HR SAP Structural Graphics
`The following Help Topics are available:
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`For Help on Help, Press F1

`Prepared for R/3 Release 2.2.
`July 94

`@1994 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
`Neither this documentation nor any part of it may be copied or reproduced in any form or by any
`means or translated into another language, without the prior consent of SAP AG.
`SAP AG makes no warranties or representations with respect to the content hereof and specifically
`disclaims any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose. SAP AG
`assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document. The information
`contained in this document is subject to change without notice. SAP AG reserves the right to
`make any such changes without obligation to notify any person of such revision or changes. SAP
`AG makes no commitment to keep the information contained herein up to date.

`What is the SAP Structural Graphics Program?
`The SAP Structural Graphics program enables you to display a range of linked objects in a
`hierarchical form. This means that it is also possible to support networks. You can display different
`sections of the same structure, or display a structure from a variety of persectives. You can also
`move between sections of a structure and print out either the whole structure or a section of that
`structure according to your requirements. In addition, the SAP Structural Graphics program offers
`you various ways in which to change the structure shown on your screen. Such changes are then
`saved by the SAP System either immediately or at a later stage.

`Administrative Functions
`The "Structure" Menu
`The "Structure" menu contains entries which concern the displayed structure as a whole.
`¯ Open...
`¯ Update
`¯ Save
`¯ Print...
`¯ Exit
`You can use this menu entry to request further structures from the SAP System, and then display
`them using the SAP Structural Graphics program.
`The displayed structure is updated, that is, all the changes that have been made in the SAP
`System since the last update are transferred to the Structural Graphics program.
`If you select the menu entry "Automatic Save" in the "Options" menu, data is saved automatically.
`Changes which you have carried out in the structure are not otherwise immediately saved in the
`SAP System. However you can still save these changes by using the menu entry "Save".
`This menu entry enables you to send the displayed structure to a postscript printer or save it as a
`postscript®file. The "Print" window is opened, allowing you to format the printout according to your
`specific requirements.
`This exits the SAP Structural Graphics program. The system does not request confirmation.
`You can find further information about printing in _P__rinti_ng a Structure

`Editing Objects
`The "Edit" Menu
`You can use the "Edit" menu to make changes to the structure displayed on your screen.
`¯ Select

`Insert Object...
`¯ Move Object...
`¯ Cancel
`The "Select" submenu contains several entries for selecting or deselecting objects.
`¯ Select Substructure
`As well as the object that has already been selected, all objects belonging to the substructure
`are also selected.
`¯ Deselect All
`You can use this menu entry to deselect all objects that you have selected.
`Multiple Selection
`If you use this menu entry, the system selects all the objects which you choose in addition to
`those already selected. If you choose a selected object again, it is deselected. You can switch
`this mode off by choosing the menu entry "Multiple Selection" again. If you then decide to
`choose an object, all the remaining selected objects are deselected. If you choose a selected
`object again, it remains selected. Select an object by clicking once with your mouse on the
`object you require. To delete all selections, just click on the background of the structure.
`Insert Object...
`This menu entry enables you to determine an object in the SAP System, which is then inserted
`below the selected object in the structure displayed on your screen.
`Move Object...
`This menu entry enables you to move selected objects within the structure displayed on your
`screen. The move is carried out in the SAP System.
`Current processing (e.g. "Move Object..’7 is cancelled.

`Moving between Graphics
`The "Goto" Menu
`The "Goto" menu enables you to jump between various sections of the structure displayed on your
`¯ Overview/Detail
`¯ Choose Section/Select
`¯ Display Substructure
`¯ Parent Structure
`¯ Display Whole Structure
`¯ Back
`This menu entry enables you to switch between the overview and the detailed view.
`Choose Section/Select
`¯ Choose Section
`If you choose this menu entry, a box appears in the overview screen of the active window. This
`box represents the section of the structure on display which you would be able to see in the
`detailed screen. If you now press the left mouse button and keep it pressed, another box
`appears which follows your mouse until you release the button. The system then switches to the
`detailed screen, which displays the section of the structure you have chosen using the box.
`The "Choose Section" procedure is cancelled and you can now use the left mouse button to
`determine an area within which all objects should be selected. This mode is always active as
`long as you do not select the "Choose Section" menu entry.
`Display Substructure
`This displays the substructure which lies behind the selected object. The other options do not
`Parent Structure
`The structure on the next level up is displayed.
`Display Whole Structure
`The entire structure is displayed. The other options do not change.
`This exits the SAP Structural Graphics program. The system will ask you for confirmation.

