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`Exhibit 34
`(Partially Redacted)


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` ______________________________________________________
` INC., )
` )
` Plaintiff, )14 Civ. 2396 (PGG-SN)
` )
` vs. )14 Civ. 9558 (PGG-SN)
` )
` )
` Defendants. )
` ______________________________________________________
` ______________________________________________________
` 10:05 A.M. EDT
` JULY 22, 2020
` Job No. CS4168655
`Veritext Legal Solutions


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` A P P E A R A N C E S
` Russ August & Kabat
` 12424 Wilshire Boulevard, 12th Floor
` Los Angeles, CA 90025
` 310.826.7474
` Williams & Connolly
` 725 Twelfth Street N.W.
` Washington, DC 20005
` 202.434.5000
`2 3
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` A P P E A R A N C E S (Continued)
` And
` Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan LLP
` 1300 I Street NW, Suite 900
` Washington, DC 20005
` 202.538.8000
`2 3
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` I N D E X
` Exhibit 1 Expert Report of Michael 12
` Mitzenmacher, Ph.D.
` Regarding Google LLC and YouTube,
` LLC's Infringement
` Exhibit 2 Expert Report of Michael 13
` Mitzenmacher, Ph.D.
` Regarding Validity of U.S. Patent
` Nos 8,010,988; 8,205,237; and
` 8,904,464
` Exhibit 3 Expert Report of Dr. Trevor 13
` Darrell
` Exhibit 4 Expert Report of Dr. Samrat 13
` Bhattacharjee
` Exhibit 5 US Patent 8,010,988 B2 14
` Exhibit 6 US Patent 8,205,237 B2 14
` Exhibit 7 US Patent 8,904,464 B1 14
` Exhibit 8 Sign-In Sheet 28
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`2 3
`5 6 7 8


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` Exhibit 9 Declaration of Professor Michael 59
` D. Mitzenmacher in Support of
` Plaintiff Network-1 Technologies,
` Inc.'s Opening Claim Construction
` Brief
` Exhibit 10 Wednesday, March 4, 2020 email 149
` from Safty to Hayden
` Exhibit 11 Equation 157
` Exhibit 12 Equation 161
` Exhibit 13 Equation 161
` Exhibit 14 Equation 162
` Exhibit 14a Equation 165
` Exhibit 15 Equation 181
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` 10:05 A.M. EDT
` --oOo--
` (This deposition is being taken via
` videoconference and all parties, the
` witness, the videographer and the court
` reporter are appearing remotely.)
` THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Good morning. We're
` going on the record at 10:05 Eastern time on July 22nd,
` 2020. This deposition is being conducted using Google
` Meet technology and all participants are attending
` remotely. Audio and video recording will continue to
` take place unless all parties agree to go off the
` record.
` This is Media Unit 1 of the video-recorded
` deposition of Dr. Michael Mitzenmacher taken for
` counsel -- defendant in the matter of Network-1
` Technologies versus Google LLC and YouTube LLC, filed
` in the United States District Court, Southern District
` of New York, Case Number 14 Civ. 2396 and 14 Civ. 9558.
` My name is Lori Talbott with the firm YOM
` Veritext. I'm the videographer. The court reporter is
` Carla Wallat from the firm YOM Veritext. I'm not
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`4 5


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` related to any party in this action, nor am I
` financially interested in the outcome.
` If there are any objections to proceeding,
` please state them at the time of your appearance and
` we'll begin with the noticing attorney, please.
` MR. DAVIDOFF: Good morning. This is
` Sam Davidoff from Williams & Connolly on behalf of
` Google and YouTube. I'll also just state for the
` record the people -- other people here on behalf of
` Google and YouTube, from Williams & Connolly we have
` Andrew Trask, Graham Safty, Melissa Collins and Sumeet
` Dang. Also on behalf of Google and YouTube we have
` Kevin Hardy from the law firm of Quinn Emanuel. Also
` on the line is Damaren Burkley, a -- who is an employee
` of Google, in-house counsel at Google. Okay.
` MS. HAYDEN: Okay, this is Amy Hayden
` from Russ August & Kabat on -- I'm here on behalf of
` the plaintiff Network-1 Technologies and the witness.
