MM Vendor Evaluation Guide
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`Prepared for R/3 Release 2.2.
`August 94

`@1994 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
`Neither this documentation nor any part of it may be copied or reproduced in any form or by any
`means or translated into another language, without the prior consent of SAP AG.

`This section introduces you to the SAP component Vendor Evaluation. It describes the master data
`and the organizational levels for vendor evaluation.
`~ Vendor evaluation system ~,~if
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`Integration of the Vendor Evaluation System
`In R/3 Release 2.1, the Vendor Evaluation component has been competely integrated into MM
`Purchasing. Information, such as, delivery dates, prices, and quantities can be taken from purchase
`orders. Vendor evaluation also uses data from Quality Management, for example, results from
`goods receipt inspections or quality audits. It also accesses basic data in materials management,
`goods receipt data from Inventory Management, and data from the Logistics Information System
`This section contains the following topics:
`Click on a topic for more information

`What is Vendor Evaluation?
`The Vendor Evaluation module helps you select vendors for procuring materials. It makes in easier
`for you to determine sources of supply and enables you to assess your relationship with vendors. It
`provides you with accurate information on prices, terms of payment, and delivery. By evaluating
`vendors, you can improve your company’s competitiveness.
`You can quickly determine and solve procurement problems on the basis of detailed information in
`the vendor evaluation system.
`There is a scoring system in the SAP Standard System from 1 to 100 points which is used to
`measure the performance of your vendors based on four main criteria.
`You can determine and compare the performance of your vendors based on their overall scores.
`The main criteria in the standard system are:
`¯ Price
`¯ Quality
`¯ Delivery
`¯ Service
`You can define other or additional main criteria to meet your requirements. You can allocate
`different weighting factors to the individual criteria. The scores a vendor receives for the main
`criteria are calculated according to their weighting factors to form an overall score.
`The vendor evaluation system ensures that evaluation of vendors is objective, since all vendors are
`assessed according to the same criteria. In this way, subjective evaluations can be avoided.
`To create a detailed evaluation, each main criterion is divided into several subcriteria. The standard
`system provides you with certain subcriteria which provide a basis for evaluation. You can also
`define your own subcriteria.
`The scores for the subcriteria are calculated using three different scoring methods:
`¯ automatic

`¯ manual
`With the automatic scoring method, scores are calculated by the system on the basis of existing
`With the semi-automatic scoring method, you can enter individual scores for important materials
`yourself. The system then calculates the overall score on the basis of these scores.
`With the manual scoring method, you can enter the scores for subcriteria yourself. You can
`determine which of these methods you want to use.
`The results of vendor evaluation are displayed in the form of analyses. For example, you can
`generate ranking lists of the best vendors according to overall score or ranking lists for specific
`Changes to evaluations are recorded in logs and evaluation sheets can be printed.

`Master Data and Organizational Levels for Vendor Evaluation
`This section describes the master data which is required for vendor evaluation and the
`organizational level for evaluations.
`The R/3 Company Structure
`This section describes how the organization of a company is portrayed in the R/3 System. It also
`shows how this organization is reflected in MM Purchasing.
`The organization of a company is broken down into the following organizational levels:
`I 001
`I °°°’ I1\
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`Company code
`’1’ I°°°~’,~’~~
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`a grouping of legal, organizational, business, and/or administrative units with a common purpose. A
`group within a corporation (for example, a consulting group) is an example of a client.
`Company code
`represents an independent accounting unit. Each company code has its own balance sheet and
`creates its own profit-and-loss statement.
`a branch office or plant location within a company code. As a rule, purchasing is responsible for
`procuring supplies and services for a specific plant.
`Purchasing organization
`an organizational unit responsible for procuring materials and services for one or more plants and
`for negotiating prices and delivery conditions with the vendor. A purchasing organization is
`assigned to a company code.
`Purchasing group
`a purchasing organization is further subdivided into purchasing groups which are responsible for
`operational tasks.
`Organizational Level for Vendor Evaluation
`The organizational level for vendor evaluation is the purchasing organization:
`Each purchasing organization evaluates its own vendors.

