The Line Item List can be Created in the Background.
`Function is being new for rel. 22A
`Spec. hardware/software:
`Special points for installation: NO
`Changes in system administration:
`Changes in customizing param.:
`Effects on dependent functions:
`Effects on batch inputs:
`Changes to the interface:
`Action necessary:
`Action possible:
`The line item list can be created in the background for orders and cost centers. There are several
`options with which you can start this processing:
`o If you enter an order group or a cost center group, you can choose whether a new page is
`created for each cost center or order.
`You can can sort the list according to different sort criteria. If you activate the indicator ’with
`totals’ within the sort criteria, the SAP System creates totals lines. The sort criteria are
`indicated in these totals lines with ’*’ if they occur in the display variant. The units of measure,
`such as kilos and hours, are displayed separately in the totals.
`The indicator ’Start immediately’ causes the SAP System to create the list in the background.
`If you do not activate this indicator, background processing is then only scheduled and you
`must start the processing via ’Job processing’.
`Change system parameters in customizing
`The default sort criteria can be defined for each display variant.
`Changes in procedure
`You want to completely print out a cost center group. (The same procedure applies to order groups)
`1. Start the line item transaction using the menu sequence ’Accounting -> Controlling -> Cost
`center accounting -> Reporting -> Line items -> Actual’.
`2. First enter the cost center group, the cost elements and the cost center data.
`3. Choose a display variant using the menu sequence ’Settings -> Display variant...’.
`4. You then start the background processing using the menu sequence ’Cost centers ->
`Background processing’
`A) On the following screen, you specify a job name under which you want to start the processing.
`B) Activate or deactivate the indicator ’Page break per cost object’. If you activate this indicator,
`the SAP System creates a corresponding heading for each page.
`C) You can choose sort criteria for the list by selecting the relevent pushbutton. You can display
`totals for the sort criteria you choose.
`Note that the sort criteria offered depend on the display variant you set earlier.

`Report Writer: Transport via Presentation Server
`Function is being new for rel. 22A
`Spec. hardware/software:
`Special points for installation: NO
`Changes in system administration:
`Changes in customizing param.:
`Effects on dependent functions:
`Effects on batch inputs:
`Changes to the interface:
`Action necessary:
`Action possible:
`As of Release 2.2A, it is possible to transport Report Writer objects and set objects via the
`presentation server. This means that you can now store Report Writer reports directly on disk or
`load them from disk.
`Changes to the interface
`The checkbox ’Export to presentation server’ or ’Import from presentation server’ is now defined on
`the initial screens of the export and import programs.
`Changes in procedure
`In order to export Report Writer objects or set objects to the presentation server, select the option
`’Export to presentation serve[" and enter a valid file name for the presentation server (usually a PC).
`If the option ’Export to presentation serve(cid:128) is not selected, the export is made to the application
`server as before.
`Proceed in the same way for the import.
`Please note that you can only transport to and from the presentation server online and not in the

`Cost accounting

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`2.2A: Activity Price Computation, Control Table TKA11 -
`Extended and can now be maintained
`Function is being new for rel. 22A
`Spec. hardware/software:
`Special points for installation: NO
`Changes in system administration:
`Changes in customizing param.:
`Effects on dependent functions:
`Effects on batch inputs:
`Changes to the interface:
`Action necessary:
`Action possible:
`Table TKA11 which controls the process of an activity price computation has been extended and
`provided with a maintenance function. The following parameters can be set:
`1. Generation
`Before processing, you can specify that a report is generated which contains the optimal number of
`field groups and the optimal occur parameters in internal tables. This way, the storage
`requirement and the runtime of activity price computation can be improved.
`2. Optimal activity price unit
`You can specify the number of digits to obtain greater accuracy when using larger activity price
`units. You can also switch off the optimization function completely.
`3. Error processing
`If an error occurs, the results of activity price computation are not usually updated. You can now
`activate an indicator which posts the values inspite of errors. You can also fix tolerance levels
`for the variances between planned activity and scheduled activity.
`The settings can be maintained within activity price computation via the function ’Settings’. They
`first apply to the current activity price computation, but can also be entered in table TKA11.

