`NOW COMES Defendant UniStrip Technologies, LLC (“Defendant”), and answers the
` Case No.: 3:14-CV-00274-MUL
`Plaintiff’s Complaint:
`Defendant admits that Plaintiffs filed the lawsuit, that they seek injunctive relief
`and damages, and that they allege infringement of US Patent Nos. 6,241,862 (the ‘862 Patent)
`and 7,250,105 (the ‘105 Patent).
`Defendant admits the allegations of paragraph 2.
`Defendant admits the allegations of paragraph 3.
`Defendant admits that it is organized under the laws of the State of North
`Carolina, and that it has a principal place of business at 301 McCullough Drive, Suite 400,
`Charlotte, North Carolina. Except as expressly admitted, Defendant denies the allegations of
`paragraph 4.
`Defendant admits the allegations of paragraph 5.
`Defendant admits the allegations of paragraph 6.
`Defendant admits the allegations of paragraph 7.
`Case 3:14-cv-00274-RJC-DSC Document 9 Filed 07/29/14 Page 1 of 14

`Defendant admits that such monitoring is done to detect hypoglycemia and
`hypoglycemia, and that such conditions could lead to serious complications if untreated.
`Defendant admits that some people test their blood glucose several times each day, and that such
`testing is one of the most important things that people with diabetes can do to ensure their health
`and to prevent long-term complications. Except as expressly admitted, Defendant denies the
`allegations of paragraph 8.
`Defendant denies the validity of the ‘862 Patent. Without admitting the validity
`of the ‘862 Patent, Defendant admits that the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office issued the ‘862
`Patent on June 5, 2001, and that it is titled “Disposable Test Strips with Integrated
`Reagent/Blood Separation Layer.” Defendant admits that Exhibit B to the Complaint is a copy of
`the ‘862 Patent. Except as expressly admitted, Defendant denies the allegations of paragraph 9.
`Defendant denies the validity of the ‘105 Patent. Without admitting the validity of
`the ‘105 Patent, Defendant admits that the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office issued the ‘105
`Patent on July 31, 2007, and that it is titled “Measurement of Substances in Liquids.” Defendant
`admits that Exhibit B to the Complaint is a copy of the ‘105 Patent. Except as expressly
`admitted, Defendant denies the allegations of paragraph 10.
`Defendant denies the allegations of paragraph 11 for lack of sufficient
`information to form a belief as to their truth.
`Defendant denies the allegations of paragraph 12 for lack of sufficient
`information to form a belief as to their truth.
`Defendant admits that LifeScan is a leader in the worldwide market for blood
`glucose monitoring systems. Defendant admits the remaining allegations of paragraph 13.
`Defendant denies the allegations of paragraph 14.
`Case 3:14-cv-00274-RJC-DSC Document 9 Filed 07/29/14 Page 2 of 14

`Defendant denies the allegations of paragraph 15 for lack of sufficient
`information to form a belief as to their truth.
`Defendant admits the allegations of paragraph 16.
`Defendant admits that it promotes, and instructs users to use, UniStrip1™ Test
`Strips with LifeScan’s OneTouch® Ultra®, Ultra®2, UltraSmart®, and UltraMini® meters. Except
`as expressly admitted, Defendant denies the allegations of paragraph 17.
`Defendant admits the allegations of paragraph 18.
`Defendant admits the allegations of paragraph 19.
`Defendant admits that the packaging of the UniStrip1 Test Strips states that the
`UniStrip1 Test Strips are “for use with OneTouch Ultra, Ultra2, UltraSmart, and UltraMini
`meters.” Defendant denies that the image depicted in paragraph 20 is an accurate image of the
`UniStrip1 Test Strips packaging. Except as expressly admitted, Defendant denies the allegations
`of paragraph 20.
`Defendant admits that the Instructions for Use in the UniStrip1 packaging state
`the words set forth in paragraph 21, among others. Except as expressly admitted, Defendant
`denies the allegations of paragraph 21.
`Defendant admits that it has been aware of the ‘105 Patent and the ‘862 Patent
`since the formation of the Defendant. Except as expressly admitted, Defendant denies the
`allegations of paragraph 22.
`Defendant repeats its responses to the allegations in paragraphs 1-22, and
`incorporate them herein by reference.
`Defendant denies the allegations of paragraph 24.
`Defendant denies the allegations of paragraph 25.
`Case 3:14-cv-00274-RJC-DSC Document 9 Filed 07/29/14 Page 3 of 14

