10/30/2012 | | Judgment - Dismissal Allison Boomer Comment: Mailed Judgment of Dismissal on 10/30/12.; Court Action: Dismissed-appellant motion; Court Action Date: 10/30/2012; Judge: Allison R. Boomer; Created: 10/30/2012 12:00 AM |
10/30/2012 | | Closed Created: 10/30/2012 12:00 AM |
10/29/2012 | | Withdrawal Comment: Ptf is in agreement with Def and requests to withdraw. 11/09/12 JG; Other Representative: MATTHEW WHEELER Created: 10/29/2012 12:00 AM |
10/17/2012 | | Order Jill Tanner Comment: Mailed Order on 10/17/12. Ptf to respond within 14 days. 10/31/12 RN; Court Action: Signed; Court Action Date: 10/17/2012; Judge: Jill A. Tanner; Signed: 10/17/2012 Created: 10/17/2012 12:00 AM |
9/25/2012 | | Report Comment: DEF reports that it and PTF have resolved the matter.; Created: 09/25/2012 12:00 AM |
8/23/2012 | | Request Comment: Parties request additional time to resolve appeal; suggest 09/20/12.; Other Representative: DOUGLAS KILBRIDE Created: 08/23/2012 12:00 AM |
7/12/2012 | | Request Comment: DEF requests an additional extension until 8/13 to continue negotiations 8/13/12 CHEK; Other Representative: DOUGLAS KILBRIDE Created: 07/12/2012 12:00 AM |
6/7/2012 | | Request Comment: DEF requests additional extension until 07/10 to continue settlement efforts.; Other Representative: DOUGLAS KILBRIDE Created: 06/07/2012 12:00 AM |
5/4/2012 | | Request Comment: DEF requests an extension until 06/07 to allow the parties to attempt settlement; Other Representative: DOUGLAS KILBRIDE Created: 05/04/2012 12:00 AM |
3/8/2012 | | CANCELED Hearing - Case Management (11:15 AM) () Held Argument Comment: You are required to telephone the court at the following toll-free number for your proceeding: (866) 921-1127 You will be prompted to enter conference code: 9864141616; Event Status: Held Argument; Event Status Date: 03/08/2012; Est length of time: 45 Minute(s) Created: 02/21/2012 12:00 AM |
2/22/2012 | | Certificate - Service Comment: Def's Certificate of Service for Answer showing proof of service on Matthew Wheeler; Other Representative: DOUGLAS KILBRIDE Created: 02/22/2012 12:00 AM |
2/21/2012 | | Notice - Hearing Created: 02/21/2012 12:00 AM |
2/17/2012 | | Answer Comment: 503 945-8775; Other Representative: DOUGLAS KILBRIDE Created: 02/21/2012 12:00 AM |
1/20/2012 | | Notice - Representation Comment: Original Authorization to Represent naming Matthew Wheeler.; Plaintiff: MED/IMPACT HEALTHCARE SYSTEMS Created: 01/20/2012 12:00 AM |
1/19/2012 | | Notice - Printed Created: 01/19/2012 12:00 AM |
1/19/2012 | | Notice - Filing Magistrate Division Comment: 2008 & 2009 tax years; Defendant: DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE Other Representative: MATTHEW WHEELER Created: 01/19/2012 12:00 AM |
1/19/2012 | | Letter - Tax Court Comment: The court is required by statute to notify you that you that you are bound by all things done by your representative.; Plaintiff: MED/IMPACT HEALTHCARE SYSTEMS Other Representative: MATTHEW WHEELER Created: 01/19/2012 12:00 AM |
1/17/2012 | | Notice - Representation Comment: Authorization to Represent PTF, naming Matthew Wheeler: 408.252.1800. Faxed copy.; Plaintiff: MED/IMPACT HEALTHCARE SYSTEMS Created: 01/17/2012 12:00 AM |
1/5/2012 | | Letter - Tax Court Comment: Please submit Authorization to Represent, no later than 01/19/12. 01/19/12 RN.; Plaintiff: MED/IMPACT HEALTHCARE SYSTEMS Other Representative: DAVID WHEELER Created: 01/05/2012 12:00 AM |
1/3/2012 | | Case - Complex Magistrate Division Room: PNAI; Created: 01/04/2012 12:00 AM |
1/3/2012 | | Complaint Comment: 2008 & 2009 tax years 2/23/12 AN; Court Action: Post Marked; Court Action Date: 12/30/2011; Plaintiff: MED/IMPACT HEALTHCARE SYSTEMS Created: 01/04/2012 12:00 AM |