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`33mm Searemzy (3f {lemmewé 2‘0? inteiiécéual '1’ragmrty
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`t1~Agm§P1mpin§A€XVI 1956, 339. 81-191.,“
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`US 6.334.133. 131.:
`SETSTQM ANSI METHOD: I303 EE {13081533336
`Si3ST3'TB1'13 WEILMEN”?
`1113 ymscn: inventinn gcuem'ily 121111115 11) systems, and
`memads for human I'd-Source): management Mere
`pamcmariy. thep
`'n't 1131761311613 Mates 11; #31611st and
`'m':11311115 far performing; substitnte mmmw 1111;111:1ng
`memmmn ampiabie Fu‘wstsi1c wquers and mni‘tmu‘i
`. asfignmmts17f, gulasiitwc wm'kem'w an orgaaizafion- Still
`magi Fagiicflariy the 112141.131 invemiml relates. to svsiems
`and 117114.1th for ahifling 1135 121111161: nf petfa'rrz'iiag Sufisfififle
`5}: $1,101.11agitated mgmmatmms, fer centralizv
`1111: $3113
`5111.511me 1125353.. and {sir eizhmcifig Line 1283»,
`(me); and rehabi‘:it)! of5123;512:1116 fiilfillmaut preeeduree.
`312%: $51118 absence pended. 11131110133131 Ecmjngiv.stub}? 3'11:
`sum/e131, the sniasriime fulfillment ‘msk'« nee
`1.) (lea/131:: significant time, effim mi other
`. no guarantee; 111‘ 311006521 311
`mom.‘as smnpbcated by the number of intermediatfi E9113'11an
`1111152 be 211m:_npiis'h;dand reiaslraims 11:13.1 must be. satisfies}
`'10 fiXICvazfun 12atame, aparticuhr5111131133115 fm‘fiflme'a't"m a
`time 1135111011
`The Exent «antics:- wav, andusuafl'y (113:5, g‘mx11:1: twice
`. nf- his impendins. excuse its; than a day or even 0111;;
`several11011143, before; heis expected 311740231. 313115. 7131112»
`agemmEi 013251113111
`‘ ' csutgslimm. fulf'zflmeuf {as}; with 11112111'
`1113mm Carts {1 e
`E the I” ,
`mated1.11 any
`519361 theIn managemer‘zl must dime: 1:
`$1379 def me
`prcEE Once: the fits:12ch wmch may extend 13mm 0' y
`fibers. to several days. .13; even months]15 191mm. matab .
`men: must whiny met in. my: :13
`I118 ébsicfiw
`Wedser‘s $1111.73} respotjsibiiiiies 31313 5313115.'16£151-3513.311 dri‘e
`(c.1111 fa.“ idemi
`g. a Snimbl6 51113111136 aad dcvelep I:
`qwmflunon mama. profits.I‘g'pEu:
`muipipie 51111511121-
`112311: more.
`fian csnfiifiaie 33.370131218- may be:
`Eemmdir'xg scgniremams fer111m; at prefemd madame».
`mad with less demanding, uneshoid reqnherzicms for mam}!
`memblc» Sufisifimefi. (I'm fine Emmi/7.1% quafificafiem
`far an accepubic subsfi'mte are eélablishcd management
`may cansiderpotenfialmplpcemyJMs {mm 11-pmismz‘t‘. 1351 of
`131'. alternativciy, management may identify
`potential 1111113163431 by same other means Canmdasns 111.13
`his {@3331 cmplmeS fif
`.‘Ifigme'd wwkplncc. 1m
`13;;mink, assembiy 11:19. make.15 2.1 a mauw‘acmdug 511111)?
`V1131: WERE “In: 31111319. I‘m“:
`the absentee, 01;. pm ‘
`frem eutafifle 1hr: wodsying‘e, £13; anmpiewubsritete 1e Mitt-1'5
`tegjstemi 1291;}: a ' "1901;131:531.
