“/0 00/1780!)
`the components ofthe financial product for the insured. The ‘respond to risk‘ process
`400 is invoked b_v the ‘respond to risk’ procedure 329 and initiates at a ‘start‘ terminal
`The ‘respond to risk‘ process 400 then continues to a ‘risk change‘ decision
`procedure 403 that determines whether
`the current
`risk has
`sufiiciently changed from the existing insured—against risk retrieved from the database
`If the insured—against risk has not sufficiently changed, the ‘responded to risk‘
`process 400 completes through an ‘end’ terminal 405. Otherwise, the ‘respond to
`risk’ process 400 continues to an ‘allocate benefits’ procedure 407 that reallocates the
`cost to the insured between the components of the financial product to correspond to
`the new
`the new insured—against risk. Where the insured-against risk is reduced,
`allocation rewards the insured. However, if the insured—against risk has increased, the
`insured is penalized. Next, an ‘inform’ procedure 409 generates information that will
`be provided to the insured and/or the caregiver either using postal mail or as
`information provided to the insured by the ‘present feedback information‘ procedure
`335. This procedure also provides the new allocations to an accounting database
`and/or the payout system for the financial product. Next,
`the ‘respond to risk’
`process 400 completes through the ‘end’ terminal 405.
`In a financial product that has at least two components (such as a long-term
`car component and a life insurance component) the ‘allocate benefits’ procedure 407
`determines a cost for the long-term car component and allocates a first payment to
`that component of the financial product. The ‘allocate benefits’ procedure 407 then
`allocates a second payment to the life insurance component of the financial product,
`to any annuity. or to another benefit for the insured (such as a refund). The second
`payment is a function of the first payment, T his payment allocation is structured to
`provide an incentive to the insured to conform to the currently suggested medical
`Fig. 5 illustrates a ‘determine feedback information’ process,
`indicated by
`general reference character 500, used to assemble the feedback information, The
`“determine feedback information‘ process 500 is invoked by the ‘determine feedback
`information‘ procedure 331 and initiates at a ‘start‘
`terminal 501. A ‘correlate
`regimen with risk factors‘ procedure 503 uses the risk factors determined by the
`‘reassess risk‘ procedure 327 to select one or m ore medical regimens that can be
`provided to the insured. An ‘evaluate regimen history procedure 505 then uses the
`history of medical regimens suggested to the insured and stored on the database 121
`Page 001438

`“'0 00/17800
`to determine the preferred selection of medical regimens. Then a ‘modify regimen‘
`procedure 507 modifies the existing medical regimen if the existing medical regimen is
`different from the preferred medical regimen. The ‘modify regimen‘ procedure 507
`may change the data collection protocol used by the client device 110. These
`procedures 503, 505, and 507 are all dynamic in that they use historical information
`collected from the insured and are responsive to the progressive nature of the
`information collected about the insured.
`This is particularly important for those
`having a progressive condition or degenerative disease (for example, diabetes, and
`Next, a ‘select feedback language’ procedure 509 selects the language used to
`present the feedback information to the insured. Ofien, the selected language is a
`natural language such as English. However, the ‘select feedback language‘ procedure
`509 can also control how much technical jargon is to be included. Thus, the language
`can be customized for the educational and experience level of the insured and/or the
`caregiver. A ‘ prepare feedback information‘ procedure 511 assembles the feedback
`information including the suggested medical regimens coded for the language of the
`insured. The ‘determine feedback information’ process 500 completes through an
`‘end’ terminal 513.
`The ‘correlate regimen with risk factors’ procedure 503 evaluates the risk
`factors, the insured’s progression and the information gathered from the insured to
`identify medical regimens best suited to gather additional information from the insured
`or to help the insured to reduce the insured-against risk. One embodiment of the
`invention uses Bayesian statistical techniques to perform this correlation.
`Alternative Embodiments
`Although preferred embodiments are disclosed herein, many variations are
`possible which remain within the concept, scope, and spirit of the invention, and these
`variations would become clear to those skilled in the art alter perusal of this
`Page 001439

