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`Exhibit 33
`(Partially Redacted)


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` )
` Plaintiff, )
` ) No. 14 Civ. 2396 (PGG-SN)
`vs. )
` ) No. 14 Civ. 9558 (PGG-SN)
` )
` Defendants. )
` 11:14 AM EST
` TUESDAY, JULY 28, 2020
`Job No. CS4169220
`Reported by: Tami Lynn Vondran, CRR, RPR, CCR No. 2157
`Veritext Legal Solutions


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` A P P E A R A N C E S
` Russ August & Kabat Law
` 12424 Wilshire Boulevard, 12th Floor
` Los Angeles, CA 90025
` (310) 826-7474
` Williams & Connolly
` 725 12th Street Northwest
` Washington, DC 20005
` (202) 434-5116
` and
` Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan, LLP
` 1300 I Street Northwest, Suite 900
` Washington, DC 20005
` (202) 538-8000
` DEMARRON BERKLEY, Google In-house Counsel
` LORI TALBOTT, Videographer
`3 4
`Veritext Legal Solutions


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` I N D E X
` Mr. Fenster .................................6:18
` (Afternoon Session) Mr. Fenster ...........131:10
` Mr. Trask .................................222:16
` Mr. Fenster ...............................229:14
`Exhibit 1 Expert Report of Dr. Samrat .........11: 5
` Bhattacharjee (232 pages)
`Exhibit 2 YouTube Content ID ..................43:17
` (GOOG-NETWORK-00767739-821)
`Exhibit 3 Match System Indexing ..............146:14
` (GOOG-NETWORK-00699813-814)
`Exhibit 4 Content ID Mathematics .............180:23
` (GOOG-NETWORK-00018600-620)
`Exhibit 5 Siberia-only Matching Progress .....198:21
` Update and Roadmap
` (GOOG-NETWORK-00781511-556)
`7 8 9
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` 11:14 AM EST
` --000--
` (This deposition is being taken via
` videoconference and all parties, the
` witness, the videographer and the court
` reporter are appearing remotely.)
` THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Good morning. We are going
`on the record at 11:14 a.m. Eastern time on July 28th,
` This deposition is being conducted using
`Google Meet technology and all participants are
`attending remotely. Audio and video recording will
`continue to take place unless all parties agree to go
`off the record.
` This is Media Unit 1 in the video-recorded
`deposition of Bobby Bhattacharjee in the matter of
`Network-1 Technologies versus Google LLC and YouTube,
`LLC, filed in the United States District Court; Southern
`District of New York, Case No. 14 Civ. 2396 and
`14 Civ. 9558.
` My name is Lori Talbott from the firm YOM
`Veritext. I'm the videographer. The court reporter is
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`4 5


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`Tami Vondran from the firm YOM Veritext. I'm not
`related to any party in this action, nor am I
`financially interested in the outcome.
` If there are any objections to proceeding,
`please state them at the time of your appearance. And
`we'll begin with the noticing attorney, please.
` MR. FENSTER: Good morning. This is
`Marc Fenster with Russ August & Kabat on behalf of the
`plaintiff Network-1 Technologies.
` MR. TRASK: Hi, this is Andrew Trask from the
`law firm of Williams & Connolly on behalf of defendants.
`With me today also from Williams & Connolly is my
`colleague Graham Safty, as well as Kevin Hardy from the
`law firm of Quinn Emanuel and Demarron Berkley, in-house
` THE VIDEOGRAPHER: And I believe we also have
`Brian and Amy with us.
` MR. FENSTER: Yes, with -- this is
`Marc Fenster. With me today listening in are
`Brian Ledahl and Amy Hayden, both of Russ
`August & Kabat.
` THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Okay. Thank you. Would
`the court reporter please swear in the witness.
` THE COURT REPORTER: Good morning. At this
`time I will ask counsel to agree on the record that
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`there is no objection to me administering an oath to the
`witness via videoconference. And please start with the
`noticing attorney.
` MR. FENSTER: No objection.
` MR. TRASK: No objection from defendants
` THE COURT REPORTER: I can see the witness on
`my screen, and so I will go ahead and swear you in.
` sworn as a witness by the Certified Court Reporter,
` testified as follows:
` Please proceed.
` Q. Good morning, Dr. Bhattacharjee.
` A. Good morning.
` Q. Can you state and spell your name for the
`record, please.
