FI Closing and Reporting
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`Prepared for R/3 Release 2.2.
`August 1994


`@1994 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
`Neither this documentation nor any part of it may be copied or reproduced in any form or by any
`means or translated into another language, without the prior consent of SAP AG.
`SAP AG makes no warranties or representations with respect to the content hereof and specifically
`disclaims any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose. SAP AG
`assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document. The information
`contained in this document is subject to change without notice. SAP AG reserves the right to
`make any such changes without obligation to notify any person of such revision or changes. SAP
`AG makes no commitment to keep the information contained herein up to date.


`Closing Operations in the SAP System
`The closing operations include:
`¯ periodic accrual/deferral of expenditures and revenues

`recording and valuating payables and receivables

`creating the balance sheet and the profit and loss statement
`¯ documenting the posting data.
`The closing operations can be subdivided into:
`¯ day-end closing
`¯ month-end closing
`¯ year-end closing.
`This section describes which operations are usually carried out for which closing procedure. These
`instructions are not binding however, but are designed to illustrate how the SAP system can
`support your closing operations. The subsequent topics provide more detailed information on the
`individual steps involved in carrying out the closing operations. SAP provides a comprehensive
`range of programs for carrying out such operations, the most important of which are explained in
`the following topics. For information on programs not detailed in this guide, please refer to the
`program documentation.


`Day-end Closing
`No accounting closing is necessary in the SAP system before you carry out the day-end closing
`This procedure mainly involves saving the data gathered throughout the day You will find more
`information on database back-up in BC - System Administration Guide and in the documentation on
`your data base
`The following daily operations are optional:
`¯ Printing out any correspondence with customers/vendors
`¯ Printing out a document journal
`To monitor the updating of data in the data base, you should create a list of all the terminated
`updates each day You will find more information on how to do this in Documentinqthe Postinq


`Month-end Closing
`You maintain the permitted posting periods at the end of each month or posting period. In this
`way, you can close one or more posting periods in the past and open one or more current or future
`posting periods. You can permit posting in as many posting periods as you wish in the SAP
`System. No preparation is necessary to open a posting period, even if it is the first period of a new
`fiscal year. You will find more information on this topic in!.Y.e.aj:.
`Periodically, you will want to archive documents no longer needed in the online system. How often
`you do this (i.e. every month or less frequently) will depend on the volume of data in your system.
`You will find information on how to do it in Ar..c..b.j..v.Ln.q..a...n.d......R..e..t.rj..e..v.Ln.q..D...a..ta.
`In addition to defining the permitted posting periods every month, you can use the system to carry
`out the following operations, according to your requirements:
`¯ Create external reports
`- balance sheet and profit and loss statement
`- advance return for tax on sales and purchases
`report required by German Foreign Trade Regulations
`¯ Document and reconcile posting data
`compact journal
`- balance audit trail
`- accounting reconciliation
`- balance lists
`- open item list
`¯ Create internal reports
`extracts for other applications
`You will find more information on these functions in Documentinq the Postinc~ Data and External
`The SAP System also provides reports for the following operations involved in preparing the
`balance sheet and P&L statement:
`Balance confirmations
`To check the balance of payables and receivables, you can use special reports to create
`balance confirmations according to the most recent standard methods.
`Foreign currency
`Valuation of balance sheets and open items in foreign currencies.
`Sorted list
`List of open items with the items reclassified in the case of changed reconciliation accounts,
`vendors with debit balances, and customers with credit balances.
`¯ Transfer postings from the GR/IR clearing account
`You use this account if you have purchased and installed the Materials Management


`application. The GR/IR clearing account is posted to in order to be able to display correctly in
`the balance sheet goods that have been received but not yet invoiced, or invoiced but not
`If you have to make corrections to individual values in your data, you can post the changes using
`the special G/L transactions. This ensures that these items are recorded as separate entries in the
`customer account and in a special general ledger reconciliation account.
`You will find more information on preparing the balance sheet in ~_#arin.g,...t_._._h._#,..~,[a.nce.,_._S._;._h._#At_,.
`Before you can print the balance sheet and P&L statement, you should define the layout you want
`by creating a financial statement version, and assign the G/L accounts to the individual items
`contained in the balance sheet and P&L statement. You can define as many financial statement
`versions as you wish. The procedure is described in detail in .F!.g.a.g£!a.!..S[ate.Elen.[


