Case: 1:22-cv-00290-DRC-SKB Doc #: 1 Filed: 05/26/22 Page: 1 of 10 PAGEID #: 1
`r«I I
`v.'f.ST oiv cu
`i OiUO
`For the District of Southern Ohio
`Southern Ohio District - Cincinnati, Ohio
`Bardes v. Bush (No. M 22(;v 2 90
`David Andrew BARDES
`George Walker BUSH, individually
`Richard Bruce CHENEY, individually
`William Henry GATES, HI
`MICROSOFT Corporation
`Lawrence Edward PAGE
`Timothy Donald COOK
`APPLE, Inc.
`John and Jane DOE
`magistrate JUDGE F'
`Verified Complaint
`1. This court has jurisdiction under Diversity of Parties (28 U.S.C 1332(a)). Damagessought
`exceed $75,000. No plaintiff shares a state with any defendant.
`2. I am a man who witnessed too much, a series of heinous crimes, and blew the whistle, only to
`be met with severe retaliation. I am now suing my oppressors for the reckless infliction of
`emotional distress, among other things.
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`3. In 2004,1 was falsely accused of not paying my child support, and thrown in jail, until a judge
`signed an order striking the falsely reported arrears. The problem was the first three days in jail, I
`was locked in an "intensive management" holding cell. These small holding cells are engineered
`to be made very cold, such the inmate painfully shivers in the cold until they comply.
`I suffered unspeakable pain for three days of violent shivering until I lost consciousness, falling
`into hypothermic coma. The jail's doctor mistakenly declared me dead, when I obviously was not.
`4. When I got out ofjail, I started doing research on these punishment holding cells. I
`discovered a dozen inmates who died from hypothermia in these cold cells.
`5. Alarmed as you can imagine, I sought the assistance of lawyers. But each of the lawyers said
`they could not help me, because every federal judge instantly dismissed every torture lawsuit to
`protect George W. BUSH, Dick CHENEY, and the small number of CIA officers from
`prosecution for torture. The federal courts cited torture as "too hot" of a topic to address at the
`time. This became known as the TortureGate Scandal.
`6. What I did not know at the time, was George W. BUSH used this same "Cold Cell" torture to
`brutally torture to death two innocent victims after the attacks of 9/11. The infamous BUSH
`torture memos titled this "enhanced interrogation" technique "Cold Cell" torture. It was actually
`7. But decades of this instant lawsuit dismissal had a grave secondary effect on our jails and
`prisons, as it gave the green light that torture was on, with all lawsuits instantly dismissed. To
`which I fell victim both ways.
`8. Undeterred, I taught myself the law, and in 2008,1 filed a federal civil rights lawsuit. The
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`case was instantly dismissed. I filed objections and won; the case rolled into discovery before
`being ultimately dismissed. The judge wrote a complicated fifty-page order that near death
`hypothermic torture was not a violation of the Constitution.
`9. I appealed the case and lost, then my petition to the US Supreme Court was denied. My one
`Constitutional question was "Is near-death hypothermic torture a violation of the Constitution?"
`The year was 2011.
`10. I chronicled all of my research on Cold Cell torture at my website ""
`(today I tracked the inmate deaths, the CIA and FBI use of cold cell
`murder, with reports and maps of Cold Cell torture use. The only website visitors were the
`government types coming from government IP networks. As an advanced computer programmer,
`I was able to track and identify the website visitors. 1kept accurate and detail annotated website
`trafBc logs.
`11. Through no fault of my own, I found myself in a proxy battle with George W. BUSH, Dick
`CHENEY, and the small group of CIA torturers.
`12. I waited two years and filed a second federal civil rights lawsuit, but it was instantly
`dismissed. I decided to not appeal that case. What I needed was more evidence, as Cold Cell
`torture was a well-guarded and much denied secret.
`13. The break came on December 9,2014, when the US Senate published their report on CIA
`torture. Which provided in too graphic of detail, the brutal hypothermic murders of two innocent
`Muslims with Cold Cell torture. Making front page news, Cold Cell torture became public
`knowledge, no longer a secret.
`14. Armed with this evidence along with the continued deaths of domestic Cold Cell torture
`deaths, I filed a third federal civil rights lawsuit. But this time, I sued the four federaljudges who
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`dismissed my first two cases. The reaction was swift. That night two men appeared out of the
`dark on my fix)nt porch in the middle of the night. I did not answer the door and my dog seared
`them away.
`15. The lawsuit was dismissed with the speed of lightening. My petition to the US Supreme
`Court asked the same but modified question "Is being brutally tortured to death with
`hypothermie torture a violation of the Constitution?" The blood from all of the inmates killed
`with Cold Cell torture since my first petition was denied, dripped on the hands of the justices.
`16. On February 13,2016, Justice Antonin Gregory Scalia died in his sleep while on a hunting
`ranch in way west Texas. It was reported in the news that Justice Scalia left his federal security
`detail back in Houston and travelled to the ranch without them. The hunting trip was hosted by a
`400-year-old private hunting fraternity to welcome their newest member.
