`niternational application No.
`IPC7 G0lC 22/00
`According to International Patent Classification (IPC) or to both national classification and IPC
`Minimun documentation searched (classification system followed by classification symbols)
` Documentation searched other than minimun documentation to the extent that such documents are included in the fileds searched
`Electronic data base consulted during the intertnational search (name of data base and, where practicable, search trerms used)
`Relevant to claim No.
`Citation ofdocument, with indication, where appropriate, ofthe relevant passages
`KR 99-201888 B ( HYUNDAI MOTOR. CORP.) 17 MARCH 1999
`KR 94-3077 B ( LEE, SANG MOON) 13 APRIL 1994
`KR97-770B (LEE, JUNG JAE ) 18 JANUARY 1997
`KR 98-61482 A ( KIM, BONG TAK ) 7 OCTOBER 1998
`KR 99-242203 B ( HYUNDAI MOTOR CORP.) 9 NOVEMBER 1999
`Y Y Y Y
`Page 002480
`366 Pfitfint family 3fln¢X-
`El Further documents are listed in the continuation of Box C.
`"T" later document published afler the international filing date or priority
`Special Categories Ofciled documents:
`date and not in conflict with the application but cited to understand
`document defining the general State Ofthe an Which is not Considered
`the principle or theory underlyingthe invention
`to be of particular r=leVem‘-6
`"X" document of pa.-ticulax relevence; the claimed invention cannot be
`earlier application or patent but published on or after the international
`considered novel or cannot be considered to involve an inventive
`filing date
`step when the document is taken alone
`document which may throw doubts on priority clai.m(s) or which is
`"Y" document of particular relevence; the claimed invention cannot be
`Cited to establish the publication date Of Citation Or other
`considered to involve an inventive stq.) when the document
`5P°°lal 753300013 Specified)
`combined with one or more other such documents,such combination
`document referring 10 an 0'31 di5°l05'-“ea U56, exh-ibitiml Of 03151‘
`being obvious to a person skilled in the art
`"&" document member ofthe same patent family
`document published prior to the international filing date but later
`than the priority date claimed
` Date of the actual completion of the international search Date of mailing of the international search report
`19 DECEMBER 2000 (19.12.2000)
`21 DECEMBER 2000 (21.12.2000)
`Authorized officer
` Name and mailing address of the ISA/KR
`Korean Industrial Property Office
`LEE, Hoon Goo
`Govemment Complex-Taejon, Dunsan-dong, So-ku, Taejon
`Metropolitan City 302-701, Republic of Korea
`Facsimile No. 32-42-4727 140
` Telephone No. 82-42-481-5499
`Form PCT/ISA/210 (second sheet) (July 1998)

