`Codes zur Identifizierung von PCI'-Verlragsstaatcn auf den Kopfbégen der Schxiften, die internationals
`Anmeldungen gemfiss dem PCI' vexfiffentlichen.
`Vcteinimcl Khigreich
`Burkina Faso
`Russische Fédsafion
`Zcntrale Afrikaniscbe Repuhlik
`Dcmohatisdne Volksrepublik Kmu
`Republik Korea
`CM: d'Ivoire
`Sri Lnnkn
`Tschechische Rcpublik
`Tfinidad und Tobago
`Republik Moldau
`Vereinigtc Smtm van Ame-ikn
`Page 000793

`W0 M18645
`Die Erfindung betrifft einen Unfalldatenspeicher geméfi dem
`Oberbegriff des Anspruchs l. Unfalldatenspeicher sind in ihrem
`Aufbau als solche bekannt.
`Der Zweck eines Unfalldatenspeichers besteht in der Erfassung
`und Registrierung Von Daten, die ffir die objektive Klérung der
`Schuldfrage nach einem Unfallereignis sachdienlich’sind. Es ist
`stand der Technik, die Bewegunqsdaten sowie die Zustandsdaten
`einiger Fahrzeugaggregate wéhrend des Fahrbetriebs des mit
`einem Unfalldatenspeicher ausgerfisteten Fahrzeugs zu
`Im Unfalldatenspeicher geméfi der EP 0 118 818 B1
`endet die Datenaufzeichnung mit dem Fahrzeugstillstand.
`Die Detektion eines Unfallereignisses erfolgt fiblicherweise
`zumindest durch eine Auswertung der vom Unfalldatenspeicher
`erfafiten Beschleunigungssignale. Da Strafienunebenheiten, die
`normale Fahrdynamik oder das Zuschlagen einer Fahrzeugtfir nicht
`zur Auslésung der speziell ffir eine Unfallsituation
`vorgesehenen Speicherverfahren ffihren dfirfen, weisen die
`bekannten Unfalldatenspeicher Auslbsekriterien auf, die die
`Registrierung von kleineren "Rempeleien" nicht gestatten. Wird
`ein parkendes Fahrzeug zB bei dem Rangiermanéver eines
`Fremdfahrzeugs angefahren, kann ein derartiger Unfall Von den
`bisher bekannten Unfalldatenspeichern nicht registriert werden.
`Die Aufgabe der vorliegenden Erfindung ist es, diesen Nachteil
`zu beseitigen. Sie wird durch die kennzeichnenden Merkmale des
`ersten Anspruchs gelbst. Die weiteren Ansprfiche zeigen
`vorteilhafte Weiterbildungen.
`Erfindungsgemafl wird vorgeschlagen, zusatzlich zu den wéhrend
`des Fahrbetriebs erforderlichen héheren Ansprechschwellen ffir
`die Auslésung der speziell zur unléschbaren Registrierung einer
`Unfallsituation vorgesehenen Speicherverfahren Mittel
`Page 000794

