PP Logistics Information Library
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`Prepared for R/3 Release 2.2.
`July 94

`@1994 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
`Neither this documentation nor any part of it may be copied or reproduced in any form or by any
`means or translated into another language, without the prior consent of SAP AG.
`SAP AG makes no warranties or representations with respect to the content hereof and specifically
`disclaims any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose. SAP AG
`assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document. The information
`contained in this document is subject to change without notice. SAP AG reserves the right to
`make any such changes without obligation to notify any person of such revision or changes. SAP
`AG makes no commitment to keep the information contained herein up to date.

`This section provides a general functional description of the Logistics Information Library (LIL).
`You will learn about the benefits of using the Logistics Information Library, which performance
`measures you can access, and how to call up LIL.
`This section contains the following topics:

`KWhat IS the Logistics Information Library (LIL)?
`You use the Logistics Information Library (LIL) to record, classify, and retrieve logistics
`performance measures.
`The term "performance measure" is understood very broadly in the context of the Logistics
`Information Library; for example, information such as stock level is seen as a performance
`Where LIL Fits into the Logistics Information System (LIS)
`The Logistics Information Library is a component in the Logistics Information System (LIS). The
`following figure gives you an overview of the different components in LIS. In addition to the
`information or performance measurement systems, LIS contains the Statistics Database
`component which you can use to make custom-defined additions to the information systems.
`I Logistics Information SystemI
`LogisUcs Infor-
`mation Library
`Statistics Database
`- Purchasing Information System
`- Sales Information System
`- Shop Floor Information System
`- Inventory Controlling
`- Plant Maintenance Information System
`LIL allows you to access performance measures that are stored in LIS using simple search
`strategies. You can also catalog and structure performance measures from several different areas
`or applications in LIL.
`Functions and Benefits of LIL
`LIL is a tool that makes the access of performance measures transparent, fast, and easy.

`More than 900 performance measures are cataloged and classified in the standard LIS, which
`comprises all the logistics information systems.
`LIL allows you to access, on the one hand, the information systems available in the SAP R/3
`logistics modules and, on the other, performance measures that are not integrated into any of the
`information systems, such as performance measures which are special to your company and
`therefore defined internally.
`You need no detailed knowledge of the system to be able to search for information in the Logistics
`Information Library. This makes LIL an effective tool for the cross-application retrieval and
`cataloging of information for even the occasional user.
`You can narrow the scope of your search to a particular performance measure, without needing to
`know the exact name of the program, report, transaction code, or menu path. In this way,
`information becomes a general resource that any authorized person can use to optimize his or her
`work processes.
`LIL does not generate performance measures. Rather, it ensures that information which is already
`potentially available is actually made available.
`You can use LIL to integrate programs, reports, transactions, information systems, and tables from
`different areas of logistics, such as Purchasing, Sales, and Shop Floor Control.
`Information is made transparent by the conversion of reports, programs, and transactions into
`performance measures and by their common storage.
`Users are offered several performance measure retrieval options, which means they can influence
`the way information is accessed and made available (see figure below).
`Easy performance J._
`measure re~ieval
`Integ ration
`j Programs i
`I Transactions I
`| Information systems |
`,I ~/i
`I r=L~:°3" I
`I I ’"s ....
`I |
`~% I
`I Productionl
`II Master II
`I /
`I I maint.

`The main benefits of LIL are:

`central cataloging of all performance measures
`¯ transparency of information with regard to availability

`faster, more direct access to performance measures
`¯ easy-to-use search strategies
`¯ no detailed system knowledge required
`¯ grouping of performance measures to form customized info sets
`¯ user-specific maintenance of control paramters

