Case 3:15-cv-08663-MLC-DEA Document 1 Filed 12/15/15 Page 1 of 24 PageID: 1
`Charles M. Lizza
`William C. Baton
`One Riverfront Plaza, Suite 1520
`Newark, NJ 07102-5426
`(973) 286-6700
`Attorneys for Plaintiffs
`Helsinn Healthcare S.A. and
`Roche Palo Alto LLC
`Of Counsel:
`Joseph M. O’Malley, Jr.
`Eric W. Dittmann
`Young J. Park
`Isaac S. Ashkenazi
`Gary Ji
`Angela C. Ni
`Dana Weir
`75 East 55th Street
`New York, NY 10022
`(212) 318-6000
`Attorneys for Plaintiff
`Helsinn Healthcare S.A.
`Mark E. Waddell
`345 Park Avenue
`New York, NY 10154
`(212) 407-4127
`Attorneys for Plaintiff
`Roche Palo Alto LLC
`Civil Action No. _________
`(Filed Electronically)


`Case 3:15-cv-08663-MLC-DEA Document 1 Filed 12/15/15 Page 2 of 24 PageID: 2
`Plaintiffs Helsinn Healthcare S.A. (“Helsinn”) and Roche Palo Alto LLC
`(“Roche”), for their Complaint against Defendants Teva Pharmaceuticals USA, Inc. (“Teva
`USA”), and Teva Pharmaceutical Industries, Ltd. (“Teva Ltd.”) (collectively, “Teva” or
`“Defendants”), hereby allege as follows:
`Plaintiff Helsinn is a Swiss corporation having its principal place of
`business at Via Pian Scairolo, 9, CH-6912 Lugano-Pazzallo, Switzerland.
`Plaintiff Roche is a company organized and existing under the laws of the
`State of Delaware, having a principal place of business at One DNA Way, South San Francisco,
`California 94080-4990.
`Upon information and belief, Defendant Teva USA is a corporation
`organized and existing under the laws of the State of Delaware, having a place of business at
`400 Chestnut Ridge Road, Woodcliff Lake, New Jersey 07677. Teva USA is a wholly owned
`subsidiary and agent of Defendant Teva Ltd. Upon information and belief, Teva USA has
`facilities in New Jersey, is registered to do business in New Jersey, and does business in this
`Judicial District. Teva USA has previously consented to personal jurisdiction in this Court,
`including in the related action Helsinn Healthcare S.A., et al. v. Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories, Ltd.,
`et al., No. 11-3962 (MLC)(DEA) (Consolidated).
`Upon information and belief, Defendant Teva Ltd. is an Israeli corporation
`having a place of business at 5 Basel Street, Petah Tikva 49131, Israel. Upon information and
`belief, Teva Ltd., itself and through its wholly owned subsidiary and agent Defendant Teva USA,
`manufactures generic drugs for sale and use throughout the United States, including in this
`Judicial District. Teva Ltd. has previously consented to personal jurisdiction in this Court,


`Case 3:15-cv-08663-MLC-DEA Document 1 Filed 12/15/15 Page 3 of 24 PageID: 3
`including in the related action Helsinn Healthcare S.A., et al. v. Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories, Ltd.,
`et al., No. 11-3962 (MLC)(DEA) (Consolidated).
`This is a civil action concerning the infringement of United States Patent
`No. 9,173,942 (“the ’942 patent”). This action arises under the patent laws of the United States,
`35 U.S.C. §§ 100 et seq., and the Declaratory Judgment Act, 28 U.S.C. §§ 2201-02.
`This Court has jurisdiction over the subject matter of this action pursuant
`to 28 U.S.C. §§ 1331 and 1338(a) and the Declaratory Judgment Act, 28 U.S.C. §§ 2201-02.
`This Court may declare the rights and other legal relations of the parties
`pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §§ 2201-02 because this case is an actual controversy within the Court’s
`Venue is proper in this Court as to each Defendant pursuant to 28 U.S.C.
`§§ 1391(b), (c), and/or (d) and 1400(b).
`This Court has personal jurisdiction over each of the Defendants because,
`inter alia, each Defendant has committed, aided, abetted, contributed to, and/or participated in
`the commission of an act of patent infringement that has led to foreseeable harm and injury to
`Plaintiffs. This Court has personal jurisdiction over each of the Defendants for the additional
`reasons set forth above and below, and for other reasons that will be presented to the Court if
`such jurisdiction is challenged.
`This Court has personal jurisdiction over Defendant Teva USA.
`This Court has personal jurisdiction over Defendant Teva Ltd.


