Introduction to ArchiveLink
`ArchiveLink is the communication interface between the R/3 System and optical archive systems.
`With this interface it is possible to incorporate archive services, such as displaying an archived
`object or making an object available in an index, in the R/3 System.
`For this purpose, the ArchiveLink function modules must be integrated into the R/3 applications.
`Function calls are sent from the PJ3 applications to ArchiveLink. These function calls are then
`passed on to the archive system in the form of messages. Via these messages the system
`specifies which archive service is required. The archive system checks whether it can provide the
`required service and communicates the results to ArchiveLink. ArchiveLink then forwards the
`results to the calling function.


`Use of Optical Archiving in SAP Applications
`This section explains the basic terms used in this area and discusses the following topics:
`¯ the administration concept (link tables, Meta table, and archive table)
`¯ how the storage of archive objects is supported
`¯ which archive objects can be displayed
`¯ which typical operations can be applied to the objects using the ArchiveLink function modules
`.............. i .............................


`In this topic, the basic terms "technical document class", document type", "object type", "NCI
`document", and "CI document" will be explained.
`Technical Document Classes, Document Types, Object Types
`ArchiveLink currently manages four document kinds. A technical document class is assigned to
`each of these. The technical document class refers to a storage format for the archive. The
`storage format can be interpreted by the ArchiveLink Viewer and enables the user to display
`archived objects.
`Document kinds with technical document classes
`Kind of document
`Technical document class
`Incoming original documents
`Outgoing original documents
`(created in the SAP System)
`Print lists
`(created in the SAP System)
`OTF (Output Text Format)
`ALF (Advanced List Format)
`Archiving data
`(created in the SAP System,
`data base extracts)
`It is possible to define document types for the document kinds. Using document types, the user
`can classify more precisely the objects that need to be archived.
`The document type FIIINVOICE is assigned to an incoming invoice (belongs to the document
`kind for incoming original documents).
`In addition to the archive-related technical document class and document type, the SAP-related
`term object type needs to be explained:
`SAP applications define characteristic object types. Certain methods, on the other hand, are
`defined for these object types. The methods determine the actions a user may apply to
`documents belonging to the object type concerned, for example, creating or processing.
`The method names are defined globally, that is, the same method names are displayed to the user
`in each application. This guarantees a uniform interface.
`The implementations behind these methods, however, differ per application for the individual object
`Archiving and processing of document types is always executed on an object type basis.
`The object type BKPF (accounting document) is defined in the application FI. The methods
`Creating, Confirming, and Searching are defined for accounting documents.
`NCI and CI Documents


`Incoming original documents (referred to in this manual as originals or original documents) are
`objects that are imported into the system with the help of a scanner. These objects are also
`known as Non-Coded Information (NCl) Documents. In NCI documents, the information is
`stored in a raster (binary data).
`Outgoing original documents (referred to in this manual as outgoing documents), print lists and
`archiving files are known as Coded Information (Cl) Documents. In contrast to NCI documents,
`CI documents are generated with standard data processing procedures and can be processed


`Administration Concept (Archive table, Meta Table, Link
`To generate the link between the objects in the SAP applications and the objects in the archive
`system, various administration tasks need to be carried out in the SAP system beforehand :
`¯ definition of the archives in the archive table
`¯ assignment of object types and document types to archives and link tables in the Meta table
`¯ creation of the link between the SAP object and the archive object in the link tables
`The following figure displays an overview of the administration concept:
`Archive table (TOAAR)
`I Archive IDI IRPC address I Communication log
`I IBasis pathI ...
`Meta t~
`,~e~e ,
`I du rat on
`IStotuollArohive.OI .in.,ob.e
`I I
`I Storagell Expiry
`date II date
`Link table (TOAn n)
`Foreign key Entry in
`’~ Adopt ~ ~ calculated from
`Various Customizing functions are provided for the definition, assignment, and linking tasks. For
`further information on these topics, see Customizinq. In the following topics, the tasks of the
`tables are explained.
`Archive Table TOAAR
`The archive table is used for managing the optical archive systems linked up to the R/3 System.
`The archives are identified by their respective archive IDs and addressed via an RPC address.
`The communication takes place via the specified communication log. Using the basic path, the
`archive system can access an index within the R/3 System. Further specifications must be
`maintained in the table TOAAR. For detailed information on these specifications, see Archives.
`Meta Table TOAOM
`In the Meta table, the following information concerning object type and document type is defined:


