to cross-examine,
`it's going to be difficult -- you probably
`cannot merge them all into a single
`cross-examination, right? Because you can't 14:49:09
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`Page 16
`use someone's testimony in some cases. Is that
`going to be a problem, or are you going to have
`to schedule a different session for different
` MR. GRIFFITH: Well, earlier, Your 14:49:21
`Honor, when we took Ms. O'Neil's deposition, we
`did it in two cases, and we did it on the same
`day, and we merged the deposition, if you will,
`such that it was one transcript, one
`deposition, and it was in both -- it was in two 14:49:37
`CBMs. And we did the same for Mr. Andrews.
` Now, I haven't until Your Honor
`asked the question given consideration to
`whether we could do that same thing for all
`five of these CBMs, and I might need to discuss 14:49:51
`that with Mr. Baughman. But that would be a
`possibility. The advantage of that, I think,
`is that that would perhaps facilitate getting
`this done. It might take longer if we break it
`up into separate CBMs and have to have it done 14:50:12
`on a separate day, or something like that.
` JUDGE LEE: Okay. What I want to
`say is your observations on cross-examination
`of reply declarant would normally come in on
`due date 4. So whatever you need to work out 14:50:34
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`Page 17
`with Mr. Baughman, can you keep that in mind,
`and you can propose a different due date 4
`through 7, and let's see if we can still make
`everything work?
` MR. GRIFFITH: Okay. 14:50:50
` JUDGE LEE: Now, it's not your
`fault, because the scheduling order didn't talk
`about observations. But if you wanted to
`cross-examine the declarant, you could have
`called us. We're trying to work it out now to 14:51:02
`see if the schedule can still permit you doing
` MR. GRIFFITH: Your Honor, perhaps
`may I suggest that we try to work out a
`schedule with Mr. Baughman that would be 14:51:16
`jointly agreeable, and then propose that to the
`Board, or submit it to the Board for approval?
`I think at least in one of these cases the
`hearing date may need to be changed, if that's
`feasible. And in part it's going to depend on 14:51:41
`the availability of the witnesses and things of
`that nature, and of course the lawyers'
` JUDGE LEE: Well, you know, we're
`not too concerned about the availability of the 14:51:51
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`Page 18
`witnesses. It is their reply declarant.
`Either they put out their declarant or they
`can't rely on it. So I wouldn't push back the
`oral hearing date because the witnesses are
`unavailable for an extended time. The reply 14:52:10
`side should really make every effort to make
`the declarant available.
` MR. BAUGHMAN: Your Honor, Steve
`Baughman, for Petitioner. We're happy to talk
`with Mr. Griffith about the schedule. 14:52:24
` JUDGE LEE: Wonderful. Now, and
`just one more thing. There's almost no chance
`for a sur-reply. If that's what you're
`shooting for, I don't want you to get your
`expectations up very high, okay? Because the 14:52:39
`Petitioner gets the last word. What you get to
`do here is to cross-examine the reply
`declarant, and then if you find something
`that's really inconsistent with what the
`declarant said earlier in another portion of 14:52:56
`the declaration, you can file a limited
`observations on cross, which simply point out
`in very concise and short manner, you know, she
`said this here, but please look at page 6,
`lines 5 through 8. It's something along that 14:53:17
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`Page 19
`line, and not what you think a sur-reply looks
` MR. GRIFFITH: I understand, Your
` JUDGE LEE: All right. And both 14:53:31
`sides have really cooperated up to now, so we
`think we can work this out. I'm going to put
`you on mute while the Panel discusses
` MR. BAUGHMAN: Steve Baughman, for 14:53:47
`Petitioner, if I could for just one moment,
`Your Honor. I would like an opportunity, since
`there's a record here today, just to say that
`we do disagree about whether Ms. O'Neil's
`declarations were -- was in the proper scope, 14:53:55
`and she hadn't opined on the issues that were
`being raised in that earlier deposition until
`well after the deposition. I'm happy to
`elaborate further, but I just wanted that on
`the record. Thank you, Your Honor. 14:54:06
` (Discussions off the record.)
` JUDGE LEE: All right. Do you know
`what the hearing date for 2013-0003 is at this
` MR. GRIFFITH: Yes, Your Honor. 14:54:50
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`Again, this is Calvin Griffith speaking. I
`believe it is October 8th.
` JUDGE LEE: So that would be the
`earliest hearing that we have, right?
` MR. GRIFFITH: Yes, Your Honor. 14:55:01
` MR. BAUGHMAN: Mr. Griffith -- this
`is Steve Baughman -- is it October 7th?
` MR. GRIFFITH: I had it down --
` MR. BAUGHMAN: You're right.
`Excuse me. I had the wrong date. 14:55:14
` MR. GRIFFITH: Okay. I'm worried
`about that one, Your Honor, and that's the one
`in particular that it's -- that I'm -- you
`know, as I think about accomplishing these
`things, that one to me seems that we may have a 14:55:30
`need to move.