`integration of performance measures from non-SAP systems
`¯ performance measure authorizations tailored to each user’s needs
`¯ avoidance of unnecessary system load thanks to predefined areas to analyze
`What Performance Measures Are Available?
`LIL gives you fast, direct access to more than 900 performance measures from different sources
`(see the figure below):
`¯ Performance measures from the LIS information systems.
`It is currently possible to access performance measures in the following information systems:
`- Shop Floor Information System (SFIS)
`- Sales Information System (SIS)
`- Purchasing Information System (PURCHIS)
`- Inventory Controlling (INVCO)
`In total, these information systems provide more than 180 performance measures. This figure is
`multiplied several times over in LIL, since performance measures are cumulated and presented
`at a number of different levels, as in the information systems themselves; for example, you can
`retrieve both a "material view" and a "plant view" of "valuated stock".
`¯ Performance measures from the SAP modules (for example, Purchasing, Sales, Plant
`Maintenance) which are not integrated into an information system.
`¯ Tables from which performance measures can be called.
`¯ Performance measures and other items of information that can be called up using your own
`company’s programs and transactions.
`Such information can also be entered and then called up in LIL.
`Thus, you can use the Logistics Information Library to bring together, catalog, and make easily
`accessible your company’s own internally developed data sources.
`All the information and performance measures throughout the system are brought together in one
`place and made available via the same common user interface (see the following figure).

`information systems
`[] Sales Information System
`[] Purchasing Information System
`Inventory Controlling
`Elements from
`user-specifi c systems
`[] Transactions
`[] Reports
`[] Tables
`Performance rneasums
`from SAP modules
`[] Purchas~g
`[] Sales
`[] Plant maMtenance

`How to Access LIL
`The Logistics Information Library has its own menu in all the LIS information systems.
`To access the Logistics Information Library, select
`Logistics --~ Logistics Controlling --~ and either one of the LIS information systems: for example,
`Inventory Controlling, Purchasing Information System, or the entire Logistics Information System
`from the system menu.
`You will find the Logistics Information Library menu in any of the information systems.

`Retrieving Performance Measures
`Central to the Logistics Information Library is the function which finds performance measures and
`returns them to the user.
`The major advantage of retrieving performance measures from the Logistics Information Library is
`that you do not require detailed knowledge of the system. You need be aware neither of the
`application in which the desired performance measure is generated nor of program names, report
`names, or transaction codes.
`The retrieval of a performance measure is based on knowledge that is generally available to any
`LIL offers three different ways to select performance measures. You use them to draw up lists of
`performance measures in line with your requirements. You can then call up a specific performance
`measure direct from such a list.
`This section tells you:
`¯ how to carry out retrieval
`¯ what additional information on a performance measure is available to you
`¯ how to call up a performance measure
`It contains the following topics:
`i .......


`LIL offers the following three options for selecting performance measures:
`¯ text strings
`You can specify one or more terms (catchwords) that are contained in the description of the
`desired performance measure. You link these terms with "and" or "or". The resulting list shows
`all the performance measures whose descriptions include the specified terms.
`You can select one or more attributes from the classification schema. All the performance
`measures assigned to these attributes then appear.
`info sets
`An info set groups together performance measures that are logically related.
`Common to these three methods is an initial list of all performance measures which meet the
`selection criteria. From this list, you can then access additional information and call up specific
`performance measures.


`Retrieving Performance Measures via Text Strings
`You use this option to search for a performance measure whose description contains a particular
`word or words. You link these strings with "and" or "or".
`What To Do
`This is how you retrieve performance measures via text strings:
`1. Select Info library -~ Measure(s) retrieval -~ Via text strings.
`A window appears in which you can enter up to seven search terms.
`2. Enter your search terms.
`You can enter up to 20 characters in each text field. The conjunctions ("or", "and") which link the
`text fields can be overwritten.
`3. You start the search with Edit --~ Find.
`The system now checks all the performance measures in LIL for the presence of the search
`terms you have entered.
`The result of your search is a list showing any performance measures whose descriptions
`include the specified text strings.
`Example A:
`You have specified the following link:
`coverage and material
`The resulting list contains performance measures whose descriptions include both "material" and
`"coverage" (see figure below); for example, "average total stock coverage in days from material
`analysis", "ranking list of range of coverage, material total analysis".
`Example B:
`You have specified the following link:
`coverage or material
`The resulting list contains performance measures whose descriptions include either the term
`"coverage", or the term "material", or both (see figure below); for example, "RFQs for material from
`Purchasing", "mean coverage of consignment stock from plant analysis", "coverage of valuated
`stock in days, material type analysis".

