`Joseph D. Garrity, Esq.
`Main : (954) 462-8000
`Direct: (954) 331-1294
`Cell: (954) 821-7204
`July 16, 2024
`Hon. Jessica S. Allen, U.S.M.J.
`U.S. District Court for the District of New Jersey
`Martin Luther King Building & U.S. Courthouse
`50 Walnut Street
`Newark, NJ 07101
`Re: Zirvi v. Illumina, Inc., et al., 2:23-cv-01997 (MCA) (JSA)
`Dear Judge Allen:
` I
` write on behalf of Plaintiff Dr. Monib Zirvi in response to Mr. Haefner's letter dated July
`15, 2024, concerning the attendance of Defendants Rip Finst and Sean Boyle at the
`upcoming settlement conference.
`Opposing counsel has consistently infused filings with this Court with vitriol towards the
`Plaintiff and the undersigned counsel. For example, opposing counsel writes, "… charges
`premised on the absurd notion that these Thermo Fisher in-house counsel formerly
`represented Mr. Zirvi, even though he was not a Thermo Fisher employee and never
`retained them."
`Rip Finst and Sean Boyle were not just in-house counsel for Thermo Fisher, they actively
`participated in the Cornell litigation on behalf of all parties of interest in the claims against
`Illumina, including Dr. Zirvi. Rip Finst and Sean Boyle had conferences with Dr. Zirvi and
`exchanged information under the guise of attorney client confidentiality. Dr. Zirvi was not
`an agent or employee of any Plaintiff making a claim against Illumina. Dr. Zirvi, inventor,
`was a known third-party beneficiary of the damages being sought against Illumina.
`In Rathblott v. Levin, 697 F.Supp. 817 (DNJ 1988) this court answered in the negative the
`question: Should a lawyer be able to use lack of privity as a defense to beneficiary damaged
`by negligence of the lawyer? The Rathblott Court found:
`The question of privity in the context of attorney/beneficiary suits
`was first addressed in New Jersey in Stewart v. Sbarro, 142
`N.J.Super. 581, 362 A.2d 581 (App. Div.), cert. denied, 72 N.J.
`459, 371 A.2d 63 (1976). The negligence in that case was that of
`Case 2:23-cv-01997-MCA-JSA Document 135 Filed 07/16/24 Page 2 of 3 PageID: 3819
`an attorney for a buyer who had failed to obtain the needed
`signatures to execute a mortgage, and been sued by the seller.
`The Sbarro court stated that while it was "true that generally an
`attorney is not liable to third persons for negligence in the
`performance of his professional duties ..., this rule is not all
`encompassing." Id. at 593, 362 A.2d at 588. Therefore, when "an
`attorney undertakes a duty to one other than his client, he may
`be liable for damage caused by a breach of that duty to a person
`intended to be benefited by his performance." Id.
`Finally, in R.J. Longo Construction Co., Inc. v. Schragger, 218
`N.J. Super. 206, 527 A.2d 480 (App.Div.1987), an attorney who
`had negligently
`failed to obtain easement rights
`for a
`municipality was held
`liable to a successful bidder for
`construction of a sewer facility. The Schragger court simplified
`the test for surmounting the privity requirement through
`(1) the extent to which [the attorney/client relationship] was
`intended to affect the plaintiff; (2) the foreseeability of reliance by
`the plaintiff and the harm it could thereby suffer; (3) the degree
`of certainty that plaintiff has been harmed; and (4) the need from
`a public policy standpoint of preventing future harm without
`unduly burdening the profession.
`Rathblott v. Levin at 819.
`The Rathblott Court recognized that there was a possibility of privity through reliance,
`which would need to be determined in a trial. A lawyer must take all reasonable measures
`to avoid the risk of causing economic harm to any person he has a reason to know may
`suffer as a result of his actions. Being in-house counsel does not shield Rip Finst and Sean
`Boyle from the duties described in Rathblott.
`Opposing counsel incorrectly argues the Court’s Order on July 9, 2024 (ECF No. 129),
`provided "similarly situated defendants" the right to participate by phone. The Order does
`not provide the same. The Order specifically allowed Defendant Akin Gump’s primary
`representative, Robert B. Humphreys, Esq., to participate telephonically, contingent upon
`another Akin Gump representative attending in person.
`Opposing counsel argues, "…common sense dictates that forcing individual defendants
`(especially those that are being indemnified and thus have no true personal liability in the
`matter) to travel across the country for the sake of their alleged “firsthand perspectives
`and immediate decision-making capabilities” has a greater likelihood of alienating these
`defendants (and their indemnifying corporate employer) than of providing any real
`Case 2:23-cv-01997-MCA-JSA Document 135 Filed 07/16/24 Page 3 of 3 PageID: 3820
`benefit." Here, opposing counsel appears to take issue with the common sense of the Court's
`Order itself requiring in-person attendance of all parties.
`Opposing counsel implies that requiring Rip Finst and Sean Boyle to attend in-person
`would alienate the individuals and Thermo Fisher. Any party to a lawsuit could claim in-
`person attendance at a settlement conference would alienate them, which assumable
`means anger them, thereby rendering the requirement to in-person attendance
`While I understand the logistical challenges and inconvenience posed by their in-person
`attendance, the same is true for the undersigned counsel. Of course we defer to the Court’s
`discretion regarding this matter.
`Respectfully submitted,
`/s/ Joseph D. Garrity
`Florida Bar No. 87531
`Counsel for Plaintiff
`101 NE 3rd Ave, Ste 1800
`Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301
`Telephone: (954) 462-8000
`Facsimile: (954) 462-4300
`Amar Agrawal.
`Counsel for Plaintiff
`1040 Kings Hwy North, Ste 200
`Cherry Hill, NJ 08034
`Telephone: (856) 330-6200
`Facsimile: (856) 330-6207
`cc: All Counsel of Record (via CM/ECF)
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