` A. First name, Samrat, S-a-m-r-a-t; last name,
`Bhattacharjee, B-h-a-t-t-a-c-h-a-r-j-e-e.
` Q. Okay. And where do you -- where you live,
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`Dr. Bhattacharjee?
` A. I live in Silver Spring, Maryland.
` Q. And have you had your deposition taken before?
` A. Yes, I have.
` Q. On how many occasions?
` A. More than 10, maybe 15, perhaps even 20, but I
`don't think it's 20.
` Q. Okay. And have you had a -- have you
`participated in a video deposition like we're doing
` A. I have.
` Q. Okay. On how many occasions?
` A. Just once.
` Q. Is there anything that would prevent you from
`giving true -- true, accurate and complete testimony
` A. Nothing.
` Q. And where are you physically today,
`Dr. Bhattacharjee?
` A. I'm at the law offices of Williams & Connolly
`in Washington, DC.
` Q. And is anyone else with you present in the
` A. No.
` Q. And when were you retained -- by whom were you
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`retained and when? And --
` A. Sorry. Please repeat the question.
` Q. Sure. When were -- who -- let's break it up.
` By whom were you retained in this case?
` A. By Williams & Connolly.
` Q. Okay. And do you recall approximately when
`you were retained?
` A. I think August of last year.
` Q. August 2019?
` A. That's correct.
` Q. Okay. And who reached out to you initially?
` A. I believe it was Mr. Trask.
` Q. And what were you asked to do in this case?
` A. I was asked to analyze the asserted patents
`and the -- and the asserted claims and then form an
`opinion about infringement or noninfringement of the
`accused --
` THE COURT REPORTER: I didn't hear the end of
`your answer.
` A. I said to form an opinion about infringement
`or noninfringement of the accused products, so by the
`accused products.
` Q. (BY MR. FENSTER) And have you ever been
`retained -- have you ever worked with or been retained
`by Williams & Connolly before?
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` A. Yes.
` Q. On how many occasions?
` A. I have worked on one other litigation for
`Williams & Connolly.
` Q. And what was that?
` A. When was that? Is that what you asked?
` Q. What was that case?
` A. It is -- it is -- I can't remember the name of
`the plaintiff off the top of my head, but it was against
`eBay. And it should be the very first thing in my
`litigation CV that you have.
` Q. Okay. And you were working on behalf of eBay;
`is that correct?
` A. No, the plaintiff.
` Q. Okay. And have you had any other engagements
`with Williams & Connolly other than that one?
` A. I analyzed some source code once, and I think
`this was, again, about ten years ago.
` Q. Have you been doing any other work on behalf
`of Google or YouTube?
` A. I have been retained on behalf of Google in
`one other matter.
` Q. And what matter was that?
` A. I believe it's Uniloc versus Google.
` Q. Uniloc?
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` A. Correct.
` Q. Is that matter still ongoing or is it
` A. It is still ongoing, to the best of my
` Q. And with which -- are you working with a law
`firm in connection with that case as well?
` A. Yes, I am.
` Q. And what firm is that?
` A. I believe right now it's Jones Day.
` THE WITNESS: That's correct.
` Q. (BY MR. FENSTER) In your -- and what -- what
`documents do you have with you in the room other --
`physical documents, other than the Google Drive?
` A. I have three folders with source code, and I
`have a copy of my report and the exhibits.
` Q. Okay. Anything else?
` A. No.
` Q. Okay. Do you have any chat applications or
`any kind of messaging or communication applications open
`other than the Google Meet that we're meeting on right
` A. I have the live screen, the live text from the
`court reporter. I'm not sure that counts as a chat, but
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`that's all.
` Q. And, Dr. Bhattacharjee, I would like to ask
`the court reporter to mark as Exhibit 1 the expert
`report of Dr. Samrat Bhattacharjee in the Google Drive.
` (Exhibit No. 1 marked for identification.)
` MR. FENSTER: Let me know when you're ready,
` THE COURT REPORTER: Are you wanting me to
`physic- -- I have the Exhibit 1 and I can digitally mark
`it when we're done.
` MR. FENSTER: Okay. That's fine.
` THE COURT REPORTER: Okay. I've marked it in
`the transcript.
` MR. FENSTER: Great. Thank you.
` Q. (BY MR. FENSTER) So, Dr. Bhattacharjee, do
`you recognize Exhibit 1?
` A. Just for clarification, may I use the paper
`copy or should I open it online?
