Foundation Project
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`The Apache Software Foundation
`Foundation Project
`(cid:122) Foundation
`(cid:122) Projects
`(cid:122) People
`(cid:122) Get Involved
`(cid:122) Download
`(cid:122) Support Apache
`Home » Foundation
`The mission of the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) is to provide software for the public good. We
`do this by providing services and support for many for like-minded software project communities of
`What is the ASF?
`The Apache Software Foundation, a US 501(3)(c) non-profit corporation, provides organizational, legal,
`and financial support for a broad range of over 140 open source software projects. The Foundation
`provides an established framework for intellectual property and financial contributions that
`simultaneously limits potential legal exposure for our project committers. Through a collaborative and
`meritocratic development process known as The Apache Way, Apache™ projects deliver enterprise-
`grade, freely available software products that attract large communities of users. The pragmatic Apache
`License makes it easy for all users, commercial and individual, to deploy Apache products.
`How did the ASF and Apache™ projects grow?
`Formerly known as the Apache Group, the ASF was incorporated in 1999 as a membership-based, not-
`for-profit corporation in order to ensure that the Apache projects continue to exist beyond the
`participation of individual volunteers. Individuals who have demonstrated a commitment to
`collaborative open-source software development, through sustained participation and contributions
`within the Foundation's projects, are eligible for membership in the ASF. An individual is awarded
`membership after nomination and approval by a majority of the existing ASF members. Thus, the ASF
`is governed by the community it most directly serves -- the people collaborating within its projects.
`How are the ASF and Apache projects
`Liberty Mutual Exhibit 1043
`Liberty Mutual v. Progressive
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`Foundation Project
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`The ASF members periodically elect a Board of Directors to manage the organizational affairs of the
`Foundation, as accorded by the ASF Bylaws. The Board, in turn, appoints a number of officers to
`oversee the day-to-day operations of the Foundation. A number of public records of our operation are
`made available to the community. A more detailed explanation of How the ASF works in terms of day
`to day operations is available, and the Apache Community Development project's goal is to help
`newcomers learn more about the Apache Software Foundation.
`Individual Apache projects are in turn governed directly by Project Management Committees (PMC)
`made up of individuals who have shown merit and leadership within those projects. There are detailed
`descriptions of ASF and project governance models.
`Who runs the ASF?
`The membership of the ASF elects the 9 member board to run the foundation and to set and ensure
`policy. The Board has appointed the following corporate officers of the ASF:
`Brett Porter
`Greg Stein
`Vice Chairman
`Ross Gardler
`Rich Bowen
`Exec. V.P
`Chris Mattmann
`Sam Ruby
