FI - Financial Information System
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`Prepared for R/3 Release 2.2.
`September 94

`@1994 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
`Neither this documentation nor any part of it may be copied or reproduced in any form or by any
`means or translated into another language, without the prior consent of SAP AG.
`SAP AG makes no warranties or representations with respect to the content hereof and specifically
`disclaims any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose. SAP AG
`assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document. The information
`contained in this document is subject to change without notice. SAP AG reserves the right to
`make any such changes without obligation to notify any person of such revision or changes. SAP
`AG makes no commitment to keep the information contained herein up to date.

`The financial information system allows you to carry out evaluations for important customers and
`vendors. Its primary data base is the Financial Accounting application. This application is a central
`data pool, which collects all the accounting data arising within an organization. The function of the
`financial information system is to evaluate this extensive data base online and display the
`information on the screen in easily-readable form.
`You can use the financial information system to carry out instant analyses for individual operational
`areas as often as you require. These include, among other things, evaluations of the customer
`payment and cash discount history, the currency risks for customers and vendors or the vendor due
`date breakdown.
`This guide describes:
`¯ which evaluations you can carry out with the financial information system
`¯ which specifications you must make to configure the system
`¯ how you generate evaluations using the financial information system
`¯ how to display the evaluations you have generated

`Evaluation Options
`This section explains which evaluations can be carried out for your customers and vendors using
`the Financial Information System.
`You will find information on the following topics:
`¯ evaluation levels and grouping criteria
`¯ due date breakdown evaluations
`¯ payment history evaluations

`currency risk evaluations
`¯ overdue item evaluations
`¯ DSO (Days Sales Outstanding) analysis
`¯ terms offered/terms taken

`Basic Information
`What is an Evaluation?
`An evaluation is a selected dataset that is summarized according to predefined rules.
`For every evaluation, the relevant information is extracted from the databases by means of a
`generation run and stored in a table either as an overview list or as a sorted list. When the
`evaluation is displayed at a later stage, the system only needs to access this table.
`Grouping Criteria
`For every evaluation, the system creates overview lists which are sorted by freely definable
`grouping criteria (for example, country, company code, group key). In the evaluations, the data is
`summarized according to the grouping criteria you have specified.
`You use grouping criteria to determine how the data in the evaluations is broken down.
`The standard system is delivered with the following grouping criteria:

`company code
`¯ business area


`credit risk category

`credit representative group

`credit control area
`However, it is also possible to have the evaluation data broken down by other (relevant) fields from
`the document secondary index and the master record (such as postal code or document type). You
`cannot, however, use fields from the document header or the document segment.
`Evaluation Levels
`Every evaluation is carried out at certain levels. The following levels are available

`client level

`credit control area level

`company code level
`¯ business area level
`When in the customizing function, you can determine the levels at which you want to carry out
`evaluations (see "Creating and Changing Selection Variant for the Evaluation Report" in
`" ratjon:’).
`With the standard system (and the configuration settings this contains), you can create the
`following overview lists:
`¯ at client level:
`- breakdown by credit control area
`- breakdown by credit risk category
`- breakdown by credit representative group

`¯ at credit control area level:
`- breakdown by
`company code
`- breakdown by
`business area
`- breakdown by
`- breakdown by
`- breakdown by
`at company code
`breakdown by

`credit risk category
`credit representative group
`credit risk category
`breakdown by credit representative group
`¯ at business area level
`- breakdown by credit risk category
`- breakdown by credit representative group
`- breakdown by credit control area
`The combination of grouping criterion and evaluation level allows you to carry out a large number of
`different evaluations.
`You can carry out a due date analysis for your customers for the level "business area" and
`according to the grouping criterion "country".
`You can carry out an analysis of the payment history of your customers at the level "company
`code" and according to the grouping criterion "credit risk category".
`You can carry out evaluations for the currency risk of your vendors at the "business area" level and
`according to the grouping criterion "credit control area".