`Example C:
`You have specified the following multiple links:
`material and coverage or quantity.
`The system processes the search request from left to right (on the screen: from top to bottom). This
`means that it first selects performance measures which contain the catchwords "material" and
`"coverage". It then joins this set to the set of performance measures whose description includes
`"quantity" (see figure below); for example, "invoiced sales quantity in base unit from customer
`analysis", "ranking list of range of coverage, material total analysis".
`Limiting the Scope of the Performance Measures List
`You can limit the scope of your list in two ways, either of which can be repeated as often as you
`Select Back to return to the previous step in the processing logic and carry out text retrieval
`The strings you entered originally remain as they are. You can add further search terms to the
`To start searching again, select Edit --> Find.
`Select Edit --> Text retrieval. A dialog box appears in which you enter one further search term.
`You now select Findto start the second search.
`The resulting list shows only those performance measures that were included in the previous list
`and whose description contains the specified search term.

`Retrieving Performance Measures via Classification
`You use this option to search for a performance measure using a classification schema.
`The schema consists of classifying attributes, that is, key words from the area of logistics. You
`select one or more of these attributes. The resulting list shows all performance measures that are
`assigned to the selected attributes.
`What To Do
`This is how you retrieve performance measures via the classification schema:
`1. Select Info library --~ Measure(s) retrieval --~ Via classification.
`A list of classifying attributes appears.
`The classification schema in the standard R/3 System comprises four groups containing a total of
`36 classifying attributes.
`¯ group 1:information object
`- equipment
`- vendor
`- material
`- material type
`- product group
`- material group
`¯ group 2: information category
`- deviation
`- proportion
`- number
`rating figure
`- quantity
`- master data
`- date
`- value
`¯ group 3: functional area
`- purchasing
`- production

`- plant maintenance
`- quality assurance
`¯ group 4: organizational unit
`work scheduler
`work center
`MRP controller
`purchasing group
`purchasing organization
`business area
`storage location
`sales office
`sales organization
`shipping point
`sales employee
`2. Select the desired classifying attributes.
`You can select as many attributes as you like.
`3. Start the search with Edit -~ Find.
`The resulting list shows all the performance measures that are assigned to the selected
`You have selected the following classifying attributes:
`information object:
`information category:
`functional area:
`The system finds, for example, the following performance measures: "mean consignment stock
`quantity from material analysis", "sales plan according to plant", "stocks per material".
`Limiting the Scope of the Performance Measures List
`You can limit the scope of your list in two ways, either of which can be repeated as often as you
`¯ Select Back to return to the previous step in the processing logic and carry out a renewed
`search using the classification schema:
`The attributes you selected originally remain as they are. You can select further classifying
`attributes and, in this way, shorten your list.
`To start searching again, select Edit --> Find.

`You can further define the scope of the list by specifying a search term.
`Select Edit --~ Text retrieval from the list of performance measures. A dialog box appears in
`which you can enter a search term.
`Select Findto start the search.
`The resulting list contains only those performance measures that were included in the initial list
`and whose descriptions include the specified search term.

`KRetrieving Performance Measures via Info Sets
`Info sets are another way to search quickly for performance measures.
`An info set is a way of grouping together several performance measures according to a given
`criterion. Thus, info sets are particularly useful if you repeatedly need to call up the same
`performance measures together. For example, you can create an info set of all the performance
`measures you need to check at the beginnning of a week.
`You can use info sets to group together performance measures in terms of users and functions.
`Info sets can be single-level or multi-level. The members of a single-level info set are items of
`information or performance measures. The members of a multi-level info set are one or more
`subordinate info sets. Thus, an info set can be made up of many hierarchical levels. For example, a
`multi-level info set might consist of info sets with performance measures that need to be looked at
`on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis. This top-level info set is then assigned, via its description, to
`a particular user.
`You learn how to create info sets in ~...Performance M..easures !nto L!.L:. This section
`concentrates on how you retrieve information with the help of existing info sets.
`What To Do
`To search for a performance measure via info sets, select
`Info library --> Measure(s) retrieval --> Via info sets.
`An alphabetically sorted list of existing single- and multi-level info sets appears.
`If you know the name of the desired info set, you can curtail the process of scrolling through the list.
`You do this by typing the initial letters of the info set in the argument field at the bottom of the
`screen and pressing Enter. The list now begins with the first info set to contain the specified
`combination of letters.
`Displaying the Contents of an Info Set
`To display the contents of an info set in the list, position the cursor on it and select Edit --> Choose.
`What you next see depends on the type of info set you have selected:

`If it is a single-level info set, you see a list of the performance measures it contains.

`If it is a multi-level info set, you see a window depicting the info set hierarchy.
`You can view the hierarchy of a multi-level info set in two ways:
`¯ as a structural display
`The system shows an overview of the multi-level info set hierarchy with its members.
`¯ as a stepped display
`The system shows the first hierarchical level, followed - step by step - by the members in
`subordinate info sets.
`You can toggle between display modes by pressing the Switch display button.
`To obtain a list of the performance measures in your multi-level info set, position the cursor on it,
`and push the Choose button.
`The resulting list shows all the performance measures contained in the selected info set and its
`subordinate info sets.

`Limiting the Scope of the Performance Measures List
`You can further define the scope of the performance measures list by specifying a search term.
`1. Select Edit --> Text retrieval from the list of performance measures.
`A dialog box appears in which you can enter a search term.
`2. Select Findto start the search.
`The resulting list contains only those performance measures that were included in the initial list
`and whose descriptions include the specified search term.

`KAdditional Information
`You can display the following additional information for every performance measure in the list:
`¯ documentation (on the report, program, transaction, or table which is used to call up the
`performance measure)

`retrieval path
`¯ technical information
`Displaying the Retrieval Path
`Select Details -~ Display retrieval path to view the selection log.
`This log gives you the following information:

`selection type
`The option (info sets, classification, text retrieval) via which the performance measures list was
`internal number and short description of the selected info set
`This information is only displayed if the performance measure was retrieved via the info sets
`number of performance measure selected (that is, how many were selected)
`list of the performance measures selected
`An internal number, description, and name of the report/program/transaction code/table used to
`call up the measure is listed for each performance measure.
`Displaying Documentation
`This is how you view the documentation on the program, report, or transaction with which the
`performance measure is called up:
`1. Position ths cursor on the desired performance measure in the list.
`2. Select Details -~ Documentation.
`Displaying Technical Information
`Select Details -~ Technical information to display the following technical information on a
`performance measure:
`¯ general data:
`internal number of performance measure; description; application from which the performance
`measure is derived
`LIS reference (only for performance measures that are integrated into the Logistics Information
`name of the table that was generated for the information structure; field name of the
`performance measure in the information structure
`name of the program, report, transaction, or table with which the performance measure is called
`number of times the performance measure has been called up, name of the last person to

`change it, date of this change
`Displaying Classifyng Attributes
`Select Edit--~ Classify to view a window showing the classifying attributes assigned to this
`performance measure.

`Calling Up Performance Measures
`The procedure for calling up performance measures from the list is the same for all three retrieval
`options (text strings, classification, info sets).
`This is how you call up a performance measure:
`1. Position the cursor on the desired performance measure in the list.
`2. Select Edit --> Carl up measure.
`You now branch automatically to the selection screen of the transaction, table, program, or
`report with which you call up the selected performance measure.
`Calling Up All Performance Measures in an Info Set
`You can call up all the performance measures in an info set at the same time. The one condition for
`this is that the performance measures of this info set are called up using the same transaction,
`report, or program.
`This is what you do:
`1. Position the cursor on the desired info set in the list or on the hierarchy display of the info set.
`2. Push the Carl up info set button.
`The selection screen for the transaction, report, or program for calling up the performance
`measures appears.