`Case 3:15-cv-08663-MLC-DEA Document 1 Filed 12/15/15 Page 4 of 24 PageID: 4
`On November 3, 2015, the ’942 patent, titled “Liquid Pharmaceutical
`Formulations of Palonosetron,” was duly and legally issued to Helsinn and Roche as assignees.
`A copy of the ’942 patent is attached as Exhibit A.
`Pursuant to 21 U.S.C. § 355(b)(1), the ’942 patent is listed in the United
`States Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”) publication titled Approved Drug Products with
`Therapeutic Equivalence Evaluations (also known as the “Orange Book”) as covering Helsinn’s
`Aloxi® brand palonosetron hydrochloride intravenous solutions.
`Plaintiffs reallege paragraphs 1-13 as if fully set forth herein.
`Upon information and belief, Defendants submitted ANDA No. 090713 to
`the FDA under § 505(j) of the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. § 355(j)).
`ANDA No. 090713 seeks the FDA approval necessary to engage in the commercial manufacture,
`use, sale, offer for sale, and/or importation of generic palonosetron hydrochloride intravenous
`solutions prior to the expiration of the ’942 patent. ANDA No. 090713 specifically seeks FDA
`approval to market and sell generic versions of Helsinn’s Aloxi® brand palonosetron
`hydrochloride intravenous solutions prior to the expiration of the ’942 patent.
`The ’942 patent had not issued at the time Defendants made their
`§ 505(j)(2)(A)(vii)(IV) certification regarding Plaintiffs’ other Orange Book-listed patents.
`The ’942 patent shares the same expiration date as Plaintiffs’ other Orange
`Book-listed patents. By seeking FDA approval of their ANDA No. 090713 prior to expiration of
`Plaintiffs’ other Orange Book-listed patents, Defendants necessarily seek approval of that ANDA
`prior to expiration of the ’942 patent


`Case 3:15-cv-08663-MLC-DEA Document 1 Filed 12/15/15 Page 5 of 24 PageID: 5
`Upon information and belief, Defendants are required by law to either
`amend their ANDA to contain a § 505(j)(2)(A)(vii)(IV) certification with respect to the ’942
`patent, or must relinquish their request that the FDA approve ANDA No. 090713 prior to the
`expiration of Plaintiffs’ Orange Book-listed patents.
`Upon information and belief, Defendants continue to seek approval of
`ANDA No. 090713 from the FDA and intend to continue in the commercial manufacture, use,
`sale, offer for sale, and/or importation of generic palonosetron hydrochloride intravenous
`solutions prior to the expiration of the ’942 patent.
`By seeking approval of their ANDA to engage in the commercial
`manufacture, use, sale, offer for sale, and/or importation of generic palonosetron hydrochloride
`intravenous solutions prior to the expiration of the ’942 patent, Defendants infringed that patent
`pursuant to 35 U.S.C. § 271 (e)(2)(A).
`Defendants Teva USA and Teva Ltd. are jointly and severally liable for
`any infringement of the ’942 patent. This is because, upon information and belief, Defendants
`Teva USA and Teva Ltd. actively and knowingly caused to be submitted, assisted with,
`participated in, contributed to, and/or directed the submission of ANDA No. 090713 to the FDA.
`Defendants’ active and knowing participation in, contribution to, aiding,
`abetting, and/or inducement of the submission to the FDA of ANDA No. 090713 for the purpose
`of seeking FDA approval to engage in the commercial manufacture, use, sale, offer for sale,
`and/or importation of generic palonosetron hydrochloride intravenous solutions prior to the
`expiration of the ’942 patent constitutes infringement of the ’942 patent under
`35 U.S.C. § 271 (e)(2)(A).


`Case 3:15-cv-08663-MLC-DEA Document 1 Filed 12/15/15 Page 6 of 24 PageID: 6
`Plaintiffs are entitled to a declaration that, if Defendants commercially
`manufacture, use, offer to sell, or sell their proposed generic versions of Helsinn’s Aloxi® brand
`products within the United States, import their proposed generic versions of Helsinn’s Aloxi®
`brand products into the United States, and/or induce or contribute to such conduct, Defendants
`will infringe the ’942 patent under 35 U.S.C. § 271(a), (b), and/or (c).
`Plaintiffs will be irreparably harmed by Defendants’ infringing activities
`unless those activities are enjoined by this Court. Plaintiffs do not have an adequate remedy at
`WHEREFORE, Plaintiffs request that:
`A Judgment be entered declaring that Defendants Teva USA and Teva
`Ltd. have infringed the ’942 patent by submitting ANDA No. 090713;
`An Order be issued pursuant to 35 U.S.C. § 271(e)(4)(A) that the effective
`date of any approval of Defendants’ ANDA No. 090713 be a date that is not earlier than the
`expiration date of the ’942 patent, or any later expiration of exclusivity for the ’942 patent to
`which Plaintiffs are or become entitled;
`An Order be issued that Defendants Teva USA and Teva Ltd., their
`officers, agents, servants and employees, and those persons in active concert or participation with
`any of them, are preliminarily and permanently enjoined from commercially manufacturing,
`using, offering for sale, selling, or importing the proposed generic versions of Helsinn’s Aloxi®
`brand products identified in this Complaint, and any other product that infringes or induces or
`contributes to the infringement of the ’942 patent, prior to the expiration of the ’942 patent,
`including any extensions to which Plaintiffs are or become entitled; and