`Customer and Vendor Evaluations
`Basic Information
`You can use the Financial Information System to carry out the following evaluations and analyses
`of your customers:
`¯ due date breakdown
`¯ payment history

`currency risk
`¯ overdue items
`¯ DSO (Days Sales Outstanding) analysis
`¯ Terms offered/terms taken
`You can carry out the following evaluations and analyses of your vendors:
`¯ due date breakdown

`currency risk
`¯ overdue items
`Display Currency
`All totals are displayed either in the currency of the client (at client and business area level), the
`company code (at company code level) or the credit control area (at credit control area level). The
`system automatically translates currencies where necessary. It uses the exchange rates which are
`valid on the key date, which are defined in the system.
`Via the menu option Options --~ Currency option, you can have the system display the evaluation
`results in either the original currency (client currency, company code currency and credit control
`area currency) or a special "analysis currency" which you can define yourself.
`Due Date Breakdown Evaluations
`The due date breakdown evaluations display the following values for your customers or your
`¯ the total of the due items
`¯ the total of the items not yet due
`¯ the sum total of the open customer or vendor items
`You can also have the totals of the due items and those items due in the future displayed sorted
`according to certain periods.
`Payment History Evaluations
`With the payment history evaluations, the following values (among other things) are displayed for
`your customers:
`¯ medium-term days in arrears

`short-term days in arrears

`¯ Days in arrears of open items
`Currency Risk Evaluations
`With the currency risk evaluations, you see those of your customers or vendors whose payments
`to/from you were most affected by exchange rate differences and who therefore (depending on the
`exchange rate development, i.e. up or down) contributed to the profit or loss of your company.
`Overdue Item Evaluations
`With the overdue item evaluations, the system displays those invoice documents within the
`evaluation level and the grouping criterion you selected which have the highest interest calculation
`DSO Analysis
`The DSO analysis is also an analysis of customer payment history. The DSO analysis is always
`carried out for a certain period. You can choose monthly values for your analysis (see "Creating
`and Changing a Selection Variant for the Evaluation Report" in "~").
`The DSO analysis provides general information on:
`¯ the number of days ("DSO days") a customer takes to pay an invoice.
`In the overview lists for this, the following values are displayed:
`¯ Balance
`The balance is the average outstanding debts at the end of the chosen period (= open customer
`¯ Average sales per period of the chosen period
`¯ DSO days
`For calculating the DSO days, the balances are set against the sales. The DSO days are
`calculated using the formula:
`DSO = balance/sales per period x 30
`Terms offered/Terms taken
`The analysis "terms offered/terms taken" is an evaluation of the customer discount history. Here,
`you are provided with information on how the customer keeps to the terms of payment you agreed
`with him/her.
`The analysis is carried out for a certain period, starting from a certain key date and going
`backwards. You specify a certain number of days for the period (see "Creating and Changing a
`Selection Variant for the Evaluation Report" in "~ratippj’). You will already have determined
`the key date for the evaluation views during customizing (see "Creating and Changing a Selection
`Variant for the Data Provision Report" in "~ratjon").
`Within a certain period (generally a monthly period = 30 days), the following documents are
`all invoices posted in this period, regardless of whether they have already been cleared or not
`These are evaluated according to the terms of payment which you agreed with your customers
`("terms offered").
`Based on the results of this analysis, the invoices are divided into the following groups:
`1. Cash discount group 1

`2. Cash discount group 2
`3. Net group
`Customers fall either into one group, two groups or all three groups, depending on the specified
`terms of payment.
`¯ all payments which were carried out in this period ("terms taken")
`These are evaluated according to the following criteria:
`the days the customer takes to pay the invoice ("terms taken")
`the payment method used by the customer:
`depending on the cash discount amount which the customer takes, the customers are split
`up into the following groups according to their actual cash discount history:
`1. Cash discount group 1
`2. Cash discount group 2
`3. Net group
`In the overview lists for the analysis "Terms offered/terms taken", the following values are
`¯ the terms offered
`¯ the terms taken
`¯ the difference between the terms taken and those agreed
`The days are calculated using the sum total of interest calculation numerators and that of the
`invoice amounts.
`Please refer to "Displaying Evaluation Results" in "~__n___e__r__a__t!__n__ __a___n__d____D__!_s_ _!_a_ _!__n_ Evaluations" for more
`information on ways of analyzing customers and vendors.

