`Case 2:23-cv-01997-MCA-JSA Document 133 Filed 07/15/24 Page 1 of 2 PageID: 3814
`Joseph D. Garrity, Esq.
`Main : (954) 462-8000
`Direct: (954) 331-1294
`Cell: (954) 821-7204
`July 15, 2024
`Hon. Jessica S. Allen, U.S.M.J.
`U.S. District Court for the District of New Jersey
`Martin Luther King Building & U.S. Courthouse
`50 Walnut Street
`Newark, NJ 07101
`Re: Zirvi v. Illumina, Inc., et al., 2:23-cv-01997 (MCA) (JSA)
`Dear Judge Allen,
`This letter is submitted on behalf of the Plaintiff, Monib Zirvi, M.D., in response to the
`request by counsel for Defendants Thermo Fisher Scientific, Rip Finst, and Sean Boyle, as
`outlined in their letter dated July 12, 2024.
`While we understand the logistical challenges and obligations of Mr. Finst and Mr. Boyle,
`we believe their in-person attendance at the settlement conference set for July 31, 2024, is
`crucial. Their direct involvement and participation are necessary to address specific issues
`and facilitate meaningful settlement discussions.
`Thermo Fisher's request to have Defendants Mr. Finst and Mr. Boyle excused from in-
`person attendance, or permitted to attend telephonically, could potentially hamper the
`Parties' efforts. Rip Finst and Sean Boyle were both attorneys of record in the Cornell
`litigation presumably representing the interest of Plaintiff as an inventor. Plaintiff alleges
`that Mr. Finst and Mr. Boyle failed to advise and protect his interest in the Cornell
`litigation resulting in a settlement agreement that Plaintiff has never seen and damages
`of grossly underpaid royalties in 2019. Plaintiff further alleged that Mr. Finst and Mr.
`Boyle actions were in concert with several other Defendants causing damages to the
`Plaintiff from the gross underpayment of royalties in 2019.
`The settlement conference is a critical opportunity for all parties to engage directly,
`address specific concerns, and work towards a resolution. The physical presence of all key
`individuals can enhance communication, ensure immediate feedback, and facilitate a more
`comprehensive understanding of the issues at hand.


`Case 2:23-cv-01997-MCA-JSA Document 133 Filed 07/15/24 Page 2 of 2 PageID: 3815
`Given that Mr. Finst and Mr. Boyle have substantial knowledge and direct involvement in
`the matters under dispute, their absence could limit the effectiveness of the discussions.
`While outside counsel and a representative from Thermo Fisher's legal department can
`represent their interests, the firsthand perspectives and immediate decision-making
`capabilities of Mr. Finst and Mr. Boyle, as individual Defendants, is vital for a productive
`and efficient conference.
`Plaintiff has been unable to find any case where in person attendance was waived for
`inconvenience. The standard for not attending should be undue hardship. Consequently,
`Plaintiff respectfully requests that Defendants Mr. Finst and Mr. Boyle be required to
`attend the conference in person and comply with all other conditions contained in the Order
`scheduling the settlement conference.
`Thank you for your attention to this matter.
`Respectfully submitted,
`Respectfully submitted,
`/s/ Joseph D. Garrity
`Florida Bar No. 87531
`Counsel for Plaintiff
`101 NE 3rd Ave, Ste 1800
`Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301
`Telephone: (954) 462-8000
`Facsimile: (954) 462-4300
`Amar Agrawal.
`Counsel for Plaintiff
`1040 Kings Hwy North, Ste 200
`Cherry Hill, NJ 08034
`Telephone: (856) 330-6200
`Facsimile: (856) 330-6207
`cc: All Counsel of Record (via CM/ECF)

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