Case 1:14-cv-05584-NLH-JS Document 1 Filed 09/08/14 Page 1 of 32 PageID: 1
`Michael E. Patunas
`Mayra V. Tarantino
`Two Gateway Center, Suite 1201
`Newark, NJ 07102
`(973) 623-3000
`Attorneys for Plaintiff Fresenius Kabi USA, LLC
`Civil Action No.:
`Fresenius Kabi USA, LLC (“Fresenius”) brings this action for patent infringement
`against Defendants Emcure Pharmaceuticals USA, Inc. and Emcure Pharmaceuticals, Ltd.
`(collectively “Emcure”).
`This is an action by Fresenius against Emcure for infringement of United States
`Patent No. 8,476,010 (“the ʼ010 patent”). This action arises out of Emcure’s filing of an
`Abbreviated New Drug Application (“ANDA”) seeking approval by the United States Food and
`Drug Administration (“FDA”) to sell generic versions of Diprivan®, an innovative intravenously
`administered sedative and anesthetic, prior to the expiration of the ʼ010 patent.


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`Fresenius is a Delaware limited liability company with its principal place of
`business at Three Corporate Drive, Lake Zurich, Illinois 60047. Fresenius Kabi USA, LLC was
`formerly known as APP Pharmaceuticals, LLC.
`Upon information and belief, Defendant Emcure Pharmaceuticals Ltd. is a
`corporation organized and existing under the laws of India, with its principal place of business at
`Emcure House, T 184, M.I.D.C., Bhosari, Pune, India 411 026.
`Upon information and belief, Defendant Emcure Pharmaceuticals USA, Inc. is a
`corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of New Jersey, with its principal
`place of business in 21/B Cotters Lane, East Brunswick, New Jersey 08816.
`Upon information and belief, Defendant Emcure Pharmaceuticals USA, Inc. is a
`subsidiary of and is controlled by Emcure Pharmaceuticals Ltd.
`Upon information and belief, both Emcure Pharmaceuticals Ltd. and Emcure
`Pharmaceuticals USA, Inc. submitted, collaborated and/or acted in concert in the preparation or
`submission of ANDA No. 206408 (“the Emcure ANDA”).
`Subject Matter Jurisdiction
`This action for patent infringement arises under 35 U.S.C. § 271.
`This Court has jurisdiction over the subject matter of this action pursuant to 28
`U.S.C. §§ 1331, 1338(a), 2201, and 2202.


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`Personal Jurisdiction Over Emcure
`Upon information and belief, this Court has personal jurisdiction over Defendant
`Emcure Pharmaceuticals Ltd. because Emcure Pharmaceuticals Ltd., through its subsidiaries,
`affiliates and/or agents, including Defendant Emcure Pharmaceuticals USA, Inc., (1) conducts
`business in this Judicial District; (2) has engaged in continuous and systematic contacts with
`New Jersey and/or purposefully availed itself of this forum by, among other things, marketing,
`making, shipping, using, offering to sell or selling, or causing others to use, offer to sell, or sell,
`Emcure pharmaceutical products in this Judicial District, and deriving substantial revenue from
`such activities and (3) has sought approval from the FDA to market and sell its proposed generic
`Diprivan product throughout the United States, including in New Jersey. Upon information and
`belief, Emcure Pharmaceuticals Ltd. uses its subsidiaries Heritage Pharma Holdings, Inc. and
`Heritage Pharmaceuticals Inc. as its sales and marketing infrastructure in the United States.
`Upon information and belief, Heritage Pharma Holdings, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of
`Emcure Pharmaceuticals Ltd., maintains a principal place of business in Eatontown, New Jersey.
`Upon information and belief, Heritage Pharmaceuticals Inc., an indirect subsidiary of Emcure
`Pharmaceuticals Ltd. and a wholly-owned subsidiary of Heritage Pharma Holdings, Inc.,
`maintains a principal place of business in Eatontown, New Jersey. Upon information and belief,
`Defendant Emcure Pharmaceuticals Ltd. also has committed, or aided, abetted, contributed to
`and/or participated in the commission of, the tortious action of patent infringement that has led to
`foreseeable harm and injury to Fresenius, which manufactures Diprivan® for sale and use
`throughout the United States, including the State of New Jersey.


