Case 2:07-cv-00153-CE Document 70
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`CIVIL ACTION NO. 2:07-cv-153-DF
`The Court
`issues this Protective Order to facilitate document disclosure and other
`discovery under the Local Rules of this Court and the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. Unless
`modified pursuant to the terms contained in this Order, this Order shall remain in effect through
`the conclusion of this litigation.
`In support of this Order, the Court finds that:
`Documents or information containing confidential proprietary and business
`information and/or trade secrets (“Protected Material”) that bear significantly on the parties’
`claims or defenses are likely to be disclosed or produced during the course of discovery in this
`Final Protective Order
`Austin 42252v1
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`The parties to this litigation may assert that public dissemination and disclosure of
`Protected Material could severely injure or damage the party disclosing or producing the
`Protected Material and could place that party at a competitive disadvantage;
`for the parties receiving Protected Material are presently without
`sufficient information to accept the representation(s) made by the party or parties producing
`Protected Material as to the confidential, proprietary, and/or trade secret nature of such Protected
`Material; and
`To protect the respective interests of the parties and to facilitate the progress of
`disclosure and discovery in this case, the following Order should issue:
`Application of Protective Order — This Protective Order shall govern all
`“Covered Matter,” defined as information, testimony, things, and documents filed with the Court
`or produced or given (either by a party or by a non-party) as part of discovery in this action,
`including documents and things, portions of documents, answers to interrogatories, responses to
`requests for admissions of fact, depositions, transcripts of depositions, exhibits to depositions
`and hearings, portions of briefs, memoranda and writings filed with or otherwise supplied to the
`Court, and technical and commercial
`information derived therefrom deemed by any entity
`producing that information to be confidential information. This Protective Order permits the
`parties to designate certain Covered Matter as “CONFIDENTIAL — ATTORNEYS’ EYES
`collectively referred to as “Protected Material”).
`The provisions of this Protective Order with respect to Protected Material shall not apply
`to information that (a) was, is, or becomes public knowledge without fault of the receiving party
`and not in violation of this Protective Order; (b) is lawfully acquired in good faith from a third
`Final Protective Order
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`party not subject to this Protective Order, such third party being lawfully in possession of it and
`under no obligation of confidentiality to the producing party; (c) was lawfully possessed by the
`receiving party prior to first receipt of the material from the producing party, provided such
`information was not received directly, or indirectly, from the producing party; (d) is discovered
`independently by the receiving party by means that do not constitute a violation of this Protective
`Order; or (e) was submitted to any governmental entity without request for confidential
`Designating Party may designate as “CONFIDENTIAL — ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY” that
`portion of any Covered Matter that the Designating Party believes in good faith in accordance
`with Fed. R. Civ. Proc. 26(c) contains confidential information that, if disclosed to a competitor,
`may cause competitive harm,
`including but not
`limited to confidential
`research and/or
`development materials (including current research and development materials for products not
`yet commercially released),
`technical, marketing, product planning, personal
`information, commercial
`information obtained from a non-party pursuant to a
`current Nondisclosure Agreement (“NDA”), patent prosecution (including non-public patent
`prosecution information) and patent licensing information,
`information regarding intellectual
`property protection strategies and steps, industry analyses, settlement agreements or settlement
`communications, the disclosure of which is likely to cause harm to the competitive position of
`the producing party.
`designation - The parties recognize that, in certain instances, software can be highly valuable
`and must be maintained in confidence. Such software and in particular readable software in the
`Final Protective Order
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`form of source code or assembly code, is collectively referred to herein as “Source Code” and
`Designating and Marking Protected Material - The producing party shall mark
`the copies of such Covered Matter as “CONFIDENTIAL - ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY” or
`“HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL - RESTRICTED SOURCE CODE” prior to producing the copies
`to the opposing party. “CONFIDENTIAL — ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY” material may also
`designated with
`CONFIDENTIAL,” “ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY,” or any other similar designation sufficient
`to provide notice of the confidential nature of such material, which shall have the same effect as
`designating such material as “CONFIDENTIAL — ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY.”