` Q. You certainly may use your paper copy. And --
` A. Yes, I recognize Exhibit 1.
` Q. And is your paper copy a clean copy? Does it
`have any annotations or markings in it?
` A. Not to my knowledge. This is the first time
`I've opened it.
` Q. Okay. And so it's a document entitled "Expert
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`Report of Dr. Samrat Bhattacharjee," and the body of the
`document is 226 pages; is that correct?
` A. That's correct.
` Q. Okay. And it's signed February 14, 2020, and
`is that your signature?
` A. It is.
` Q. Okay. Does this report contain a complete
`statement of your opinions in this case regarding the
`subject matter therein?
` A. It contains all of the opinions I had as of
`that date. Now, if there are other opinions that are
`solicited, I would like to be able to present them as
` Q. Okay. So it was complete as of February 14,
`2020; correct?
` A. That's correct.
` Q. And are there any opinions since that -- that
`you know of now that are not included in this report?
` A. Nothing specific.
` Q. How was Exhibit 1 prepared?
` A. Oh --
` Q. Can you describe the drafting process?
` A. Oh, the drafting process as opposed to --
` Okay. So the -- it was -- I mean, I wrote the
`report; right. And there are parts of the report,
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`especially the legal sections, where the first drafts
`came from the attorneys because I'm simply not -- I'm
`not a lawyer; I couldn't write that. And I sent the
`text to the Williams & Connolly attorneys and they put
`together in the -- put it all together in the format
`that they wish to supply it in.
` Q. So you did the initial drafting of the
`substantive text other than the legal stuff?
` A. I wouldn't say I did the initial drafting. I
`mean, I did the full-on writing, but -- so -- and then I
`tend to work on it -- needed to to -- or when I was
`done, I sent my drafts to -- or the copy to the
`Williams & Connolly attorneys.
` Just as an aside, somebody opened this door,
`but I believe they left. But, okay.
` Q. Okay. If at any time you need a break,
`Dr. Bhattacharjee, just let us know and we'll try to
`accommodate. Okay?
` A. Okay.
` Q. I want to follow up a little bit on your last
` You distinguished between -- you said you
`didn't necessarily do the first draft but you did the
`full writing. What distinction were you drawing there?
` A. Oh, I'm not sure that -- I was saying that
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`it's not that I wrote the first draft and somebody else
`wrote the final draft or something like that; right.
`What's in here are entirely my opinions. And
`essentially in all the substantive text, I have written
`and/or I -- it is my opinion at the end of the day.
` Q. Got it.
` And did you do anything to prepare for your
`deposition today, Dr. Bhattacharjee?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And can you tell me what you did?
` A. I read my report again. I, of course, read
`the patents. I read Dr. Mitzenmacher's report. I
`looked at a few documents, and then I had a series of
`video calls with attorneys from Williams & Connolly and
`from Quinn Emanuel.
` Q. Do you recall what documents you looked at
`other than the report -- your report, Dr. Mitzenmacher's
`report and the patents?
` A. Usually the exhibits or things that are cited
`in the -- in the reports, and also I looked at some
`source code but in paper or PDF form.
` Q. And can you tell me about the video calls that
`you had to prepare for your deposition. How many did
`you have and with whom?
` A. As I said, they were with attorneys from
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`Williams & Connolly and one from Quinn Emanuel. And I
`had a series of calls, maybe six calls.
` Q. Six calls?
` A. Maybe. May have been more, but it -- it -- we
`had a few calls over the last few weeks.
` Q. Approximately how many hours have you spent
`talking to the lawyers from Williams & Connolly and
`Quinn Emanuel in preparation for your deposition today?
` A. 20. And that's approximate. I -- you know,
`that would be a reasonable estimate.
` Q. Okay. Can you tell me a little bit about your
`experience with search algorithms for video and audio
` A. Sure. So the algorithms that the asserted
`patents are describing are relatively standard,
`well-known algorithms. And those types of algorithms I
`have -- well, I learned them when I'm in undergrad and
`grad school, of course, and I've also worked extensively
`on video and audio and also on search algorithms or
`specific types of search algorithms.
` Q. Have you designed any nonexhaustive neighbor
`searches for video or audio?
` A. Let's be a bit, let's say, careful here
`because "nonexhaustive" and, you know, "neighbor search"
`are terms that have been construed or are in dispute in
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`this matter.
` So just very broadly speaking, not to do with
`the litigation, I have looked at search algorithms
`which, depending upon how one construes this term, could
`be considered to be nonexhaustive, for instance.
