
`CRS V. Frontline, CBM2012-00005
`CRS v. Frontline, CBM2012-00005


`New International
`c Xn iM_
`Utilizing all the experience and resources of more than
`one hundred years of Merriam- Webster® dictionaries


`Editorial Staff.
`Outside Consul
`Explanatory Cl
`Explanatory Nt
`Divisions in Bo
`Plurals .......
`Italicization .. .
`cgs electromagne
`Afro-Asiatic lang
`alphabet table...
`anthracite coal si,
`common area for,
`Beaufort scale....
`ship's bells......
`book sizes.......
`Braille alphabet. .
`constellations ...
`chief crusades....
`principal ocean cu,
`executive U.S. dep ~
`dye tables I and II
`Easter dates ......
`chemical elements.
`four syllogistic figu
`principal railroad g
`common shotgun g
`geologic time'and ft
`gestation periods.
`glacial epochs.... ,
`incubation periods..
`Indo-European langt
`measures and weigh:
`Two plates in col
`Constellations and S
`Constellations and Si
`Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
`Main entry under title:
`Webster's third new international dictionary of
`the English language, unabridged.
`Includes index.
`1. English language—Dictionaries. I. Gove,
`Philip Babcock, 1902-1972. II. G. & C. Merriam Company.
`PE1625.W36 (cid:9)
`1981 (cid:9)
`423 (cid:9)
`ISBN 0-87779-201-1 (blue Sturdite)
`ISBN 0-87779-206-2 (imperial buckram) AACR2
`All rights reserved. No part of this work covered by the copyrights hereon may be
`reproduced or copied in any for,: or by any means—graphic, electronic, or mechan-
`ical, including photocopying, recording, taping, or information storage and retrieval
`systems—without written permission of the publisher.


` soecifio license document within
`is without
`sfaction of a balance due from
`of confined to the amount due
`of the phenomena, historical
`rage without restriction to a
`titular aspect (as phonetics,
`-Ii, -R rapid -n'l-\ ado [ME.
`manner: as a obs : as a whole
`respect to all I UNIVERSALLY
`C :Ina reasonably inclusive manner : in ursrcraiu - ayc~
`stances and with regard to an overall picture (, speaking
`(inflation - assumed to have been caused by war) it : on the.
`whole : as a rule (elections are held , every other year)
`general mortgage n : BLANKET MORTGAGE
`gen•er-al•ness n -Es : the quality or state of being general
`general oftier n ::GENERAL tia —compare FLAG OFFICER
`general of the air force : an air force officer of the highest rank
`whose insignias five stars
`general of the armies : the highest U. S. Army rank of World
`War I (as conferred upon General John J. Pershing upon his
`general of the army : an army officer of the highest rank whose
`insignia is five stars
`general order n 1 : any one of the orders issued by an author-
`ed military headquarters that include important permanent
`directive matter of general interest- usu. used in p1.; compere
`SPECIAL ORDER 2: any one of the permanent guard orders that
`govern the duties 01 011 sentries - usu. used to pl•
`hfli3 of the general paresis also general paralysis n I syphilis
` membranes
`oncerebraltwith r
`sonality cchanges
`and :protean u fifestations
`that change from month to month progressing to dementia and
`general partner n a partner whose liability for partnership
`debts and obligations is unlimited - distinguished from
`Special partner
`general partnership to : a common-law n partaership in which
`11 (cid:9) partnership debts
`each partner has a general liability for
`and Obligations in Intl — compare LIMITED PARTNERSHIP
`general pause a: a nonrhylh min most in all parts in ensemble
`music - abbr a. P.: called also cutoff
`general physiology n : a branch of physiology concerned with
`the basic functional activities of living matter : protoplasmic
`general post n 1: blindman's butt in which players are desig-
`nated by place names and are called upon TO change seats two
` i f positions orlocations go
`2 chiefly Belt t:l u general exchange p
`general post office n, usu cap G&P&O : a main post office in a
`capital or a large city (as London); also : a postal system
`general power of app0lntmei)t • a power to appoint
`(cid:9) nomi-