`Further Display Functions
`The "Object" Menu
`The"Object" menu contains entries which refer to either all or specific objects.
`¯ Display Path...
`¯ Display Data...
`¯ Description...
`¯ Search...
`¯ Suppress Subordinate Objects
`¯ Display Subordinate Objects
`¯ One Level
`¯ Center Selected Object
`¯ Center Root Object
`Display Path...
`A window called "Object Path" is opened in which the path from the selected object to the root
`object of the structure is displayed. If you select another object, the display is updated. If you
`choose this menu entry again, the window is closed.
`Display Data...
`A window called "Object Data" is opened in which additional data is displayed for the selected
`object. This data is read from the SAP System. If you select another object, the display is updated.
`If you choose this menu entry again, the window is closed.
`This provides a detailed description of the selected object in the SAP System.
`The "Search for Objects" window is opened. It enables you to select one or more objects which
`correspond to a search string.
`Suppress Subordinate Objects
`You can use this menu entry to suppress the subordinate selected objects currently on display.
`Display Subordinate Objects
`You can use this menu entry to display subordinate selected objects which you have suppressed
`using the "Suppress Subordinate Objects" menu entry.
`One Level
`The "One Level" submenu allows you to display objects on levels other than those determined by
`the structure.

`You can use this menu entry to display the selected objects one or several levels higher,
`assuming that these higher levels exist. This does not change the structure, and an update is
`not performed in the SAP System. If you exit the Structural Graphics program, this setting is
`You can use this menu entry to display the selected object one or several levels lower than
`determined by the system. This does not change the structure, and an update is not performed
`in the SAP System. If you exit the Structural Graphics program, this setting is lost.
`Center Selected Object
`The selected object is moved to the center of the screen. If you select more than one object, you
`can move one after the other to the center of the screen, by choosing this menu entry more than
`Center Root Object
`This menu entry enables you to display the root object for the displayed structure or substructure in
`the center of the screen.
`You can find further information about how to search for objects in Searcb_j_ng_fpr O___bjects

`Options to Display and Process a Structure
`The "Options" Menu
`The "Options" menu enables you to change the options for displaying or processing the structure
`and for displaying objects.
`¯ View
`¯ Color Assignment...
`¯ Function Menu...
`¯ Automatic Save
`¯ Relative Object Size...
`¯ Sort
`¯ Change Standard Object Shape
`The "View"submenu enables you to change the options for displaying the structure, as well as
`display the structure from a variety of perspectives.
`¯ Further View
`You can use this menu entry to display a further view of the structure on your screen. You can
`display up to four views simultaneously.
`¯ Rotate Views
`If you have more than one view on your screen, you can use this menu entry to change the
`order in which they are displayed.
`¯ Delete Active View
`This menu entry allows you to delete the active view of the structure from the screen.
`¯ Change...
`The "Change View" window enables you to alter the way the structure is displayed in the active
`Color Assignment...
`This opens the "Color Assignment" window in which you are able to choose standard colors for all
`Function Menu...
`This opens the "Function Menu" window. It contains all the menu entries which were transferred
`from the SAP System when the SAP Structural Graphics program was started.
`Automatic Save
`This menu entry allows you to determine whether the changes you make to the structure on your
`screen are saved automatically in the SAP System or not. If not, all changes are collected in the
`system and can be saved later on, using the menu entry "Save" in the "Structure" menu.
`Relative Object Size...

