Case 1:14-cv-02758-PAC Document 17 Filed 06/10/14 Page 1 of 12
`Andrew J. Miller
`Constance S. Huttner
`150 John F. Kennedy Parkway
`Short Hills, NJ 07078-0999
`(973) 379-4800
`Attorneys for Defendants
`Amneal Pharmaceuticals, LLC
`Civil Action No. 14-cv-2758 (PAC)
`Electronically Filed
`Plaintiff Amneal Pharmaceuticals, LLC ("Amneal") by its
`attorneys, hereby responds
`to the Complaint of Plaintiffs-Counterclaim
`Defendants Kowa
`Company, Ltd., Kowa Pharmaceuticals America,
`("Plaintiffs" ) as follows:
`Inc. and Nissan Chemical
`Industries, Ltd
`Admitted in part and denied in part. Amneal admits that this is an action by
`Plaintiffs against Amneal alleging patent
`under 35 U.S.C. )$ 271(e) (2), 271(b),


`Case 1:14-cv-02758-PAC Document 17 Filed 06/10/14 Page 2 of 12
`271(c), and 281-283. Amneal denies the remaining
`allegations of Paragraph 1. Amneal will not
`contest subject matter or personal
`jurisdiction for purposes of this action only.
`is without knowledge or information
`to form a belief as to the
`truth of the allegations of Paragraph 2, and therefore denies them.
`is without knowledge or information
`to form a belief as to the
`truth of the allegations of Paragraph 3, and therefore denies them.
`is without knowledge or information
`to form a belief as to the
`truth of the allegations of Paragraph 4, and therefore denies them.
`Admitted in part and denied in part. Amneal
`admits only that
`it is registered as a
`Pharmacy Establishment
`in the State of New York and has facilities located in Hauppauge
`Brookhaven, New York. Amneal denies the remaining allegations of Paragraph 6.
`Admitted in part and denied in part. Amneal
`admits only that
`it is registered as a
`Foreign Limited Liability Company in New York. Amneal denies the remaining
`allegations of
`Paragraph 7.


`Case 1:14-cv-02758-PAC Document 17 Filed 06/10/14 Page 3 of 12
`Admitted in part and denied in part, Amneal admits that
`the '336 patent
`entitled, "Quinoline Type Mevalonolactones,"
`and that the named inventors
`are Yoshihiro
`Fujikawa, Mikio Suzuki, Hiroshi
`Iwasaki, Mitsuaki Sakashita, and Masaki Kitahara. Amneal
`further admits that the '336 patent
`issued on January 5, 199 and that a purported copy of the '336
`is attached to Plaintiffs'omplaint
`as Exhibit A. Amneal
`states that
`the claims of the
`patent speak for themselves,
`subject to construction by the Court. Amneal
`is without knowledge
`or information
`to form a belief as to the remaining
`allegations of Paragraph 12, and
`therefore denies those allegations.
`Admitted in part and denied in part. Amneal admits that the '336 patent will
`expire on December 25, 2020. Amneal
`is without knowledge
`to form a belief as to the
`allegations of Paragraph 13, and therefore denies those allegations.
`Admitted in part and denied in part. Amneal admits that
`the '993 patent
`entitled "Crystalline Forms of Pitavastatin Calcium," and that the named inventors
`are Paul
`Adriaan Van Der Schaaf, Fritz Blatter, Martin Szelagiewicz,
`and Kai-Uwe Schoening. Amneal
`also admits that the '993 patent
`issued on October 15, 2013. Amneal
`states that the claims of the
`'993 patent speaks for themselves,
`subject to construction by the Court. Amneal
`is without
`knowledge or information
`to form a belief as to the truth of the remaining
`in Paragraph 14, and therefore denies those allegations.
`Admitted in part and denied in part. Amneal admits that the '993 patent expires
`on February 2, 2024. Amneal
`is without knowledge or information
`to form a belief as
`to the truth of the remaining allegations
`in Paragraph 15, and therefore denies those allegations.


`Case 1:14-cv-02758-PAC Document 17 Filed 06/10/14 Page 4 of 12
`Amneal admits that KPA sells a pitavastatin
`the trade name Livalo . Amneal
`drug product
`in the United States
`is without knowledge or information
`to form a
`belief as to the truth of the remaining
`in Paragraph 16, and therefore denies those
`is without knowledge or information
`to form a belief as to the
`truth of the allegations
`in Paragraph 17, and therefore denies those allegations.
`PATENT UNDER 35 U.S.C.S 271(e)(2)(a)
`repeats its responses
`to Paragraphs
`1 through 18 above, which are
`explicitly incorporated by reference.
`Admitted in part and denied in part. Amneal admits that the Amneal ANDA
`contains a paragraph
`IV certification under 21 U.S.C. ) 355(j)(2)(A)(vii)(IV) respecting the '336
`patent. Amneal denies the remaining
`allegations of Paragraph 21.
`Admitted in part and denied in part. Amneal admits that the Amneal ANDA
`contains a paragraph
`IV certification under 21 U.S.C. $ 355(j)(2)(A)(vii)(IV) respecting the '336
`patent. Amneal denies the remaining allegations of Paragraph 22.
`Admitted in part and denied in part. Amneal admits that it notified Plaintiffs by
`letter dated March 5, 2014 that Amneal had submitted the Amneal ANDA containing a
`Paragraph IV certification respecting the '336 patent. Amneal
`is without knowledge or
`to form a belief as to the truth of the remaining allegations of Paragraph
`23, and therefore denies those allegations.