`(19) World Intellectual Property Organization
`International Bureau
` llllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllIlllllll|l|||lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
`(43) International Publication Date
`(10) International Publication Number
` 12 April 2001 (12.04.2001) PCT
`(51) International Patent Classification7:
`H04L 29/06
`(21) International Application Number:
`(22) International Filing Date: 5 October 2000 (05.10.2000)
`(25) Filing Language:
`(26) Publication Language.
`(30) Priority Data:
`6 October 1999 (06.10.1999)
`15 December 1999 (15.12.1999) US
`30 May 2000 (30.05.2000)
`3 June 2000 (03.06.2000) Us
`: gctober 2000 (04.10.2000) Us
`ctober 2000 (04. 10.2000)
`4 October 2000 (04.10.2000) Us
`4 October 2000 (04. 10.2000)
`4 October 2000 (04.10.2000)
`4 0°‘°1°e1 2000 (04-1°-200°) Us
`4 °°‘°'°e1 2000 (04-1°-211°”) U5
`4 °°‘°'’‘°'1 2000 (04-1°-2°00) Us
`4 °°‘°'’‘‘‘ 2000 (04-1°-200°) Us
`4 °°1°1’°’ 2000 (04-1°-2°00) Us
`4 October 2000 (04.10.2000) Us
`4°°1°'’‘'’‘ 2000 (04-1°-200°) U5
`(63) Related by continuation (CON) or continuation-in—Part
`(CIP) to earlier applications:
`F1164 °“
`Filed on
`Filed on
`Filed on
`Filed on
`Filed on
`Filed on
`Filed on
`Filed On
`50/170305 (CON)
`15 De°°mb°11999(15-12-1999)
`60/153,013 (CON)
`6 October 1999 (06.10.1999)
`60/208,397 (CON)
`30 May 2000 (30.05.2000)
`60/210,296 (CON)
`3 June 2000 (08.06.2000)
`09/684.706 (CON)
`4 October 2000 (04-10.2000)
`09/684.565 (CON)
`4 October 2000 (04.10.2000)
`09/685,020 (CON)
`4 October 2000 (04.10.2000)
`09/635,019 (CON)
`4 October 2000 (04.10.2000)
`09/684,387 (CON)
`4 October 2000 (04.10.2000)
`09/684,490 (CON)
`Filed on
`4 October 2000 (04. 10.2000)
`09/534,742 (CON)
`Filed on
`4 October 2000 04.10.2000
`09/683,550 (CON;
`flied on
`4 Octoberggo/%%5(f)(-3111'
`Filed On
`4 October 20()0 (04.10.2000)
`09/684,388 (CON)
`Filed on
`4 October 2000 (04.10.2000)
`09/634162 (CON)
`Filed On
`4 0°t°1>°r 2000 (04-10-2000)
`09/680503 (CON)
`Filed On
`4 0010136‘ 2000 (04-10-2000)
`(71) Applicant 0"0r all designated States except US): SENSO-
`R14 C_°RP°RATI(.’N 1US’US1’ S“‘‘° 100’ 200 C°‘1’°'
`1316 P°1“‘°* C“1V°‘ C10‘ CA 90230 (US)-
`(72) Inventors; and
`(75) Inventors/Applicants (for US only): GELVIN, David,
`C. [US/US]; 2320 Willow Brook Road, Escondido, CA
`92029 (US). GIROD, Lewis, D. [US/US]; 4049 Cumber-
`land Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90027 (US). KAISER,
`William, J. [Us/Us]; 15520 Casiarto Court, Los Angeles,
`CA 90077 (US) POTTIE7 Gregory, J_ [USIUS]; 12548
`Brooklake Street, Los Angeles, CA 90066 (US). NEW-
`[SE/Us]; 119 Avenida Sivrita’ San Diego’
`(74) Agent: GREGORY, Richard, L., Jr.; Wilson Sonsini
`Goodrich & Rosati, 650 Page Mill Road, Palo Alto, CA
`943041050 (US)_
`(81) Designated States (national): AE, AG, AL, AM, AT, AU,
`AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR, BY, Bz, CA, CH, CN, CR, CU, Cz,
`DE, DK, DM, DZ, EE, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, HR,
`Hu,1D, IL, IN, IS, 11>, KE, KG, KP, KR, KZ, LC, LK, LR,
`LS, LT, LU, LV, MA, MD, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MZ,
`TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, Us, UZ, VN, YU, ZA, zw.
`(84) Designated States (regional): ARl1>O patent (GH, GM,
`1a~:, Ls, MW, MZ, SD, SL, sz, TZ, UG. zw), Eurasian
`patent (AM, Az, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, TM), European
`patent (AT, BE, CH, CY, DE, DK, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, IE,
`IT, LU, MC, NL, PT, SE), OAPI patent (BF, BJ, CF, CG,
`CI, CM, GA, GN, ow, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG).
`[Continued on next page]
`(57) Abstract: Vehicle internetworks provide for communications among diverse electronic devices within a vehicle, and for com-
`munications among these devices and networks external to the vehicle. The vehicle irltcmetwork comprises specific devices, soft-
`ware, and protocols, and provides for security for essential vehicle ftmctions and data communications, ease of integration of new
`devices and services to the vehicle internetwork, and ease of addition of services linking the vehicle to external networks such as the
`Page 002481