`The system does not support a comparison of vendor evaluations on the company code level.
`Master Data
`Vendor evaluation uses the following master data:
`¯ vendor master record
`¯ material master record
`¯ purchasing info record
`What is a Vendor Master?
`A vendor master contains information on a company’s vendors. This information is stored in
`individual vendor master records. As well as the name and address of the vendor, the record
`contains the following information:
`¯ vendor’s currency
`¯ terms of payment

`contact person
`A vendor master record also contains accounting data (for example, a control account).
`A vendor master record is maintained by accounting and purchasing.
`What is a Material Master?
`The material master contains descriptions of materials which a company procures, produces, and
`stores. The material master is a company’s central source for information on a specific material.
`The individual material master records contain data, such as unit of measure, purchasing group,
`and over/underdelivery tolerance.
`What is a Purchasing Info Record?
`A purchasing info record (also referred to as an info record) is used as a source of information for
`purchasing. It is a repository of information for a specific material and a vendor supplying the
`material. For example, the vendor’s current pricing is stored in the info record.
`The info record also enables buyers to quickly determine:
`¯ which materials have been previously offered or delivered by a specific vendor
`¯ which vendors have offered or supplied a specific material
`Information in Info Record?
`An info record contains, for example:

`current prices and pricing conditions
`¯ number of the last purchase order
`¯ tolerance limits for overdeliveries and underdeliveries
`¯ planned delivery time (time the vendor requires to deliver the material)
`An info record also contains quotation and ordering data.
`More Information

`For detailed information on master data and organizational levels, please consult the following
`¯ MM Purchasing Guide,
`¯ MM Managing Material Master Data,

`Introduction to Vendor Evaluation
`This section describes the functionality available for evaluating a vendor and provides an overview
`of the scoring system.
`This section contains the following topics:
`V.e.rld.o.r.E v.aluat [o.n
`Click on a topic for more information
`For more information on how to calculate scores, see Calculatinq Scores. You will learn how to
`evaluate a vendor in Evaluatinq Vendors.

`Vendor Evaluation
`This section describes the most important features of vendor evaluation:
`¯ overall score
`¯ main criteria


`score card
`¯ weighting factor
`The following graphic displays the scores on various levels of vendor evaluation:
`Overall score
`for vendor
`Scores for
`main criteria
`Price Price
`level history
`GR System Delivery Quantity Shipping
`check audit performance reliability instructions
`Scores for
`Overall Score
`The overall score represents the complete evaluation of a vendor. It is a combination of the scores
`the vendor has received for all the main criteria.
`You can compare different vendors on the basis of their overall scores without generating a
`detailed analysis of their evaluations.
`Overall score out of 100

`Out of the five vendors Smith received the best overall score and Wilson the worst; Smith and
`Brown scored almost the same points. For a more detailed analysis, you can compare Smith and
`Brown on the main criteria level.
`Main Criterion
`The main criteria form the basis for assessing the performance of a vendor. The system calculates
`the overall score for a vendor from the main criteria scores.
`You can evaluate vendors according to several main criteria which you consider important. The
`scores for the main criteria represent the performance of a vendor. They are then combined to form
`an overall score.
`By comparing scores on the main criteria level, you can determine that vendor Jones received a
`lower overall score than vendor Smith, but vendor Jones scored better in the main criterion Price. If
`the price of the material is the decisive factor when you decide on your next procurement, then you
`would select vendor Jones.
`Required Main Criteria
`You can determine the type and number of main criteria yourself. The system supports a maximum
`of 99 main criteria. You can specify the number of main criteria for each purchasing organization
`and decide which main criteria are to be calculated in the overall score.
`The standard system proposes the following four main criteria:
`¯ Price
`¯ Quality
`¯ Delivery
`¯ Service
`You can also define additional main criteria or you can calculate an overall score on the basis of
`only three main criteria.
`Subcriteria are the smallest units which can be allocated scores in vendor evaluation. The system
`calculates a score for the main criterion based on the scores a vendor receives for the various
`There are three types of subcriteria:
`¯ manual

`¯ automatic
`They are named after the different methods of scoring. The individual scoring methods are
`maintained differently and can be used for different purposes (see ~.
`Required Subcriteria
`You can evaluate a vendor with the automatic subcriteria in the standard system. With this method,
`you are not required to maintain scores for manual or semi-automatic subcriteria.
`The system allocates a maximum of twenty subcriteria to each main criterion. In the SAP Standard
`System there are two automatic subcriteria for the main criterion Price and three automatic
`subcriteria for the main criteria Quality and Delivery. You can determine 17 to 18 additional
`subcriteria for these main criteria. There are no automatic subcriteria for the main criterion Service,

