Professional Summary
`Mary L. O'Neil, FCAS, MAAA, CLU, ChFC
`Current Professional Experience
`In 1986 I established O'Neil Consulting Services, Inc. (OCS), an independent actuarial consulting
`practice. The firm has provided actuarial consulting services to a variety of clients from both the
`regulatory and private sectors. Regulatory agencies have included the North Carolina Department of
`Insurance, the New Jersey Department of Insurance (NJDOI), the New York Department of
`Insurance, the Texas Office of Public Insurance Counsel, the Georgia Department of Insurance, the
`Ontario Automobile Insurance Board, the Pennsylvania Department of Insurance, and the Wyoming
`Department of Environmental Quality. Individual insurers or insurance pools have included
`Pennsylvania Millers Mutual Insurance Company, Integrity Insurance Company in Liquidation (on
`behalf of liquidator), Home State Holdings, Inc. in Liquidation (on behalf of liquidator), several
`small insurers, and severa l self-insurance pools. OC S has worked with se veral law firms including,
`for example, Sills Cummis Zuckerman Radin Tischman Epstein & Gross and Donovan &
`Associ ates. O CS also provide d all ac tuaria l service s for the N ew Jer sey Mark et Tran sition Fa cility.
`Services performed include expert witness testimony, analysis of proposed rates by insurers, analysis
`of required insurer reserves in c onjunction with regu latory examinations o f insurance compa nies,
`evaluation of loss reserves for purposes of reinsurance commutation, evaluation of mass tort
`liabilities, preparation of required reserve opinions for individual insurers and pools, evaluation of
`proposed legislation, evalu ation of in place legislation, a nd other special proje cts.
`Rate analyses have inclu ded private passenger au tomobile, hom eowners', title, and worke rs'
`compensation. These projects have been completed for individual rate filings or full industry rate
`filings in selected states. Required loss and loss adjustment expense reserves have been estimated for
`a multibillion dolla r multi-line insurer group as well as small self-insuran ce pools and smal l insurers.
`Special projects have included study of medical malpractice issues for a government report,
`estimation of rates for mine-subsidence coverage, evaluation of ultimate mass tort values, assistance
`with development of loss and loss adjustment expense reserve data bases and reports, assistance in
`pricing proposed legislation, assistance in design of a Final Dividend Plan, design and application of
`an aggregate probability model, and other model design.
`Details of any assignment are available upon request.
`Other Professional Experience
`New Jersey Department of Insurance.
`For nearly two years I served as the Department's Chief Actuary. My responsibilities included
`supervision of the actuarial aspects of regulation for all lines of insurance: personal lines and
`comme rcial lines r ates and form s, life contrac ts and heal th rates. In ad dition, I supe rvised the life
`valuations and supplied assistance to the Examinations Division in valuing property/casualty insurer
`reserves. Fina lly, I and my staff serve d as advisors t o the com missione r and other departm ent staff
`on all issues before the dep artment.
`Liberty Mutual
`Exhibit 1010


`Professional Summary
`Mary L. O'Neil, FCAS, MAAA, CLU, ChFC
`Prudential Property and Casualty Insurance Company.
`During my eleven years with P rudential I served in a variety of assignme nts. These included pricing,
`marketing, reserving, financial analysis and various special projects. I began my work as an actuarial
`student and rose to the le vel of Vice President and Assistant Actuary.
`General Reinsurance Corporation.
`For the one year I served at General Re I did mostly statistical work.
`Professional Designations
`Fellow of the Casualty Actuarial Society (FCAS)
`Member of the American Academy of Actuaries (MAAA)
`Chartered Life Underwriter (CLU)
`Chartered Financial Consultant (ChFC)
`Licensed Realtor
`Professional Organizations
`Casualty Actuarial Society (CAS)
`American Academy of Actuaries (AAA)
`International Association of Insurance Receivers (IAIR)
`Professional Writings
`A list of my various articles, papers, and presentations is available.
`The Pennsylvania State University
` B.S. Mathematics (Magna Cum Laude)
` M.A. Statistics
`Contact Information
`O’Neil Consulting Services, Inc.
`Box 36
`73 White Oak Ridge Road
`Lincroft, New Jersey 07738
`Tel: 732-758-8455
`Fax: 732-530-5467
`Email:, Web Site:


`O’Neil Consulting Services, Inc.
`Mary L. O’Neil, FCAS, MAAA, CLU, ChFC
`General Summary of Litigation Experience


