FILED: ERIE COUNTY CLERK 02/13/2024 10:41 AM
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`84 LUMBER COMPANY, et al.,
` Index No.: 814633/2023
`Defendant, Howden North America Inc., herein improperly as Howden Buffalo, Inc.,
`Individually and as Successor in Interest to FB Sturtevant, The Howden Buffalo Group and Buffalo
`Fan, (hereinafter “Howden”), by its attorneys, Barclay Damon LLP, as and for its verified answer
`to the verified complaint, respectfully alleges upon information and belief, as follows:
`Denies knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of each
`and every allegation, and all subparts thereto, contained in the Paragraphs 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,
`12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37,
`38, 39, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 114, 115,
`116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 152,
`153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 166, and 183 of the verified complaint.
`Denies each and every allegation, and all subparts thereto, contained in Paragraphs
`2, 5, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 80, 81, 82, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90,
`91, 92, 93, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112,
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`122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 163, 164, 165, 168,
`169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 181, and 184 of the verified complaint as it
`relates to defendant, Howden, and denies knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as
`to the truth of the allegations as to the co-defendants.
`As and for its response to paragraphs 70, 79, 84, 94, 113, 121, 137, 151, 167, 180,
`and 182, defendant Howden repeats, reiterates and realleges the responses previously interposed
`to the allegations contained in paragraphs 1 through 184 as if fully set forth herein.
`Admit so much of Paragraph 40 that Howden was and is a duly organized foreign
`corporation doing business in the State of New York and denies the rest and remainder of said
`Denies each and every other remaining allegation of the verified complaint not
`hereinbefore specifically admitted or otherwise denied.
`First Affirmative Defense
`This Court lacks personal jurisdiction over Howden for any acts complained of in
`plaintiff’s verified complaint.
`Second Affirmative Defense
`Plaintiff’s verified complaint fails to state a claim upon which relief may be
`Third Affirmative Defense
`Plaintiff’s verified complaint fails to state a claim within the applicable statute of
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`Fourth Affirmative Defense
`Plaintiff’s claims against Howden are pre-empted by the Workers’ Compensation
`Law of the State of New York and should, therefore, be dismissed.
`Fifth Affirmative Defense
`Plaintiff has failed to join a party pursuant to the applicable CPLR sections.
`Sixth Affirmative Defense
`The injuries and damages alleged by plaintiff was caused by the acts or omissions
`of persons or entities other than Howden.
`Seventh Affirmative Defense
`The injuries and damages alleged by plaintiff was the result of an intervening and
`superseding cause and are not the proximate result of the alleged acts of Howden.
`Eighth Affirmative Defense
`Plaintiff’s claims are subject to apportionment of fault and Howden is not liable for
`any fault apportionable or attributable to other persons or entities.
`Ninth Affirmative Defense
`Plaintiff lacks the privity of contract necessary to sustain a cause of action for
`breach of warranty.
`Tenth Affirmative Defense
`Plaintiff has not been damaged by Howden.
`Eleventh Affirmative Defense
`Plaintiff has failed to mitigate his damages, if any.
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`Twelfth Affirmative Defense
`Plaintiff is not entitled to any of the relief for which they pray.
`Thirteenth Affirmative Defense
`The statute of repose relating to product liability cases has expired.
`Fourteenth Affirmative Defense
`Plaintiff’s verified complaint fails to identify with sufficient specificity the products
`allegedly exposed to, the dates of exposure, and the locations of exposure.
`Fifteenth Affirmative Defense
`Plaintiff’s verified complaint fails to allege that any exposure is a substantial factor
`in the proximate causation of plaintiff’s alleged injuries.
`Sixteenth Affirmative Defense
`Any asbestos-containing component in any product manufactured by Howden did
`not release fibers in excess of any established threshold limit or regulatory limit. Every product
`manufactured by Howden was reasonably safe based upon the established state of medical
`knowledge and engineering that existed at the time of sale.
`Seventeenth Affirmative Defense
`Any product manufactured by Howden met all established and applicable Federal,
`State, and Local safety guidelines and regulations and all industry standards.
`Eighteenth Affirmative Defense
`No product manufactured by Howden was unreasonably dangerous or defective in
`design, manufacture or information accompanying the product.
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`Nineteenth Affirmative Defense
`Howden is not responsible for any asbestos-related product or material that it did
`not design, manufacture or sell, but that may have been specified and applied by others at, near,
`on or within any property allegedly owned or maintained by Howden or on any product
`manufactured by Howden.
`Twentieth Affirmative Defense
`Howden denies that plaintiff sustained any injury as a result of contact or use of
`any product present at any property allegedly owned or maintained by Howden and further states
`that any contact or use of any such product would be so slight that it would not cause or contribute
`to the cause of any injury of which plaintiff complains.
