`U N I T E D S T A T E S P A T E N T A N D T R A D E M A R K O F F I C E
`B E F O R E T H E P A T E N T A N D T R I A L A P P E A L B O A R D
`Page 1
`S A P A M E R I C A , I N C . E T A L ,
`P e t i t i o n e r ,
`P a t e n t o f V E R S A T A D E V E L O P M E N T G R O U P , I N C . ,
`P a t e n t O w n e r .
`C a s e C B M 2 0 1 2 - 0 0 0 0 1 ( M P T )
`P a t e n t 6 , 5 5 3 , 3 5 0
`M a r c h 1 4 , 2 0 1 3
`1 1 : O O a . m .
`T E L E C O N F E R E N C E
`H E A R I N G
`B E F O R E :
`M I C H A E L T I E R N E Y ,
`A d m i n i s t r a t i v e P a t e n t J u d g e
`S A L L Y M E D L E Y ,
`A d m i n i s t r a t i v e P a t e n t J u d g e
`CASE CBM20 12-00001
`5 16-608-2400


`Page 2
`A P P E A R A N C E S:
` Attorneys for Petitioner
` 11955 Freedom Drive
` Reston, Virginia 20190
` Attorneys for Patent Owner
` 607 14th Street, NW
` Washington, DC 20005


`Page 3
` HON. TIERNEY: You could begin
` today, Petitioner.
` MS. ARNER: Yes, sir. Thank
` you. I wanted to confirm with the
` Board the number of pages for
` Petitioner's reply to Patent Owner's
` response that was filed on Monday in
` the call that we had to discuss the
` possibility of expediting the 101
` issue. During that discussion,
` Versata expressed concern over
` expediting that issue and in
` particular talked about potentially
` arguing alternative claim construction
` and those kinds of things. During
` that discussion, the Board said, well,
` you know, you will have 80 pages. You
` could argue all through the claim
` construction and fully brief the 101
` issue if we were to expedite, and then
` the Board asked Petitioner to think
` about a proposed schedule that would
` allow time for cross-examination and
` all the other things required by the


`Page 4
` rules and expedite the consideration
` of Section 101. Petitioner's paper
` with that request, it was paper number
` 41, we put in a proposed schedule and
` we proposed 40 pages for Petitioner's
` response. In view of the potential of
` needing to respond to alternative
` claims construction, then an 80-page
` brief on single issue. In case of 45,
` the Board entered the expedited
` schedule with some dates, but it
` wasn't clear whether you meant to
` adopt our proposed 40 pages, and so we
` wanted to clarify whether that request
` was excessive or not, and that was the
` purpose for reaching out to Versata
` and then to the Board.
` HON. TIERNEY: All right. The
` order, I think there was no mention of
` expanding the page limit. It was not
` adopted in the order. I am willing to
` entertain now a request for additional
` pages. Therefore, I would like to --
` what I would like to focus on is your


`Page 5
` request for additional pages. Is that
` correct?
` MS. ARNER: Yes, it is, Your
` Honor.
` HON. TIERNEY: Can you explain
` why you have a need to go beyond what
` is provided for in the rules?
` MS. ARNER: Sure. As we read
` the rules, the reply would be -- the
` standard number of pages would be 15
` pages.
` HON. TIERNEY: That's correct.
` MS. ARNER: And we think
` additional pages would be justified
` under Rule 42.24 to waive the page
` limit in the interest of justice, and
` we think the interest of justice would
` be served because SAP needs a chance
` to fully respond to Versata's filing,
` and they filed a brief over 70 pages
` including the issue of 101,
` alternative claim construction, and
` several other issues regarding, for
` example, the correct standard of claim