`that can be exercised entirely in •fever of the donee,
`his (cid:9)
`nee, or his estate — compac SPECIAL POWER
`general practitioner n : a physician or veterinarian who does
`an, limit his practice to a s litnoy [y
`gteeced' to confinement and to d sms sal or di charges -compare
`general property n : the absolute ownership usu. of personal
`property with the right of complete dominion over it including
`the incidental rights of possession, of use and enjoyment, and
`of disposition or alienation - distinguished from special
`gall 00 0 ep rmpertytaxty : a tax levied on the assessed value of
`P p _n per
`sition; aloe: a law or
`general proposihonn : a universal (cid:9)
`principle (cid:9)
`d to be
`d' :utilized or deli (cid:9)
`a J (cid:9)
`general-purpose more
`used for two or more balm purposes, products, or [unctions
`bomb designed to be effective
`a'mst both trsoo bomd materi
`troops a
`ag (cid:9)
`general-purpose S10BI a : ALL -PURPOSE FLOUR
`general quarters n pl : a condition of maximum readiness of a
`geal for action with all hands at b a ttle stations
`r an attorney by a client load-
`neraeral retainer n . a :amen:
`client for compensa tion and for a fixed
`vine and
` legal m
`time in all legal matters in which he may seek legal assistance;
`at ters
`a ll
`also :the retaining fee Itself
`general revelation a: revelation available to all men - com-
`gneral rude n : a standing order governing practice and gen-
`eral procedure in a court — compare SPECIAL RULE
`generals I GENERAL
`ence n • a subject or course of study in school or
`general sci
`college in which the elements of several. slate '. s are studied
`geducalionai de cipline duetto Alfred Korzybskt (1879 1950)
`intended to improve habits of r .pons. of human beings to
`their environment and one another esp, by training io the
`better and more crilidal uses of words and other symbols
`general service car n : a railroad car suitable for carrying a
`variety of classes of freight; rap : a gondola car having prac-
`tically the cadre bottom composed of drop doors hinged at the
`enter to dump outside wI the rails
`general Service School it : a anti in the system of military edu-
`cation at which officers and enlisted men of all arms and
`services are given advanced training - compare SPECIAL SERV-
`general sessions n pl I a court of criminal jurisdiction
`gen•er•al•shfp \'e(e):,ship\ n -S 1 1 office or tenure of office
`of a general: exercise of the functions of a general 2: military
`skill in a general officer or high commander 3 1 LEADERSHIP,
`general ship n I a ship not chartered or let to particular parties
`bat advertised for the general receipt of goods from the public
`indiscriminately to be carried on voyage
`general six-urinciele baptist a. usu cap G&S&P&B : a tens-
`general solution n 1 t a solution of an ordinary differential
`equation of order n that involves exactly it essential arbitrary
`aeral tograt
`ootpplete solution, gen (cid:9)
`nstants - called also
`2 : a solution of a partialdifferential equation that involves
`arbitrary functions - called also general integral
`general Staff n : a group of officers in an army division or
`similar or larger unit who assist their commander in planning,
`coordinating, and s pervising operations; also (cid:9)
`group assisting a Chief of staff - compare SPECIAL STAFF
`general statement n : a statement in topic that confabs one
`or more bound variables - contrasted with :jugular rmtement
`general statute n : GENERAL LAW
`general store n I a retail store located usu. in a small or rural
`community which carries a wide variety of coesomer can-
`venience goods including groceries bur is not departmenlierd
`general strike a I a simultaneous striking by all umonezed
`general tail S 1 a fee-tali estate But restric[e0 so particular
`descendants of the first owner thereat but designed to pass to
`all of said owner's descendants so long as such issue is alive
`-Es [ME generalle, fr. MF
`gen•er•al•ty \ien(a)ralt'e\ n
`gerierauti, generaliii — more at GENERALITY] archaic : G¢N-
