Case 2:23-cv-01997-MCA-JSA Document 130 Filed 07/10/24 Page 1 of 1 PageID: 3811
`Counselors at Law
`3 B E C K E R F A R M R O A D , S U I T E 4 0 2
`R O S E L A N D , N E W J E R S E Y 0 7 0 6 8 - 1 7 2 6
`R o s e l a n d ( 9 7 3 ) 6 2 2 - 3 0 0 0
`New York (212) 714-1720
`FAX (973)623-7780
`Direct Line (973) 623-7893
`William H. Trousdale
`Via ECF
`Hon. Jessica S. Allen, U.S.M.J.
`United States District Court
`Martin Luther King Building & U.S. Courthouse
`50 Walnut Street
`Newark, NJ 07102
`Re: Monib Zirvi, M.D. v. Illumina, Inc., et al.,
`Case No. 2:23-cv-01997-MCA-JSA
`July 10, 2024
`Dear Magistrate Judge Allen:
`This law firm represents Defendants Latham & Watkins LLP (“Latham”) and its attorneys
`Roger Chin and Douglas Lumish in the above-referenced matter. We write regarding the in-person
`settlement conference scheduled for July 31, 2024, at 11:00 A.M. (ECF # 121). I will represent
`these Defendants in person at the settlement conference along with Natalie Weiss, who is Assistant
`General Counsel at Latham.
`We respectfully request permission for the attorney at Latham who has been principally
`responsible for handling this matter, Charles Sanders, to attend the settlement conference by
`telephone. Mr. Sanders is based in Boston and will be in California during the week of the
`settlement conference for a hearing in federal court and client meetings. Regardless of his location
`at the time of the settlement conference, Mr. Sanders will be available to participate by telephone.
`We note that Plaintiff previously indicated that this approach was acceptable (ECF # 128
`at 2), and we have endeavored to follow the Court’s instructions to Akin Gump (ECF # 129).
`We thank the Court for its consideration of this request.
`cc. All Counsel of Record (via ECF)
`Respectfully submitted,
`s/ William H. Trousdale
`William H. Trousdale

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