4/11/2019 | 52 | AGREED ORDER dismissing case with prejudice. Each party shall bear their own costs. Signed by Magistrate Judge Stephanie K. Bowman on 4/10/2019. (km) (Entered: 04/11/2019) |
4/10/2019 | 51 | Proposed Pretrial Order Agreed Order Dismissing with Prejudice by Plaintiff Wild Eggs Operations, LLC. (Wilson, Steven) (Entered: 04/10/2019) |
3/12/2019 | 50 | ORDER DISMISSING CASE with prejudice, the Court having been advised of a settlement being reached by the parties in this matter. Any of the parties may, upon good cause shown, within 60 days, reopen the action if settlement is not consummated. The Court expressly and explicitly retains jurisdiction to enforce the settlement agreement of the parties. Signed by Magistrate Judge Stephanie K. Bowman on 3/12/2019. (km) (Entered: 03/12/2019) |
3/11/2019 | | The case has been reported as settled with all parties. They have requested a 60-day conditional order of dismissal with the court to retain jurisdiction over the settlement agreement. (art) (Entered: 03/12/2019) |
3/6/2019 | 49 | Minute Entry: Case called this date before Magistrate Judge Karen L. Litkovitz for a Settlement Conference held in chambers on 3/6/2019. Counsel and parties for plaintiff and for defendants present. Matter was not settled this date. Defendant counsel to notify the Court by Mon., 3/11/2019 re: status of negotiations. (Court Reporter: None present) (art) (Entered: 03/07/2019) |
2/4/2019 | | Set/Reset Cincinnati PPTO Deadlines: Plaintiff's Disclosure of Expert Reports due by 3/1/2019. Defendants' Disclosure of Expert Reports due by 3/1/2019. Disclosure and Report of Rebuttal Experts due by 4/1/2019. Discovery deadline set for 5/14/2019. Telephone Status Conference reset to 5/15/2019 at 10:00 AM before Magistrate Judge Stephanie K. Bowman. (km) (Entered: 02/04/2019) |
2/4/2019 | 48 | AGREED ORDER extending deadlines for disclosure of expert reports. The existing deadlines shall be extended as follows: Plaintiff's Disclosure of Expert Reports due by 3/1/2019. Defendants' Disclosure of Expert Reports due by 3/1/2019. Disclosure and Report of Rebuttal Experts due by 4/1/2019. Discovery deadline set for 5/14/2019. Telephone Status Conference reset to 5/15/2019 at 10:00 AM. Counsel shall call 1-888-363-4749; access code: 8651321; security code: 2010. Signed by Magistrate Judge Stephanie K. Bowman on 2/1/2019. (km) (Entered: 02/04/2019) |
1/31/2019 | 47 | Proposed Pretrial Order Agreed Entry Extending Disclosure of Expert Reports by Defendants John Craig, Craig Construction Services, Inc., Craig Construction, Inc.. (Dutton, Christopher) (Entered: 01/31/2019) |
1/31/2019 | 46 | Order Setting Mediation Conference: Settlement Conference set for Wednesday, 3/6/2019 at 09:00 AM in Chambers Room 716 before Magistrate Judge Karen L. Litkovitz. ( COUNSEL SHALL SUBMIT CONFIDENTIAL SETTLEMENT POSITION STATEMENTS TO THE COURT BY NOT LATER THAN NOON ON 2/27/2019. ). (art) (Entered: 01/31/2019) |
1/11/2019 | 45 | Supplemental Memorandum Supporting re 32 Plaintiff's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment filed by Plaintiff Wild Eggs Operations, LLC. (km) (Entered: 01/11/2019) |
1/11/2019 | | NOTATION ORDER granting [44] Plaintiff's Motion for Leave to File to File Surreply in further support of [32] Motion for Partial Summary Judgment. The Clerk of Court shall detach and file forthwith Plaintiff's surreply attached to the instant motion. Signed by Magistrate Judge Stephanie K. Bowman on 1/11/2019. (km) (Entered: 01/11/2019) |
1/10/2019 | 44 | MOTION for Leave to File by Plaintiff Wild Eggs Operations, LLC. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Surreply in Support of Plaintiff's Motion) (Wilson, Steven) (Entered: 01/10/2019) |