`This opens the "Object Size" window in which you can change the size of the displayed objects in
`relation to each other or in relation to the displayed text.
`The entries in this submenu enable you to sort objects below their parent objects according to
`various criteria.
`¯ Sort by Priority
`The objects are sorted below their parent objects according to priority of relationship. This
`means that the objects with higher priority are displayed further to the left than those with lower
`¯ Sort by Object Key
`Objects are sorted below their parent objects according to their keys.
`Change Default Object Shape
`If there are no entries for certain objects in the profile which determines how the structure is
`displayed in the active window, the system displays the objects in their default shape. However,
`there is a choice of 12 default shapes and you can change these using the menu entry "Change
`Default Object Shape".
`The topic _C__h_a__n j_n _the G___[_a___hLcs tells you how to alter the graphics display in the active window.
`The "Color Assignment" and "Function Menu" windows are described in more detail in
`th.e...C.o.lo.r...O.ptLo.ns and .Eu.~..h.e..r...P..r.o..c..e..s...s.j..n..q..Eg..n...c..t.Lo...n...s., Further information about how you can change
`the relative size of the displayed objects can be found in _C__h_a__ngLng the Relative Object Size

`Online Help
`The "Help" Menu
`The "Help" menu enables you to display help texts about the program in a variety of ways.
`¯ Help for Help
`¯ Extended Help
`¯ Glossary
`¯ Product Information
`Help for Help
`This provides an overview of the help functions in this program.
`Extended Help
`This displays a summary of the user manual for the SAP Structural Graphics program.
`This provides an overview of various terms used in the SAP Structural Graphics program, each with
`a short explanation.
`Product Information
`This gives you information about the program version and the copyright.

`Printing a Structure
`The "Print" Window
`This window enables you to send the displayed structure to a postscript printer or save it as a
`postscript file. The latter is not possible with UNIX©.
`Print Mode
`The structure is printed out in detailed mode as a poster. The individual pages can then be
`joined together to make one picture. Alternatively, you can print out the whole structure on just
`one page in the overview mode.
`Active View
`The section which you can see on your screen is printed out.
`Starting at the root object, each object is printed out on a separate page with its immediately
`subordinate objects. Objects with no subordinate objects are not printed out on a separate
`sheet. Printing always takes place in overview mode.
`¯ With Frame
`The objects are only printed with frames. This protects the printer and depending on the choice
`of colors, can make the printout more readable.
`¯ Filled In
`The objects are printed out as they appear on your screen. Colors are printed in various shades
`of gray, if necessary.
`You can print out the graphic on a local postscript printer, or save it as a postscript file on a
`diskette or hard disk. You are only able to do this with Windows© and O/$2®.
`The printout is produced by a postscript printer which is connected to the SAP System. You
`must enter the logical printer name in the field "Target". A logical printer must be correctly
`connected to the system.
`¯ With Frames
`Every page of the printout has a frame.
`¯ Without Frames
`The pages of the printout have no frames.
`¯ Markers Only

`Each page of the printout appears with small markers. These help you to put the pages together
`to create a poster.
`Each page of the printout is numbered. In "Complete" mode the numbering is mathematical, that is
`in the lower left hand corner starting with 1/1. The first number is the line and the second is the
`column. In "Book" mode, numbering is continuous. You can only select the "Numbering" option in
`the "Complete" or "Book" print modes.
`The text you enter here appears as a header line on each page of the printout. However, it is not an
`integral part of the graphic.
`If you are using a local printer, you can enter its name ("PRN", "LPTI",...) or any file name you
`wish. You must enter the printer name without a colon (:). You can also enter a file name with a
`path. The extension ".psc" is added automatically by the system if necessary. If you print using the
`SAP System (e.g. with UNIX), you can enter the logical printer which you wish to use.
`This opens the "Format Options" window, where you can select various options regarding the page
`format. As a rule these are not altered very frequently.
`The options you have selected are saved in the configuration file when you exit the program. This
`key is only available in Windows and OS/2.
`Printing is started with the options you have selected.
`The window is closed.
`This section is displayed in the help window.
`You can find further information about how to select and implement a page format in Selectinq.a