`If a
`document has more than one designation, the higher or more restrictive confidential designation
`applies. To the extent the parties produce documents that were first produced in other litigations
`and labeled “Confidential” or “Highly Confidential” or designated with any other confidentiality
`restrictions, such documents will be treated as if they had been designated as “CONFIDENTIAL
`- ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY” under the terms of this Protective Order, unless and until the
`parties reach a different agreement regarding such documents and/or the Court rules otherwise.
`This Protective Order shall not in any other way change a party’s obligations under any other
`agreement or protective order.
`Hard Copy Documents: Hard copy documents may be designated by
`placing one of the following legends, or an equivalent thereof, on any such document:
`Final Protective Order
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`Such legends shall be placed upon the first page of each document containing
`Protected Material and upon each page within such document considered to contain Protected
`Native and/or Other Electronic Materials: All Protected Material not
`reduced to hard copy, tangible, or physical form or that cannot be conveniently designated as set
`forth in Paragraph 2(a) shall be designated by informing the receiving party of the designation in
`writing, and/or in the load file or other similar database, table or chart accompanying said
`production. To the extent the receiving party subsequently generates any permitted copies of this
`information, whether electronic or hard copy, it shall ensure that all such copies are clearly
`designated with the appropriate confidentiality designations. When documents are produced in
`electronic form, the producing party shall include a confidentiality designation on the medium
`containing the documents.
`If the medium contains documents in native electronic format, the
`medium shall include an electronic database record for each native format file that includes on
`the face of the electronic database record the applicable confidentiality designation (if any) and a
`document identification or Bates number for the associated document. When a receiving party
`prints a native format
`file from such medium,
`the receiving party shall also print
`corresponding electronic database record and attach it to the native format file so that the native
`file’s confidentiality designation will be readily apparent to one viewing the file.
`In the event
`that a receiving party prints a native format file from a medium that has been marked with a
`confidentiality designation, but the native file is not accompanied by an electronic database
`record or the electronic database record could not be printed, the receiving party shall mark each
`page of such native file with a “CONFIDENTIAL - ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY” designation
`until the native file’s electronic database record may be located or printed.
`Final Protective Order
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`Documents Made Available for Inspection: Any tangible objects,
`documents or electronically stored information (excluding Source Code) made available to
`counsel for the receiving party for initial inspection prior to the production of selected items shall
`initially be considered, as a whole, to constitute “CONFIDENTIAL - ATTORNEYS’ EYES
`ONLY” infonnation and shall be subject to this Protective Order. Thereafter, the producing
`party shall have a reasonable time to review any such objects, documents, electronically stored
`information, or representations thereof (e.g., photographs, drawings, diagrams, copies, etc.) that
`have been selected or identified for production and assign confidentiality designations to any
`Protected Material prior to fumishing copies to the receiving party. Alternatively, at the election
`of the receiving party,
`the receiving party may receive the copies without waiting for the
`producing party to assign confidentiality designations by agreeing to treat such Protected
`receipt of specific
`confidentiality designations by the producing party.
`Physical Exhibits: The confidential status of a physical exhibit shall be
`indicated by placing a label on it with the appropriate confidentiality notice as described in
`Paragraph 2(a).
`(e) Written Discovery: In the case of information incorporated in answers to
`interrogatories or responses to requests for admission, the appropriate confidentiality notice as
`described in Paragraph 2(a) shall be placed on each answer or response that contains Protected
`Depositions and Hearings (“Proceedings”): Deposition and hearing
`transcripts and associated exhibits shall be treated as “CONFIDENTIAL — ATTORNEYS’
`EYES ONLY” material until 30 calendar days after receipt of the transcript by counsel for the
`witness, after which the information revealed during the proceeding shall cease to be treated as
`Final Protective Order
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`Protected Material unless, at the proceeding and on the record, or in writing before the 30 days
`have expired, the witness, his or her employer or counsel otherwise designates the transcript,
`exhibits, and/or portions thereof.