`Defendant denies the allegations of paragraph 26.
`Defendant denies the allegations of paragraph 27. Defendant has reviewed the
`‘862 Patent and does not infringe it in any manner. To that end, Defendant has voluntarily
`provided samples to Plaintiffs to show the same.
`Defendant repeats its responses to the allegations in paragraphs 1-27, and
`incorporate them herein by reference.
`Defendant denies the allegations of paragraph 29.
`Defendant denies the allegations of paragraph 30.
`Defendant denies the allegations of paragraph 31. Defendant is specifically
`precluded from infringing the ‘105 Patent by explicit holdings by the Fed. Cir. in LifeScan
`Scotland, Ltd. v. Shasta Technologies, LLC, 734 F.3d 1361 (Fed. Cir. 2013) and the Supreme
`Court in Limelight Networks, Inc. v. Akamai Technologies, Inc., 134 S. Ct. 2111 (2014).
`Defendant denies the allegations of paragraph 32.
`Defendant denies the allegations of paragraph 33.
`Defendant denies the allegations of paragraph 34.
`Each and every claim of the ‘862 Patent and the ‘105 patent is invalid because it is
`anticipated by the pertinent prior art under 35 U.S.C. §102, and/or would have been obvious to one of
`ordinary skill in the art in light of the pertinent prior art at the time of the claimed invention under 35
`U.S.C. §103.
`Case 3:14-cv-00274-RJC-DSC Document 9 Filed 07/29/14 Page 4 of 14

`Each and every claim claims of the ‘862 Patent and the ‘105 Patent are invalid for lack of
`enablement, insufficient written description, indefiniteness, and/or failure to disclose the best mode
`of the invention as required by 35 U.S.C. §112.
`Each and every claim claims of the ‘862 Patent and the ‘105 Patent are vague and indefinite
`and incorporate limitations that are neither disclosed, described, explained, nor enabled by the
`specifications of the ‘862 Patent and the and the ‘105 Patent.
`Each and every claim of the ‘862 Patent and the ‘105 Patent is unenforceable for public use
`and/or offer for sale/sale more than one year prior to filing of the U.S. patents.
`Defendants did not and do not infringe, either directly, contributorily, or by inducement, any
`valid and enforceable claim of the ‘862 Patent or the ‘105 Patent, either literally or under the doctrine
`of equivalents, as is open and obvious and well known to Plaintiff.
`Plaintiff’s claims related to each and every claim of the ‘105 Patent are precluded to the
`extent the ‘105 Patent includes all method claims where no single entity performs all of the claimed
`steps thereby precluding contributorily or induced infringement by Defendant pursuant to Limelight
`Networks, Inc. v. Akamai Technologies, Inc., 134 S. Ct. 2111 (2014).
`Plaintiff’s claims related to each and every claim of the ‘105 Patent are precluded pursuant to
`the doctrine of patent exhaustion. See LifeScan Scotland, Ltd. v. Shasta Technologies, LLC, 734 F.3d
`1361 (Fed. Cir. 2013).
`Plaintiff’s claims related to each and every claim of the ‘105 Patent are precluded by the
`doctrine of patent misuse based on Plaintiff broadening the scope of the ‘105 Patent to restrain
`Case 3:14-cv-00274-RJC-DSC Document 9 Filed 07/29/14 Page 5 of 14