12/28/2018 | 43 | Supplemental Memorandum Opposing re 38 Response in Opposition to Motion,, Notice of Filing of Defendants' Verified Responses to Plaintiff's First Set of Interrogatories by Defendants John Craig, Craig Construction Services, Inc., Craig Construction, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Supplement Defendants' Responses to Plaintiff's First Set of Interrogatories, # 2 Exhibit Exhibit A to Defendants' Responses to Plaintiff's First Interrogatories, # 3 Affidavit Verification of Defendants' Responses to Plaintiff's First Interrogatories) (Dutton, Christopher) (Entered: 12/28/2018) |
12/28/2018 | 42 | Response re 33 Supplemental - Supporting (non motion), Plaintiff's Proposed Statement of Undisputed Facts by Defendants John Craig, Craig Construction Services, Inc., Craig Construction, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Affidavit Affidavit of John Craig, # 2 Exhibit Craig Affidavit - Exhibit A - Bid Negotiation Documentation, # 3 Exhibit Craig Affidavit - Exhibit B - EGCs Worksheet) (Dutton, Christopher) (Entered: 12/28/2018) |
12/14/2018 | 41 | ORDER re 38 Defendants' Response in Opposition to 32 Plaintiff's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment. Defendants are hereby ORDERED to file a Response to Proposed Undisputed Facts in support of their opposition to Plaintiff's motion for partial summary judgment within 14 days of the date of this Order. Response due by 12/28/2018. Signed by Magistrate Judge Stephanie K. Bowman on 12/14/2018. (km) (Entered: 12/14/2018) |
12/14/2018 | 40 | REPLY to Response to Motion re 32 MOTION for Partial Summary Judgment filed by Plaintiff Wild Eggs Operations, LLC. (Wilson, Steven) (Entered: 12/14/2018) |
12/11/2018 | 39 | NOTICE by Defendants John Craig, Craig Construction Services, Inc., Craig Construction, Inc. of Subpoena to Tilsley & Associates (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Subpoena) (Dutton, Christopher) |
11/30/2018 | 38 | RESPONSE in Opposition re [32] MOTION for Partial Summary Judgment filed by Defendants John Craig, Craig Construction Services, Inc., Craig Construction, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Exhibit A - Relevant Portions of Contract, # 2 Exhibit Exhibit B - Change Order for Portion of Extended General Conditions, # 3 Exhibit Exhibit C - Mechanics' Lien, # 4 Exhibit Exhibit D - Relevant Portions of Defendants' Interrogatory Responses, # 5 Exhibit Exhibit E - 6/12/18 Email, # 6 Exhibit Exhibit F - 10/29/18 Email) (Dutton, Christopher) |
11/30/2018 | 37 | NOTICE of Substitution of Counsel - Steven R. Wilson substituting for Alex S. Rodger as to Counter Defendant Wild Eggs Operations, LLC, Plaintiff Wild Eggs Operations, LLC. (Wilson, Steven) |
11/30/2018 | | Set/Reset Cincinnati PPTO Deadlines: Disclosure of Expert due by 12/3/2018; Reports of experts due by 2/15/2019. Disclosure and reports of rebuttal experts due by 3/15/2019. Discovery due by 4/30/2019. (km) |
11/30/2018 | | Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Stephanie K. Bowman: Telephone Conference held on 11/30/2018. Attorneys Alexander Rodger and Steven Wilson appeared on behalf of Plaintiff. Attorney Christopher Dunn appeared on behalf of Defendants. Attorney Kevin Feazell appeared on behalf of Third Party Defendant Reliance Construction. The parties agreed to a new discovery schedule - Expert disclosure 12/3/2018; Expert reports due 2/15/2019; disclosure and report of rebuttal experts due 3/15/2019; Close of discovery 4/30/2019. All other deadlines remain unchanged. (km) |
11/29/2018 | 36 | NOTICE OF WITHDRAWAL OF DOCUMENT by Defendants John Craig, Craig Construction Services, Inc., Craig Construction, Inc. re [34] First MOTION for Extension of Time New date requested 1/7/2019. for disclosure of expert witnesses and submission of expert reports (Dutton, Christopher) |