`WO 01/26338 A2
`— Without international Search report and to be republished
`upon receipt of that report.
`For two-letter codes and other abbreviations, refer to the ”Guid—
`ance Notes on Codes andAbbreviations " appearing at the begin-
`ning ofeach regular issue of the PCT Gazette.
`Page 002482

`WO 01/26338
`Field of the Invention
`This invention relates to the field of intelligent networks that include connection to
`the physical world. In particular, the invention relates to providing distributed network
`and Internet access to processors, controls, and devices in vehicles.
`Description of Related Art
`Typical modern vehicles include an information network within the vehicle,
`installed by the manufacturer. Many of the devices on this network are typically
`connected via a number of networks for different functions. In the near future it is
`expected that some of these functions will be consolidated so that a diverse set of
`applications will use a common Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) bus. The
`Control Area Network (CAN) is a typical protocol used for such networks in the
`automotive industry. By this means, sensors, actuators, and computing elements for
`controlling the operations can all be linked in a common environment. This reduces the
`wiring within the vehicle, and allows for cost reduction in that the number of different
`kinds of interfaces is vastly reduced. Because the OEM bus or functionally equivalent set
`of networks carries messages related to essential safety‘grid security operations of the
`vehicle, only devices authenticated by the manufacturer can be added. In particular, the
`OEM bus needs to be guarded against devices that may cause congestion through repeated
`service requests, or malicious devices that issue commands that may imperil vehicle
`operation or safety. Further, each manufacturer may potentially use different protocols on
`their own set of buses or proprietary buses. Consequently, it is costly to add consumer
`electronics to vehicles, or to perform upgrades of the information network.
`In order to address some of the limitations of present-day vehicle information
`networks, the Automotive Multimedia Interface Consortium (AMI-C) has developed a set
`of common specifications for a multimedia interface to motor vehicle electronic systems.
`A particular aim is to accommodate a wide variety of consumer electronic and computer-
`Page 002483

`W0 01/25333
`based devices in the vehicle. The AMI-C standard network architecture, adopted by
`nearly all automobile manufacturers worldwide, reduces time to market and facilitates
`upgrades of vehicle electronics, supports deployment of telematics by providing standard
`interfaces, and reduces relative costs of electronic components. A variety of standards are
`being considered for AMI—C buses, among them IEEE 1394, MOST, and Intelligent Data
`Bus (IDB—C), with the possibility of multiple AMI-C approved buses within a vehicle.
`Particular goals of the AMI—C forum are directed towards device interoperability,
`software interoperability, telematics support, logical security management, failsafe
`operation, and remote operation and service support. Device interoperability relates to the
`issue that consumer electronic devices and computer devices must interoperate with other
`systems installed in the vehicle, including communication, navigation, diagnostic and
`other systems.
`Software interoperability relates to the issue that systems must support convenient,
`automatic discovery and intialization of software and hardware introduced into the vehicle
`by consumers, service organizations, or the vehicle manufacturer. Software portability,
`serviceability, and upgradeability are requirements within software interoperability.
`Telematics support relates to the issue that voice and data communication must be
`provided for each of the installed devices or devices that may have been introduced into
`the passenger compartment. Logical security management relates to the issue that security
`services must be provided for access to vehicle data and systems. In particular, isolation
`must be provided between essential vehicle systems and any unauthorized local or remote
`access attempts.
`Failsafe operation relates to the issue that some means for physical isolation
`between consumer and vehicle OEM bus must be provided. Thus, consumer electronics
`cannot be allowed to interfere in any way with the safe operation of the vehicle. Remote
`operation and service support relates to the issue that the network system must provide
`remote access for authorized Vehicle users and service providers.
`While the goals of the AMI—C forum include desirable features, a standards body
`only issues requirements without providing means for solution. Beyond the requirements
`expressed by the AMI—C forum, it is also desirable to have a complete, lasting solution for
`Page 002484

