`Case 2:13-cv-00391-ES-JAD Document 75-2 Filed 07/08/14 Page 1 of 2 PageiD: 74
`Document Filed Electronicall
`Civil Action No. 13-391-ES-JAD
`District Judge Esther Salas
`Magistrate Judge Joseph A. Dickson
`THIS MATTER having come before the Court on the application of Defend~t Amne
`Pharmaceuticals, LLC C'Amneal 11
`) for the entry of an order granting the admission pro hac vic
`of K.rishan Thakker ~d the Court having considered the Declaration of Paul H. Kochanski, a
`well as the Declaration of Krishan Thakker in support of the application; and it appearing that:
`K.ris~ Thakker is a member in good standing of the bars of the State of New York, th
`United States District Court for the District of Columbia; the United States Court of Appeals
`Federal Circuit; and the United States District Court for the Southern and Eastern Districts o
`New York; it is
`ORDERED as follows:
`K.ris~ Thakker
`is hereby permitted
`to appear pro hac vice m
`above-captioned matter pursuant to L. Civ. R. 10 1.1 (c) in the United States District Court for th
`District of New Jersey; provided, however, that all pleadings, briefs, and other papers filed wi
`the Court shall be signed by Paul H. Kochanski, a member in good standing of the bar of th
`Supreme Court of New Jersey and bar of this Court, or other members in good standing of th
`Case 2:13-cv-00391-ES-JAD Document 78 Filed 07/28/14 Page 2 of 2 PageID: 755
`Case 2:13-cv-00391-ES-JAD Document 75-2 Filed 07/08/14 Page 2 of 2 PageiD: 75
`David, LU.tenhe:r8if Krumholz & Mentliki tt.P~ who shall be held responsitile fur said papers an
`lbr the epnduct of tills ci,t$e ana· Wllp .~hatlbeipment betbte the CQurt dtron&'. all phases. ofth.
`proceeding; unless expressly excused by the Court; as well a&~held responsibl~for fllie ~on<lu. ·
`of any att~'Y being adtnitt¢d prC> h® ~ieee. pursuant to. this Qtit¢t~
`Krlsmm Thakk:er shall ~Y th~ lillllUal ;fee to i;ll~. New Jersey Lawy-~1 :Pund fa
`Client Protection! in ae.cordance with R 1:23.;2, Within. tWen'fy (2{)) days from the clated~y 0:
`tht!J Qrder for ~®"lt¥i',>m:Jlle e~i~. ~J'l~ing;
`Ktishan ~er shall pa.y the fee of $15.0 to. the Clerk of Ihis :Court p~t
`L; Cit. R.. 10l.lfc)(3)\1li~ twenty (20)1;{ays fr:om the date of the eqtcy O:{this Qrd:er~
`Krishan. Thakker shall. be bound by the Local CI.Vil Rules of the United. State
`Di$tclct · Cottrt fot the Jlistri~t of Ney, J~~f. ittcll.:ll:loog th~ provisiottS \If L. Ci:v. tt.. 103,1
`(lu~ciat Ethics and Professional Responsibilit}l and L. .Civ;. R 104.]. (Discipline, of Attorneys);
`'Krlslian Tba:kket shall })¢,deemed m have a~4 to take no re~ in any wrt.~aJe 1
`Dawd: Ne!f1~\...,.}.._J;e~~'\,__: .....,,,..---......,.,.....,