`Twenty-First Affirmative Defense
`Howden denies that any product or products which it manufactured or sold caused
`any injury or illness, if any, to plaintiff, and further states that the physical conditions of which
`plaintiff complains were in no way caused or brought about by any product present at any property
`allegedly owned or maintained by Howden.
`Twenty-Second Affirmative Defense
`If plaintiff sustained any injury, or sustained any occupational disease as a result of
`exposure to any unreasonably dangerous product present at any property allegedly owned or
`maintained by Howden, such being expressly denied, then plaintiff was guilty of comparative fault
`by reason of his own voluntary acts and omissions, each and all of which amounted to assumption
`of the risk which was a proximate cause of his injury, then his recovery must be reduced by his
`percentage of fault.
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`Twenty-Third Affirmative Defense
`If plaintiff sustained any injury, or sustained any occupational disease as a result of
`any negligent act or omission on the part of Howden in breach of any duty it owed to plaintiff,
`such being expressly denied, the plaintiff was guilty of comparative negligence by reason of his
`own negligent act or omission which proximately caused such injury or disease, than his recovery
`must be reduced by his own comparative fault.
`Twenty-Fourth Affirmative Defense
`Given the staggering proliferation of asbestos products liability suits, the expected
`number of future suits, the increasing number of asbestos manufacturers who are filing for
`bankruptcy and the effect of joint and several liability, Howden asserts that punitive damages are
`not appropriate in this case under either New York law or federal common law, which Howden
`asserts pre-empts state law and precludes recovery or punitive damages. Howden further asserts
`that permitting the recovery of punitive damages in this case would amount to repeated and
`excessive punitive damages awards for a single course of alleged tortuous conduct in violation of
`the Fifth Amendment Double Jeopardy Clause. Howden would further show that the standard for
`awarding punitive damages in this and most jurisdictions is so vague as to deny Howden’s rights
`to due process in violation of the Fourteenth Amendment. Repetitive punitive damage awards for
`a single course of conduct amounts to an unconstitutionally excessive fine in violation of the Eight
`Amendment. In the alternative, an award of punitive damages is barred by Federal Common Law
`and the Constitution and an award of punitive damages violates the Eight and Fourteenth
`Amendment to the United States Constitution. An award of punitive damages is also barred in this
`case because the award would be imposed under a standard of conduct that was newly formulated
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`by the courts and applied retroactively to conduct that occurred years before that standard of
`conduct was announced.
`Twenty-Fifth Affirmative Defense
`If plaintiff has settled any claims relating to any alleged injury to plaintiff’s lungs,
`respiratory system or related cancer, whether asbestos-related or not, with any person or entity,
`regardless of whether they may be a defendant herein, than Howden is entitled to a percentage or
`pro-rata reduction of its liability to plaintiff or to a credit for the amount of the settlement paid by
`the settling person.
`Twenty-Sixth Affirmative Defense
`Howden states that its products were not defective or unreasonably dangerous
`because the alleged risk to uses of asbestos-containing products of Howden, if any, was not known,
`and thus was not reasonably foreseeable. As a matter of law, manufacturer or distributor of a
`product is under no duty to warn of a prospective risk of harm in the absence of knowledge, actual
`or constructive, of the risk.
`Twenty-Seventh Affirmative Defense
`Any recovery by any plaintiff that has filed an action against their employer for
`asbestos-related injuries (i.e. FELA or workers’ compensation claims) constitutes a violation of
`“one satisfaction rule” and/or a double recovery due to the pendency of such cause of action.
`Twenty-Eighth Affirmative Defense
`Howden denies it owed any legal duty to the plaintiff and, alternatively, if the Court
`determines that Howden owed duty to the plaintiff, then Howden denies it breached any such duty.
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`Twenty-Ninth Affirmative Defense
`In the alternative, and by way of a separate or affirmative defense, Howden states
`that the conditions about which plaintiff complains, if any, are shown to exist, are due to causes
`other than exposure to products present on property allegedly owned or maintained by Howden.
`Furthermore, no act or omission by Howden was a direct, producing or proximate cause of any of
`plaintiff’s alleged injuries or damages.
`Thirtieth Affirmative Defense
`Pleading strictly
`the alternative, and without waiving
`its claim of
`unconstitutionality of punitive damages, Howden would show that, unless liability for punitive
`damages and the appropriate amount of punitive damages are required to be established by clear
`and convincing evidence, any award of such damages would violate Howden’s due process rights
`guaranteed by the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution.