`general will n : the will of a community which is the embodi-
`ment or expression of its common interest; apes-U: the social or
`ollective will of a community resulting from the interrelations
`(as the exchange of opinnn)between its members
`gen•er•ate \ jeea,ral, coo -ad-+V\ Fb -ED/-ING/-S CL gen-
`atus, past par[, of generate to beget, create, it germ:-, genus
`bi th, race, class, kind - more at KIN] of 1 : to cause to be
`bring into ezistence; cop :PROCREATE (, innumerable off-
`spring) 2 : to originate (something material ) by a physical or
`chemical process : rcaee RL(WOald—a tremendous amount of
`.,,e„"ro,a eueaee . • _ should ,
`: (cid:9)
`general creditor
`goods at locations specified and subject to limitations as im-
`posed by contract
`general creditor n : a creditor not secured by a lien or other
`security : a creditor not having a preference
`general custom a : a custom or usage throughout the jurisdic-
`tion that is general, uniform, and certain and of such long
` judicial
`(cid:9) at i
` courts (cid:9)
` Ihat
`the jurisdiction (cid:9)
` of
`the comm on
`a s part 01
`R (cid:9)
`gen•er•al•cy \'jen(a)ralse, -si\ n -Es : the office or term of a
` pl:
`(cid:9) specie pecunuy (as from
`defamation) in
`general degree n : PASS DEGREE (cid:9)
`mail-delivery service or a department of a
`general delivery (cid:9)
`(cid:9) the delivery of mail at a post office
`post office that handles
`win dow to persons who don not have any permanent street
`a ddress or for other reasons call for it or to p ornons obu call
` or in the abSeries of carrier
`for their often without
` waiting lnr
` an
`of money under common law
`general deposit rt : as
`made by a depositor inn banking institution that creates a debt
`o f the bank to the depositor to be paid by an equivalent sum
`but not by return of the Identical money and that resembles the
`irregular deposit of the civil law
`general deputy n I a deputy authorized to exercise the whole of
`the powers of another official
`general discharge n : a formal release from military service
`under honorable conditions and for satisfactorgy service
`ooh a member f the armed forces not qu alifying a n
`honorable discharge - compare DISCHARGE
`general editor n : one who supervises other editors or publica-
`tions issued in a series — compete EDITOR IN Caine, MANAGING
`general education n : a program of education (as in tome
`liberal-arts colleges and secondary rchools t l ined sp is de-
` rather than trained specialists
`velop students as eerso
`Co.-.-mmon cultural heritage - compare
`and to transmit
`general election n : an election usu. held at regular internals
`prescribed by law or custom in which candidates are chosen in
`all or most constituencies of nation or slate <the prom Icons a
`is ... altora edgeneral
`with which Pa rliament (cid:9)
`vo te at
`-F.d.Oggen & Harold Zink) (as well qualified to vote at a
`primary as at a general election -E.C.Meyer) - compare BY-
`general endorsement 0200 endorsement (as on a check) that
`does not specify a payee
` variables a : simultaneous equilibrium for all
`general expense or general charge n : an overhead expense
`not directly identifiable with a particular activity or depar[-
` charge
` in railroads incurred for the benefit of
`mnt; s a whale
`general failure of issue : INDEFINITE FAILURE OP msve
`ommo dities
` the tioml
`f which represents as much as i 40 40 pert en c
`for alkanes wnere n tone iaseperi
`n : the study of general principles believed to
`imat[cat phenomena of all languages - called
`:tars n a the head ure ters of an officer in
`irmed forces of a unit
`n 1 : a hospital in which patients with many
`if ailments are given care 2 military
` of cases mmunecateons zone that gives
`n ralea, -lye\ n pl [L, pl. of generate gen-
`af generalis] :general principles : unnenAU-
`\' (-0 c\ n, pl generals-in-chief :
`n chief command (as of the entire armed
`at a front or in some services of an army
`'feral cover
`generator + motor] - DYNA-
`to fundamental intramolecular
`n to Gk gambros son-in-law,
`to L gignere to beget - more
`[ME, fr. L generabilis, fr.