`competition unlawfully in an appropriately defined relevant market. The ‘105 Patent covers both
`meters and strips whereas Defendant only provides strips.
`Plaintiff has failed to state a claim upon which relief may be granted.
`Plaintiffs’ claims are barred because they failed to join all necessary parties to this Action.
`Plaintiff’s claims are barred by Plaintiff’s license, consent, and acquiescence to Defendant’s
`Defendant reserves all affirmative defenses under Rule 8(c) of the Federal Rules of Civil
`Procedure, the Patent Laws of the United States and any other defenses, at law or in equity that may
`now exist or in the future be available based on discovery and further factual investigation in this
`Case 3:14-cv-00274-RJC-DSC Document 9 Filed 07/29/14 Page 6 of 14

`This is an action in Counterclaims for Declaratory Judgment and other relief
`brought under the Federal Declaratory Judgment Act, 28 U.S.C. §§ 2201-02. Counterclaimant
`seeks a declaratory judgment that Counterclaimant’s products do not infringe any patent rights
`purportedly owned by Plaintiffs / Counterclaim Defendants. In particular, Counterclaimant
`seeks a declaratory
`judgment (a)
`that Counterclaimant’s products and
`the use of
`Counterclaimant’s products do not infringe U.S. Patent No. 6,241,862 (“the ‘862 patent”), and
`(b) that Counterclaimant’s products and the use of Counterclaimant’s products do not infringe
`U.S. Patent No. 7,250,105 (“the ‘105 patent”).
`UniStrip is a limited liability company organized and existing under the laws of
`North Carolina and has its principal place of business at 301 McCullough Dr, Fourth Floor,
`Charlotte, North Carolina 28262.
`LifeScan is a corporation organized and existing under the laws of California with
`its headquarters and principal place of business in Wayne, Pennsylvania.
`LifeScan Scotland is a private limited company organized and existing under the
`laws of the United Kingdom, with its headquarters and principal place of business in Inverness
`This is a declaratory judgment action brought under 28 U.S.C. §§ 2201-02.
`This Court has jurisdiction over the subject matter of this action pursuant to the
`following statutes:
`Case 3:14-cv-00274-RJC-DSC Document 9 Filed 07/29/14 Page 7 of 14

`28 U.S.C. § 1331, this being a civil action arising under the laws of the
`United States;
`28 U.S.C. § 1337 (a), this being a civil action arising under an Act of
`Congress regulating commerce and protecting trade and commerce; and
`28 U.S.C. § 1338(a), this being a civil action arising under an Act of
`Congress relating to alleged patent rights.
`This Court may declare the rights and other legal relations of the parties in this
`case under 28 U.S.C. § 2201 and Rule 57 Fed.R.Civ.P. because an actual and justiciable
`controversy exists concerning the rights of, and legal relations between, Counterclaimant and
`Plaintiffs / Counterclaim Defendants.
`This Court has personal jurisdiction over Plaintiffs / Counterclaim Defendants
`consistent with the principles underlying the U.S. Constitution and N.C. Gen. Stat. § 1-75.4.
`On information and belief, Plaintiffs / Counterclaim Defendants have regularly
`and intentionally conducted business in this State and District, have initiated the above-captioned
`litigation thereby voluntary subjecting themselves to the personal jurisdiction of this Court, and
`to this venue, and are subject to personal jurisdiction in this State and District by virtue of their
`contacts here.
`On information and belief, Plaintiffs / Counterclaim Defendants have conducted
`business in this State and District by, inter alia, systematically offering for sale products and/or
`services, selling products and/or services, providing a website, sending solicitations, and
`otherwise engaging in business activities within this State and District.
`Case 3:14-cv-00274-RJC-DSC Document 9 Filed 07/29/14 Page 8 of 14