`New Functions for Allocation for Release 2.2A
`Function is being new for rel. 22A
`Spec. hardware/software:
`Special points for installation: NO
`Changes in system administration:
`Changes in customizing param.:
`Effects on dependent functions:
`Effects on batch inputs:
`Changes to the interface:
`Action necessary:
`Action possible:
`The following enhancements have been made to allocations in release 2.2A:
`1. Receiver-specific individual account assignment - derivation from master data:
`In addition to the standard option of specifying the receivers of an assessment/distribution via the
`selection criteria in the cycle/segment maintenance, more detailed definition of the receivers is
`now possible using "receiver-specific individual account assignment". You can activate
`individual account assignment for just one field (see the section on customizing below). If
`individual account assignment is active, the effects on allocations are as follows:
`In the ’Segment’ screen in cycle maintenance, the account assignment field is a further
`selection criterion for the specification of the senders (required entry) or receivers (optional
`entry). You access individual account assignment with the menu sequence ’Goto -> Account
`assignment’. In its functionality, the screen ’Account assignment’ corresponds to the screen
`for specifying the predefined receiver tracing factors:
`For every receiver determined by the selection criteria, a line appears in which the individual
`account assignment value for the selected account assignment field can be entered for the
`respective receiver.
`In the ’Account assignment’ screen an additional checkbox is available which, however, is only
`active if the account assignment field has not already been determined by the receiver selection
`criteria. If this field is active, the value of the account assignment field can be determined from
`another data source prior to the execution of the individual account assignment described
`above. This functionality is not yet open for customer modifications in this release but is supplied
`as a standard modification by SAP. One useful application of this function is the derivation of the
`account assignment value from the master record of the cost center/cost element. This setting is
`delivered. If you want alternative data sources, you must make modifications.
`o Within assessment/distribution, the value of the account assignment field is determined as
`For the senders, the value of the account assignment field is determined by the sender selection
`criteria in the respective segment as before.
`For the receivers, the value of the account assignment field is determined according to the
`following sequence:
`the value which was specified with individual account assignment in the screen ’Account
`assignment’. If not determined there:
`the value for the receiver resulting from another data source (see check box "From master
`data" above). If not determined there,
`the value which was determined with the selection criteria of the receivers in the ’segment’

`screen. If no value is specified,
`D) the value which was determined with the selection criteria of the senders.
`E) If the account assignment value has not yet been determined, the value for SPACE is used.
`2. Cycle texts and segment texts in the documents/line items:
`For a better understanding of individual debit postings and credit postings within
`assessment/distribution/periodic transfer, the cycles or segments causing the respective
`postings are noted in the documents or line items. In the document header, the cycle name, the
`starting date of the cycle and the cycle text are stored in the field BLTXT. In the respective line
`items (actual or plan), the name and the text of the segment from which this line item results are
`stored in the field SGTXT.
`3. In connection with the development of the cost element ledger, the following changes became
`necessary for periodic transfer:
`With periodic transfer, the partner object number is now also updated. In addition, one line item is
`written for every sender and receiver within periodic transfers and distribution. Only one totals
`record per cost element is created with periodic transfer.
`4. Up to a maximum of 99 field groups can be defined for the receiver tracing factor:
`In cycle maintenance, a maximum of 9 field groups could be chosen as a receiver tracing factor.
`This number has been increased to a maximum of 99 field groups.
`5. New field groups for the receiver tracing factor:
`In conjunction with the increase of the number of possible field groups, 2 new field groups have
`been added:
`- statistical planned costs and
`- statistical actual costs
`With these field groups, it is now also possible to use revenues statistically posted to cost centers
`as a tracing factor.
`6. Using the period block (menu sequence ’Cost center acctng. -> Tools -> Period block’), the
`assessment/distribution/periodic transfer for actual and planned data can be blocked for each
`period. This functionality is active for online and background processing as well as for reversal.
`Change system parameters in customizing
`In order to activate the functionality described above under point 1, you must maintain table T8111
`using transaction SM31. In a future release this table will be maintained by a transaction.
`Select the entry in table T8111 for the specific account assignment field you require (for
`example, HRKFT). You position the cursor on the correct entry in this table by specifying the key
`of the required entry in the last line.
`The table name is ’CCSS’.
`The TYP field indicates the allocation type for which you want to activate individual account
`assignment: "V" for distribution and "U" for assessment.
`With the A/P field, you specify whether the individual account assignment should be active for
`the plan or the actual data. You can specify only ONE account assignment field per key ’TABLE
`TYPE A/P’!!.
`2. Once you have found the entry, you must make the entries listed below into the following fields.
`You can find out the field name by pressing F1 help on the field in question and the pushbutton
`’Technical info’.