`Assistant Treasurer
`Craig Russell
`James Carman
`Assistant Secretary
`Shane Curcuru
`V.P., Brand Management
`V.P., Community Development Luciano Resende
`V.P., Fundraising
`V.P., Infrastructure
`Sam Ruby
`V.P., Legal Affairs
`Sam Ruby
`V.P., Marketing and Publicity Sally Khudairi
`V.P., Travel Assistance
`Gavin McDonald
`V.P., W3C Relations
`Andy Seaborne
`The Board has appointed the following Vice Presidents to chair the PMCs of each Apache project:
`V.P., Apache Abdera
`V.P., Apache Accumulo
`V.P., Apache ACE
`V.P., Apache ActiveMQ
`Ant Elder
`Billie Rinaldi
`Marcel Offermans
`Hiram Chirino
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`Foundation Project
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`Suresh Marru
`V.P., Apache Airavata
`Conor MacNeill
`V.P., Apache Ant
`Jeff Trawick
`V.P., Apache APR
`Maria Odea Ching
`V.P., Apache Archiva
`Jeremy Hughes
`V.P., Apache Aries
`Gianugo Rabellino
`V.P., Apache Attic
`Scott Carey
`V.P., Apache Avro
`Andreas Veithen
`V.P., Apache Axis
`Gary Martin
`V.P., Apache Bloodhound
`Alex Boisvert
`V.P., Apache Buildr
`Matt Benson
`V.P., Apache BVal
`Pei Chen
`V.P., Apache cTAKES
`V.P., Apache C++ Standard Library Jim Jagielski
`V.P., Apache Camel
`Christian Müller
`V.P., Apache Cassandra
`Jonathan Ellis
`V.P., Apache Cayenne
`Andrus Adamchik
`V.P., Apache Chemistry
`Florian Müller
`V.P., Apache Clerezza
`Hasan Hasan
`V.P., Apache Click
`Malcolm Edgar
`V.P., Apache CloudStack
`Chip Childers
`V.P., Apache Cocoon
`Simone Tripodi
`V.P., Apache Commons
`Luc Maisonobe
`V.P., Apache Continuum
`Brett Porter
`V.P., Apache Cordova
`Brian LeRoux
`V.P., Apache CouchDB
`Jan Lehnardt
`V.P., Apache Creadur
`Robert Burrell Donkin
`V.P., Apache Crunch
`Josh Wills
`V.P., Apache CXF
`Daniel Kulp
`V.P., Apache DB
`Myrna van Lunteren
`V.P., Apache Deltacloud
`Marios S. Andreou
`V.P., Apache DeltaSpike
`Mark Struberg
`V.P., Apache DirectMemory
`Raffaele P. Guidi
`V.P., Apache Directory
`Pierre-Arnaud Marcelot
`V.P., Apache Empire-db
`Francis De Brabandere
`V.P., Apache ESME
`Richard Hirsch
`V.P., Apache Etch
`Martin Veith
`V.P., Apache Felix
`Felix Meschberger
`V.P., Apache Flex
`Alex Harui
`V.P., Apache Flume
`Arvind Prabhakar
`V.P., Apache Forrest
`David Crossley
`V.P., Apache Geronimo
`Jarek Gawor
`V P Apache Giraph
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`Foundation Project
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`V.P., Apache Gora
`V.P., Apache Gump
`V.P., Apache Hadoop
`V.P., Apache Hama
`V.P., Apache HBase
`V.P., Apache Hive
`V.P., Apache HttpComponents
`V.P., Apache HTTP Server
`V.P., Apache Incubator
`V.P., Apache Jackrabbit
`V.P., Apache James
`V.P., Apache Jena
`V.P., Apache JMeter
`V.P., Apache jUDDI
`V.P., Apache Karaf
`V.P., Apache Labs
`V.P., Apache Lenya
`V.P., Apache Libcloud
`V.P., Apache Logging Services
`V.P., Apache Lucene
`V.P., Apache Lucy
`V.P., Apache Mahout
`V.P., Apache ManifoldCF
`V.P., Apache Maven
`V.P., Apache Mesos
`V.P., Apache MINA
`V.P., Apache MRUnit
`V.P., Apache MyFaces
`V.P., Apache Nutch
`V.P., Apache ODE
`V.P., Apache OFBiz
`V.P., Apache Oltu
`V.P., Apache OODT
`V.P., Apache Oozie
`V.P., Apache OpenJPA
`V.P., Apache OpenMeetings
`V.P., Apache OpenNLP
`V.P., Apache OpenOffice
`V.P., Apache OpenWebBeans
`V.P., Apache PDFBox