`On information and belief, Plaintiffs / Counterclaim Defendants have placed their
`products into the stream of commerce while knowing that the products will likely arrive in this
`State and District.
`On information and belief, Plaintiffs / Counterclaim Defendants’ products are
`offered for sale to customers residing in this State and District and have been sold to customers
`in this State and District.
`Venue is proper in this Court under the provisions of 28 U.S.C. § 1391.
`Counterclaimant is located in this District, a substantial part of the events giving rise to
`Counterclaimant’s claims occurred in this State and District, Plaintiffs / Counterclaim
`Defendants are subject to personal jurisdiction in this State, and Plaintiffs / Counterclaim
`Defendants initiated the above-captioned litigation, thereby electing and voluntary subjecting
`themselves to this venue.
`Defendant / Counterclaimant realleges and incorporates by reference paragraphs 1
`through 1-13, inclusive, as if fully set forth in this paragraph.
`Counterclaimant imports, offers for sale and sells products for use in connection
`with measuring and monitoring blood glucose levels, including test strips (“allegedly infringing
`product”) for use with blood glucose meters.
`Plaintiffs / Counterclaim Defendants, through correspondence from their counsel,
`and through the Complaint in the above-captioned matter, have alleged that Counterclaimant has
`violated federal patent laws and have attempted to enforce their alleged patent rights against
`In response to the correspondence, Counterclaimant reviewed the assertions and
`found them to be baseless, without merit, and in bad faith. Counterclaimant provided this
`Case 3:14-cv-00274-RJC-DSC Document 9 Filed 07/29/14 Page 9 of 14

`information to the Plaintiffs / Counterclaim Defendants, offered to explain why Plaintiffs /
`Counterclaim Defendants allegations are baseless, without merit, and in bad faith, and
`voluntarily provided samples of the allegedly infringing product to the Plaintiffs / Counterclaim
`Plaintiffs / Counterclaim Defendants have failed to test or perform an adequate
`pre-filing factual investigation on the allegedly infringing product.
`Plaintiffs / Counterclaim Defendants have failed to contact the Counterclaimant to
`discuss why Plaintiffs / Counterclaim Defendants allegations are baseless, without merit, and in
`bad faith.
`Contrary to Plaintiffs / Counterclaim Defendants’ allegations, Counterclaimant
`has not infringed any of Plaintiffs / Counterclaim Defendants’ purported rights and is not liable
`to Plaintiffs / Counterclaim Defendants for patent infringement or any other federal, state, or
`common law causes of action, in law or in equity.
`Counterclaimant is not liable to Plaintiffs / Counterclaim Defendants for any fees,
`monetary damages, or any other relief Plaintiffs / Counterclaim Defendants now claim.
`Defendant / Counterclaimant realleges and incorporates by reference paragraphs 1
`through 1-21, inclusive, as if fully set forth in this paragraph.
`Plaintiffs / Counterclaim Defendants have threatened Counterclaimant’s business
`in this State and District and elsewhere by accusing Counterclaimant of unlawful actions,
`including infringement of the ‘862 patent.
`Counterclaimant has not infringed any claim of the ‘862 patent.
`Case 3:14-cv-00274-RJC-DSC Document 9 Filed 07/29/14 Page 10 of 14

`Counterclaimant is legally permitted to make, import, use, sell, and offer to sell
`UniStrip1 Test Strips and otherwise conduct its respective business activities without permission,
`involvement, or interference from Plaintiffs / Counterclaim Defendants.
`There is an actual and substantial controversy between Counterclaimant and
`Plaintiffs / Counterclaim Defendants of sufficient immediacy and reality to warrant the rendering
`of a declaratory judgment by this Court.
`Counterclaimant is entitled to a judgment declaring that it has not violated any
`purported rights of Plaintiffs / Counterclaim Defendants under federal, state, or common law and
`is not liable to Plaintiffs / Counterclaim Defendant for any claims, including any claim for patent
`infringement concerning the ‘862 patent.
`Defendant / Counterclaimant realleges and incorporates by reference paragraphs 1
`through 1-27, inclusive, as if fully set forth in this paragraph.
`Plaintiffs / Counterclaim Defendants have threatened Counterclaimant’s business
`in this State and District and elsewhere by accusing Counterclaimant of unlawful actions,
`including infringement of the ‘105 patent.
`Counterclaimant has not infringed any claim of the ‘105 patent.
`Counterclaimant is legally permitted to make, import, use, sell, and offer to sell
`UniStrip1 Test Strips and otherwise conduct its respective business activities without permission,
`involvement, or interference from Plaintiffs / Counterclaim Defendants.
`There is an actual and substantial controversy between Counterclaimant and
`Plaintiffs / Counterclaim Defendants of sufficient immediacy and reality to warrant the rendering
`of a declaratory judgment by this Court.
`Case 3:14-cv-00274-RJC-DSC Document 9 Filed 07/29/14 Page 11 of 14