` Would the court reporter please swear in the
` witness.
` THE COURT REPORTER: Okay. Counsel, if
` you have an objection to the remote deposition, or to
` me swearing in the witness remotely, please state so
` now.
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` MR. DAVIDOFF: No objection.
` THE COURT REPORTER: Okay. Hearing no
` objection, and I can see the witness, I will swear in
` the witness.
` remotely sworn as a witness
` by the Certified Court Reporter,
` testified as follows:
` Q. All right. Good morning Dr. Mitzenmacher,
` welcome to the brave new world. This is my first time
` doing one of these remotely, I assume it's yours as
` well. So we'll -- we'll manage through.
` A. First -- first deposition this way.
` Q. Let me just cover a couple things in terms of
` how everything is set up here. So you've been given
` access to a Google Drive folder; is that correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. And do you have that open on your
` computer?
` A. Yes. Or what I believe to be. Currently
` appears that there are seven PDF objects in -- in the
`5 6
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` external Network-1 Deposition Drive. Does that sound
` right?
` Q. Right. Yeah, that's correct. You're looking
` at the right folder.
` Okay. So let me just kind of, because this is
` a little different, understand a few things in terms of
` your setup.
` First of all, just in terms of physical
` materials, what do you have with you today?
` A. I have my -- you know, in terms of equipment,
` I have my computer and a second screen, I have my cell
` phone, which happens to be near me, but I can remove it
` if it should become a distraction. In terms of
` documents, I have a pile of source code -- I forget the
` first page number, I think was from 99 to 1233 or
` something like that, I can check the numbers. I have
` printed copies of -- of my reports, of the -- I believe
` a report of your experts and a copy of the patents.
` Q. Okay. Great. So you have -- in terms of
` source code, do you have all the source code that is
` referenced in your report?
` A. I believe so. I haven't checked specifically,
` but it should be.
` Q. And do you also have any additional source
` code that was cited in Dr. Bhattacharjee's report?
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` A. I -- you'd have to specify by like source code
` numbers or -- or so on. I mean, I have a printed copy
` of his report that includes some appendices. I have,
` you know, the source code that -- that I -- I believe I
` referenced by source code number.
` Q. Okay. As far as you know, you have all the
` source code that was printed out available to you?
` A. As -- as far as I know, certainly on -- on our
` side.
` Q. Okay.
` A. Printed by.
` Q. And in terms of the reports you have printed
` out, you have your infringement report; is that right?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And also your validity report; is that
` correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And you have Dr. Bhattacharjee's report
` printed out?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And you have Trevor Darrell's report?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. And you have the three patents-in-suit?
` A. Yes, I believe so.
` Q. Okay. And those -- you refer to those as the
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` '988, the '237 and the '464 patent, you're familiar
` with that nomenclature?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. In terms of your computer, do you have
` anything up on the screen other than this Google Meet
` communication?
` A. Currently I have up the -- the CaseView, so --
` that's actually what's up on my second screen at the
` moment, and I have the video screen. There's some
` things behind like I could close them out, but I think
` messages and stuff is still open on my computer. Let's
` see. And, yeah, I mean, like that's all I have open
` that I'm --
` Q. Okay.
` A. Yeah.
` Q. I guess I'd ask, do you mind closing any -- if
` you have messages open or any sort of real-time
` communication other than the live feed for the
` deposition, and obviously this Google Meet?
` A. Sure. I'll quit out messages. Hopefully that
` should be the only thing that would -- that would
` interrupt.
` Q. Okay. And -- and you're not planning to use
` any real-time communications other than obviously,
` again, this Google Meet and the CaseView live feed,
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` correct?
` A. No. Although I guess during breaks and so on
` I may check in with my attorney by phone.
` Q. Sure.
` A. When that's permitted.
` Q. Yes, but just while we're on the record you
` won't use any other form of communication?
` A. Okay. No. I will plan on not doing so.
` Q. Great.
