Case 1:14-cv-02396-PGG-SN Document 241-3 Filed 11/12/20 Page 1 of 428
`Exhibit 28
`(Partially Redacted)


`Case 1:14-cv-02396-PGG-SN Document 241-3 Filed 11/12/20 Page 2 of 428
` 1
` 4 ---------------------------------x
` 6 Plaintiff,
` 7 Civil Action No.
` 8 -against- 1:14-cv-02396-PGG
` 9
`11 Defendants.
`12 ---------------------------------x
`13 May 28, 2015, 2014
`14 9:10 a.m.
`17 Confidential Videotaped Deposition of
`18 DAVID ERB, taken by the Plaintiffs, pursuant
`19 to Notice and Rule 30(b)(6) Notice, at the
`21 LLP, Four Times Square, New York, New York,
`22 before David Levy, CSR, RPR, CLR, a Notary
`23 Public of the State of New York.
`DAVID ERB, 30(b)(6) - VOLUME I


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` 1
` 2 A P P E A R A N C E S:
` 3
` 5 Attorneys for Plaintiff
` 6 12424 Wilshire Boulevard, 12th Floor
` 7 Los Angeles, California 90025
` 8 (310) 826-7474
`15 Attorneys for Defendants
`16 Four Times Square
`17 New York, New York 10036
`18 (212) 735-2419
`24 Litigation Counsel, Google, Inc.
`25 SHA-LA HOLLIS, Videographer
`DAVID ERB, 30(b)(6) - VOLUME I


`Case 1:14-cv-02396-PGG-SN Document 241-3 Filed 11/12/20 Page 4 of 428
` 1 Erb - Confidential - Outside Counsel Only
` 2 VIDEOGRAPHER: Good morning. Here
` 3 begins tape number one of the videotaped
` 4 deposition of Mr. David Erb in the matter
` 5 Network-1 Technologies, Inc., plaintiff,
` 6 versus Google, Inc., and YouTube LLC,
` 7 defendants, in the United States District
` 8 Court, Southern District of New York, civil
` 9 action number 14-CV-2396. This deposition
`10 is being held at the Law Offices of Skadden
`11 Arps Slate Meagher & Flom LLP, located at
`12 Four Times Square, New York, New York, on
`13 May 28th, 2015, at approximately 9:10 a.m.
`14 My name is Sha-La Hollis and I'm the legal
`15 video specialist. The court reporter is
`16 David Levy and we are both in association
`17 with Barkley Reporting Services.
`18 Will all counsel present please
`19 introduce themselves for the record.
`20 MR. LEDAHL: Brian Ledahl, Russ August
`21 on behalf of the plaintiff Network-1.
`22 MR. FENSTER: Marc Fenster for the
`23 plaintiff.
`24 MR. NEMEC: Good morning, Doug Nemec
`25 from Skadden, Arps for the defendants Google
`DAVID ERB, 30(b)(6) - VOLUME I


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` 1 Erb - Confidential - Outside Counsel Only
` 2 and YouTube, and with me is Rich Sonnentag,
` 3 in-house counsel for Google.
` 4 VIDEOGRAPHER: Will the court reporter
` 5 please swear in the witness.
` 6 D A V I D E R B , having been duly sworn
` 7 by the Notary Public, was examined and
` 8 testified as follows:
`11 Q. Good morning, Dr. Erb. It is Dr. Erb,
`12 correct?
`13 A. No --
`14 Q. I'm sorry.
`15 A. Mr. Erb.
`16 Q. Mr. Erb. Mr. Erb, before we get into
`17 the substance of your deposition, I to want to
`18 cover a few preliminaries and things, hopefully to
`19 make the process a little simpler and smoother.
`20 The first question I have is, have you ever had
`21 your deposition taken before today?
`22 A. Yes, I have.
`23 Q. And when was the last time you had
`24 your deposition taken?
`25 A. I don't recall the date.
`DAVID ERB, 30(b)(6) - VOLUME I


