PM Structuring Technical Systems
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`Prepared for R/3 Release 2.2.
`August 94

`@1994 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
`Neither this documentation nor any part of it may be copied or reproduced in any form or by any
`means or translated into another language, without the prior consent of SAP AG.

`Overview: Structuring and Managing Technical Systems
`If a company wishes to install DP-supported maintenance, it needs to record, structure and manage
`the technical systems on a long-term basis. Only in this way can a maintenance worker trace
`individual objects specifically for maintenance purposes.
`Advantages of Structuring
`Structuring the objects in your company in a logical manner has the following advantages:

`It reduces data recording requirements.

`It reduces the time required to manage the equipment.

`It simplifies maintenance processing.

`It allows maintenance data to be evaluated more specifically, thoroughly and quickly.
`You should therefore give some consideration to the way in which you structure the objects,
`allowing sufficient time for planning the structure and weighing up all the pros and cons of your
`structuring approach. Note that it takes longer to restructure objects later on than it does to
`structure them in the first place.
`Structuring Options
`The SAP Module PM offers various structuring options, so that you can select those which are
`suited to the needs of your company. Each structuring method is flexible and can be easily and
`quickly adapted to suit your needs.
`You can structure your technical systems in the PM System in any of the following ways:

`functional structure
`You subdivide the system into functional locations. This also allows you to take into account the
`Iocational or process-oriented structure of the object.
`¯ object-related structure
`You subdivide the system into individual technical objects or pieces of equipment.
`from a technical point of view
`You allocate the technical objects that make up the system to object classes (equipment,
`functional location and assembly classes).
`from an accounting point of view
`You allocate the system and its technical objects to cost centers or tangible assets.


`Combining the Structuring Options
`You can also employ a combination of the structuring options listed above. If you have a system
`structure that is both function and object-related, this allows you to make the following distinction:
`¯ The functional location represents the site where the functions are performed.
`¯ The piece of equipment represents the object performing the function.
`Analyzing system malfunctions will then reveal whether or not those that occur repeatedly are

`linked with the usage site or are specific, for example, to the objects made by a particular

`Defining Functional Locations

`Introduction to Functional Locations
`What is a Functional Location?
`A functional location is an element in a technical structure, representing an area of a system at
`which an object can be installed. Objects that can be installed at functional locations are called
`pieces of equipment in the PM System.
`You can structure functional locations according to the following criteria:

`functional criteria
`Example: "pumping station", "drive unit"
`¯ process-related criteria
`Example: "polymerization", "condensing"
`Iocational criteria
`Example: "hall", "location"

`Functional Location Structure
`You define and manage each functional location in the PM System with its own master record and
`you can build up a separate maintenance history for each one.
`Functional location numbers are structured hierarchically. This structure can be defined according
`to your company’s needs, allowing you to represent system or operational structures on a functional
`basis using hierarchical numbers. The hierarchical structure of functional locations can therefore
`represent the interrelation of the operational functions within a system. Each hierarchy level of the
`number corresponds to a given degree of detail in the description of the system.
`When Should Functional Locations be Used for Structuring?

`You should structure your systems using functional locations when
`¯ you want to represent systems or operational structures according to functionality
`¯ maintenance tasks (in the broadest sense) are to be carried out for the individual areas of your
`system or operational structure
`records are to be kept of the maintenance tasks that are carried out in the individual areas of
`your system or operational structure
`¯ technical data is to be recorded and evaluated over long periods of time for the individual areas
`of your system or operational structure
`¯ the costs of maintenance tasks are to be followed up for the individual areas of your system or
`operational structure
`What is a Reference Functional Location?
`A reference functional location is a tool that helps you to enter and manage functional locations.
`You can use a reference functional location when you have to create and manage several
`functional locations of the same kind in the system.
`You define and manage reference functional locations in separate master records. However, they
`do not represent functional locations that actually exist but are allocated to functional locations as
`reference locations.