`Page 6
` interpretation before the Board.
` Additionally, they filed a declaration
` by their experts of over 50 pages who
` we will be cross-examining next week
` under the Board's rules, and more than
` 20 exhibits of documents from the
` District Court litigation which, as
` Versata pointed out, neither has the
` Petitioner or Petitioner's expert has
` seen before. They were raised by
` Versata. That's a lot to respond to,
` and in order to allow SAP to fully
` respond and preserve any issues
` necessary for potential appeal after
` this Board's decision, we would like
` to have at least some extra pages
` beyond the 15 that are provided for in
` the default rule.
` HON. TIERNEY: I understand you
` want some extra pages, and I
` understand your rationale why, but I'm
` not going to just put out an order
` today saying you may do some extra
` pages, period. Please give me a


`Page 7
` specific number and justification as
` to why the specific number is
` appropriate.
` MS. ARNER: Okay. Well, our
` intention is not to get an unlimited
` number of pages or try to bury Versata
` or the Board. We are the ones who
` asked for an expedited proceeding, and
` certainly short and clear briefing
` promotes that. That's certainly our
` intention. We think that we could
` provide a full response. 40 pages is
` what we thought of as half of what
` they were saying. That's very typical
` in the size of reply briefs in other
` appellate situation, but we think that
` at least ten additional pages would be
` sufficient to allow us to respond to
` the various arguments that the Patent
` owner has raised. Again, it got a lot
` of additional exhibits that were never
` addressed by us before or our experts,
` and, you know, their expert
` declarations and several alternative


`Page 8
` issues not directly related to 101,
` but, you know, the proper standard of
` claims construction, for example, is
` not something we would have addressed
` in our petition, because we were
` following the Board's rules which set
` that forth. We also may need to
` respond to other things they've raised
` in their petition -- I'm sorry, in
` their preliminary response such as
` whether 101 is properly raised here.
` HON. TIERNEY: Stop. Let me --
` that raises an issue. Let me clarify.
` Mr. Zoltick, I don't know if you
` had thought this through, but if an
` issue was raised in the preliminary
` response then carried into the patent
` owner's response, we consider it
` waived. Is that your understanding
` also, or do you believe that actually
` carried through?
` MR. ZOLTICK: We raise the
` issues that we intended to have in
` this trial in the patent order


`Page 9
` response.
` HON. TIERNEY: Thank you,
` because otherwise it would lead to
` this -- what would happen would make
` it not appealable issues and then
` certain issues would then become
` appealable. That's the reason we have
` this. I do appreciate. If you had
` not been aware of that, we would to
` have a little discussion on that.
` Thank you for agreeing that
` that's the way to proceed, Ms. Arner.
` You don't need extra pages if you take
` into account things that were
` previously raised and not carried
` through and raised in this patent
` owner's response.
` MS. ARNER: Thank you. That's
` helpful. Then we still need to
` respond, though, in their patent
` owner's -- in the full response, the
` alternative claim construction which
` were argued, the issues regarding the
` proper claims construction standard


`Page 10
` before the Board, whether or not it
` should be brought up reasonable
` interpretation. These new exhibits
` and documents that supposedly affect
` the scope of the prior art and their
` argument that's somehow relevant to
` 101, those are still all additional
` issues that would not have been
` addressed in our petition when it was
` filed with the bulk of our substantive
` filing, as I understand the rules. I
` think at least ten pages additional
` would be justified to allow us to
` respond to those parts of their
` response.
` HON. TIERNEY: I think I
` understand your point here.
` MS. ARNER: Okay.
` HON. TIERNEY: Mr. Zoltick,
` let's hear from you. What is the
` patent owner's position as to
` Petitioner's request?
` MR. ZOLTICK: Well, Your Honor,
` we were -- I think you said in the