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` 1 Erb - Confidential - Outside Counsel Only
` 2 Q. Do you recall approximately when?
` 3 A. It would have been in approximately
` 4 18 months or two years ago.
` 5 Q. And what was the context of that prior
` 6 deposition?
` 7 A. It was a -- in the context of a
` 8 lawsuit over a patent from a plaintiff called
` 9 Personal Web in my professional capacity working
`10 for YouTube.
`11 Q. And were you in that deposition
`12 testifying -- if you don't understand these terms,
`13 I'll clarify -- but were you testifying in your
`14 personal capacity or as a corporate representative
`15 of Google or both?
`16 A. In my personal capacity.
`17 Q. Had you had your deposition taken any
`18 other times than the one in the Personal Web case
`19 you mentioned?
`20 A. Yes.
`21 Q. How many other occasions?
`22 A. Two that I recall.
`23 Q. What were the contexts of those two
`24 other depositions?
`25 A. One was in the context of a lawsuit
`DAVID ERB, 30(b)(6) - VOLUME I


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` 1 Erb - Confidential - Outside Counsel Only
` 2 that I filed against a driver for a personal
` 3 injury and the other was in the case of a lawsuit
` 4 involving a company that I owned, my wife and I
` 5 owned, for a breach of contract with another
` 6 company.
` 7 Q. So I'm going to cover a couple of
` 8 preliminaries. It sounds like you're somewhat
` 9 familiar with the process at least; but just so
`10 we're all on the same page for these purposes,
`11 first of all, you understand that the oath you
`12 took a few moments ago when we began is the same
`13 oath you would take if you were testifying live in
`14 court in front of a judge and jury?
`15 A. Yes.
`16 Q. And you understand that that oath
`17 carries the same penalties of perjury as if you
`18 were testifying live in court?
`19 A. Yes.
`20 Q. During the course of the deposition
`21 today, I'll obviously be asking you a number of
`22 questions. If at any time you don't understand
`23 one of my questions, please let me know and I'll
`24 do my best to clarify. Otherwise, I'll assume you
`25 understood the question. Do you understand?
`DAVID ERB, 30(b)(6) - VOLUME I


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` 1 Erb - Confidential - Outside Counsel Only
` 2 A. Yes.
` 3 Q. Because, as you may note, we have a
` 4 court reporter who takes down a transcript of the
` 5 proceedings, it's important that we follow a
` 6 couple of somewhat simple rules to try to make his
` 7 job a little easier, mostly to avoid talking over
` 8 one another, since it's only really possible to
` 9 record one person at a time.
`10 To that end, I'm going to do my best
`11 to wait until you finish your answers to begin my
`12 next question. Likewise, if you could wait until
`13 I finish my question to start your answer, that
`14 will make everything a little easier for the court
`15 reporter; do you understand?
`16 A. Yes.
`17 Q. In the same vein, because the court
`18 reporter has a very difficult time taking down
`19 things like shakes of the head or phrases like
`20 "uh-huh" and "uh-uh," which can be very ambiguous,
`21 I'm going to ask that you do your best to respond
`22 verbally and use words like yes or no so that the
`23 transcript is clear, do you understand that?
`24 A. Yes.
`25 Q. And additionally, as you may know from
`DAVID ERB, 30(b)(6) - VOLUME I


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` 1 Erb - Confidential - Outside Counsel Only
` 2 past experience, after the deposition is
` 3 completed, the court reporter will prepare a
` 4 written transcript and you will have an
` 5 opportunity to review that and, to the extent you
` 6 believe necessary, make corrections to that
` 7 transcript. However, I do want to caution you
` 8 that, to the extent that you make such
` 9 corrections, I or my colleagues will be able to
`10 comment on those and suggest that it may call into
`11 question the truthfulness or accuracy of your
`12 testimony; do you understand?
`13 A. Yes.
`14 Q. And because of that, I would ask that
`15 you do your best to provide us with your best and
`16 most accurate recollections today. And in light
`17 of that, is there any reason, such as a health
`18 issue or medication, that would prevent you from
`19 giving your best and most accurate recollections
`20 and testimony today?
`21 A. No.
`22 Q. Okay. Where are you currently
`23 employed, Mr. Erb?
`24 A. I'm an employee of Google.
`25 Q. How long have you been employed by
`DAVID ERB, 30(b)(6) - VOLUME I


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` 1 Erb - Confidential - Outside Counsel Only
` 2 Google?
` 3 A. Since December 12th, 2005.
` 4 Q. Where are you currently based
` 5 geographically?
` 6 A. Zurich, Switzerland.
` 7 Q. How long have you been based in
` 8 Zurich?
` 9 A. Since August 2011.
`10 Q. When you began your employment at
`11 Google in 2005, what was your position or job
`12 function?
`13 A. My title was member of the technical
`14 staff, and I was the technical lead on a project
`15 called Sputnik.
`16 Q. In very general terms, what was
`17 Sputnik?
`18 A. Sputnik was a mobile application to
`19 bring the equivalent of the Google Widget, the
`20 home page, I don't remember what it was called, by
`21 a mobile Widget application.
`22 Q. How long were you working on the
`23 Sputnik project?
`24 A. About 14 months.
`25 Q. So into early 2007?
`DAVID ERB, 30(b)(6) - VOLUME I