`WO 01/26338
`vehicle Internet access, with connectivity throughout the life cycle of the vehicle.
`Connectivity should begin in manufacturing and proceed through testing, distribution,
`sales, field use, maintenance, recall upgrade, and used vehicle sales. Desirable features of
`such a system include: connectivity available on a national scale; connectivity to vehicles
`in all environments where the vehicle will be found using common hardware; connectivity
`in indoor and outdoor environments; and, scalability such that only a limited number of
`transactions are used for access to vast numbers of vehicles.
`Further desirable features include: local information processing services at the
`vehicle intemetworking component that reduce the communication payload using
`reconfigurable systems; a single infrastructure solution for vehicle and Internet access over
`its life cycle; operation with a single national network service provider without the
`requirement of region-by-region negotiation with subscriber service providers; robust
`operation through atomic transaction methods to enable deployment on vehicles using
`available power sources; secure operation that provides privacy and authentication; low
`component cost at both the vehicle node and the Internet access points; capability for
`rapid, low cost, after-market deployment of the connectivity solution; ability to deploy
`large (100 kb-100 Mb) data sets at a high speed and low cost; and, the use of standard web
`browsing tools and database technology.
`Network access to vehicles must be convenient and support mobility. Thus,
`wireless services are attractive. Conventional methods for wireless network access to
`vehicles include cellular telephony, cellular data packet delivery (CDPD) services, and
`satellite communication. Each of these conventional services requires high subscription
`fees and high component costs. The RF transceivers used for support of these networks
`must provide low bit error rates over long range links. This demands high performance
`systems and high transmitter power.
`Consumer devices on an OEM or AMI-C bus could supply connectivity and
`Internet access solutions for cellular, CDPD, satellite communication, and other wireless
`services. While these services can be important components of the system, conventional
`network solutions present some limitations. For example, conventional systems are often
`Page 002485

`W0 01/26338
`not easily accessible on a national scale and, typically, only provide patchwork coverage.
`Conventional systems may require separate negotiations for service in each region.
`Conventional services do not supply connectivity to vehicles in all environments.
`The conventional wireless services do not provide connectivity in typical assembly,
`maintenance, storage, and distribution environments at required latencies and costs.
`Different communications means are required for indoor and outdoor environments,
`without convenient linkage of these communications systems. Conventional services are
`not scalable such that only a limited number of transactions are required for access to vast
`numbers of vehicles. For example, a vast number of circuit switched calls must be placed
`on low rate channels. Local information processing services at the vehicle
`intemetworking component that reduce required communication payload using
`reconfigurable systems are not available in conventional systems.
`Conventional services may require separate, regional negotiations for some
`services, which is a substantial obstacle to national or international deployment.
`Conventional services do not provide atomic transaction methods that verify completeness
`of transactions. For example, a cellular system will simply drop calls, with the likelihood
`of requiring a fresh start on a bulk data transfer. The low power operation required for
`deployment on vehicles using, for example, available diagnostic port power sources is not
`compatible with conventional long range wireless communications. Secure operation that
`provides privacy and authentication is not available in conventional systems.
`Conventional long range wireless services require high component cost wireless
`devices, which is an obstacle to rapid, low cost, after-market deployment of the
`connectivity solution. Conventional systems lack the ability to deploy large (100 kb—l00
`Mb) data sets at low cost and at high speed.
`Conventional means of self-assembly, while bringing a number of advantages, also
`have some limitations. For example, the Jini protocol is designed to enable assembly of
`functions on the Internet. It applies not to the original physical connection and assignment
`of internet protocol (IP) addresses, but rather to groups of users who are already connected
`and who desire particular services. Requests are made to a central server, which
`downloads the appropriate software and enables set up of a session among scattered nodes.
`Page 002486