`V P Apache Perl
`Avery Ching
`Lewis John McGibbney
`Stefan Bodewig
`Chris Douglas
`Edward J. Yoon
`Michael Stack
`Carl Steinbach
`Asankha Perera
`Eric Covener
`Marvin Humphrey
`Michael Dürig
`Eric Charles
`Andy Seaborne
`Sebastian Bazley
`Kurt Stam
`Jean-Baptiste Onofré
`Tim Williams
`Richard Frovarp
`Tomaz Muraus
`Christian Grobmeier
`Uwe Schindler
`Nick Wellnhofer
`Jake Mannix
`Karl Wright
`Stephen Connolly
`Benjamin Hindman
`Emmanuel Lecharny
`Brock Noland
`Gerhard Petracek
`Julien Nioche
`Tammo van Lessen
`Jacopo Cappellato
`Antonio Sanso
`Sean Kelly
`Alejandro Abdelnur
`Pinaki Poddar
`Sebastian Wagner
`Jörn Kottmann
`Andrea Pescetti
`Gurkan Erdogdu
`Andreas Lehmkühler
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`Foundation Project
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`V.P., Apache Pig
`V.P., Apache Pivot
`V.P., Apache POI
`V.P., Apache Portals
`V.P., Apache Qpid
`V.P., Apache Rave
`V.P., Apache River
`V.P., Apache Roller
`V.P., Apache Santuario
`V.P., Apache ServiceMix
`V.P., Apache Shindig
`V.P., Apache Shiro
`V.P., Apache Sling
`V.P., Apache SpamAssassin
`V.P., Apache Sqoop
`V.P., Apache Stanbol
`V.P., Apache Steve
`V.P., Apache Struts
`V.P., Apache Subversion
`V.P., Apache Synapse
`V.P., Apache Syncope
`V.P., Apache Tapestry
`V.P., Apache Tcl
`V.P., Apache Thrift
`V.P., Apache Tika
`V.P., Apache Tiles
`V.P., Apache Tomcat
`V.P., Apache TomEE
`V.P., Apache Traffic Server
`V.P., Apache Turbine
`V.P., Apache Tuscany
`V.P., Apache UIMA
`V.P., Apache VCL
`V.P., Apache Velocity
`V.P., Apache Web Services
`V.P., Apache Whirr
`V.P., Apache Wicket
`V.P., Apache Wookie
`V.P., Apache Xalan
`V.P., Apache Xerces
`V P Apache XMLBeans
`Philippe Chiasson
`Julien Le Dem
`Roger Whitcomb
`Yegor Kozlov
`David Sean Taylor
`Carl Trieloff
`Matt Franklin
`Greg Trasuk
`Dave Johnson
`Colm O hEigeartaigh
`Gert Vanthienen
`Ryan Baxter
`Les Hazlewood
`Carsten Ziegeler
`Kevin A. McGrail
`Arvind Prabhakar
`Fabian Christ
`Jim Jagielski
`Rene Gielen
`Greg Stein
`Hiranya Jayathilaka
`Francesco Chicchiricco
`Howard Lewis Ship
`Massimo Manghi
`Jake Farrell
`Dave Meikle
`Greg Reddin
`Mladen Turk
`David Blevins
`Leif Hedstrom
`Thomas Vandahl
`Jean-Sebastien Delfino
`Marshall Schor
`Andy Kurth
`Nathan Bubna
`Sagara Gunathunga
`Andrew Bayer
`Martijn Dashorst
`Scott Wilson
`David Bertoni
`Michael Glavassevich
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`Foundation Project
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`V.P., Apache XML Graphics
`V.P., Apache ZooKeeper
`Cezar Andrei
`Chris Bowditch
`Flavio Junqueira
`The Foundation is a collaborative project of the ASF. Our goal is to build and sustain the literal
`foundation upon which our open-source software projects are based.
`(cid:122) HTTP Server
`(cid:122) Abdera
`(cid:122) Accumulo
`(cid:122) ACE
`(cid:122) ActiveMQ
`(cid:122) Airavata
`(cid:122) Ant
`(cid:122) Any23
`(cid:122) APR
`(cid:122) Archiva
`(cid:122) Aries
`(cid:122) Avro
`(cid:122) Axis
`(cid:122) Bigtop
`(cid:122) Bloodhound
`(cid:122) Buildr
`(cid:122) BVal
`(cid:122) Camel
`(cid:122) Cassandra
`(cid:122) Cayenne
`(cid:122) Chemistry
`(cid:122) Clerezza
`(cid:122) Click
`(cid:122) CloudStack
`(cid:122) Cocoon
`(cid:122) Commons
`(cid:122) Continuum
`(cid:122) Cordova