`O’Neil Consulting Services, Inc.
`Mary L. O’Neil, FCAS, MAAA, CLU, ChFC
`General Summary of Litigation Experience
`Table of Contents
`The Ontario Automobile Insurance Board No Fault Hearing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 1
`Integrity Insurance Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 1
`Homestate Holdings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 1
`Security Indemnity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 2
`Ratemaking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 2
`Association of Trial Lawyers of America - New Jersey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 5
`New Jersey Automobile Full Insurance Underwriting Association (AFIUA) . . . . . Page 5


`O’Neil Consulting Services, Inc.
`Mary L. O’Neil, FCAS, MAAA, CLU, ChFC
`General Summary of Litigation Experience
`The Ontario Automobile Insurance Board No Fault Hearing
`The Ontario Automobile Insurance Board, Reference: R89-1. Outside Counsel engaged by the Board
`was Donald Rogers. I provided expert assistance to counsel throughout the hearing process over a
`period of about six months in 1989. Tasks included review of all documents submitted by all parties
`to the hearing, advising counsel on the contents of these documents, assisting counsel with
`depositions and cross examination related to these documents, assistance with a summary expert
`report to the Board. I did not testify.
`Integrity Insurance Company
`In the Matter of the Liquidation of Integrity Insurance Company. Superior Court of New Jersey
`Chancery Division - Bergen County General Equity Part Docket No.:C-7022-86. I was engaged by
`Counsel for Integrity, Sills Cummis Zuckerman Radin Tischman Epstein & Gross of Newark, New
`Jerse y. The attorney was Thomas Novak. Interactions with the client were primarily through the
`Deputy Liquidator and staff. The Deputy Liquidator is Richard White at Integrity Insurance Company
`in Liquidation, 49 E. Midland Avenue, Paramus, New Jersey, 201-262-9300.
`From 1987 through 2 003, I provided all expert actuarial service s to Integrity Insurance Company in
`Liquidation. The primary line of business was excess an d umbrella with exten sive mass tort exposu re.
`This assignment included, for example, commutation analyses, reserve analysis, cash flow analyses,
`general actuarial advice, and assistance w ith construction of a final dividend plan. My work included
`preparation of several expert actuarial reports. My report regarding the loss and loss adjustment
`expense reserves and the allocation of those reserves to reinsurance treaty formed the basis of the
`Final Dividend Plan. I provided expert w itness testimony regarding my report in the form of a week
`long deposition. The ca se did not go to trial.
`Opposing counsel was Schiff Hardin L.L.P. of Chicago, Illinois.
`Homestate Holdings
`United States District Court for the District of New Jersey, Home State Holding, Inc., a Delaware
`corporation, Civ. No. 00-1260(GEB) Plaintiff, against Pricewaterhousecoopers, L.L.P., f/d/b/a
`Coopers & Lybrand, Defendant.
`The law firm for this case was Donovan & Associates (now W. J. Cahill & Associates), 24 S.
`Holmdel Road, Holmdel, New Jersey 07733, 732-772-9830. Michael Donovan (deceased in 2006)
`was the primary contact. Susan Kenn edy was the secondary contac t and Bill Cahill was an occasional
`November 8, 2010
`Page 1


`contact. I was engaged as an expert in this case from 2001 to 2002. The Homestate book of business
`was primarily Private Passenger Automobile. Other insurers in the group wrote various other lines
`of insurance . My work in this case w as to provide expert actu arial assistance to the firm in its pursuit
`of a cause of actio n against the d efendant. This assignment included review and selection of
`appropriate documents from voluminous discovery responses, retrospective reconstruction and
`evaluation of procedures applied by the actuaries and auditors for Homestate, assistance in the
`deposition of those experts, explanation of my findings to counsel, preparation of an expert report
`regarding my findings, and assistance with depositions. There was no trial in this case. I was not
`Security Indemnity
`In the Matter Of the Rehabilitation of Security Indemnity Insurance Company. Superior Court of
`New Jersey Chancery Division - Mercer County Civil Action Docket No.: Mer-C-62-03 before
`Judge Shuster. I was engaged by the New Jersey Department Of Banking and Insurance (NJDOBI)
`for this case. Counsel for the NJDOBI is the Office of the Attorney General. The Deputy Attorney
`General assigned to this case was James Carey. He is no longer employed there.
`I was engaged from 2003 to 2004 as an expert in this case which was to determine the continued
`viability of the Company. My tasks included preparation of an expert loss and loss adjustment
`expense reserve report, assistance of counsel in preparation for depositions and trial cross
`examination, assistance of NJDOBI with preparation of financial statements and general expert
`advice, and expert testimony at trial.
`Numerous analyses of insurer rate proposals have been completed. These include the following
`cases which involved ex pert witness testimony.
`In the Matter of Travelers Indemnity et al, Private Passenger Automobile Rate Filing dated
`March 9, 1990 and amended May 2, 1991. OAL Docket No. INS 1050-91 before J udge
`Richard McGill. This was a filing for an increase in private passenger automobile insurance
`rates. The tasks were to analyze the rate filing, prepare an expert report, assist counsel with
`identification of the issues, assist counsel in preparation for depositions and cross-
`examinations, and testify at trial.
`American International Insurance Company of New Jersey, Petitioner, v. New Jersey
`Department of Banking and Insurance, Respondent. Office of Administrative Law Docket
`No.: BKI 08437-00S before Judge Louis G. McAfoos, III. This was a filing for an increase
`in private passenger automobile insurance rates. The tasks were to analyze the rate filing,
`prepare an expert report, assist counsel with identification of the issues, assist counsel in
`preparation for depositions and cross-examinations, and testify at trial. In this case counsel
`from the Office of the Attorney General was new to insurance. Hence, this task also included
`extensive assistance to counsel in preparation for trial cross examination and assistance with
`November 8, 2010
`Page 2


