` B E F O R E T H E P A T E N T T R I A L A N D A P P E A L S B O A R D
` ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
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`L I B E R T Y M U T U A L I N S U R A N C E C O . ,
` P e t i t i o n e r ,
` v s . C a s e s : C B M 2 0 1 3 - 0 0 0 0 9
` C B M 2 0 1 2 - 0 0 0 0 3
` P a t e n t 8 , 1 4 0 , 3 5 8
`P R O G R E S S I V E C A S U A L T Y I N S U R A N C E C O . ,
` P a t e n t O w n e r .
` ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
` T e l e p h o n i c H e a r i n g
` M A R C H 2 5 , 2 0 1 4
` 4 : 3 0 p . m .
` T a k e n a t :
` J o n e s D a y
`4 5
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`1 5
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`1 9
` 9 0 1 L a k e s i d e A v e n u e
` C l e v e l a n d , O h i o
` T o d d L . P e r s s o n , N o t a r y P u b l i c
`2 0
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`Veritext Legal Solutions Midwest


`A P P E A R A N C E S :
`Page 2
` O n b e h a l f o f t h e P e t i t i o n e r ( v i a
` t e l e c o n f e r e n c e ) :
` R o p e s & G r a y , L L P , b y
` J . S T E V E N B A U G H M A N , E S Q .
` J A M E S R . M Y E R S , E S Q .
` 7 0 0 1 2 t h S t r e e t N . W .
` S u i t e 9 0 0
` W a s h i n g t o n , D . C . 2 0 0 0 5
` s t e v e n . b a u g h m a n @ r o p e s g r a y . c o m
` j a m e s . m y e r s @ r o p e s g r a y . c o m
` O n b e h a l f o f t h e P a t e n t O w n e r :
` J o n e s D a y , b y
` J A M E S L . W A M S L E Y , I I I , E S Q .
` C A L V I N G R I F F I T H , E S Q .
` N o r t h P o i n t
` 9 0 1 L a k e s i d e A v e n u e
` C l e v e l a n d , O H 4 4 1 1 4
` ( 2 1 6 ) 5 8 6 - 3 9 3 9
` j l w a m s l e y i i i @ j o n e s d a y . c o m
` ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
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`A P P E A R A N C E S , C o n t i n u e d :
`Page 3
`A D M I N I S T R A T I V E P A T E N T T R I A L A N D A P P E A L S B O A R D
`( V i a T e l e c o n f e r e n c e ) :
` J a m e s o n L e e
` J o n i Y . C h a n g
` M i c h a e l R . Z e c h e r
` ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
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`Page 4
` JUDGE LEE: Okay. Is the Patent
`Owner on the line?
` MR. WAMSLEY: Yes, Your Honor. For
`Patent Owner, James Wamsley and Calvin
` JUDGE LEE: Thank you. And is the
`Petitioner on the line?
` MR. BAUGHMAN: Yes, Your Honor.
`For Petitioner, Steve Baughman and Jim Myers.
` JUDGE LEE: Thank you. Do we have
`the court reporter on the line as well?
` MR. WAMSLEY: Yes, Your Honor. The
`court reporter is here in the conference room
`with Mr. Griffith and me.
` JUDGE LEE: Thank you. Will you be
`able to submit a copy?
` MR. WAMSLEY: Absolutely, yes.
` JUDGE LEE: Thank you. So the
`Patent Owner asked for the call. We'll let Mr.
`Wamsley or Mr. Griffith start.
` MR. WAMSLEY: Very well. Thank you
`very much, Your Honor, for taking the call
`today, time out of your busy schedule.
` The reason for our request for the
`call is we would like to request the Board's
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`Page 5
`permission to file a motion to strike directed
`at the papers that Liberty Mutual filed in Case
`CBM2012-00003 and CBM2013-00009 on March 13,
`2014. The reason for this is because we
`believe that Liberty has abused the Board's
`rehearing request procedures. They have titled
`their papers "requests for rehearing," but in
`reality they do not ask or request that any
`decision of the Board be reheard at all. They
`do not seek reconsideration of any decision of
`the Board. In fact, they state at page 4 of
`their papers that they make the requests solely
`to preserve the status quo.