` In terms of exhibits, so as exhibits are used,
` I will -- there's seven on the Google Drive now. I'll
` upload others if we need them. We're going to go
` through the convention of I will say that the exhibits
` are being marked for the deposition. In fact, that's a
` fiction, but so to engage in that fiction, I am marking
` for this deposition as Exhibit 1 the infringement
` report of Dr. Michael Mitzenmacher that is dated
` December 23rd, 2019 -- excuse me, December 20th, 2019.
` And do you have a copy of that document?
` (Deposition Exhibit 1 was presented
` virtually and later marked.)
` A. Yeah, I'm checking -- checking the date and
` everything, but that sounds right. Yep.
` Q. (BY MR. DAVIDOFF) I'm also marking as
` Exhibit 2 the validity report of Michael Mitzenmacher
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` dated February 14th, 2020. Do you have a copy of that?
` (Deposition Exhibit 2 was presented
` virtually and later marked.)
` A. I do have a printed copy of that.
` Q. (BY MR. DAVIDOFF) I'm marking as Exhibit 3 a
` copy of the invalidity report of Dr. Trevor Darrell,
` which is dated December 20th, 2019. Do you have a copy
` of that?
` (Deposition Exhibit 3 was presented
` virtually and later marked.)
` A. Yes.
` Q. (BY MR. DAVIDOFF) I'm marking as Exhibit 4
` the noninfringement report of Dr. Samrat Bhattacharjee
` dated February 14th, 2020. And do you have a copy of
` that?
` (Deposition Exhibit 4 was presented
` virtually and later marked.)
` A. Yes. Well, to be clear, like I have the
` copies, I'm not checking the dates or so on, I'm just
` assuming that -- that I have the correct copy, but if
` something comes up to suggest otherwise, I'll let you
` know.
` Q. (BY MR. DAVIDOFF) I'm marking as Exhibit 5 a
` copy of U.S. Patent 8,010,988. Do you have a copy of
` that?
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` (Deposition Exhibit 5 was presented
` virtually and later marked.)
` A. Yes.
` Q. (BY MR. DAVIDOFF) And I'm marking as
` Exhibit 6 a copy of U.S. Patent 8,205,237. Do you have
` a copy of that?
` (Deposition Exhibit 6 was presented
` virtually and later marked.)
` A. Yes.
` Q. (BY MR. DAVIDOFF) And I'm marking as
` Exhibit 7 a copy of U.S. Patent 8,904,464. Do you have
` a copy of that?
` (Deposition Exhibit 7 was presented
` virtually and later marked.)
` A. Yes.
` Q. (BY MR. DAVIDOFF) Now, you mentioned that you
` have some source code printed out and in general, you
` have reviewed source code as part of forming your
` opinions in this case; is that correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And would you agree that in a case like this
` where you're accusing a software system of infringement
` that reviewing source code is important to forming
` opinions on infringement?
` A. I'd say yes, that's generally one of the many
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` sources I look at and -- and certainly is an important
` one, along with other sources as well.
` Q. And in terms of what source code is, would you
` agree with me that source code is the -- generally, is
` instructions that are used to generate the
` machine-level instructions that tell computers how to
` operate?
` A. Generally, I think that sounds right. You use
` source code or generally one refers to a source code
` usually as sort of the human developer or human
` readable version of code that is then translated into,
` you know, machine-level instructions.
` Q. And those machine-level instructions are what
` direct the computer how to execute various algorithms
` and access data, et cetera?
` A. Generally speaking, yes.
` Q. And so would you agree with me that, you know,
` assuming you have the correct source code for a given
` piece of software, that source code contains the
` information about what algorithms are actually running
` when that software executes?
` A. I would say at, you know, a high level that is
` generally true, but there may, of course, always be
` exceptional cases or -- or for various cases to
` consider, but generally, you can look at the source
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` code to determine the -- the sort of instructions that
` will occur.
` Q. And in this case, have you seen any indication
` that the source code you were provided for Google's
` Content ID systems is not the source code that
` instructs those systems how to run?
` MS. HAYDEN: Objection. Vague.
` A. Not that I can recall specifically sitting
` here, but if something comes to mind, I'll let you
` know.
` Q. (BY MR. DAVIDOFF) And in this case, there
` were two code bases for the Content ID system provided
` to you; is that correct?