`YS -able — more at GENERATE]
`oduced (as by human intellect
`fr. MF, fr. L generally, tr.
`in + -ells -al- more at KIN]
`the whole of a body group,
`:rant to the whole rather than
`on <apparance of - decay)
`involving or belonging to
`n group : applicable to every
`c die or pertinent to the ma.
`aharacteristiu of the majority
`eea(the , opinion) <a custom
`me '-'> <we, the people of
`bed orr dealing with un versal
`', hstory> 4 : marked by
`t being limited, modified, or
`siderations : concerned with
`other than limited details or
`rs :, approximate rather than
`raring a , resemblance to the
`the state have a , northeast.
`Series: N.H.) 5 : not con-
`1 limitation : not limited to a
`inclusive and manifesting or
`', or variety : EAOAD, CATHO-
`ore) <a g surgeon) 6 • he-
` like e
` a e i
`) (
`7 i holding superior rank
`,ere simila rly titled) c, man-
`y ostponsi vely (, star -)
`spacial abilit (the master ,)
`t special ability or vocational
`u niversal
` - o p term toor
` o
`logic in :men( in logic - opposed re
`'a (cid:9)
`practically the entire
` TOTAL 2 a : something
`propos ition
`.e, (0desrpti or statement)
`od'i (cid:9)
`o e°Pet speeds
`UNIVERSAL 3 a archaic : the
`a servant for general work
`ad). (in such phrases as abbess
`is chief of a religious order of
`r One religions rule • peel)
`OIt generals (also, chief of a
`] archaic : the commander in
`y officer of high rank - see
`to n general of the army, ton
`Id marshal, wears 4 stars, and
`I the navy 7 : the supreme
`r — compare SALVATIONIST-
`Inception:INCLU5IELY b:ia
`the most part : GENERALLY
`filled acceptance bill
`1 administrator appointed at
`o to settle and distribute the
`case a will is annexed to his
`in accordance with law -
`red to transact generally all
`acted to him or to do all acts
`l, business, or employment
`ose authority is to conduct a
`loons service of his principal
`:once company or often of
`surance) who appoints and
`dnisters the company's bust-
`: G & cap A: thenative speech
`this not that of the South or
`'elf •such speech excluding
`and western Pennsylvania
`affecting the entire body and
`ante made in hoer. l terms
`jurisdiction in the matter in
`other than a ruling that the
`• person of the lardy)
`es[ ecclesiastics judiciary or
`II churches (as )
`the Pre sby-
`Idyl epoch: the legislature of
`(cid:9) : aesnpreme
`: Nations)
`neat of all one's properly not
`all ones creditors with only
`.call doctrine that the mean-
`Id an by the sufferings of
`t.. men - compare LIMITED
`save the reside of t the ship
`:pauses incurred n protect-
`'by all (cid:9)
`a of a common risk
`'by all parties concerned
`mombrrr of a British Baptist
`:hat held Arminian doctrines
`at in the U. S. - called also
`I at a general convention of
`h and effective within all
`as carried by ships that take
`a c.rtiticate awarded on the
`minatioa taken by British
`7 : the highest leg islative and
`denominations <the General
`m of tins made by a number
` sins a confession in
` r)
`body of a church (as of the
`in head of the legal depart-
`rnmental subdivision)
`• at British universities
`e legislature of the states of
`a martial
` and
`memb er
` having a law member and hgeior
`sh onorable dischn rge or
`Rg fluctuating quantities of
`1 : the chief commander at an army : COMMAvonu in CHIEF
`2 : car of the officers of a cowmandery of Knights Temptar
`eneral issue It 2 a legal plea that traverses and denies an indict-
`ment, declaration, p titian, or complaint in its entirety without
`admitting the truth of an y u llrgutives and oithoat offering
`pedal matters to avoid the legal et[set of the allegations set
`forth - compa re SPECIAL Ltoee
`en••lst \'ien(a)ralas[, rapid -earl-\ a -v ('general + -tat]
`one who devotes himself to, is conversant with, or can handle
`several different skills , fields , or aptitudes - opposed to
`en•er•al•i•ty \,jena'ralad•O, -late, -i \ n -Es [ME generalize, fr.