`(cid:122) CouchDB
`(cid:122) Creadur
`(cid:122) Crunch
`(cid:122) cTAKES
`(cid:122) CXF
`(cid:122) DB
`(cid:122) Deltacloud
`(cid:122) Directory
`(cid:122) Empire-db
`(cid:122) ESME
`(cid:122) Etch
`(cid:122) Felix
`(cid:122) Flex
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`Foundation Project
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`(cid:122) Flume
`(cid:122) Forrest
`(cid:122) Geronimo
`(cid:122) Giraph
`(cid:122) Gora
`(cid:122) Gump
`(cid:122) Hadoop
`(cid:122) Hama
`(cid:122) HBase
`(cid:122) Hive
`(cid:122) HttpComponents
`(cid:122) Isis
`(cid:122) Jackrabbit
`(cid:122) James
`(cid:122) Jena
`(cid:122) JMeter
`(cid:122) jUDDI
`(cid:122) Kafka
`(cid:122) Karaf
`(cid:122) Lenya
`(cid:122) Libcloud
`(cid:122) Logging
`(cid:122) Lucene
`(cid:122) Lucy
`(cid:122) Mahout
`(cid:122) ManifoldCF
`(cid:122) Maven
`(cid:122) MINA
`(cid:122) MRUnit
`(cid:122) MyFaces
`(cid:122) Nutch
`(cid:122) ODE
`(cid:122) OFBiz
`(cid:122) Oltu
`(cid:122) Onami
`(cid:122) OODT
`(cid:122) Oozie
`(cid:122) OpenJPA
`(cid:122) OpenMeetings
`(cid:122) OpenNLP
`(cid:122) OpenOffice
`(cid:122) OpenWebBeans
`(cid:122) PDFBox
`(cid:122) Perl
`(cid:122) Pig
`(cid:122) Pivot
`(cid:122) POI
`(cid:122) Portals
`(cid:122) Qpid
`(cid:122) Rave
`(cid:122) River
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`Foundation Project
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`(cid:122) Roller
`(cid:122) Santuario
`(cid:122) ServiceMix
`(cid:122) Shindig
`(cid:122) Shiro
`(cid:122) SIS
`(cid:122) Sling
`(cid:122) SpamAssassin
`(cid:122) Sqoop
`(cid:122) Stanbol
`(cid:122) STDCXX
`(cid:122) Struts
`(cid:122) Subversion
`(cid:122) Synapse
`(cid:122) Syncope
`(cid:122) Tapestry
`(cid:122) Tcl
`(cid:122) Thrift
`(cid:122) Tika
`(cid:122) Tiles
`(cid:122) Tomcat
`(cid:122) TomEE
`(cid:122) Traffic Server
`(cid:122) Turbine
`(cid:122) Tuscany
`(cid:122) UIMA
`(cid:122) VCL
`(cid:122) Velocity
`(cid:122) Web Services
`(cid:122) Whirr
`(cid:122) Wicket
`(cid:122) Wink
`(cid:122) Wookie
`(cid:122) Xalan
`(cid:122) Xerces
`(cid:122) XMLBeans
`(cid:122) XML Graphics
`(cid:122) ZooKeeper
`(cid:122) FAQ
`(cid:122) Licenses
`(cid:122) Trademarks
`(cid:122) News
`(cid:122) Press Inquiries
`(cid:122) Public Records
`(cid:122) Mailing Lists
`(cid:122) Sponsorship
`(cid:122) Donations
`(cid:122) Buy Stuff
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`Page 9 of 9
`Foundation Project
`(cid:122) Thanks
`(cid:122) Contact
`Foundation Projects
`(cid:122) Attic
`(cid:122) Conferences
`(cid:122) Community Development
`(cid:122) Incubator
`(cid:122) Infrastructure
`(cid:122) Labs
`(cid:122) Legal Affairs
`(cid:122) Public Relations
`(cid:122) Security
`(cid:122) Travel Assistance
`(cid:122) People
`(cid:122) Memorials
`(cid:122) Feathercast
`(cid:122) Project Blogs
`(cid:122) PlanetApache
`How It Works
`(cid:122) Introduction
`(cid:122) Meritocracy
`(cid:122) Structure
`(cid:122) Roles
`(cid:122) Collaboration
`(cid:122) Incubator
`(cid:122) Other entities
`(cid:122) Glossary
`(cid:122) Voting
`Copyright © 2012 The Apache Software Foundation, Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
`Apache and the Apache feather logo are trademarks of The Apache Software Foundation.
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