`WO 01/26338
`While the Jini protocol is heavy in the sense of demanding considerable memory and
`hardware support, it is robust over a variety of networks and extensive support software
`exists. Thus, while not a complete solution to the problem of self—assembly, it is desirable
`for a vehicle network to be able to interact with Jini servers, and to support Jini for those
`devices with the capability of hosting its applications.
`A vehicle internetwork is provided comprising an information and control
`intemetwork for vehicles, including hardware together with a suite of applications. The
`vehicle internetwork enables the secure and convenient addition of devices and software to
`a vehicle network. Among the functions supported are formation of subnetworks,
`authentication of new devices added to the network, bridging between heterogeneous
`networks, routing and security for multimedia traffic, and control of traffic based on
`priorities and security level. The vehicle internetwork permits secure operation of the
`internetwork and coupled devices in response to snooping, replay, denial of service, and
`unauthorized access attacks, with minimal intervention required by the vehicle operator or
`manufacturer. Further, mobile couplings to outside networks including the Internet are
`supported and, in contrast to conventional networking, most configuration takes place
`automatically and with no intervention by a vehicle owner. A modular architecture
`enables distribution of functions, simplifying upgrades over the lifetime of the vehicle.
`Standard interfaces provide a universal socket, so that devices may be added irrespective
`of the make, model, or type of vehicle.
`The descriptions provided herein are exemplary and explanatory and are intended
`to provide examples of the claimed invention.
`The accompanying figures illustrate embodiments of the claimed invention. In the
`Figures 1 and 2 are a Wireless Integrated Network Sensor Next Generation
`(W I NS NG) network architecture of an embodiment.
`Page 002487

`wo 01/26333
`Figure 3 is a WINS vehicle intemetwork architecture of an embodiment that
`provides scalable, secure, flexible, and low cost networking.
`Figure 4 is flow diagram of vehicle intemetworking of an embodiment.
`Figure 5 is a vehicular network architecture of an embodiment showing both
`internal and external couplings.
`Figure 6 shows Mobile Internet Protocol (IP) (Mobile IP) connectivity using the
`WINS vehicle intemetwork of an embodiment.
`Figure 7 shows the gateway functions of an embodiment linked or distributed
`using Internet Protocol (IP) techniques.
`Figure 8 is a Serial Network Interface Connector (SNIC) and an associated
`internal proxy structure of an embodiment.
`Figure 9 is a Public Network Port (PNP) and an associated internal proxy structure
`of an embodiment.
`Figure 10 is a WINS vehicle intemetwork gateway of an embodiment.
`Figure 11 is a port node architecture of an embodiment.
`Figure 12 is a safety connector of an embodiment.
`Figure 13 shows a number of ways a WINS NG system of an embodiment can be
`reconfigured to accommodate different applications.
`Figure 14 depicts a hybrid switch architecture of an embodiment.
`Figure 15 is a port architecture of an embodiment.
`Figure 16 is a vehicle intemetwork application programming interface (API)
`structure of an embodiment.
`Figure 17 shows a gateway hardware and software interaction of an embodiment.
`Figure 18 shows application programming interface (API) layering of an
`Figure 19 shows default device discovery in a layered set of APIs of an
`Figure 20 shows Java/Jini application enablemcnt in a layered set of APIs of an
`Figure 21 is a WINS vehicle intemetwork of an embodiment.
`Page 002488

`WO 01126338
`Figure 22 is a WINS vehicle intemetwork system of an embodiment.
`Figure 23 is a WINS vehicle internetworking system of an alternate embodiment.
`The Wireless Integrated Network Sensor Next Generation (WINS NG) sensors and
`nodes provide distributed network and Internet access to sensors, controls, and processors
`that are deeply embedded in equipment, facilities, and the enviromnent. The WINS NG
`network is a new monitoring and control capability for applications in such sectors as
`transportation, manufacturing, health care, environmental monitoring, and safety and
`security. Wireless Integrated Network Sensors combine microsensor technology, low
`power signal processing, low power computation, and low power, low cost wireless
`(and/or wired) networking capability in a compact system. The WINS NG networks
`provide sensing, local control, and embedded intelligent systems in structures, materials,
`and environments.
`The WINS NG networks provide a more efficient means of connecting the
`physical and computer worlds. Sensor nodes self-organize to form a network, and
`seamlessly link to the Internet or other external network via a gateway node, which can be
`of the same type or different from the sensor nodes. The sensor nodes can themselves be
`of the same type or a variety of types. Network resources such as databases are available
`to the sensor network and the remote user through the Internet or other external network.
`The sensor nodes are constructed in a layered fashion, both with respect to signal
`processing and network protocols, to enable use of standard tools, ease real—time operating
`systems issues, promote adaptability to unknown environments, simplify reconfiguration,
`and enable lower-power, continuously vigilant operation. High reliability access to remote
`WINS NG nodes and networks enables remote interrogation and control of the sensor
`network. This reliability is achieved using a plurality of couplings, with automatic
`adjustment of the processing and communications to deal with failures of any of these
`couplings. Linkage to databases enables extra resources to be brought to bear in analysis
`and archiving of events, and database methods can be used to control the entire network in
`a more transparent manner, to enable more efficient control and design.
`Page 002489