`¯ the optical archive in which the object is to be stored
`¯ the link table in which the reference between the SAP object and the respective archive object is
`In addition, the Meta table is used to define the active archive and the technical document class.
`Maintenance of this table is a prerequisite for using the link tables. For further information, see
`Link Tables TOAnn
`The link tables ("nn" stands for any user-defined abbreviation) are the management tables in which
`the link between the SAP object and the archive objects is actually created. The link (also called
`reference) is made up of a client-dependent SAP object identification and an archive document
`The object identification is made up of the following data:

`¯ object type
`¯ object ID
`The archive document identification is made up of the following data:
`¯ archive ID (unique name of an archive)
`¯ archive document ID (unique ID that assigns the archive to an archive document)
`The concept of the link tables provides the SAP applications with the required functionality to
`archive archiving documents with their own object keys and to be able to access these documents
`again via this object key. In other words, the applications themselves do not have to manage the
`reference to the archive object. This task is accomplished by ArchiveLink.


`Storing CI Documents in the Archive
`The storage of a CI document in the archive can be supplemented by a description file provided by
`SAP. The information contained in the description file makes it possible for the archive system to
`index CI documents and thus make individual components accessible. For example, it would be
`possible -- from a print list that contains the open item account balance audit trail -- to access
`individual customer data via a suitable index. For further information, see .l~drlt..L.i.s:ts.


`Displaying Archive Objects
`For displaying archived objects, the following cases are treated differently:

`Incoming and outgoing original documents
`These are always displayed individually.
`¯ Print lists
`Both the entire list (with search mechanisms from the display window) and an object component
`of the list can be displayed. To display an object component, the list must be indexed.
`¯ Archiving data
`These cannot be displayed by ArchiveLink. However, an archiving file can be made available
`to users by the archive system both as an entire object and as an object component. So that
`component parts can be made available, the archiving file must be indexed.


`Function Modules
`With the function modules in ArchiveLink, it is possible to apply typical operations to objects in the
`optical archive:

`storage of an object in the optical archive
`¯ maintenance of the links from application objects to archive objects
`¯ provision of an object from the optical archive
`¯ display of an object from the optical archive

`closing the display window
`¯ attaching a note to an archived object
`¯ query of the status of an archived object
`¯ deleting an object from the optical archive
`The following figure shows how the operations listed above are connected with each other:
`Attaching a
`note to an
`archive object
`Deleting an
`archive object
`Status query
`of an archive
`IStorage of
`an object in
`the archive
`of archive
`an archive
`display box
`archive object
`IMaking an
`in SAP
`Functions that relate to the presentation of a displayed archive object (for example, enlarging,
`reducing, turning the display) are provided directly by the display component. These functions are
`described in SAP ArchiveLink - User Guide.


`Storing Objects in the Archive
`This section describes:
`¯ how the various document classes (incoming originals, outgoing documents, print lists and
`archiving data) can be stored in the archive
`¯ the function modules required for storage
`For most of the storage types, there are two function modules available. One works with, the other
`without a link table. The following difference exists between the two function modules:
`¯ with a linktable
`The application does not need to maintain the reference from the SAP objects to the archive
`objects because this task is accomplished by ArchiveLink using the link tables. The task of the
`application is to maintain its own objects.
`¯ without a link table
`The application itself maintains the reference to the archive objects via the archive document ID
`and the archive ID.
`It is advisable to use the function modules with a link table because this reduces your maintenance
`The parameters of the function modules are not explained here for each function module. For
`detailed information, see .S.u.m.r#.a.~..Q[.F~.aj;[~. If there is no further explanation of the function
`module, the parameters will not be listed, Import and export parameters are explained from the
`view of the function module.


