~1. Getting started
`I with R/3
`R/3 S Y S $ E M Click on a topic for more information.
`shows how to start and log onto the R/3 System.
`also shows how to create and change your
`The basics
`describes some basic tasks you’ll perform. It also
`describes the basic parts of an R/3 screen.
`~ a.roun.d. ....
`shows how to select functions and navigate
`between applications.
`T=~ical tasks
`shows some typical data-entry tasks, such as
`working with fields and saving your work.
`shows how to work on several tasks at the same
`time by opening additional windows, or sessions.
`describes the type of information provided in online
`help and how to access this information.

`shows how to generate reports from your
`shows how to output documents from your
`application, and how to monitor print requests.
`~ ~
`For Help on Help, Press F1

`Logging on and off
`This section shows how to log on the R/3 system.
`Click on a topic for more information.
`_R u_!es__[o_ r__cre_a_ tj_n~asswo rd
`~_o j_n o n__!_b_e__fir_s!_t Lm__e.

`Logging on
`Before you log on, you start the R/3 System from your windowing environment. You do this by
`double-clickinq on the icon for the R/3 System. For example, if you use Microsoft Windows (tm),
`you start R/3 by clicking on the R/3 icon in your SAP application window. (See your system
`administrator for more information on starting R/3.)
`After you start the R/3 System, the first screen you see is the Iogon screen.
`To log on, you need:

`a client

`a user name
`¯ an initial password

`your own password (one that you create)
`To find out what your client number, user name, and initial password are, see your system
`The first time you log onto the R/3 System, you should give yourself a password, one that you
`create. Your system administrator will give you an initial password that you use when you log on
`for the first time. After that you use your own password. (These procedures may differ somewhat
`at your company; see your system administrator for more details.)

`Rules for creating a password
`A password is a combination of characters that you enter every time you log onto the R/3 System.
`Your password prevents other people from accessing or changing your work. Remember your
`password--you cannot log onto the R/3 System without it.
`To create a password, follow these rules:

`use any combination of characters (for example, a... z, 0... 9, or punctuation marks)

`use at least 3 but no more than 8 characters

`do not begin with a question mark (?), an exclamation point (!), or a blank space

`do not begin with three identical characters (such as bbbat)

`do not begin with any sequence of three characters that are contained in your user name
`(such as man, if your user name is Brotman)
`do not use pass as your password

`do not use any of your last five passwords (does not apply the first time you log on)
`Your password is not case sensitive; for example, the password blue is the same as Blue.
`Valid passwords:
`Invalid passwords:
`(begins with an invalid character)
`(begins with the same 3 characters)
`(must contain at least 3 characters)

`Steps for logging on the first time
`In the steps below, you are often instructed to press the TAB key after you enter data. When you
`press the TAB key, the cursor moves to the beginning of the next field. However, you do not have
`to press the TAB key when you enter the maximum number of characters possible in a field. For
`example, the maximum number of characters that you can enter in the Client field is three. If you
`enter 001 in the Client field, the cursor will automatically move to the beginning of the next field.
`For more information on fields, see EnterJnq.~_dAtajn..~fie[_ds.
`To log on for the first time:
`In the Client field, enter your client number; then press the TAB key to move the cursor to the
`Name field.
`Generally, a client is proposed. You can change this value to log on to a different client.
`In the Name field, enter your user name; then press the TAB key to move the cursor to the
`Password field.
`In the Password field, enter the initial password your system administrator has given you.
`Click on New password.
`If a pop-up window is not displayed, you need to re-enter your user name (step 2) or
`password (step 3). You may have misspelled your entry or entered an incorrect password or
`user name.
`5. Enter your new password, press the TAB key, and then enter your new password again,
`exactly as you entered it the first time.
`6. Press the ENTER key or click on ~[~iil.
`You have changed your password. The copyright notice is displayed.
`If a pop-up window is displayed instead of the copyright notice, you have either made a
`mistake entering your password, or it is not a valid password. (If you need help to create a
`valid password, see Rules for creating# password earlier in this chapter.) The pop-up
`window contains a message describing the mistake. To remove the pop-up window, press the
`enter key. Repeat steps 5 and 6.
`Press the ENTER key or click on ii]~i]
`The copyright notice is removed, and you have logged onto the R/3 System. The main menu
`screen is displayed. (You may see a different screen depending on how your system is set
`Use your new password the next time you log onto the system.