`Page 11
` e-mail, operating under the rules when
` we did our response. We didn't see
` any deviation from those rules in the
` order. The rules are pretty clear in
` terms of the replies that are, you
` know, provided for 15 pages in order
` to reply. We didn't, you know, go
` beyond what the rules contemplate for
` a patent owner response which is 80
` pages. In fact, we were under the 80
` pages, and so we didn't -- I guess we
` don't see that this is any sort of out
` of the ordinary here with the patent
` owner response and therefore don't see
` the extraordinary to justify in the
` interest of justice some waiver of the
` page limit for the reply.
` In addition, you know, we're
` operating under this expedited
` schedule where we're only going to
` have, you know, a couple of weeks to
` prepare for oral argument, and there
` would be quite a bit more I expect to
` have to do in that very, very short


`Page 12
` period of time. If we're dealing
` with, you know, an extra ten pages and
` whatever would go along with that,
` then staying within the rules, within
` the 15 pages that are provided, and,
` of course, you know, in the -- the
` practice guide is set forth towards
` the justification for why the rules
` are what they are in terms of the page
` limit, and again, we didn't see any
` reason -- we weren't provided with any
` before this call, and I don't hear any
` reason on this call that would justify
` deviating, you know, from the Board's
` rules.
` HON. TIERNEY: There's one
` thing that the parties just said that
` caught my attention. Where do the
` rules require an interest of justice
` for giving more pages in a reply? You
` identified where we put that standard
` out in the rules?
` MR. ZOLTICK: I think it's
` 42.24A2.


`Page 13
` HON. TIERNEY: A2, that's what
` you said?
` MS. ARNER: Yeah. It says
` interest of justice with respect to
` the petition. It's a motion that
` would accompany a long petition, but
` at the end of that section it mentions
` other motions to waive page limits
` that have to be granted in advance, so
` we were reading that section as
` covering other filings where the page
` limit would be sought to be extended.
` MR. ZOLTICK: Well, I was
` reading it that way as well, Your
` Honor.
` HON. TIERNEY: I will have to
` contemplate that issue. I'm not sure
` that was the intent. I see what
` you're saying, but I am looking at the
` rule right now.
` MS. ARNER: Sure.
` HON. TIERNEY: The Petitioner
` must show in the motion how the waiver
` of the page limits is against the


`Page 14
` interest of justice, so that interest
` of justice standards is with the
` Petitioner, was for Petitioner. Any
` other motion on -- I see why you may
` have read it that way. I'm not sure
` that that was the intent. I'll go and
` contemplate with the panel.
` However, for purposes of today,
` what we have is an 80-page brief.
` Ms. Arner pointed out she feels that
` 15 pages is a little constricting.
` The rule right now was blind as to
` whether it was a CDM, so 15 pages or
` 16 pages, I fear 15 pages to -- I
` mean, we do want to have conciseness,
` and as Ms. Arner said, short and clear
` briefing.
` There have been additional
` issues raised in the patent owner's
` response to which Petitioner has not
` commented, it may be unduly
` prejudicial to the Petitioner to limit
` it to 15 pages to respond. Under
` those circumstances, this panel


`Page 15
` believes that we can live with the
` additional ten pages and just move
` forward at this time. The Petitioner
` is authorized to file a 25-page reply
` in this case.
` MS. ARNER: Thank you, Your
` Honor.
` HON. TIERNEY: You're welcome.
` Patent Owner, do you have
` anything -- I have one issue I would
` like to take up today. Let's make
` sure we have no further issues from
` the parties. Patent Owner, do you
` have any issues today?
` MR. ZOLTICK: No issues, Your
` Honor.
` HON. TIERNEY: Okay. You
` mentioned concerns about getting ready
` for the hearing. Is there anything we
` can do to help you out in making sure
` you have the proper -- we do have the
` 17th. Is there something we could do,
` though, to give you little less
` concern or being prepared for the


`Page 16
` hearing? Either time-wise, do you
` need to have a full brief? When is
` the last time you need to file on the
` time?
` MR. ZOLTICK: Currently, I
` believe, for time period two, that
` would be April 1.
` HON. TIERNEY: April 1? Go
` ahead.
` MR. ZOLTICK: And that would be
` the replies that we were just
` discussing.
` MS. ARNER: I thought the reply
` was just that we opposed the motion to
` amend.
` MR. ZOLTICK: Your reply.
` MS. ARNER: It's due April 1,
` sorry. Yes, that's right.
` MR. ZOLTICK: April 1, right,
` and I believe unless there's some
` other motion practice, that that would
` be the last paper that we would end up
` having to file in this answer of the
` hearing.