`Field name
`X X ,
`X X X X
`Create valid master data for the account assignment field. Please note that a routine for master
`data validation is delivered by SAP only for a limited choice of fields.
`X X X
`X X

`New functionality for allocations in 2.2A
`Function is being new for rel. 22A
`Spec. hardware/software:
`Special points for installation: NO
`Changes in system administration:
`Changes in customizing param.:
`Effects on dependent functions:
`Effects on batch inputs:
`Changes to the interface:
`Action necessary:
`Action possible:
`1. F4 help for selection criteria
`The F4 key is now active for all selection criteria in the maintenance transactions. Match code help
`is offered for the fields for which matchcodes have been defined.

`Transport Customizing Settings
`Function is being new for rel. 22A
`Spec. hardware/software:
`Special points for installation: NO
`Changes in system administration:
`Changes in customizing param.:
`Effects on dependent functions:
`Effects on batch inputs:
`Changes to the interface:
`Action necessary:
`Action possible:
`As of Release 2.2A, it is possible to transport your Customizing settings for all clients or for all
`systems. Detailed information can be found in the field documentation as well as in the Cost Center
`Accounting Implementation Guide in the chapters
`o Maintaining Settings for the Environment
`o Maintaining Settings for Master Data
`o Maintaining Settings for Planning
`o Maintaining Settings for Actual Postings
`o Maintaining Settings for Tools

`Cost Element Types ’02’ and ’32’ are no longer supported
`Function is being changed for rel. 22A
`Spec. hardware/software:
`Special points for installation: NO
`Changes in system administration:
`Changes in customizing param.:
`Effects on dependent functions:
`Effects on batch inputs:
`Changes to the interface:
`Action necessary:
`Action possible:
`The cost element types ’02’, material costs, and ’32’, reserves, have so far been processed in the
`same manner as type 01 cost elements (primary cost elements). The standard SAP programs did
`not validate these particular cost element types. For this reason the following changes were made
`in release 2.2A.
`As of release 2.2A, new cost elements cannot be assigned to these cost element types. The
`functionality of existing cost elements of these types is still supported.
`There are two methods to correct the cost element types:
`1. Correction with conversion program
`In release 2.2A a conversion program is supplied which converts the type ’02’ and ’32’ cost
`elements to type ’01’ cost elements.
`Name of the conversion program: RKACUMKT
`With the installation of Release 3.0, both cost element types must be converted to cost element
`type ’01’; cost elements already created will no longer be supported. You are therefore
`recommended to execute the conversion program in the current Release 2.2.
`Changes in procedure
`Cost elements which so far would have been created with the types ’02’ and ’32’ are now to be
`created with type ’01’.

`New Function ’Copy planning’ (as of Release 2.2A)
`Function is being new for rel. 22A
`Spec. hardware/software:
`Special points for installation: NO
`Changes in system administration:
`Changes in customizing param.:
`Effects on dependent functions:
`Effects on batch inputs:
`Changes to the interface:
`Action necessary:
`Action possible:
`The new transaction KP97 ’Copy planning’ provides the following functionality for manually copying
`planned data:
`o copying within different fiscal years, periods and plan versions
`o copying an individual cost center, a cost center group or the entire plan
`o transferring the planning data of a reference cost center to another cost center or several
`cost centers
`o limitation to single planning transactions
`o resetting and overwriting the target version
`o copying the planned structure without values
`o copying long texts
`o output of a list of the copied records
`o error log
`o processing online or in the background
`Changes to the interface
`The menu item ’Copy planning’ has been added to the menu ’Planning -> Planning aids’.
`Further notes
`The functionality of the function ’Copying planned version values’ already delivered for Release 1.1
`(KP95) is almost completely replaced by the new function ’Copy planning’. Copying detailed
`planning (costings) created in primary cost planning is not yet possible. If you want to copy
`costings, use the old transaction KP95 for the time being.