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`Upon information and belief, this Court has personal jurisdiction over Defendant
`Emcure Pharmaceuticals USA, Inc. because Emcure Pharmaceuticals USA, Inc. (1) is
`incorporated in and has its principal place of business in this Judicial District; (2) conducts
`business in this Judicial District; (3) has engaged in continuous and systematic contacts with
`New Jersey and/or purposefully availed itself of this forum by, among other things, marketing,
`making, shipping, using, offering to sell or selling, or causing others to use, offer to sell, or sell,
`Emcure pharmaceutical products in this Judicial District, and deriving substantial revenue from
`such activities and (4) has sought approval from the FDA to market and sell its proposed generic
`Diprivan® product throughout the United States, including in New Jersey. Upon information
`and belief, Defendant Emcure Pharmaceuticals USA, Inc. also has committed, or aided, abetted,
`contributed to and/or participated in the commission of, the tortious action of patent infringement
`that has led to foreseeable harm and injury to Fresenius, which manufactures Diprivan® for sale
`and use throughout the United States, including the State of New Jersey.
`Additionally, Emcure has been previously sued for patent infringement in this
`district and did not contest personal jurisdiction. See Cephalon, Inc. v. Emcure Pharmaceuticals,
`Ltd., C.A. No. 14-335-GMS, D. I. 9. Emcure has also purposefully availed itself of the rights
`and benefits of this Court by asserting counterclaims in lawsuits filed in this Court. See Id.
`Venue is proper in this Judicial District under 28 U.S.C. § 1391 and 1400(b).
`The Patent-in-Suit: United States Patent No. 8,476,010
`The ʼ010 patent, entitled “Propofol Formulations with Non-Reactive Container
`Closures,” was duly and lawfully issued on July 2, 2013 to inventors Neil P. Desai, Andrew


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`Yang, and Sherry Xiaopei Ci. The named inventors assigned the ʼ010 patent to APP
`Pharmaceuticals, LLC, which later changed its name to Fresenius Kabi USA, LLC.
`Accordingly, Fresenius is the owner of all rights, title, and interest in the ʼ010 patent. The ʼ010
`patent is listed in the FDA publication “Approved Drug Products with Therapeutic Equivalence
`Evaluations,” commonly referred to as “The Orange Book” (“Orange Book”) with respect to
`Diprivan®. The ʼ010 patent will expire on June 1, 2025. A true and accurate copy of the ʼ010
`patent is attached hereto as Exhibit A.
`The Diprivan® Drug Product
`Fresenius currently sells, promotes, distributes, and markets Diprivan® (propofol)
`injectable emulsion in the United States.
`Diprivan® is indicated, generally speaking, for the induction and maintenance of
`general anesthesia and sedation in certain patient populations.
`Fresenius holds an approved New Drug Application (“NDA”) No. 19627 under
`Section 505(b) of the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, 21 U.S.C. § 355(a) in connection
`with the Diprivan® 1% (propofol) injectable emulsion product containing 10 mg propofol per 1
`ml of emulsion.
`The Emcure ANDA
`Emcure filed with the FDA an ANDA under 21 U.S.C. § 355(j) seeking approval
`to manufacture, use, offer for sale, sell in and import into the United States a propofol injectable
`emulsion containing 10mg propofol per 1 ml of emulsion formulation, in 20 mL, 50 mL and 100
`mL vials, that Emcure asserts is a generic copy of Diprivan® (“Emcure’s generic Diprivan®
`products”) prior to the expiration of the ʼ010 patent.