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` 1 Erb - Confidential - Outside Counsel Only
` 2 A. Yes.
` 3 Q. Did you work on just that one project
` 4 during that time or were there others as well?
` 5 A. I worked briefly on a project to build
` 6 a tool called an SMS Reflector. Other than that,
` 7 only Sputnik.
` 8 Q. And after the time that you mentioned
` 9 that you were working on the Sputnik project, what
`10 was the next project or area that you worked on at
`11 Google?
`12 A. I worked an a telephony project called
`13 Piston.
`14 Q. And that began in early 2007?
`15 A. Yes.
`16 Q. What was the nature of that Piston
`17 project?
`18 A. The Piston project provided telephony
`19 services that ran on Google servers so that
`20 telephone calls could be initiated from the
`21 external public switched telephone network to
`22 Google, or from Google to the public switched
`23 telephone network.
`24 Q. And approximately how long did you
`25 work on the Piston project?
`DAVID ERB, 30(b)(6) - VOLUME I


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` 1 Erb - Confidential - Outside Counsel Only
` 2 A. Approximately two-and-a-half years.
` 3 Q. So into sometime around the middle of
` 4 2009?
` 5 A. That's my recollection, yes. It's
` 6 approximate, but yes.
` 7 Q. Was that your primary focus, the
` 8 Piston project, during that two-and-a-half years?
` 9 A. Yes, that was -- I would say really my
`10 sole focus at work.
`11 Q. After the time you mentioned working
`12 on the Piston project, what was your next area of
`13 focus or activity at Google?
`14 A. Cloud computing.
`15 Q. And what in particular with regard to
`16 cloud computing did you work on?
`17 A. I was the tech lead and manager of
`18 what's publicly known as the Google Cloud Storage
`19 project, and I contributed to the Big Query
`20 project and to the Compute Engine project.
`21 Q. In general terms, what is the, or what
`22 was the Big Query project?
`23 A. Big Query is a publicly-available
`24 service under that name for querying -- rapidly
`25 querying very large datasets in the range of up to
`DAVID ERB, 30(b)(6) - VOLUME I


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` 1 Erb - Confidential - Outside Counsel Only
` 2 many trillions of rows of data with a SQL-like
` 3 query language.
` 4 Q. You mentioned essentially three areas
` 5 within this -- were these all with the cloud
` 6 computing area that you mentioned?
` 7 A. Yes.
` 8 Q. And during what time frame,
` 9 approximately, did you work on the cloud computing
`10 projects that you've listed?
`11 A. From mid 2009 until August of 2011.
`12 Q. You also mentioned, I think, a Compute
`13 Engine, in those projects.
`14 A. Yes.
`15 Q. What was the Compute Engine?
`16 A. Compute Engine is a publicly-available
`17 service from Google that allows users to configure
`18 virtual machines in a network to run distributed
`19 computing jobs.
`20 Q. And after you transitioned out of --
`21 it sounded like the cloud computing projects in
`22 August of 2011, what was the next project or area
`23 of focus that you had?
`24 A. I moved to the YouTube product area to
`25 work as an individual contributor on the ContentID
`DAVID ERB, 30(b)(6) - VOLUME I


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` 1 Erb - Confidential - Outside Counsel Only
` 2 claiming team.
` 3 Q. And how long did you work in the
` 4 YouTube area on the ContentID claiming team?
` 5 A. As an individual contributor until
` 6 December 2011. I continued to work on ContentID,
` 7 including the claiming team, beyond that time,
` 8 though.
` 9 Q. What was the change in your status or
`10 position in December 2011?
`11 A. I became the tech lead and manager of
`12 ContentID.
`13 Q. And do you still hold that position?
`14 A. Yes, among others.
`15 Q. What are the others?
`16 A. I am also the -- now I'm called a
`17 director, but I'm the engineering lead for YouTube
`18 Creator Analytics in addition to ContentID. And I
`19 also am the overall YouTube engineering lead for
`20 the Zurich office.
`21 Q. Any other positions that you've had or
`22 functions that you've had within Google in the
`23 time that you've worked there?
`24 A. I think we've covered every job role
`25 I've filled.
`DAVID ERB, 30(b)(6) - VOLUME I