`Year-end Closing
`Year-end closing is split into two phases:
`¯ At the beginning of the new fiscal year, you open the new posting periods and carry forward the
`balances from the previous year.
`¯ After that, you prepare the balance sheet, create the balance sheet and the P&L statement,
`document the business transactions using the balance audit trail, and archive those documents
`you no longer need online.
`Year-end closing
`Maintain posting peri ods
`Balance lists for old fiscalyear
`Balance carried forward for all accounts
`Balance lists for the new fi scal year,
`reconciliation with the balance lists for the
`old fiscalyear
`Balance sheet preparation
`BI ockold fiscal year
`- Create balance sheet and P&I_ statement
`- Compact journal
`- Balance lists
`- Create extracts for other applications
`Balance audit trail
`Document archiving
`The first posting in the new fiscal year automatically opens that fiscal year. You must, of course,
`have opened the relevant posting period first.
`SAP offers a range of reports with which you can carry forward balances into the new fiscal year.
`During this process the profit and loss accounts are carried forward to one or more retained
`earnings accounts. The balance sheet accounts are carried forward into themselves. You do not
`have to create a special opening balance sheet.


`Any postings you make in the old fiscal year automatically adjust the relevant carry-forward
`balance. You do not have to close the old fiscal year and make the closing postings before
`opening the new fiscal year. You will find more information on this topic in and...
`Fiscal Year.
`As with month-end closing, you can create all the external and internal reports required, and
`document the posting data.


`Notes on Programs
`This topic provides information you should know on the programs used in closing and reporting.
`Preparing to use the Programs
`Most programs require no preparation whatever, particularly where the program serves only to
`document the posting data.
`You can, however, create variants of the programs. Variants summarize the selection criteria you
`specified before running the program, with the purpose of saving you from having to enter these
`criteria each time you run it.
`You will have to make special preparations, however, if the programs are to carry out postings or
`create reports which go beyond a basic list. In this case, you must store the information required by
`these programs in the system. This might include the numbers of the accounts to be posted to, or
`the forms and addresses required for the balance confirmations.
`You make these preparations for the program from the customizing menu for accounting. In order
`to do so, select the menu option Closing.
`Starting a Program
`You can call up the individual programs used for preparing the balance sheet and the P&L
`statement from the General Ledger accounting menu. You call up the programs used to document
`the posting data from the relevant individual financial accounting menus, Accounts Receivable,
`Accounts Payable, and General Ledger.
`You can run most of the programs online and all of them in the background. Background
`processing allows you to start the programs by themselves, or even on separate computers, to
`avoid affecting online performance. Once you have started a background session, you cannot
`interrupt it until it is finished. Background processing can be useful if you want to analyze large
`volumes of data, for example, when creating the document journal or the sales tax advance return.
`When processing data in the background, you should note the following:
`To be able to start the process, you need a selection variant.
`When you select a program, the system displays the initial screen. To start a report for
`background processing, you must first select a variant. To do so, select Goto -~ Variant -~
`Open. You start the report by selecting Program -~ Execute in background.
`You can start a background session immediately, or set a date and time for it to start
`automatically. Processing the background session while you are still working on the data online
`will have a negative effect on performance. It makes more sense to plan the start of the
`background session so as to avoid a clash with online processing. To do this, select the report
`via one of the accounting menus. Then select System --> Services --> Reporting. You can
`schedule the start of the reports by selecting Program --> Background jobs.
`¯ Sensible choice of selection criteria allows you to target more exactly the data to be analyzed
`and helps improve the performance of your system.
`You will find more information on running programs in Getting Started with the R/3 System.