`Page 17
` HON. TIERNEY: So then it's
` your concern that approximately 16
` days just would be insufficient for
` preparing?
` MR. ZOLTICK: I guess it
` depends -- pardon me, Your Honor.
` Well, obviously we'll do what we need
` to do, but depending on what is in the
` reply -- I mean, I know what I know.
` I know what's in the petition, and I
` know what's in our response. We have
` cross-examination of our expert
` witness coming up on Friday -- a week
` from tomorrow, on the 21st, but then
` again, it depends on what's in the
` reply, and depending on that I'll
` know, you know, what I need to do to
` address that.
` I merely was indicating in the
` discussion about the number of pages
` in the reply that, you know, the more
` there is, the more we end up having to
` deal with and address and think about
` in between the time we get it and the


`Page 18
` time of the hearing. I don't have
` anything specific that I can tell you
` right now that is troubling me in
` terms of the time to get ready for the
` hearing.
` HON. TIERNEY: Understood.
` Is there any -- I am open to see
` if there are things that can be done
` to alleviate some of the concerns. I
` know there's the demonstrative.
` MR. ZOLTICK: Yes, sir.
` HON. TIERNEY: What is it, two
` days before hearing? Would that be
` beneficial, or do you need it before
` then so that the parties can meet
` before then if you need to change it
` earlier? I don't want anyone feeling
` like they're in any way prejudiced.
` MR. ZOLTICK: Right. We --
` Counsel haven't discussed that issue
` at this point, I guess, because we
` have had a lot of other components,
` but --
` HON. TIERNEY: March 16 is


`Page 19
` coming up.
` MR. ZOLTICK: Yes, exactly. I
` certainly think it would be worthwhile
` to have a discussion to see if we
` could agree on a reasonable period of
` time to get demonstratives prior to
` this argument so that we'll have time
` to evaluate them and see if there are
` any issues. Perhaps you could get
` back and have a call with Your Honor
` before that to --
` HON. TIERNEY: Well, what I
` would suggest is, if you can work
` something without with Ms. Arner, I'm
` willing to take in demonstratives to
` -- no later than two days before the
` hearing, though, because we do need to
` be prepared ourselves, but if the
` parties wish to agree to an earlier
` time amongst themselves, it's fine and
` no need to contact us. I want to make
` this -- you know, try and take --
` alleviate concerns the best we can
` here.


`Page 20
` MS. ARNER: Okay.
` HON. TIERNEY: All right.
` Petitioner, are there any other
` issues you have to discuss? I do have
` one I was going to mention a moment.
` Do you have any further issues today,
` Petitioner?
` MS. ARNER: No, Your Honor.
` MR. ZOLTICK: There are no
` other issues.
` HON. TIERNEY: There has been
` an inquiry from the public that came
` in as to wanting to know how -- there
` are people that want to attend the
` hearing. They realize -- I don't know
` -- I doubt -- well, I can't predict
` how many people are going to show up,
` but there are going to be additional
` people from the public wanting to
` attend. The question has been raised,
` though, as to whether we would
` broadcast this via, like, a telephone
` or a webcast. I'm just alerting you
` to the possibility it's something we


`Page 21
` need to consider. There are some
` interest and we do have a public
` outreach on our AIA where we're trying
` to inform the public as much as
` possible about how we run these
` proceedings. It is something we are
` actually contemplating as to whether
` or not we would actually go ahead and
` have a, for example, phone that people
` could call into and listen in or if
` there could be broadcast by a webcast.
` Those are possibilities that I put
` before us, and I would like to have
` your thoughts. If you have any
` concerns, I would like to hear them.
` Obviously this is the first you've
` heard of it. We just heard of it this
` morning.
` Starting with Patent Owner, do
` you have any concerns or questions
` regarding the call-in where people
` would listen into the call or even the
` next level which would be more the
` broadcast?