`In the case of a non-party witness, either a plaintiff or its
`counsel, a defendant or its counsel, the non-party witness, or the non-party witness’s employer or
`counsel may designate information as Protected Material either by a statement to such effect on
`the record, or in writing within 30 calendar days of receipt of the transcript and exhibits by the
`non-party witness’s counsel.
`Upon designation of the transcript on the record, the portion of the proceeding containing
`Protected Material may continue in the presence only of persons to whom access to said
`Protected Material has been permitted under the terms of this Protective Order, i. e., with all other
`persons excluded from the proceeding. The Court Reporter or other person recording the
`proceedings shall segregate all portions of the transcript and exhibits that have been stated to
`contain Protected Material and may furnish copies of these segregated portions, in a sealed
`envelope, only to the deponent, to the Court, and to counsel for the parties bound by the terms of
`this Protective Order.
`With regard to designations made within thirty (30) calendar days after receipt of the
`transcript of a deposition or hearing, counsel shall make such designations by sending written
`notice to the Court Reporter, to counsel for the parties, and to any other person known to have a
`copy of the transcript. The notice shall reference this Protective Order, identify the appropriate
`level of confidentiality, and identify the pages and/or exhibits so designated. All copies of
`transcripts designated in this fashion shall be marked with a notice indicating the appropriate
`level of confidentiality of the material and shall be governed by the terms of this Protective
`Final Protective Order
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`Challenging Designations: A party may challenge the designation of Protected
`Material only as follows:
`If a party believes
`that material designated “CONFIDENTIAL—
`ATTORNEYS EYES ONL ” is not in fact the proper subject matter for such designation, or
`should be reclassified or revealed to an individual not otherwise authorized to have access to
`such material under the terms of this Protective Order, then such party shall provide to the
`Designating Party written notice of disagreement with the designation. The parties shall then
`attempt to resolve such dispute in good faith on an informal basis.
`If the parties are unable to resolve their dispute informally then the person
`challenging the designation (the “Challenging Party”) may request appropriate relief from the
`In connection with any such request for relief, the Challenging Party must identify with
`particularity the specific document or information that
`the objecting parties believes was
`improperly designated and state with particularity and detail the factual and legal grounds on
`which the objecting party disagrees with the designation.
`The restricted status of such
`information will remain unless and until the Court rules and determines that such information is
`not entitled to its designated status.
`It shall be the burden of the Challenging Party to make out a
`prima facie case that the contested Protected Material is not confidential and is not entitled to the
`level of confidentiality selected by the Designating Party. In response to such a prima facie case,
`the Designating Party bears the burden of proof to show by a preponderance of the evidence that
`there is good cause for the document to have the protection claimed by the Designating Party.
`Treatment of Protected Material:
`Protected Material and any information
`contained therein shall be used solely for the purposes of this litigation - and not be used or
`Final Protective Order
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`shown, disseminated, copied,‘ or in any way communicated to anyone for any purpose
`whatsoever, except as provided for herein.