`VVO 00/17800
`What is claimed is:
`A method including steps of:
`Dynamically determining an insured-against risk associated \\lIh an
`Providing feedback information to said insured responsive to said
`insured-against risk; and
`Providing an incentive to said insured to reduce said insured-against
`The computer controlled method of claim 1 wherein the step of
`providing an incentive finther includes steps of:
`Dynamically determining a cost for a first component of a financial
`product responsive to said insured-against risk;
`Allocating a first payment to said first component in response to said
`cost; and
`Allocating a second payment, responsive to said first payment,
`to a
`second component of said financial product.
`Whereby said first component and second component have dilferent
`values to said insured.
`The computer controlled method of claim 1 wherein the step of
`dynamically determining further includes steps of:
`Determining one or more risk factors associated with said insured at a
`plurity oftimes; and
`Re-determining said insured—against risk associated with said insured
`responsive to the step of determining one or more risk factors.
`The computer controlled method of claim 3 wherein the step of
`determining one or more risk factors fiirther includes steps of:
`Page 001440

`VVO 00/17800
`Gathering; at a client device, medical information of said insured at a
`said plurality of times;
`Sending said medical information from said client device to a server
`device remote from said insured; and
`Comparing, at said server device, said medical information with a risk
`assessment model.
`The computer controlled method of claim 3 wherein the step of
`providing feedback information fiirther includes steps of:
`Associating, at said server device, a medical regimen with at least one
`of said one or more risk factors;
`Sending said medical regimen from said server device to said client
`device; and
`Presenting said medical regimen at said client device.
`An apparatus including:
`A client-server system having a client device and having a server
`device that is logically remote from an insured;
`Wherein said client device is configured for collecting medical
`information regarding said insured and for sending said medical information to
`said service device;
`Wherein said server device is configured to dynamically assess a risk
`value associated with said insured in response to said medical information, and
`to allocate an incentive responsive to said risk value;
`Whereby said ificentive is
`responsive to said medical
`regarding said insured.
`A financial product including:
`A first component having a cost responsive to a dynamic assessment of
`risk associated with an insured, said first component having a first benefit
`associated with said insured; and
`Page 001441

`VVO 00/17800
`_ 1 6-
`A second component having a second benefit associated with said
`insured. said second benefit responsive to said cost:
`Whereby changes in said dynamic assessment of risk determine a
`relative allocation of said first benefit and said second benefit.
`The financial product of claim 7 wherein the first component includes
`long-term care policy having a long-term care benefit.
`The financial product of claim 7 wherein the second component
`includes a life insurance policy having a life insurance benefit.
`A method including:
`Providing a financial product that includes a first component and a
`second component,
`said first component having a cost
`responsive to a
`dynamic assessment of risk associated with an insured, said first component
`having a first benefit associated with said insured, said second component
`having a second benefit associated with said insured, said second benefit
`responsive to said cost;
`Obtaining medical information about said insured;
`Determining said dynamic assessment of risk using said information;
`and changing said first benefit and said second benefit responsive to said
`dynamic assessment of risk.
`The method of claim 10 wherein the first component includes a long-
`term care policy having a long-term care benefit.
`The method of claim 10 wherein the second component includes a life
`insurance policy having a life insurance benefit.
`Page 001442