`MF gateraute, generalize, ir. LL gene if,.t-, generaliras, fr.
`gene fir general + -tint-, -liar -ity — more at GENERAL]
`1 : the quality or state of being general I total applicability
`2 a: a general statement, law, principle, or proposition b 1 a
`vague, insufficient, or inadequate statement 3: the main body
`: the greatest part : eULK (the complaint of the , of the na-
`tion's taxpayers -Raymond Maley) 4 • a fiscal and civil
`administrative district of France under the kingdom- far the
`generality or in the generality adv, abs g in general
`;en•er•al•iz•ame \'ien(a)ra,lizabal, rapid 'jenar,l-; ,e(ge'eee\
`cdi I that may be generalized
`en•er•al•iza•ton \,jen(a)rala'zashan, -Ito-, rapid ,i,n*r()l-\
`n -s 1 : the act or action of generalizing 2 : the result o the
`en zing: as a : a general concept, idea,
`process of generali (cid:9)
`otion b • a general inference or pro? sition :
`statement 3 : the act or process whereby response is made to
`a stimulus similar to but not identical with a reference stimulus
`en•ex•al•ize \ ien(a))n,iiz, rapid - r,l-\ Fb - ee/-ING/-5 are
`-its in Explan Notes CF generaliser, fr. general general + -ter
`-ice] of 1 : to make general : reduce to general laws : give a
`general form to Sag to derive or induce (a general conception
`r principle) from particulars Is: to derive or induce a general
`Improving the legiblli [y ar for empassizing some parucwar
`feu tore (as she location of mountains or the essentialcharacter
`ofa coastline) kg to portray or emphasize in painting general
`ra ther than particular features and chsracterlsttcs of
`1 : to form generalizations : make inductions ar general in-
`ferences; also Ito be prone to make vague or indefinite state-
`ents 2 : to become extended throughout the human body
`3 : to generalize the details on a map
`generalized ad, : made ganeral : extended into a generaliza-
`tion; rep :not highly differentiated biologically nor strictly
`adapted to a particular environment <the modern hedgehog, a
`persistently primitive and , mammal -C.O.DUnbar)
`generalized coordinate a : scoveutsnTE 2b
`generalized edema Ii: ANASARCA
` •iz•er \-zo(r)\ n -S : one that generalizes
`general journal n • 30URNAL I b(2)
`general law n : a law unrestricted ns to time and applicable
`throughout the entire territory subject to the power of the
`legislature that enacted it and applying to ail persons in Ike
`same dlnss in the same situation - called also general act,
`general statute; distinguished from local law and special few;
`general ledger n : the principal and controlling ledger of a
`business enterprise nvntoieieg individual or controlling ac-
`counts for all assets , liabilities, net worth items , revenue, and
`geneoeulegacy ei a te
` est of tangible
` o fa
`tt amounitn
`pets proper y n g pace is
`money or of a particular thing and not identified by a descrip-
`tion that sets it apart from all other assets of the same kind in
`the testators estate — compare SPECIFIC LEGACY
`dmore heat than low-lying plains -A.E.Benfield) 3 : to
`efine (as a mathematical or linguistic set or structure) by the
`application of one or more rules or operations to given quan-
`tities (a mathematical group consisting of the powers of one
`structure rewriting rules that , underlying sentence structures
`-P.S.Rosenbau>; asp : to trace out (as a curve) by a moving
`ilpo int or (as a surface) by a moving curve — see CYCLOID
`lustration 4 : to form (gear teeth or screw threads) with
`theoretical accuracy 5 : to be the cause of (a state of mind,
`action , or something immaterial or intangible) (forces
`generat log interracial conflict ) ( these stories ... , a good deal
`of psychological suspense -Atlantic) (-s mistaken opinions,
`wro ng attitudes -H.A.Overstreet) , vi 1 : to produce
`offspring:PROPAGATE 2: to come into existence '. ORIGINATE,
`en•er•ate \'jsn(a)rat apJ [L geneentur] : GENERATED
`generating station rs a plant for generating electric power
`aen•er•a•tion \.tena'rashan \ n -s [ME generacioun, fr. MF
`common parent or parents and cons[I[uttng a single degree or
`step in the lineal descent from an ancestor ( five ,r are.hown
`in this family portrait ) ( its surface enriched with the .
