Case 1:14-cv-02758-PAC Document 69-1 Filed 06/10/15 Page 1 of 14
`Kowa Company, Ltd. et al. v. Aurobindo Pharma Limited et al.,
`Civil Action No. 14-CV-2497 (PAC) (and related cases)
`Exhibit 6 to Supplemental Declaration of
`Thomas R. Burns, dated June 10, 2015, in
`support of Defendants’ Joint Responsive
`Claim Construction Brief


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`Case 1:14-cv-02758-PAC Document 69-1 Filed 06/10/15 Page 2 of 14
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` :
`KOWA CO., LTD., et al., :
` : 14-CV-2497
` Plaintiffs, :
` v. : 500 Pearl Street
` : New York, New York
` : October 6, 2014
` Defendants. :
`For the Plaintiffs:
`For Defendant/Mylan:
`Edwards, Wildman & Palmer
`750 Lexington Avenue
`New York, New York 10022
`Edwards, Wildman & Palmer
`111 Huntington Avenue
`Boston, Massachusetts 02199
`Rakoczy Molino Mazzochi Siwik LLP
`6 West Hubbard Street, Suite 500
`Chicago, Illinois 60654
`Budd Larner
`260 Madison Avenue, 18th Floor
`New York, New York 10016
`(Appearances continue on next page.)
`Proceedings recorded by electronic sound recording,
`transcript produced by transcription service


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`For the Defendants:
`Sterne, Kessler, Goldstein & Fox
`1110 New York Avenue
`Washington, DC 20005
`Gonzalez, Saggio & Harlan
`292 Madison Avenue
`New York, New York 10017
`Saiber LLC
`One Gateway Center, Suite 1000
`Newark, New Jersey 07102
`Kelley, Drye & Warren
`101 Park Avenue
`New York, New York 10178
`Flemming Zulack Williamson Zauderer
`One Liberty Plaza
`New York, New York 10006
`Sughrue Mion, PLLC
`2100 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
`Washington, DC 20037
`Court Transcriber:
`TypeWrite Word Processing Service
`211 N. Milton Road
`Saratoga Springs, New York 12866
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`MR. CONLIN: Well, if you want to discuss the details
`of the various disagreements and stuff I would ask my partner
`Kathleen Carr to talk to the court on those.
`THE COURT: Okay, Ms. Carr.
`MS. CARR: Thank you, Your Honor. I think we have
`some good news in that we’ve worked hard --
`THE COURT: We thrive on good news here. There’s not
`enough of it.
`MS. CARR: So we have managed to come to agreement
`with the defendants on many of the dates. So that’s -- that
`was some substantial progress and some substantial work
`involved to try to get there. So we have a general framework
`that I think is agreed upon and if I misspeak which I don’t
`intend to I welcome the defendants to point that out but --
`So we have an agreed initial disclosure statement of
`October 20th and running the proposed schedule we have
`submitted and the proposed case management plan we’ve got
`agreement on fact discovery closing October 5, 2015 and we’ve
`also got agreement on expert discovery. In large part we’ve
`got expert discovery closing on March 11, 2016 with some dates
`in advance of that about exchange of expert reports, opening
`reports on December 15, 2015. Responsive expert reports
`January 29, 2016 and then reply expert reports February 15,
`So we think generally the framework is agreed among


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`the parties. Also we have an agreed suggested final pretrial
`submission date of April 25, 2016.
`We do have disagreement on a few discrete aspects of
`the discovery approach in the case, Your Honor. One of those
`areas of disagreement I think is the concept of contention
`interrogatories. It’s our understanding that in the Southern
`District the contention interrogatories come towards the end
`of the case once things are fully vetted, the parties
`understand where they’re at and that kind of thing, and so we
`believe that the appropriate time for contention
`interrogatories would be near the close of fact discovery.
`It’s my understanding that the defendants would like to
`advance some interrogatory practice as far as infringement
`contentions and invalidity contentions.
`I understand, Your Honor, under the local patent
`rules there’s some reference to infringement contentions and
`invalidity contentions but the case we have here is a little
`bit different from the ordinary kind of standard patent case
`where you’d see that type of thing maybe early on in a case.
`In this particular type of case there’s Hatch-Waxman standing
`to bring suit based on Paragraph 4 filings but then in the
`course of discovery the plaintiffs will need to have access to
`the defendant’s Andis [Ph.], do the analysis of the Andis
`involved experts and go through the whole course of review of
`documents and that kind of thing over the course of time and