`Case 3:15-cv-08663-MLC-DEA Document 1 Filed 12/15/15 Page 7 of 24 PageID: 7
`Plaintiffs be awarded such other and further relief as this Court deems just
`and proper.
`Dated: December 15, 2015
`Respectfully submitted,
`Of Counsel:
`Joseph M. O’Malley, Jr.
`Eric W. Dittmann
`Young J. Park
`Isaac S. Ashkenazi
`Gary Ji
`Angela C. Ni
`Dana Weir
`75 East 55th Street
`New York, NY 10022
`(212) 318-6000
`Attorneys for Plaintiff
`Helsinn Healthcare S.A.
`Mark E. Waddell
`345 Park Avenue
`New York, NY 10154
`(212) 407-4127
`Attorneys for Plaintiff
`Roche Palo Alto LLC
`By: s/ Charles M. Lizza
`Charles M. Lizza
`William C. Baton
`One Riverfront Plaza, Suite 1520
`Newark, NJ 07102-5426
`(973) 286-6700
`Attorneys for Plaintiffs
`Helsinn Healthcare S.A. and
`Roche Palo Alto LLC


`Case 3:15-cv-08663-MLC-DEA Document 1 Filed 12/15/15 Page 8 of 24 PageID: 8
`Pursuant to Local Civil Rules 11.2 and 40.1, I hereby certify that the matters captioned
`Helsinn Healthcare S.A., et al. v. Dr. Reddy Laboratories, Ltd., et al., Civil Action No. 11-3962
`(MLC)(DEA) (D.N.J. July 8, 2011) (Consolidated), Helsinn Healthcare, S.A., et al. v. Dr.
`Reddy’s Laboratories, Ltd., et al., Civil Action No. 12-2867 (MLC)(DEA) (D.N.J. May 11,
`2012), Helsinn Healthcare, S.A., et al. v. Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories, Ltd., et al., Civil Action No.
`14-4274 (MLC)(DEA) (D.N.J. July 7, 2014), Helsinn Healthcare, S.A., et al. v. Teva
`Pharmaceuticals USA, Inc., et al., Civil Action No. 14-6341 (MLC)(DEA) (D.N.J. Oct. 13,
`2014), Helsinn Healthcare, S.A., et al. v. Hospira, Inc., et al., Civil Action No. 15-2077
`(MLC)(DEA) (D.N.J. Mar. 23, 2015), Helsinn Healthcare, S.A., et al. v. Fresenius Kabi USA,
`LLC, et al., Civil Action No. 15-7015 (MLC)(DEA) (D.N.J. Sept. 22, 2015); Helsinn
`Healthcare, S.A., et al. v. Fresenius Kabi USA, LLC, et al., Civil Action No. 15-7378
`(MLC)(DEA) (D.N.J. Oct. 8, 2015); Helsinn Healthcare S.A., et al. v. Qilu Pharmaceutical Co.,
`Ltd., et al., Civil Action No. 15-8132 (MLC)(DEA) (D.N.J. Oct. 17, 2015); Helsinn Healthcare,
`S.A., et al. v. Hospira, Inc., Civil Action No. 15-264 (GMS) (D. Del. Mar. 25, 2015); and
`Helsinn Healthcare, S.A., et al. v. Exela Pharma Sciences LLC, et al., Civil Action No. 14-1444
`(GMS) (D. Del. Dec. 1, 2014) (currently stayed) are related to the matter in controversy because
`the matter in controversy involves the same plaintiffs and the same or related patents, and
`because Defendants are seeking FDA approval to market generic versions of the same
`pharmaceutical products.
`I further certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the matter in controversy is not the
`subject of any other action pending in any court, or of any pending arbitration or administrative


`Case 3:15-cv-08663-MLC-DEA Document 1 Filed 12/15/15 Page 9 of 24 PageID: 9
`Dated: December 15, 2015
`Respectfully submitted,
`Of Counsel:
`Joseph M. O’Malley, Jr.
`Eric W. Dittmann
`Young J. Park
`Isaac S. Ashkenazi
`Gary Ji
`Angela C. Ni
`Dana Weir
`75 East 55th Street
`New York, NY 10022
`(212) 318-6000
`Attorneys for Plaintiff
`Helsinn Healthcare S.A.
`Mark E. Waddell
`345 Park Avenue
`New York, NY 10154
`(212) 407-4127
`Attorneys for Plaintiff
`Roche Palo Alto LLC
`By: s/ Charles M. Lizza
`Charles M. Lizza
`William C. Baton
`One Riverfront Plaza, Suite 1520
`Newark, NJ 07102-5426
`(973) 286-6700
`Attorneys for Plaintiffs
`Helsinn Healthcare S.A. and
`Roche Palo Alto LLC