`Klncoming Original Documents
`The following variations exist for the storage of original documents:
`¯ archiving before input of the SAP document (scenario 1)
`¯ archiving during input of the SAP document (scenario 2)
`¯ archiving after input of the SAP document (scenario 3)
`The incoming original documents are archived in dialog mode, that is, the object to be archived is
`displayed by the archive system or ArchiveLink. For a detailed description of these scenarios, see
`SAP ArchiveLink - User Guide.
`Original Documents Scenario 1 (Early Input)
`The purpose of this scenario is to separate, both with respect to time and organization, the
`scanning (into the system) and archiving of original documents from the actual technical
`processing, that is, the input of the SAP document. The following procedure is supported by the
`At an archiving workplace, the incoming original documents (incoming post) are entered
`centrally. The originals are classified and archived according to document type. Depending
`on the document type, the documents are assigned automatically (using SAPoffice) to the
`person in charge and to a processing transaction.
`2. The person in charge proceeds as follows:
`- He/she processes the object. A processing transaction is initiated parallel to the display.
`- He/she posts the SAP document in the system.
`After the document has been posted successfully, the archived original is assigned to the SAP
`The following figure shows a diagram of the procedure for early input:


`archiving o~
`Archived I
`~Confirmation to Ri3
`(entry of archive
`document ID in
`Link I
`IOriginal I
`I Displayed
`Classify by document type
`sp lay
`...--- I
`Post with update
`program (entry of
`object ID in link
`IWork flow I
`document I
`Defining System Settings (for Workflow Solution)
`To simplify the work of the user at the archiving workplace and the task of assigning original
`documents to document types, you can define system settings. A system setting consists of a list
`of document types.
`Examples of system settings
`System settings
`Document type
`Post bureau
`Sales department
`Accounting document
`Sales document
`Customer order
`Customer contract
`To maintain system settings, you require the table authorization group SAOP (for information on
`assigning table authorization, see BC - R/3 System Administration Guide).
`To maintain (create/redefine) the system settings for early input, proceed as follows:
`1. Select Tools -~ Administration -~ Administration -~ Process technology --~ Optical
`archive --~ Early input.
`2. Select a system setting. If only one setting has been defined, go directly to this one.
`setting has yet been defined, proceed to step 3.
`If no
`3. If you want to create a new system setting, select System settings --~ Create. If not, proceed to
`step 4.


`4. Select Edit --> Create.
`5. Select the required document type(s).
`You can display the features of the document type (for example, which object type is assigned
`to the document, which operations -- displaying, creating -- may be used) by selecting F5
`6. Select Copy.
`7. Enter the name of the person in charge.
`To process the layout of the system settings list, you can avail of the Cut-and-Paste functionality
`by selecting the pushbutton Select under the menu option Edit.
`8. If you want to assign options to the system settings, select Goto -~ Options. You can define
`the following:
`Rotate list
`This option is advisable if several users are to have access to a certain document type, for
`example, an accounting document, and you have assigned these users to a list (Step 7).
`On the assignment screen, the documents in the scan stack are processed in the following
`The first document that is assigned to the document type "accounting document" is
`forwarded to the first employee in the list, the second document to the second employee, and
`SO on.
`With the following options, you determine the layout of the assignment screen, that is, how the
`assigned employee may change the system settings.
`Change user
`If you select this option, the assigning user can change the name of the employee defined in
`step 7.
`Document type proposal
`If you select this option, the user is proposed the name of the document type, for example,
`accounting document, but he cannot change this name. Also, he can add additional
`information, such as the name of the customer.
`Default (0)
`If you select this option, the user can change the priority assigned to the workflow.
`define a standard priority.
`To save the options, select OK.
`If you want to check how your selected options affect the layout of the assignment screen (user
`view), select Goto --> Early input.
`9. You can define which employees may work with the system settings. To do so, select
`Goto --~ Authorized.
`Enter the name of the employee and confirm the name by selecting Copy. To define further
`authorized persons, select Create.
`You can