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` 1 Erb - Confidential - Outside Counsel Only
` 2 Q. Okay. I'd like to step back for a
` 3 moment and cover a little bit about your
` 4 background. So starting with after secondary
` 5 school, any university education, did you attend
` 6 college?
` 7 A. Yes.
` 8 Q. And where was that?
` 9 A. Harvard.
`10 Q. And what, if any, degrees did you
`11 obtain?
`12 A. I obtained -- I obtained an AB degree.
`13 Q. And what was your major or the subject
`14 of study?
`15 A. Astrophysics.
`16 Q. What year did you graduate from
`17 Harvard?
`18 A. I was in the class of 1977 but my
`19 graduation was in January 1978.
`20 Q. Okay. After attending Harvard, did
`21 you pursue any further postgraduate, new
`22 additional education?
`23 A. Yes.
`24 Q. What other education did you pursue?
`25 A. I attended graduate school in
`DAVID ERB, 30(b)(6) - VOLUME I


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` 1 Erb - Confidential - Outside Counsel Only
` 2 geophysics at the University of Alaska in
` 3 Fairbanks but did not receive a degree. And I
` 4 received a Master's science degree in applied
` 5 mathematics from the University of Colorado in
` 6 1985.
` 7 Q. After you finished your Master's
` 8 degree at the University of Colorado, any further
` 9 postgraduate education?
`10 A. No.
`11 Q. I'm assuming you had various work
`12 positions between that time, 1985, and the time
`13 you joined Google 20 years later.
`14 A. Yes.
`15 Q. How many of those were in the, or were
`16 they all in the computer science, computer field
`17 generally?
`18 A. I would describe them all as being
`19 within the computer science or software
`20 engineering field except that one of them was in
`21 professional -- building professional audio
`22 systems. But my role was really focused on
`23 software.
`24 Q. Okay. Can you briefly run me through
`25 sort of the various employers you had or companies
`DAVID ERB, 30(b)(6) - VOLUME I


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` 1 Erb - Confidential - Outside Counsel Only
` 2 you worked for during that span, starting with the
` 3 time when you graduated from the University of
` 4 Colorado.
` 5 A. I'll do that to the best of my
` 6 ability.
` 7 Q. Of course.
` 8 A. The first company after graduate
` 9 school that I worked for was called Alden Research
`10 Corporation. I worked there for approximately one
`11 year, from 1985 to 1986. I then moved to
`12 Cadnetics Corporation, where I worked for
`13 approximately two years, from 1986 until 1988.
`14 Then I moved to WaveFrame Corporation, where I
`15 worked for approximately two years, from 1988 to
`16 1990. Then I -- my wife and I had started a
`17 company called At Last Software, and I worked
`18 there from approximately 1990 until 1992.
`19 Between 1992 and 1995, I worked for a
`20 wide variety of companies. I was -- essentially I
`21 was a consultant for some venture capitalists and
`22 they would ask me to go work at a particular
`23 startup or particular company that they had
`24 invested in for a short period of time, and so I
`25 cannot recall most of the companies I worked for
`DAVID ERB, 30(b)(6) - VOLUME I


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` 1 Erb - Confidential - Outside Counsel Only
` 2 during that time period, although I did work for
` 3 about a six-month period, somewhere in that time
` 4 frame for Borland, which was separate from the
` 5 venture capital issues.
` 6 From 1995, approximately January of
` 7 1995 until December of 2005, I worked for
` 8 Microsoft, and that covers the time up until I
` 9 went to Google.
`10 Q. You mentioned a company called
`11 WaveFrame along the way. What was the business or
`12 the general nature of WaveFrame's activities?
`13 A. Professional audio workstations.
`14 That's the professional audio that I alluded to
`15 earlier.
`16 Q. When you say professional audio
`17 workstations, can you give me an example or a
`18 description of what you're referring to?
`19 A. Sure. The product that we built was
`20 called the AudioFrame, and it was a
`21 general-purpose digital signaling -- digital
`22 signal processing platform that allowed us to plug
`23 in boards that performed functions like sampling
`24 synthesizer for performance of music, or a -- a
`25 digital audio recording system to record and edit
`DAVID ERB, 30(b)(6) - VOLUME I