`WO 94/13645
`vorzusehen, die die Betriebsbereitschaft des
`Unfalldatenspeichers nach dem Ausschalten des Antriebsaggregats
`des Fahrzeugs fur eine begrenzte Zeit mit einer erhfihten
`Empfindlichkeit fur die Detektion und Registrierung von
`Unfallereignissen fortzusetzen.
`Die Erhéhung der Empfindlichkeit kann dadurch erfolgen, dafi der
`zur Auslésung der Unfallregistrierung festgesetzte Schwellwert
`der Amplitude der Beschleunigungssignale um etwa 90 %
`herabgesetzt wird bei gleichzeitiger Verléngerung des
`Betrachtungszeitraums der zur Auslbsung ffihrenden
`Einwirkungsdauer des Beschleunigungssignals. Dadurch, dafi der
`Unfalldatenspeicher mit Mitteln zur Durchffihrung dieser
`Mafinahme erweitert wird, werden am geparkten Fahrzeug auch
`leichte St6Be detektierbar.
`Um Fehlauslbsungen zu vermeiden, ist eine Umschaltung des
`Unfalldatenspeichers auf diese erhéhte Empfindlichkeit nur bei
`stillstehendem Fahrzeug sinnvoll. Zur Steuerung der Umschaltung
`benétigt der Unfalldatenspeicher die Information darfiber,
`welchem Betriebszustand sich das Antriebsaggregat des Fahrzeugs
`befindet. Diese Abfrage erfolgt vorzugsweise fiber eine
`Erfassung der Schaltstellung des Zfindstartschalters des
`Um Fehlauslbsungen unmittelbar nach dem Ausschalten des
`Antriebsaggregats des Fahrzeugs zu vermeiden, die
`beispielsweise durch das Verlassen des Fahrzeugs durch die
`Fahrzeuginsassen oder das Entladen des Fahrzeugs hervorgerufen
`werden kénnten, empfiehlt es sich, die Umschaltung auf die
`erhfihte Empfindlichkeit zeitverzagert durchzuffihren. Eine
`Verzégerung Von ca.
`5 Minuten erscheint im allgemeinen
`praxisgerecht. Dadurch kann sichergestellt werden, dafi sich das
`Fahrzeug in Ruhe befindet.
`Um ermittlungsdienliche Aussagen zum Unfallereignis machen zu
`kénnen, ist es vorteilhaft, den erfindungsgeméfi erweiterten
`Unfalldatenspeicher mit Zeitzéhlmitteln auszustatten, so daB
`der Unfallzeitpunkt genau bestimmt werden kann. Die
`Page 000795

`wo 94/18645
`Zeitzéhlmittel kénnen in einer als vollsténdiges Kalendarium
`ausgebildeten Echtzeituhr oder nur aus einem Relativzeitmesser
`In jedem Fall kann auf diese Weise zusétzlich zu den
`durch die Beschleunigungssignale erfafiten Stofidaten eine
`Zeitmarke in dem registrierten Datensatz abgelegt werden.
`Page 000796

`wo 94/18645
`1. Unfalldatenspeicher
`a) mit Mitteln zur Erfassung Von
`b) mit Mitteln zur Analyse der erfafiten
`Beschleunigungssignale hinsichtlich ihrer Amplitude
`und ihrer Einwirkungsdauer fur die Detektion einer
`C) mit Mitteln zur Abfrage des Betriebszustandes des
`Antriebsaggregats des Fahrzeugs,
`in welchem der
`Unfalldatenspeicher installiert ist, und
`d) mit Mitteln zur Speicherung der erfafiten signale
`und/oder der daraus ermittelten Daten,
`gekennzeichnet durch Mittel, die den Unfalldatenspeicher
`nach dem Ausschalten des Antriebsaggregats des Fahrzeugs
`ffir eine begrenzte Zeit mit einer gegenfiber dem Zustand des
`eingeschalteten Antriebsaggregats erhbhten Empfindlichkeit
`in einer fortdauernden Bereitschaft ffir die Detektion und
`Registrierung einer Unfallsituation aktiv erhalten.
`2. Unfalldatenspeicher nach Anspruch 1,
`dadurch gekennzeichnet,
`dafi die Erfassung des Betriebszustandes des
`Antriebsaggregats des Fahrzeugs durch eine Abfrage der
`Schaltstellung des Zfindstartschalters erfolgt.
`3. Unfalldatenspeicher nach Anspruch 1 oder 2,
`dadurch gekennzeichnet,
`dafi die Umschaltung in die erhfihte Empfindlichkeit ffir die
`Detektion und Registrierung einer Unfallsituation
`zeitverzbgert nach dem Ausschalten des Antriebsaggregats
`des Fahrzeugs erfolgt.
`Page 000797