`however, two semi-automatic subcriteria are included in the SAP Standard System. Therefore, for
`this main criterion, you can define an additional 18 subcriteria manually or semi-automatically.
`Please note when calculating subcriteria scores manually, the fewer criteria you define the easier it
`is to maintain them.
`Short Description of Automatic Subcriteria
`This section describes the individual automatic subcriteria in more detail. The automatic subcriteria
`¯ Price Level
`Price History
`Goods Receipt
`Quality Audit
`On-Time Delivery Performance
`Quantity Reliability
`Shipping Instructions
`Price Level
`The Price Level is a subcriterion for the main criterion Price. This subcriterion compares the
`vendor’s price to the market price. If the vendor’s price is lower than the market price, he/she
`receives a good score, if it is higher than the market price he/she is allocated a poor score.
`On the basis of the subcriterion Price Level you can compare a vendor’s price to the current market
`price at a certain point in time.
`Price History
`The Price History is a subcriterion for the main criterion Price. This subcriterion compares the
`development of the vendor’s price with the market price.
`On the basis of the subcriterion Price History, you can determine within a certain period if the
`vendor’s price has increased or decreased and compare it with the market price trend.
`On-Time Delivery Performance
`On-Time Delivery Performance is a subcriterion for the main criterion Delivery. This subcriterion
`determines if a vendor has adhered to the specified delivery dates.
`Quantity Reliability
`Quantity Reliability is a subcriterion for the main criterion Delivery. This subcriterion determines
`whether a vendor has delivered the quantity specified in the purchase order.
`Shipping Instructions
`Compliance with Shipping Instructions is a subcriterion for the main criterion Delivery. This
`subcriterion determines whether the vendor complies with the instructions for shipping or packaging
`of a material.
`Goods Receipt
`Goods Receipt is a subcriterion for the main criterion Quality. This subcriterion evaluates the quality
`of the material that the vendor delivers. A quality inspection takes place at goods receipt.
`Quality Audit
`The Quality Audit is a subcriterion for the main criterion Quality. This subcriterion evaluates the
`quality assurance system used by a company when they manufacture products.
`Score Card
`A score card is used to compare the performance of one vendor with another. A score card ranges

`from the best to the worst possible score.
`The examples in this manual are based on a score card from 1 to 100 points. The score card
`enables you to grade the performance of individual vendors.
`NoteThe score card is determined when the system is installed. For more details, see ~mizin.~q’
`Weighting Scores
`The scores a vendor receives for main criteria can be weighted differently.
`Weighting Factor
`By using weighting factors, you can increase or reduce the importance of certain criteria when the
`score is calculated on the next highest level.
`Example: Suppose a vendor receives 80 points for the criterion Price and 80 points for the criterion
`Service. Since the price of the material is more important than the service the vendor provides, you
`allocate the criterion Price a weighting factor of 3 and the criterion Service a factor of 1. The 80
`points for Price are then worth three times more than the 80 points for Service when the overall
`score is calculated.
`Weighting Key
`A weighting key is an indicator under which the weighting factors for a group of main criteria can be
`combined and saved.
`If you want to repeat an evaluation with certain main criteria and certain weighting factors, you can
`save this combination under a weighting key.
`When you carry out the next vendor evaluation, just enter the relevant weighting key instead of
`entering a weighting factor for each individual criterion. The system automatically sets all the
`weighting factors.
`There are two possible types of weighting key in the standard system:
`¯ Key 01
`equal weighting for all criteria
`¯ Key 02
`For example, evaluation of small parts vendors. The weighting factors are distributed as follows:

`KDetermining Scores
`This section explains which data is used in vendor evaluation and how the system calculates an
`overall score for a vendor on the basis of main and subcriteria scores.
`Determining an Overall Score
`The system calculates the overall score for a vendor from the scores for the individual main criteria,
`taking into account the weighting factors you allocated for each main criterion.
`Determining Main Criteria Scores
`The system calculates a vendor’s main criterion score from the subcriteria scores. If you do not
`define any subcriteria for the main criterion, the system cannot calculate a score. In this case, you
`must manually enter a score for the main criterion.
`You can weight subcriteria in the same way as main criteria, except that subcriteria do not have a
`weighting key.
`There are no automatic main criteria. For example, if you want to have a main criterion called
`Delivery for which the score is calculated automatically, you must define the automatic subcriterion
`Delivery as the only subcriterion for the main criterion. The score calculated for this subcriterion
`corresponds to the main criterion.
`Determining Subcriteria Scores
`The following methods can be used to calculate subcriteria scores.
`¯ manual

`¯ automatic
`There is no field in the info record for evaluations. The info records referred to in this manual are
`evaluation records on info record level.