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`then the defendants also will have invalidity contentions. So
`we’ve had experience in this court before, Your Honor, where
`we’ve actually used the contention interrogatory deadline as
`the time when we exchange information about infringement
`contentions and invalidity contentions. It seems to us that
`since those are inherently contention interrogatories that the
`fundamental purpose of the contention interrogatory approach
`in the Southern District would be fulfilled by scheduling that
`Then I think we’ve made some progress on what I
`thought was a dispute about production of documents. We’ve
`been of the view that you produce documents in the ordinary
`course of discovery over time and the defendants had some
`proposal which is reflected in the parties joint submission as
`far as having kind of some staggered foreign versus U.S.
`discovery deadlines which with the more burdensome production
`advanced earlier which just didn’t really make sense to us,
`Your Honor, but I think in speaking further with the
`defendants it looks like we were approaching perhaps an agreed
`compromise as far as having one target date for substantial
`production of documents, and we had submitted that perhaps if
`the court wanted to go down that path and perhaps set a
`particular date for substantial completion we had suggested
`that perhaps June 5th of 2016 might be appropriate.
`But we understand that the defendants were


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`considering perhaps a modified approach where there would be
`one date for all production for substantial completion but
`maybe a little bit earlier than that which in the interest of
`compromise, Your Honor --
`THE COURT: Would more time assist you in coming to
`an agreement?
`MS. CARR: Excuse me, Your Honor? I’m sorry.
`THE COURT: Would more time -- would more time
`facilitate -- normally I sign these civil case management
`plans at the conclusion of a conference. Would you like
`another week to talk about it with your adversaries?
`MS. CARR: That might be helpful.
`THE COURT: Before I make up my mind and my mind’s
`not made up. It will be somewhat random, you know.
`MR. AINSWORTH: Your Honor, Paul Ainsworth on behalf
`of Aurobindo. I think I speak for all of the defendants right
`now. We would like to get an order, a scheduling order
`entered today. We don’t think additional time is going to
`resolve all the disputes we have.
`THE COURT: All right. Okay. Well, let’s go through
`the civil case management plan. You can point out the areas
`of agreement and disag -- well, the areas of disagreement and
`to get my rulings right away.
`MS. CARR: Sure. Thank you, Your Honor. So with
`respect to the court’s suggestion we would be willing to try


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`to cooperate and submit a joint agreed plan but you can only
`cooperate when there’s two directions doing it.
`THE COURT: Okay. So I mean that’s true. So I’m on
`Page -- I have the civil case management plan and scheduling
`order. The first dispute I have -- not a dispute but contrary
`proposals, different proposals is with regard to amending
`their pleadings. Without leave of court on or before May 11
`plaintiff’s proposal on or before February 15. Who from the
`defendants wants to be heard on the May 11th proposal?
`MS. MAZZOCHI: This is Deanne Mazzochi for Mylan,
`Your Honor. Our basic point with proposing the May 2015 date
`is we were hoping to actually get some substantive document
`discovery from the plaintiffs in place before we would have --
`before the deadline for amending the pleadings. We
`essentially wanted to try to get some information and get some
`discovery first before that decision would be cut off and we
`thought that the plaintiff’s date which was February 15, 2015
`if we served the production requests in November/December by
`the time they get responded to we’re going to be looking at
`January. That really just did not leave much time to review
`the documents even if we assume the plaintiffs were able to
`produce everything within 30 days. We thought it was more --
`and this date further with regard to the substantial
`completion date May 11th is shortly after --
`THE COURT: Well, it is without leave of court too.


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`briefs on that.
`MS. MAZZOCHI: Thank you, Your Honor.
`MS. CARR: Thank you, Your Honor.
`THE COURT: Now, you think we can do this because I
`don’t want to keep you waiting -- today is the 6th. Do you
`think we can do it by Friday the 10th or is that pressing it?
`MS. MAZZOCHI: That’s fine with us, Your Honor.
`MS. CARR: That’s fine with us.
`THE COURT: Then I can read the papers and I’ll rule
`by the 15th.
`MS. CARR: Thank you very much, Your Honor.
`THE COURT: Now, the last thing is we have to agree
`upon a date to come back again where we’re going to meet and
`see how we’re doing. Ms. Carr or Ms. Mazzochi or anybody else
`who wants to say anything, do you have any suggestions as to
`the next time we should meet?
`MS. CARR: Your Honor, my suggestion would be --
`we’re at the very beginning of the case and probably it would
`make sense to give the parties a few months at least to do
`their initial disclosures and the initial steps of discovery.
`So perhaps three months from now or something like that.
`THE COURT: Yes, right after the holidays?
`MS. CARR: That seems to make sense, Your Honor.
`THE COURT: Ms. Mazzochi.


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`MS. MAZZOCHI: Your Honor, I would propose maybe
`shortly after the January 20th deadline to meet and confer on
`the depositions so that way we -- if there is going to be an
`issue we can get that before the court right away.
`THE COURT: Okay. Why don’t we agree on -- there may
`be other things that take up -- during the week of January
`12th, Marlin.
`THE CLERK: Wednesday, January 14th at 4:45 p.m., Your
`Thank you.
`very much.
`THE COURT: Okay. And allow about an hour for it.
`[Pause in proceedings.]
`THE COURT: Ms. Carr, anything else to take up?
`MS. CARR: Nothing further at this time, Your Honor.
`THE COURT: Mr. Conlin.
`MR. CONLIN: Nothing further, Your Honor. Thank you
`THE COURT: Ms. Mazzochi.
`MS. MAZZOCHI: Your Honor, we just want -- sorry.
`Co-defendant counsel just wanted to make sure that we’re not
`abandoning the Rule 33.3(c) interrogatories.
`FEMALE VOICE: I think the -- I’m sorry, Your Honor.
`Katherine [inaudible]. I just wanted to make sure that --
`well, defendants have proposed dates of December 5, 2014 and
`January 16, 2015 for -- under the local patent rules,