`Changing your password
`You can change your password whenever you like. For security reasons, however, your system
`administrator may require that you change your password after a specific amount of time, for
`example, every 30 days. In this case, you will receive a message from the R/3 System when it is
`time to change your password.
`You change your password from the Iogon screen, before you log onto the R/3 System. If you
`need to review the rules for creating a password, see Rules for creatinq~sword.
`To change your password
`Follow steps 1 through 7 in ~.o[!.rn.e.
`Note In step 3, you enter your current password, not the initial password.

`Logging off
`You can log off the R/3 System from any screen.
`To log off:
`1. From the menu bar, select System --> Log off.
`In the command field, enter/nend and then press the ENTER key or click on I~.
`2. Click on Yes.
`All your R/3 System sessions close, and you return to your windowing environment.

`~Learning the basics
`This section is a brief overview of the basic elements of the R/3 System, such as the command
`field and the Toolbar
`Click on a topic for more information.
`Parts of an R/3 window
`S e le ctin q.menus and ~ct_ions.
`Markinq and selectinq
`yyo.~’kjn .~jtl~....~?...~.u ....~,.i.n.d.o~s.
`Scrollinq ~.!.n to.~’.r~.a.t!.o.r~ ..!n..y~! ~1.o.~,~
`set, in u~e~o t!ons

`Parts of an R/3 window
`Click on the part of the screen for which you want information:
`{bmc bml0.SHG}
`An R/3 window contains the following elements:
`A.p__!olicatio n toolbar
`Command field
`Menu bar
`Status bar
`Standard toolbar
`Title bar

`Selecting menus and functions
`You can select menus and functions with either the mouse or the keyboard.
`Menus, such as Office, are displayed in the menu bar. The menus that appear in the menu bar
`are determined by the task you are doing. Consequently, you see different menus as you work on
`different tasks. Two menus are, however, always available: the Help menu and the System
`Sometimes all the available menus will not fit on one line in the menu bar and, as a result, will
`wrap to the next line. Whether a menu is on the first or the second line does not affect how you
`work with it.
`Selectin q.~[[

`Selecting with a mouse
`You select menus, sub-menus, and functions by clicking on them.
`To select a menu:
`¯ Click on the menu that you want to select.
`The menu is displayed. If your system is busy, it may take a few seconds for the R/3 System to
`display the menu.
`To display all the menus in the menu bar, drag the pointer across the menus. As you drag
`the pointer across a menu, its contents are displayed.
`To select a function from a menu or sub-menu:
`1. Click on a menu. In the following example, the System menu is selected.
`--Create session
`End session
`Services I~
`List I~
`Batch jobs
`Log off
`2. Click on a sub-menu (indicated by an arrow).
`3. Click on a function.
`The function you selected is performed. Instead of a function, you can select another
`sub-menu if one is available.
`You can easily cancel, or close, any menu or sub-menus that you have selected.
`To cancel a selection:
`¯ Click outside the menu and sub-menus.
`The displayed menu and sub-menus are closed.
`To select function keys with the mouse:
`1. Press the alternate mouse button (usually the right mouse button, if you are right-handed) to
`display and select a list of the active function key~. The list displays as follows:

`Possible entries F4
`Execute in batch F9
`Release the mouse pointer on your

`Selecting from the keyboard
`You select a menu by pressing F10 and then using the arrow keys to mark and display the menu.
`You select a function by marking it with the arrow keys and then pressing the ENTER key.
`To select a menu:
`1. Press F10.
`The menu bar is activated and the first menu is marked.
`2. Press the <-- or --> arrow keys to move to the previous or next menu, respectively.
`Each time you press the <-- or --> keys, the next or previous menu is marked.
`3. Press the key.
`The menu is displayed. If your system is busy, it may take a few seconds for the R/3 System
`to display the menu.
`To select a function from a menu or sub-menu:
`1. Press F10.
`2. Press the <-- or --> keys to move to a menu.
`3. Press the $ key.
`The menu is displayed.
`4. Press $ or 1" key to move to a sub-menu (indicated by an arrow).
`As you move through the menu, each function and sub-menu is marked.
`5. Press the --> key.
`The sub-menu you marked is displayed.
`6. Press the $ or ~ key to move to a function.
`Instead of a function, you can select another sub-menu if one is available by pressing the <--
`or --> key.
`7. Press the ENTER key or click on iiiil~.iil.
`The function you selected is performed.
`You can easily cancel, or close, any menu or sub-menus that you have selected.
`To cancel a selection:

`Press F10. (You may need to press F10 several times.)
`The displayed menu and sub-menus are closed.
`To display the available function keys:
`¯ Hold down the <CTRL> key and press F.