`Info Sets
`You use info sets to group together performance measures in terms of users and/or functions. It is
`possible to have many hierarchical levels within one info set. The Logistics Information Library
`comes with predefined info sets. However, you can also create additional info sets to meet your
`own special requirements.
`The following section explains how an info set is structured, and how you create, change, and
`display info sets.
`It contains the following topics:
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`What Is an Info Set?
`You use info sets to group together performance measures that are logically related. Info sets are
`particularly useful if you repeatedly need to call up the same performance measures together. For
`example, you can create an info set of all the performance measures you need to check regularly.
`There are two types of info set:

`single-level info sets
`¯ multi-level info sets
`The members of a single-level info set are performance measures. The members of a multi-level
`info set are one or more subordinate info sets. Thus, a multi-level info set can be seen as a
`hierarchical structure that refers to other info sets (see figure below).
`Reference I
`Multi-level info set
`Single-level info set

`Creating Info Sets
`In this topic, you learn how to create single- and multi-level info sets, how to store variants
`(selection criteria) for performance measures and info sets, and what options are available for
`editing info sets.
`Creating Single-Level Info Sets
`The members of a single-level info set are performance measures. This is how you create a
`single-level info set:
`1. Select Info library --> Info set --> Create.
`The initial screen for creating an info set appears.
`2. Either you can choose the number of the info set yourself (external number assignment) or have
`the system assign it internally (internal number assignment).
`The internal number range 00000001 - 00099999 is available for internal number assignment.
`You can enter any alphanumeric, 8-character number as an external number, provided that it
`does not lie within the internal number range.
`Please note that the number range 01000000 - 99999999 is reserved for the info sets supplied with
`the standard SAP R/3 System. If you use a number from this range, there is a risk that the info set
`will be overwritten when the system is upgraded to another release or maintenance level.
`If you want the info set number to be assigned internally, do not enter anything in the Info set
`field. If you want to assign the info set number externally, enter the desired number in the Info
`set field.
`3. Select Performance measures from the Members box and press Enter.
`4. Enter the short description of the info set.
`Since info sets are selected by means of their descriptions, you should always choose a description
`that says something meaningful about the contents of the info set.
`Assigning Performance Measures
`The following sub-topic explains how you assign performance measures to a new info set.
`You have three options for retrieving performance measures:

`retrieval via text strings

`retrieval via classification

`retrieval via info sets
`From the lists of performance measures created in this way, you can then choose the performance
`measures you need and copy them to the info set.
`This is what you do:
`1. Select Edit --> Choose measure(s).
`A dialog box appears showing the three retrieval options: text strings, classifying attributes, and
`info sets.

`Select the desired option and press Enter.
`The procedure for retrieving performance measures is fully described in Ret[,..Pe[[ormance
`Position the cursor in the list on the performance measure that you want to include in your info
`set and select Edit ~ Select ~ Select/deselect.
`If you want to select and copy a block of adjacent performance measures, position the cursor at
`the beginning of the block and select Edit ~ Select -~ Select block. Now position the cursor at
`the end of the block and select Edit -~ Select --~ Select block again.
`To deselect a single line in this block, position the cursor on the performance measure and
`select Edit -~ Select -~ Select/deselect.
`To deselect all lines in the block, select
`Edit --~ Select --~ Deselect all.
`To include the selected performance measure(s) in the info set, select Edit ~ Copy to info set.
`This takes you to the list of performance measures in the new info set.
`Creating Variants
`LIL offers a facility to create variants - that is, selection criteria - for individual performance
`measures in a single-level info set or for a single-level info set as a whole.
`You can only create variants for performance measures that are called up using a report or
`program. Moreover, you can only create a variant for an info set if all performance measures in that
`info set are called up using the same report or program. When you call up a performance measure
`or info set using a variant, the system skips the selection screen; that is, the selection screen is no
`longer displayed.
`Variants are useful if you want to call up performance measures from within the same clearly
`defined area at regular intervals. This is because variants save you the time and effort of specifying
`the selection criteria every time you call up the same performance measure or info set. The
`selection screen does not appear if you use a variant.
`The following topic outlines how you create a variant starting from LIL. For further information on
`variants, please refer to BC - ABAP/4: Programming Reports.
`What To Do
`This is how you create a variant for a performance measure or info set.
`1. To create a variant for:
`¯ a performance measure,
`select it and then select Edit ~ Members variant.
`A dialog box appears.
`¯ an infoset,
`select Info set variant.
`A dialog box appears.
`2. Enter the name of the variant in the Variant name field and press Enter.
`This takes you to the variant maintenance screen. The program name is already defined.