`wo 94/13545
`4. Unfalldatenspeicher nach Anspruch 1,
`2 oder 3,
`dadurch gekennzéichnet,
`dafi die nach dem Ausschalten des Antriebsaggregats des
`Fahrzeugs fortdauernd betriebsbereiten Mittel zur Detektion
`und Registrierung einer Unfallsituation zur Registrierung
`des Zeitpunktes eines Unfallereignisses mit Zeitzéhlmitteln
`ausgestattet sind.
`Page 000798

`lmematgonai application No,
`According to International Patent Classification (IPC) or to both national classification and IPC
`Minimum documentation searched (classification system followed by classification symbols)
`Documentation searched other than minimum documentation to the extent that such documents are included in the fields searched
`Electronic data base consulted during the international search (name of data base and, where practicable, search terms used)
`Citation of document, with indimtion, where appropriate, of the relevant passages
`W0, A, 91 17447 (CORDIER)
`14 November 1991
`see page 6,
`line 3 - page 9,
`line 8;
`Relevant to claim No_
`EP, A, 0 118 818 (ZOTTNIK)
`19 September 1984
`cited in the application
`see abstract;
`FR, A, 2 615 624 (CURTI)
`25 November 1988
`see page 1,
`line 27 - page 3,
`line 13; figure
`DE, A, 36 43 203 (GRUNDIG)
`30 June 1988
`see column 2,
`line 10 - line 50; figure
`12 November 1992
`see abstract;
`E Further documents are listed in the continuation of Box C. D See patent family annex.
`Special categories of cited docuints:
`later document published after the international filing date or priority
`date and not in conflict with the application but cited to understand
`:?§"en;?:adr§§:|"hnrg[:lh:‘?:;nl sum’ °fme an when '5 no‘ °9“5"’°'°‘
`the principle or theory underlying the invention
`earlier document but published on or after the international filing date
`"X" d°°“||1¢D' °f P3"i°“13" T°1°‘’3fl°¢5 “"5 °l3i|D°d ilwellliofl 933110‘ 5°
`'dened novel or cannot be considered to involve an inventive
`document which may throw doubts on priority claim(s) or which is
`cited to establish the publication date of another citation or other
`smp when the documem is “ken alone
`special reason (as specified)
`"Y" document of particular relevance; the claimed invention cannot be
`- dowmem “fining ‘D an on‘ disciosun’ us,‘ exhibition 0, “he,
`considered to involve an inventive step when the document is
`combined with oneor more other such documents, such combination
`document published prior to the international filing date but later than
`being obvious to 8 pawn skilled in the an
`the priority date claimed
`“&" document member of the same patent family
`Date of the actual completion of the international search
`29 April 1994
`Date of mailing of the international search report
`24 May 1994
`Name and mailing address of the ISA/
`Authorized officer
`Facsimile No.
`Form PCT/ISA/210 (second sheet) (July 1992)
`Telephone No.
`Page 000799

`International applimtion No.
`US, A, 4 992 943 (MCCRACKEN)
`12 February 1991
`see abstract;
`DE, A, 33 14 036 (KEHRBERG)
`25 October 1984
`see claim 1;
`Form PCT/ISA/210 (continuation of second sheet) (July 1992)

`on Elfin mm mm
`International application No.
`PCT/EP 94/00152
`Form PCTIISNZIIJ (punnv. family u-mu) (July I992)
`Page 000801