`Overall score
`SCOreS for
`main criteria
`Scores for
`s ubcrite ri a
`Info record level
`Purchase orders
`Goods reiceipts
`Quality inspection lots
`Manual Scoring
`With this method you enter the vendor’s score for a subcriterion in the vendor evaluation system
`yourself before carrying out an evaluation. The system includes this score when calculating the
`main criterion score.
`Score for
`main criteria
`Score for
`[~ User enters score
`for subcriterion

`The manual score for the vendors applies to all their materials.
`This method is recommended for evaluations which are not based on specific materials. It does not
`require much maintenance since you are not required to enter individual scores over a period of
`Before each new evaluation, you should check and, if necessary, change the scores for manual
`Semi-Automatic Scoring
`Instead of giving vendors an overall score for all their materials as you do with manual subcriteria,
`you can maintain a number of scores for each important material on info record level with this
`Score for
`main criterion
`~ Score for
`I scores via info record I
`[~ User enters scores
`for subcriteria via
`info records
`[~ System calculates
`score for subcriterion
`This method enables you to calculate a score for a subcriterion based on purchasing data in the
`SAP system. The scores obtained using this method are more accurate and objective.
`The system includes all the scores you have entered when it calculates the subcriteria scores.
`Material-specific evaluations can be used to compare different vendors who provide the same
`material (see _M___o_nj_tprjng___V__e__nd_o_[__E__y_a_]uatjo_n.
`Automatic Scoring
`With this method, you are not required to enter any data or scores yourself.

`Score for
`main criterion
`Score for
`Scores via
`info record
`Data enterd at procurement,
`goods movement and QM
`~> System updates data
`and calculates score
`for subcriterion
`Purchase orders
`Goods receipts
`Quality inspection lots
`The system calculates the scores for automatic subcriteria based on data from other areas of the
`company (for example, goods receipt or quality assurance). This data is entered into the vendor
`evaluation system via an automatic update of the statistics files.
`Each automatic subcriterion is based on one scoring method. For example, the system checks all
`the purchase orders and goods receipts, then it calculates a vendor’s score for the subcriterion
`On-Time Delivery Performance based on the average variance between actual and planned
`delivery dates.
`The following table displays the automatic subcriteria for the four main criteria in the standard
`Main criterion
`Price Level
`Price History
`Goods Receipt
`Quality Audit
`In-Production Rejection (not in 2.1)
`On-Time Delivery Performance
`Quantity Reliability
`Shipping Instructions
`Reliability (semi-automatic)
`Innovation "
`Customer Service "

`Changing Scores Manually
`In certain cases, you might want to change the automatic scores.
`For example, suppose a vendor has missed delivery dates because of a strike. Therefore, he/she
`has obtained a very poor score for the automatic subcriterion On-time delivery performance. If you
`do not want this exceptional situation to make a significant difference to the vendor’s score, you can
`overwrite the score with a better one.
`Before you can overwrite the score for this subcriterion, you require an authorization to change
`Authorizations and field attributes are maintained via system configuration. For more information
`see and/or contact your system administrator.

`Evaluating Vendors
`This section explains how to evaluate vendors. You will learn how to evaluate a vendor based on
`the following subcriteria:
`¯ automatic
`¯ automatic and semi-automatic
`¯ automatic, semi-automatic, and manual
`You also learn how to display, change, and delete evaluations.
`This section also includes a section on the SAP hierarchy and presentation graphics which can be
`used to graphically display a vendor evaluation.
`If you are not familiar with the functionality and scoring methods in the vendor evaluation system,
`please read !.rlt[.(~d.L4£.’!?.d.o.r..E~f.a.!!on.
`Before you evaluate a vendor, you must consider the following questions:
`¯ Have you maintained the system configurations?
`¯ Do you have the required authorizations?
`¯ Which vendor do you want to evaluate?
`¯ Which purchasing organization is to evaluate the vendor?

`Is this the first time the vendor has been evaluated?

