`Esere J. Onaodowan, Esq.
`eonaodowan@gmail.com c 718.427.3139
`46 375 2119
`Christine Delince, Esq.
`cdelince@eocdlaw.com c 917.238.9332
`Via ECF
`Hon. Gregory H. Woods
`United States District Court Judge
`Daniel Patrick Moynihan Courthouse
`500 Pearl Street
`New York, NY 10007
`Re: United States v. David Glover 22 Cr. 522 (GHW)
`Dear Judge Woods:
`November 15, 2023
`I represent David Glover in the above referenced indictment. Mr. Glover is currently on home detention, and a
`condition of his bond is that he live with his girlfriend in Queens, NY. Unfortunately, Mr. Glover and his girlfriend have
`been experiencing relationship trouble and she has asked him to leave her home. For this reason, I ask that Mr. Glover’s bail
`conditions be modified to state that Mr. Glover is required to live in a home as directed and approved by Pretrial Services.
`I have consulted with the government, and they defer to Pretrial. I have consulted with Mr. Glover’s Pretrial officer
`Jonathan Lettieri, and he has no objection to this modification.
` Christine Delince, Esq.
`Application granted. The conditions of the defendant’s pretrial release are
`modified as follows: the defendant is required to live in a home as directed
`and approved by Pretrial Services. All other conditions of Mr. Glover’s
`pretrial release remain in full force and effect.
`Counsel did not sign this letter. Counsel is expected to include a signature
`in all filings with the Court. The Court is acting on this request in this
`instance because the request appears to require prompt response and
`because the letter was filed using Ms. Delince's ECF filing information.
`The Clerk of Court is directed to terminate the motion pending at Dkt. No.
`Dated: November 16, 2023
`New York, New York
`100 Church Street, 8th Fl, NY 10007 w eocdlaw.com facebook.com/OnaodowanDelince twitter.com/OandDLaw
`DOC #:
` United States District Judge