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`The FDA assigned the Emcure ANDA the number 206408.
`Upon information and belief, Emcure filed with the FDA, pursuant to 21 U.S.C. §
`355(j)(2)(A)(vii)(III), a certification that Emcure would not launch its generic Diprivan®
`products until after the expiration of U.S. Patents Nos. 5,714,520; 5,731,355; 5,731,356 and
`5,908,869 (“the ’520, ’355, ’356, and ’869 patents”).
`The ’520, ’355, ’356, and ’869 patents have an expiration date of March 22, 2015 and
`have pediatric exclusivity with the FDA through September 22, 2015.
`Emcure filed with the FDA, pursuant to 21 U.S.C. § 355(j)(2)(A)(vii)(IV), a
`certification alleging that the claims of the ʼ010 patent are invalid, unenforceable and/or would
`not be infringed by the manufacture, use, importation, sale or offer for sale of Emcure’s generic
`Diprivan® products (“Emcure’s Paragraph IV Certification”). Emcure notified Fresenius of this
`certification, in a letter dated July 23, 2014 sent by U.S. Mail (“Emcure Notice Letter”).
`In the Emcure Notice Letter, Emcure offered Fresenius confidential access to
`ANDA No. 206408 on terms and conditions set forth in an attached “Offer of Confidential
`Access” (“OCA”). The initial OCA provided by Emcure contained various terms and
`conditions, several of which went above and beyond protections typically afforded in a
`protective order. For instance, the initial Emcure OCA barred Fresenius in-house counsel from
`access to the Emcure ANDA.
`Fresenius and Emcure proceeded to negotiate the provisions of the OCA, and a
`final version of the OCA was executed by both parties on August 18, 2014 which allowed certain
`Fresenius in-house counsel access to ANDA No. 206408.
`On August 25, 2014, Fresenius received certain abbreviated portions of ANDA
`No. 206408 from Emcure, pursuant to the OCA.


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`On September 4, 2014, after reviewing the sections of ANDA No. 206408 that
`were provided by Emcure, Fresenius requested further documents and information concerning
`Emcure’s proposed generic Diprivan® product, including a complete production of the Emcure
`ANDA. As of the filing of this Complaint, Emcure has begun producing responsive documents,
`including a production of its voluminous ANDA which was not received until September 5,
`2014. Fresenius’s counsel has not yet had sufficient time to review all of these documents and
`other relevant information remains unproduced.
`Given the 45-day statutory deadline to file suit set forth in 21 U.S.C.
`§ 355(j)(5)(B)(iii) and due to the limited information Fresenius has received from Emcure to
`date, Fresenius turns to the judicial process and the aid of discovery to obtain, under appropriate
`judicial safeguards, such information as is required to further confirm their allegations of
`infringement and to present to the Court evidence that Emcure’s generic Diprivan® products fall
`within the scope of one or more claims of the ’010 patent.
`The allegations of paragraphs 1-26 are realleged and incorporated herein by
`The use of Emcure’s generic Diprivan® products is covered by one or more
`claims of the ʼ010 patent.
`The commercial manufacture, use, offer for sale, sale, marketing, distribution,
`and/or importation of Emcure’s generic Diprivan® products would infringe one or more claims
`of the ʼ010 patent.
`Emcure has infringed the ʼ010 patent by submitting and maintaining the Emcure
`ANDA before the FDA seeking approval to market Emcure’s generic Diprivan® products


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`containing propofol before the expiration of the ʼ010 patent.
`Upon information and belief, Defendants Emcure Pharmaceuticals USA, Inc. and
`Emcure Pharmaceuticals Ltd. acted in concert and actively and knowingly caused to be
`submitted, assisted with, participated in, encouraged, contributed to, aided and abetted, and/or
`directed the submission and maintenance of the Emcure ANDA to the FDA.
`Defendants Emcure Pharmaceuticals USA, Inc. and Emcure Pharmaceuticals Ltd.
`induced the infringement of the ʼ010 patent by actively and knowingly aiding and abetting the
`preparation, submission, and maintenance of Emcure’s ANDA with the Paragraph IV
`Certification and in the preparation to sell Emcure’s generic Diprivan® product in the United
`Emcure was aware of the ʼ010 patent when engaging in these knowing and
`purposeful activities and was aware that filing Emcure’s ANDA with the Paragraph IV
`Certification with respect to the ʼ010 patent constituted an act of infringement of the ’010 patent.
`Use of Emcure’s generic Diprivan® products in accordance with and as directed
`by Emcure’s proposed labeling for that product would infringe one or more claims of the ʼ010
`Upon information and belief, Emcure intends to engage in the manufacture, use,
`offer for sale, sale, marketing, distribution, and/or importation of Emcure’s generic Diprivan®
`products with its proposed labeling immediately and imminently upon approval of the Emcure
`Upon information and belief, Emcure plans and intends to, and will, actively
`induce infringement of the ʼ010 patent when the Emcure ANDA is approved, and plans and
`intends to, and will, do so immediately and imminently upon approval.