`Note on Printing Lists
`You can print lists which you generate for several company codes on separate printers, using list
`separation. You must define the various printers for the individual company codes when configuring
`the system. To do so, select, from the general SAP menu, Tools -~ Customizing. Then, in the
`configuration menu, select Configuration --> Basis --> Print --> List separation.
`Program Documentation
`The following chapters describe the individual programs only very briefly. You will find more
`detailed information in the online program documentation, which you call up as follows:
`1. Select the program you require from the appropriate financial accounting menu.
`The system displays the initial screen.
`2. In the initial screen, select the menu sequence Help -~ Extended help.
`The system displays the program documentation.
`The program documentation lists any conditions to be fulfilled before you can run the program.
`From here, you can branch directly to the Accounting Configuration menu to check the entries or
`make the necessary additions.


`Posting Periods and Fiscal Years
`This section describes:
`¯ how to open and close posting periods
`¯ how to open a new fiscal year
`¯ how to carry forward the balances.
`You will find detailed information on how to define a fiscal year in FI - System Administration Guide.


`Permitted Posting Periods
`In the FI System, you define which periods are open for posting. When you post a document, the
`system then checks whether the period specified in the document is open. You can have as many
`periods simultaneously open for posting as you like. You must specify posting periods separately
`for each company code. By specifying the account number, you can open posting periods for
`particular accounts.
`You define which periods are open by specifying two intervals, both of which have an upper and a
`lower limit, each designated by a posting period and a fiscal year. You close a period by adjusting
`these intervals so that the period to be closed does not fall within them.
`In the current fiscal year, you want to be able to post data to your G/L accounts in:
`¯ the previous period
`¯ the current period
`¯ the following period.
`You also want to be able to post data to a closing period in the previous fiscal year. Figure 2-1
`shows the entries you would make in the system, assuming the current period to be 03/1992.
`If you want to open posting periods for particular accounts only, specify the periods for these
`accounts. You should always enter G/L account numbers in the system. For sub-ledger accounts,
`you define the permitted posting periods by entering the relevant G/L reconciliation accounts. Enter
`the appropriate account type in the column headed A.
`You want to create your balance sheet. You therefore want to limit the posting of data to the
`customer and vendor accounts to the current period and the following period.
`To this end, you enter the reconciliation accounts for the customers under account type D, and the
`reconciliation accounts for the vendors under account type K, along with the above-mentioned
`periods. The current period is assumed to be 03/1992.
`You also have to open the current period and any special periods for posting. You should maintain
`the permitted posting periods regularly each month-end, closing those periods no longer needed
`and opening the new ones required.
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`Required Minimum Entries for Posting Periods
`For technical reasons, you will need to make an entry in each company code which is valid for all
`account types. Enter the following:

`In the column for the account type, enter a +.
`¯ Do not fill in the columns for the account number interval.

`In the columns for the posting periods, enter the periods you want to always be open in this
`company code.
`On the basis of these entries, the system checks the posting date in the header of any document
`being posted to ensure that it falls within one of the periods which are open for posting in that
`company code. Once you have entered an account number in the document you are creating, the
`system goes on to check whether the posting period is permitted for that account.
`You have data which you want to post to a previous period and have accidentally entered an
`incorrect posting date, e.g. one which lies in the fiscal year before last. You have already closed
`this year for your company code. When you select ENTER, the system asks you to correct the
`posting date. This means that any input errors you make when entering documents are caught
`directly on the initial screen.


`Permitted Posting Periods for Certain Accounts
`By making more entries over and above the required minimum entry, you can open or close an
`individual G/L account or all G/L accounts in a certain specified number range. You can open and
`close the sub-ledger accounts using the reconciliation accounts. You should always regard these
`entries as a further refinement to the specifications made by the required minimum entry.
`During the closing operations, you can, for example, use the reconciliation accounts to the close
`customer and vendor accounts before the G/L accounts. In this way you can stop data being
`posted to these accounts after you have agreed the balances with your customers and vendors,
`which is a prerequisite for continuing the closing operations. You will probably have to keep the
`following G/L accounts open over a longer period of time:
`¯ Correction accounts for payables and receivables
`¯ Accounts containing gains and losses from exchange rate differences
`¯ Accounts containing payables and receivables sorted according to their remaining life