`Intemationales Akuenzeichen
`PCT/EP 94/00152
`IPK 5
`Nach der Intemauonalen Patentklass1fikauon(IPK) ode: mch der nauonalen Klamfikauon und der [PK
`Rechercmener Mindestprufstoff (xlasnfileauonssystem und Klasnfikauonsnnbole )
`IPK 5
`GO7C G01P
`Recherchxene aber mcht zum Mxndescprufstoff gehorende Veroffenuxehungen, sowext clxese unuer due rechercmenen Gebiete fallen
`Wa'hx-end dcr mternauonalen Recherche konsuluerte eleku-omsche Datznbank (Name der Datenbank und evtl. verwendete Suchbep-xffe)
`Bczexchnung der Vetoffenmchung. soweu erfordcrlieh unner Angahe der m Betrach: kommenden Teile
`Betr. Anspruch Nr.
`W0,A,91 17447 (CORDIER) 14. November 1991
`siehe Seite 6, Zei1e 3 - Seite 9, Zeile 8;
`EP,A,0 118 818 (ZOTTNIK) 19. September
`in der Anme1dung erwfihnt
`siehe Zusammenfassung; Ansprfiche;
`FR,A,2 615 624 (CURTI) 25. November 1988
`siehe Seite 1, Zeile 27 - Seite 3, Zeile
`13; Abbi1dung
`DE,A,36 43 203 (GRUND1G) 30. Juni 1988
`siehe Spalte 2, Zei1e 10 - Zei1e 50;
`Waiter: Veréffentlxchmgen smd der Fomelzung Von Feld C zu
`E Siehe Anhang Pawntfamilie
`° Besondere Kategonen Von angegebenen Veroffenuichungen
`'1" Spin: Vegflzngwg. dle

`oder em on
`mvero en c wo
`A Verotfenflxchung, dne den allgememen Stand der Technzk defimen.
`Ammldu“ “mm komdl-gm sondzm mu. zumvemfindms dc; dc,
`abet mcht als baonders bedeusarn anzusehen In
`d 11
`de Pnnz
`ode :1
`1 e
`‘E’ élteres Dokument. das yedoeh erst un oder nach dem inten-maanakn
`Theongnans§="§'§§"en°.sf‘°" n
`1. er
`zugnmdc I ‘end
`A’“'“°ld‘damm ""°m““'d“ “’°'d‘‘'“ “‘
`‘X’ Veréffcndichung van besondeter Bedeutung‘, die beanspruehte Erfl
`'L' Verotfmtlichmzg. die geelgnet 1st. emen Pnormirsanspmch zwelfelhafl; er-
`kann allein aufgrund clicser Verfiffendichung mcht als neu ode: auf
`sdaexnen zu fiasm, older durcx:-A dxe das Ver$ffmf?icgJm ennerm
`crfindenschcr Téfigkat beruhend bevnchlet woman
`3“ °’‘“ "7? “cm” ‘“b‘"° ‘ 3°"“’“““" "5 °“ 1°
`*3‘ “'9 “‘ ‘Y’ Veréffetmichun van besonderer Bedeumn
`die beans
`chte Erfmdun :4
`5°" °dF" d“ ‘"5 °‘“°"‘ ““d‘"“ b°5°“d‘”“ Gm“ "‘“3‘3°b°“ m (“"‘°
`kann mcht als ail‘ erfindmseher Titigkeit geruhend begmachtet
`warden, wenn due Veréffenuichung rmt einer oder mehreren endeten
`0' Vcmffenthchuns. the sub auf em: mundhche Offenbarunz.
`Veréffendichungen dieser Kate
`e m Vex-hxndung gehrachlwlrd und
`eme Benutzung, eme Ausscellung oder andere Maflnahmen bezteht
`die“ Vcrblndung fin» amen Fa
`nahdiegend. 151
`'P‘ Vcréffenuichung d1e var dem1ntemauonalenAmneldedau.1m. abet nach .
`dem beansprucrften Pnonuitsdazum veroffentlicht Worden 1st
`& v"°fi°"u'°h“'“3’ G“ Mltgmd d‘“°lb°“ Pa'mm‘”ml" m
` Absendedatnm des mnemanonalen Reeherchenbenchts
`Datum des Absduusses der mternanonalen Remerche
`2 4 -05- 1391+
`29. April 1994
`Bevollméchngter Bediensutcr
`Name und Poslanschnft der Internauonale Recherchenbehorde
`Europaxsches Patemamt. P.B. 5Bl 8 Patentlaan 2
`NL - 2280 HV Rnswuk
`Tel. (+31-70) 3402040, '15:. 31651 epo nl,
`Mey1, D
`Fazc (-r 31-70) 340-3016
`Fnrmblau. PCTIISA/210 (am: 2) (Juli 1992)
`Seite 1 von 2
`Page 000802