` A. That is my recollection.
` Q. One is for a system that has been termed the
` LSH system; is that right?
` A. That sounds right.
` Q. And the other is a system that's been referred
` to as the Siberia system?
` A. That sounds right.
` Q. And as far as you can recall, you don't
` remember seeing anything in the LSH system's code base
` that would suggest that isn't the code that directs the
` LSH system how to operate, correct?
` A. Again, not that I can specifically recall,
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` although, yes, my recollection is that there have been
` changes in different versions in -- in time, but I
` believe that the source code I have is reflective of
` the general operation.
` Q. And similarly for the Siberia system, do you
` agree that the source code you've been given access to
` is reflective of the operation of that system?
` A. As far as I can recall sitting here. If
` something comes to mind, I will let you know.
` Q. And source code is often written to include
` various blocks of code called functions. Would you
` agree with me?
` A. It depends on the -- the language and such,
` but often there would be functions or function included
` in the code.
` Q. Much of the source code for both the LSH
` system and the Siberia system is written in the C++
` programming language, correct?
` A. That sounds right.
` Q. And the C++ language uses functions, correct?
` A. Yeah.
` Q. And functions in C++ often contain one or more
` algorithms that direct the computer how to operate,
` correct?
` A. I mean, that -- that gets sort of vague and we
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` might want to term what you mean by algorithm and --
` and so on or even one or more in that case, but you may
` implement an algorithm through one or more functions.
` Q. And functions may take in inputs, correct?
` A. They can.
` Q. And they may return outputs, correct?
` A. They can. It depends on the function.
` Q. And they might also alter items in the
` computer's memory, correct?
` A. That's one of the things they might do.
` Q. And functions may themselves reference other
` functions, correct?
` A. Yes. That is possible.
` Q. They may what's termed call other functions,
` correct?
` A. I've sometimes had people refer to it that one
` function may call another.
` Q. And source code, at least in C++, also can
` contain what are referred to as data structures; is
` that right?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And data structures do not necessarily contain
` algorithms, would you agree?
` A. I'm -- I guess I -- data structures can be
` used in a variety of ways or contexts, so I -- I'm not
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` quite clear on your intention or meaning of that
` statement. So I think it would require clarification.
` Q. You've seen data structures in this case,
` correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And did some of those data structures simply
` identify the structure of data and not contain any
` algorithms?
` A. I think we'd have to point to -- you'd have to
` show me various data structures. Again, I'm not clear
` what exactly you're referring to. There are sometimes
` objects and things that are used in an algorithm that
` one might refer to as the data structure. Typically if
` you're just talking about a container or something,
` then it -- then it may not have any associated
` algorithms or functions. Often when people use the
` term "data structure," they're referring to both the
` object and -- and operations that can be taken on that
` object, and so in that case, like a data structure has
` associated algorithms.
` Q. Are you familiar also with the source code in
` this case that defines what are called protocol
` buffers?
` A. I recall code does that, yes.
` Q. And what do you recall about what those
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` protocol buffers are?
` A. I would have to go back and look, but I
` believe one of the functions of protocol buffers is to,
` you know, define various structures and parameters that
` might be used in the system.
` Q. Do you recall whether protocol buffers contain
` algorithms?
` MS. HAYDEN: Objection. Vague.
` A. I -- again, I'd have to go back and look. I
` don't recall one way or another if these do or do not.
` I think, you know, again, it would depend on what you
` meant by the structure containing an algorithm and so
` on. So we could look at the code and discuss in
` more -- more depth and typically, you know, there are
` sort of defining structures. Often these structures
` have associated functions or algorithms associated with
` them. I don't recall if those are set up in the
` protocol buffers or elsewhere offhand.
` Q. (BY MR. DAVIDOFF) Okay. And just so we avoid
` any confusion, what do you understand -- you used the
` term "algorithm" throughout your report, would you
` agree?
` A. Yes, I use the term.
` Q. And what do you mean by that term?
` A. Generally, an algorithm, you know, there are
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` various ways to describe it. One sort of typical way
` is -- is sort of a recipe or a series of steps that can
` be used, you know, given an -- an input to produce an
` output or produce some other sort of change in state of
` the system.