`You can use configuration to define new evaluations or change the ones delivered with the
`standard system. The standard system is delivered with evaluations that use the grouping criteria
`"country", "company code", "fiscal year", "risk category", "credit representative group" and "credit
`control area".
`This section explains which specifications you can make for using the financial information system.
`It is primarily intended for system administrators who configure and supervise the system.
`The topics below explain how to:
`¯ define evaluation views
`¯ define evaluation viewtypes
`¯ specify how the data for your evaluations is to be edited

`Basic Configuration Procedure
`You configure the financial information system via the Financial Accounting Configuration menu.
`Once in this menu, select Business volume ~ Info system and edit the following menu options
`one by one:
`¯ Evaluation views
`With the help of evaluation views, you can distinguish evaluations from an organizational point
`of view. You specify which data is relevant for every evaluation view.
`¯ EvaLviewtypes
`The standard evaluation view types in the system are those for the: due date breakdown,
`payment history, currency risk and overdue items.
`¯ Evaluations
`Under each evaluation view, you specify a unique version which determines how the selected
`data is to be edited.

`Evaluation Views
`You start to configure the financial information system by specifying the evaluation views.
`You can use an evaluation view to make an organizational distinction between the evaluations, that
`is, you can generate evaluations for several different purposes.
`Example 1
`For some evaluations, you always need the most current data. For certain problem customers,
`these evaluations are to be carried out daily. For all other customers, a weekly interval is sufficient.
`You can make this subdivision with the help of the evaluation view. You define two views; for
`example, the view "SAPD" for the daily evaluations and the view "SAPW" for weekly evaluations.
`For every evaluation view, you create a separate selection variant for the data provision report. In
`these individual selection variants, you specify the appropriate accounts.
`You can also use the evaluation view to generate separate evaluations for groups of company
`Example 2
`Your organization consists of two subgroups: one includes companies in Germany, the other
`includes companies in Switzerland and Austria. You want to carry out your evaluations separately
`for each subgroup. You therefore create a separate evaluation view for every subgroup. For every
`evaluation view, you create a separate selection variant for the data provision report. You specify
`the appropriate company codes in the individual selection variants.
`Maintaining Evaluation Views
`The table for maintaining evaluation views consists of the following fields:
`¯ Evaluation view (EvaL View): You enter a key for the evaluation view in this field. The key can
`include up to four characters and is freely definable.
`¯ Account type (AT): You can use the account type to distinguish by their type the accounts
`being evaluated. You use the key "D" for evaluations of your customers and the key "K" for
`evaluations of your vendors.
`¯ Evaluation view name: You write a short text in this field, giving information on the contents of
`the evaluation view. This is used later as a heading when displaying the evaluations.
`Data provision report: Here you enter a data provision report. The standard such report
`delivered with the system is RFDRRSEL. This report reads data in the data base and extracts it
`for further processing. The amount of data that is to be provided by this report is determined by
`the selection variant entered in the "data provision variant" field.
`Data provision variant: In this field, you enter a name for the selection variant (which has the
`purpose of limiting the data volume). With the help of the selection variant, you can determine
`exactly the volume of data that the report for data provision supplies for your evaluations (see
`"Creating and Changing a Selection Variant for the Data Provision Report" in "Evaluation
`Defining Evaluation Views
`You define evaluation views in two steps:
`1. Define the evaluation view(s).
`2. Create a selection variant for every evaluation view.
`If you want to define new evaluation views, proceed as follows from the FinancialAccounting

`Configuration menu:
`1. Select Business volume --> Info system --~ Evaluation views.
`2. Select Edit --> New entries.
`3. Fill in the appropriate fields.
`4. Save your entries by selecting Table view --> Save.
`Copying Option
`To save time when defining new evaluation views, you can also select Edit -~ Copy as... instead of
`Edit-~ New entries. If you do so, you work with existing entries from which you copy data for your
`new entries, such as the name of the data provision report.
`If you want to use the copying option to define evaluation views, proceed as follows:
`1. In the overview screen, select the entry from which you want to copy data.
`2. Select Edit --> Copy as ....
`3. Only overwrite the data that must be changed.
`4. Select ENTER.
`The new evaluation view is created and then displayed in the overview screen.
`5. Save your entries with Table view --> Save.
`You can delete already existing evaluation views along with their selection variants by selecting
`them in the overview screen and then selecting Edit --> Delete.
`Creating and Changing a Selection Variant for the Data Provision Report
`The next step is to create or change the data provision report selection variant that you specified for
`your evaluation views. This procedure means that you only need enter once (under a particular
`selection variant) those selection criteria that apply to all of your evaluations. For each evaluation
`view, you create one selection variant for the selection report.
`Selection Criteria
`The selection criteria which you can specify for a selection variant can be divided into two groups:
`¯ Data base selections
`Here you make specifications about, for example, which customer or vendor accounts or which
`company codes are to be selected. You can also specify that certain accounts or company
`codes are not selected. You also specify the key date for the evaluation ("Open items at key
`Program parameters
`Here, by specifying, for example, country keys, you can select from the Financial Accounting
`data base all customers or vendors belonging to a certain country or countries.
`You can define or change a selection variant in order to limit the data volume produced by carrying
`out the following steps:
`1. In the overview screen, select a particular evaluation view if you want to create a new selection
`variant for it or merely want to change an already existing selection variant.
`2. Select Edit --> Maintain variant.