`Marking and selecting options
`When using an application, you often must select an option. In some cases, you can choose one
`option, in others you can choose more than one.
`When you can only select one option, you choose the option by clicking on the "radio button" next
`to the option. When the radio button is filled in, the option is selected. In the following example,
`the date format "MM/DD/YY" is selected:
`!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!! ! !!!!! !!!i i ! !i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
`i!iiiiiiiiii iiiiii i i i i i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ii
`iiiiiiiiiiii iiiiii -i i-i i i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii i
`i iiiiiiiiii iiiiii i i i iiiii iiii i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iii
`When you can select more than one option, check boxes are displayed next to the options. You
`select an option by clicking on the check box next to it. The option is selected when the check box
`is filled in. In the following example, the check boxes "Print immediately" and "Delete after print"
`are selected; whereas the check box "New spool request" is not.
`iiiiiiii i ii i i i i iiiiiii i i i i"i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i
`iiiiiiiiii ;iii i! iiiiii i i i ii iiiiiii i i i i i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
`To selecta radio button orcheck box withthe keyboard, placethe cursoronthe option and press
`the space key.
`iiiiiiiiii ¯ :~......~:::::~::::::~..:~:~:~::::::::::::~:::::~:::..~~

`Working with pop-up windows
`A pop-up window is a special window that the system displays on top of the current window. The
`R/3 System displays pop-up windows when it needs more information from you. It also displays
`pop-up windows that contain information only, for example, messages or specific information
`about your current task.
`To work with pop-up windows, you use the same techniques, such as selecting options from lists,
`entering data in fields, and selecting functions, that you use with standard windows.
`An example of a pop-up window is shown below. When you end a task without saving your data,
`or you select a function that may cause you to lose data, the PJ3 System usually displays a
`pop-up window similar to the following. You use this type of pop-up window to confirm or cancel
`your action.
`You must choose an action from a pop-up window before you can continue. You choose an
`action by pressing on one of the buttons at the bottom of the window. For example, you if you
`double-click on No in the pop-up window above, the document is not saved. If you select
`Cancel, the document is not saved, but you resume processing where you left off.

`Scrolling through information in windows
`Often when you view, for example, a report or online help, all the available information cannot fit
`in your window. To see the additional information, you can use either the vertical or horizontal
`scroll bars, or the keyboard to move through the information.
`With some window systems, the size of the slider box represents how much of the available
`information is visible in the window. For example, if there is no slider box, all the information is
`visible in the window. On the other hand, if the slider box is small, then only a small amount of the
`available information is visible in the window.
`You use scrg.[, to move, or scroll, vertically and horizontally through information in a window.
`To scroll vertically one line or horizontally by one character:
`¯ Click on a scrolling arrow.
`To scroll to the previous or next screen, or to scroll horizontally by the width of the
`¯ Click in front of or behind the slider box.
`The previous or next screen of information is displayed, or the information in the window
`moves to the left or to the right. The information moves horizontally in steps equal to the size
`of the window.
`To move quickly anywhere in the information:
`¯ Drag the slider box to the approximate location of the desired information; then release the
`mouse button.
`For example, if you want to move to the middle of the information, drag the slider box to the
`middle of the scroll bar.
`You can also use the keyboard to scroll through information in windows.
`by selecting
`scroll to
`first page
`previous page
`next page
`last page
`left or right
`Depends on the R/3 application; check the
`application toolbar to see which function
`keys to use.
`Instead of using F22 and F23, you can often use the standard paging keys, for example,
`the Page Down and Page Up keys that are located on your keyboard.