`wo 00/17300
`fig 1,4
`12 I
`/z;a. 13
`Page 001443

`“/0 00/1780()
`/go. /c’
`/«'z;o. ID
`Page 001444

`wo ()0/17300
`239 203
`200 J
` 235
`Page 001445

`VVO 00/17800
`/2;»: 34
`Page 001446

`VVO 00/17800
`32 7
`IL 320
`/2;,a. 35
`Page 001447

`VVO 00/17800
`fig. 4
`Page 001448

`VVO 00/17800
`1- 500
`Page 001449

`. No
` anal Applica.
`PCT/US 99/22020
`'i‘i=c 7
`G06F17 so
`According to intematlonal Patent Classification (IPC) or to both national classification and IPC
`Minimum documentation searched (classification system lollowed by classification symbols)
`IPC 7
`Documentation searched other than minimum documentation to the extent that such documents are included in the fields searched
`Electronic data base consulted during the international search (name of data base and, where practical, search terms used)
`Category °
`Citation of document. with indication, where appropriate, of the relevant passages
`Relevant to claim No‘
`"Using the world wide
`Neb—-a new approach to risk identification
`of diabetes meliitus"
`vol. 46, no. 1,
`1 August 1997 (1997—08—O1), pages 31-39,
`ISSN: 1386-5056
`page 34, column 2,
`line 12
`line 1 —page 35, column
`US 5 752 236 A (SEXTON FRANK M
`12 May 1998 (1998-05-12)
`column 4,
`line 18 -column 6,
`line 19
`Patent family members are listed in annex.
`Further documents are listed in the continuation of box C.
`it d
`Dacia ca egones 0 C e documems
`"T" later document published after the intematlonal filing date
`or prionty date and not in conflict with the application but
`"A" document defining the general state of the art which is not
`den -
`considered to be or pamcular relevance
`fi‘n\e:'l1::):nderstand the principle or theory un
`ying the
`"E" efalrlier document but published on or after the international
`..X.. document 0' particular relevance; me maimed invention
`""9 dam
`cannot be considered novel or cannot be considered to
`"L" document which may throw doubts on priority claim(s) or
`involve an inventive step when the document is taken alone
`particular relevance, the claimed invention
`which is cited to establish the publication date of another
`..Y.. documem 0'
`citation or other special reason (as specified)
`cannot be considered to involve an inventive step when the
`"O" document referring to an oral disclosure, use, exhibition or
`document is combined with one or more other such docu-
`other means
`ments, such combination being obvious to a person skilled
`in the an.
`filing date but
`"P" document published prior to the international
`later than the priority date claimed "8." document member of the same patent family
`Date of the actual completion of the intematlonal search
`Date of mailing of the international search report
`15 February 2000
`Name and mailing address of the ISA
`European Patent Office. P.B. 5616 Patentlaen 2
`NL —- 2280 HV Rl]swl|l<
`Tel. (+31—70) 340-2040. TX, 31 651 epo nl.
`Fax: (+31-70) 340-3016
`Authorized officer
` Pedersen, N
`Form PCT/ISA/210 (second sheet) (July 1992)
`page 1 of 2
`Page 001450

`anal Applica
`. No
`PCT/US 99/22020
`Category °
`Citation 0! document, with indication,where appropriate, or the relevant passages
`Relevant to claim No,
`6 March 1996 (1996-03-06)
`column 1, Tine 55 -co1umn 2,
`line 54
`"Repeated insurance
`contracts and learning"
`vol. 16, no. 3,
`ISSN: 0741-6261
`page 356,
`line 17 —page 357, Tine 6
`pages 356-367,
`techno1ogy and information asymmetry:
`future of private individual heaith
`USA, 7-10 JAN. 1997, pages 240-248 vo1.3,
`IEEE Comput.
`1997, Los Alamitos, CA, USA,
`Soc. Press, USA ISBN: 0-8186-7743-0
`page 240, coiumn 2, Tine 40 -page 241,
`coiumn 1, Tine 27
`page 242, column 1,
`line 9 - Tine 27
`INC) 14 November 1990 (1990-11-14)
`page 8,
`line 18 -page 9,
`line 5
`Form PCT/ISA/210 (continuation at second sheet) (July 1992)
`page 2 of 2
`Page 001451

`Inmrmntlon on patent family members
`Aznal Appllca
`PCT/US 99/22020
`Patent document
`cited in search report
`Patent family
`US 5752236
`EP 0700009
`GB 2231420
`2108613 A
`Form PCTIISA/210 (patam family annex) (July 1992)
`Page 001452