`If not, when was the last evaluation?
`Overview of Procedure
`The following graphic displays the steps you must carry out to evaluate a vendor:

`(~ Enter
`- vendor
`- purchasing organization
`~) Enter weighting key
`(~) Enter scores for manual
`@ Evaluate all main criteria
`~) Save evaluation
`This section contains the following topics:
`................... : ..........~ ............................[ ...................- ........L.
`................... : ..........~ ..................[- .....................~ ....................: .......L.
`Click on a topic for more information

`KEvaluating with Automatic Subcriteria
`This section explains how to evaluate a vendor based only on automatic subcriteria. For this type of
`evaluation, you are only required to carry out the basic steps.
`Determining a Scoring Method for Subcriteria
`You can determine which scoring method has been allocated to a subcriterion on the subcriteria
`The key for different scoring methods can be found in the last column of the area Evaluation of
`subcriteria. The following table displays how they are allocated.
`Scoring method
`2 - 9
`Scoring Method for Automatic Subcriteria
`Automatic subcriteria can be calculated as follows:
`Scoring method
`4 5 7 9 8 3 2 6
`Price Level
`Price History
`Goods Receipt
`Quality Audit
`In-Production Rejection
`On-Time Delivery Performance
`Quantity Reliability
`Shipping Instructions
`To evaluate a vendor, proceed as follows:
`From the system menu select Logistics -->Materials management -->Purchasing and then
`Master data--> Vendor evaluation -->Maintain. The initial screen appears.
`Enter a purchasing organization and vendor and then press ENTER. An overview of the main
`criteria for this purchasing organization is displayed.
`If you have the SAP Classification System, you can enter a vendor class instead of a vendor. A list
`of the class is displayed from which you can select a vendor for evaluation. Use the entry help F4 or
`the matchcode =k.

`For more information about the classification system, see MM Classification Guide,
`3. Maintain the required field Weighting key.If you do not know the weighting key, press F4.
`4. From the menu bar select evaluation
`The system first calculates the scores for the automatic subcriteria, then the scores for the main
`criteria, and finally the overall score for the vendor.
`5. Save your evaluation with Fl1.
`Other fields on the overview screen include:
`¯ Deletion indicator
`¯ Main criteria scores
`Deletion indicator: please see!.uat.i.o.n to learn how this indicator
`Log for Calculating Automatic Subcriteria
`The log provides a breakdown of the the vendor’s score for a subcriterion. It displays the automatic
`subcriteria scores for all the info records included in the current calculation.
`After you have carried out an evaluation of the automatic subcriteria for several or all of the main
`criteria, you can display the log. From the menu bar select Goto --~AII logs.
`If you did not start a new evaluation, the system will not generate a log.
`Calculating Score for Individual Main Criterion
`If you want the system to calculate a score for an individual main criterion rather than an overall
`score based on all the main criteria, proceed as follows:
`Press F16 on the overview screen for main criteria. A window appears in which you can select
`the main criterion.
`Select the criterion you want and press ENTER. The main criterion screen appears.
`Press F5, to calculate the score for this main criterion.
`You can display the log for the automatic subcriteria for this main criterion
`--~Log per main criterion.
`by selecting Goto

`Evaluating with Semi-Automatic Subcriteria
`This section explains how to evaluate a vendor on the basis of semi-automatic subcriteria.
`If you want to calculate main criteria scores on the basis of automatic subcriteria and
`semi-automatic subcriteria, you must maintain scores for the semi-automatic criteria over a period
`of time.
`Maintaining Scores for Semi-Automatic Subcriteria
`You can maintain scores in two ways; in vendor evaluation and when maintaining a purchasing info
`record. To access vendor evaluation from an info record, select Details -->Vendor evaluation.
`To enter scores for semi-automatic subcriteria via the vendor evaluation menu, proceed as follows:
`1. From the overview screen for main criteria select Goto --~ Evaluation perinfo recordto access
`the info record level.
`A window appears in which you enter the number of the material for evaluation. If the material
`does not have a material master record, you can enter the info record number.
`2. Enter the material number or info record and press ENTER. The screen for the first main criterion
`3. Enter scores for your subcriteria.
`4. You can branch with F18 to the screen for the next main criterion. Maintain the scores for your
`5. Repeat this procedure for the other main criteria. Save your evaluation with F11.
`The next time you carry out a vendor evaluation, the system uses both the automatic and
`semi-automatic subcriteria to calculate the scores.
`Re-evaluating Semi-Automatic and Automatic Subcriteria
`The scores for subcriteria are allocated to main criteria which are displayed on separate screens
`when you maintain a vendor evaluation.
`The function Automatic new evaluation enables you to re-evaluate the scores for a vendor for
`semi-automatic and automatic subcriteria only. You can determine how a vendor’s scores for
`semi-automatic and automatic subcriteria have changed since the last evaluation. The manually
`maintained scores from the last evaluation remain unchanged so that you can compare the results.
`If the manually maintained scores were not included in the calculation, the overall score would be
`very different. It would not be possible to compare the new results with the old results.
`The scores for semi-automatic and automatic subcriteria are displayed together in a list so they can
`be compared easily.You can also compare the old and new scores and replace the old scores by
`the new ones.
`Perform the following steps to re-evaluate existing subcriteria. Select Master data -->Vendor
`evaluation ->Automatic new evaluation from the purchasing menu.
`2. Enter a vendor and purchasing organization.