`Irrtemationales Akbenzeichen
`PCT/EP 94/00152
`t Em. Anspruch Nr.
`Kanegone’ | Baexmxumg der Vcréftcnuxchung, sown: erfordahch umnr Angabe der 1n Betracht kornmenden Tale
`DE,A,41 36 968 (MANNESMANN KIENZLE) 12.
`November 1992
`siehe Zusammenfassung; Ansprfiche;
`US,A,4 992 943 (MCCRAEREN) 12. Februar
`:?Z%e Zusammenfassung; Anspruche;
`or-:,A,33 14 035 (KEHRBE§E) 25. Oktober 1984
`siehe Anspruch 1; Abbildungen
`Fnrmbluv. PCT/ISA/210 (Fnruuzun; van Blm. 3) (Juli 1992)
`Seite 2 von 2
`Page 000803

`Angaben zu Vervliffcntlxcbungen, the zux sclben Paumtfarmlxc gchéren
`PCT/EP 94/00152
`Im Recherchenbericht
`angefiihrtes Patentdckument
`Datum der
`Mitg1ied(er) der '
`Datum der
` 2895092 15-06-93
`Fomnmu pcr/xsA/no (Anhnnn P|umfImilie)(Juli 1992)
`Page 000804

`International Bureau
`(51) International Patent Classification 5 :
`(11) International Publication Number:
`GOIS 5/02
`(43) International Publication Date:
`8 December 1994 (0812.94)
`WO 94128434
`(21) International Application Number:
`(22) International Filing Date:
`19 May 1994 (l9.05.94)
`(81) Designated States: CA, JP, European patent (AT; BE, CH, DE,
`DK, ES, FR, GB, GR, IE, IT, LU, MC, NL, PT, SE).
`With international search report.
`(30) Priority Data:
`21 May 1993 (2105.93)
`645 Mary Avenue, Sunnyvale, CA 94086 (US).
`(72) Inventor: LAU, Chung; 859 Russet Drive, Sunnyvale, CA
`94087 (US).
`(74) Agent: SCHNECK, Thomas; Schneck & Mcl-Iugh, P.O. Box
`2-E, San Jose, CA 95109-0005 (US).
`‘(57) Abstract
`A method for fast acquisition of Satellite Positioning System (SA'I'PS) signals that does not require permanent storage of satellite
`almanac information at a ground station. A nearby reference SATPS station (13), whose posifion is lmown, provides a new SATPS station
`(14) with differential positioning SATPS information and optionally with SATPS satellite ephemeride information on each visible satellite
`(15, 17, 19, 21). By limiting the search to the frequency range and code-phase attributes corresponding to the visible satellites, the ranges
`to be searched are decreased. When a first SATPS satellite signal is acquired and locked onto by the new station, the frequency range for
`searching is narrowed to a range corresponding to the Doppler shift frequency range for the visible satellites, and acquisition of additional
`SATPS satellite signals proceeds quickly. The system allows the use of less accurate timing sources for the new stations.
`Page 000805

`Codes used to identify States party to the PC!‘ on the front pages of pamphlets publishing international
`applications under the PCI‘.
`aumm Faso
`United Kingdom
`Democratic People's Rqnxbnc
`of Koxea
`Republic of Korea
`Sri Lanka
`Repualh: of Moldova
`New Zealand
`Russian Fedauion
`Trinidad and Tobago
`United States of Amuim
`Via Nun
`Page 000806