` This Board's rule, Section 42.71,
`relating to rehearing requests, specifies that
`those requests may be filed in those instances
`where a party is dissatisfied with the decision
`of the Board, and that the request must
`specifically identify the matters that the
`party believes that the Board misapprehended or
`overlooked in issuing a decision. We feel that
`neither of these things were done by Liberty.
`They do not indicate they're dissatisfied with
`any decision of the Board. Indeed, they ask at
`page 2 of their papers that their own request
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`Page 6
`be denied if our requests are denied.
` We think that's really an abuse of
`the Board's rehearing request procedures, and
`it's for that reason we'd like to seek
`permission to file a motion to strike those
` The balance of their papers
`constitutes really an opposition to
`Progressive's rehearing requests in
`CBM2013-00009, and that, too, is not allowed
`under the Board's procedures in the Trial
`Practice Guide, section Roman Numeral II-P. It
`provides that no opposition may be filed
`without the Board's prior approval. And for
`that reason, we would also seek to file a
`motion to strike.
` And in the alternative, if the
`Board believes a motion to strike is not
`proper, we would ask for the right to file an
`opposition to their papers. That's all for the
`Patent Owner at this time, Your Honor.
` JUDGE LEE: Well, we understand
`that the circumstances here are a little bit
`unusual, in part because of Progressive's own
`request for a rehearing. If we adopt a similar
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`Page 7
`standard of looking at these papers, do you
`think that Progressive's own rehearing request
`actually satisfied the requirements for a
`request for rehearing?
` MR. WAMSLEY: We do, Your Honor.
`And we explained that in the requests
`themselves. We believe, first of all,
`obviously, we are dissatisfied with the
`decision of the Board in --
` JUDGE LEE: I don't mean for you to
`have to defend yourself here. I just want to
`say that isn't it all a matter of degree;
`perhaps your paper is a little more justified
`than theirs, but when you compare even your own
`paper with what is typically a rehearing
`request, don't you at least see a big, big gap?
`Essentially, what you're complaining of has all
`happened after the Board's decision.
` MR. WAMSLEY: With deference, Your
`Honor, I don't agree with that. We think that
`we are seeking rehearing of the Board's final
`decision as a result of the application of the
`statute to it. And we don't believe that it's
`a matter of degree for a paper such as
`Liberty's in which they admittedly seek no --
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`Page 8
`do not seek to rehear any particular decision
`of the Board, but rather prospectively want
`some sort of relief, including the denial of
`the very request they filed, contingent on what
`the Board does in response to our request. We
`don't believe that that in any way, shape or
`form can qualify as a valid rehearing request.
`And that's the reason why we're seeking the
`relief we are today.
` JUDGE LEE: Thank you. We
`appreciate that explanation. You certainly
`don't have to defend your own paper here, but
`we just wanted to know your view, which is that
`you think your own paper is sufficient and
`proper, but theirs is not.
` The next question I have for you
`is; what about the -- is there any precedent
`for a motion to strike? Why is that not simply
`a file management tool of the Board, of the
`Panel, and also a tool of the Panel to impose
`certain sanctions, if you will, that's entirely
`within the discretion of the Board? Why is
`that something that can even be requested by a
`party to have something expunged?
` MR. WAMSLEY: Well, Your Honor, I
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`Page 9
`believe that the practice of motions to strike
`is well-established in most administrative
`tribunals and courts, that the Board certainly
`has the power to strike. And I think your
`comments seem to suggest that you had the power
`to strike papers that do not comply with your
`rules, for example, in the exercise of your
`discretion. For that reason, it strikes me
`that a party has the right to request that
`relief from the Board. And, obviously, it's
`within the Board's authority to decide whether
`or not it's appropriate in any given instance.