`wo 91/25333
`The WINS NG technology incorporates low-energy circuitry and components to
`provide secure communication that is robust against deliberate and unintentional
`interference, by means for example of new algorithms and antenna designs. The network
`can further include distributed position location functionality that takes advantage of the
`communications and sensing components of the individual nodes, to simplify deployment
`and enable location of targets.
`The sensor nodes can be of a variety of types, including very simple nodes that
`may, for example, serve as tags. These nodes can be constructed on flexible polymer
`substrates, a material that may be used for a wide variety of synergistic uses. This
`construction results in more compact and capable systems, providing sensors, actuators,
`photo-cells and structural properties. Compact antennas for such packages have been
`developed. The network includes both wireless and wired communications capability,
`using a common protocol and automatically choosing the more secure or lower power
`mode when it is available, providing more robust and long—lived operation in potentially
`hostile environments. The network enables a wide variety of users with different data rate
`and power requirements to coexist as, for example, in wired or wireless mode vehicular
`applications. The flexibility of the design opens a wide variety of applications.
`In another aspect, the layering of the WINS nodes with respect to processing and
`signal processing facilitates the rapid design of new applications. Layering further
`facilitates self-organization of complete applications, from network couplings through to
`interoperation with remote databases accessed through external networks such as the
`Internet. With this layering, the cost of deployment is radically reduced even while
`remote operation is enabled.
`Figures 1 and 2 show embodiments of a WINS NG network. The network
`includes nodes 102, gateway nodes 104, server 106, and web assistants or node control
`web or browser pages (not shown), but is not so limited. The sensor nodes 102 include
`any combination of actuators, sensors, signal processors, energy or power supplies, data
`storage devices, wireless communication devices, wireline communication devices, and
`self—location capabilities. The sensor nodes 102 are distributed in an environment 199 that
`is to be monitored or controlled. The network can include heterogeneous elements. Local
`Page 002490

`W0 0 1/26338
`users 130 may interact, if authenticated, with the network via the nodes 102 themselves
`through a local display and user interfaces (Uls). Non—local users can interact with the
`network through gateways 104. Thus, couplings to servers 106, database services 120,
`and other network resources are available, and user 132 can access the network with
`standard tools. The user or client computer can access the WINS network continuously or
`intermittently, and may interface via processors of vastly different capabilities according
`to a particular application (e.g., personal computers, personal digital assistants (PDAs), or
`bidirectional pagers). A complete sensor network may, in one embodiment, be viewed as
`a distributed but active database that answers questions about the physical world, and acts
`upon the questions through the actuators. Multihop communication permits low power
`operation of dense WINS sensor networks.
`The network architecture of Figures 1 and 2 is self—organizing with respect to an
`ability to distribute some combination of information and energy. The network interacts
`with remote users 132 and databases 120 when coupled to the Internet 1 10 or other
`networks using a gateway 104. The WINS node data is transferred over the possibly
`asymmetric wireless link to an end user 132 or to a conventional wireless network service,
`for example an Internet Protocol (IP) network 110, through a WINS gateway 104 or a
`network bridge. Intemetworking provides remote accessibility via web—based tools to data
`(e.g., signals and images), code (e.g., signal processing, decision support, and database
`elements), management (e.g., node and network operation), and security functions.
`The sensor nodes of an embodiment are remotely programmable. Furthermore,
`software is downloadable from storage locations in the sensor node network, or via the
`Internet from remote user locations or databases. Moreover, results or data products of
`sensor nodes may be remotely queried. Additionally, the network is capable of supporting
`distributed processing and data storage functions in accordance with varying sensor node
`capabilities and application demands.
`The WINS NG architecture readily accommodates the AMI—C goals. The WINS
`NG network includes a WINS NG gateway node and any number of other nodes that
`include a combination of sensing, signal processing, actuation, and communications
`capabilities. The gateway couples to external networks such as the Internet. The network
`Page 002491