`writing briefs.
`The Texas Office of Public Insurance Counsel, Title Insurance rate filing (Docket No. 454-
`94-2015.G). I was engaged to analyze the rate filing, prepare an expert report, assist counsel
`with identification of the issues, assist counsel in preparation for depositions and cross-
`examinations, and testify at trial before the Texas Rate Commission.
`In the Matter of the Filing Dated November 26, 1986 by the North Carolina Rate Bureau for
`Revised Private Passenger Automobile rates, Docket No. 474 before James E. Long,
`Commissioner of Insurance. Outside Counsel for North Carolina Department of Insurance
`(NCDOI) was E. Daniels Nelson of Raleigh, North Carolina. Opposing counsel was Young,
`Moore and Henderson, P.A. of Raleigh, North Carolina. The tasks were to analyze the rate
`filing, prepare an expert report, assist counsel with identification of the issues, assist counsel
`in preparation for depositions and cross-examinations, and testify at trial.
`In the Matter of the Filing Dated July 1, 1988 by the North Carolina Rate Bureau for Revised
`Private Passenger Automobile rates, Docket No. 493 before James E. Long, Commissioner
`of Insurance. Outside Counsel for NCDOI was E. Daniels Nelson of Raleigh, North
`Carolina. Opposing counsel was Young, Moore and Henderson, P.A. of Raleigh, North
`Carolina. The tasks were to analyze the rate filing, prepare an expert report, assist counsel
`with identification of the issues, assist counsel in preparation for depositions and cross-
`examinations, and testify at trial.
`In the Matter of the Filing Dated June 30, 1989 by the North Carolina Rate Bureau for
`Revised Private Passenger Automobile rates, Docket No. 535 before James E. Long,
`Commissioner of Insurance. Outside Counsel for NCDOI was E. Daniels Nelson of Raleigh,
`North Carolina. Opposing counsel was Young, Moore and Henderson, P.A. of Raleigh,
`North Carolina. The tasks were to analyze the rate filing, prepare an expert report, assist
`counsel with identification of the issues, assist counsel in preparation for depositions and
`cross-examinations, and testify at trial.
`In the Matter of the Filing Dated July 1, 1990 by the North Carolina Rate Bureau for Revised
`Private Passenger Automobile rates, Docket No. 568 before James E. Long, Commissioner
`of Insurance. Outside Counsel for NCDOI was E. Daniels Nelson of Raleigh, North
`Carolina. Opposing counsel was Young, Moore and Henderson, P.A. of Raleigh, North
`Carolina. The tasks were to analyze the rate filing, prepare an expert report, assist counsel
`with identification of the issues, assist counsel in preparation for depositions and cross-
`examinations, and testify at trial.
`In the Matter of the Filing Dated August 17, 1992 by the North Carolina Rate Bureau for
`Revised Private Passenger Automobile rates, Docket No. 650 before James E. Long,
`Commissioner of Insurance. Outside Counsel for NCDOI was E. Daniels Nelson of Raleigh,
`North Carolina. Opposing counsel was Young, Moore and Henderson, P.A. of Raleigh,
`North Carolina. The tasks were to analyze the rate filing, prepare an expert report, assist
`November 8, 2010
`Page 3