`17. But the only way Justice Scalia's security detail would agree to leave him, which they are
`sworn never to do, was if there were already too many other federal officers on the plane and on
`the ground at the ranch. As fi'om the Secret Service details of George W. BUSH and Dick
`CHENEY. George W. BUSH had planned the elaborate caper to secure Justice Scalia's key tie
`vote against my petition, which had just been docketed by the court.
`18. With only eight (8) remaining justices, it was enough to bring an end to the TortureGate
`Corruption Scandal. On the moming of the conference vote on my petition, April 15,2016, the
`Supreme Court canceled their regular conference day to work on one important case. All the
`cases to be voted on that day were moved to the next conference date. All except for my petition.
`My petition was the only one denied that day.
`19. But hours later, a federal judge in Seattle did not dismiss a Cold Cell torture victim's civil
`rights lawsuit against the two CIA torture doctors, brought by the ACLU. Despite repeated
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`attempts by President Obama, the judge moved the case to trial. The CIA were forced to settle
`the case the day before trial was to begin.
`20. In what shocked not Just the legal community, but the whole world, torture lawsuits were no
`longer dismissed. The justices had voted that day to end TortiueGate. As I subsequently wrote in
`my book, 1 lost my lawsuit, but God won.
`The Interim Period
`21. By this time, George W. BUSH was not happy with me, and I posed a serious threat, as he
`feared prosecution for torture and murder.
`22. Living in a failed wedding resort in Brevard, North Carolina, George W. BUSH recruited
`and moved a CIA agent into the cabin next to mine. She was my age, recently divorced, from
`Jacksonville, Florida, had a black dog just like mine, and went by the name of "Karen Thomas."
`Being celibate, I rebuked her efforts to befriend me. 1had no way of proving she worked for the
`CIA, so I tried an experiment.
`23. I placed an anonymous note in her mailbox, stating I knew who she worked for and was
`willing to help out the CIA torture doctors in their torture lawsuit from the ACLU. The next day
`I received in the mail, a form letter from Attorney General Loretta Lynch, saying she received
`my letter and would respond in due time. It was her way of smoking out just what kind of help I
`was willing to offer. I did not respond, and "Karen" quickly broke her lease, packed her bags and
`left, never to be seen again.
`24. At the time, I was on Social Security disability from a broken hip, and I suspected George W.
`BUSH was behind my benefits being suddenly revoked.
`25. I decided to write a book about my torture and TortureGate. I wrote a letter to George W.
`BUSH's publisher at Crown Publishing shopping interest in the corruption of George W. BUSH.
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`Tina Constable gave my letter to George W. BUSH which infuriated him, based on what
`happened next.
`26. George W. BUSH contacted Social Security to turn my disability benefits back on, as a way
`to back me down. But Social Security told him they could not, as I had not reapplied for them
`claiming disability. George W. BUSH ordered Social Security to reinstate my benefits regardless.
`27. The next day 1received a letter fiom Social Security, not saying I had been found to be
`disabled again, but rather stated "We can start paying you..." Enclosed was a check for nine
`thousand dollars for back payments.
`28. In April of 2017,1 wrote and published my book anyway, titled "Unspeakable Pain"
`(available on Amazon.) George W. BUSH responded by having my Social Security disability
`benefits abruptly cut off again. Permanently.
`29. George W. BUSH ordered Google to remove my website from it first place search result
`position. Google obliged. I wrote a blistering email to CEO Larry PAGE, saying not to give into
`torture and crimes of murder. 1 know Larry received my email, as ray website was immediately
`placed back into Google's first place search result position.
`30. But shortly thereafter, a large number of CEO's were looped into George W. BUSH's capers.
`But instead of being righteous, they joined the mob, joined the racket. And they all visited my
`website, giving me their identities. The most frequent visitors were Bill GATES, Larry PAGE,
`and Tim COOK. But also, the CEO's from CISCO, FACEBOOK, AMAZON, ORACLE,
`GODADDY, and Warren BUFFETT in Nebraska. The world at the top is a small one.
`31.1 kept highly accurate annotated website traffic logs, not knowing what such would reveal,
`but they all kept visiting ray website, so something had to materialize. The CEO's all visited
`fix)m clearly identifiable corporate IP addresses, making no efforts to hide.
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`32. As the website log evidence in Exhibit A reveals, many deep searches for visitors to my
`websites were made in the NSA Super Data Center databases in Salt Lake City, Utah. George W.
`BUSH kept close watch over everything I posted, along with who visited.
`33. For some time, George W. BUSH tried to recruit shills to pay me off with money, but when
`those efforts fell short, George W. BUSH ordered a nationwide FBI investigation to try to dig up
`dirt on me. To prosecute me into submission. As the website log evidence reveals, the FBI went
`out to my friends to interview and try to entrap me into wrongdoing. The seven-month long
`investigation revealed nothing to use against me, and the FBI stopped visiting the website.
`34. I contacted the International Criminal Court (ICC) via email about prosecuting George W.
`BUSH, offering my book about Cold Cell torture as evidence. As rumors were spreading that the
`ICC might open an investigation in BUSH war crimes in Afghanistan. The ICC only has
`jurisdiction when the host country fails to prosecute the war criminal. A slate of ICC judges was
`to vote on opening the investigation.