`Only those users whose names are entered here will receive the assigned system settings when
`calling up the function "System settings ---> Open".
`10. Save the system settings by selecting System settings --> Save as.
`If you are processing a list that was already created, the system proposes the name of the
`If you have created a new list, enter the desired name.
`Confirm by pressing OK.
`Summary (for Workflow Solution)
`The following steps are required:
`1. Include the function module
`Include the function module WF_COMMIT before you exit processing with COMMIT WORK.
`Enter the following in the table parameter ASSIGNMENTS:
`SAP object type (field ASGTP)
`Object ID (field ASGKY)
`Action (field ACTION): ACTION = I (for insert)
`Check the export parameter CALLED BY WORKFLOW:
`If "X" is marked here, the transaction is called up from the Workflow.
`In this case, you must pass back the control to the calling workflow immediately after
`2. Maintain object type
`For information on how to process object types, see ~.
`3. Maintain NCI document type
`For information on how to maintain document types, see N..C..]...D...o...c..u..m...e...n..t...T..~.
`Original Documents Scenario 2 (Input and Processing Simultaneously)
`To be able to archive a document from the scan dialog, the original document must be archived
`and the SAP document entered at the scan workstation. In other words, the scan dialog (part of
`the archive system) and the SAP system run on the workstation.
`The individual steps of this procedure are:
`1. A document is scanned into the system by the scan dialog.
`2. This document is displayed (that is, a page of this document).
`3. If the document is suitable for archiving (scan and display quality are sufficient), it is archived
`from an SAP application.
`You must define whether the archive objects are to be assigned to SAP objects in dialog mode or,
`for performance reasons, using the update program.
`Archiving and Assignment in Dialog Mode
`If the assignment is to take place in dialog mode, you must call up the following function module:
`archiv_create_d ialog_meta


`default SPACE
`default SPACE
`The function module performs the following tasks:

`It determines the archive ID for the respective combination of object type (SAP_Object) and
`document type (AR_OBJECT).
`It sends an archiving order to the scan dialog.
`It receives a unique archive document ID for the archived document and enters this in the link

`Archiving and Assigning in the Update Program
`If the assignment is to be preformed using the update program with an entry in the link table, you
`must call up the following function modules:
`exporting ARCHIV_ID
`importing AR_OBJECT
`The function module peforms the following tasks:

`It determines the archive ID and the link table of the application SAP_Object

`It sends an archiving order to the archive scan dialog.

`It receives a unique archive document ID for the archived document.
`connection insert batch
`module calls up a function module in the update program, which in turn writes the
`link table between the application-related object_id and the archive-related
`This function
`entry into the
`arc doc id.
`Original Documents Scenario 3 (Late Input)
`For archiving after SAP input, we distinguish between the following three cases:

`solution with integrated bar code recognition

`solution without bar code recognition

`subsequent assignment
`The user must be able to define whether archiving is to take place with or without bar code.
`setting is carried out on an application-oriented basis.


`Solution with Integrated Bar Code Recognition
`The following figure illustrates the procedure for late input with integrated bar code recognition:
`IOriginal document
`w th bar code
`Polt / ~ Po~tSAP
`bar code
`I Bar code entry in
`Itemporary link table
`Posted SAP
`Original document
`with bar code
`Automatic ! ~
`Scan and
`bar code
`recognition archive
`. R~aC~gnidZeedI I o r i; i nC~ar~c~ied~nde n t
`EntryX /P document Bar codex ~/rchive d°cu ment ID
`’inktable ~ ~Ir number ~~II~ :
`If you are using late input with bar code, the original document is given a bar code label either
`before or during the input. The bar code must be adopted when the SAP document is posted with
`the update program. For this purpose, a dialog box for entry of the bar code must be called up
`when the document is being posted. This task is accomplished using the following function
`exporting barcode_id
`In the dialog box, the bar code and the document type are entered. The bar code is entered by a
`bar code scanner wand. The value of the bar code is returned. If a document type is passed to
`this function module during the calling procedure, the document type is adopted as a default setting
`for the dialog box.
`The function module archiv_barcode_insert_batch is called up for entering the bar code and the
`respective application-related object ID into the link table.
`This function module calls up a function module in the update program (that is, in the update task),
`which in turn writes the entry into the link table between the application-related object ID and the
`bar code ID. The bar code value determined in the function module archiv_popup_barcode does
`not have to be passed on. The function group retains the last correctly entered value.
`If the link is not to take place in the update program, but already in dialog mode, use the function
`module archiv barcode insert. This function module has the same interface as
`archiv barcode insert batch.
`The documents are scanned into the system and archived at the archiving workstation. The bar