`W0 01/26333
`self—assembles, both with respect to establishment of the physical connectivity and in
`assembling applications. Through a set of open APIs, standard web browsers and database
`tools are used to control the operations of the network, request particular types of
`information, and archive the information of interest. The gateway and other WINS NG
`nodes include as components the sensors and actuators, communications ports that support
`both wired and wireless communications, a real—time processor, and a higher level
`The WINS NG node and network architecture is well-suited for adaptation to and
`support of vehicular applications wherein, for example, a WINS NG gateway functions to
`bridge the OEM and AMI-C buses while providing couplings with external networks via
`at least one wireless port. Specifically, therefore, the WINS NG network includes a
`superset of the functions used in the core components of a vehicle intemetwork. Thus,
`while WINS NG networks can include nodes with sensing, signal processing, and
`communications capabilities, the core network components of vehicular networks may not
`use sensors, just as embodiments or configurations of the WINS NG gateway may not
`include sensors. However, the vehicle intemetwork embodiments of the WINS NG
`technology do make use of the self-assembly, layered and open API set, separation of real-
`time and general purpose processing functions, and ease of connectivity to external
`networks and databases characteristic of WINS NG networks. Consequently, the vehicle
`intemetwork of an embodiment is regarded as a network including vehicle-specific
`configurations of WINS NG nodes.
`The WINS vehicle intemetwork of an embodiment provides an information and
`control intemetwork for vehicles, including the associated hardware, together with a suite
`of applications. An embodiment of the vehicle intemetwork disclosed and claimed herein
`includes a wireline/wireless automotive gateway, programmable IDB—C bus interfaces,
`and complete internetworked vehicle systems. Automotive Multimedia Interface
`Consortium (AMI-C) network fimctions, including telematics, access to vehicle data
`systems, and security are enabled in this vehicle intemetwork using open interfaces that
`enable interaction with standard web-based software, tools, and databases. The vehicle
`intemetwork leverages the development of hybrid wireless, wireline networked embedded
`Page 002492

`wo 01/26333
`systems, described in United States Provisional Application Number 60/158,013, filed
`October 06, 1999, United States Provisional Application Number 60/170,865, filed
`December 15, 1999, United States Provisional Application Number 60/208,397, filed May
`30, 2000, United States Provisional Application Number 60/210,296, filed June 08, 2000,
`United States Patent Application Number (to be assigned-reference number 21200.702),
`filed October 04, 2000, United States Patent Application Number (to be assigned—
`reference number 2l200.706), filed October 04, 2000, United States Patent Application
`Number (to be assigned-reference number 21200.707), filed October 04, 2000, United
`States Patent Application Number (to be assigned-reference number 21200.708), filed
`October 04, 2000, United States Patent Application Number (to be assigned-reference
`number 21200.709), filed October 04, 2000, United States Patent Application Number (to
`be assigned-reference number 21200710), filed October 04, 2000, United States Patent
`Application Number (to be assigned-reference number 21200.71 1), filed October 04,
`2000, United States Patent Application Number (to be assigned-reference number
`21200.712), filed October 04, 2000, United States Patent Application Number (to be
`assigned-reference number 21200.713), filed October 04, 2000, Uni

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