`Management mas} than caramel pommia. mile#:1311233
`_ typical; by 1e1ephang 11116
`(11112111111117. 12511171316! 113m 12
`replacemems me avafia‘rflc and 1%}!ngto war}; mhe desired
`time-s 1;; the fleshed: $033113}. Marti; magisingEEgpfiem‘ia}.
`sufistisutcemay 172191112» Evita} summits. 113' 1112') DES-t ease,
`mamgcmrm will e’vemuaflsc heme @1111 assign an
`gzabstit‘e-‘e 10 emier the \I'acamy;£11 1111; wrzrst case sznngeI
`men! will be umbic 1‘0 find a 3111;311:112Ie,E despite hwmg
`expeutiegi si
`r‘jifiemu 22$ 1222‘ ‘ha
`task. ’l'hetsu ' dime fuififlme111 ms.
`who‘ll? c.0319 .
`3111.11 the £411th substitme 1'5-.Luezgma
`iypicalw, management getfmmmg the 5111;451:1111: 11111111171312211
`must1122;. not
`f the. appmprinac919339213 111:1!‘I- 51113171111147 has
`bean confirm 't'a facfliia'tc'1111595571715oftfic sub'sti'flzie'w 11..
`werkylice. 3.1110 '10 the cemp‘lexitv (If the $115.11:11311:: {111111.
`{Item task and thé dwcmion (if grammes 3i. cnt‘aik, wary
`sverkghms may foregu mbspituv: mfifimem despiie its
`3121751111518 iuiiiflmem.s a 101111.131! pram:E in Lfic educarma
`gyalem, 15131591113)! at 111:: immerse 3x151 sfimnéary. ss'mzai
`levels. A11 camp}: 1‘? 31111562318 fvlflllmefi': fer a high when}.
`lemmfis nymided 11min.3; m anew
`exmp’j'c mi”:fru-
`allv15 manna
`referEenVce. Tnje. 51113511151111: i'uIiiSlm
`' fine-gaming (mike
`‘ 4.110111316131111. {be
`lie? 18“.? (mum;
`.11; circus. of a pxinsiga}. Va.— «.21.... «fimmEamg .5 wen as
`several WWI staf“ 1:11.:me rs. 61am tear-her in railedIII
`sick er nflxerwisc sigmicd his absence, perh‘sps’ihé nigh:
`be$1311: 11.: even [he teeming of 1m; 12:51.1ng the Icepcasii'fie
`adzmdmruior 31111111.:fiisrup". he:
`eitedule 10' fades on the
`substitute 1|.s3'1'ilime:11 1.1514. if 51.6‘m unable w i'méasubstitum
`15301361: 211:: (man811’“? of the 131113351111: flrzpanme*ni mime-11
`{be what.» sc'hn.1 may be tlisrupmd for example,
`“Fe (hie, 'locafiqzs efu :epiaepmxg-m ‘30, 1311 a Ktmpamy
`empluyce absence1:: 1111 mgr:meme :1 pmmm 1613:3811 IQ
`as "subszim1e fiufilimem" hes' generaliy been an unrefi.m
`13am.«Mann.rc. nfaen panic drive-V11, grapess.
`[q {1:1}
`orgnaizafion. 1hr. absince 01:a wadedran have puceptiblc
`wmequcne:3 11351121117111 theEwnfimiam '3’33e conm'fiencfis
`231‘ V
`of.11; eagle}.cc aficcnce will w‘afywith fine nature of M woe?
`enviwnmezit and with the. meme 0f the emphafifee{5 pacified:
`mm Ismail! factorsmay mm, fer ekempie. 1.111111311711113.
`(beauties and 91111111112. of ‘absemccism 1'13
`:he patients:
`ezEafiizaiien. 'I‘hesrj. ceneequmcI. may ’17:;
`51.111111213111119. Ed
`4111-.sting as vhas. m asEmb‘Ivline shuts dawn due to the
`ahsence.of a critical werke‘r 13111121: 31' e, or more menmied.