`Using Account Number Intervals
`You can use account number intervals to differentiate the permitted posting periods for each
`account. The following example illustrates how you can use this function.
`You want to limit posting to G/L accounts (with a few exceptions) to the current and subsequent
`period only. The same applies for your customer and vendor accounts.
`Certain G/L accounts (140100 through 149999), which you need when preparing the balance
`sheet, are to also be permitted for the previous period.
`Account number 140150, however, is to be excluded from this last interval (i.e. 140100 through
`The current period is 01/1992.
`Account number interval
`0 -99999999
`140100 - 149999
`140150 - 140150
`001 - 0021992
`Additional previous I
`period permitted
`001 - 0021992
`You can define the posting periods for your accounts as is shown above by specifying account
`number intervals. To do so, you must:
`1. Open all your G/L accounts for posting in the current period and the subsequent period only.
`2. Define the first exception, by opening the accounts 140100 through 149999 for posting in the
`previous period as well.
`3. Define the second exception by separately specifying any accounts to be excluded from the
`interval 140100 through 149999 (in this example account number 140150).
`You can carry out these steps by making the entries shown below.


`Co.Cd A Fromacct Toaccount Fromper.
`_ 0121991
`001 1992
`0021992 @
`0001 D 99999999 001 1992 0021992®
`001 1992
`001 1992
`00149999 0121991 0121991 001 1992
`001 1992
`0021992 @
`0021992 @
`0021992 @
`,&, Use the minimum entry to open the periods you need for all your accounts.
`Open the current period and the following period for all your G/L accounts, by entering an
`interval containing all G/L account numbers.
`,&, For the interval 140100 through 149999, specify the current, the following, and the previous
`,~, For account 140150, specify only the current and the following period.
`o For your customer and vendor accounts, use the reconciliation accounts to specify the permitted
`posting periods. To do this, enter the account type in the column headed A. Then specify the
`permitted posting periods for the desired account number interval
`For account types D and K, you specify the numbers of the reconciliation accounts rather than
`those of the customer and vendor accounts themselves. This entry determines the posting periods
`permitted for the sub-ledger accounts.


`Opening and Closing Posting Periods
`As we have seen, you define the permitted posting periods in the system by specifying a time
`interval for them. If you want to close a period, you simply change the interval so that it no longer
`includes that particular period. To do this, proceed as follows from the Accounting Configuration
`1. Select Bus. transactions -~ Base parameters -~ Posting periods.
`The screen for defining the permitted posting periods is displayed.
`2. Enter the posting periods permitted for each company code.
`Please note:
`You must make a general entry for each company code by entering a + in the "Account type"
`column (A).
`3. Save your entries by selecting ENTER.
`The system issues a message confirming that the data has been saved.


`KCarrying Forward Balances into the New Fiscal Year


`Opening a New Fiscal Year
`The SAP System automatically opens a new fiscal year:
`¯ when you make the first posting of that year, or
`¯ when you carry forward the balances from the previous year.
`You do not have to close the old fiscal year before you can post data in the new one. You do not
`need to determine any closing or opening balances.
`Prerequisites for Posting in the New Fiscal Year
`These are the following:
`If you are using a fiscal year variant which is year-specific, you first have to create a variant for
`this fiscal year and assign it to the relevant company code. You will find more information on this
`topic in FI - System Administration Guide.
`If your document number assignment is also year-specific, you must already have created the
`document number ranges for the new fiscal year. You will find more information on this topic in
`FI - System Administration Guide.
`The posting periods for the new fiscal year must be open. You will find more information in
`Permitted Posting Periods.


