`Law Offices of
`Daniel A. Hochheiser
`2 Overhill Road, Suite 400
`Scarsdale, New York 10583
`(646) 863-4
`Honorable Philip M. Halpern
`U.S. District Court Judge
`The Hon. Charles L. Brieant Jr.
`Federal Building and United States Courthouse
`300 Quarropas Street
`White Plains, NY 10601
`Re: United States v. Oldamo Frazer, 22-cr-665 (PMH)
`Dear Judge Halpern:
`In an abundance of caution, I write concerning a trial scheduling matter. In the event, the
`trial lasts until Friday afternoon, December 8, 2023, I will not be available past 3:30pm as I am a
`Jewish Sabbath observer. On December 8, Shabbat begins at 4:09pm.
`Accordingly, in the event this becomes an issue, I ask that trial proceedings end no later
`than 3:30pm on December 8.
`Respectfully submitted,
`Daniel A. Hochheiser
`cc: All Parties (via ECF)
`Application granted.
`_________________ ____
`Philip M. Halpern
`United States District Judge
`Dated: White Plains, New York
` December 4, 2023