`On the following screen, the report name and the name of the selection variant you selected are
`3. Select Variants --~ Edit.
`4. Enter your selection criteria or change the already existing entries. Via the Other function, you
`can specify more selection criteria.
`5. Save your variant by selecting Variant--~ Save.
`On the following screen, information on the selection variant is again displayed.
`6. Reconfirm your entries with Variants --~ Save.
`More information on creating selection variants can be found in Getting Started With the R/3

`Evaluation View Types
`After you have defined the evaluation views, you specify which evaluation types should be provided
`for the individual evaluation views, using the next Customizing menu option EvaLview types. The
`following evaluation types are available in the standard system:
`¯ due date breakdown
`¯ payment history (only for customers)
`¯ currency risk
`¯ overdue items
`¯ DSO analysis (for customers only)
`¯ Terms offered/terms taken (for customers only)
`Maintaining Evaluation View Types
`In the table for maintaining evaluation view types, you again specify the key for the appropriate
`evaluation view and the account type (see "Maintaining Evaluation Views" in "!uat!on V!ews").
`You must also maintain the following fields:
`Evaluation type (Evaluat.type): In this field, you specify the evaluation type. You enter a
`two-character key for it. The standard system includes the evaluation types "Due date
`breakdown" (01), "Payment history" (02), "Currency risk" (03), "Overdue items" (04), "DSO
`analysis" (05) and "Terms offered/terms taken" (06).
`¯ Evaluation type name: Here you enter a short text that gives information on the contents of the
`analysis types and that is used as a header for displaying the evaluations.
`Defining Evaluation View Types
`If you want to specify evaluation view types for your evaluation views, proceed as follows from the
`Financial Accounting Configuration me nu:
`1. Select Business volume --~ Info.system -~ EvaL view types.
`2. Select Edit --~ New entries.
`3. Enter all the necessary information.
`4. Save your entries with Table view --~ Save.
`Copying Option
`To save time when defining new evaluation view types, you can select Edit --~ Copy as... instead of
`Edit--~ New entries. If you do so, you work with existing entries from which you copy data for your
`new entries, such as the evaluation view and the account type.
`If you want to use the copying option when specifying new evaluation view types, proceed as
`1. In the overview screen, select the entry from which you want to copy data.
`2. Select Edit --~ Copy as...
`3. Only overwrite the data that has to be changed.

`From here, you cannot enter new evaluation views. You can only define evaluation views under
`the menu option Eva/uation views. These are then copied from there by the system when you
`define evaluation view types.
`4. Select ENTER.
`The new evaluation view type is created and displayed in the overview screen.
`5. Save your entries with Table view --> Save.
`You can delete evaluation view types that have already been created by selecting them in the
`overview screen and then selecting Edit --> Delete.