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`Upon information and belief, Emcure knows that Emcure’s generic Diprivan®
`product and the proposed labeling for Emcure’s generic Diprivan® product is especially made or
`adapted for use in infringing the ʼ010 patent and that Emcure’s generic Diprivan® product and
`the proposed labeling are not suitable for substantial noninfringing use. Upon information and
`belief, Emcure plans and intends to, and will, contribute to the infringement of the ʼ010 patent
`immediately and imminently upon approval of the Emcure ANDA.
`The foregoing actions by Emcure constitute and/or would constitute infringement
`of the ʼ010 patent, active inducement of infringement of the ʼ010 patent and/or contribution to
`the infringement by others of the ʼ010 patent.
`Upon information and belief, Emcure acted without a reasonable basis for
`believing that it would not be liable for infringing the ʼ010 patent, actively inducing infringement
`of the ʼ010 patent, and/or contributing to the infringement by others of the ʼ010 patent.
`Fresenius will be substantially and irreparably harmed by Emcure’s infringing
`activities unless the Court enjoins those activities. Fresenius will have no adequate remedy at
`law if Emcure is not enjoined from the commercial manufacture, use, offer to sell, sale in, and
`importation into the United States of Emcure’s generic Diprivan® products.
`Emcure’s activities render this case an exceptional one, and Fresenius is entitled
`to an award of its reasonable attorney fees under 35 U.S.C. § 285.
`WHEREFORE, Fresenius respectfully requests the following relief:
`A judgment that Emcure’s submission of the Emcure ANDA No. 206408
`infringes one or more claims of the ʼ010 patent and that the making, using, offering to sell, or
`selling in the United States, or importing into the United States of Emcure’s generic Diprivan®


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`products prior to the expiration of the ʼ010 patent will infringe, actively induce infringement,
`and/or contribute to the infringement of one or more claims of the patent;
`An Order pursuant to 35 U.S.C. § 271(e)(4)(A) providing that the effective date of
`any FDA approval of Emcure ANDA No. 206408 seeking approval to manufacture, use, offer
`for sale, sell in and import into the United States a propofol injectable emulsion containing 10mg
`propofol per 1 ml of emulsion formulation, in 20 mL, 50 mL and 100 mL vials, or any product or
`compound the use of which infringes the ʼ010 patent, shall be a date that is not earlier than the
`expiration of the patent;
`An Order permanently enjoining Defendants and all persons acting in concert
`with Defendants from commercially manufacturing, using, offering for sale, selling, marketing,
`distributing, or importing Emcure’s generic Diprivan® products, or any other product or
`compound the use of which infringes the ʼ010 patent, or inducing or contributing to the
`infringement of the ʼ010 patent until after the expiration of the patent;
`An Order enjoining Defendants and all persons acting in concert with Defendants
`from seeking, obtaining, or maintaining approval of the Emcure ANDA No. 206408 before the
`expiration of the ʼ010 patent;
`An award of Plaintiff’s damages or other monetary relief to compensate Plaintiff
`if Defendants engage in the commercial manufacture, use, offer to sell, sale or marketing or
`distribution in, or importation into the United States of Defendants’ generic Diprivan® products,
`or any product or compound the use of which infringes the ʼ010 patent, or the inducement or
`contribution of the foregoing, prior to the expiration of the patent in accordance with 35 U.S.C. §


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`A judgment that this is an exceptional case and awarding Plaintiff its attorneys’
`fees under 35 U.S.C. § 285;
`An award of Plaintiff’s reasonable costs and expenses in this action; and
`An award of any further and additional relief to Plaintiff as this Court deems just
`and proper.
`Dated: September 8, 2014
`Respectfully submitted,
`/s/ Michael E. Patunas
`Michael E. Patunas
`Mayra V. Tarantino
`Two Gateway Center, Suite 1201
`Newark, NJ 07102-5003
`(973) 623-3000
`Of Counsel:
`Daryl L. Wiesen
`John T. Bennett
`Sundar Subramanyam
`Srikanth Reddy
`Jennifer L. Ford
`Todd Marabella
`Exchange Place
`53 State Street
`Boston, MA 02109
`(617) 570-1000
`Attorneys for Plaintiff Fresenius Kabi USA, LLC