`(19) World Intellectual Property Organization
`International Bureau
`(43) International Publication Date
`4 October 2001 (04.10.2001)
` |l||||||l||||||||l||||||ll|||||Illlllllllllllllllllllllll|l|||l|l|||l|||||||||l|
`(10) International Publication Num ber
`(51) International Patent Classiflcati0n7:
`G07F 7/00
`G07B 15/02,
`(21) International Application Number:
`(72) Inventors; and
`(75) Inventors/Applicants (for US only): DAR, Yair [IL/IL];
`House 69, 76885 Moshav Gealia (IL). DAR, Ofer [IL/IL];
`House 233, 76885 Moshav Gealia (IL).
`(22) International Filing Date: 19 February 2001 (19.02.2001)
`(25) Filing Language:
`(26) Publication Language:
`(30) Priority Data:
`27 March 2000 (27.03.2000)
`3 December 2000 (03.12.2000)
`7 December 2000 (07.12.2000)
`(74) Agents: COLB, Sanford, T. et al.; Sanford T. Colb & Co.,
`P.O. Box 2273, 76122 Rehovot (IL).
`(81) Designated States (national): AE, AG, AL, AM, AT, AU,
`AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CN, CR, CU, CZ,
`DE, DK, DM, DZ, EE, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, HR,
`HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KP, KR, KZ, LC, LK, LR,
`LS, LT, LU, LV, MA, MD, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MZ,
`NO, NZ, PL, PT, RO, RU, SD, SE, SG, SI, SK, SL, TJ, TM.
`TR, TI‘, '12, UA, UG, US, UZ, VN, YU, ZA, ZW.
`(71) Applicant (for all designated States except US): GOOD
`SPACE LTD. [BZ/BZ]; c/o Intrepid Services Ltd., 99 Al-
`bert Street, Belize City (BZ).
`(84) Designated States (regional): ARIPO patent (GH, GM,
`KE, LS, MW, MZ, SD. SL, SZ, TZ, UG, ZW), Eurasian
`patent (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, TM), European
`[Continued on next page]
`(57) Abstract: A vehicle-related services system and method-
`ology employing at least one sensor automatically sensing at
`least one of the time during which a vehicle is not being op-
`erated and where the vehicle is located when it is not being
`operated and at least one data processor receiving information
`sensed by the sensor, indicating at least one of the time during
`which the vehicle is not being operated and where the vehicle
`is located when it is not being operated and providing a billing
`data output in respect of a vehic1e—related service which is de-
`pendent on at least one of the time during which the vehicle is
`not being operated and where the vehicle is located when it is
`not being operated.
`Page 001453

`WO 01/73693 A2 |||||||||||||||l|l||H||||l|||I|||||||||||||||||l||||I||I|||||||||||l|l|||||||||
`patent (AT, BE, CH, CY, DE, DK, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, IE,
`IT, LU, MC, NL, PT, SE, TR), OAPI patent (BF, BJ, CF,
`CG, CI, CM, GA, GN, GW, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG).
`— without international search report and to be republished
`upon receipt ofthat report
`For two-letter codes and other abbreviations, refer to the "Guid-
`once Notes on Codes andAbbreviations” appearing at the begin-
`ning ofeach regular issue ofthe PCT Gazette.
`Page 001454

`W0 01/73693
`The present invention relates to systems and methodologies for providing, and
`effecting payment for, vehicle-related services in general and particularly for Vehicle
`parking services.
`The U.S. patent literature contains a great number of patents related to systems
`a11d methodologies for providing and c1‘l‘eeting payment for vehicle-related services.
`The following U.S. patents and published PCT applications are believed to
`represent the state 01‘ the art with regard to systems and methodologies for providing
`a11d eliliecling payment for vehicle parking services:
`WO 93/20539; WO 97/13222A1.
`The following U.S. Patents are believed to represent the state of the art with
`regard to systems and methodologies for providing and effecting payment for other
`types of vehicle-related services:
`6,067,008; 6,112,152.
`Page 001455