`and moécmie- as when meme-1' o.
`‘r'yss ifi disfiaded {111111
`hits 3121111an 2555: to ansnrcrteEphoses. flue i011“: absence sf.
`the mace mxptmnm In a. 1}91.3.1 ewe, :heE oonEqueEwc
`may incluée diversion vi managcmg-m muses VI 1.1:ka..
`‘ 'uSequenOe’s {if 1heV§h$cgéc; glelaysin amompfishing
`pregame 1'11 wrrkm 11m amnxee 12..s z mic; dismawmentgof
`pthcmmplpyecs, W331. £11133; $121111! she absentega?'s mid. either
`by Express assignment 013;: Meier to c'oiigpiete tbéiz‘ 171v.)
`r1:(112C171! Emfimflvlgq; fines lexficd' against
`Organizatiofi, p.4‘111miimyif .111: ahs'cfic'e 5111931315 safay '15.:
`9:11:31 gevemmesa:mtcguiatee} aspects:
`(1?. 111:: mark «31111519..»
`' we. in .121 extreme 131i: 2:01 inicjcmmou‘ use if“;
`Emmy to cumpiete the central 1113.41; of the u1gauizmm1.
`If. the 311119.: case, assignment01'
`‘a substizuie Wetter is
`imperative 01‘ “131'.31(1uiesiiieal”-~with011_t' 3 51217313131111
`mixer, “the mission: (If the drgani'w1011 W11. 1101 go
`fume:dwfif) falling the. vacanxy. «4111 a temperaey my ceI
`I'ucn't is 113:. mi}: ampiablcj a‘ttematjive-g in 0111c:
`eV Hg
`wigmnen f a suhsf'ute worker may no. he Elwin»;-
`éritiuel. tin?
`,I' QeveVVhflt‘E 111; a. ptcférmd prjhcy11101111:? '
`19 minimirtnc (11.11152.
`119113111111; Absmxfie may Emma: 12... “‘QfiiprQ cvaq befme
`inc absence period begins, .25 mamgem censider ways cf
`cmwreveatmg for"3.1% absence. Sample; 121’ wofl. envimw
`meat: in whieii subsisimte mlfiluaentmay be a tummy
`wfl’l‘qliabim 1111;111:311: whack, cmecgexxw sen'ices, and mam»
`fuming 91am pasiicxflariv mans mil-I an asscmmmimc
`1713611111011 The replacement cf an absent ieacher Withn
`suhsfimi‘c teacherE; a c‘jun’zjmo‘niy be. dug 113.1131ka 111‘
`1115.11?sz «:11th subs1mic«[111hlim1*nlnbjeefi'e5.
`Thus,:11 morgmfimfirm w‘nere3 «5131931521111: is necessary nr
`fiesmd when an empieyee 15131111552} Vergmizagiun 111.1111:
`1.1%.. must neewarih mm its aisexr
`firm to 13:49- 513151311112 22111531112631 1353;, at risks. noticeable Q
`11:61?»111m in 11:16 pmduc‘ivity n: the Urganiznfiou 01 {1:1
`mabiifiy to aemmpiish the business0.3 L1: mgmizmien fer
`n..." “mum..1 1... ”exam frnm(ma PINS: lmmm Daiahwa m1 12f51120‘18


`USE...-.34,133 13'}
`afiected 0135.599 may €3.11 bcbiz‘id9:111:91: scheduicd cxwicuia.
`an 99210010130:9' other teachers.may 11:11:: to urged 111919
`0.2110: (1111105 in «we: for the, ninja-mint, 'am'lEEK: 501.1901 may
`Even 9'0 finodhy thesim 1:0: 12.11105 10 pmvidc. an 30009131911:
`9111251111130 that-hm:
`511 93:13:; inF§IEQTR1 the 531115130116 101311050331, geaatnlly,
`0;: which 91:99:25 the.