`You use the last configuration menu option (Evaluations) to specify how the evaluations are to be
`edited. You can, for example, specify by which data base field the selected data is to be grouped or
`you can specify the maximum number of customers or vendors to be listed for the evaluation
`Maintaining Evaluations
`In the table for defining evaluations, you must maintain the following fields:
`¯ Evaluation view: Here you specify the key for the appropriate evaluation view (see "Maintaining
`Evaluation Views" in "Evaluation Views").
`¯ Account type: Here you enter the key for the appropriate account type (see "Maintaining
`Evaluation Views" in "l~y.a.!!~?.Ey.!e.yy.s").
`¯ Evaluation type: In this field, you store the key for the appropriate evaluation type (see
`"Maintaining Evaluation View Types" in "__E___v__a__!__u__a___t!__o___n___V__!__e___w___~").
`Evaluation version (EvaLversion): You can use the version to make a distinction between the
`evaluations according to grouping criterion. You could, for example, enter the key "A" if you
`want to generate evaluations for due date analysis according to the grouping criterion "company
`code" and the key "B" if you want to generate another evaluation according to the grouping
`criterion "country", and so on.
`¯ Evaluation name: In this field, you enter a short text explaining the contents of the evaluation,
`for example, "Due date breakdown by company code".
`Report (for selection) (with a variant): Here, you name the report you wish to use to generate
`the evaluations and store a selection variant for it. The standard report delivered for this purpose
`with the system is RFDRRE01. This report processes the data read by the data provision report
`in accordance with the specifications in the selection variant you chose. The selection variant
`contains evaluation-specific control parameters, for example, the name of the data base field by
`which the evaluation is to be grouped or how many accounts or documents are to be included in
`the respective evaluation lists (see "Creating and Changing a Selection Variant for the
`Evaluation Report" below).
`¯ Report (for display): This report controls the display of the evaluation, such as the functions
`that are offered. The standard report delivered for this purpose with the system is RFDRRI01
`As an option, you can specify which additional information is needed for the evaluations, for
`example bank, controlling or dunning data.
`Defining Evaluations
`If you want to specify how the data in your evaluations is to be edited, proceed as follows from the
`Financial Accounting Configuration me nu:
`1. Select Business volume -~ Info system --~ Evaluations.
`2. Select Edit --~ New entries.
`3. Complete the table with all the necessary information.
`4. Save your entries with Table view --~ Save.
`Copying Option

`To save time when defining how the data in your evaluations is to be edited, you can also select
`Edit --~ Copy as... instead of Edit-~ New entries. If you do this, you work with existing entries from
`which you can copy data for your new entries, such as the evaluation view, the account type or the
`evaluation view type.
`If you want to use the copying option when specifying the editing of data, proceed as follows:
`1. In the overview screen, select the entry from which you want to copy data.
`2. Select Edit --~ Copy as.
`3. Only overwrite the data that must be changed.
`4. Select ENTER.
`The evaluation is generated and displayed in the overview screen.
`5. Save your entries with Table view --~ Save.
`You can delete evaluations that have already been generated along with all the information they
`contain by selecting them in the overview screen and then selecting Edit --~ Delete.
`Creating and Changing a Selection Variant for the Evaluation Report
`The next step is to create or change the selection variant for the report that generates the
`The specifications you make for the selection variant control how the data is summarized for the
`The table for variant maintenance includes the following fields:
`Field for grouping: This field controls what is to be used as grouping criterion. In the standard
`system, a version is defined for each of the fields "Country", "Company code","Business area",
`"Risk category", "Credit representative group" and "Credit control area". You can use any field in
`the document or the master record (apart from the payment history analysis, for which you can
`only use master record fields). You should not use fields from the document header and the
`document segment.
`Number of top customers: Here, you can specify the maximum number of customers, vendors
`or documents to be listed in the evaluation display.
`Sorted list (by day): You can enter up to three extra values for the due date analysis selection
`report, which determine the method of sorting for the due date overview. It would be useful, for
`example, to generate a list sorted by terms of payment.
`Periods used: you can specify for DSO analyses for how many monthly periods you want your
`evaluation to be carried out.
`Days used: for the "terms offered/terms taken" analysis, you can specify the number of days
`before the evaluation key date that the evaluation should be generated.
`Evaluation level: in this field you can specify the level on which the report should be generated.
`In the standard system you can use the levels "client", "credit control area", "company code" and
`"business area".
`You must enter the technical name of the data base field in the grouping field; for example
`"KNA1-LANDI" for the evaluation "Due date analysis by country".
`To create and change a selection variant, proceed as follows:
`1. If you want to create a new selection variant or merely change an already existing variant, select

`an evaluation in the overview screen.
`2. Select Goto ~ Details.
`You see the table for maintaining the evaluations.
`3. Select Edit -~ Maintain variant.
`The report name for the selection and the variant name created for it are displayed on the
`following screen.
`4. Select Variants -~ Edit.
`5. Enter all necessary parameters or change the entries that have already been made.
`6. Save your entries twice with Variants -~ Save.