`Setting user options (! menu)
`The ! menu is the rightmost menu on the menu bar. You use this menu to change the
`appearance of the R/3 window when you log on. You can

`change the colors of input fields (see ~...c~?.!~?.r.s.9~.~f?.x~§)

`change the display font of texts (see ~)

`determine whether the standard or application toolbar displays at the top of the R/3 window
`when you log on (see ..cljs. _[8.._o..!i~n.s... )

`Setting colors of texts
`You can set the color of fields and determine the fonts of displayed texts in your R/3 windows.
`Note You change the color and background of the R/3 window using the Control Panel in
`Microsoft Windows(TM).
`To set colors:
`You can set the color of the following elements on a screen:

`text fields (areas of display-only text)

`input fields (fields in which you enter data)

`highlighted text and input fields (that is, when the information is highlighted on the screen)

`focus fields (when the cursor is on a particular field)
`1. Select Colors from the ! menu to display the Color Palette window.
`2. Select one of the pre-defined color sets. Standard is the default.
`When you select a color, the colors of the sample text list on the left of the Color Palette
`window changes.
`3. Choose the List Colors button to set the color of fields in list displays, such as reports. The
`List Colors window displays. The List Colors window contains the three categories of fields
`within report lists: normal, intensive, and inverse-display.
`You can set up to 7 colors in each category. The number of colors displayed for a category is
`determined by the report you generate. For example, if a report requires more than two
`colors for normal fields, then colors 1 and 2 of the normal category are displayed.

`Choose a color within a category (for example, color 1 in the normal category).
`To reset the color to the standard default color for the selected text, choose the
`Standard button.
`Select Background or Text to set the color of the background of a field or the
`text within the field, respectively.
`To change the color of the selected field, select the Change button and choose a
`color. You can choose one of the basic colors or you can define your own
`(custom) color (described below).
`4. Select the OK button to save your color settings.
`To define a custom color:
`When you change list colors, you can also create a custom color.
`1. From the Basic Colors window, select the Define custom colors...
`2. Drag the cursor in the Color Refiner box and the arrow beside the luminosity bar to define
`your color. Note that the color you create is shown in the left side of the Color/Solid box.
`You can double-click the right side of the box or press ALT+O to use the solid color most
`closely resembling the one you have created.
`In the Custom Colors palette, select a box for the color.
`Select an empty box or one that contains a color you want to change to the new color.
`4. Choose the Add to Custom Colors button.
`5. Create any other colors you want, and add them to the palette.



`6. Choose the OK button.
`6. Choose the OK button.

`Setting fonts
`You use the Fonts option to change the font of the text displayed on the screen.
`you can make the displayed text larger or bold to improve readability.
`1. Select Fonts from the ! menu.
`In the Font dialog box, choose the font, style, and size of the font to display.
`The Sample box shows what the font you have chosen looks like.
`3. Choose the OK button.
`For example,

`Setting display options
`Use this option to determine whether to display the toolbar, a lication toolbar, or status bar.
`You can also determine whether the TAB character advances automatically at the end of an input
`field and whether lines are shown in list displays.
`To set the display options:
`1. Select Settings from the ! menu.
`2. Select the desired option.
`3. Choose the OK button.
`To set the time display:
`You can determine whether the local time or the system response time displays on the rightmost
`portion of the status bar.
`Select Response time from the ! menu to display the repsonse time.
`Select Time from the ! menu to display the time.

`~Moving around R/3
`This section shows how to use menus and transaction codes when working in the R/3 System.
`Click on a topic for more information.
`S e le ctin q .~ca t_ion and task
` ng.~c%n, cod es.~!o, s e!ecL!as.k.s.
`EJ, _n_,d_j,_n_.9,.~a,_9_t j,g,9,..._o_o,_d,e .,_f_o,~ ..t,b,e..._o_.y,_r_[_e,o__t,.,t~§,~

`Selecting your application and task
`Alter you log onto the R/3 System, you need to select the ap..#.[LcatLon and the task. that you want to
`work in. For example, you want to work in the Accounts Receivable application, and your task is to
`create and to update master records.
`You can use either menus or transaction codes to select applications and tasks. With menus, you
`can easily find your application and tasks without having to memorize special codes (To select a
`function with menus, see Selectinq.m.e.njj.s..a.r).d..[u.n.(~t.i.o.n~). With transaction codes, you can go
`quickly to a task without having to travel through several different menus.
`You can also create or combine functions in menus in your own user menu. This allows you to
`quickly find and select a function, without navigating through multiple levels of menus.