` Q. You say that you've looked at. Have you
`designed any such algorithms?
` A. Let's see. I have certainly designed systems
`that work with these types of algorithms. And I have
`worked on, for instance, statistical methods for ranking
`data. And currently that may be close -- the closest to
`designing an algorithm that -- that you're asking me
`about. And, you know, we design such algorithms all the
`time when I'm doing my work often in terms of finding
`specific matches or specific items that might match or
`satisfy criteria.
` So, I don't know, I mean, we may have to be a
`bit more precise or maybe go through some of my papers
`and I can tell you what these things do and you may
`decide whether they fit the constraints you have in
` Q. Okay. Have you designed any algorithms to
`compare a probe video with a reference set of videos to
`find a match?
` THE COURT REPORTER: Andrew, did you say
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` MR. TRASK: Yes. I said objection. Vague.
` A. So, you know, what a match is, is somewhat --
`again, perhaps there is no -- or there is some debate as
`to what we can constitute a match. And "probe" and
`"reference" are, again, terms that have certain meaning,
`at least within the accused system and so on.
` So have I designed algorithms that compare
`videos? I don't know that there is anything
`particularly specific about comparing videos per se.
` As I said, I've worked on systems and
`algorithms for analyzing and ranking searches in large
`systems. And, again, we can go through a few papers and
`perhaps I can tell you what I did in some of those, and
`they may all come close to satisfying what you might
`have in mind.
` Q. (BY MR. FENSTER) Have you designed any
`algorithms to compare a probe or query audio sample with
`a set of reference audio samples?
` MR. TRASK: Same objection.
` A. So I'm just going to repeat the question.
` Okay. So you said "compare," not "match" this
`time. That's fine.
` The -- I don't know that one needs a specific
`algorithm or something particularly deep to compare an
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`audio sample with, you know, some other audio sample.
`That's just a byte comparison of that point. So have I
`done this? Yeah. I -- you know, I don't know that this
`is particularly research worthy.
` Q. (BY MR. FENSTER) You have designed algorithms
`to compare audio samples?
` A. So what I'm telling you is comparing an audio
`sample -- so an audio sample, depending on the type of
`audio you have, if it's a CD, it's just a 16-bit value
`which is sampled 44,100 times a second. And so any time
`you compare two 16-bit values, you have designed an
`algorithm to compare audio samples. So there is no
`particular depth of intellect required to do that.
` Q. So if I understand you, you are saying that
`you've designed algorithms that could be used for
`comparing audio samples but not anything specific to
`audio samples; is that fair?
` A. That's fair. And what I'm saying is, you
`know, if all you want to do is compare audio samples,
`you don't really -- I wouldn't call it designing an
`algorithm or that you would need something particularly
`knowledgeable for that.
` Q. Okay. Have you designed any systems that were
`intended to compare video or audio samples?
` MR. TRASK: Objection. Vague.
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` A. Once again, comparing -- comparing video and
`audio samples, there's nothing magical about video data
`or audio data. I've worked extensively on the details
`of video encoding, more than audio really.
` But if I -- if I had to compare a frame with
`another frame or an audio sample with another audio
`sample, I don't think one needs to design something
`particularly deep for that.
` Q. (BY MR. FENSTER) That wasn't my question. My
`question was whether you have designed systems that were
`intended to -- or designed to identify or compare
`whether a probe video matches a set of reference videos?
` MR. TRASK: Object to form.
` A. Again, you know, we're -- as I said, what --
`what a match is is somewhat contentious here. And, you
`know, probe or a query video and a set of references
`of -- I don't know that -- okay, let's -- let me try to
`clarify a little bit.
` I don't know that, depending upon how match is
`construed, this is a particularly difficult thing to do.
` Q. (BY MR. FENSTER) That's not my question. And
`I'd appreciate it if you would stay with my question.
` My question is about whether you have designed
`systems that were designed to compare a probe video with
`a set of reference videos to find a correlation, match.
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`If you're uncomfortable with the word "match," you can
`find -- use another word.
` MR. TRASK: Objection.
` A. Again, you use the term "correlation," which
`is somewhat contentious also. But depending if you just
`wanted to compare whether two videos are identical or
`something, I don't think we need something
`particularly -- particularly sophisticated to do that.
` I've developed plenty of systems for handling
`video transfer and so on. So I don't -- again, I don't
`know exactly what to say here.