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` 2 digital audio.
` 3 These systems were typically for sale
` 4 either to professional musicians or to recording
` 5 studios or post-production facilities for fields
` 6 like music, television, and film.
` 7 Q. You also mentioned, I think, about a
` 8 ten-year span at Microsoft, is that correct?
` 9 A. Nearly 11 years, yes.
`10 Q. What was your primary function during
`11 that time at Microsoft?
`12 A. I had several -- I was initially a
`13 tech lead and then a development manager on a
`14 project called DaVinci, which built graphical
`15 systems for visually designing and constructing
`16 software. From that, I moved to be the
`17 development manager of Microsoft's internal tools.
`18 From that, I moved to Microsoft Research and was a
`19 group manager for Advanced Internal Tools.
`20 After that I became an architect for
`21 Advanced Internal Tools and after that, I became
`22 the architect for performance issues and Visual
`23 Studio, which was the last job I held.
`24 Q. Sir, do you understand that in
`25 connection with your deposition here today, at
`DAVID ERB, 30(b)(6) - VOLUME I


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` 1 Erb - Confidential - Outside Counsel Only
` 2 least in part, you have also been identified or
` 3 designated by Google as a witness offering
` 4 testimony on behalf of the company?
` 5 A. Yes, I am -- I understand that I'm a
` 6 30(b)(6) witness.
` 7 Q. That's right. I didn't want to bore
` 8 you with the legal jargon of the numbers or the
` 9 section but that's right.
`10 MR. LEDAHL: I'm going to ask the
`11 reporter to mark this, as I think I
`12 mentioned, let's start at 20.
`13 EXH (Exhibit 20, Rule 30(b)(6) notice of
`14 deposition, marked for identification, as of
`15 this date.)
`16 Q. Mr. Erb, I'll first ask you if you've
`17 seen this document that we've marked as Exhibit 20
`18 before.
`19 A. I believe I have.
`20 Q. Okay. And if you turn to, starting on
`21 page five of this document, do you see there's a
`22 list of topics and subjects on which examination
`23 is requested?
`24 A. Yes, I see that list.
`25 MR. LEDAHL: And for the record, just
`DAVID ERB, 30(b)(6) - VOLUME I


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` 1 Erb - Confidential - Outside Counsel Only
` 2 for clarity, the document we've marked as
` 3 Exhibit 20 is Plaintiff's notice of Rule
` 4 30(b)(6) deposition of defendants.
` 5 Q. Mr. Erb, what I'd like to do is go
` 6 through what I understand to be the topics for
` 7 which you've been designated as the witness, make
` 8 sure we have a common understanding about which
` 9 ones those are so that we can go forward.
`10 The first is topic number one, "The
`11 website and/or system architecture for all accused
`12 instrumentalities, including hardware and
`13 software," do you see that?
`14 A. Yes.
`15 Q. And is it your understanding that you
`16 are the designated witness for that topic?
`17 A. Yes.
`18 Q. Okay. The next one is topic number
`19 two, and that's "The conception, development,
`20 design, testing and implementation of the accused
`21 instrumentalities, including the reasons why you
`22 developed and implemented the accused
`23 instrumentalities, any alternatives considered,
`24 the cost of such alternatives, and reasons why the
`25 alternatives were not used."
`DAVID ERB, 30(b)(6) - VOLUME I


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` 1 Erb - Confidential - Outside Counsel Only
` 2 Is it your understanding that you are
` 3 also the designee on topic number two?
` 4 A. Yes.
` 5 Q. Okay. And if I could ask you to turn
` 6 to topic number four on the following page, that
` 7 topic is, "The past and present design,
` 8 development and operation of the accused
` 9 instrumentalities."
`10 Is it your understanding that you are
`11 also the designee for that topic?
`12 A. Yes.
`13 Q. Okay. And the next one, number five,
`14 "The identity, location, custodians, and general
`15 description of the contents of documents that
`16 relate to the past and present design, development
`17 and operation of the accused instrumentalities."
`18 Is it also your understanding that you
`19 are designated to testify on that topic?
`20 A. Yes.
`21 Q. Okay. And the next one is number six,
`22 "The people most knowledgeable about the past and
`23 present design, development and operation of the
`24 accused instrumentalities."
`25 Is it your understanding that you're
`DAVID ERB, 30(b)(6) - VOLUME I