`Generating and Displaying Evaluations
`You carry out your evaluations according to the settings made during customizing. Evaluations that
`you must generate repeatedly can be scheduled for certain dates. If you find that an evaluation
`does not provide the required results, you can modify the data volume supplied by the financial
`information system for your evaluations.
`This section explains how to:

`select evaluations

`create evaluations
`¯ display evaluations

`change the data volume for the evaluations
`............... i ...............................................

`Selecting Evaluations
`Different types of evaluation are possible within an evaluation view. The evaluations that can be
`carried out are determined in customizing.
`Variations of evaluations are possible within an evaluation view, depending on:
`¯ account type
`¯ evaluation type
`¯ grouping criterion
`If you want to generate new evaluations for the next generation run, proceed as follows:
`1. In the Accounts Receivable menu or Accounts Payable menu, select Periodic processing
`--~ Info system --~ Set up --> Select evaluations.
`2. Select the evaluations you require by clicking in the column "Selectn".
`3. Save your selection with Table view--> Save.

`Creating Background Processing Requests
`In order to generate an evaluation, the system must analyze documents and also a certain amount
`of master data. This makes an evaluation very time-consuming. It is therefore always processed in
`the background. Please refer to Getting Started With the R/3 System for more information on
`background processing.
`If you want to create a a background job for your evaluations, proceed as follows from the Accounts
`Receivable or Accounts Payable menu:
`1. Select Periodic processing --~ Info system --~ Create evaluations.
`2. Enter a name for the background job.
`3. Select Background job --~ Save request.
`The report name predefined by the system may not be changed or overwritten.
`Planning Run Times
`You can plan background processing for certain deadlines. If, for example, you need daily, weekly
`or monthly evaluations, you can generate them automatically at the required intervals by scheduling
`the background processing accordingly. To do this, proceed as follows:
`1. Select Edit --~ Frequency.
`2. Select the run frequency you require.
`3. Select Copy.
`4. Save your entries with Background job --~ Save request.
`Entering Start Times
`You can start your background job immediately or enter a required start date with the date and time
`of day. To do this, proceed as follows:
`1. Select Edit --~ Start date.
`2. If you want to start the background job immediately, select Immediate.
`If you want to start the background job later, select Date/time and enter the corresponding data.
`3. Select Copy.
`4. Save your entries with Background job --~ Save request.
`You can obtain a status display of all the current background jobs that you have created via the
`menu option Goto --~ Job overview.

`Displaying Evaluation Results
`This section contains the following topics:
`..... ~ ..........: ...............................: .................................~ .........
`..... ~ ..........: ............................................i .......................: ..........

`Menu Paths
`There are two ways of displaying evaluation results:
`¯ Starting from the basic menu, select Information system --~ Accounting -~ Accounting and then
`either Accounts receivable -~ Report selection or Accounts payable -~ Report selection.
`¯ You reach the Accounts receivable or Accounts payable application menu via Accounting
`--~ Financial accounting and then select Periodic processing --~ Info system -~ Display

`Navigation in the Tree Structure
`You can display the evaluation results in the following manner:
`1. You create an access path within a tree structure to the evaluation or overview list you require.
`If you want to look at several evaluations, you can also create several access paths within the
`same tree structure.
`2. You branch directly into the report lists from the lowest level of the tree structure.
`Creating an Access Path
`If you want to create an access path for the evaluation you require, proceed as follows:
`1. Access the display of the evaluation results as described in "Menu paths" above.
`You see a list of all available evaluation views on the initial screen. Here you are on the upper
`level of the tree structure within which you can choose the evaluation you need.
`2. Position the cursor on the evaluation view you are interested in and make a selection with
`double click or via Edit --> Drill down/rollup.
`On the next level of the tree structure, you see a list of all evaluation types that exist within that
`evaluation view.
`3. Position the cursor on the evaluation type you want and make a selection with double click or
`via Edit --> Drill down/rollup.
`On the next level of the tree structure, you see a list of all the grouping criteria by which the data
`was summarized in the evaluations.
`4. Position the cursor once more on the grouping criterion you require and make a selection with
`double click or via Edit --> Drill down/conceaL
`On the next level of the tree structure, you see the levels for which the evaluations are created
`(client level, credit control area level, company code level or business area level).
`5. By positioning the cursor on the evaluation level and double-clicking, you reach the last level of
`the tree structure. Here, you see a list of your business ar

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