` JUDGE LEE: When did that one get
` MR. GRIFFITH: Last spring, Your
`Honor. I mean, it was in April, or something 14:55:41
`like that. I can't recall specifically.
` MR. BAUGHMAN: I believe these are
`the 358s, Cal?
` MR. BAUGHMAN: This is Steve 14:55:51
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`Baughman for Petitioner, Your Honor. One was
`granted, I believe, February 12th, and the
`other March 28th.
` JUDGE LEE: Yeah. If you really
`cannot -- if you really need to move the 14:56:03
`2012-00003, I think we have some room to play
` MR. GRIFFITH: Well, that's
`helpful, Your Honor.
` JUDGE LEE: Yeah. But only do that 14:56:17
`as a last resort. So we trust that you won't
`abuse the privilege.
` So is that the course of action,
`you will talk to each other and propose dates?
` MR. GRIFFITH: Yes, Your Honor. 14:56:35
` MR. BAUGHMAN: Yes, Your Honor.
` JUDGE LEE: Dates 4 through 6, and
`then perhaps moving due date 7 for 2012-00003?
` MR. BAUGHMAN: And I believe that
`00003 and 2013-00009 are on the same date, Your 14:56:53
`Honor, which was intentional. So if we were to
`move one, would it be permissible to move both?
` JUDGE LEE: According to what I'm
`looking at, the 2013-00009 is scheduled for
`October 28th. 14:57:11
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` MR. BAUGHMAN: I believe we had a
`unified schedule for those two that was agreed
`in a later order, Your Honor.
` JUDGE LEE: Oh, I see. Okay.
`We'll keep them together. Sure. So if the 14:57:24
`00003 is moved, then 00009 would be moved
` MR. BAUGHMAN: Thanks, Your Honor.
` JUDGE LEE: Are you finished,
`Mr. Griffith? 14:57:44
` MR. GRIFFITH: I am, Your Honor.
` JUDGE LEE: Well, that's good. So
`we'll look forward to your agreement and paper,
`and then we'll -- as soon as we see the paper,
`we'll let you know yes or no. 14:58:01
` MR. GRIFFITH: Very good. Thank
`you for your time today, Your Honor.
` JUDGE LEE: You're welcome. Thank
`you. Thank you for being willing to work it
`out with each other. It really helps the Panel 14:58:14
`as well.
` MR. BAUGHMAN: Thanks, Your Honor.
` JUDGE LEE: Thank you.
` ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
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`Page 23
` I, Todd L. Persson, do hereby
`certify that as such Reporter I took down in
`Stenotypy all of the proceedings had in the
`foregoing transcript; that I have transcribed
`my said Stenotype notes into typewritten form
`as appears in the foregoing transcript; that
`said transcript is the complete form of the
`proceedings had in said cause and constitutes a
`true and correct transcript therein.
` ________________________________
` Todd L. Persson, Notary Public
` within and for the State of Ohio
`My commission expires August 1, 2017.
`1 2
`3 4 5
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`[& - complaining]
`& 2:5 4:13
`00003 21:20 22:6
`00009 22:6
`1 23:21
`1,000 10:8,9
`10 10:9
`12th 2:7 21:2
`15 6:4
`15th 14:25 15:3,5
`20005 2:9
`2012-00003 21:6,18
`2012-2 5:3 10:23
`2012-3 10:18,25
`11:9 13:9
`2012-4 10:23
`2013 1:18
`2013-00004 6:12
`2013-00009 21:20
`2013-0003 19:23
`2013-4 5:9
`2013-9 5:4 10:19
`11:10 13:9
`2017 23:21
`202 2:10
`216 2:20
`28th 21:3,25
`29 1:18
`2:30 1:19
`3 5:3
`30 8:14
`358s 20:23
`4 5:3 16:25 17:2
`44114 2:19
`5 18:25
`508-4600 2:10
`586-3939 2:20
`6 18:24 21:17
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`7 17:3 21:18
`700 2:7
`7th 20:7
`8 18:25
`8th 13:10 20:2
`901 1:21 2:18
`970 11:7
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`Page 1
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`company 1:5 4:11
`complaining 6:9
`Veritext Legal Solutions Ohio

`[complete - honor]
`complete 23:11
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`13:12,18,21,23 14:7
`14:9 15:22,25 16:23
`17:9 18:17,22
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`17:2,19 18:4 19:23
`20:10 21:18,20
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`15:22 16:24 17:9
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`6:20 11:1,3,15
`13:15,25 18:21
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`8:14,21,22 10:9,20
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`15:5 19:15
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`6:23,25 7:5,24 8:17
`9:7,17,18 10:5,9,16
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`facilitate 16:18
`fact 5:23 8:21
`factor 11:12,19
`fairly 6:24

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