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` 1 Erb - Confidential - Outside Counsel Only
` 2 the designated witness on that topic as well?
` 3 A. Yes.
` 4 Q. And next topic number nine, "Any
` 5 material or significant changes to the
` 6 functionality of the accused instrumentalities
` 7 from the time of their introduction to the
` 8 present."
` 9 Is it your understanding that you're
`10 the designee on that topic as well?
`11 A. Yes.
`12 Q. And next, number ten, "Any planned
`13 changes to the design, development and operation
`14 of the accused instrumentalities, including the
`15 reasons therefor and the identity of all documents
`16 related to and persons knowledgeable about the
`17 same."
`18 Is it your understanding you're the
`19 designated witness on that topic?
`20 A. Yes.
`21 Q. Okay. Next topic 11, "The methods,
`22 manner and means by which you memorialize or
`23 document actual, planned or proposed changes to
`24 the accused instrumentalities, including the
`25 documents created for or during the process and
`DAVID ERB, 30(b)(6) - VOLUME I


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` 1 Erb - Confidential - Outside Counsel Only
` 2 the identity of the persons knowledgeable about
` 3 the process."
` 4 Is it your understanding you're the
` 5 designee also on topic 11?
` 6 A. Yes.
` 7 Q. And next, I have topic 13 on the next
` 8 page, "The method, manner and/or means by which
` 9 the accused instrumentalities extract features
`10 from media works including, without limitation,
`11 any digital fingerprints, vectors, wavelets or ID
`12 fields."
`13 Is it your understanding that you are
`14 the designee on that topic as well?
`15 A. Yes.
`16 Q. Next the topic 14, "Any algorithm or
`17 process relating to the accused instrumentalities,
`18 extraction of features from media files or works,
`19 including without limitation any digital
`20 fingerprints, vectors, wavelets or ID files."
`21 Is it your understanding that you're
`22 also the designee for that topic?
`23 A. Yes.
`24 Q. The next one I have is number 15, "The
`25 method, manner and/or means by which the accused
`DAVID ERB, 30(b)(6) - VOLUME I


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` 1 Erb - Confidential - Outside Counsel Only
` 2 instrumentalities identify or recognize uploaded
` 3 media files or works, including, but not limited
` 4 to, the method, manner and/or means by which the
` 5 accused instrumentalities compare referenced files
` 6 to uploaded media files or works."
` 7 Is it your understanding that you are
` 8 the designated witness on that topic?
` 9 A. Yes.
`10 Q. Next I have topic number --
`11 apologize -- 16, "Any algorithm or process
`12 relating to the accused instrumentalities'
`13 identification or recognition of uploaded media
`14 files or works, including but not limited to any
`15 algorithm or process relating to the accused
`16 instrumentalities' comparison or matching of
`17 reference files or works for uploaded files or
`18 works."
`19 Is it your understanding that you're
`20 the designated witness on that topic?
`21 A. Yes.
`22 Q. Next one I have is number 19, "The
`23 transcoding, fingerprint or ID file generation,
`24 content recognition/identification, claiming,
`25 usage policy application, blocking, tracking,
`DAVID ERB, 30(b)(6) - VOLUME I


`Case 1:14-cv-02396-PGG-SN Document 241-3 Filed 11/12/20 Page 26 of 428
` 1 Erb - Confidential - Outside Counsel Only
` 2 monetizing, click-to-buy, promoting and
` 3 advertising functionalities of the accused
` 4 instrumentalities, including the design,
` 5 development and operation of such
` 6 functionalities."
` 7 Is it your understanding that you're
` 8 the designated witness on that topic?
` 9 A. Yes.
`10 MR. NEMEC: Sorry to interrupt, Brian,
`11 I just want to clarify that the portion of
`12 19 implicating "claiming, usage policy
`13 application, blocking, tracking, monetizing,
`14 click-to-buy, promoting and advertising," it
`15 was our intention to designate David
`16 Rosenstein.
`17 MR. LEDAHL: Okay.
`18 MR. NEMEC: Mr. Erb may have knowledge
`19 about those issues but the corporate
`20 designee on that aspect of topic 19 would be
`21 Mr. David Rosenstein.
`22 MR. LEDAHL: Okay, thank you for that
`23 clarification.
`24 MR. NEMEC: And I apologize if that
`25 wasn't communicated previously.
`DAVID ERB, 30(b)(6) - VOLUME I


`Case 1:14-cv-02396-PGG-SN Document 241-3 Filed 11/12/20 Page 27 of 428
` 1 Erb - Confidential - Outside Counsel Only

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