`Activity-dependent primary cost planning" Fixed planned
`consumption can no longer be planned manually
`Function is being changed for rel. 22A
`Spec. hardware/software:
`Special points for installation: NO
`Changes in system administration:
`Changes in customizing param.:
`Effects on dependent functions:
`Effects on batch inputs:
`Changes to the interface:
`Action necessary:
`Action possible:
`Previously fixed consumption could be planned manually within activity- dependent primary cost
`planning. This meant that it was possible to plan total costs/fixed costs in a differnt proportion to
`total consumption/fixed consumption. This does not make sense. With release 2.2A it is not
`possible to plan fixed consumption manually. The fixed consumption (FCN) is calculated
`automatically from the total planned consumption (TCN), the total costs (TCT) and the fixed costs
`(FCT) :
`FCN = TCN * ( FCT / TCT ).
`It is therefore no longer possible to maintain the "Fixed planned consumption" in the planning
`Since fixed planned consumption was only maintained for statistical purposes, records already
`planned do not need to be corrected. If you analyze the data later, it is also not neccessary to
`correct the planned values, since the system uses the proportion between the cost fields to
`calculate the proportion between the quantity fields.
`The system automatically corrects the fixed consumption fields for values already planned
`o if the total consumption, the total costs or the fixed costs are changed
`o if planned values are created with the "Copy planning" function. The fixed consumption are
`changed in the target version.
`Changes to the interface
`The ’fixed planned consumption’ / ’Plan manually’ field no longer appears in planning parameter
`The ’fixed planned consumption’ field can no longer be maintained within activity-dependent
`primary cost planning.

`Planning" Interface for Cost Center Planned Data
`Function is being changed for rel. 22A
`Spec. hardware/software:
`Special points for installation: NO
`Changes in system administration:
`Changes in customizing param.:
`Effects on dependent functions:
`Effects on batch inputs:
`Changes to the interface:
`Action necessary:
`Action possible:
`The planning interface for the transfer of cost center planning data has been extended to include all
`planning transactions. Every manually planned transaction can now be created via the interface.
`The following function modules are now available for transferring periodically available planning
`data (in brackets, the transactions which can be processed with the respective module):
`The following function modules can be used for transferring the overall planned values:
`o K_RKP6_INTERFACE_total (RKP6)
`Detailed information can be found in the guide CO - General System Administration Controlling in
`the topic ’External Data Transfer’.

`CO Reports: New Report for Cost Center Planning
`Function is being new for rel. 22A
`Spec. hardware/software:
`Special points for installation: NO
`Changes in system administration:
`Changes in customizing param.:
`Effects on dependent functions:
`Effects on batch inputs:
`Changes to the interface:
`Action necessary:
`Action possible:
`You can access the report in the Cost center accounting menu using the menu sequence
`’Reporting -> Planning report’.
`Al~er you have entered the report parameters in the initial screen and selected "Proceed", you
`obtain a report of all the planned cost elements, activity types, and statistical ratios planned in the
`specified period. This report is broken down into three lists:
`o The planning data for the cost elements can be found in the first list.
`o The second list contains the planning data of the activity types.
`o The planned statistical ratios are listed in the third list.
`If you only want a part of the lists, a different column structure or the report limited to only one
`activity type, select the function "Further parameters" on the initial screen.
`Background processing is started using the menu sequence "Goto -> Background processing".
`Here you can specify a cost center group. The SAP System calls a report for every cost center of
`the group. The cost centers are not totalized.
`Via checkboxes, you can specify whether
`o the periodic values or
`o the line items for the report lines are to be displayed.
`If both fields are selected, the SAP System branches to the detail display of the line items where
`you can see the periodic values for the line items.
`In the field "Job name", you must specify a name for the job. You can choose any name for the job.
`When processing online, you can change the layout of the lists once you have accessed the report.
`o The line structure can be changed using the menu sequence "Edit -> Row".
`o The menu sequence "Edit -> Row -> Periods on/off’ switches on the display of the period
`values for the line where the cursor is positioned and switches off the display when repeated.
`o The menu sequence "Edit -> Row -> Line item on/off’ switches on the display of the line
`items for the line where the cursor is positioned and switches off the display when repeated.
`If the periods and the line items for a row are switched on, the line items are displayed with the
`values for the periods.
`o The menu sequence "Edit -> Row -> Breakdown/summarize" has the following function:
`1. In the cost element list, the totals on which the cursor is positioned are displayed or