`Selecting a Suitable Page Format
`The "Format Options" Window
`This window enables you to specify the page format for your printout.
`You can choose various page formats from this selection menu. The dimensions of the format you
`choose are displayed under "Area". If you select the format "User Defined", the system displays the
`values for "DINA4"which you are able to alter as you wish. This of course means that you can
`specify the page format yourself.
`The individual pages can be printed in either landscape or portrait format.
`You can indicate the dimensions in "Area" and "Frame" in either inches or centimeters. If you
`switch between the different units of measurement, the values are automatically converted.
`The page dimensions of the format you have selected are displayed in the fields "Height" and
`"Width". This takes no account of the frame (see below). The displayed values are always for
`portrait format. If you choose landscape format, the values are automatically switched by the
`system when printing commences. If you make changes in these fields, they only have an effect if
`you select the "User Defined" format.
`This enables you to define the size of the frame to be left for printing with regard to its "Height"
`(upper and lower frame) and "Width" (left and right frame). Since a printer cannot print to the very
`edge of the page, there are minimum values for each format.
`The window is closed and the changes you have made are implemented.
`The window is closed and the changes you have made are not implemented.
`This section is displayed in the help window.

`Exiting the SAP Structural Graphics Program
`The "Exit" Window
`The SAP Structural Graphics program is exited.
`The window is closed but the SAP Structural Graphics program is not exited.
`This section is displayed in the help window.

`Searching for Objects
`The "Search" Window
`This window enables you to search for and select objects according to a specific text.
`Search String
`In the field "Search String" you can enter a text for which the system scans the objects. The system
`distinguishes between upper and lower case letters. If the text you are looking for is contained in
`the texts displayed for an object, the object is selected.
`The window is closed and the system selects all objects which were found according to the
`specified search string.
`The window is closed and no search procedure takes place.
`This section is displayed in the help section.

`Changing the Color Options
`The "Color Assignment" Window


`This window allows you to change certain colors that are used when the structure is displayed.
`¯ Active Title Bar
`Color of the title bar for active display
`¯ Active Title Text
`Text color in the title bar for active display
`Inactive Title Bar
`Color of the title bar for inactive display
`Inactive Title Text
`Text color in the title bar for inactive display
`¯ Background
`Background color
`¯ Default for Objects
`Box color of objects for which there are no rules in the current profile
`¯ Default for Object Texts
`Text color of objects for which there are no rules in the current profile
`¯ Default for Relationships
`Line color of relationships for which there are no rules in the current profile
`¯ Shadow
`Color of shadow used for objects
`¯ Frame
`Frame color
`¯ Grid
`Grid color
`¯ Emphasized Objects
`Frame color for an emphasized object
`The window is closed and the changes you have made are implemented.
`The options you have chosen are implemented without closing the window.
`All the colors are reset to the default colors without closing the window.

`The window is closed and the changes you have made are not implemented.
`A short help text is displayed.

`Further Processing Functions
`The "Function Menu" Window
`This window contains a selection of functions which were defined in the SAP System and then
`transferred by the ABAP/4 Program to the SAP Structural Graphics program. When you select one
`of these functions a corresponding function module is called up in the system. This means you
`might need to change the window yourself in order to make entries which may be required in the
`system. When you make such entries in the SAP System, the SAP Structural Graphics program
`does not allow any entries to be made.
`The window is closed.
`This section is displayed in the help section.
`If you choose one of these functions and find that the SAP Structural Graphics program will not
`allow you to make any entries, it is not because there is a program error. Instead, the SAP System
`displays the CUA interface and waits for you to make an entry. Please change windows and make
`the required entries so that processing may continue.

`Changing the Relative Object Size
`The "Object Size" Window
`This window will be available at a later date.