`Plaintiff is barred from asserting any claim of the ‘105 patent based on the
`doctrine of patent exhaustion as ruled by the Fed. Cir. in LifeScan Scotland, Ltd. v. Shasta
`Technologies, LLC, 734 F.3d 1361 (Fed. Cir. 2013).
`Defendant does not contributorily infringe or induce infringement of any claims
`of the ‘105 patent since no single entity performs all of the claimed steps of the ‘105 patent
`pursuant to Limelight Networks, Inc. v. Akamai Technologies, Inc., 134 S. Ct. 2111 (2014).
`Counterclaimant is entitled to a judgment declaring that it has not violated any
`purported rights of Plaintiffs / Counterclaim Defendants under federal, state, or common law and
`is not liable to Plaintiffs / Counterclaim Defendant for any claims, including any claim for patent
`infringement concerning the ‘105 patent.
`WHEREFORE, Defendant / Counterclaimant prays for the entry of a judgment:
`Declaring that Defendant / Counterclaimant has not infringed or otherwise
`violated any purported rights of Plaintiffs / Counterclaim Defendants, including any provisions
`of 35 U.S.C. § 101 et seq. or any other asserted federal, state, or common law laws;
`Finding this case exceptional in favor of Defendant / Counterclaimant pursuant to
`35 U.S.C. § 285 pursuant to Plaintiffs / Counterclaim Defendants for inter alia failure to test or
`perform an adequate pre-filing investigation on the allegedly infringing product, and awarding
`Defendant / Counterclaimant its costs and reasonable attorney fees;
`Granting Defendant / Counterclaimant a speedy hearing pursuant to Rule 57, Fed.
`R. Civ. P.; and
`Granting Defendant / Counterclaimant any such further legal and equitable relief
`as the Court may deem just and proper.
`Case 3:14-cv-00274-RJC-DSC Document 9 Filed 07/29/14 Page 12 of 14

`Defendant / Counterclaimant respectfully requests that all issues so triable be tried by and
`before a jury.
`Dated: July 29, 2014
`By: /s/ Christopher L. Bernard
`Christopher L. Bernard
`N.C. State Bar No. 27713
`Lawrence A. Baratta, Jr.
`N.C. State Bar No. 37589
`1901 Roxborough Road, Suite 250
`Charlotte, NC 28211 USA
`Fax: 704-366-9744
`By: /s/ Andrew S. O’Hara
`Andrew O'Hara
`N.C. State Bar No. 24057
`General Counsel
`UniStrip Technologies, LLC
`301 McCullough Rd, Suite 400
`Charlotte, NC 28269 USA
`Telephone: 704-526-5848
`Case 3:14-cv-00274-RJC-DSC Document 9 Filed 07/29/14 Page 13 of 14

` hereby certify that on the date listed below, I electronically filed the foregoing with the Clerk of
` I
`Court using the CM/ECF system, which will send notification of such filing to the following:
`Hedrick Gardner Kincheloe & Garofalo, LLP
`PO Box 30397
`Charlotte, NC 28230
`PH: (704) 366-1101
`FAX: (704) 366-6181
`Dated: July 29, 2014
`By: /s/ Christopher L. Bernard
`Christopher L. Bernard
`N.C. State Bar No. 27713
`Lawrence A. Baratta, Jr.
`N.C. State Bar No. 37589
`1901 Roxborough Road, Suite 250
`Charlotte, NC 28211 USA
`Fax: 704-366-9744
`Case 3:14-cv-00274-RJC-DSC Document 9 Filed 07/29/14 Page 14 of 14

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