11/27/2018 | 34 | First MOTION for Extension of Time New date requested 1/7/2019. for disclosure of expert witnesses and submission of expert reports by Defendants John Craig, Craig Construction Services, Inc., Craig Construction, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Exhibit A - Defendants' Requests for Production, # 2 Exhibit Exhibit B - Correspondence attempting to negotiate extenstion) (Dutton, Christopher) |
11/9/2018 | 33 | Supplemental Memorandum Supporting re [32] MOTION for Partial Summary Judgment Statement of Undisputed Material Facts by Plaintiff Wild Eggs Operations, LLC. (Attachments: # 1 Affidavit Declaration of Cornwell) (Rodger, Alexander) |
11/9/2018 | 32 | MOTION for Partial Summary Judgment by Counter Defendant Wild Eggs Operations, LLC, Plaintiff Wild Eggs Operations, LLC. (Rodger, Alexander) |
7/12/2018 | 31 | CALENDAR ORDER: Deadline to move to amend the pleadings and/or add parties set for 8/1/2018. Deadline for motions relative to the pleadings set for 7/1/2018. Deadline for Plaintiff's disclosure and report of experts set for 12/3/2018. Deadline for Defendants' disclosure and report of expert set for 12/3/2018. Deadline for Disclosure and report of rebuttal experts set for 1/2/2019. Deadline for Disclosure of non-expert (fact) witnesses set for 9/4/2018. Discovery deadline set for 3/1/2019. Telephone Status Conference set for 3/5/2019 at 10:00 AM. Counsel shall call 1-888-363-4749; Access Code: 8651321; Security Code: 2010. Dispositive motion deadline set for 6/1/2019. Deadline for Submission of Joint Final Pretrial Order set for 8/28/2019. Final Pretrial conference set for 9/4/2019 at 10:00 AM, in chambers, Room 706. Jury trial set for 9/9/2019 at 9:00 AM (Courtroom TBD). This matter is hereby REFERRED to Magistrate Judge Karen L. Litkovitz for settlement purposes. The parties shall contact her chambers at 513-564-7690 no later than January 2019 to schedule a mediation. Signed by Magistrate Judge Stephanie K. Bowman on 7/12/2018. (km) |
7/12/2018 | | Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Stephanie K. Bowman: Consent Scheduling Conference held on 7/12/2018. Calendar Order to follow. (km) |
6/14/2018 | 30 | NOTICE of Hearing: Consent Scheduling Conference set for 7/12/2018 10:00 AM in Chambers Room 706 before Magistrate Judge Stephanie K. Bowman. (km) |
6/14/2018 | 29 | ORDER OF REFERRAL. Signed by Judge Timothy S. Black on 6/14/18. (jlm) |
6/13/2018 | 28 | NOTICE by Defendants John Craig, Craig Construction Services, Inc., Craig Construction, Inc. of Rule 26 Initial Disclosures (Dutton, Christopher) |
6/12/2018 | 27 | NOTICE by Plaintiff Wild Eggs Operations, LLC of Rule 26 Initial Disclosures (Rodger, Alexander) |
6/12/2018 | 26 | RULE 26(f) REPORT by Plaintiff Wild Eggs Operations, LLC. (Rodger, Alexander) |
5/25/2018 | 25 | ANSWER to [23] Answer to Third Party Complaint,, Counterclaim, against Craig Construction, Co., Inc. filed by Craig Construction, Inc.. (Dutton, Christopher) |
5/18/2018 | 24 | REPLY to Response to Motion re [12] MOTION for Judgment on the Pleadings filed by Defendants John Craig, Craig Construction Services, Inc., Craig Construction, Inc.. (Dutton, Christopher) |
5/15/2018 | 23 | ANSWER to [11] Third Party Complaint, , COUNTERCLAIM against Craig Construction Services, Inc. filed by Reliance Construction, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A: Contract, # 2 Exhibit B: Contract) (Feazell, Kevin) |
5/4/2018 | 22 | ANSWER to [10] Answer to Complaint,,, Counterclaim,, Counterclaim filed by Wild Eggs Operations, LLC. (Rodger, Alexander) |