`Case 1:14-cv-02758-PAC Document 17 Filed 06/10/14 Page 5 of 12
`states that its March 5, 2014 Notice Letter speaks for itself and
`respectfully refers the Court to that
`letter for its contents.
`states that
`its proposed labeling material
`is a part of its ANDA and that
`such material
`speaks for itself. Amneal
`respectfully refers the Court
`to that material
`for its
`OF THE '336 PATENT UNDER 35 U.S.C. 5 271(b)
`repeats its responses
`to Paragraph 1-28 above which are explicitly
`incorporated by reference.
`states that
`its proposed labeling material are a part of its ANDA and that
`such material
`speaks for itself. Amneal
`respectfully refers the Court to that material
`for its
`Admitted in part and denied in part. Amneal
`states that it is aware of the label
`for Livalo, which include the use of pitavastatin
`as an adjunct
`therapy to diet to
`treat primary hyperlipidemia
`and mixed dyslipidemia. Amneal denies the remaining
`in Paragraph 32.


`Case 1:14-cv-02758-PAC Document 17 Filed 06/10/14 Page 6 of 12
`OF THE '336 PATENT UNDER 35 U.S.C.5271(c)
`repeats its responses
`to Paragraphs
`1 through 33 above, which are
`explicitly incorporated by reference.
`Admitted in part and denied in part. Amneal admits that its proposed pitavastatin
`drug product comprises pitavastatin
`calcium. Amneal denies the remaining allegations
`Paragraph 35.
`PATENT UNDER 35 U.S.C.5271(e)(2)(A)
`repeats its responses
`to Paragraphs
`1 through 42 above, which are
`explicitly incorporated by reference.
`states that
`its Notice Letter speaks for itself and respectfully refers the
`to that Letter for its contents.
`states that
`its Notice Letter speaks for itself and respectfully refers the
`Court to that Letter for its contents.


`Case 1:14-cv-02758-PAC Document 17 Filed 06/10/14 Page 7 of 12
`Amneal denies that Plaintiffs are entitled to any of the relief sought
`in paragraphs
`through (g) on pages 10-11 of the Complaint.
`First Affirmative Defense - Noninfrineement
`of the '336 and '993 Patents
`Amneal has not infringed,
`is not infringing, will not infringe,
`and will not contribute to or
`induce infiingement
`of, literally or under
`the Doctrine of Equivalents,
`any valid and enforceable
`claim of the '336 or '993 patents.
`Second Affirmative Defense - Invaliditv of the '336 and '993 Patents
`Upon information
`and belief, each claim of the '336 and '993 patents is invalid for failure
`to comply with the conditions
`and requirements of the patent
`laws of the United States, including
`limitation, 35 U.S.C. $ $ 101, 102, 103 and/or 112.
`Reservation of Rights
`reserves the right
`to assert such other defenses and damages
`that may appear as
`discovery proceeds in this case.


`Case 1:14-cv-02758-PAC Document 17 Filed 06/10/14 Page 8 of 12
`Amneal counterclaims
`against Plaintiffs pursuant
`to the patent
`laws of the United
`States, 35 U.S.C. ( 1, et seq., and the Declaratory Judgment Act, 28 U.S.C. ( 2201, et seq.
`arise out of the same transactions
`and occurrences
`that are
`These Counterclaims
`the subject of the claims asserted in the Complaint
`in the above-captioned
`Jurisdiction of this Court is based upon 28 U.S,C. $ $ 1331, 1338(a), 2201 and
`2202 and Rule 13 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.
`Venue is proper in this Court under 28 U.S.C. $ 1391(b) and (c). Plaintiffs have
`submitted to personal
`jurisdiction in this Court, having brought
`the instant
`suit against Amneal.
`Counterclaim Plaintiff Amneal
`is a limited liability company organized and
`existing under
`the laws of the State of Delaware, having a principal place of business at 440 US
`Highway 22 East, Suite 104, Bridgewater, NJ 08807.
`Upon information
`and belief, as alleged in Counterclaim Defendants'omplaint,
`Counterclaim Defendant Kowa is a Japanese corporation having its corporate headquarters
`principal place of business
`in Aichi, Japan.
`Upon information
`and belief, as alleged in Counterclaim Defendants'omplaint,
`Counterclaim Defendant KPA is a wholly owned U.S. subsidiary of Kowa with principal place
`of business and headquarters
`in Montgomery, Alabama.
`Upon information
`and belief, as alleged in Counterclaim Defendants'omplaint,
`Counterclaim Defendant Nissan is a Japanese corporation having its principal place of business
`in Tokyo, Japan.