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`Plaintiff Fresenius Kabi USA, LLC, by its attorneys, hereby certifies that the matter in
`controversy in this action is related to the following action before the United States District
`Court for the District of Delaware: Fresenius Kabi USA, LLC v. Emcure Pharmaceuticals USA,
`Inc. and Emcure Pharmaceuticals, Ltd., filed on September 8, 2014 (docket number not yet
`I hereby certify that the following statements made by me are true. I am aware that if any
`of the foregoing statements made by me are willfully false, I am subject to punishment.
`Dated: September 8, 2014
`/s/ Michael E. Patunas
`Michael E. Patunas
`Mayra V. Tarantino
`Two Gateway Center, Suite 1201
`Newark, NJ 07102-5003
`(973) 623-3000
`Of Counsel:
`Daryl L. Wiesen
`John T. Bennett
`Sundar Subramanyam
`Srikanth Reddy
`Jennifer L. Ford
`Todd Marabella
`Exchange Place
`53 State Street
`Boston, MA 02109
`Attorneys for Plaintiff Fresenius Kabi USA, LLC


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`case 1:14'CV'05584'NLH'J5 DmmemFlllll’llllfllllfl’flflfllllfillllllllfilllllfllfllllfllilfllllfilfillflllfi
`(12) United States Patent
`US 8,476,010 B2
`(10) Patent No.:
`Desai et al.
`(45) Date of Patent:
`Jul. 2, 2013
`Inventors: Neil P. Desai, Pacific Palisades, CA
`(US); Andrew Yang, Rosemead, CA
`(US); Sherry Xiaopei Ci, San Marino,
`CA (US)
`(73) Assignee: APP Pharmaceuticals LLC,
`Schaumburg, IL (US)
`( * ) Notice:
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 154(b) by 510 days.
`(21) Appl.No.:10/616,709
`Jul. 10, 2003
`Prior Publication Data
`US 2005/0009731 A1
`Jan. 13, 2005
`Int. Cl.
`A61K 38/00
`(52) US. Cl.
`USPC .............. .. 435/6; 435/613; 514/5.9; 514/9.3;
`514/13.6; 514/15.2
`(58) Field of Classification Search
`See application file for complete search history.
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`Assistant Examiner 7 Roy Teller
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`70 Claims, No Drawings