5/4/2018 | 21 | RESPONSE in Opposition re [12] MOTION for Judgment on the Pleadings filed by Plaintiff Wild Eggs Operations, LLC. (Rodger, Alexander) |
5/4/2018 | 20 | CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Counter Claimants John Craig, Craig Construction Services, Inc., Craig Construction, Inc. re [10] Answer to Complaint,,, Counterclaim,, [11] Third Party Complaint, (Dutton, Christopher) |
5/3/2018 | 19 | AFFIDAVIT of Service for Third Party Complaint served on Reliance Construction, Inc. on April 24, 2018, filed by ThirdParty Plaintiff Craig Construction, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Affidavit of Service on Reliance Construction, Inc.) (Dutton, Christopher) |
4/19/2018 | 18 | CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Defendants John Craig, Craig Construction Services, Inc., Craig Construction, Inc. re [16] Corporate Disclosure Statement, [15] Corporate Disclosure Statement (Dutton, Christopher) |
4/18/2018 | | NOTICE re [15] Corporate Disclosure Statement and [16] Corporate Disclosure Statement: The documents were filed without a certificate of service as required by S.D. Ohio Civ. R. 5.2. To correct the filings use Civil/Initial Pleadings and Service/Service of Process/Certificate of Service and link to [15] Corporate Disclosure Statement and [16] Corporate Disclosure Statement when prompted. (mr) |
4/18/2018 | 17 | SUMMONS ON A THIRD-PARTY COMPLAINT Issued as to Reliance Construction, Inc. (mr) |
4/17/2018 | 16 | Corporate Disclosure Statement by Defendant Craig Construction Services, Inc.. (Dutton, Christopher) |
4/17/2018 | 15 | Corporate Disclosure Statement by Defendant Craig Construction, Inc.. (Dutton, Christopher) |
4/17/2018 | 14 | REQUEST for Issuance of Summons. (Dutton, Christopher) |
4/17/2018 | 13 | REQUEST for Issuance of Summons. (Dutton, Christopher) |
4/12/2018 | 12 | MOTION for Judgment on the Pleadings by Defendants John Craig, Craig Construction Services, Inc., Craig Construction, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1 - Queen City Bid Form, # 2 Exhibit 2 - Kenwood Pay App 3, # 3 Exhibit 3 - Queen City Pay App Excerpts) (Dutton, Christopher) |
4/12/2018 | 11 | THIRD PARTY COMPLAINT against Reliance Construction, Inc., filed by Craig Construction, Inc., John Craig, Craig Construction Services, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A - Kenwood Contract, # 2 Exhibit B - Kenwood Subcontract) (Dutton, Christopher) |
4/12/2018 | 10 | ANSWER to [1] Complaint, with Jury Demand , COUNTERCLAIM against Wild Eggs Operations, LLC filed by Craig Construction, Inc., John Craig, Craig Construction Services, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A - Queen City Contract, # 2 Exhibit B - Queen City Change Orders, # 3 Exhibit C - Queen City Additional Charges, # 4 Exhibit D - Queen City Lien, # 5 Exhibit E - Queen City Bond, # 6 Exhibit F- Kenwood Contract, # 7 Exhibit G - Kenwood Change Orders, # 8 Exhibit H - Kenwood Additional Charges) (Dutton, Christopher) |
3/29/2018 | | Reset Deadlines: John Craig answer due 4/12/2018; Craig Construction Services, Inc. answer due 4/12/2018; Craig Construction, Inc. answer due 4/12/2018. (sct) |
3/28/2018 | 9 | STIPULATION FOR EXTENSION OF TIME by Defendants John Craig, Craig Construction Services, Inc., Craig Construction, Inc.. (Dutton, Christopher) |
3/6/2018 | 8 | WAIVER OF SERVICE Returned Executed. Waiver sent to John Craig on 1/28/2018, answer due 3/29/2018. (Rodger, Alexander) |
3/6/2018 | 7 | WAIVER OF SERVICE Returned Executed. Waiver sent to Craig Construction, Inc. on 1/28/2018, answer due 3/29/2018. (Rodger, Alexander) |
3/6/2018 | 6 | WAIVER OF SERVICE Returned Executed. Waiver sent to Craig Construction Services, Inc. on 1/28/2018, answer due 3/29/2018. (Rodger, Alexander) |
1/12/2018 | | Case Filed |