`Using transaction codes
`Instead of menus, you can use transaction codes to move quickly around the R/3 System.
`What is a transaction code?
`A transaction code is a four-character code that takes you directly to the first screen of a task. For
`example, if you work in the Accounts Receivable application, your task is to create a customer
`master record. You can use menus to select the task, or you can use transaction code FD01--the
`transaction code for creating a customer master record in this application.
`You can use a transaction code to go to tasks in other applications, not just the application in which
`you are working. For example, if you are working in the Accounts Receivable application, you can
`go to a task in the Accounts Payable application.
`Each task in the R/3 System has a transaction code associated with it. A transaction code consists
`of letters, numbers, or both, for example, FB05 or SUSR. You enter transaction codes in the
`command field.

`Finding the transaction code for the current task
`You can easily find the transaction code for the task you are currently in.
`To find a transaction code:
`¯ From the menu bar, select System --> Status.
`The Status function displays the transaction code for the task that you are currently in. If you want
`to find the transaction code for a different task, you must first go to the task (using the menus) and
`then select System --> Status. The transaction code for the current task is displayed in the
`Transaction field.
`You can also display and print a list of all the transaction codes for a specific area, such as
`inventory or purchasing. For more information, see ~.a..!!§t..ot.t[.a.n§.a.ct!~?.rl..£~?.d.e.s.
`The main menu screen also has a transaction code--S000 (S, zero, zero, zero). You can
`use S000 to return to the main menu screen from anywhere in the R/3 System.

`Displaying a list of transaction codes
`Each transaction code has a title. You can use words in the title to search for all the transaction
`codes in a specific area. For example, you work in the Purchasing application and you want to
`create a list of all the transaction codes that have the word purchasing in their title.
`You use the Dynamic menu function, located on the main menu screen, to search for transaction
`codes. You can also use the Dynamic menu function to find the title of a transaction code.
`~[.e.,.c..t.!,O_,g.a..t .a...s..k..w..J.t .h...a..t r.a...n...s.a.c..t Lo.E.~ o.d.~.
`~[.e...c..t.[.n..£t..a....t r.a..n...s..a...c..ti..o..n.....c..o...d...e...[CQ!o.e~.J).~!;

`Searching for transaction codes
`To search for transaction codes:
`1. From the main menu screen, select Dynamic menu (F5).
`The Dynamic menu screen is displayed.
`2.In the Search text for field, enter a search word. To search for an additional word, enter it in
`the or field.
`3. From the menu bar, select Program ~ Execute.
`All the transaction code titles that contain the search word(s) are displayed.
`You can use a transaction code to select a task from any screen in the R/3 System. When you use
`a transaction code to select a task, the R/3 System closes, or ends, your current task and then
`displays the first screen of the new task.

`To select a task with a transaction code:
`1. On the command field, enter/n followed by a transaction code.
`Enter/n to end the current task. For example, to go to the first screen of transaction code
`FD01--the transaction code for creating a customer master record in the Accounts Receivable
`application--you enter:
`2. Select ENTER or click on ~.
`Your current task is closed and the first screen of transaction code FD01, or whichever
`transaction code you entered, is displayed.
`If you do not want to end your current task but you need to do another task, you can open a
`new session. For example, suppose you are creating a purchase order and you need to look
`at a table with exchange rates. You can open a session to look at the exchange rate table
`without having to end your first task, creating a purchase order. (See ._O_ __e__nj_n __a___s_ess_Lo_n. for
`more information.)

`To find and select a transaction code from the history list:
`You can list the transaction codes processed previously with the command.fLe[d..
`Simply click on the arrow next to the command field. The system lists the transaction codes that
`have been run in the current session in a drop-down list.
`You can run a transaction code by selecting it from the list.

`User menus
`You can combine functions and applications to create your own user menu¯ For example, you can
`define a menu with the tasks that you most often perform¯ The menu displays automatically when
`you log on to the system¯
`The advantage of the user menu is that it lets you directly access a function, without navigating a
`series of menus¯
`You can subdivide the functions in the menu according to the application areas in which you work¯
`Example: You perform most of your daily tasks in the Logistics and Accounting areas¯ You can
`define your user menu with two application areas: for Logistics and for Accounting¯ You can assign
`names of your choice to these application areas¯
`Once created, the menu appears automatically when you log on to the SAP System¯ You can also
`call up the menu by selecting System --> User profile --> User defaults¯
`This section contains the following topics:
`c re ati n q....A...d...d.j.t.!o.n.a.[.~...A..r.e a s..a n..d.....F..u.n ct.!.o.n s.
`Wo rkin q....W..!.t..h....t..h..e....U...s.e r ...M...e.n.u
`Available K e y_~_
`the Mouse