`Page 22
` MR. ZOLTICK: It's nothing
` we've ever done that I'm aware of at
` the Board before. This is a new
` question. I mean, I guess what
` springs to mind, although I don't know
` that it would be a concern here is the
` issue of any kind of confidentiality
` or anything like that in terms of the
` evidence or information.
` HON. TIERNEY: We've looked at
` that. To the best of my knowledge,
` only two exhibits currently under
` seal.
` MR. ZOLTICK: Yeah. I don't
` know that that would be an issue that
` would have to be addressed or would
` come up during the argument. I guess
` the other thing I would do in my
` normal practice is that I would want
` to talk to the client about it just to
` see if they had any concerns.
` HON. TIERNEY: I understand
` that completely. That's why I'm
` actually alerting you right now so


`Page 23
` that -- I don't believe in having
` surprises, have you show up and all of
` a sudden have you realize what's
` happening. Again, it's something that
` is just being discussed. It's nothing
` definitive that's been done, but I
` want to make sure we have any inputs
` on the parties to be taken into
` account. We'd have that.
` Any other things you would like
` to identify and I'll go over to
` Petitioner?
` MR. ZOLTICK: That's all that
` comes to mind at the moment, Your
` Honor.
` Petitioner, Ms. Arner, if you
` could, address this or someone from
` your team if there was any concerns or
` thoughts on the matter.
` MS. ARNER: Sure. Like
` Mr. Zoltick, I'll need to confirm with
` our client before we can answer
` definitively, but to me it doesn't


`Page 24
` seem any different, really, from our
` arguments before, for example, the
` Federal Circuits where the argument is
` recorded and available online on their
` website later in the same day. Even
` if cases where we've had confidential
` documents and the appendixes and
` redacted versions of briefs, the Court
` -- I've never heard of the Court --
` maybe they have sealed the room, but
` it hasn't been an issue from the
` Federal Circuit where we argue quite
` often, and just thinking it through,
` as you said, for the first time we are
` -- we are all just hearing about this,
` it seems analogous to that. You know,
` the courtroom -- the room will be open
` anyway to the public, so it doesn't
` seem like I would have any concern,
` but again, I would like to just
` confirm that with our client.
` HON. TIERNEY: Of course.
` Please consult with your client. If
` there are issues, please alert us as


`Page 25
` to that. What I would recommend doing
` is just -- a simple e-mail to the
` trial box would be fine. I don't
` think we need to have a call, but if
` there are concerns, just send over the
` e-mail and the paralegals will alert
` it as we try and decide how best to
` proceed. I think you're aware -- I
` know some of you have given
` presentations on this, and there is
` some level of issue in AIA, and we
` want to try to be responsive to it.
` That's what we're looking into this
` question with that kind of background
` in mind. So unless there's anything
` further, Patent Owner?
` Is there anything further we
` need to discuss today?
` MR. ZOLTICK: No, Your Honor.
` HON. TIERNEY: How about the
` Petitioner?
` MS. ARNER: No. Thank you.
` HON. TIERNEY: Well, that
` concludes the call today. Should any


`Page 26
` further issues arise, please let us
` know and we'll have a further call.
` Adjourned.
` [TIME NOTED: 11:21 a.m.]