`rc ayes of hundreds of -n of buffalo -B.K.Sandwell)
`(studied a bacterial culture through ti0 ,r) b ( I) : the whole
`inber of human beings born and living contemporaneously
`(our , has seen immense changes) <his work affected the life
`and though[ of mien -e> (2) : a particular a[egory of indi-
`viduals born and living ccalnmporaeeouslp <inspired ..
`a whole , of theoreticians-Newsweek) (long utter that- of
` passed a jh
`n Dewev (the ores. t , of insects
`of he ehloeohir
`(cid:9) Is monga,y coon, in to
`twenty years may mace a ,) Sa -
`mean age of mothers at the birth of their daughters -Demo-
`graphic Yearbook) (fitly years constitutes roughly a working
`lifetime, a period covering two ,s -Arthur Geddes) (the
`erstone of the moral system ... for ,s -Joe Alvin) (4)
`a group of individuals having contemporaneously a status
` which each ane
` alter , of pupils d- H.G.G.G
`a (cid:9)
`limited period (repeated by-
`Herklots ) (5) 10 type or class of objects derived or developed
`from an earlier tyFFe <the Air Force' s new - al powerful super-
`sonic lighiena -1<enne[h Koyen ) 2 a : the ac [ or process of
`producing Offspring : PROCREATION (the organs Of ^-)
`11 1 origination by some mathematical, chemical, or other
`process :PRODUCTION, FORMATION (the , of heat) (the — of
`sounds); peeiJ : the formation of a geometrical figure by the
`motion of some other figure (the , of a line by a point)
`O : the process of coming Into being :GENESIS, DEVELOPMENT,
`.Iss. (the spontaneous , of these churches -Oscar Handlin)
`(factors in the , of income-G.V.Cox) 3 ohs: RACE, KIND,
`n'I, -shoal\ ad/ 11 of ar relating
`gen•er•a•tion •al \;jen
`(-sterili ty)
`to generation (, sterility) 2 1 of or relating to a generation
`or to the relations between generntioa <an example of a ,
`.. difle nee in lan guage -Paul Schack)
`gen•er•artion.isin \,jena'rasho,nizam\ a -S : TAADUCIANISAs;
`gen•er- a- five \'jena,f,10.L 'ien(a)ral. h, ILI also pv\ adJ
`LL generarlvur, r. L generator (past
`[ME, fr. MF generao
`part. of generate to beget, create or 'I con -ice - more at
`function of generating,
`GENERATE ] , : having the power (cid:9)
`Producing ge reproducing (,
`pnropagating, origin
`gabs) 2 : of, relating to, or acting in generation (grew out
`of a long ly process -Owen & El anor Lattimore) - gen-
`eve•ly \torte, -li\ add
`generative rell n I a sexual reproductive cell • GAMETE; asp
`a generative nucleus together with its associated cytoplasm
`see BODY CELL 2
`generative nucleus n : the one of the two nuclei resulting from
`the first derision in the pollen grain of a seed plant that gives
`Se to sperm nuclei — see GENERATIVE CELL; Compare TUBE
`gen•er•a•tor \'iena,rad.a(r), -eta-\ n -s [L, tr. generator + -or]
`1 : one that generates, causes, or produces : oaicwnvun (tha
`m ost important , of industrial expansion -Andrew Shan-
`field ) (oval ,.r or experts in foreign policy -E.S.Griffith)
`2 a : aaapparatus (as anleaw boiler) in which vapor organ
`is formed from a liquid or solid by heat or a chemical process
`b : an apparatus for the manufacture af gas (as water gas)
`nvolving the combustion of fuel; asp I the chamber for hold-