`W0 01/73693
`The present invention seeks to provide improved, simplified and highly cost
`effective systems and methodologies
`for providing and effecting payment
`vehicle-related services.
`There is thus provided in accordance with a preferred embodiment of the present
`invention a vehicle-related services system including:
`at least one sensor automatically sensing at least one of the time during which a
`vehicle is not being operated and where the vehicle is located when it is not being
`operated; and
`at least one data processor receiving information sensed by the at least
`one sensor, indicating at least one of the time during which the vehicle is not being
`operated and where the vehicle is located when it is not being operated and providing a
`billing data output in respect of a vehicle-related service which is dependent on at least
`one of the time during which the vehicle is not being operated and where the vehicle is
`located when it is not being operated.
`The data processor may include a vehicle insurance billing data processor. In such
`a case,
`the billing data includes vehicle insurance billing data wherein the only
`variables, sensed by the on—board vehicle sensor, which are considered in the billing
`data are duration of vehicle operation and time of day or night of vehicle operation. The
`billing data may include vehicle insurance billing data wherein the billing data is not
`dependent on vehicle speed.
`In accordance with a preferred embodiment of the present invention, the at least
`one sensor automatically senses the time during which a vehicle is not being operated
`and where the vehicle is located when it is not being operated and the at least one data
`processor receives information sensed by the sensor, indicating the time during which
`the vehicle is not being operated and where the vehicle is located when it is not being
`operated and provides a billing data output in respect of a vehicle-related service which
`is dependent on the time during which the vehicle is not being operated and where the
`vehicle is located when it is not being operated.
`Preferably, the at least one sensor automatically senses the time during which a
`vehicle is parked and where the vehicle is located when it is parked and the at least one
`data processor receives information sensed by the at least one sensor, indicating the time
`during which the vehicle is parked and where the vehicle is parked and provides a
`Page 001456

`W0 01/73693
`parking data output in respect of parking, which is dependent on the time during which
`the vehicle is parked and where the vehicle is parked.
`In accordance with a preferred embodiment of the present invention. the at least
`one sensor and the at least one data processor are operative without vehicle operator
`initiative to provide an indication of at least one of the time during which the vehicle is
`parked and where the vehicle is parked.
`Preferably, the sensor is on-board the vehicle.
`In accordance with a preferred embodiment of the present
`vehicle—related services system also includes:
`at least one communicator on—board the vehicle providing an output indicating the
`time during which vehicle is parked and where the vehicle is parked; and
`a receiver associated with the at
`least one data processor for
`receiving a
`communication from the at least one communicator and employing the communication
`for providing the information to the at least one data processor.
`Preferably, the communicator communicates with the receiver at least partially
`not in real time.
`In accordance with a preferred embodiment of the present
`communicator communicates with an intermediate storage and communication unit only
`when a vehicle in which the communicator is located is at one of a plurality of
`predetermined locations.
`the intermediate storage and communication unit
`is located at a
`vehicle fueling station. In accordance with a preferred embodiment of the present
`invention, the information includes identification of a street parking location in which
`the vehicle is stationary for at least a predetermined amount of time.
`Preferably, the sensor is operative to sense the time during which a vehicle is not
`being operated without
`requiring interaction with an indicating device fixed in
`propinquity to the location.
`In accordance with a preferred embodiment of the present invention, the at least
`one sensor is operative using triangulation to determine where a vehicle is parked.
`In accordance with a preferred embodiment of the present invention, the data
`processor may include a vehicle insurance billing data processor. In such a case, the
`billing data includes vehicle insurance billing data wherein the only variables, sensed by
`Page 001457

`WO 01/73693
`the at least one on-board vehicle sensor, which are considered in the billing data are
`duration of vehicle operation and time of day or night of vehicle operation. The billing
`data may include vehicle insurance billing data wherein the billing data is not dependent
`on vehicle speed.
`the vehicle-related services system also includes an at
`least one
`on-board vehicle potential additional parking space sensor which is operative when a
`vehicle is stationary at a street parking place for indicating whether at least one potential
`additional adjacent parking place is unoccupied.
`Preferably, the at least one on—board vehicle sensor provides an output indicating
`the existence of at least one potential unoccupied additional adjacent parking place, the
`system also includes
`a street parking map database indicating legal street parking spaces;
`a correlator receiving the output indicating existence of at least one potential
`unoccupied additional adjacent parking place and correlating it with the legal street
`parking spaces; and
`an available parking communicator providing information regarding unoccupied
`legal street parking places to at least one driver.
`There is also provided in accordance with a preferred embodiment of the present
`invention a vehicle—related services system including:
`a plurality of on-board potential additional parking space sensors located on a
`plurality of vehicles, which sensors each provide an output indicating existence of at
`least one potential unoccupied additional adjacent parking place adjacent a vehicle
`located in a street parking location; and an available parking communicator employing
`information received from the plurality of sensors and providing information regarding
`unoccupied street parking places to at least one driver.
`Preferably, the vehicle—related services system also includes:
`a street parking map database indicating legal street parking spaces; and
`a correlator receiving the output indicating existence of at least one potential
`unoccupied additional adjacent parking place and correlating it with the legal street
`parking spaces.
`There is additionally provided in accordance with a preferred embodiment of the
`present invention a vehicle—related services system including:
`Page 001458