`Creating a User Menu
`To create an SAP user menu, proceed as follows:
`1. Start menu maintenance.
`Choose System --> User profile --> User menu. When the user menu window appears, choose
`Configure in the window.
`A popup wndow appears, in which you can enter the name of your first (or only) application
`You can select a name for an application area in two ways:
`To enter your own application area name, click on the Create button. When the entry field
`appears in the popup window, enter the name that you wish to use. If you wish to use a
`standard SAP menu name, leave the entry field blank, and press Continue.
`To choose a menu text from the SAP standard menu as the application area name, click
`on the Choose button.
`The user menu maintenance screen appears. Click on Create to display the menu texts of the SAP
`standard menu. These texts are the names of the standard menus that appear when you log on to
`the system.
`3. To select a function for your menu, double click on the menu or submenu that contains the
`function. (You can also use the Choose button to display menus and to select functions.)
`Repeat this procedure until you see the name of the function that you want to include in your menu.
`Double click on the function. The system displays a popup window which suggests a name for
`the function. If you wish, you can type in a different name. Click on Copy in the popup window.
`Example: You wish to enter a function from Accounting in your user menu. Place the cursor on
`Accounting in the menu list and perform a doubleclick. You will see the Accounting submenus.
`Click on the submenu that contains your function. Repeat this procedure until you see the
`function you want.
`If a function cannot be selected with menus, you can include this function by specifying its
`transaction code. Click on Your transaction in the user menu maintenance screen and enter
`the transaction code in the popup window.
`To include other functions in your application area, repeat steps 2 and 3. To navigate up and
`down in the menu display, use Back or double click on an item.
`5. To save your application area with its functions, proceed as follows.
`When you have selected the required functions, choose Back until the list of functions selected
`for your application area is displayed. You can change the texts in this list.
`¯ Save the menu by clicking on the ...................

`Creating Additional Application Areas and Functions
`You can create additional application areas and include functions in existing application areas. Note
`that for changes to become effective, you must save them and quit your current user menu window.
`Then you can call up your enhanced user menu window.
`Creating additional application areas
`Proceed as follows:
`1. Click on Configure in the user menu.
`2. A popup window appears. Enter a new name or select one from the list of SAP standard
`3. Click on Create in the popup window to create a new application area.
`Adding functions to an application area
`Proceed as follows:
`1. Click on Configure in the user menu.
`2. A popup window appears. Select an application area with the cursor and click on Choose.
`3. The user menu maintenance screen appears. It displays a list of functions already chosen for
`this application area. Click on Create in this window to display the standard SAP menu names
`and functions and choose the function you wish to add.
`Adding functions that cannot be accessed via menu
`If a function cannot be selected with menus, you can include this function by specifying its
`transaction code. Click on Your transaction in the user menu maintenance screen and enter the
`transaction code in the popup window.

`Working With the User Menu
`You can choose between two alternative views, or display modes, for your menu:
`¯ Browser view
`This is the default view. It shows your menu as a tree hierarchy with icons.
`¯ List view
`This view contains two boxes listing application areas and functions.
`Both views contain the following buttons:
`Click on this button to create additional application areas or functions.
`Change view
`Click on this button to switch between the browser and list views.
`Details of the views are explained in the following.
`Browser View
`The browser view contains the following icons:
`Computer icon
`~This icon shows the ID of the terminal at which you are working. Double-clicking on it starts the
`maintenance transaction for the SAP user menu in the SAP System window.
`User ID icon
`~iThis icon shows your user ID in the SAP System. Double-clicking on it starts the maintenance
`transaction for the SAP user menu in the SAP System window.
`SAP System icons
`~Double-clicking on such an icon expands or collapses the list of application areas and functions.
`Application area icons
`~Double-clicking on such an icon expands or collapses the list of transactions.
`Transaction icons
`~Double-clicking on a transaction icon starts the transaction in the SAP System window in which
`you were last active. Alternatively, you can select a transaction icon, drag it to the SAP System
`window and drop it.
`List View
`The list view contains two boxes and a sash for adjusting their sizes.
`Application Areas box
`This box shows the appl

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