`ng the fuel — compare PRODUCER 3 c : GAS GENERATOR a
`3 : a machine by which mechanical energy is changed into
`electrical energy usu. by electromagnetic induction : DYNAMO
`\;jenara•t[iks\ o, pl generatri•Ces \,jeno-
`a-laser, - n•'tri(dseez\ CNL, fr. L, [em. of generator]
`1 : a point, line, or surface whose motion generates a line, sur-
`face, or solid 2 : a set of elements inn cryptologlcal 'abula-
`ti.n which form a line in any direction and have significance
`as a set
`I ge.ner•ic \ja'nerkk, -risk\ ad/ [F ginirique, fr. L gene:-, genur
`tiv of more at KIN, lag relat-
`berth, race, class, kind + F -hoar
`i ng i applied to or descriptive of all members of a genus,
`common to or characteristic of a
`µp al es, class, o group
`whale group or class : t Afyng or subsuming' not specific or
`eater ((fie diseases grouped under the , head-
`individual : con enaL
`ing of regional enteritis,Hale) (there is no such thug
`al (the same , sima rmed
`t s a , 'Asian" mind -R
`hat one fends in the professional officers f nay armed
`service -Joseph Alsop) (the novel has always had a - habit
`ofg out to the extremes of literary expression -Mark
`) b :available for common use • not protected by
`and aspirin
`2 (cid:9)
`trademark regls[rateOR :NONPROPRIETARY ( (cid:9)
`: relating boor
`ann , names) -axed sap. in trademark law (cid:9)
`AL proper
`bovine the rank of a biological genus son sea
`-s : an element of a compound proper name
`2gene c \\ (cid:9)
`that iss general and often lowercased (as vet in Mississippi
`River ' and store in "XYZ Store")
`gi•cal \-rakal, ask-\ adJ [F ginirique + E -all archaic
`gpion ey ing tat \-k (0)le, -all adv : be a s" -S manner (those
`tales now - ch om "Westerns" -Saxe Commas)
`wdy ...people whom you calf,, suffragettes -G.B.
` dowdy
`generic indgm
`haraciartst ai of the subject which the pr`
`a unive a
` generic c (cid:9)
`go eri fwIne it n - Ea : the ( quality or Starr u being gneeric
`generic wine n : a wine (a California burgundy or New York
`State sherry) named from the geographical location where the
`wine type to which it belongs originated — compare VARIETAL
`ggroins f•type also - + Type] I e \ja'nera,[ip\ a [NL gene: -,
`.stint + E -1- r -o - + rod- , : GENO, -i\
`gen•er•eoeuooy \.Sena rr oeitoa -s(a)te, -i\ n -ES CME Senerosi y]
`fr' ., generoritat•, lgenerositar, fr. genereedi + oat-, -1, , -Sy,
`r ,, s nnhilit, of birth or breading : high quality
`ili[y in spirit oe act :MAGNANIMITY,
`greater , to regard to immtgralloa —S.
`gestures of the greatest , to his oppor
`y : liberality in giving b : an ct or
`or munificence (his countless 1
`illustration —Science) :LARGENESS, AMPLITUDE On ... , 01
`hips at sanctioned by the styles -Mary Deasy)
`gen•er.ous \ jen(a)ras\ ad) [ HP or L; MF genereur, fr. L
`generosue, fr, genre-, genus birth race, Ciass, kind + -osur -ous
`e at KIN] 1 archaic : of honorable birth-or origin : of
`good stock : HIGHBORN 2 a •characterized by a noble or
`animated by or exhibiting high ideals
`forbearing spirit (cid:9)


`bring with rather than informing of <thse writings were
`of the nature of travel books , a d served .. to acquain the
`world with a sew ountry — Amer. Guide Series: Minn.)
