Wiser Partners, LLC v. Volato, Inc.

1:24-cv-00429 | Ohio Southern District Court

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Division Cincinnati
Judge Judge Jeffery P. Hopkins
Filed Aug. 14, 2024
Case Flags JURY and LC3
Nature of Suit 190 Contract - Other
Cause 28:1332 Diversity-Petition for Removal
Jury Demand Both
The docket is incomplete. Sign up for verified information.
Filing Date # Docket Text
3/12/2025Order on Oral Request
3/12/2025Oral Request
3/11/2025Telephone Conference
3/4/2025Witness List
3/4/2025Witness List
2/14/2025Notice (Other)
2/5/2025Order on Oral Request
2/5/2025Oral Request, Telephone Conference
11/13/2024Telephone Conference
11/12/2024Notice of Appearance
9/19/2024 ANSWER to 3 Complaint with Jury Demand filed by All Defendants. (Hyman, Jonathan) (Entered: 09/19/2024)
9/6/2024NOTATION ORDER: This case is before the Court on the Defendant's Unopposed Motion for Extension of Time to File an Answer. For good cause shown, the motion is GRANTED, and the Defendant shall have until 9/20/2024 to move, answer or otherwise plead to the Plaintiffs Complaint (Doc. 3 ). Additionally, in light of Plaintiff's Notice to Withdraw their Application to Clerk for Entry of Default (Doc. 8 ), the Clerk's Entry of Default (Doc. 7 ) is VACATED. SO ORDERED by Judge Jeffery P. Hopkins on 9/6/2024. (mr) (Entered: 09/06/2024)
9/6/2024NOTICE OF WITHDRAWAL OF DOCUMENT by Plaintiff Wiser Partners, LLC re 5 Application to enter Default (Shadley, Alexander) (Entered: 09/06/2024)
9/6/2024*** VACATED by Notation Order dated 9/6/20224 *** Clerk's ENTRY OF DEFAULT as to Plaintiff Wiser Partners, LLC. (kev) Modified to update status of entry on 9/6/2024 (mr). (Entered: 09/06/2024)
9/6/2024Unopposed MOTION for Extension of Time to File Answer re 3 Complaint New date requested 9/20/2024. by Defendant Volato, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order Proposed Order) (Hyman, Jonathan) (Entered: 09/06/2024)
9/5/2024*** WITHDRAWN by Notice Doc. 8 ) *** Application to Clerk for entry of default against Volato, Inc. . (Attachments: # 1 Declaration of Alexander X. Shadley) (Shadley, Alexander) Modified entry as to status of Application on 9/6/2024 (mr). (Entered: 09/05/2024)
9/5/2024Corporate Disclosure Statement by Plaintiffs Wiser Partners, LLC, ZRG Partners, LLC identifying Corporate Parent ZRG Partners, LLC for Wiser Partners, LLC.. (Shadley, Alexander) (Entered: 09/05/2024)
8/15/2024If this case is referred, it will be to Magistrate Judge Stephanie K. Bowman. (bjc) (Entered: 08/15/2024)
8/15/2024COMPLAINT with JURY DEMAND against Volato, Inc., filed by Wiser Partners, LLC. in the Hamilton County Court of Common Pleas, Case A 2403224 on 07/18/2024 (bjc) (Entered: 08/15/2024)
8/14/2024Corporate Disclosure Statement by Defendants Volato, Inc., Volato Group, Inc. identifying Corporate Parent Volato Group, Inc. for Volato, Inc... (Hyman, Jonathan) (Entered: 08/14/2024)
8/14/2024NOTICE OF REMOVAL from Hamilton County Court of Common Pleas, case number A 2403224 ( Filing fee $ 405 paid - receipt number: AOHSDC-10115974), filed by Volato, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Civil Cover Sheet, # 2 Exhibit A - State Court Documents) (Hyman, Jonathan) (Entered: 08/14/2024)