` Q. (BY MR. FENSTER) My -- Dr. Bhattacharjee, I'm
`trying to find out if you have -- I'm trying to probe
`your experience. And I would like to know if you have
`designed a system that is designed to compare a probe
`video with a set of reference videos to determine if
`there is similarity between those two, or between the
`probe and anything in the reference set.
` A. I have worked in the space of videos and media
`transfer for a long time, and I don't know that -- the
`way you phrased the problem is very specific, and, you
`know, I've developed large video systems. Could they
`have done such a comparison for duplication, for
`instance? I don't know that. I didn't do that.
` Q. Have you done specific work on developing or
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`designing efficient algorithms for searching in
`high-dimensional space?
` A. Interestingly, I have worked relatively
`recently on compressing these large --
` THE COURT REPORTER: I'm sorry. Excuse me,
`can you repeat that? "I've worked relatively recently"?
` A. I've worked on -- recently on compressing
`these large neural networks using tensors, t-e-n-s-o-r.
` Okay. And -- and the whole idea there is that
`if we can make the network smaller it will be more
`efficient and will run faster with less memory and so
` So -- and the types of problems these networks
`are doing are often classifying items in
`high-dimensional spaces. So, yeah, in the -- in the
`sort of avant-garde neural network space, I do have some
`work in this area.
` Q. (BY MR. FENSTER) Okay. And when you say
`"relatively recently," what are we talking about in
`terms of time frame?
` A. I mean, of course I know of the algorithms
`from a long time, you know, the -- at least the
`classical algorithms, the ones that are referred to in
`the -- in the patents.
` Now, the particular work with the neural
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`networks I'm talking about I've done over the last
`five years.
` Q. Okay. So in the last five years you've worked
`on compressing large neural networks using tensors;
` A. Using tensor methods may be a better way to
`say it.
` Q. Okay. Have you -- prior to the last
`five years, have you done any work designing efficient
`algorithms for searching high-dimensional space?
` A. I have used those methods, certainly. And,
`you know, when we use something in a large system, we
`often try to implement it efficiently and so on. So I
`think that would be a fair representation of what I have
` Q. Okay. Can you give me an example of that?
` A. As I said, I've done some work on -- in a
`distributive manner ranking search results which you can
`think of as trying to -- depending upon the framework,
`we're trying to, you know, in a distributive manner, do
`large-scale ranking. So that would be one example, for
` Q. Okay. So you've used algorithms to search in
`high-dimensional space, but you have not designed
`algorithms for efficiently searching high-dimensional
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`space; is that fair?
` A. Let me clarify a little bit. You know, the
`algorithms themselves are often -- they assume extremely
`pure settings. So one can take the algorithm, but in
`order to actually use it and apply it to a realistic
`data set on a large scale, we have to often redesign
`parts of it and certainly implement them taking the
`hardware constraints into account and so on.
` So, once again, you know, where -- where does
`the design of the algorithm stop? Once we have to use
`an algorithm to solve a specific problem that is, let's
`say, tailored to a specific situation, we often have to
`redesign parts of the algorithm.
` Q. What work have you done in your past that you
`think is sort of the best example or the closest to the
`type of search problems addressed in the patent?
` A. So let me -- you know, without being
`particularly obstinate, let me preface this by saying
`that it is not fair to me that I agree with your
`characterization of the -- what the patents are doing.
`I don't think the patents are addressing search
` In fact, if we take a look at the patents, you
`know -- if we take a look at what the patents say,
`they're directed to -- I don't think that they're
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`necessarily directed to search.
` If we take a look at what the bulk or, you
`know, a lot of the text in the patents are, it's not
`just about search. In fact, the patents simply recite
`nonsearch algorithms. So -- and they have lots of other
` And as I said, when it comes to specifically
`the search, I have used existing algorithms. I have
`learned them. I use them when I need to, just like the
`patents do.
` Q. Can you give me sort of the -- an example that
`you think is closest and, you know, gives you the
`closest experience to the type of problems being
`addressed by the patents-in-suit?
` A. So would you mind if I take a look at the
`patent for a second?
` Q. No, sure.
` A. Okay. Let's see. So I'm looking at the '988
`patent here, and I'm -- so -- and I'm looking at, for
`instance, the background of the invention in column 1,
`line -- I guess it would be 22, and it says: The
`present invention concerns linking traditional media to
`new interactive media, such as provided over the
`Internet, for example. In particular, the present
`invention concerns

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