`2. In all lists, the detail screen display for a line item is accessed if the cursor is placed on a single
`line item.
`All the functions described above for the detail screen display are cancelled by the menu sequence
`"Edit -> Row -> Basic list".
`To specify the structure of the columns, you can either
`o access an already existing column version or
`o define your own structure and store it as a new version.
`Accessing additional information:
`o To access the master data display of the cost center, the partner object, the statistical
`indicator, the activity type, the partner activity type or the cost element, position the cursor on
`the field in question and select the menu sequence "Environment -> Master record display".
`o In the cost element list, you can access the planning report for the partner object by moving
`the cursor to the field containing the partner object and then selecting the menu sequence
`"Environment -> Partner call".
`o In the activity type list, you can display the prices for an activity type by positioning the cursor
`on the row containing the activity type and then selecting the menu sequence "Environment
`-> Partner call".

`CO Reports: New Reports for Release 2.2A
`Function is being new for rel. 22A
`Spec. hardware/software:
`Special points for installation: NO
`Changes in system administration:
`Changes in customizing param.:
`Effects on dependent functions:
`Effects on batch inputs:
`Changes to the interface:
`Action necessary:
`Action possible:
`New standard reports have been delivered for CO-CCA.
`Report group 1 SCO, standard report for a cost center comparison.
`These reports enable you to compare cost centers or cost center groups. The row structure is
`determined by the cost element set used. The actual values and planned values are compared in
`the columns.
`Report group 1SFO, standard report with column of projected values.
`This report lists actual/planned/projected values for an individual cost center or a group of cost
`centers. Four projection methods are available. Further information can be found in the online help
`on the selection screen of the report.
`Change system parameters in customizing
`Do the following:
`o Import the reports into the target clients
`o Generate reports in the target client
`o Include the new report groups into the selection list for CO-CCA reports
`o If necessary, extend the useCs list Proceed

`Orders and projects

`Internal Orders" New Authorization Object
`Function is being new for rel. 22A
`Spec. hardware/software:
`Special points for installation: NO
`Changes in system administration:
`Changes in customizing param.:
`Effects on dependent functions:
`Effects on batch inputs:
`Changes to the interface:
`Action necessary:
`Action possible:
`The authorization object K_AUFK_SET is available as of Release 2.2.
`Using this authorization object, you can restrict the maintenance of order groups within the
`application ’Internal Orders’.

`Status Management for Internal Orders
`Function is being changed for rel. 22A
`Spec. hardware/software:
`Special points for installation: NO
`Changes in system administration:
`Changes in customizing param.:
`Effects on dependent functions:
`Effects on batch inputs:
`Changes to the interface:
`Action necessary:
`Action possible:
`Choosing the Status Management
`There are two types of status management for internal orders:
`o general SAP status management, and
`o order status management.
`Until now, the choice of status management was controlled indirectly using the order type:
`o Status profile entered -> general SAP status management.
`o No status profile entered -> order status management (if order status was available).
`As of Release 2.2, the choice is made explicitly using a switch in the order type maintenance. You
`do not have to make any changes in Customizing, however, as the switch is set automatically by
`the system analogous to the previous logic.
`Automatic Release
`When using general SAP status management, you can now release orders automatically as soon
`as they are created. You can then post to these orders immediately.
`Status Change Documents
`You can now have the system create status change documents for the general status
`management. These allow you to reconstruct the order status at any particular point in time.
`The information on whether status change documents are to be written is passed on from the order
`type to the newly-created order, and cannot be changed. This helps avoid gaps in the status
`If you activate this function in an order type for which orders already exist, you are asked whether
`status change documents are to be created for the respective orders. If you confirm, the system
`starts the program RKOSVCDS in the background. This causes change documents to be written
`from this point in time.
`As soon as you have activated this function, you cannot switch it off again.
`You can also start the report directly for any order type. To do this, select the menu sequence
`System -> Services -> Repotting.
`Change system parameters in customizing