`51:91 that administrnicr mugs: datum
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`thatmust bjn faked; 3711115,11 :10 3139921: 4' char 3;; a. big $200091.
`Science 10 __ a: who isaohesAI’I’hysms 30d ba$30 <>V£3
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`01.13993 1:: bothswims. '1=Vhe Administtmdr than typically:
`19109111103 incur-£31910 as
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`mlcvani 31093919001 130.310: 01119.:-1910330173 and 1000309159.
`'iapenmm to pieces.» the st. um assignment.
`A1 9:05.009,0011191110: systems. 10: 5037003725315; 93135111019
`fulfillment air: known in {his 9119091199 fish? 101159161931
`50110013 in '9 9011901 r1191fi¢tiifpicnl1y share 3199‘;ng s'chVh
`5.3491931 Emailed at $11!:9011001 riistt's'c: 29:131.331.1101: $819.19.
`:95; 0310 4196192103. 608331211131, co
`0' 111993931: 111019005 .at
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`(1919912911; 11095, 3120501119: muggingni. ’1th mnipmcnt isV
`eqmnsévc 39¢! sef's'ulp of the subsiimtc gunmen: 33:51:05.
`maybe technically demandihg.Asmamld1s 391111“?me
`'3 0091;391:101 2119911310 11's 11311010its 191101931921 whims of
`0.5011: 0191:; 1:9 uggmda311:: system, 9:19;: 311.01 me 0:11.19.
`mat? in ‘1. his 'tc'piadscl Va't 5913513111.)? 01901139 and many.-
`ance, Vb
`:11 339191115; are said by 9:90:21 vandal/Vs 1311er 1119.
`1:199 mama 9901919992 (CR5. 1.129.).- é'wd 8141381111313 if:achcr
`19391135001901 System {TS-‘32).
`in 111090 lau'trzsmatcfi syhicms, 9099-9331sz iafhrgnmicm reim-
`131g 10 teachers, 5111;311:0110: 0:110:33, registcad mums,
`his, 1131:0910(I am} mamiaiucdIna (11:81(156mmugh sailwurc.
`90 his fiys‘ifim a: 11:: 5011001919010: 1:52.30}; Individuai $110013
`in the flifiiricl'amms's $999510“: :hmxz‘gh a 51:91-11}? 90031001103:
`xvii}: 33311091003{tom :1 20531909“: 109mm :111h; snhooLbchani
`(11.99,: 90130309150991 rccciw 111399099 nohfiqxiim. and
`initiate- and 0.1.0259:: 1119-591391121119 {111111193001 groundnut: W51:11
`911999911091. ibe’ 93:9 91.531311111th {moivement by 5013001
`tam vendm: may 130 'reqiiired,
`{1191130} 95:01:11an 3110 (be
`mm, 0993011033 011110 5195111319 9319311101.‘syci'om. bu me.
`iiixéivid'usl 52110015 may I‘m: icchnicafly iamanciing until
`19un tha 3119991100 91“ fishied 901799113323
`10 fight of £11» mmmwcmzcnl 1:91:09 ‘0? the Substimtc-
`3.115311119312331:he the educaiimn sfiigm the refihbflhy oi the
`s'ysiefii is '1 key Vc'oncérjzt VA: 919993“, $111 w; 11211311032111
`3.3910995 are: 0012.100031919191131310 £09m 'fail'urus 3115301330:
`caiashuphic Wants may unfiennim mg: cfiiqasy01:53:91:an
`99013196 3111159 schmflisinut 10m 39999.93iii} 19km's-
`is11131019990153.9319 at 113;; 5.9wa dis-tie: 103'01,_system
`fnihms may 055133.133; 9311131 or 0.3131 (1.31:: 1095 Backup
`systems (mam 311 V.0u'al.expanse, 03:92::
`11-111 wiihisz 31397
`budgets 01' school systems;
`‘ Prescni $516039 are iahmcmiy flamedan {11:11: 09513111111509.