`But we think that it is a customary power that
`the Board would be able to exercise, and
`therefore, that a party could request its
` JUDGE LEE: I understand. We're
`just suggesting that it may just be something
`the Board at its own discretion would exercise,
`but perhaps not something a party could have
`the Board do or not do. Why wouldn't it be
`sufficient for you simply to just ask to reply,
`to respond to their paper?
` MR. WAMSLEY: Well, that was the
`alternative that I requested at the end of my
`Veritext Legal Solutions Midwest


`Page 10
`p r e s e n t a t i o n , Y o u r H o n o r . I f t h a t i s t h e
`B o a r d ' s p r e f e r e n c e t o r e c e i v e a p a p e r t h a t i s ,
`i n f a c t , a n o p p o s i t i o n , t h a t w o u l d b e t h e
`a l t e r n a t i v e r e l i e f w e w o u l d s e e k . A n d w e
`t h o u g h t t h e m o t i o n t o s t r i k e w a s m o r e f i t t i n g
`g i v e n t h e c i r c u m s t a n c e s . B u t , o b v i o u s l y ,
`t h a t ' s f o r t h e B o a r d t o d e c i d e .
` J U D G E L E E : B u t y o u w o u l d b e
`s a t i s f i e d i f y o u g e t a n o p p o r t u n i t y t o r e s p o n d
`t o t h e i r p a p e r t h e n ?
` M R . W A M S L E Y : C o r r e c t .
` J U D G E L E E : O k a y . L e t m e p u t y o u
`o n m u t e w h i l e I c o n f e r w i t h m y c o l l e a g u e s .
` M R . B A U G H M A N : Y o u r H o n o r , t h i s i s
`S t e v e B a u g h m a n f o r P e t i t i o n e r . W o u l d w e h a v e
`a n o p p o r t u n i t y t o r e s p o n d ?
` J U D G E L E E : Y e s , y o u w i l l .
` M R . B A U G H M A N : T h a n k s , Y o u r H o n o r .
`A s Y o u r H o n o r n o t e d , t h e s e a r e u n u s u a l
`c i r c u m s t a n c e s , a n d w e i n d i c a t e d t o t h e P a t e n t
`O w n e r t h a t w e w o u l d r a i s e c o n c e r n s a b o u t - -
` J U D G E L E E : I ' m s o r r y ,
`M r . B a u g h m a n . I w a n t e d t o c o n f e r b e f o r e w e
`h e a r f r o m y o u .
` M R . B A U G H M A N : I u n d e r s t a n d . I
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`Page 11
`apologize, Your Honor.
` JUDGE LEE: Okay. I'll put you on
` (Discussion off the record.)
` JUDGE LEE: Hello. The judges are
`back. Do I have lawyers for the parties?
` MR. WAMSLEY: Yes, Your Honor.
` MR. BAUGHMAN: Yes, Your Honor.
` JUDGE LEE: All right. I
`apologize, Mr. Baughman. We didn't mean to cut
`you off. We do want to give you an opportunity
`to speak. So go ahead.
` MR. BAUGHMAN: Thanks, Your Honor.
`I wanted to just address a few points that were
`made by counsel for Patent Owner. First, our
`paper does indeed seek rehearing relief. Our
`motion is for a contingent relief if the Board
`decides to rehear CBM2013-00009, which argues
`the Board's ability to enter decisions
`concurrently depends on the timing a paralegal
`uploads the documents to PRPS. We request
`that the Board reconsider the form in which it
`rendered its final written decisions in both
`that matter and CBM2012-00003, and enter them
`either as a final written decision in the
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`Page 12
`consolidated action, or in a combined final
`written decision covering both of the two
`actions. This would preserve the concurrent
`issuance, the status quo intended by the Board.
` We did point out that relief that
`we sought, the basis for seeking it in our
`papers, and as part of our rehearing request we
`also asked that the Board resolve these motions
`together to avoid any de-linking that might be
`argued to change the time the final written
`decision is issued with respect to one another.