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`US 8,476,010 B2
`istered over extended time periods. In addition, compositions
`devoid of fats and triglycerides, with 3% w/v propofol
`(Haynes, US. Pat. No. 5,637,625) are said to be useful for
`sedation over extended periods of time.
`There are two major problems associated with the formu-
`lations described in the above patents: (1) the risk of micro-
`bial contamination due to the high nutrient content and lack of
`antimicrobial preservatives. Studies by Arduino, et al., 1991 ;
`Sosis & Braverman, 1993; and PDR, 1995, have shown that a
`propofol emulsion formulated without preservatives will
`grow bacteria and present a risk of bacterial contamination;
`(2) Hyperlipidemia in patients undergoing long-term ICU
`sedation due to a large amount of fat content. Studies have
`shown that triglyceride overload can become a significant
`problem when a 1% propofol/10% soybean oil emulsion is
`used as the sole sedative for a long period of ICU sedation by
`Gottardis, et al., 1989; DeSoreruer, et al., 1990; Lindholm,
`1992; and Eddieston, et al, 1991.
`To solve the problem of bacterial contamination of propo-
`fol emulsion, the following patented formulations ofpropofol
`have been developed:
`The invention generally pertains to pharmaceutical formu-
`lations of propofol, an intravenous anesthetic with enhanced
`microbial inhibition. More particularly, the invention pertains
`to propofol formulations that are stored in containers having
`non-reactive, or inert closures.
`Propofol (2,6-Diisopropylphenol) is a well-known and
`widely used intravenous anesthetic agent. For example, in
`intensive care units (ICU) where the duration of treatment
`may be lengthy, propofol has the advantage of a rapid onset
`after infusion or bolus injection plus a very short recovery
`period of several minutes, instead of hours.
`Propofol is a hydrophobic, water-insoluble oil. To over-
`come the solubility problem, it must be incorporated with
`solubilizing agents, surfactants, solvents, or an oil in water
`emulsion. There are a number of known propofol formula-
`tions, such as disclosed in US. Pat. Nos. 4,056,635, 4,452,
`817 and 4,798,846 all ofwhich are issued to Glen and James.
`Propofol compositions have been the subject of several
`patents. Typically, propofol compositions comprise 1-2% by
`weight propofol, 1-3% or 10-30% of a water immiscible
`solvent such as soybean oil, 1.2% of egg lecithin as a surfac-
`tant, and 2.25% glycerin as a tonicity agent. Variation in pH
`and/or addition of other components allows for various
`advantages and uses. For example, Hendler (U.S. Pat. No.
`6,362,234) uses propofol esters (100 mg-3 gm) in combina-
`tion with anti-migraines to make aqueous, solid and other
`non-aqueous compositions for internal and transderrnal
`delivery, for the treatment of migraines. De Tomaso (US.
`Pat. No. 6,326,406) discloses a composition of pH 4.5-6.5
`comprising 10 mg/ml propofol, 25-150 mg/ml bile salt, a
`lecithin, and preparation with substantially no oxygen. Mix-
`ing propofol with bile acid produces a clear formulation and
`allows for easy detection of foreign particles. For veterinary
`applications, benzyl alcohol and phospholipid free composi-
`tion comprising from 1-30% by weight propofol, wherein the
`aqueous solution is sterile filtered has been used to anesthe-
`tize animals (Carpenter, US. Pat. No. 6,150,423). Higher
`percentages of propofol allow for administration of smaller
`To prevent microbial growth, various components and
`methods of preparation have been discussed. For example,
`Mirejovsky, et al., disclose compositions of pH 4.5-6.4 with
`less than 1% sulfites and 1-2% by weight propofol (US. Pat.
`Nos. 6,469,069 and 6,147, 122); George, et al., disclose 0.15-
`0.25% tromethamine with 1-2% by weight propofol and pH
`8.5-10 (US. Pat. No. 6,177,477); 0.005% EDTA with 1-2%
`by weight propofol and pH 6-8.5 has been used by Jones, et
`al., (US. Pat. Nos. 5,714,520, 5,731,355, and 5,731,356);
`George (U.S. Pat. No. 6,028,108), discloses compositions
`with 0.005-0.1% pentetat that are 1-2% by weight propofol
`and pH 6.5-9.5. Likewise, lowering pH ranges (pH 5-7), using
`egg lecithin (0.2-1%) and soybean oil (1-3%), without pre-
`servatives and 0.1 -6% propofol by weight (Zhang, et al., US.
`Pat. No. 6,399,087), and lowering concentrations of soybean
`oil (1 -3%) to produce stable emulsions and reducing nutrients
`with 1% propofol by weight (Pejaver, et al., US. Pat. No.
`6,100,302), are said to provide protection against microbial
`contamination. Reducing lipid concentrations also reduces
`the chances of fat overload and is ideal for use when admin-
`Patent No.
`PCT 99/39696
`PCT 00/24376
`Duncan H. Haynes
`Christopher B. 1., et al.
`Mary M. G.
`Satish K. P., et a1.
`Mirejovsky D., et al.
`Mary T., et a1.
`10 Jun. 1997
`3 Feb. 1998
`22 Feb. 2000
`8 Aug. 2000
`12 Aug. 1999
`4 May 2000
`The formulations described in US. Pat. No. 5,714,520 is
`sold as DIPRIVAN® and comprises a sterile, pyrogen-free
`emulsion containing 1% (W/v) propofol in 10% (w/v) soy-
`bean oil. The formulation also contains 1.2% (w/v) egg leci-
`thin as a surfactant, 2.25% (w/v) glycerol to make

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