`Thirty-First Affirmative Defense
`In the alternative, and by way of separate or affirmative defense, Howden would
`show that plaintiff’s claims for punitive damages cannot be sustained because an award of punitive
`damages by a jury that: (1) is not provided any standard of sufficient clarity for determining the
`appropriateness or the appropriate size of any punitive damages award; (2) is not instructed on the
`limits on punitive damages imposed by the applicable principles of deterrence; (3) is not expressly
`prohibited from awarding punitive damages or determining the amount of an award of punitive
`damages, in whole or in part, on the basis of insidiously discriminatory characteristics; (4) is
`permitted to award punitive damages for vague and arbitrary reasons without sufficient definition
`and clarity regarding the conduct or mental state that makes punitive damages permissible; and (5)
`is not subject to the judicial review on the basis of objective standards, would violate Howden’s
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`due process rights guaranteed by the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution as
`well as the constitution or laws of any other state deemed to apply to this case.
`Thirty-Second Affirmative Defense
`In the alternative, and by ways of separate or affirmative defense, Howden would
`show that plaintiff’s claims for punitive damages cannot be sustained because an award of punitive
`damages for the purposes of compensating plaintiff for elements of damages not otherwise
`recognized by the laws of New York would violate Howden’s due process rights guaranteed by
`the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution as well as the constitution of the State
`of New York as set forth herein.
`Thirty-Third Affirmative Defense
`In the alternative, and by way of separate or affirmative defense, Howden would
`show that it is entitled to raise the Doctrine of Learned Intermediary and would further show that
`plaintiff’s employers were Learned Intermediaries as that term is known in law.
`Thirty-Fourth Affirmative Defense
`Howden would further plead, in the alternative, that it did not have control of the
`means of methods of plaintiff’s employment. Thus, Howden is not responsible for providing, or
`failing to provide, safety equipment, safety training, proper supervision and a safe work
`environment, and lack of the above was the sole cause for any of plaintiff’s alleged injuries.
`Thirty-Fifth Affirmative Defense
`Howden further pleads that, during the period of time that plaintiff is asserting a
`claim for injury, there was an applicable workers’ compensation law which provides that the
`disease complained of by plaintiff is an occupational disease for which a person engaged in the
`occupation can claim workers’ compensation disability benefits against his employer at the time
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`the disease is discovered. Further, plaintiff’s claims are barred under the applicable workers’
`compensation laws because these laws provide the exclusive remedy for the disability of an
`employee if such resulted from an injury or occupational disease incurred or sustained in the course
`of his employment.
`Thirty-Sixth Affirmative Defense
`Pleading further, Howden would show that it had no notice or reason to believe that
`any products on any property allegedly owned or maintained by it might be potentially hazardous,
`and that Howden could not have reasonably foreseen any danger associated with its premises, and
`cannot be charged with notice that any property allegedly owned or maintained by it posed a
`Thirty-Seventh Affirmative Defense
`In further verified answer, Howden would show that the aggregation or
`consolidation of these claims against numerous defendants, involving plaintiffs with different
`alleged injuries, different work sites and different occupations would severely prejudice this
`defendant. The prejudice to Howden substantially outweighs any basis for consolidating the
`actions, and amounts to a denial of Howden’s right to a fair trial. Thus, the plaintiff’s claims
`should remain separated or severed from that of any other plaintiff's trials; otherwise, any recovery
`by Answer must be barred.
`Thirty-Eighth Affirmative Defense
`Pleading further, and in the alternative, Howden would show that plaintiff’s claims
`based upon negligence and the negligent failure to warn are barred because Howden must be
`proved to have known or that it should have known that products present at property allegedly
`owned or maintained by Howden were dangerous when used in their customary manner, and
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`Howden did not have this knowledge, nor could it have had this knowledge, at the time of the
`alleged exposure about which plaintiff complains.
`Thirty-Ninth Affirmative Defense
`At all relevant times during plaintiff’s work history there were in effect Federal
`statutes, laws, and regulations governing the permissible levels of exposure to asbestos fibers and
`if plaintiff was exposed to asbestos fibers in excess of the applicable regulatory limit, such
`exposure was caused by plaintiff’s employer, which conduct was an unforeseeable intervening act
`breaking the chain of causation between the latent condition of any asbestos-containing product
`and the active disturbance of fibers.
`Fortieth Affirmative Defense
`At all relevant times during plaintiff’s work history, there were in effect Federal
`statutes, laws, and regulations governing the permissible levels of exposure to asbestos fibers
`which preempt all of plaintiff’s claims against Howden.
`Forty-First Affirmative Defense
`If plaintiff alleges that there was exposure to asbestos from a product or equipment
`associated with this answering defendant, then such asbestos was manufactured and supplied by
`others and this defendant has no duty to warn for such asbestos and has no liability for injuries or
`damages caused by such asbestos.
`Forty-Second Affirmative Defense
`At all relevant times during plaintiff’s work history there were in effect Federal
`statutes, laws, and regulations governing the permissible levels of exposure to asbestos fibers, and
`in the event plaintiff proves exposure to asbestos fibers at levels greater than those set by such
`Federal statutes, laws and regulations, plaintiff will have established that they and/or their
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`employer, in allowing such exposure, violated said statutes, laws, and regulations which violations
`are criminal.