`WO 01/73593,
`at least one sensor on—board a vehicle and automatically sensing at least one of the
`time during which the vehicle is being operated and where the vehicle is located when it
`is being operated;
`at least one communicator on—board the vehicle providing an output indicating at
`least one of the time during which the vehicle is being operated and where the vehicle is
`located when it is being operated; and
`least one data processor receiving a communication from the at
`least one
`communicator, indicating at least one of the time during which the vehicle is being
`operated and where the vehicle is located when it is being operated and providing a
`billing data output in respect of a vehicle-related service which is dependent only one of
`the time during which the vehicle is being operated and where the vehicle is located
`when it is being operated.
`There is further provided in accordance with a preferred embodiment of the
`present invention a vehicle-related services system including:
`at least one sensor on—board a vehicle and automatically sensing only at least one
`of the time during which the vehicle is being operated and where the vehicle is located
`when it is being operated;
`at least one communicator on—board the vehicle providing an output indicating at
`least one of the time during which the vehicle is being operated and where the vehicle is
`located when it is being operated; and
`least one data processor receiving a communication from the at
`least one
`communicator, indicating at least one of the time during which the vehicle is being
`operated and where the vehicle is located when it is being operated and providing a
`billing data output in respect of a vehicle-related service which is dependent on at least
`one of the time during which the vehicle is being operated and where the vehicle is
`located when it is being operated.
`Preferably, the sensor on—board a vehicle automatically sensing only at least one
`of the time during which the vehicle is being operated and where the vehicle is located
`when it is being operated.
`Preferably, the data processor includes a vehicle insurance billing data processor.
`In accordance with a preferred embodiment of the present
`communicator communicates with an intermediate storage and communication unit only
`Page 001459

`WO 01/73693
`when a vehicle in which the communicator is located is at one of a plurality of
`predetermined locations.
`the intermediate storage and communication unit
`is located at a
`vehicle fueling station.
`In accordance with a preferred embodiment of the present invention, the billing
`data includes vehicle insurance billing data wherein the only variables, sensed by the
`on—board vehicle sensor, which are considered in the billing data are duration of vehicle
`operation and time of day or night of vehicle operation.
`Alternatively, the billing data may include vehicle insurance billing data wherein
`the only variables, sensed by the on-board vehicle sensor, which are considered in the
`billing data are duration of vehicle operation and location of the vehicle during the
`vehicle operation.
`As a further alternatively, the billing data may include vehicle insurance billing
`data wherein the only variables sensed by the on-board vehicle sensor, which are
`considered in the billing data are duration of vehicle use and time of day or night of
`vehicle use.
`Preferably, the vehicle-related services system includes:
`at least one sensor on-board a vehicle and automatically sensing at least one of the
`time during which the vehicle is being operated and the distance traveled by the vehicle
`while it is being operated;
`at least one communicator on—board the vehicle providing an output indicating at
`least one of the time during which the vehicle is being operated and the distance
`traveled by the vehicle while it is being operated; and
`at least one data processor receiving a communication from the at least one
`communicator, indicating at least one of the time during which the vehicle is being
`operated and/or the distance traveled by the vehicle while it is being operated; and
`providing a billing data output in respect of a vehicle-related service which is
`dependent only on at least one of the time during which the vehicle is being operated
`and the distance traveled by the vehicle while it is being operated.
`Preferably, the at least one data processor includes a vehicle insurance billing data
`Page 001460

`wo 01/73593
`In accordance with a preferred embodiment of the present invention, the billing
`data includes vehicle

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