`- S—JAD Document 368 Filed 07/20/17 Page 1 of 2 PageID: 7188
`Charles M. Lizza
`Phone: (973)286-6715
`July 20, 2017
`The Honorable Joseph A. Dickson, U.S.M.J.
`United States District Court
`Martin Luther King, Jr. Federal Building
`50 Walnut Street
`Newark, New Jersey 07102
`Jazz Pharmaceuticals, Inc. v. Amneal Pharmaceuticals LLC, at a].
`Civil Action No. 13-391 {ESHJAD}
`Dear Judge Dickson:
`This firm, together with Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan, LLP and Richard G. Greco
`PC, represents plaintiffs Jazz Pharmaceuticals, Inc. and Jazz Pharmaceuticals Ireland Limited
`(collectively, “‘Jazz”) in the above-captioned action. We write on behalf of all parties.
`The parties have been working diligently to complete fact discovery and resolve
`numerous disputes without the need for the Court’s intervention. Nevertheless, because of the
`number of parties involved and the remaining outstanding discovery issues, the parties believe
`that some additional time will be necessary to complete fact discovery and, ultimately, prepare
`this case for trial. Accordingly, the parties have agreed, subject to Your Honor’s approval, to the
`following modifications to the current case schedule:
`Au st 12017
`Setember 29, 2017
`December 1, 2017
`January 5, 2018
`February 16, 2018
`48 hours before Pretrial
`une 23, 17
`July 24, 2017
`Se tember 25, 2017
`October 25, 201?
`December 8, 2017
`48 hours before Pretrial
`Pretrial Submissions
`' The parties agree that, if the Court dues not issue a Markman decision by August 23, 20 I 7, then they will meet and
`confer to submit ajoint proposal (if an agreement can be reached), or competing proposals (if no agreement can be
`reached), to the Court concerning an appropriate extension of expert discovery deadlines by August 30th.
`One Riverfront Plaza. Suite £520 0 Newark, NJ 07102-5426 0 Phone: {973) 286-6100 4 m (om ismsna
`Case 2:13-cv-00391-ES-JAD Document 368 Filed 07/20/17 Page 2 of 2 PageID: 7189
`316]. 71615313 AQCfigfigé-MRocument 368 Filed 07/20/17 Page 2 of 2 PageID: 7189
`July 20, 201?
`Page 2
`l Pretrial Conference
`l Trial
`As Your Honor can see, the parties“ agreed-upon schedule will result in only a little more
`than a two-month overall extension of the schedule, which we believe is reasonable in light of
`the numerous complex issues involved. If this schedule meets with Your Honor’s approval, the
`parties respectfully request that Your Honor sign the below form of endorsement and have it
`entered on the docket.
`Thank you for Your Honor’s kind attention to this matter.
`R pectfu 1y yours, Charles M. Lizza
`All Counsel (via e-mail)
`SO ORDERED on this
`day of
`, 201'?
`Hon. Joseph A. Dickson, U.S.M.J.