`Before you create a new variant for a report, check to see whether you cannot use, or make minor
`changes to, an existing variant. To do this, select Catalog. A list of existing variants for this program
`appears. Position the cursor on a line in the list and select Variants --> Displayto view the values
`and options of a particular variant.
`To create a new variant, select Variants ~ Edit. This takes you to the program selection screen.
`Enter the desired selection criteria and save the values you have entered, thus saving the
`variant too. An overview screen now appears on which you can enter parameters for your
`Enter any desired parameters and save your settings with Variant --> Save.
`If you have created a variant for an info set, the name of the variant is displayed on the
`maintenance screen under the description of the info set.
`If you have created a variant for a performance measure, the name of the variant is displayed
`on the maintenance screen to the right of the performance measure.
`Creating Multi-Level Info Sets
`The members of a multi-level info set are one or more subordinate info sets. This is how you create
`a multi-level info set:
`1. Select Info library --> Info set --> Create.
`The initial screen for creating an info set appears.
`2. Either you can choose the number of the info set yourself (external number assignment) or have
`the system assign it internally (internal number assignment).
`The internal number range 00000001 - 00099999 is available for internal number assignment.
`You can enter any alphanumeric, 8-character number as an external number, provided that it
`does not lie within the internal number range.
`Please note that the number range 01000000 - 99999999 is reserved for the info sets supplied with
`the standard SAP R/3 System. If you use a number from this range, there is a risk that the info set
`will be overwritten when the system is upgraded to another release or maintenance level.
`If you want the info set number to be assigned internally, do not enter anything in the Info set
`field. If you want to assign the info set number externally, enter the desired number in the Info
`set field.
`3. Select Info sets from the Members box and press Enter.
`4. Enter the short description of the info set.
`Since info sets are selected by means of their descriptions, you should always choose a description
`that says something meaningful about the contents of the info set.
`Assigning Info Sets
`You can specify either
`¯ existing info sets
`¯ new info sets

`as the members of a multi-level info set. You assign the contents of new info sets in a later step.
`Assigning Existing Info Sets
`This is how you assign existing info sets to a multi-level info set as its members:
`1. Select the function Choose info set(s).
`This takes you to the info set selection list.
`2. Select the desired info sets and now select Edit --> Copy to info set.
`The numbers and descriptions of the selected info sets appear in the list of subordinate info
`3. Save the info set.
`Creating and Assigning New Info Sets
`When assigning the members of a multi-level info set, you can specify an info set that has not yet
`been created. You then maintain this info set in a later step.
`Either you can choose the number of the info set yourself (external number assignment) or have
`the system assign it internally (internal number assignment).
`internal number assignment
`The internal number range 00000001 - 00099999 is available for internal number assignment. If
`you want the info set number to be assigned internally, enter the description of the info set in the
`list of subordinate info sets and press Enter.
`external number assignment
`Enter an 8-character, alphanumeric number of your choice and a short description of the info set
`in the list of subordinate info sets. Please note that the number range 01000000 - 99999999 is
`reserved for the info sets supplied with the standard SAP R/3 System.
`Remember to maintain the new info sets which are as yet without members.
`Adding Lines
`If you require additional lines for members of your multi-level info set, select Edit--~ Edittext
`strings -~ Add lines.
`Editing Info Sets
`You can edit and/or change the list of info sets in a multi-level info set or the list of performance
`measures in a single-level info set. Since these procedures are basically the same for both types of
`info set, they are described together in the following sub-topic.
`Selecting Info Sets and Performance Measures


`selecting a single line
`Position the cursor on the desired performance measure or info set (the present screen is the
`info set maintenance screen) and select Edit --~ Select --~ Select/Deselect.
`selecting a block
`To select and copy a block of several adjacent performance measure

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