` Q. And you've seen algorithms using that
` definition in the source code you've reviewed for this
` case, correct?
` A. I believe so, yes.
` Q. Now, source code -- the source code that you
` reviewed in this case also contains what are called
` comments; is that right?
` A. Yeah, my recollection that there are places
` there are comments.
` Q. And when source code is converted into the
` machine code that instructs the computer what to do,
` comments are typically ignored; is that right?
` A. It depends on the language in the system, but
` typically or often comments are not translated into
` instructions, they're merely giving a description for
` users of what the code does or performs.
` Q. And in the C++ language that's true, correct?
` A. I honestly don't recall. I believe the -- I
` believe most compilers would strip them out, but -- but
` there may be compilers that also embed them in the
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` object in some way. I honestly don't recall.
` Q. In terms of forming your opinions in this
` case, when you reviewed the Google source code did you
` assume that comments were ignored at -- when the
` instructions were compiled for use by the computer?
` A. I -- I would say that I believe they use the
` comments to help gain understanding or provide
` understanding of what the code was doing or meant to
` do.
` Q. But to ultimately understand what the system
` is doing, you would have to look at what the source
` code itself says, you can't rely exclusively on the
` comments. Would you agree with that?
` A. I would -- I would say that I typically rely
` on, you know, the comments, the source code itself and,
` of course, various documentation, things like
` deposition testimony and so on.
` Q. If you found a conflict in what the source
` code was saying the system did and what a comment was
` indicating that code should do, what would you find to
` be the way to resolve that conflict? Would it be to
` rely on the source code or to rely on the comment?
` A. I guess I'm not sure I understand what you
` mean by the source code saying, right, because that's
` the -- the point that the source code doesn't typically
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` say anything. It's a sort of set of instructions that
` you have to understand. So, you know, if there was
` some sort of discrepancy among -- in any case among my
` various sources of information, I attempt to understand
` or resolve or see where the -- that discrepancy has
` arisen or -- or how it to comes into play.
` Q. Assuming you have the correct source code for
` a system, though, would you agree that that is
` ultimately what will instruct the system how to
` operate?
` A. I would say that certainly that's like a main
` source that I'd go to. Again, the -- there's source
` code, it gets translated or put into machine
` instructions, there may be issues or -- or changes in
` the understanding of how that process is done. You
` know, there are several steps. So certainly the -- the
` source code is meant to provide the instructions and I
` would look at that, but if there were discrepancies or
` lack of clarity in the understanding, I would seek to
` resolve that or -- or gain more information to
` understand where that discrepancy might arise.
` Q. In the code you reviewed in this case, the
` comments in the code did not instruct the computer
` system how to operate, did they?
` A. I don't believe so. But I believe they
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` provide, you know, the understanding or -- or -- or,
` you know, the comments are put in by the engineers or
` put in by the people writing it to describe or explain
` the understanding of how the code is to function.
` Q. But the comments do not themselves instruct
` the system how to operate, correct?
` A. Generally, no, and I would have to check if
` there's any reason why that would not be the case here,
` but I -- I assume that the -- the comments are not
` providing the instructions, but they describe how the
` code works and how the code functions.
` Q. In your review of the Google source code, can
` you recall ever seeing an example of a comment that got
` converted into instructions that told the computer how
` to operate?
` A. I am -- believe I'm working under the
` assumption that the comments are comments that are
` explanations. Whether there's anything in Google's
` compiler that would otherwise translate, you know, I'm
` not making the assumption that that's the case.
` Q. You don't have any reason to think that's the
` case either, correct?
` A. Not as I sit here.
` Q. And similarly, deposition testimony from
` witnesses does not instruct the computer how to
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` operate, correct?
` A. I'd say in deposition testimony is often
` useful in understanding or, you know, getting an
` understanding of how code is operated or how it's meant
` to function, but, you know, clearly a person speaking
` does not provide direct instruction.
` Q. And it's possible for people to misremember
` how a computer system operates, correct?
` A. There is that --
` MS. HAYDEN: Objection. Speculation.
` A. There is that potential, and again, that's
` why, you know, typically when goin

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