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`preliminary infringement contentions and preliminary
`invalidity contentions. I just want to make sure that it’s
`part of Your Honor’s order that those dates would be adopted.
`THE COURT: Ms. Carr.
`MS. CARR: Your Honor, I was under the understanding
`that those were part of the contention interrogatories you
`were talking about under Rule 33 --
`THE COURT: Yes, that’s what I thought too. Yes,
`Ms. --
`FEMALE VOICE: That was the comment that I made
`earlier because under the local -- under Rule 33 we wouldn’t
`get their position on infringement until one month before the
`close of fact discovery and the patent rules contemplate a
`different schedule, a much quicker schedule for the mutual
`disclosure of infringement and validity positions so that you
`know what to focus your discovery on.
`MS. CARR: Absolutely. Including asserted claims,
`Your Honor, the patent rules contemplate both asserted claims
`and --
`THE COURT: What’s -- I’m familiar with the local
`rule on interrogatories but I’ll plead guilty to not being
`familiar with the patent local rules and interrogatories.
`What is it?
`FEMALE VOICE: Rules 6 and 7. I can hand them up to
`Your Honor.


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`THE COURT: No. Just tell me.
`FEMALE VOICE: So under Rule 6 --
`MS. MAZZOCHI: Your Honor, a party --
`FEMALE VOICE: It’s disclosure of asserted -- it’s
`local patent Rule 6 which says unless otherwise specified by
`the court not later than 45 days after the initial scheduling
`conference a party claiming patent infringement must serve on
`all parties a disclosure of asserted claims and infringement
`contentions which identifies for each opposing party each
`claim, each patent in suit that was alleged infringed and then
`provides the reasons.
`Under local patent Rule 7 invalidity contentions by
`the defendants are due 45 days after receipt of the
`plaintiff’s infringement contentions.
`FEMALE VOICE: Yes, Your Honor, and that’s
`absolutely critical that we --
`THE COURT: Absolutely critical?
`FEMALE VOICE: Yes. I’m sorry to be emphatic but --
`THE COURT: I’ll underscore that.
`FEMALE VOICE: -- it is very important that we know
`what claims are asserted against us and what plaintiff’s
`positions are on infringement.
`THE COURT: Ms. Carr.
`MS. CARR: Your Honor --
`THE COURT: As I say I have a strong preference for


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`the local rules.
`MS. CARR: Yes, Your Honor. I think we were on the
`same page and I thought this issue already has been addressed
`and decided on but we still firmly believe, Your Honor, that
`this is appropriate for contention interrogatories. It is
`contentions that we’re talking about. The local patent rules
`I think defendant’s counsels are referencing actually I think
`apply in different types of contexts in particular with regard
`to Hatch-Waxman litigation because we don’t even have their
`[inaudible] and there’s a lot of work to do before you can
`sort through six different companies [inaudible] that kind of
`thing but they fundamentally are contention interrogatories,
`Your Honor, and that’s what our view is and it’s worked well
`in other cases in this district in the past.
`FEMALE VOICE: Your Honor, if I may. These are local
`rules. These are just local patent rules.
`THE COURT: I understand that. All right. I think
`I’ll just take some time to think about this and put that in
`your letter briefs and you’ll have my decision and the agreed
`upon -- or the ordered civil case management plan by Friday --
`by Wednesday the 15th of October.
`Anything else to take up? Ms. Carr?
`MS. CARR: Thank you very much, Your Honor. Not at
`this time.
`MS. MAZZOCHI: Nothing further, Your Honor.


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`THE COURT: Thank you very much.
`MALE VOICE: Your Honor --
`MR. KESCH: We have a letter that we had sent to the
`court regarding a motion that we understood would be able to
`be heard here. It’s not an issue for the other defendants but
`if the court would like to hear it we’d be happy to be heard
`on it.
`THE COURT: Just a minute. Let me get this away.
`[Pause in proceedings.]
`(Away from microphones at this point.)
`THE COURT: You’re Mr. Kesch?
`MR. KESCH: Yes.
`THE COURT: I thought Mylan had the -- you, Ms.
`Mazzochi, had the -- the court lacked subject matter
`jurisdiction over any and all claims asserted Mylan.
`MS. MAZZOCHI: Yes, Your Honor. We have that
`although I don’t believe we have anything briefed on that in a
`letter brief yet but I believe --
`THE COURT: Do you intend to make that application?
`MS. MAZZOCHI: My client is still considering that,
`Your Honor.
`THE COURT: Mr. Kesch, I wasn’t aware that Sawai
`[Ph.] was going to move to dismiss?
`MR. KESCH: Well, we did -- we sent a letter, Your

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