`The master record of a reference functional location contains entries that are valid for all the
`functional locations allocated to it. This means that when you create functional locations using
`reference locations, you only need to enter data afterwards that is specific to each of the functional
`You want to represent several similar clarification plants in the system as functional locations. To
`do this, first create a reference functional location that contains all the data which applies to all the
`clarification plants. Then create the master records for the individual clarification plants, referring to
`the reference functional location. You then only need to enter data that is specific to the individual
`clarification plants in each of the master records.
`You can use the SAP Classification System to classify functional locations and reference functional
`locations according to technical characteristics. The classes make finding functional locations that
`are similar or alike much easier in the system.
`Using ABAP Reports, you can evaluate the data in the master records of functional locations on
`any level of the hierarchy according to various criteria.
`Further Information
`You can find further information on the classification of functional locations and reference functional
`locations in Classifv.~..T..echnLo.aJ...Ob.~ and also in the MM Classification Guide.
`You can find further information on the processing of texts using SAPscript in the hypertext
`structures STXD_ED (Text Editor) and STXD_SF (Styles and Layout Sets).

`Defining Structuring Guidelines for Technical Structures
`Before you can create functional locations and reference functional locations in the system, you
`must define their structure. You do this using structure indicators and the customizing function.
`Purpose of Structure Indicators
`Using structure indicators you can
`¯ determine and monitor the generic structure of the functional location number

`show the hierarchy levels within the functional location structure in the functional location
`¯ make use of the system’s automatic functions for generating the structure when you create
`functional locations
`The generic functional location number allows the system to determine a superior functional
`location automatically and to copy particular data from it into the new functional location. However,
`this is only possible if the functional locations have been created strictly according to the top-down
`principle, in other words starting with the uppermost functional location.
`After you have created a functional location, the system no longer determines the Functional
`location hierarchy of this particular functional location from its number, but from the entries in the
`SupFunctLoc. fields of the individual master records.
`Creating a Structure Indicator
`When you want to create a new structure indicator for functional locations and reference functional
`locations, select Tools --~ Customizing --> Configuration in the initial screen.
`You obtain the screen Configuration Menu, where you then select Logistics --~ Plant
`maintenance --~ Master data.
`You obtain the screen Plant Maintenance Master Data Configuration, where you then select
`Tech.objects -~ FunctLocations --~ Structlndicator.
`You obtain the screen Change View "FunctLocation Structlndicators": Overview. Here you can see
`all the structure indicators that exist in the system with their associated texts and edit masks.
`Selecting the Screen for Creating a Structure Indicator
`You create a new structure indicator by completing a detail screen. You can select this screen from
`the screen Change View "FunctLocation Structlndicators": Overview as follows:
`Select Edit --~ New lines. You obtain the screen Create Entries: Created Entries - Detail.
`Entering Structure Indicator Data
`Enter the data for the new structure indicator as follows:
`1. Enter an ID number of no more than five digits and a text for the new structure indicator.

`2. Enter the edit mask for the functional location number. You will find a list of the valid characters
`in the online help.
`3. Enter the hierarchy levels for the edit mask.
`4. When you have made all the necessary entries for the new structure indicator you can save it.
`Below is an example of a structure indicator and the functional location number structure that
`comes from it:
`Structure indicator:
`Edit mask:
`Hierarchy levels:
`Functional location
`number according to
`structure indicator:
`Clarification plant structure
`12 345 6
`clarification plant
`biological purification
`filtering station
`filter cell
`valve 1

`Creating the Master Record of a Reference Functional Location
`This section explains how to create a master record for a reference functional location.
`Master records of reference functional locations are managed in the system at client level. This
`means that their numbers are unique for an entire group.
`The master record of a reference functional location serves as a description of sample structures of
`technical systems. It contains:
`¯ the number of the reference functional location
`¯ the description

