`Three Gateway Center
`100 Mulberry Street, 15th Floor
`Newark, NJ 07102
`T: 973.757.1100
`F: 973.757.1090
`Marc D. Haefner
`Direct Dial: (973) 757-1013
`July 12, 2024
`Hon. Jessica S. Allen, U.S.M.J.
`United States District Court
`Martin Luther King Building & U.S. Courthouse
`50 Walnut Street
`Newark, NJ 07102
`Dear Judge Allen:
`Re: Monib Zirvi, M.D. v. Illumina, Inc., et al.,
`Case No. 2:23-cv-01997-MCA-JSA
`This law firm, along with Shapiro Arato Bach LLP, represents Defendant Thermo Fisher
`Scientific (“Thermo Fisher”) in the above-referenced matter. We also represent Defendants Rip
`Finst and Sean Boyle, who were sued in their capacity as Thermo Fisher’s in-house counsel
`(collectively, with Thermo Fisher, the “Thermo Fisher Defendants”).
`At the upcoming settlement conference set for July 31, 2024 (ECF No. 121), I will appear
`in person, along with outside counsel Jonathan Bach, on behalf of all three Thermo Fisher
`Defendants. We will be accompanied in-person by a representative from Thermo Fisher’s legal
`We write to request that Defendants Finst and Boyle be excused from the conference or
`permitted to attend telephonically. Both Mr. Finst and Mr. Boyle are based in California. Further
`Mr. Boyle, who no longer works for Thermo Fisher, has obligations to his current
`employer. Importantly, both individuals are being defended and fully indemnified by Thermo
`Fisher. Under these circumstances, we feel certain that their interests can be fully represented by
`outside counsel and by the Thermo Fisher representative who will appear in person.
`Thus, cognizant of the Court’s interest in this matter and having an efficient conference,
`we propose this accommodation believing it will serve to further, not hamper, the Court’s efforts.
`We thank the Court for its consideration of this request.
`Respectfully submitted,
`s/ Marc D. Haefner
`Marc D. Haefner