`3. Press F8 to compare the old and new scores.
`4. If you want to replace the old scores by the new scores, save the new ones with F11.
`Select Individual log or All logs to branch into the log display.
`Generating List of Vendors to be Evaluated
`You can also use this function to generate a work list of vendors to be evaluated.
`Enter a date and leave the field Vendor empty. When you press Execute, the system generates a list
`of all the vendors who have not been evaluated since this date. The list includes both vendors with
`outdated evaluations and vendors who have never been evaluated.
`From this list you can branch into the screens for maintaining evaluations and overwrite the old
`scores with the new scores.
`Evaluating Vendors in Batch
`You can evaluate your vendors on a regular basis via batch processing. The function Evaluation in
`batch can be found under the purchasing menu.
`If you want to start a batch request for vendor evaluation, you require a variant to limit the number
`of vendors for evaluation.
`Maintaining and displaying variants
`You can display existing variants by selecting Goto --~Variant overview. You can use one of these
`variants for your batch request.
`If you want to create a new variant, select Goto --~Maintain variant. Enter the name of the variant
`and press Edit. You can determine your selection criteria and/or parameters on the maintenance
`screen. Save your variant.
`To evaluate vendors in batch, proceed as follows:
`1. Select Master data -~ Vendor evaluation --~Follow-on functions -~Evaluation in batch.
`2. On the request screen, enter a job name and the name of the variant. Specify when the batch
`evaluation should take place and how often it should be repeated.
`3. Save the batch request.
`To carry out evalutions in batch and to define variants you require certain authorizations. If you
`have any further questions, please consult your system administrator.
`For more information about batch requests, please read Getting Started with the R/3 System.
`Subsequent Evaluation of Batch Evaluations
`In batch processing you usually evaluate vendors who belong to the same group, for example,
`vendors who have the same weighting key. It is possible, though, that you have selected an interval
`that contains different groups of vendors. Due to this reason, you do not enter a weighting key for
`evaluations in batch.
`To ensure that the scores are calculated correctly, you must subsequently maintain the weighting
`key for these evaluation records.

`The evaluation records in question can be determined through the evaluation of vendors without
`weighting keys.
`This function can be found in the purchasing menu under Masterdata --~ Vendor evaluation
`--~Follow-on functions -~ Vendors without weighting key
`From this report you can branch directly into the screens for maintaining evaluations. For more
`information on analyses, please read Monitorin~LVendor Evaluation

`Evaluating with Manual Subcriteria
`This section explains how to include scores for manual subcriteria in the evaluation.
`Before you can evaluate vendors based on manual subcriteria, you must maintain the scores for
`these subcriteria.
`Maintaining Scores for Manual Subcriteria
`To enter scores manually, proceed as follows:
`1. Press F17 to display the first main criterion screen.
`2. Enter scores for the manual subcriteria.
`3. Press F18 to reach the next main criterion screen and enter scores here.
`4. Repeat this procedure for all your other main criteria.
`If you then carry out the next vendor evaluation via Edit -~Automatic new evaluation, the system
`calculates the scores on the basis of the automatic, semi-automatic, and manual subcriteria.

`KMaintaining Vendor Evaluation
`This section explains how to display, change, and delete a vendor evaluation and how to generate
`a vendor evaluation sheet.
`Display Vendor Evaluation
`Proceed as follows to display an evaluation:
`1. From the system menu select Logistics -->Materials management ->Purchasing and then
`->Vendor evaluation ->Display. You reach the initial screen for

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