`classification data (if desired)
`¯ the superior reference functional location
`¯ maintenance data
`As the number of the reference functional location is structured generically, the system
`automatically proposes the next number up in the generic structure for the superior reference
`functional location.
`Master Record Structure
`The master record of a reference functional location is depicted from a functional point of view in
`the diagram below:
`Master record of the
`reference functional location
`P M data
`multilingual texts
`Requirements for Creating the Master Record
`You can create a master record for a reference functional location when the following requirements
`have been met:
`¯ You need to have established the structure of the system that is to be represented.
`¯ You need to have made the table adjustments for structuring the functional locations using the

`customizing functions.
`You need to know which level of the functional location you are entering in each case, in order
`to represent its hierarchical structure correctly in the system. The top-down principle applies:
`start at the highest level and enter the next level down each time.
`You need to know if the description of the functional location has to be entered according to a
`specific company procedure, so that they are easier to search for in the system.
`To create a master record for a reference functional location, proceed as follows:
`Always start off with the uppermost reference functional location, otherwise the generic structure of
`the functional location hierarchy cannot be guaranteed.
`1. Select Logistics --> Plant maintenance --> Technical objects
`You obtain the Technical Objects screen. Select RefLocation -~ Create.
`You obtain the screen Create Reference Location: Initial Screen.
`Enter the desired structure indicator and press ENTER. You now see the entry mask for the
`reference location number and its hierarchy levels.
`Enter the reference location number and press ENTER. You obtain the screen Create Reference
`Location: PM Data.
`Make all the necessary entries in this screen. The online documentation contains explanations
`for the individual fields.
`5. If you wish to allocate the reference location to a class, select Goto --~ Classification. This will
`take you into classification processing.
`6. Save the master record.
`The procedure described above can be made clearer with the help of an example.
`You want to represent a clarification plant in the system as a reference functional location. It has
`the following structure:

`[Clarificalion plant ]
`°°ndIOi’+°’I Pu°pinoI Fi"+rin°I
`Biological ]
`purifi carlo n
`This particular system structure can be represented with the following functional location number
`Edit mask:
`1 2 3 4 5 6
`Hierarchy levels:
`The functional location "Valve 1" of the inlet of the filter cell installed in the filtering station of the
`clarification plant’s biological purification stage has the following number structure in this example:
`Functional location
`number according to
`structure indicator:
`clarification plant
`biological purification
`filtering station
`filter cell
`C1-B02 -2 -A
`valve 1
`The functional location structure leads to the following functional location numbers for the
`clarification plant above:

`ClarlllcatCl°n plant i
`I p urificati°n I
`I ~i~ In 1
`/I- - HI-
`I I ,.,°, 1%’:’r" I Ou,,., /
`Valve 1
`| Valve2
`| Valve2
`You can start to represent the functional location in the system by entering the uppermost level first of
`all, in this case C1. Proceed as described above in steps 1 to 7.
`Copying a Master Record
`When you are creating a new reference functional location, you can use another reference location
`that has similar data as a basis. To do this, enter the reference in the initial screen when you create
`the new reference location.
`Enter the number of the new reference functional location and the reference functional location to
`which you want the system to refer in the field RefLocation in the Reference section. Proceed as
`you would if you were entering a reference functional location without a copy reference.
`The system copies the data of the functional location that is being used as a reference into the
`master record of the new reference location. You can change the data if necessary.
`Determining and Changing Data Origin
`You can display, either individually or as an overview, whether the data in the fields of the master
`record of the reference functional location

`comes from a superior functional location in the structure
`¯ was maintained individually for this master record
`You have the following options in any master record screen:
`¯ To display the data origin of a particular field where you have positioned the cursor, select
`Edit --> Data origin ....
`If you are creating or changing the master record, the fields in the pop-up window are ready for
`input and you can define the data origin for the field that is to be processed.