`Limitations on Use and Disclosure of CONFIDENTIAL - ATTORNEYS’
`EYES ONLY Material. Covered Matter designated as “CONFIDENTIAL - ATTORNEYS’
`EYES ONLY” and any information contained therein shall be disclosed only to the following
`persons (“Qualified Persons”):
`Outside counsel of the parties in the law firms identified below, and any
`members of their support staff assisting such counsel;
`Up to four in-house attorneys (including contract attorneys) or non-lawyer
`personnel assigned to the legal department of a party who are actively engaged in assisting
`outside counsel with respect to this litigation; the disclosure to any such person pursuant to this
`subpart must be reasonably necessary to assist in the preparation for trial and/or trial, and such
`persons must be identified to the opposing party and become qualified to receive such materials
`and information in accordance with the procedures in Paragraph 7 before receiving such
`information; a party may substitute a person qualified under this provision for good cause shown,
`including to replace any such person who is no longer employed by, advising, or working on
`behalf of the party, by notifying the opposing party in writing of the previously-designated
`person’s withdrawal from the case and by following the procedures in Paragraph 7 to designate
`the substitute person; any person withdrawn under this provision shall not have further access to
`any Protected Material of the opposing party and shall not further assist with or participate in the
`any manner;
`1 The term “copied” as used herein refers to the making of any photographic, mechanical, or
`computerized copy or reproduction of any document or thing, or any verbatim transcript, in
`whole or in part, of such document or thing.
`Final Protective Order
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`The Court, court personnel, and stenographic reporters engaged in such
`proceedings necessary to the preparation for trial (e. g., depositions) and/or trial of this action;
`A reasonable number of independent outside experts or consultants
`engaged by counsel or the parties to assist in this litigation and their staff; the disclosure to any
`such independent outside expert or consultant pursuant to this subpart must be reasonably
`necessary to assist counsel for any party in the preparation for trial and/or trial, and such persons
`must become qualified to receive such materials and information in accordance with the
`procedures in Paragraph 7 before receiving such information;
`U.S.-based litigation support and management services, including outside
`exhibit preparation services,
`interpreters and translators,
`including typists and
`transcribers used in connection with providing interpretation or translation services, and outside
`jury consultants and trial consultants; and
`Witnesses where at least one of the following conditions applies:
`the witness is a current employee (including a designee
`pursuant to a Rule 30(b)(6) deposition notice) of the Designating
`the witness is an inventor of a patent owned by the
`Designating Party but such disclosure is limited only to technical
`documents the witness authored or received during the time when
`such person was an employee of the Designating Party;
`the witness is shown the Protected Material by an attorney
`representing the Designating Party;
`the witness’s name appears on the Protected Material as an
`author, addressee, copy recipient, or otherwise appears from face
`Final Protective Order
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`of the Protected Material to be a person who has previously seen or
`had access to the Protected Material; it is otherwise established that
`the witness has previously seen or had access to the Protected
`Material or knows the information contained within it; or the
`examining attorney has a good faith basis to believe, and
`establishes a foundation to support that belief,
`that the witness
`authored or received the Protected Material in the ordinary course
`of business;
`the Designating Party has consented on the record of the
`deposition to the showing of the Protected Material to the witness;
`at least 10 business days before the deposition, the party
`wishing to show the witness the Protected Material notifies the
`Designating Party of that desire, with a specific listing of the
`Protected Material to be so shown, and the Designating Party fails
`to object in writing to such showing within that 10 day period, but
`if such objection in writing is made, such Protected Material will
`not be shown to the witness until and unless the party wishing to
`show the Protected Material to the witness moves for and obtains
`appropriate relief from the Court upon good cause shown.
`Offshore attorneys, document review and coding services, and litigation
`support and management services, provided that the following criteria are met:
`Each such person who receives any Protected Material must first
`review this Final Protective Order;
`Final Protective Order
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`Each such person and each such vendor must agree in writing to
`abide by the terms of this Final Protective Order;
`Each such person and each such vendor must submit in writing to
`the jurisdiction of this Court for the purpose of resolving any issues that
`may arise concerning this Final Protective Order, including the ability and
`willingness to personally appear before this Court for such purposes; and
`Any other criteria agreed upon in writing by the parties.
`Witnesses being shown Protected Material under (2), (3), (4), (5), or (6) subparagraph (f)
`shall not be allowed to retain copies of the Protected Material. However, a witness who was
`shown Protected Material during a deposition may review the Protected Material while
`reviewing his or her transcript, provided that any Protected Material is not retained by the
`witness after he or she has completed his or her review of the transcript for accuracy.