`(311910. equipmmt 139311311
`_. 9124:9353 99:12:73:99. m1. 099:2,-
`tion tequmameaL, :hus. each district 1390on9mm.£13595 9:16
`9 (1V 99339111 and inmgtndcliily 1:001:19.
`Lg mm .512me
`this fuifilimmtuumg £1.33: piimhuscd533910211;As :1 r" uh of {ha
`riccecivmzw mmm 0f 301011.010 11533311039111;mam-:wmcnt in
`. 53231912191: 1'5 hifiua:13110390555010:0: $012001 43051043
`to: sham Mammal: 312d 9011113101: 50135912219 13111131110001
`K654103905. 1‘0: the same mam}, 91131331119600 0: aggragatigm
`01? (Safe. 1:19:11:th.hmmih fuififimim acid
`a 1:119 filifil‘mcnt 31:0. typlmfiy {30105. 93012131910131 anii 999w '
`__._..1: h:mini/111,101 54th rhsiticfs 33:11 922300]:-
`11111591591623 hem with a. particular éxnmple. this; same
`mirfi'idemfinm am generally aptfliaabk :1: any mgmmfiqa.
`'1‘- Dua 10 1110 mthsionvciieicul 0:301:32 011110 5070511203: inimi—
`0299:1291:-:5 59901013: that 9113 equipmm}. 93' 0:911:01:
`Via substimzc». 1131111130911: be Inhabit: aad 911101391.
`1d'autfigi. 0f 1th 11995996 11199111101: 10' 31399500 a 0511
`9mm and method 01' sgbsfiwi‘e {131111101 21131ng ,1»
` 3‘1 ideamgigé 0f the 9179990
`and ma
`31110311114.(1513:5511th 1011111639121 Vs
`1ng 9‘19!th (mt? 90911135111112 mgan _
`9:: mmtvemcm 0:
`nversight. IL'13» anoihcr #:91201an of the present ms'hntiar': to
`13103151633113} swaps (ifsysk-m 20:31:901'
`'17 am} :0 Mahdi: an
`'35 31:10:12.0;
`'10 1110. 1919.101. it is 3‘01 «3991110:
`'ldvam'agrl7901' the
`930mm 1099911100 30 01911112311 2:'éent'tai datahahe 0
`{1.11fiimemurelathd" infarmzmn 10:1 10 share 5:10.; _ 4101011
`1111:0901 infumadonacross 05990123110135. IL is him washer
`advantage 91" the. 9mm: 1119091919 :9 19021.53 95:19; analysis
`'5“ anti :epmi‘uhgj. As impmwa 0363111099 99119310219 591511919111.
`.35 135'an 10V 3113' mgégizmirm thaiini'igphmx a 0.29:? '10 355159
`209190903001 workers. :0: E111 1910909313; 230590005,
`SUMMER? 0.1" THE 1114929091015:
`The 9:950:191999111101113 0.1.9313 1.0 an. amen-.3196 $951019
`m} {£19111on f0: petfarmmg subsiimii; 50311111119111 1” "
`mganfzaijion (an; Wishes L0 replaceV anVV 9:11;:eyes. :10 VV g :3
`thumping}: 3.1359399. Gexzczaily.
`in! least 90.9 935002111 3310*;
`4,3 Iterséd cmbm’iimcni 0f 111:: 12:59:11! iann'Qu combmplaics
`111:; Va 513125110110 150111111110): 999mm 0101mm .'V. 931th 99196:
`2112:: 1091153155 3019311009. fuififlmem far mnlizple 01mm Organ
`1112011009. 1110» semi: 0199129103 sitbsiihut; filiflZL3390t 4391a
`03110139 for multiple. 9.119111
`and 81110;: {1113 9621191113! 1:11:
`.5 gzgm‘zzfims smplpyiug the 293135319110 fulfihmmi 5391003.