`Page 27
` I, BRIAN BRENNER, a Notary
`Public for and within the State of New
`York, do hereby certify:
` That the within transcript is a true
`and accurate record of the proceedings.
` I further certify that I am not
`related to any of the parties to this
`action by blood or marriage, and that I am
`in no way interested in the outcome of
`this matter.
` IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto
`set my hand this 14th day of March, 2013.
` _____________________
` * * *


`[& - claim]
`& 2:3,7
`1 16:8,9,18,20
`101 3:10,20 4:3 5:22
`8:2,12 10:8
`11955 2:4
`11:00 1:11
`11:21 26:5
`14 1:10
`14th 2:8 27:16
`15 5:11 6:18 11:7
`12:6 14:12,14,15,24
`16 14:15 17:3 18:25
`17th 15:23
`20 6:7
`20005 2:8
`2013 1:10 27:16
`20190 2:5
`21st 17:15
`25 15:5
`40 4:6,14 7:13
`41 4:5
`42.24 5:16
`42.24a2. 12:25
`45 4:10
`50 6:4
`6,553,350 1:9
`607 2:8
`70 5:21
`80 3:18 4:9 11:10,11
`a.m. 1:11 26:5
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`accurate 27:9
`action 27:12
`addition 11:19
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`5:15 7:18,22 10:8
`10:13 14:19 15:3
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`addressed 7:23 8:5
`10:10 22:17
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`adopted 4:22
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`agreeing 9:12
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`al 1:3
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`alternative 3:15 4:8
`5:23 7:25 9:23
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`appellate 7:17
`appendixes 24:8
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`appropriate 7:4
`approximately 17:3
`april 16:8,9,18,20
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`11:23 19:8 22:18
`arguments 7:20
`arner 2:5 3:4 5:4,9
`5:14 7:5 9:13,19
`10:19 13:4,22 14:11
`14:17 15:7 16:14,18
`19:15 20:2,9 23:18
`23:22 25:23
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`asked 3:22 7:9
`attend 20:15,21
`attention 12:19
`attorneys 2:4,7
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`available 24:5
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`b 1:16
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`believe 8:21 16:7,21
`believes 15:2
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`Page 1
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`4:11,18 6:2 7:8 10:2
`board's 6:6,16 8:7
`box 25:4
`brenner 27:5,18
`brian 2:9 27:5,18
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`14:10 16:3
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`c 1:13,13 2:2
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`19:11 21:11,22,23
`25:5,25 26:3
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`caught 12:19
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`certification 27:2
`certify 27:7,10
`chance 5:19
`change 18:17
`circuit 24:13
`circuits 24:4
`claim 3:15,19 5:23
`5:25 9:23


`[claims - half]
`claims 4:9 8:4 9:25
`clarify 4:15 8:14
`clear 4:13 7:10 11:5
`client 22:21 23:24
`come 22:18
`comes 23:15
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`completely 22:24
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`concern 3:12 15:25
`17:3 22:7 24:20
`concerns 15:19
`18:10 19:24 21:16
`21:21 22:22 23:20
`conciseness 14:16
`concludes 25:25
`confidential 24:7
`confidentiality 22:8
`confirm 3:5 23:23
`consider 8:19 21:2
`consideration 4:2
`constricting 14:12
`construction 3:15
`3:20 4:9 5:23 8:4
`consult 24:24
`contact 19:22
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`13:18 14:8
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`9:11 17:21 19:5
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`e 1:13,13,13,13,13
`1:14,16,16 2:2,2
`11:2 25:3,7
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`9:14 12:3
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`f 1:13,16
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`Page 2
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`feels 14:11
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`25:17,18 26:2,3
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`14:7 16:9 21:9
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`18:22 22:5,18
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`h 1:14
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`[hand - pages]
`hand 27:16
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`16:25 18:2,6,14
`19:18 20:16 24:16
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`6:20 8:13 9:3 10:17
`10:20 12:17 13:2,17
`13:23 15:9,18 16:9
`17:2 18:7,13,25
`19:13 20:3,12 22:11
`22:23 23:17 24:23
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`13:16 15:8,17 17:7
`19:11 20:9 23:16
`identified 12:22
`identify 23:12
`including 5:22
`indicating 17:20
`inform 21:5
`information 22:10

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