`If you want to use the new functions for your internal orders, you must maintain your order types

`Internal Orders" Report With Total Planned Values
`Function is being new for rel. 22A
`Spec. hardware/software:
`Special points for installation: NO
`Changes in system administration:
`Changes in customizing param.:
`Effects on dependent functions:
`Effects on batch inputs:
`Changes to the interface:
`Action necessary:
`Action possible:
`There is now a report available for internal orders, which shows total planned values or planned
`values for the year for all cost elements.
`The report is called RKOPLAN0 and you can include it in your report list as follows:
`1. Select the function Reporting -> Selection -> Report list in the Customizing menu for internal
`2. Using the function Table view-> Other view-> Generalreports you reach the maintenance
`screen for general reports.
`3. Choose the function New entries, enter report RKOPLAN0, and save yoour settings.
`In the report list of the task level menu ’Internal orders’, you will now find this report under General
`Change system parameters in customizing
`If you want to use the new report, you have to maintain your report selection accordingly.
`Dependent functions
`For the report RKOPLAN0 to work properly, the report group 6P70 must exist. If it doesn’t, you can
`copy the report group from client 000 into the current client using the appropriate Customizing
`1. In the configuration menu for internal orders, choose the function Reporting -> Import reports
`and copy the report group 6P70 from client 000.
`2. It is recommended that you generate this report group immediately afterwards (Reporting ->
`Generate reports).

`Retroactive Classification of Orders
`Function is being new for rel. 22A
`Spec. hardware/softwa re:
`Special points for installation: NO
`Changes in system administration:
`Changes in customizing param.:
`Effects on dependent functions:
`Effects on batch inputs:
`Changes to the interface:
`Action necessary:
`Action possible:
`You use the order type to specify whether the respective orders are to be classified or not. If the
`classification switch is changed in the order type alter orders have already been created, this
`initially has no effect on the existing orders.
`However, it is now possible to classify existing orders retroactively (if you switch on the
`classification) or to delete classification data (if you switch off the classification).
`This function can be started directly from order type maintenance. If you switch the classification on
`(or off) for an order type for which orders already exist, you are asked whether the respective
`orders are to be classified retroactively (or whether their classification data is to be deleted).
`If you confirm, the system runs a program that performs the corresponding task in the background.
`You can also start this program directly for any order type via the menu System -> Services ->
`Reporting. The program is called RKOCLASS.
`Change system parameters in customizing
`If you want to classify your internal orders retroactively or delete existing classification data,
`maintain your order types accordingly.

`Automatic Setting of the Deletion Flag for Internal Orders
`Function is being new for rel. 22A
`Spec. hardware/software:
`Special points for installation: NO
`Changes in system administration:
`Changes in customizing param.:
`Effects on dependent functions:
`Effects on batch inputs:
`Changes to the interface:
`Action necessary:
`Action possible:
`Until now you could only set the deletion flag for internal orders manually using a function in the
`master data maintenance.
`Using a new function, which you will find under ’Tools’ in the task level menu for internal orders, you
`can now set this flag simultaneously for a large number of orders. The system performs exactly the
`same checks as it would if you set the flag in master data maintenance.

`Master Data Maintenance Internal Orders: New Functions in
`Release 2.2
`Function is being new for rel. 22A
`Spec. hardware/software:
`Special points for installation: NO
`Changes in system administration:
`Changes in customizing param.:
`Effects on dependent functions:
`Effects on batch inputs:
`Changes to the interface:
`Action necessary:
`Action possible:
`Accessing Settlement Definition Functions
`You can now access the settlement definition functions directly from the initial master data
`maintenance screen (changed navigation).
`Blocking an Order
`Orders using general SAP status management now have the additional functions ’Set block flag’ or
`’Delete block flag’ under the menu ’Edit’.
`These functions set or delete a system status that forbids all business trans

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