`¯ To display the data origin for all the fields in the screen, select Details --> Data origin list.
`Linking a Master Record to Documents
`You can link the master record of a reference functional location to document master records. This
`lets you refer to construction drawings, for example, or other documents that refer to that reference
`To link a master record of a reference functional location to documents, proceed as follows:
`1. Select the master record from the Technical Objects screen with either RefLocation -~ Create
`or RefLocafion --> Change.
`2. Select Goto -~ Documents in the PM Data screen.
`A pop-up window is displayed in which you can enter the documents that refer to the master
`record. Use the online help when you enter the documents.
`When you have made all your desired entries in the pop-up window, press ENTER. This brings
`you back to the previous screen.
`4. Save the changes to the master record.
`Finding a Document
`If you do not know the number of the document to which you want to link the master record, you
`can use the Find document function in the Link to Documents window. To do this, proceed as
`1. Select the Find document function in the Link to Documents window.
`This brings you to the Find Document: Selection Criteria screen.
`2. Enter the desired selection criteria. Use the online help if necessary.
`3. Select the Proceed function.
`The system displays a list of all the documents that correspond to your selection criteria.
`4. Select the required document.
`The system copies all the data of the document selected into the fields in the Link to Documents
`Displaying a Document
`You can display each document entered in the Link to Documents window directly on your screen.
`To do this, place the cursor on the desired line in the window and select the function Display
`originals. A pop-up window appears in which the selected document is displayed.
`You can find a detailed description of the document management system in the PP Document
`Management System.

`Changing the Master Record of a Reference Functional
`Sometimes you may have to make changes to the data in the master record of a reference
`functional location, for example if mistakes occurred when data was entered or if data has changed
`in all the dependent functional locations.
`This section explains how to change the master record of a reference functional location.
`Every change that is made can affect the master records of all the functional locations that you
`have allocated to the reference functional location.
`To change the master record of a reference functional location, proceed as follows:
`1. In the Technical Objects screen, select RefLocation -~ Change.
`You obtain the screen Change Reference Location: Initial Screen.
`2. Enter the reference location number or use a matchcode to find it and press ENTER.
`You obtain the PM Data screen of the master record.
`3. Make all the desired entries in this screen.
`If you want to change the classification, select Goto --> Classification. This will take you into
`classification processing.
`4. Save your changes.

`Displaying the Master Record of a Reference Functional
`This section explains how to display the master record of a reference functional location as a
`source of information.
`To display the master record of a reference functional location, proceed as follows:
`1. In the Technical Objects screen, select RefLocation --> Display.
`You obtain the screen Display Reference Location: Initial Screen.
`2. Enter the reference location number or use a matchcode to find it and press ENTER.
`You obtain the PM Data screen of the master record. Using the various function keys, you can
`display all the technical data for the reference functional location.

`Creating the Master Record of a Functional Location
`This section explains how to create a master record for a functional location.
`Master records of functional locations are managed in the system at client level, as are the master
`records of reference functional locations. This means that their numbers are unique for an entire
`The master record of a functional location contains maintenance data (for example, the
`maintenance planning group and the work center) and location data (for example, the maintenance
`plant, the company area and the cost center).
`Master Record Structure
`The master record of a functional location is represented from a functional point of view in the
`diagram below:
`Master record of the
`functional location
`You should always begin by creating the uppermost functional location, just as for reference
`functional locations, otherwise the generic structure of the functional location hierarchy cannot be
`When entering functional locations, the same requirements apply as described for reference
`functional locations.
`Procedure without Using a Reference Functional Location
`To create a master record for a functional location, proceed as follows:

`1. In the initial screen, select Logistics -~ Plant maintenance --> Technicalobjects.
`You obtain the screen Technical Objects. Select FunctLocafion -~ Create.
`You obtain the screen Create Functional Location: Initial Screen.
`2. Make all the entries in this screen in the same way as described for creating a reference
`functional location, following the instructions in the online documentation. Press ENTER.
`You obtain the screen Create Functional Location: Location Data.
`3. Make all the necessary entries in this screen. The online documentation contains explanations
`for the individual fields.
`4. Press ENTER. You obtain the screen PM Data. Make all the necessary entries in this screen,
`referring to the online documentation if necessary.
`5. If you wish to allocate the functional location to a class, select Goto -~ Classification. This
`takes you into classification processing.
`6. Save the master record.
`Procedure Using a Reference Functional Location
`To create a master record for a functional location using a reference functional location, proceed as
`1. In the Technical Objects screen, select FunctLocation --~ Create.
`You obtain the screen Create Functional Location: Initial Screen.
`2. Enter the number of the new functional location and enter the number of the reference functional
`location in the field RefLocation in the Reference section.
`3. Press ENTER. You obtain the screen: Create Functional Location: Location Data. Make all the
`necessary entries in this screen. The online documentation contains explanations for the
`individual fields.
`4. Press ENTER. You obtain the PM Data screen. The system has copied all the data in the
`reference location into the corresponding fields. Make any necessary changes and complete the
`data that is specific to this master record.
`5. If you want to classify the functional location, select Goto -~ Classification. This will take you
`into classification processing.
`6. Save the master record.
`Procedure Using a Functional Location as a Copy Reference
`To create a master record for a functional location using another functional location as a copy
`reference, proceed as follows:
`1. Select the screen Create Functional Location: Initial Screen as described above.
`2. Enter the number of the new functional location and enter the number of the functional location
`from which you want to copy the data in the field FunctLocafion in the Reference section.
`3. Press ENTER. The system copies the data from the functional location given as a reference into
`the master record of the new functional location. Make any changes that are necessary.
`If the functional location that you are using as a reference has a reference functional location, this
`reference will be copied. The superior functional location will not be copied however; the system will

`search for it automatically in the structure of the new functional location.
`If the functional location that is serving as a reference is classified, you can copy the classification
`data into the new functional location. To do this, you need to call up the classification screen.
`4. Save the new master record.
`Determining and Changing Data Origin
`You can display the origin of the data in the fields of the master record of the functional location
`either individually or as an overview. You can see whether the data

`comes from a superior functional location in the structure

`comes from a reference functional location
`¯ was maintained individually for this master record You have the following options in any master
`record screen:
`To display the data origin of a particular field where you have positioned the cursor, select
`Edit --> Data origin ....
`If you are creating or changing the master record, the fields in the pop-up window are ready for
`input and you can determine the data origin for the field that is to be processed.
`To display the data origin for all the fields in the screen, select Details --> Data origin list.
`Linking a Master Record to Documents
`You have the option of linking the master record of a functional location to document master
`records. This lets you refer to construction drawings, for example, or to other documents that refer
`to the functional location.
`If the functional location has a reference functional location, you should only assign documents to
`the functional location that cannot be linked with the reference functional location on account of
`their limited validity.
`When linking master records with documents and when finding and displaying documents, proceed
`as described in ~ea~jng.~heMas~er.~.ecord__.ofa..~.(ence~j;gnaJ.~a~ion,.
`You can find a detailed description of document management in the PP Document Management

`Changing and Displaying the Master Record of a Functional
`As long as you have the authorization, you can always display functional location master records
`for your information or change them if necessary. Changes should only be made in certain cases,
`for example if you made a mistake when entering the data or if data has changed and the master
`record has to be updated.
`If you want to change or display the master record of a functional location, you can access it by
`means of the two paths shown below:
`Changing a functional location:
`In the initial screen, select Logistics -~ Plant maintenance --~ Technical objects.
`You obtain the screen Technical Objects. Select FunctLocation --~ Change.
`You obtain the screen Change Functional Location: Initial Screen.
`Displaying a functional location:
`In the initial screen, select Logistics -~ Plant maintenance --~ Technical objects.
`You obtain the screen Technical Objects. Select FunctLocation --~ Display.
`You obtain the screen Display Functional Location: Initial Screen.
`Procedure when Changing the Maintenance Plant
`In rare cases you might have to change the maintenance plant of a functional location, for example
`when a company is restructured or when a complete system is physically stripped down and
`Consider whether it is absolutely necessary to change the maintenance plant, as the change is a
`major one:
`¯ The system initializes all the fields that are dependent on the
`maintenance plant in the master record and any dependent
`master records.
`¯ A change in the maintenance plant can lead to a change in the
`company code, which will cause the system also to initialize all
`the fields that are dependent on the company code in the master
`record and any dependent master records.
`¯ A change in the company code can lead to a change in the
`controlling area, which will cause the system also to initialize all
`the fields that are dependent on the controlling area.
`change the maintenance plant of a functional location, proceed as follows:
`Select the functional location master record as described above and call up the location data
`2. Select Edit --~ Change MaintPlant.