`WO 94/28434
`Background of the Invention
`When a Satellite Positioning System (SATPS) receiver/processor
`powers up, or when the receiver/processor experiences SATPS signal
`interruption, if the receiver/processor has no almanac that indicates the
`present location of the visible SATPS satellites, the receiver/processor and
`associated SATPS antenna will perform a blind satellite search to find a
`sufficient number of SATPS satellites, usually three or more, to begin
`establishing the antenna's SATPS-determined location and/or proper time.
`The SATPS antenna and receiver/processor will usually select SATPS
`satellite numbers at random for the search. This procedure will often
`consume several minutes before "lock" on an adequate number of SATPS
`satellite signals is achieved. Several workers in electrical communications
`have disclosed methods and/or apparati for reducing the time or difficulty
`of acquiring signals communicated from satellites.
`United States Patent No. 4,384,293, issued to Deem et al, discloses
`apparatus for providing pointing information, using one or more GPS
`satellites and two antennas spaced apart about ten carrier signal
`wavelengths. The difference in phase of GPS signals received by the two
`antennas determines the pointing direction determined by the line of sight
`between the two antennas. Phase differences of GPS signals received by
`arrays of three or more collinear or non-collinear antennas are used to
`determine the attitude of an object on which the antennas are mounted in
`U.S. Patent No. 5,021,792, issued to Hwang, and in U.S. Patent No.
`5,101,356, issued to Timothy et al.
`Sekine discloses GPS receiver/processor apparatus that quickly
`maximizes correlation between a received GPS pseudo-random noise
`(PRN) code and an internally stored GPS code, in U.S. Patent No.
`4,968,981. This approach uses a separate channel for each of N PRN
`codes and shifts the phase of the internally stored code n/2 bits at a time (n
`Page 000807

`WO 94/28434
`= 1, 2,
`, N), in a search for a position of increased code correlation
`In U.S. Patent No. 5,036,329, Ando discloses. a satellite
`reacquisition or initial acquisition method applicable to GPS satellites.
`Using an estimate of the average Doppler shifted frequency favg
`manifested by the GPS signals received from a visible GPS satellite, a
`narrow band search is first performed in the frequency range favg - 8600
`Hz S f S favg + 8600 Hz. If no GPS satellite signals are found in this
`range within 3.75 minutes, the search range is widened until at least one
`GPS satellite signal is found.
`A simultaneous multi-channel search for reacquisition of GPS
`satellite signals after signal interruption occurs is disclosed by Sakaguchi
`and Ando in U.S. Patent No. 5,059,969. This method first searches for
`the GPS satellite with the highest elevation angle relative to the GPS
`antenna. Two or more sequences of signal frequency ranges are swept
`over in parallel until at least one GPS signal is reacquired.
`United States Patent No. 5,061,936, issued to Suzuki, discloses
`attitude control for a rotationally mobile antenna. If the strength of the
`initial signal received by the antenna from a spacecraft (whose position is
`yet unknown) is below a first selected threshold and above a second ‘
`selected threshold, the antenna attitude is scanned over a relatively small
`range, to increase the signal strength toward or above the first threshold
`value. If the signal strength is initially below the second threshold, the
`antenna attitude is scanned over a larger range, to increase the signal
`strength above the second threshold value so that a smaller range antenna
`scan can be implemented.
`In U.S. Patent No. 5,119,504, Durboraw discloses a satellite-aided
`cellular communications system in which a subscriber unit self-determines
`its own (changing) location and transmits this information to the satellites
`for use in subsequent communications. This requires that each subscriber
`unit transmit and receive signals, and one subscriber unit does not
`communicate directly with, or provide satellite location information for,
`another subscriber unit.
`Page 000808