`Case 1:14-cv-02758-PAC Document 17 Filed 06/10/14 Page 9 of 12
`U.S. Patent No. 5,856,336 ('the '336 patent"), entitled "Quinoline Type
`issued on January 5, 1999.
`U.S. Patent No. 8,557,993 ("the '993 patent"), entitled "Crystalline Forms of
`Pitavastatin Calcium," issued on October 15, 2013.
`This is an action based on an actual controversy between Plaintiffs and Amneal
`concerning the noninfringement
`invalidity of the '336 and '993 patents
`submitted ANDA No. 20-5961 to the FDA seeking approval
`to engage in
`the commercial manufacture,
`use, and/or
`sale of its 1 mg, 2 mg and 4 mg pitavastatin
`filed their Complaint
`in this Court alleging that Amneal's
`act of
`submitting ANDA No. 20-5961 infringes
`the patents-in-suit.
`Amneal denies that it infringes
`any valid and enforceable claim of the patents-in
`Based on Plaintiffs'iling of the Complaint,
`and Amneal's denial
`there is
`an actual, substantial,
`and continuing justiciable controversy between Amneal and Plaintiffs
`having adverse legal
`interests of sufficient
`immediacy and reality to warrant
`the issuance of a
`declaratory judgment
`regarding whether Amneal has infringed any valid and enforceable claim
`of the patents-in-suit.
`Unless Plaintiffs are enjoined, Amneal believes that Plaintiffs will continue to
`that Amneal
`the claims of the patents-in-suit
`and will continue to interfere with
`Amneal's business with respect
`to pitavastatin
`calcium tablets.


`Case 1:14-cv-02758-PAC Document 17 Filed 06/10/14 Page 10 of 12
`Amneal will be irreparably harmed if Plaintiffs are not enjoined from asserting the
`and interfering with Amneal's business.
`First Counterclaim - Noninfrineement
`of the '336 and '993 Patents
`realleges and incorporates Paragraphs
`1-21 of these
`as if fully set forth herein.
`Amneal has not infringed,
`is not infringing, will not infringe,
`and will not
`contribute to or induce infringement
`of, literally or under
`the Doctrine of Equivalents,
`any valid
`and enforceable claim of the '336 and '993 patents.
`Second Counterclaim - Invalidity of the '336 and '993 Patents
`realleges and incorporates Paragraphs
`1-21 of these
`as if fully set forth herein.
`Upon information
`and belief, each claim of the patents in suit is invalid for failure
`to comply with the conditions
`and requirements of the patent
`laws of the United States, including
`limitation, 35 U.S,C, )$ 101, 102, 103 and/or 112.
`respectfully prays that
`this Court enter judgment
`in its favor
`and grant
`the following relief:
`Dismiss Plaintiffs'omplaint
`with prejudice and deny each and every prayer
`relief contained therein;
`Declare that Amneal has not in&inged,
`is not infringing,
`and will not infringe, nor
`contribute to or induce infringement
`of, literally or under
`the Doctrine of Equivalents,
`any valid
`and enforceable claim of the patents-in-suit
`and that Amneal has a lawful
`to obtain FDA
`approval of its ANDA No. 20-5961 for pitavastatin
`calcium tablets;


`Case 1:14-cv-02758-PAC Document 17 Filed 06/10/14 Page 11 of 12
`Declare that the claims of the '336 and '993 patents are invalid;
`Enjoin Plaintiffs,
`their officers, employees,
`others acting on their behalf,
`from threatening
`or initiating infringement
`litigation against
`Amneal or its customers, dealers or suppliers, or any prospective or present sellers, dealers,
`distributors or customers of Amneal, or charging them either verbally or in writing with
`infringement of any patent asserted against Amneal;
`Declare that this is an exceptional case, and that Amneal be awarded its
`and costs pursuant
`to 35 U.S.C. g 285; and
`Award Amneal
`such further
`relief as this Court may deem necessary,
`just and
`Andrew J. Miller
`Constance S. Huttner
`150 John F. Kennedy Parkway
`Short Hills, NJ 07078-2703
`t: (973) 379-4800
`f: (973) 379-7734
`Dated: June/P 2014


`Case 1:14-cv-02758-PAC Document 17 Filed 06/10/14 Page 12 of 12
`I hereby certify that
`has been filed electronically and is available for viewing and downloading
`from the ECF System,
`and is being served upon all counsel of record via ECF transmission
`in accordance with the
`Electronic Filing System of the Court,
`this 10th day of June, 2014.
`Cons(ance S. tuner

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