`The Change Maintenance Plant window is displayed for you to enter the new maintenance
`3. Press ENTER.
`The system warns you of the consequences of changing the maintenance plant. If you are sure
`you want to change the maintenance plant, press ENTER again.
`4. Save the change to the master record.
`If you want to change the data origin for the maintenance plant field, call up the function from the
`pop-up window Change Maintenance Plant.

`Representing the Structure of a Whole System
`When you are creating, changing or displaying a functional location, you can display the whole
`hierarchy, or just parts of it, using the structure overview. This gives you an overall picture of the
`structure that you are processing or that you want to process.
`Working with the Structure Overview
`The structure overview is available in the initial screen, the PM data screen and the location data
`screen of the functional location master records. It is possible to select an individual master record
`for editing from the overview.
`There are two ways of displaying the functional location structure on the screen:

`structure list

`structure graphic
`Structure Graphic
`The structure graphic gives you a graphic overview of the structure, which you can break down
`further using the function keys.
`You can select individually the fields that you want to display for the functional location. To do this,
`use the menu item Field selection.
`Structure List
`The structure list gives you a structure overview in list form which you can break down further in the
`same way using function keys.
`With this type of structure overview, you can select individual fields that you want to display for the
`functional locations. To do this, select Options --> Field selection -~ FunctLocation in the
`Structure List screen.
`Displaying Functional Location Structures Independent of Master Records
`To display a functional location structure using the structure overview without first selecting a
`master record, proceed as follows:
`1. In the Technical Objects screen, select FunctLocation -~ Structure.
`You obtain the screen Functional Location Structure: Selection.
`Complete the selection fields as required, referring to the online documentation if necessary.
`Select Program --> Execute.
`You will now see a display of the functional location structure, in list form or as a graphic,
`depending on the specification on the selection screen, which you can break down further using
`the function keys if necessary.
`Here too you can select the individual fields in the list form of the structure overview which you
`would like to display for the functional locations. To do this, select Options --> Field
`selection --> FunctLocation.

`List Entry of the Master Records of Functional Locations and
`Reference Functional Locations
`In addition to entering individual functional locations and reference functional locations, there is also
`a list entry option available. You can use it as a quick method of entering complete functional
`location structures with their essential data, referring if necessary to existing structures.
`You can use reference functional locations when using the list entry option for functional locations.
`Advantages of List Entry
`The list entry of functional location master records has the following advantages:
`¯ You can quickly represent the desired structure in the system in one operation and enter detail
`data later if necessary.
`¯ You can copy existing structures clearly and quickly.
`¯ You can quickly create a clear structure for functional locations which refers to the structure of a
`reference functional location.
`List Entry Types
`There are various ways of using the list entry option:
`A simple list entry
`You use list entry without specifying a reference.
`B list entry with copy reference
`You use the list entry when you copy an existing functional location structure.
`You can use A and B both for functional locations and for reference functional locations. For
`functional locations, there is also a third way of using the list entry option:
`C list entry with reference functional location as a reference
`You use the list entry option and refer to an existing reference functional location.
`Simple List Entry: Procedure
`You can create functional locations and reference functional locations using the list entry option
`without using a reference in this case.
`To do this, select the l

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