`WO 94/28434
`An electronic direction finder that avoids reliance on sensing of
`terrestrial magnetic fields for establishing a preferred direction for
`satellite signal acquisition is disclosed by Ghaem et al in U.S. Patent No.
`5,146,231. The apparatus uses a receiver/processor for GPS or similar
`navigation signals received from a satellite, and requires (stored)
`knowledge of the present location of at least one reference satellite from
`which signals are received. The orientation of the finder or its housing
`relative to a line of sight vector from the finder to this reference satellite
`is determined. This orientation is visually displayed as a projection on a
`horizontal plane. Any other direction in this horizontal plane can then be
`determined with reference to this projection from a knowledge of the
`reference satellite location.
`Ando, in U.S. Patent No. 5,155,491, discloses a method for tracking
`radio signals from GPS satellites that follow a single orbit around the
`Earth. At most four GPS satellites follow one of the six GPS orbits, as the
`constellation is presently configured. The C/A—code and/or P-code is
`known for each of the at—most-four GPS satellites in a single orbit so that
`searching along a single orbit requires acquisition of only one of the four
`known codes associated with these satellites, and at least one of these four
`GPS satellites is not visible at a particular observation time. After
`acquisition of whatever GPS satellites on a particular GPS orbit can be
`tracked, the system moves sequentially from one GPS orbit to another
`orbit until all trackable GPS satellites are found. The system then selects
`the three or four GPS satellites that are most suitable for global
`positioning computations.
`These methods either require storage of detailed knowledge of the
`satellite trajectories or of satellite signal indicia. This information for
`SATPS satellites can be voluminous and is not present in many SATPS
`signal receiver/processor systems. What is needed is a method that relies
`only upon information that is already available within the receiving system
`or from another nearby receiving system. Preferably, the method should
`provide reasonably accurate information on the present location of any
`visible SATPS satellite, should allow rapid acquisition of SATPS signals
`Page 000809

`WO 94/28434
`from one or a plurality of visible SATPS satellites, and should not require
`consumption of much additional power for operation.
`Summary of the Invention
`The invention focuses on initial acquisition and identification of
`visible SATPS satellites by an SATPS signal antenna and
`receiver/processor ("SATPS station") at the time of power-up. Receipt of
`differential SATPS signals from another already-operative SATPS station
`allows the SATPS station that is now powering up ( the "new" SATPS
`1 0
`station) to reduce the number of SATPS charmels searched. The new
`SATPS Station need not store the SATPS almanac information and may
`use less expensive timing sources. This eliminates the need for a back—up
`battery and allows quicker acquisition of the visible SATPS satellites upon
`1 5
`In one embodiment, the method includes the steps of: (1) providing
`a reference SATPS station, whose location coordinates are known with
`high accuracy, with a transmitter to broadcast differential SATPS
`information to other nearby SATPS stations, including the new SATPS
`station; (2) providing differential SATPS information from the reference
`2 0
`station to the new station, including the pseudorange corrections and
`satellite index of each SATPS satellite that is visible from the reference
`station (the SATPS "reference/visible" satellites); (3) establishing a
`selected number of channels at the new station to acquire SATPS signals
`from the reference/visible satellites; (4) stepping through the pseudorange
`2 5
`and code-phase attributes for each of the visible SATPS satellites to
`acquire and lock onto the SATPS signals from one or more of the SATPS
`satellites; (5) once one SATPS satellite signal is acquired, narrowing the
`frequency tuning range of all the other tuning channels to a much smaller
`frequency range, based upon the calculated frequency error and Doppler
`3 0
`shift frequency range; and (6) using this smaller frequency range to more
`quickly acquire and lock onto additional SATPS satellite signals, if needed.
`Limiting the search for SATPS satellite signals at the new station to
`the visible SATPS satellites for which differential SATPS information is
`Page 000810