`Changing the Graphics
`The "Change View" Window
`This window enables you to change the presentation of the structure on your screen. The options
`you select are always for the active view.
`This allows you to choose the view for which you wish to change the options.
`Display Level
`You can use this field to determine how many levels you wish to display of the structure on your
`screen. If you enter "0" the complete structure is displayed.
`If you choose "Overview" the structure is displayed as an overview screen. It is otherwise shown in
`detailed form.
`If you choose "Grid" the individual levels of the structure are separated by a dotted line.
`Knock-On Mode
`If you set the knock-on mode for a window, the section of the structure displayed here changes,
`whenever an object is selected in the active window. The following options are available:
`¯ Center
`The object you have selected is moved to the center of the view.
`¯ Substructure
`The object you have selected is displayed as the root object together with its substructure.
`¯ Parent Structure
`The parent structure of the selected object is displayed.
`Relationship Line
`¯ Diagonal
`The relationship between each pair of objects is represented by a line directly connecting one to
`the other. This means that in certain circumstances a relationship line may overlap other
`¯ Straight
`The relationship between each pair of objects is represented by vertical and horizontal lines.
`Relationship Indicators
`¯ Text
`The relationship lines are marked with a text if there is sufficient space.

`¯ Marker
`A marker appears on each relationship line.
`This enables you to choose a font which is used for the displayed texts for objects and
`Graphic Type
`The graphic type determines how the objects are positioned relative to the parent object and how
`they are aligned.
`Proceeding from the root object, which is displayed in the center of the upper frame, the
`structure branches downwards. Objects are centered above their respective subordinate
`objects. This display corresponds to the option "Centered Alignment "and "0° Rotation "
`Proceeding from the root object in the upper left corner, the structure branches downwards to
`the right. Subordinate objects are displayed hanging, like feathers, from their parent object. This
`display corresponds to the options "Right Alignment" and "90° Rotation".
`¯ User Defined
`You can determine the graphic type yourself using "Alignment" and "Rotation".
`The following descriptions refer to the option "0° Rotation".
`¯ Left Justified
`Each object is left justified above its subordinate objects.
`¯ Centered
`Each object is positioned in the center above its subordinate objects.
`¯ Right Justified
`Each object is right justified above its subordinate objects.
`¯ 0o
`Proceeding from the root object, the structure branches from the top downwards.
`Proceeding from the root object, the structure branches from left to right.
`Proceeding from the root object, the structure branches from the bottom upwards.
`Proceeding from the root object, the structure branches from right to left.




`The window is closed and changes you have made are implemented.
`The options for the active view are implemented without closing the window.
`The window is closed and changes you have made are not implemented.
`This section is displayed in the help window.

`Maintaining the Profiles
`The "Profile Maintenance" Window
`This window will be available at a later date.

`Function Keys
`A general help text is displayed.
`The SAP Structural Graphics program is exited but before this happens the system will ask you for
`confirmation and you can cancel this procedure if you wish.
`F5=Overview/ Detail
`You can use this function key to switch between the overview and the detailed view.
`F6=Choose Section/Select
`Select Object
`If you choose this menu entry, a box appears in the overview screen of the active window. This
`box represents the section of the structure on display which you would be able to see in the
`detailed screen. If you now press the left mouse button and keep it pressed, another box
`appears which follows your mouse until you release the button. The system then switches to the
`detailed view which you have chosen using the box.
`The "Choose Section" procedure is cancelled and you can now use the left mouse button to
`determine an area within which all objects should be selected. This mode is always active as
`long as you do not select the "Choose Section" menu entry.
`F7=Further View
`This function key enables you to display a further view of the structure on your screen. You can
`display up to four views at one time.
`F8=Delete View
`You can use this function key to delete the active view of the structure from your screen.
`If you select the menu option "Automatic Save" in the "Options" menu, data is saved automatically.
`Changes which you have carried out in the structure are not otherwise immediately saved in the
`SAP System. However you can still save these changes by using the function key "Save".
`Current processing ( e.g. "Move Object..’) is cancelled.
`This function key enables you to send the displayed structure to a postscript printer or save it as a
`postscript file. The "Print" window is opened, allowing you to format the printout according to your
`specific requirements.

`This exits the SAP Structural Graphics program. The system does not request confirmation.
`You can use this function key to deselect all selected objects.
`This function key enables you to call up more structures from the SAP System and display them
`using the SAP Structural Graphics program.
`F18=Change View
`The "Change View" window enables you to alter the way the structure is displayed in the active
`Tab=Center Selected Object
`The selected object is moved to the center of the screen. If you select more than one object, you
`can move one after the other to the center of the screen, by choosing this menu entry more than

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