`(cquainting students with political practices —F.A.OgI
`Harold Zink ) To APPRtne 3 (cid:9)someone f something is to Com-
`ic to something uso. of interest or importance to him
`(this church aol was then apprised, was founded by St. James
`the Less —1t.G.Hendersonj <Tristram' s cutting the hazel and
`wrisiog upon it with his knife in order to apprise the queen
`of his presence —Grace Frank ) (to touch him on the sleeve
`and apprise him that I was there —Mary Austin) To ADV[sn
`someone of something is to inform him of something that may
`make a significant difference to him in an action, Policy
`plan; it often suggests a forewarning or counseling <consulled
`the wine card and advised me that the wine I had chosen had
`b special merit —R,M,Lovett ) <I advised him strongly of the
`danger of switching professions without acquiring new pro-
`fessional qualifications —R.G.G.Price) To NoriFy is to send
`a notice or make a usu . formal communication generally
`about something requiring or worthy of attention <the court
`clerk notified the witesses when to appear) (notify a man
`of his acceptance in a dab) To ADVERTISE, rare in current use
`in this see e, is to inform or notify by way of warning <the
`translators , good Protestants , were careful to advertise the
`reader that what they offered was Le Clerc' s Moreri —Times
`Lit. Sapp.)
`ti (cid:9)
`zfn)orm ad' IMP (cid:9)
`in o (cid:9)
`in mis, fr. In- n- +form
`form — more at FORM] 1 ohs : lacking regular form : sHAYE-
`LFSS, DEFORMED 2 ohs : IRCking created form : .INFORMED
`1 \()tn, an+\ adj [tin- + forma(] 1 • not formal
`Sa (cid:9)
`: condu
`(cid:9) or carried out withouttormal, regularly prescribed,
`or cereoloni<U. porocedure
`: UNOFFICIAL ((N he ring) (of
`disc son) :
`Characteristic of or appropriate to ordinary,
`casual, or familiar use (cid:9)
`English) ( genial, — manner)
`ess ay) 3 abs 1 DERANGED, MAD (poor ^• women are no
`mere bur instruments —Shak.) 4 f a dens, : having no al
`sasymmetrical composition or arrangement made from unequal
`hops and distances <( balance inn singe set)
`egua , 1 . the quality or
`i state c alsty \,tn+\ u pin- + formality)
`state of berg informal : lack of regular , prescribed , or hips cus-
`tomary form (wayside amps where the (cid:9)
`of hardships
`loosened toasuea —Mabel R. Oiilisj (rvrryday speech in all
`its — and ease
`all b. 1911) 2 : an informal net or
`proceeding <te f
`wedding ceremony was enlivened by several
`unexpected in
` of ( i forma! + -ins) • to make
`%.Ior•ma•lize u
`informal ul less formal (college education of the future must
`_ be greatly simplified and t 1 in aniized—Natonj
`fri es tceremany or formality <addrssed the gathering —> i<-
`drssed in flannels and jackep : UNOFrmcsaLLy <fast train ,
`began to be called, more or less —, the Cannonball —AF.
`informal planning is :architectural planning in which domi-
`nant noes and strong visual climaxes are avoided in favor of
`freer circulation F [terns and more subtle dramatic effects
`In.for•mant \in fbrmant, -d(a)m-1 n -3 [L Informant-, In-
`formant, Ares, part. of tformare to Inform — more at INFORM]
`one that informs • one who gives information: as a • IN-
`FORMER Si : One who supplies cultural or linguistic data in
`response to interrogation by an investigator <findings
`based on ... statements of —a from among both the educated
`50•11On \,infa('mashan\ n -S often oftrib [ME
`mioun, [r, en/c armen, Jormen to inform + • town
`more at INFORM) 1 a ohs : an endowing with form
`the act of animating or insoirina c ohs - TRAINING.
`ter or a calculating marble 3 : the act of informing against
`a person or party 4 a : a formal accusation of a crime made
`by a prosecuting officer on information brought to his atten-
`tion as distinguished from an indictment presented by a grand
`jury : COMPLAINT Si • a' pleadi g by an attorney general or
`other public officer setting forth a civil case or relief in which
`sums public right of the state is asserted c : the document
`containing the depositions of the witnesses against one accused
`of crime 5 : thr process by mbicb the form of an object of
`knowledge is

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