`Carrying Forward Balances
`This process involves carrying forward the balances on your accounts from one fiscal year into the
`next. You can see the balance to be carried forward in the account balance display. The
`carry-forward is not performed automatically by the system, even if you have already posted data
`in the new fiscal year. You have to specify when you want to run the programs for this, of which
`there are three in the SAP system.
`The customer and vendor accounts, and the balance sheet accounts are carried forward onto
`themselves. The income statement accounts are carried forward into one or more retained earnings
`Prerequisites for Carrying Forward Balances
`Customer and vendor accounts
`No prerequisites.
`G/L accounts
`You must make sure that the balances on the income statement accounts are carried forward into
`the retained earnings accounts.
`To do so, you must have:

`specified an income statement account type in the master record of every income statement
`account. This is a key, under which you define a retained earnings account for each chart of
`created the retained earnings accounts and defined them in the system via the accounting
`configuration menu.
`Most companies use only one retained earnings account. However, using the retained earnings
`key, you can define several such accounts. This might be useful for multinational groups who have
`to meet various different requirements when producing the profit and loss statement. You will find
`more information on this topic in FI - System Administration Guide.

`Correcting Balances Carried Forward
`The system automatically corrects the balances carried forward when you post values in the
`previous year, i.e. when you enter a document which has a posting date in a year prior to the
`current year. The balances are also corrected even if you have not yet posted data to the account
`in the new fiscal year. The new balances do not have to have been carried forward.
`When to Carry Forward Balances
`You can now carry forward the balances at any time. However, if you carry forward the balances at
`the end of the old fiscal year, any postings you then make in that fiscal year will not automatically
`be corrected in the balance carried forward. The system will not interpret them as having taken
`place in the "old" fiscal year, but rather in the current one. In this case, you would have to carry
`forward the balances again in the new fiscal year. It is therefore advisable to run the appropriate
`program at the start of the new fiscal year.
`To carry forward the balances, proceed as follows from the General Ledger screen:
`1. Select the menu sequence Periodic processing --~ Year end reports -~ BaL carried forward -~
`General ledger or Customer/vendor.
`2. Enter your selection criteria and mark whether you want a production run to take place.


`If you are carrying forward the balances contained on the open item accounts, you can work by
`entering account number intervals. This is not possible for the G/L accounts, thereby
`guaranteeing that all the balances of G/L accounts are carried forward.
`3. Select Program -~ Execute.
`You use the program SAPFGVTR when carrying forward balances in Extended General Ledger.


`Financial Statement Versions
`In the SAP System, the structures of the balance sheets and profit and loss statements are defined
`in financial statement versions. These structures allow you to print out the financial statements
`using the standard G/L program. This section describes how you define these financial statement
`If you want to create a balance sheet and P&L statement for the ledgers in extended general
`ledger, you should define the structure using the Set functionality. You can use the Report Writer to
`print your reports. You will find more information on this topic in the documentation on extended
`general ledger.
`....................... ; ..................; .............~ ............................................i ..........


`Introduction to Financial Statement Versions
`In the FI System, you can structure the balance sheet and P&L statement in various ways,
`according to your own specific requirements:
`¯ You can create them for different organizational units, for example at group, company, and
`business area level.
`You can create them in different languages, for example in the local language used by a
`subsidiary (company code), or the "group" language used at head office (this function is at
`present still in development).
`You can create the balance sheet in any currency you like. This might be useful if you want to
`create a group balance sheet containing data from company codes with differing local
`You can choose between various balance sheet types, for example an opening balance sheet or
`a closing balance sheet.
`You can use differing levels of detail. The accounting department requires the individual
`accounts to be listed complete with all the balances, whereas the board of directors is more
`interested in summarized information at group level.
`The financial statement version forms the basis of the balance sheet. Using this version, you
`¯ the items to be included in the balance sheet and P&L statement, and the sequence in which
`they are to appear.
`¯ the item texts and the language to be used for them.
`¯ the charts of accounts and individual accounts relevant for the balance sheet and P&L
`statement. Depending on their balance, you can allocate accounts to particular balance sheet
`¯ the totals to be displayed. You can have group totals and progressive totals.
`You define all the other conditions using the selection criteria and parameters on the initial screen
`of the balance sheet program.
`You can define more than one version. This might be necessary if you want to create several
`balance sheets and P&L statements with differing structures. You may want to structure the trade
`balance sheet, tax balance sheet, and the internal balance sheet according to different criteria, for
`The FI System contains predefined financial statement versions when it is delivered. You can either
`adopt these or adapt them to create your own versions.
`There are two steps involved in defining a financial statement version:
`1. First, you enter general parameters for your financial statement version. See "Definin~
`Financial Statement Version".
`2. Then, you define the structure of your version by specifying the balance sheet items and P&L
`statement items to be included. See "Defining Balance Sheet and P&L Statement Items".