`If the disclosing party has a reasonable and good faith basis to believe that the criteria in
`subparagraph (g) are not, in fact, satisfied, then it will have the right to take limited discovery on
`that subject. If the disclosing party obtains evidence supporting a prima facie claim that a vendor
`has not satisfied the criteria in subparagraph (g), then it may bring a motion to the Court to
`disqualify the vendor. Once such a motion is filed, the affected persons or groups previously
`qualified under subparagraph (g) shall not have further access to the Protected Material until the
`Court resolves the challenge.
`Covered Matter designated as “CONFIDENTIAL - ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY” and
`any information contained therein shall be used solely for the prosecution of this litigation
`(including any appeal). All Qualified Persons with authorized access to materials or information
`so designated shall be advised of their obligations under this Protective Order. Persons qualified
`under Paragraph 5(b), above, having access to materials or
`information designated as
`Final Protective Order
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`“CONFIDENTIAL - ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY” shall keep such materials and information
`and copies of such materials or information in a location to which access is restricted to only
`Qualified Persons.
`Limitations on Use and Disclosure of HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL -
`RESTRICTED SOURCE CODE Material: Covered Matter designated as “HIGHLY
`CONFIDENTIAL - RESTRICTED SOURCE CODE” and any information contained therein
`shall be disclosed only to the following persons (collectively “Restricted Source Code Qualified
`Persons”), and only under the terms and conditions set forth in Paragraph 9, below:
`Outside counsel of the parties in the law firms identified below, and any
`employee members of their support staff assisting such counsel;
`The Court, and court personnel and stenographic reporters, engaged in
`such proceedings as are necessary to the preparation for trial (e.g., depositions) and/or trial of
`this action;
`A reasonable number of independent outside experts or consultants
`engaged by counsel or the parties to assist in this litigation and their clerical staff; the disclosure
`to any such independent outside expert or consultant pursuant to this subpart must be reasonably
`necessary to assist counsel for any party in the preparation for trial and/or trial and such persons
`must become qualified to receive such materials and information in accordance with the
`procedures in Paragraph 7 below before receiving such information; and
`Witnesses for which at least one of the conditions of subparagraph 5(1)
`CODE” and any information contained therein shall be used solely for the prosecution of this
`litigation (including any appeal). A11 Restricted Source Code Qualified Persons with authorized
`Final Protective Order
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`access to materials or information so designated shall be advised of their obligations under this
`Protective Order and shall provide a signed written agreement to abide by those obligations prior
`to being granted access to any such materials or information.
`Clearing of
`In-House Attorneys
`and Legal Department Personnel,
`Consultants, and Experts to Access Protected Material: Prior to disclosure of any Protected
`Material to any persons described in Paragraphs 5(b), 5(d), or 6(c), outside counsel for the
`receiving party shall first provide such person with a copy of the Protective Order and shall cause
`such person to execute either the Certification attached hereto as Exhibit A (for persons
`described in Paragraph 5(b)) or the Certification attached hereto as Exhibit B (for persons
`described in paragraphs 5(d) or 6(c)), evidencing such person's agreement to be bound by the
`terms and conditions of this Protective Order.
`Prior to disclosure of any Protected Material
`to any person under
`Paragraphs 5(d) or 6(c), an executed copy of the Certification of Exhibit B shall be provided to
`the opposing party, as well as that person’s curriculum vitae, a complete list of employment and
`consulting positions held by that person in his/her field in the last 5 years, a disclosure of all
`relationships between that person and the opposing party, and a complete list of all lawsuits in
`which that person has, in the last 5 years, provided deposition or trial testimony, submitted a
`declaration or affidavit, or disclosed an opinion or expert report to the tribunal or to the
`adversary of the client retaining that person (including the style of the litigation,
`the party
`retaining that person, the date that person was retained, and the Court in which the case is or was
`pending). Prior to disclosure of any Protected Material to any person under Paragraph 5(b), an
`executed copy of the Certification of Exhibit A shall be provided to the opposing party, as well
`as a brief description of that in house attomey’s prior involvement, if any, on behalf of the
`Final Protective Order
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`attomey’s party in patent prosecution activities and competitive decision-making, as defined by
`US. Steel Corp. v. United States, 730 F.2d 1465, 1468, n.3 (Fed. Cir. 1984).