`code values recognized by the archive system and the archive document IDs are placed in an R/3
`queue and from there they are transferred into the link tables by an ArchiveLink function module.
`Solution Without Bar Code
`The following figure illustrates the procedure for late input without bar code:
`Entry of SAP document number
`SAP document
`IOriginal document
`with SAP
`document number
`Classify by
`document type
`and assign SAP
`document numb~
`~ rd e r
`Entry of
`document type,
`object type, object ID
`in link table
`j~l~confirmation to R/9
`(entry of archive
`document ID in
`link table)
`As with late input, you can define system settings here also.
`Defining System Settings (For Solution Without Bar Code)
`With late input, the SAP document is assigned to the original displayed in the scan stack window.
`If problems occur during the assignment procedure, it is possible to switch over to early input. The
`original can be sent to the user responsible.
`To maintain the system settings, you require the table authorization group SAOP (for information on
`the assignment of table authorizations, see BC - R/3 System Administration Guide).


`To maintain (create/change) the system settings for late input, proceed as follows:
`1. Select Tools --> Administration --> Administration --> Process technology --> Optical
`archive --> Late input.
`2. Select one of the settings listed. If only one setting is defined, go directly to this. If no setting
`has yet been defined, proceed to step 3.
`If you want to create a new system setting, select System settings --> Create. Otherwise go to
`step 4.
`Select Edit --> Create.
`Select the desired document type(s).
`You can display the features of the document type (for example, which object type is assigned
`to the document, which operations -- displaying, creating -- may be applied) by selecting F5
`Select Copy.
`Enter the name of the user responsible. If errors occur during late input, you can switch to
`early input (see the next step). The document is then forwarded to the user entered here.
`To process the layout of the system settings list, you can avail of the Cut-and-Paste functionality
`by selecting the pushbutton Select under the menu option Edit.
`If you want to assign options to the system settings, select Goto -~ Options. You can define
`the following:
`Early input with cancel option
`If you want the system to switch to early input after an abnormal end, select this field.
`The remaining options refer to the assignment screen that is displayed for early input.
`Change user
`If you select this option, the assigning user can change the name of the employee defined in
`step 7.
`Document type as proposal
`If you select this option, the user is proposed the name of the document type (for example,
`accounting document), but he cannot change this name. Also, he can add additional
`information, such as the name of the customer.
`If you select this option, the user can change the priority assigned to the workflow.
`define a standard priority.
`To save the options, select OK.
`If you want to check how your selected options affect the layout of the assignment screen (user
`view), select Goto --> Late input.
`You can


`9. You can define which employees may work with the system settings. To do so, select
`Goto --> Authorized.
`Enter the name of the employee and confirm the name by selecting Copy. To define further
`authorized persons, select Create.
`Only those users whose names are entered here will receive the assigned system settings when
`calling up the function "System settings ---> Open".
`10. Save the system settings by selecting System settings -~ Save as.
`If you are processing a list that was already created, the system proposes the name of the
`If you have created a new list, enter the desired name.
`Confirm by pressing OK.
`Summary (for Solution Without Bar Code)
`The following steps are required:
`1. Maintain object type
`For information on how to maintain object types, see .~t ty.pes.
`When you set the definition for the method "Confirm", integrate a transaction or a function call
`that supplies important specifications (for example, the address) in the SAP document and thus
`enables the user to check whether the specifications in the SAP document and the original are
`2. Maintain the NCI document type
`For information on how to maintain document types, see _,N_~C,I ~ument
`Subsequent Assignment
`In the case of subsequent assignment, a document is already archived.
`1. The user displays the archive document and marks the selection field. He also starts the
`application at the same time.
`2. He enters the SAP document.
`3. He assigns the displayed archive document in the application to the SAP document.
`Subsequent assignment can take place independently of the time when the SAP document is
`entered. It is also possible to assign further archive objects to existing SAP objects. An archive
`document is assigned using one of the two following function modules:
`Assigning an archive object (via link table):
`Assigning an archive object (without link table):