`Forty-Third Affirmative Defense
`In accordance with CPLR Article 16, Howden’s liability for non-economic loss is
`limited to its equitable share of the total liability for non-economic loss.
`Forty-Fourth Affirmative Defense
`In accordance with CPLR Article 16, Howden is entitled to a set-off for any past
`due or future costs or expenses incurred or to be incurred by plaintiff’s medical care, custodial care
`of rehabilitation service, loss or warnings or other economic loss, which has been or will with
`reasonable certainty be replaced or indemnified in whole or in part from a collateral source.
`Forty-Fifth Affirmative Defense
`To the extent that plaintiff’s alleged exposure to Howden products occurred outside
`of the State of New York and insofar as Howden is neither incorporated, nor maintains its principal
`place of business in New York, Howden is not subject to the jurisdiction of New York State Courts.
`Forty-Sixth Affirmative Defense
`That in the event there has been a settlement between plaintiff and any joint or co-
`tortfeasor, or person, company or entity liable or claimed to be liable, including bankrupt persons,
`companies and entities, then defendant, Howden, hereby pleads and seeks the full benefit of §15-
`108 of the General Obligations Law that plaintiff’s claim against defendant, Howden, be reduced
`to the fullest extent permitted by §15-108 of the General Obligations Law.
`Forty-Seventh Affirmative Defense
`At all times material hereto, the state of the medical and industrial art was such that
`there was no generally accepted or recognized knowledge of any unavoidable unsafe, inherently
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`dangerous or hazardous character or nature of products containing asbestos when used in the
`manner and purpose described by plaintiff, therefore, there was no duty for Howden to know of
`such character or nature or to warn plaintiff or others similarly situated.
`Forty-Eighth Affirmative Defense
`The answering defendant denies that plaintiff had any exposure to any asbestos
`product mined, processed, manufactured, supplied, developed, tested, fashioned, packaged,
`distributed, delivered, sold and/or otherwise placed in the stream of commerce by the answering
`defendant, and more particularly denies upon information and belief that this answering defendant
`mined, processed, manufactured, supplied, developed, tested, fashioned, packaged, distributed,
`delivered, sold and/or otherwise placed in the stream of commerce any asbestos product at the
`times and upon the dates alleged in the plaintiff’s verified complaint herein.
`Forty-Ninth Affirmative Defense
`Any recovery by the plaintiff herein must be reduced by collateral source payments
`pursuant to CPLR §4545.
`In the event that Howden is found liable to plaintiff, Howden alleges that any such
`liability was caused in whole or in part, or contributed to, by the culpable conduct and/or
`negligence of the co-defendants to this action, and, therefore, Howden will be entitled to
`indemnification or contribution and judgment over as against said co-defendants for the full
`amount of said liability or such proportionate share as represents the amount, degree and kind of
`culpable conduct attributable to them.
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`WHEREFORE, Howden demands as follows:
`that plaintiffs’ verified complaint and each and every allegation contained therein
`be dismissed with prejudice as to Howden;
`that judgment be awarded in favor of Howden;
`that Howden be granted its costs and expenses incurred in this action, including
`reasonable attorney’s fees; and
`that Howden be granted all further relief to which it may appear entitled.
`Buffalo, New York
`February 13, 2024
`Joseph W. Belluck, Esq.
`546 Fifth Avenue, 5th Floor
`New York, New York 10036
`(212) 681-1575
`Carol G. Snider, Esq.
`The Avant Building, Suite 1200
`200 Delaware Avenue
`Buffalo, New York 14202-2150
`Telephone: (716) 856-5500
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`CAROL G. SNIDER, ESQ., being duly sworn herein says:
`That she is one of the attomeys fbr the defendant, Howden Nofih America Inc., in
`this action; that she has read the verified answer to the verified complaint and knows the contents
`thereof; that the same is true to her own knowledge except as to the matters therein stated to be
`alleged upon information and belief and as to those matters, she believes them to be true.
`That the reason this verification is made by the deponent and not by defendant,
`Howden Nofih America Inc., is that the answering def-endant is outside the County of Erie where
`the deponent maintains her ot1lce.
`That the sources of deponent's knowledge and the grounds for her belief are liom
`the correspondence with said defendant, Howden North America Inc., and corespondence and
`conversations with the representatives of said defendant, and from reports of investigation of the
`said defendant's representatives, certain of which the cor:respondence and reports are now in
`deponent' s possession.
`, Esq
`Carol G
`Subscribed and swom to before me
`this 13ft day of February,2024
`Notary Public
`Notarv Public, State of New York
`Qual. in Erie Co., No. 01DE4838958 . 7
`My Commission Expires Aug. 31, 209(\)
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