`WO 94/28434
`available provides the following benefits. First, a station that is not a
`reference station does not need battery backup for the random access
`memory in order to store the satellite almanac information. Second, as
`each SATPS satellite signal is acquired and identified, the frequency range
`that needs to be searched for that satellite can be narrowed substantially,
`using an estimate of the Doppler shift for signals emitted from that
`satellite. Third, an inexpensive time base source for an SATPS
`receiver/processor can be used without incurring a large penalty in
`satellite signal acquisition time. Once one satellite signal is locked onto,
`the SATPS receiver/processor can correct for the (relatively large)
`frequency error of the associated time base and can search over a smaller
`frequency range that covers the appropriate Doppler shifted frequencies
`Brief Description of the Drawings
`Figure 1 is a schematic View of a differential satellite positioning
`5 system in operation, showing a reference SATPS station and another
`SATPS station that receives differential SATPS information from the
`reference station.
`Figure 2 is a flow chart illustrating acquisition of and lock—on for
`one or more SATPS satellites signals by a new SATPS station according to
`one embodiment of the invention.
`Description of Best Mode of the Invention
`Figure 1 illustrates operation of a differential satellite positioning
`system in simplified form. A reference SATPS station 13, including an
`SATPS receiver/processor and associated SATPS antenna 23, and a roving
`SATPS station 14, including an SATPS receiver/processor and associated
`SATPS antenna 25, are spaced apart on or adjacent to the Earth's surface,
`where it is assumed that the reference receiver's location is known very
`accurately at any time. Presently, an SATPS signal antenna is
`approximately omI1i-directional so that SATPS signals can be received
`from any area of the sky, except near the horizon, without "pointing" the
`Page 000811

`WO 94/28434
`An SATPS antenna receives SATPS signals from a plurality
`5 (preferably four or more) of SATPS satellites and passes these signals to
`an SATPS signal receiver/processor, which (1) identifies the SATPS
`satellite source (satellite number or other indicia) for each SATPS signal,
`(2) determines the time at which each identified SATPS signal arrives at
`the antenna, and (3) determines the present location of the SATPS antenna
`from this information and from information on the ephemerides, stored in
`the receiver/processor, for each identified SATPS satellite. The SATPS
`signal antenna and signal receiver/processor are part of the user segment
`1 0
`of a particular SATPS, the Global Positioning System, as discussed by
`Tom Logsdon in The NAVSTAR Global Positioning System, Van
`Nostrand Reinhold, 1992, pp. 33-90, incorporated by reference herein.
`The reference station 13 may be stationary or may be moving with
`location coordinates known as a function of time t. Four or more SATPS
`1 5
`satellites 15, 17, 19 and 21 transmit SATPS signals that are received by the
`reference and roving stations 13 and 14 and converted to present location,
`velocity and time for that station. The reference and roving stations 13
`and 14 also include modems 27 and 29, respectively, or other
`communication means that provide a one-way link between the reference
`2 0
`station 13 and the roving station 14 or a two-way link, as shown.
`Optionally, the system shown in Figure 1 may also include one or more
`signal repeaters 31, located between the two stations 13 and 14, to
`facilitate long distance or non-line-of-sight communication between these
`two stations. Optionally, the system may include two or more roving
`2 5
`Assume that a roving station 14 has lost its lock on one or more (or
`all) visible SATPS satellites 15, 17, 19 and 21, or that the roving station is
`powering up after a period of no activity. This roving station 14
`(referred to herein as a "new" station for convenience) will need to
`3 0
`acquire or reacquire, and to lock onto, one or more of the SATPS
`satellites Visible from the reference station 13 (referred to as a
`"reference/visible satellite" herein for convenience), in order to provide
`location and/or time information for this new station. The reference
`Page 000812

`WO 94/28434
`station 13 may be moving or may be stationary.
`It is assumed that the
`'_ reference station 13 is located nearby (i.e., within 250 kilometers)‘ and that
`its location coordinates are known with high accuracy at any time so that
`differential satellite positioning system ("DSATPS") information is
`available from the reference station.
`According to one embodiment of the invention, this procedure for
`(re)acquisition and lock-on for one or more visible SATPS satellites is
`illustrated in Figure 2. In step 41, the new station either powers up or
`senses that it has lost lock on all SATPS satellites. In steps 43 and 45, the
`new station 14 receives DSATPS information from the reference station
`In step 47, the
`13 and determines the reference/visible SATPS satellites.
`new station 14 sets up a sufficient number of SATPS signal channels to
`receive SATPS

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