`35. I then had website visits fiom Interpol in France, which did not make sense imtil China
`busted their own citizen and president of Interpol with accepting $2.1 million dollars in bribes
`for the ICC judges to vote against the pending investigation into BUSH war crimes. China
`sentenced Meng Hongwei to thirteen years in prison, and Hongwei did not appeal the sentence.
`This is when China began visiting the website every day. China had to make the decision to bust
`George W. BUSH with highly embarrassing revelations, or agree to keep secrets in return for
`power and control over the United States.
`36. George W. BUSH recruited Bill GATES to negotiate with China, as GATES is revered as a
`god like figure in China. As the website log evidence in Exhibit A reveals, dozens of meetings
`took place over a two-week period before China agreed to keep secrets. This was good news for
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`those corrupt, but bad for our nation, as power and control, and sovereignty was ceded to China.
`How can our CIA do CIA things when they own their jobs and liberty to China?
`37. The panel of twisted ICC judges voted to NOT open the BUSH war crimes investigation, but
`reversed themselves a year later under a new panel ofjudges, to OPEN the investigation, so the
`cormption of George W. BUSH and Bill GATES worked for a time. Yet China retained their
`power and control regardless.
`38. As a former Registered Representative with the Security and Exchange Commission (SEC,)
`I had surviving duties to full disclosure. I compiled reports with the website log evidence and
`mailed to a dozen stock analysts around the county. Shortly thereafter, I had website visits
`between the analysts and the CEO's. Just what the CEO's told the analysts, I am not privy. But
`nothing seemed to happen.
`39. In late 2019, Larry PAGE suddenly resigned as CEO, citing no real reason other than time to
`go, which let me know why. Then Bill GATES suddenly resigned from his corporate positions,
`citing need to focus on his foundation. But distancing themselves from their public companies,
`did not stop them ftom continuing to use their corporate tools to monitor me.
`40. Based on website traffic, George W. BUSH resumed efforts to recruit shills to pay me off
`with money. But none volunteered. Having exhausted all efforts to back me down, George W.
`BUSH, Dick CHENEY, the CIA, and the CEO's made the decision to take drastic action. To
`cause me serious bodily harm, even death. I had run out of options to protect myself.
`The Period of Retaliation
`41. After the website traffic revealed efforts to recruit killers nearby me, on May 29, 2019,1 fled
`Brevard, North Carolina for northern Michigan. To a town I spent my summers growing up.
`42. The horrors that resulted are so severe that I hesitate to describe at this point, lest I run the
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`risk of being prejudiced by the courts. Testimony and evidence will need to be produced during
`discovery; such my testimony alone will not be needed. 1am confident the evidence will be
`produced to the satisfaction ofthe courts, based on the rules of evidence.
`43. The horrors focused on two time periods, the first being five (5) months long (5/29/2019-
`10/29/2019,) the second being 90-days long (4/1/2021-7/2/2021.) Each ended in extended
`hospital stays of eighteen (18) days and five (5) days respectively. The reckless infliction of
`emotional distress took ifs toll.
`44. During the first period of horrors, 1lost ownership of "" and
`"" to George W. BUSH. George W. BUSH put up a website in French selling
`Nike sneakers. Today China owns these domains. 1subsequently reposted the website at
`45. Despite the horrors, I survived. Enough so, on September 20, 2021,1 filed a federal
`Mandamus lawsuit (l:21-cv-598) in Cincinnati, Ohio. Calling for our governmental officials to
`enforce our well-established laws against torture and murder. Within days I had a website visit
`meeting between someone deep inside the courthouse on an iPhone on Cinciimati Bell, and the
`CIA. I figiued the magistrate judge had been twisted by George W. BUSH.
`46. The next day Magistrate Karen L. Litovitz's report recommended immediate dismissal
`claiming bad faith if I tried to appeal. I filed objections, but then District Judge Robert R. Cole
`was twisted next, and on December 21,2021, he dismissed the case. The greatest threat to justice
`is not injustice, rather those whom do the injustice.
`47. I then filed my appeal (22-3063.) As of this writing, George W. BUSH is still trying to twist
`the appeals court judges.
`48. Federal Magistrate Karen L. Litovitz and Federal District Judge Robert R. Cole will be later
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`named as John and Jane Doe defendants, and enjoined to this cause of action.
`49. Such is the progress ofone man's efforts to do the right thing, to fulfill my civic duty, my
`duty to my country and to our laws. 1am now suing my oppressors directly for the reckless
`infliction of emotional distress, among other things.
`50. I hereby incorporate the website log evidence found in Exhibit A into the body of this
`51. I hereby demand trial by jury seeking $17 billion dollars in compensatory damages, and
`triple that amount in extraordinary damages as seen fit by the jury.
`Respec^lly submitted this day
`of May, 2022,
`David Andrew Bardes, Pro Se
`Postal Mailing Address:
`David Andrew Bardes
`131 Becky Court
`Walton, Kentucky 41094
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