`' Organir'
`‘anVrJamar 5111151111310 1011331930111 91:11.3 loamy a; the;
`V and 0mm 1hr. (101.110 1'th 30mm“. An 0:3;303—
`29.5015. maizxtaixis its 093193113191damsasé 00V Va 3023} 8.9911-
`cation The .9me periodicafly sends 1de9193 to and
`SB reqLiiiesV updates mem an mgmizaiion''5 10:51 database In
`one pruicttafi emboijz‘m'snh 1.]: 93319103520 registhts an
`amé'nc'c 91:91 triggars 1130 33120111106 subhtémte 1011131910111.
`;'5000:1119: by contaétiagaw’fr 59113111110 {01111133991 sys'iim.
`Iii. a' 1013's: 00:: p'raferieu 9911;099:011, the $519.12}‘
`55. 11;: 01211111231101: with 1110 9199has inform '00, {31190.10
`313353300=15 rmgistered she Substitute; fulfiilm V $391012. 0.525
`1110. in!abasg: 14': 19.95913: pagehiiai 5:. amides basud 0n pref-
`0:99:99: 0::'L‘z'jitetia 99333331ch by the 0:29519123.100 ind 0113'.
`V1111:9 553909011169 001333015 {he identifiefl patch-
`0310:. to 1139mm ze'rmimg' their av:fiahiiity m is
`319131.92 embodiment the: 535mm continues :0 00110-0:
`3301991141 sphsiimcmmifl on; is {amid .0: mt?! ah; 1151 is
`axhaus‘tcd and 0}} pmbnfiai 511555111199: have. refused the
`If11 591351311th 5100ng c110 assignment, the system May's
`insi'mctmn's 102s! iniamamn and messages£93m 111E we :kéz'
`:8 ma 51111511 Via-,1.$219099.
`9Wh¢th0r 0'! 1101' 9 5331501311110:3
`cm ..mhdea by name ham :he‘ pans mama 131.331.311.909 (:23 12/502010
`' MW...


`153 6.334.133 81.
`5111:1331-3111- ass1gaca,the 33313111 601113015 1116: cigauizaficu
`31111 111116: (2991th1111111110 recipients 6:1 13111111 011we 965311.111
`.11 1333': 13116 fimférrrd 61131191111633!)
`1111: 511311:
`rcfies 1111
`111111111118 33311331113115.3115 611111131215 to. fien’s 6161111111113-
`The. systcm 1113111131115 5:11 relauug 1-3 311' transactions and
`{0 Each 5111151111113 1111111113631 't-vcu't. The 6311111131313111311‘113'
`the system may hr. used for system 01161312311011.5116511 15
`ffiififlfimm maximimi'cu, 311111121111 311319315 The 11361 111.1111,»
`mined by R13 539611.181 may be used $111 Lam-1193111111011
`afiflyfis 11nd 311651111111: 111111113333
`@3163} may generate
`3111111131131 mpqns related {0 sgecific 51161111111122 11111111133111;
`1.3.5113 111 base/.3 {111 311516113111 data 33 631311313
`this 1315511131011 focuses on environments in
`which 5111331111113 (1111111111611:13 mmmwcmwsl z't 1's finder
`31321131113111 1's 51163131111311): apglicahisfto auy sax-11911111611; 1'11
`'wbiéh' 3111351111116 31111113133115.3133? prefixed fiver mixer
`mcrficds <11 Eons of 33111131 11131111163 11:111st 131 addressing an
`31111110151311 111531132, 311111131? not critical. 1; is also 311631511193
`11131 ‘V‘wmkpiace” or" “(1233;311:1011 :‘o'f'csis 1101611151“ 111111013
`traditional work unvxmumcrats, 111111;: my work um'imnmcut
`112361131113 16 5111351111113 1111311111331. sud:As an aimpiciws 111111,
`111111. works cacperaiively t ‘1er Wiibin a lurgcr
`1111, 1211 3x31111111, :1ch
`gaucy sumictj-is unit.