`No designated material shall be shown to any person described in
`Paragraphs 5(b), 5(d), or 6(c) until fourteen (14) calendar days after such person has been
`identified in writing to the opposing party and the items specified in subparagraph (a) of this
`provision have been provided to the opposing party.
`In the event that a party objects in writing to the designation of any person
`described in Paragraphs 5(b), 5(d), or 6(c) within the fourteen (14) calendar day period set forth
`in Paragraph 7(b), no Protected Material may be disclosed to that person until the objecting party
`consents or, after a good faith attempt to resolve the issue by the parties, the Court rules in favor
`of the non-objecting party. Objections shall not be unreasonably made.
`Prior to disclosure of any Protected Material
`to any person under
`Paragraphs 5(d) or 6(c) who is a citizen of or who resides in a foreign country and intends to
`review Protected Material from a foreign country via the Internet, then the criteria under section
`7(a), above, shall apply. In addition, the following criteria must be met:
`The person agrees to be bound by the Protective Order;
`The person submits to the jurisdiction of this Court for purposes of
`enforcing the Protective Order;
`All Confidential Material is hosted from the U.S. so that overseas
`access is afforded only through the Internet;
`The person certifies in writing that the following objective security
`procedures are in place at the location(s) where he or she will access
`Confidential Material from any foreign country:
`Final Protective Order
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`Controlled access to the location,for example by security
`Restrictions on computers that will access Confidential
`Material over the Internet such that
`the Confidential Material
`cannot be printed, emailed, saved to an external recordable media
`such as USB, CD, DVD, or otherwise transferred out of secure
`zone of the relevant location; and
`Restrictions on remote access to Confidential Material such
`that it cannot be accessed outside of the relevant location.
`Employees must sign confidentiality agreements with the
`So long as these criteria are met, the foreign citizenship or situs of a person proposed to
`be qualified pursuant to this section shall not serve as a basis for an objection pursuant to this
`section. Nothing in this section alters the provisions concerning access to source code set out in
`Paragraph 9.
`Parties other than the retaining party shall not at any time contact, communicate with, or
`depose non-testifying consultants who are identified pursuant to this paragraph regarding the
`subject matter of this litigation, other than as a percipient witness. The identification of any non-
`testifying consultant pursuant to this paragraph does not waive or detract from any work product
`or other protection that would otherwise apply. See, e.g., Fed. R. Civ. P. 26(b)(4).
`Improper Disclosure of Protected Material: If any Protected Material
`disclosed to any person other than in a manner authorized by this Order, the party responsible for
`the disclosure or knowledgeable of such disclosure, upon discovery of the disclosure, shall
`immediately inform the Designating Party of all facts pertinent to the disclosure that, after due
`Final Protective Order
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`diligence and prompt investigation, are known to the party responsible for the disclosure or
`knowledgeable of the disclosure (including the name, address, and employer of the person to
`whom the disclosure was made), and shall immediately make all reasonable efforts to prevent
`further disclosure by each unauthorized person who received such information.
`CODE Material: In addition to the terms set forth in Paragraphs 6 and 7 herein, Covered Matter
`Code”) shall be provided the following additional protections given the particularly sensitive
`nature of the information:
`Any and all electronic copies of Restricted Source Code are to be stored
`and inspected only on a secure computer belonging to and configured by the disclosing party.
`The disclosing party shall provide the secure computer to the receiving part

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