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`Case 3:15-cv-08663-MLC-DEA Document 1 Filed 12/15/15 Page 11 of 24 PageID: 11
`case 3115'CV'08663'MLC'DEA Dowmmllllll 11111111 11111111111||||11|1111|||11|1|111||1|1|||1|111|1|l11|| 11
`[-121 United States Patent
`L'S 9.173342 32
`Calderari et a].
`145] Date of Patent:
`*Nov. 3, 2015
`1111] Patent No.:
`[541 LIQUIDPI{ARK-'1.“‘I‘ILJ'I'I(T.\I.
`[7 1'1
`App]iu;11111::1|e|si1111 Ileiiltheare 5.11.1 11121111010111;
`Roche P11103110 I.I.( '. 1’21111.\1111.1'.-'\
`[1:8]: Simone N'Iaeeineehi. Melide [1‘1 1'1:
`11111311111111: Giul'gin ('altlei'ari. Runeuie11‘11]:
`Daniele Bunatleu. (mail/11131111 (11]:
`Roberta ('anne]1n.\-111’ese [1'1"]: Alberto
`S-laccinuchi. Meiide 1(1 [1: Andrew
`311115161211. 1’111131 31111. 1' 'A 11:55]: Thomas
`311119111. (111111131 \1111e)‘.
`'.-'\ [1.38).
`Kathleen 31 Lee. 12111131111. 1‘.-\ (1ij
`.-'\Hsignees: IIICIfiINN’IIIC.\1.'I‘II('.\RICSA.
`1’1111111ii1—N1'11‘11111311 {1'11}: Roche I’al:1.\|tu
`I.I.(.‘. 1’;1111_\1111.1'.\[115)
`'1 Notice:
`Subieet 111 any diseiuimer. 111e ierm 11111115
`is exlended nr 1111.11151e11 under 35
`11.5.1". 154111} by 111111111.
`11115 patent
`is 51111jee1 111
`.-\pp].1\'o.: 131901.830
`3-1111 2-1. 2013
`Prior Publication Data
`US 211137112111 14‘1_-\1
`Del. .3. 2111.3
`Related [1.8. Application Data
`(‘111111111111111111 111'21pplie11111111 Nu 1.3.-"9111.437. filed 1111
`May 23. 21113. 1111\1'
`11111. No. 8.595.219. which 1‘:
`111‘11111111011111111 N111. 13111571112.
`111edun.-\p1‘. 14. 2111 1.1111111’£1[.NL1_3.513.931.\1'111L51]
`isa1euniiniuiiion111‘z1ppiieaiiion No.
`1 171813.31 1. 1111311
`1111 .1111. 21. 211115.. 111m 1’111. No. 7.947.724. uhieh 1521
`1:1111111111111111111.11‘11pp11e11111111Nu. 1’( "17151’21111411111111'11'11‘1.
`111e11 1111 11111. 311. 211114
`19111151011111 11111111011111111 NU. 611-511-4435]. filed 1111 11111.
`511. 211113.
`‘Ju IJ
`Int. (‘1.
`.1 1’1 1 43/5 2
`.161K 47/26
`.461K 4711111
`.161K 421112
`.46111' 921111
`3658 .7716
`12111111111 '1
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`[2111311111.161K 11/11119512(113.111];.-161K
`311/2173 [21113.11 1
`,1: 461111 4.7/111‘1121113111]:
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`31111111471983121113.111]:113651} 72111121113111}:
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`lirayeau; published by lnt‘orma llealth ('are1
`191.19ng]5.\' 15149111957. 971K] 5749111952. p. 4111-421.
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`Opposition lit'iefiilcd 11y lccnimedc Sociedade lecnico-Medicinal
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`Response briel'tiied 11y lielsinn 11eaithcare SA. da1ed .1111. 12‘. 211112.
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`[1). NJ. 1.'ase \o.
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`.-'\—.11. dated Sep. :1. 21112.
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`Sep. 13. 2111 1 Sandor lnc.’s answer to complaint for patent infringe—
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`l 1-11111621.
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`infringement and cottnterclaims 1D.
`.\'..1. case No.
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`Id. and Dr. Reddy‘s 1 aboratories. inc. [1). X1 case No. 11—55101.
`Jet. 24.21111 Hando/1nc.'sa

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