` This is respectfully not an attempt
`to reply to the 16-page brief that Progressive
`submitted, and we did discuss with Progressive
`our view that that paper was improper, and that
`we would raise that in this call if they sought
`the relief that they have sought today. We are
`not asking the Board to consider our papers and
`ruling on Progressive's motion. If we had
`opposed that motion, we would have discussed
`why we believe that paper is improper, as
`resting on something that occurred after the
`final written decisions, that is the upload
`time to PRPS.
` We would have pointed out that
`Veritext Legal Solutions Midwest


`Page 13
`their paper appears to seek rehearing of the
`Board's February 20th decision, Paper 69, about
`the PRPS posting, and the time for that kind
`of rehearing has passed under Rule 4271 D-1.
`That would have been due March 6th. And we
`strongly disagree with the substance of their
`paper, from their reliance on the Federal Rules
`of Civil Procedure and precedent that does not
`apply to the Board, and their misreading of the
`statute. We did not present that material in
`our paper. We simply presented the factual
`predicate for our request for contingent
`relief, asking the Board to reconsider the form
`in which it issued the two final written
`decisions in these two matters, if it decided
`that rehearing was justified in CBM2013-00009.
` Our request here, Your Honor, is
`that if Progressive is granted further briefing
`on our motion, we simply be accorded the same
`on their motion. And we're happy to address
`any questions the Board may have.
` JUDGE LEE: All right. Give us a
`few minutes, please.
` (Discussion off the record.)
` JUDGE LEE: Good afternoon. The
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`Page 14
`judges are back. Do I have the lawyers for the
`parties, please?
` MR. WAMSLEY: Progressive is here,
`Your Honor, yes.
` MR. BAUGHMAN: Petitioner is here,
`Your Honor, yes.
` JUDGE LEE: All right. The Panel
`has conferred. It seems like both parties are
`now asking for an opportunity to respond to the
`other party's rehearing requests. We are going
`to authorize only three pages in that regard.
`So Progressive gets to file a three-page
`response to each of Liberty's rehearing
`requests in the two cases, 2012-00003 and
`2013-00009. And Liberty gets to file a
`three-page response to Progressive's rehearing
`request in 2013-00009. I think that takes care
`of all the requests today.
` MR. WAMSLEY: Your Honor, this is
`Jim Wamsley for Progressive. Thank you for
`your decision. Can you clarify the timing for
`us to make that filing?
` JUDGE LEE: Since you're only
`authorized three pages, how long do you need?
` MR. WAMSLEY: We could file it by
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`Page 15
`the end of the week.
` JUDGE LEE: That will be fine with
`us. And, Liberty, can you do that?
` MR. BAUGHMAN: Yes, Your Honor.
` JUDGE LEE: And we are cognizant of
`our own power to manage the record in the
`cases, so we really don't need the parties to
`call us or tell us whether we should strike a
`paper or expunge a paper. If you want an
`opportunity to respond, just make a request in
`that regard. But as far as what we would do in
`managing our own records, I think we would
`appreciate it if that were to be left just for
`the Board's own exercise of discretion.
` So today Progressive said that it
`would be satisfied with just an opportunity to
`respond, and we've authorized that.
` MR. WAMSLEY: Thank you, Your
` JUDGE LEE: Okay. Thank you. We
`are adjourned. Thank you.
` MR. BAUGHMAN: Thanks, Your Honor.
` (The hearing was adjourned at 5:08 p.m.)
` ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
`Veritext Legal Solutions Midwest


`I, Todd L. Persson,
`do hereby
`certify that as such Reporter I
`Stenotypy all of the proceedings had in the
`foregoing transcript;
`that I have transcribed
`my said Stenotype notes into typewritten form
`as appears in the foregoing transcript;
`said transcript is the complete form of the
`proceedings had in said cause and constitutes a
`true and correct transcript therein.
`77H Paw
`Todd L. Persson, Notary Public
`within and for the State of Ohio
`My commission expires August 1,

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