`KDefining a Financial Statement Version
`When defining a financial statement version, you must specify the following:
`Firstly, the language in which the version is to be created and maintained (maintenance
`language). You also specify any further languages to be used when creating the balance sheet
`(alternative languages). You have to translate the texts used in the version into the alternative
`Secondly, whether the version is to be created:
`for one particular chart of accounts
`for all charts of accounts
`for a group chart of accounts.
`Alternative Languages
`If you use an alternative language, you should make sure that the G/L account names are
`translated into that language, since the system prints these in the balance sheet and P&L
`statement along with the texts from the financial statement versions.
`Chart of Accounts
`For each financial statement version, you can define whether the it is to refer to a single chart of
`accounts, to several charts of accounts, or to a group chart of accounts.
`If you define your version for only one chart of accounts, you can enter this chart of accounts
`when defining the financial statement version. Once you have allocated the accounts to the
`appropriate items in the balance sheet and P&L statement, it is no longer possible to specify a chart
`of accounts, due to the system input facilities.
`If you define your version for more than one chart of accounts, you can choose whether to
`specify the chart of accounts individually for each account or whether to use the group account
`Group Account Number
`The group account number allows you to group together all the accounts which are to be displayed
`under a certain balance sheet and P&L statement item and allocate them to the item in question.
`These accounts may come from several different charts of accounts.


`Chart of accounts
`Accou nt 1
`C hart of accou nts
`I Account1 I
`C hart of accou nts
`Grou p c hart of accou nts - GGGG

`The following prerequisites must be fulfilled when using group account numbers:
`¯ You must define a group chart of accounts containing the required group accounts. These
`accounts must exist in the chart of accounts area, but not in a company code-specific area.
`In the chart of accounts index, you must allocate each of the individual charts of accounts that
`you want to use in any one financial statement version to a group chart of accounts of your
`¯ You enter the group account number you have selected in the master records of the relevant
`G/L accounts. By using the same group accounts number, you group together the accounts you
`want to display under one particular item.
`When allocating the group account number, please note the following:
`¯ Accounts of the same type may be stored under different numbers in different charts of
`accounts. You can group these accounts together under a single group account number.
`¯ Accounts with the same account number may actually be different types of account in different
`charts of accounts. You can allocate these accounts to different group account numbers.
`In the balance sheet, the system displays the group account number.


`Defining Financial Statement Versions
`To define a financial statement version, proceed as follows from the Accounting Configuration
`1. Select the menu sequence Closing -~ Financial statement --> Fin.stmnt versions.
`The system display a list of all the versions already defined.
`2. To define a new version, select Edit -~ New entries.
`The system displays the screen for defining a new version.
`3. Make the relevant entries for your new version.
`Enter a four-character version key and a name. You will need the key later when referring to
`the version.
`You must specify a maintenance language, but you can choose whether to specify any
`alternative languages.
`If you are using a group account number, mark the field provided with an "X".
`If you are using the version for only one chart of accounts, enter the code for this chart of
`accounts in the field provided.
`If you want to individually specify in the balance sheet and P&L statement the charts of
`accounts for each G/L account, leave the field Chart of accounts blank.
`4. Save your entries using the menu sequence Table view--> Save.
`You now have to define the structure of your financial statement version. You will find out how to do
`this in Defining Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Statement Items.


`Changing a Financial Statement Version
`You can change all the specifications made for a particular financial statement version, except the
`maintenance language and the key. However, you can only change from using a single chart of
`accounts to using a group chart of accounts if you

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