`counsel with identification of the issues, assist counsel in preparation for depositions and
`cross-examinations, and testify at trial.
`In the Matter of the Filing Dated February 1, 1994 by the North Carolina Rate Bureau for
`Revised Private Passenger Automobile rates, Docket No. 689 before James E. Long,
`Commissioner of Insurance. Counsel for NCDOI was Sherri Hubbard, Dobbs Building,
`Raleigh, North Carolina, 919-715-8967. Opposing counsel was Young, Moore and
`Henderson, P.A. of Raleigh, North Carolina. The tasks were to analyze the rate filing,
`prepare an expert report, assist counsel with identification of the issues, assist counsel in
`preparation for depositions and cross-examinations, and testify at trial.
`In the Matter of the Filing Dated May 1, 1995 amended April 1, 1996 by the North Carolina
`Rate Bureau for Revised Private Passenger Automobile rates, Docket No. 727 before James
`E. Long, Commissioner of Insurance. Counsel for NCDOI was Sherri Hubbard, Dobbs
`Building, Raleigh, North Carolina, 919-715-8967. Opposing counsel was Young, Moore and
`Henderson, P.A. of Raleigh, North Carolina. The tasks were to analyze the rate filing,
`prepare an expert report, assist counsel with identification of the issues, assist counsel in
`preparation for depositions and cross-examinations, and testify at trial.
`In the Matter of the Filing Dated March 5, 1999 by the North Carolina Rate Bureau for
`Revised Private Passenger Automobile rates, Docket No. 942 before James E. Long,
`Commissioner of Insurance. Counsel for NCDOI was Sherri Hubbard, Dobbs Building,
`Raleigh, North Carolina, 919-715-8967. Opposing counsel was Young, Moore and
`Henderson, P.A. of Raleigh, North Carolina. The tasks were to analyze the rate filing,
`prepare an expert report, assist counsel with identification of the issues, assist counsel in
`preparation for depositions and cross-examinations, and testify at trial.
`In the Matter of the Filing Dated February 1, 2004 by the North Carolina Rate Bureau for
`Revised Private Passenger Automobile rates, Docket No. 1174 before James E. Long,
`Commissioner of Insurance. Counsel for NCDOI was Sherri Hubbard, Dobbs Building,
`Raleigh, North Carolina, 919-715-8967. Opposing counsel was Young, Moore and
`Henderson, P.A. of Raleigh, North Carolina. The tasks were to analyze the rate filing,
`prepare an expert report, assist counsel with identification of the issues, assist counsel in
`preparation for depositions and cross-examinations, and testify at trial.
`In the Matter of the Filing Dated February 1, 2005 by the North Carolina Rate Bureau for
`Revised Private Passenger Automobile rates, Docket No. 1235 before James E. Long,
`Commissioner of Insurance. Counsel for NCDOI was Sherri Hubbard, Dobbs Building,
`Raleigh, North Carolina, 919-715-8967. Opposing counsel was Young, Moore and
`Henderson, P.A. of Raleigh, North Carolina. The tasks were to analyze the rate filing,
`prepare an expert report, assist counsel with identification of the issues, assist counsel in
`preparation for depositions and cross-examinations, and testify at trial.
`In the Matter of the Filing Dated February 1, 2008 by the North Carolina Rate Bureau for
`November 8, 2010
`Page 4


`Revised Private Passenger Automobile rates, Docket No. 1407 before James E. Long,
`Commissioner of Insurance. Counsel for NCDOI was Sherri Hubbard, Dobbs Building,
`Raleigh, North Carolina, 919-715-8967. Opposing counsel was Young, Moore and
`Henderson, P.A. of Raleigh, North Carolina. The tasks were to analyze the rate filing,
`prepare an expert report, assist counsel with identification of the issues, assist counsel in
`preparation for depositions and cross-examinations, and testify at trial.
`Association of Trial Lawyers of America - New Jersey
`I was engaged in 2004 by the Association of Trial Lawyers of America - New Jersey as an expert.
`My assignment was to analyze an opposing expert report, gather data and information, and prepare
`an expert report related to two automobile insurance court decisions which interpreted application
`of the no fault threshold. Two years later, I updated my expert report in response to an update by the
`opposing expert. My expert report was to be used if the legislature attempted to create remedial
`legislation as a result of the two decisions. I would have testified before the legislature regarding my
`findings. No remedial legislation was ever introduced.
`New Jersey Automobile Full Insurance Underwriting Association (AFIUA)
`I represented Prudential Property & Casualty Insurance Company with New Jersey legislators on the
`drafting of the New Jersey Full Insurance Underwriting Association Act (NJAFIUA) of 1983 which
`changed the residual market mech anism for New Jersey Pri vate Passenger Automobile Insurance.
`I was assigned as company liaison with the Chairman of the Banking and Insurance Committee. I was
`the actuarial expert assigned to the team of legislative assistants and legal representatives of other
`insurers which drafted the legislation. The actuarial framework of the legislation was based on
`numerous presentations of expected outcomes related to differing legislative scenarios. I later served
`as the chairm an of th e actu arial c omm ittee fo r this e ntity.
`November 8, 2010
`Page 5

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