`KOutgoing Original Documents
`Outgoing documents are archived asynchronously. Asynchronous archiving means that the
`archive system does not return an archive document ID directly after the archiving order, but only
`after the object has been stored on the optical disk.
`For asynchronous archiving, the object to be archived must be available in R/3 in a file that can be
`accessed via a unique path. The file must comply with certain name conventions. For more
`information on this subject, see ~CpD~y~e~n:tiQ~)~s~3~t~a~]~e~s~c;J~i~tj~Q~n~Ej~[e~P~[a~me~t~e~PATH~
`The steps for asynchronous archiving of outgoing documents are:

`¯ archiving
`The index information is separated from the data information for the archive system by the R/3
`system and passed on in two files (data file and description file):
`Data files contain the actual data information (outgoing documents).
`Description files contain the index information.
`In the case of outgoing documents, this separation of data into data and description files takes
`place in the spool system. This means that, when outgoing documents are being archived, the
`application itself must write the index information into the outgoing documents. In the spool
`system, the index information is then extracted and stored in the description file.
`The following figure illustrates this procedure:


`SAP script statement
`Invoice OUTGOINGFI000117
`Invoice OUTGOINGFI000123
`Indexed data file
`(outgoing documents)
`Data file
`I \
`1 14 DPRL
`15 111 DARA
`270 0 DEPL
`Description file
`Index information, that is, information on the structure of the data file, is displayed in the form of
`index lines¯
`The following record types are defined for representing this information:
`Prolog specification
`Epilog specification
`Indexing an object component to be stored asynchronously in a list document¯ Each individual
`document (object component) is indexed by a DARA line.
`A description of the record type follows¯ The line structure, the offset of the individual structure
`parts, and the length of the structure parts in bytes are specified¯
`The prolog specification is made by SAPscript.
`Line structure Offset Length (bytes)


`In DPRL lines, the beginning text of a document is specified. For each document there is exactly
`one DPRL line. The specifications are valid for each object component of the document.
`INDEX_NAME contains the name of the record type.
`The epilog specification is made by SAPscript.
`Line structure Offset Length (bytes)
`Index Name
`In DEPL lines, the closing text for a document is specified. For each document there is exactly
`one DEPL line. The specifications are valid for each object component of the document.
`INDEX_NAME contains the name of the record type.
`Identification of an outgoing document that is to be stored asynchronously. The DARA parameters
`must be passed on by the application.
`Line structu re
`Length (bytes)
`To ensure that the assignment of the object components to the SAP object takes place, the
`following structure parts must be defined:
`¯ SAP_OBJECT (for example, BKPF for an accounting document)
`¯ AR_OBJECT (for example, outgoing document)
`¯ OBJECT_ID (contains the key for the SAP object)
`The other structure parts are explained as follows:

`Name of the record type
`Date when the table entry that refers to the archived object is removed
`Note that can be stored on the optical disk for a particular archive object
`In the case of outgoing documents, indexing information is included in the order with a SAPscript
`command, that is, the output text format (OTF) command MC. The indexing information is passed


`on from the applications as a parameter when the function modules OPEN_FORM and
`START_FORM are called up.
`For the indexing procedure, the structure TOA_DARA (contains the structure of the DARA line)is
`created as an internal table.
`Example (for indexed outgoing documents):
`... Prolog information ...
`DARA000311219951nvoice OUTGOINGFI000178900
`... Single outgoing document
`DARA000311219941nvoice OUTGOINGFI000112300
`... Single outgoing document
`... Epilog information ...
`The order consists of two outgoing documents with the following document information:
`¯ SAP_Object = Invoice
`¯ Ar_Object = OUTGOING
`¯ object_id = FI000178900 or FI000112300
`Asynchronous Archiving
`This topic describes which expansions are required in SAPscript in order to allow asynchronous
`archiving of outgoing documents to take place.
`The procedure for asynchronous archiving of outgoing documents is such that the optical archive is
`viewed as a further logical printer. For this purpose, SAPscript has been enhanced so that the
`archiving procedure is just like a print function, seen from the application side.
`An order structure ARC_PARAMS (internal table TOA_ARCAS) is defined for this purpose.
`SAPscript has been enhanced to include the following commands:
`In OPEN_FORM, the field ARMOD (identification as to whether archiving is t

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