`11133.1113561111111161361011 3116: 1'159165611in picferred ismbodi-
`11331113W111 111‘.bum-1' understood 11;: way of 1113133110610 the
`5216193161.; disciosure has!1111111101); and to the accompuufing
`d‘r3vdugs, 'threin:
`F101isa bleak diugmm $110111ng a substitute. fuiflllmmi
`33131513 1'11 3ccutdai1c3 with 12 1516561361} gmfizedirfieut of she
`pig-53111 invention
`1‘K1. '21s a 11313 flcw (1111;332:111 showing the. exchange 61'
`11601111111012 hem-3611 various armies mvdived111 subsiuute.
`{11113111112111 performed in anmrdmibe with 11111612112611
`embodiment of 1111: present. invention.
`FIG 3‘13 3 1113151111111413161121113 :11} 63611133111153; datastructure.
`of. :1 works! regard stored'1n accoraancc W111: a preferred
`31116361111331 cf 1111: 111353111 1111531111011
`HG 71'15 a diagram showingan exemplary 3.113 5611011111:
`of 11 1:110:11. record stored 1'11 aéu0rd3110'c with a preferred
`embcdimcm cf ('11:: present 11111311111111
`FIG, 5 is 11 diagramskewing .111 13143111911113 1.12.111 31:11am.- .
`of a.
`11's?- taf pick 1131.536an in, 30611111311103 with 111N-
`13113661111136 fem 1111 1113' 1311:3611: ins-31111611.
`RIG. 6'.15 a diagram skewing 311 exempiary (1313 51111611111;
`01' a 9:111:01 record aimed 31 11130013131113 11.11111 3 pmfe'rwd
`63113031111911: 'of the {113312111 1113131111611
`is a disgrum showing an cxcmp'lurs' 13-1112 structure
`ofa 30111111? 11111151 sacred in accordance with 3 pmfarred
`3.3115311111119111 of the 911336111 1111261111011.
`£416 8'1s a diagram shown. an 15261233111111 .3313 56131113)
`91‘? 3 {11.911151116611113 stored in summarize 1.14111:
`.1 prefexmd
`61.317111151111111: of the present. 111161111011-
`{16.9 is 381:1ng showiug an use-17191311; (1313 53111211113
`of 1.1136131161311323: $11111 $111163 111 31.1.1111de $111131 3’
`3101311311 cmhcdimcnt (if 1116 9173:2111 iuvcuii'qu
`113.1915 3 dug-13111 310mg 3115: cf avwabic reports
`56131313616 by 3:11.531: 111 ac‘cgrdaiiéc with.311ref’cmd cmbcfli-
`1210111 oi the: 11121qu 61121111011
`9111.31 is 3313333111 showiag 1111 11111151111 data 3111131316
`fer 133113.11 mnisiratéun with 3 31165111113; 11131111316111 system11:
`2.34101an withsgwfcrzed 3131103113311 111‘ 111:: 916.9331
`FIG 131's :1 rcptcscn'laiion 0E 18.110115generated
`1'11 acco'rc‘auce with a missed 6.111130611113111 01‘ the present
`Third is 51611613113 indicated .11 31) 1'11 F16. 1 a bled:
`313,133: 0er 51111551111161 fulfilirueu' system in accordance
`11.11113 913191131 mummm(1f 1116 111353111 11111311111111.1131:
`9‘31 .c'cmpcucms of 5111;511:1111: 1111311113.. sysiem 19 1115 11
`110115 and précfissing sun/c1: 30, 0011111101611 131 :11:
`Crack” 531173501711kt} database a 'ijup. 34 11 W31; same: 36,
`3313.1rapprt processing 11111:: 38-11-1111 multiple cunuxiumm
`111311 chanucis for 31161115. Markers 31151 11111111111111 replace»
`meats. Emil-11311 or server may run L121 3 separme 301111111131
`or r111 111$: 53111: 6011313111“ as my 91' 1113‘ 11111:: 53111615.- The
`mm ujcatmns 8116 processing; s'cr

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